What is useful jam from rose petals. Jam from tea rose petals medicinal properties and contraindications. Homemade rose jam with honey

- This is an exquisite delicacy, which everyone should try at least once in their life. This jam is not only surprisingly tasty and fragrant, but also very healthy. We invite you to cook this extraordinary dish at home.

Beneficial features

  • activates metabolic processes in the body;
  • regulates digestion;
  • beneficial effect on the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • relieves sore throat;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • relieves allergy symptoms;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • fights infections;
  • improves liver and kidney function.


Rose petal jam can be harmful if you are allergic to flowering plants. You should not eat too much of this delicacy (however, like any other berry or fruit jam) if you have the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • obesity.

Nutritional value and calories

Chemical composition

  • vitamins: C, B, K;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • chromium.

Where could I buy?

Rose jam is a rather rare product, and it is not so easy to find it on sale. Most often it is found on the shelves of large hypermarkets, but it is difficult to be sure of the quality and naturalness of such a product. Also, rose petal jam can be bought on the market - in this case, it is most likely to be home-made.

The largest producer of rose jam and rose oil is Bulgaria


classic jam

Prepare 500 grams of rose petals - separate from the base, sort and rinse. Finely chop the petals and put in a deep container. Add 500 grams of sugar and mix well. Cover the container with a towel and leave for 48 hours. Boil a thick syrup from a glass of water and 1 kg of sugar, add the juice of half a lemon. Pour rose petals into the syrup, mix and cook over low heat for another 15-20 minutes.

Observe the dosage of sugar, if an excessive amount is taken - the jam will quickly "candied"

"Cold" jam

Rinse and dry 300 grams of rose petals. Put in a deep container and grind with 2.5 cups of sugar. Stir until the petals begin to release juice. Then roll the mass into a jar. Such jam, prepared without cooking, can only be stored in the refrigerator.

"Cold" jam with lemon juice

Prepare 100 grams of rose petals - sort, rinse and dry. Pour the juice of one lemon and cover with two glasses of sugar. Mix thoroughly and leave for 5-7 hours (stir occasionally). Beat the mass with a blender until a homogeneous consistency. Roll into a jar and store in the refrigerator.

Rose strawberry jam

Prepare 100 grams of garden or forest strawberries and the same number of rose petals. Pour the berry with a glass of sugar, mix and leave for several hours. Bring 200 ml of water to a boil, pour a glass of sugar into the pan and boil the sugar syrup. Add to syrup ¼ tsp. citric acid. Another ¼ tsp. pour citric acid into a container with rose petals. Crumple the petals a little. Pour petals and strawberries into hot sugar syrup. Bring to a boil and cook for 4-6 minutes over medium heat. Then the jam should be completely cooled (you can leave it overnight). The cooled jam must be put back on the fire and boiled for 10 minutes. Repeat last steps two more times.

Rose jam with honey

Prepare 100 grams of rose petals, put in a small saucepan and pour ½ cup of boiling water. Boil the petals over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, cover with a towel and leave for 24 hours. Then add 100 grams of light honey and cook over low heat until you achieve a uniform consistency of jam. After that, the jam can be poured into a jar.

In no case do not cook jam from rose petals bought in a store. In order to keep flowers at points of sale longer, they are subjected to special chemical treatment, and sometimes even dyed, achieving a particularly beautiful shade. Dyes and chemicals are completely unnecessary and dangerous ingredients in homemade jam.

  • To make the jam not only tasty, but also beautiful, use petals of the same color for cooking. The most beautiful jam sparkling in the sun is obtained from scarlet or bright pink roses.
  • When preparing rose petals for boiling, be sure to remove the white areas where the petal is attached to the base. This part of the flower contains a lot of bitterness, which gives the jam an unpleasant aftertaste.
  • The most "delicious" roses are tea. Most housewives prefer to make jam from this type of roses. Try it too!

