Excellent taste and beneficial properties of horseradish for men. Hell leaves. Useful properties and contraindications

Horseradish is not only a spicy and tasty seasoning, but also a medicinal plant. In folk medicine, roots, fresh and dry leaves, flowers are used. Horseradish quickly and effectively copes with bacterial and viral infections, arthritis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The medicinal plant can be used in the treatment of women, men, and in small quantities for the treatment of colds in children and adolescents. The beneficial properties of horseradish, as well as its contraindications, are determined by the biologically active substances that make up the roots and leaves. Therefore, before preparing infusions and decoctions, you should consult a doctor about the advisability of treating horseradish.

Crushed horseradish roots are not only a delicious seasoning, but also a unique cure for various diseases.

Beneficial features

A tall plant with large dark green leaves belongs to the Cabbage family, like shepherd's purse, wasabi, turnip, radish. The composition of these vegetable, oilseed and medicinal crops includes mustard oil, which gives the leaves and roots a specific spicy taste and aroma. It is this biologically active substance that gives horseradish healing properties that allow you to treat respiratory diseases and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

The medicinal plant also contains many other useful chemical compounds:

  • Lysozyme. This substance is similar in action to the enzyme produced in the human body. When lysozyme comes into contact with the outer membrane of a bacterial cell, its complete destruction occurs;
  • Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid takes part in the formation of the immunity of adult children, strengthens the body's defenses;
  • Vitamins of group B. In horseradish there is especially a lot of thiamine - a compound necessary for the active functioning of the central and autonomic nervous systems;
  • Sinigrin. The alkaloid exhibits a pronounced bactericidal activity, destroys pathogenic microorganisms, prevents the spread of infections;
  • Fixed oils. They contain a high concentration of triglycerides, necessary for the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
The benefits of horseradish also lie in the ability to accelerate the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates due to the presence of flavonoids in the plant. It is worth noting the presence in the leaves, roots and flowers of a combination of micro and macro elements: zinc, potassium, copper, iron, calcium. These beneficial substances are involved in all metabolic processes, they are necessary for hematopoiesis. The plant also contains phytoncides that can destroy free radicals and prevent premature aging of tissues.

This is interesting: Store-bought seasonings with horseradish do not show a therapeutic effect, and are used only to improve the taste of food. The therapeutic properties of the plant are preserved for a week after crushing the roots.

Therapeutic action

Adding grated horseradish roots to meat or fish dishes, and adding leaves to marinades not only improves the taste of dishes, but also helps with proper digestion of food. Mustard oil speeds up metabolic processes, normalizes peristalsis, relieving a person of constipation and diarrhea. This feature of a useful plant is used by nutritionists. The inclusion of seasoning in the diet allows you to quickly get rid of extra pounds. What else is useful horseradish for the human body:

  • increases the body's resistance to viral and bacterial infectious agents;
  • enhances the production of digestive enzymes and gastric juice;
  • stops inflammatory processes;
  • liquefies and removes sputum from the respiratory tract;
  • normalizes blood circulation in large and small vessels;
  • has antispasmodic and analgesic effect;
  • cleanses the digestive tract of toxins and toxins.

Traditional healers use the roots, flowers and leaves of horseradish to prevent the formation of benign and malignant tumors. The medicinal plant prevents the spread of metastases to healthy tissues and organs. The roots are also very useful for the gums and oral cavity. Using seasonings from horseradish, a person conducts a kind of sanitation of teeth and mucous membranes. Glycosides and essential oils destroy pathogenic bacteria, promote tissue regeneration. Currently, scientists are working on the creation of toothpaste and rinse, which will include biologically active substances from the leaves and roots of horseradish.

For women

The whitening properties of horseradish decoction are used by the fair sex to eliminate age spots. And the compounds with antibacterial properties that make up the plant help get rid of small pimples and acne. How to prepare a decoction for cleansing and whitening the skin:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of grated roots into an enamel saucepan and pour a glass of hot water.
  2. Simmer the mixture over low heat for 2 minutes, cool and filter.
  3. Wipe the skin of the face and (or) body 3-4 times a day.

Horseradish roots contain biologically active substances that are analogues of female sex hormones. Phytoestrogens help reduce the severity of pain during menstruation, eliminate hot flashes and psycho-emotional disorders during natural menopause. The daily use of a tablespoon of horseradish seasoning will allow a woman to stabilize the hormonal background.

Warning: The medicinal plant should not be used for heavy menstruation. Vasodilation will lead to increased bleeding and the development of iron deficiency anemia, which is dangerous for a woman.

For kids

Horseradish is not used in the treatment of children under 12 years of age, and its external use is prohibited until the age of 18 due to the high likelihood of developing an allergic reaction to mustard oil. A useful plant helps to treat colds in adolescents, is an excellent tool for the prevention of intestinal infections. You can prepare a healing agent according to this recipe:

  1. 3 art. spoons of crushed roots to shift with a glass of thick honey.
  2. Place the product in a glass container and store in the refrigerator.
  3. Give your child a tablespoon of aromatic mixture daily before meals.
Horseradish treatment will speed up recovery from colds, complicated by dyspeptic disorders - nausea, bouts of vomiting, diarrhea.

For men

For representatives of the stronger sex, the presence of vitamin K and the trace element zinc in the composition of the medicinal plant is important. These biologically active substances stimulate the production of the male sex hormone testosterone. An increase in its concentration in the bloodstream has a positive effect on sexual activity:

  • increases libido;
  • prolongs sexual intercourse;
  • improves the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of sperm.

Phytoncides and triterpentines contained in horseradish roots exhibit antibacterial and disinfecting activity. This has a positive effect on the functioning of the prostate gland and is used by traditional healers in the treatment of prostatitis. To increase potency and avoid urological pathologies, a man needs to eat a sandwich at lunch every day, seasoned with a tablespoon of chopped horseradish roots.

Indications for use

The medicinal properties of horseradish are actively used in the treatment of various pathologies. Both internal and external use is practiced. Traditional healers recommend applying fresh leaves to sore joints to stop the inflammatory process and reduce the severity of pain. This method of horseradish treatment helps speed up recovery from intervertebral hernia, sciatica, arthritis, neuralgia, pinched nerve roots. In the form of decoctions and infusions, the plant is used in the treatment of such pathologies:

  • atrophic and hypoacid gastritis;
  • sinusitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, pneumonia;
  • headaches, migraine;
  • fatty degeneration of the liver, hepatitis, cholecystitis;
  • urethritis, bacterial and fungal cystitis.

A decoction of horseradish is used to eliminate the clinical manifestations of allergies in urticaria, atopic dermatitis, eczema. To do this, moisten a sterile napkin in the liquid and apply the skin to the affected area for 25-30 minutes. The treatment procedure should be carried out three times a day, given that a decoction of horseradish can lighten the skin.

Recommendation: Horseradish is good for relieving pain from ankle sprains. It is necessary to grease a large fresh leaf with honey, put it on the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe leg, fix it with a bandage. Keep for about an hour, repeat the procedure if necessary.

Respiratory infections

When grinding the roots of horseradish, a person begins to secrete abundant mucus from the nose, and lacrimation occurs. Unpleasant sensations during cooking help