Carefully sort through the petals before making jam

  • Rose jam came to European cuisine from eastern countries, where this delicacy is quite common. In Turkey, rose petal jam is considered national dish and is called "gulbesheker".
  • Rose jam is not only sweet, but also a real medicine. ethnoscience recommends using rose jam to treat stomatitis and thrush in the mouth.

Beneficial features and how to make rose jam.

Rose jam is one of the most useful and fragrant. It is used in the treatment of colds, perfectly strengthens the immune system and improves the functioning of the body.

Which rose petals are used to make jam?

Not all flowers and buds are suitable for making jam. It is not recommended to use petals collected in industrial environment. It is necessary to take only home varieties that grow in your garden. Any tea variety is suitable, it is they who have a pleasant aroma.

The color of the buds should be chosen pink or red, then the color of the finished product will be saturated. Do not use fallen petals, only half-blown buds are allowed.

Rose petal jam benefits, medicinal properties

Rose jam is used in the treatment of young children as folk remedies. It helps speed up recovery and improves the body's resistance to infections.

Benefits of Rose Jam:

  • Has antibacterial properties. it natural antibiotic which hinders the growth pathogenic microflora in the body
  • Regulates acid-base balance in the body. Thanks to this, the body does not turn sour, that is, a person feels better.
  • Prevents free radicals from entering the body. Therefore, a person ages more slowly
  • Improves appetite. Rose jam contains bitterness and glycosides, which stimulate the production of gastric juice.
  • Improves capillary permeability. FROM Respectively reduces the amount of cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes
  • Improves complexion and adds shine to hair. This is possible due to the content of vitamins B and E in the petals.
  • Jam from this flower promotes the dissolution and better absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Therefore, deliciousness can also be used with a deficiency of calcium, vitamin D. The jam itself does not contain these substances, but it helps to absorb them better when taken with food
  • Helps to get rid of gastritis. This is important during an exacerbation chronic ailments. During the off-season, be sure to eat rose jam, and you will forget about chronic ailments
  • Increases hemoglobin. There is little iron in the jam, but there are components that interact with it and saturate the blood. Hemoglobin rises over time
  • Contains many vitamins and minerals, which is excellent for immunity

How to make jam from tea rose petals?

There are many recipes for making jam. There are cooking options with and without cooking. In addition, sweets are often added lemon juice. Sometimes honey is used instead of sugar. Often add oranges or lemons. This gives the jam a pleasant aftertaste.


  • 500 g petals
  • 1.5 kg sugar
  • 1/2 part lemon
  • 250 ml water

Recipe for making jam:

  • Prepare 0.5 kg of petals. Rinse them and dry them on a towel
  • Grind with a knife and enter 0.5 kg of granulated sugar. Leave for 2 days. During this time, the raw material will sugar
  • Pour a glass of water into the pan and add 1 kg of sugar. Pour in the juice of half a lemon and cook until the crystals dissolve. Enter already candied rose petals
  • Boil until the syrup thickens. Such jam can be rolled into sterilized jars

Rose petal jam, no-boil recipe

This recipe suitable for those who loves to eat jam with tea. Such a dessert is stored for a long time in the refrigerator and contains a lot of nutrients.


  • 300 g petals
  • 600 g sugar

Jam Recipe:

  • It is necessary to sort out and wash 300 g of rose petals. Next, dry the raw material and cut off the white part
  • Enter 600 g of sugar and stir
  • Put the mixture in a jar and close with a nylon lid, store in the refrigerator

How to make jam?

Making jam is very easy. A little sugar, rosebuds and time is enough.


  • 500 g of raw materials
  • 1000 g sugar

Jam Recipe:

  • Rinse the buds and pluck off the petals. Dry the raw materials and sprinkle with sugar. It needs 2 times more than the petals
  • Leave the petals under sugar for 1 day, it is better to mash them with your hands to speed up the release of juice
  • Put on fire and cook until thickened

From rose petals in a slow cooker

A multicooker is an assistant in any kitchen. She is great at preparing a wide variety of dishes. In addition, the time for preparing soups and second courses is reduced. And jam in a slow cooker can be cooked very quickly.


  • 500 g petals
  • 1 orange
  • 1000 g sugar
  • 180 ml water


  • Sort and wash 0.5 kg of petals. Dry the raw material
  • Pour the petals into the slow cooker and add one orange. It must first be crushed in a blender.
  • Add 1 kg of sugar and orange puree to the petals. Enter a glass of water (a glass from a multicooker)
  • Close the lid and cook in the "Soup" mode, approximately 1 hour. This brew can be rolled into jars

Rose jam without petals: recipe

Rose jam is made from petals. Stamens, core and leaves are not used in the preparation of dessert. These ingredients will make the jam bitter and kill all the flavor.

Sugar-Free Rose Petal Jam: Recipe

This jam is suitable for diabetics and people who watch their figure.


  • 500 g of raw materials
  • 100 ml water
  • sugar substitute to taste

It is necessary to rinse and drain 0.5 kg of rose petals and chop them with a knife. Put on fire and boil with the addition of 100 ml of water. Add sugar substitute and boil more. This jam is not thick, but fragrant and tasty. It is prepared for immediate use. It's not worth keeping.

Rose Petal Jam with Honey: Recipe

This brew is called rose honey. The dish has a unique taste and aroma.


  • 0.8 kg of raw materials
  • 500 ml water
  • 500 ml honey


  • Take 800 g of petals and wash them
  • After complete drying, pour 0.5 liters of water and cook for 15-18 minutes. Turn off the heat and let the jam stand
  • Enter a half-liter jar of honey and put it on fire again. Boil until thickened
  • This jam can be rolled into jars

Rose petal jam for stomatitis: application

Rose jam is used for many diseases. Thanks to flavonoids, the substance promotes the healing of the mucous membrane. With stomatitis, it is necessary to apply jam on wounds and ulcers and hold a little. Well, then you can eat goodies. It is worth noting that the recipe is effective for ulcerative and trophic stomatitis, which recurs.

Rose jam is not only a delicious addition to tea, but also very useful product, with which you can cure a number of ailments.

VIDEO: Rose Jam

It is connected with useful action rose essential oils. The flower was used for infusions, ointments, applied to sore spots on the skin. In jam, some of the healing properties of oils are lost, however, this makes it possible to make a reserve remedy for a long time. Indeed, in boiled form, the product is stored for a long time.

As for raw materials, you can put roses of any variety in rose petal jam at home. The best option consider tea rose jam with an abundance of delicate petals and a sweet aroma. The exception is purchased flowers from the store. They are processed special formulations that will spoil the healing jam.

Benefits of rose petal jam

You can use rose petal jam just like tonic. However, it is especially useful in certain diseases. Healing properties due to the content in the flowers of a set of nutrients.

Active substances

Rose petals contain many biologically active components.

  • Essential oils. Give antiseptic and antifungal effect.
  • Fixed oils. Helps better entry of other substances into the cells of the body.
  • Saponins. Beneficial effect on the functioning of the respiratory system. Helps loosen and expel mucus, making it easier to cough.
  • Glycosides. Improve appetite and organ function digestive system.
  • Flavonoids. They fight pathogenic microbes and fungi, therefore they are useful for a number of diseases, including dysbacteriosis and thrush. Reduce the development of tumors. Strengthen blood vessels, have a beneficial effect on the composition of the blood. Improve general well-being person.
  • Vitamin C . Antiviral action element serves to protect the body from diseases, especially colds.
  • B group vitamins. The rose is especially rich in vitamin B5. This component promotes the absorption of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, normalizing lipid metabolism. Has a rejuvenating effect.
  • Vitamin RR. It also has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.
  • Vitamin K. Affects the formation bone tissue contributes to the enrichment of bones and teeth with calcium. Improves the work of the heart. Fights toxins.
  • Microelements. The plant contains useful for humans iodine, iron, chromium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc.

Due to the abundance and variety of vitamins, microelements, biologically active substances pink jam is useful for the work of the nervous, circulatory, immune systems organism.

Diseases and conditions for which the product helps

Useful rose jam a wide range states. Most often it is recommended in the following cases.

Rose jam contains a large amount of sugar, so it can be dangerous for patients with diabetes. It should also be used with caution if you are prone to allergies. It is better to first find out if the remedy will cause unpleasant reactions.

The same applies to the use of the product during pregnancy and breastfeeding- in order to avoid allergies in a baby, it is better to use a pink delicacy moderately and carefully.

Raw material preparation

To prepare delicious healthy jam from the petals, you need to follow a number of recommendations.

  1. Color. The variety of roses can be anything. But for an aesthetic look, it is better to take red or pink. The finished product will have a beautiful shade.
  2. Freshness. Fallen petals should not be used. It is necessary to take them from blossoming flowers, or better - half-blown buds.
  3. Preparation time. The best way to collect raw materials early morning.
  4. Purity. The petals are cut off from the buds. In this case, you need to ensure that other parts of the plant do not get into the mixture. Then the petals should be washed under running water and slightly dried on a cloth.

Exist various ways make rose jam. However, whatever you use, the freshness and quality of raw materials is the key to obtaining the most useful result.

Fragrant treat recipes

The basis of jam are rose petals, and additives can be varied. Usually it is sugar or honey replacing it. Also, the composition may include lemon, water, various spices.

Nothing extra: petals plus sugar

Peculiarities. This is a basic recipe for rose petal jam. The product received has healing effect, and it's very easy to prepare.

You will need:

  • 500 g rose petals;
  • 500 g of sugar;
  • 200 ml of water.


  1. Collect the petals from the buds, rinse.
  2. Lay out on fabrics to dry.
  3. Mix with sugar and leave overnight.
  4. To better extract the juice, mix and lightly mash with your hands or a spoon.
  5. After a day, pour water and boil.
  6. Boil until thick.
  7. Remove into a glass container. If you plan to use immediately, then cool and cover with a lid. If long-term storage is necessary, then the jar with the hot product must be hermetically sealed.

Maximum vitamins: harvesting without cooking

Peculiarities. The advantage of the no-boil recipe is the effort savings. The ingredients are simply mixed and stored. At the same time, much more vitamins than with heat treatment.

You will need:

  • 100 g rose petals;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • one lemon.


  1. Pick petals, wash and dry.
  2. Sprinkle with sugar.
  3. Squeeze juice from lemon.
  4. Mix the ingredients and let stand overnight.
  5. Crush with a pusher.
  6. Divide into sterilized jars.
  7. Sprinkle with sugar
  8. Cover, put in the refrigerator.

From time immemorial: how they cooked in the old days

Peculiarities. It turns out not only healing composition but also a delicious treat. This method has been preserved since the time of our great-grandmothers. old recipe involves more manipulation, but the result is worth it.

You will need:

  • half a kilogram of petals;
  • one and a half kilograms of sugar;
  • half a lemon;
  • glass of water.


  1. Prepare raw materials by washing and drying.
  2. Lightly chop with a knife if the petals are large.
  3. Combine with half a kilogram of sugar.
  4. Mix, leave for two days in a cool place. The mixture should be sugary.
  5. Combine the rest of the sugar, a glass of water and lemon juice.
  6. Bring to a boil and cook until sugar dissolves.
  7. Add the candied petals to the pot.
  8. Boil until thickened.
  9. Pour into jars, seal, store refrigerated.

Modern method: multicooker to help

Peculiarities. You can cook this jam in a slow cooker, or you can do without it. An additional note of aroma, taste and benefit here is orange.

You will need:

  • half a kilogram of petals;
  • kilogram of sugar;
  • orange;
  • half a glass of water.


  1. Prepare pink raw materials for use.
  2. Pour the finished petals and sugar into the multicooker bowl.
  3. Remove the seeds from the orange and grind it with a blender.
  4. Add to multicooker.
  5. Pour in water.
  6. Cook for about an hour on the jam program. If there is none, the Soup program will do.
  7. You can cool and arrange in jars, or you can pour bitter and roll up with metal lids.

Honey option: more benefits

Peculiarities. Replacing sugar with honey means making jam even more useful. Honey is a real storehouse of vitamins and healing substances. Helps with sore throats, colds, diseases of the digestive system and even with many ailments.

You will need:

  • 800 g of pink raw materials;
  • 500 ml of honey;
  • 200 ml of water.


  1. Collect the petals from the buds, rinse, lay out on a towel to dry.
  2. Place water and vegetable part in a saucepan, boil for 15 minutes.
  3. Cool slightly and add honey.
  4. Cook for a few more minutes until the mixture thickens. The fire must be small.
  5. Pour into jars, close.


Does not exist special recipes rose jam for certain diseases. All of these tools will be universal. And you can use the product as a regular jam: drink tea with it, make a fruit drink, diluting boiled water. This is a big plus for children - they perceive this remedy as a delicacy, and not as a medicine, and use it with joy.

The benefits of rose petal jam have been tested for centuries. And today, despite the abundance various medicines, vitamins, dietary supplements, this natural product has not lost its relevance. According to reviews, rose jam is valued for its successful combination. healing actions and taste qualities.

The ancient Romans treated roses with respect, they grew these flowers, and then ate their delicate petals. The inhabitants of Rome appreciated not only the pleasant taste and aroma of dishes with rose petals, but also realized their usefulness. And today, these flowers not only decorate household plots and flower beds, they are used to make delicious and healthy jam. How to make rose petal jam, what is its recipe, what are the benefits and harms of this product?

Rose jam - recipes

For jam, you need to choose the best raw materials. Choose only the most fragrant flowers to collect petals, this is best done in the early morning when the flowers are just waking up and dew is falling on them. There are several recipes for making such an unusual jam. In finished form, it is more like a syrup with a pleasant delicate aroma and flavor.

Recipe #1

It will take half a kilogram of raw materials - rose petals, 1 kg of sugar, half a lemon and 200 ml of water. The washed petals are crushed with a knife, placed in a small bowl, covered with half the sugar. In this form, the raw material is left for a day to obtain juice. From the remaining sugar, squeezed lemon juice and water, you need to make a syrup. All ingredients are boiled on a small fire until thickened. When the syrup is thick enough, the flower petals are added to it, along with the sugar in which they were stored. The jam continues to cook until the sugar dissolves. Then it is transferred to a sterilized jar and rolled up.

Recipe #2

This recipe is notable for the fact that rose petals are not boiled, but stored in fresh. This way, they remain as healthy as possible. Only keep finished product You need to keep it in the fridge so it doesn't spoil.

You will need 50 g of rose petals, 200 g of sugar and the juice of half a lemon. Raw materials are sprinkled with sugar, lemon juice is squeezed out, mixed and left for a day. Then the rose petals are carefully kneaded with a pusher. The resulting fragrant gruel is placed in a clean jar, another small layer of sugar is created on top and covered with a nylon lid. The jam is stored in the refrigerator.

What chemical composition flower?

The rose contains valuable essential oils that have an anti-inflammatory effect. In these beautiful flowers are found and fixed oils. Their task is to promote better penetration of essential components into the cells. Saponins are another valuable component of rose petals. They improve the functioning of the respiratory system, thin and remove sputum from the bronchi. Glycosides improve digestion and increase appetite. Natural antiseptic also present in the composition of parts of the rose - these are anthocyanins. The anti-cancer and tonic effect of the rose is due to the flavonoids in its composition.

The composition of rose petals is quite rich. They contain vitamins:

From (to in large numbers), and it provides an antiviral effect and protects the body from diseases;
K - has an antitoxic effect and stimulates the work of the heart;
B5 - indispensable for the prevention of aging;
RR - regulates metabolic processes.

A very extensive list of trace elements and minerals in the composition of the rose, ensuring the functioning without failure various systems body - nervous, circulatory, endocrine. Here are found - iodine, zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, molybdenum chromium and other substances.

Useful properties of rose petal jam

If you consume at least 30 g of rose jam daily, you can easily cleanse the body of toxins. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory action, this product helps with cold symptoms - runny nose and sore throat. Viral diseases recede faster if you use rose jam. It is also useful to eat with stomatitis.

There is a benefit of rose petal jam and for problems with the stomach and intestines. Thanks to him pathogenic bacteria perish, and a favorable microflora is restored, inflammation in gastritis and stomach ulcers passes. Intestinal infections such as dysentery, acute diarrhea are treated much easier if, along with the usual therapy, eat a little jam from rose petals.

The rose cleanses the blood vessels well and has a calming effect on the nerves, relieves stress and helps to overcome depression. Rose jam is a great heart stimulant. The beneficial properties of rose jam prevent the formation of blood plaques (blood clots), cleanse the blood. With problems with the outflow of bile and liver diseases, it is simply irreplaceable.

Harm of jam from rose petals

Due to the large amount of sugar, such a product should not be consumed by diabetics, despite all its positive characteristics. The harm of rose petal jam can be felt if you are allergic to the components of this flower. If you notice itching in your throat and nose, as well as a rash on your skin, you should not eat rose jam.

Rose petal jam is really very tasty and unusually fragrant, but its value lies not only in these external characteristics. This product can be compared with home first aid kit because it helps to improve health in different areas. If you have these flowers in abundance, try to prepare a healthy jam from their petals in the summer. Its properties will definitely manifest themselves if one of the household members gets sick.

The rose has always been called the "queen" of all flowers, and it is considered the perfect creation of nature and the ideal of beauty. She has big story, but our article is about something else. Even in ancient times in cooking used rose water and the petals of this flower. The beauties of antiquity took baths with them, and every day. Now the rose has extensive use both in medicine and in the same cooking. For example, housewives are very actively preparing jam from rose petals - an excellent delicacy.

Properties of rose petal jam

This jam in its composition contains fructose and glucose, as well as sucrose, which help to satisfy hunger, as they are good sources of energy and take an active part in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Phenolic acids and flavonoids necessary for the human body are also present in our rose petal jam. The properties of these components determine the benefits of the product.

The first substance stimulates the work of the body, activates metabolic processes and chemical reactions, the second improves blood vessels and, what is very important, makes them elastic, prevents oncological diseases. Sweets contain: pantothenic acid, vitamins B, PP, C and K. Acid and B5 contribute to the absorption of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. They prevent the formation of wrinkles and the aging process. Vitamin K prevents hemorrhages and bleeding.

The benefits of our rose petal jam

Thanks to its properties and composition, our jam can be used for various diseases and for prevention. If you have problems with circulatory system, respiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract, work of the heart, eat jam from rose petals. Its usefulness is due to this case action essential oil, which the petals are rich in. Oils fully retain their desired properties during the cooking process and have a positive effect on the immune and, very importantly, nervous system, have a beneficial effect on the functions of the endocrine glands.

If you eat jam regularly, it will prevent spasms of the human brain vessels, the occurrence of stomach ulcers, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys. Great favor will have with stomatitis and sore throat, colds. Rose petal jam is also shown to children how anthelmintic, as well as in the treatment of bronchitis and tonsillitis. Helps with insomnia and irritability, with depression, has a rejuvenating effect, that is, it is useful and unique product nutrition.

The first recipe for jam from tea rose petals

Let's get down to the most important thing - mastering the recipes for preparing this unique dish. The Orientals gather the petals early at dawn. If you try a little and take the time to make jam, you can treat yourself and your loved ones to a piece of fragrant summer in winter. Plant a couple of rose bushes in the country and then you can not only watch its beautiful, lush flowering, inhale the delicate aroma, but also harvest a little healing and delicious dish. Do not try to use purchased flowers, they are treated with chemicals so that they stand for a long time and look beautiful. So, we are preparing jam from rose petals. The recipe is the following.

We will need:

  • 250-300 grams of petals;
  • 0.5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • one lemon and 300 ml pure water.

We cut off the petals we need from rose buds, weigh them to accurately determine the amount of ingredients. Pour them into a deep bowl and pour lightly salted cold water. This way we can get rid of the insects that live in them. Mix and leave for 5-7 minutes. Rinse in a colander under running water. Put it back in the same deep dish and pour over the lemon juice. We grind the petals a little with our hands and set off to prepare the syrup. After boiling it, bring it to a boil and pour the petals. We put on a small fire, bring to a boil again, remove from the stove. The syrup has already taken its color.

We are waiting for complete cooling and cook again. This time we boil for five minutes. We set aside. We do this a couple more times until the rose petal jam becomes homogeneous. We put it in a jar, previously sterilized, and roll it up. When stored in the refrigerator, you can close with a regular plastic lid.

Rose petal jam. Recipe #2

We will tell you a few more recipes, not as detailed as the previous one, of course, but sufficient so that you can make wonderful jam based on them. We will need the following components:

  • 0.5 kg of rose petals;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar sand;
  • half a lemon and 250 ml of water.

We remove the petals from pink or red roses, while removing unnecessary white particles, cut them finely, mix with half a kilogram of granulated sugar, put in a bowl and leave in this form for two days. Then, from the remaining sugar and pure water, we cook the syrup, while adding lemon juice. We dip the petals, which have been candied in two days, into the hot syrup, and cook over low heat until the jam is ready. We close in jars, as in the previous recipe.

The third recipe for making jam

For him you need:

  • rose petals - 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg;
  • juice of three lemons;
  • water - three glasses.

Tea rose petal jam is prepared as follows. We cut off the white tips from the petals and throw them away, and pour the petals themselves into a bowl.

Add half a kilogram of sugar, pour in the juice of lemons and grind everything until we get a homogeneous mass. From the water and the remaining sugar sand, we cook the syrup in the standard way, mix the mass prepared earlier into it, and cook over low heat until tender, that is, until transparent. We lay out the finished jam in jars.

Recipes #4 and #5

For the fourth recipe you will need:

  • rosehip or rose petals - 125 grams;
  • granulated sugar - one kilogram;
  • water - two glasses;
  • citric acid - 5-8 grams.

We wash the petals and dip them into boiling sugar syrup, prepared in advance. Cook quickly, in one step, over high heat. Before the end of cooking, you need to add citric acid. Ready jam immediately packaged in jars.

Ingredients for the fifth recipe:

  • tea rose petals - 250 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 200 grams;
  • one gram of citric acid.

We make jam from rose petals. Pour the selected and peeled petals with sugar, add citric acid and leave for one day to infuse.

Then we knead the petals with a pestle until a homogeneous mass is obtained and put them in sterilized jars without cooking. Sprinkle sugar on top. We store the jam prepared in this way in the refrigerator.

rose petal drink

Prepare this drink, and let it always be ready in your refrigerator. It is made very quickly, not like rose petal jam. It will always come in handy, as it is no less useful than other blanks. Take two handfuls of selected petals, pour into a three-liter jar, add citric acid(one teaspoon). Pour boiled hot water and leave it in the sun for a day. Get a beautiful liquid Pink colour and with the scent of a rose flower. Strain, add granulated sugar (5-7 tablespoons) and stir. Ready.

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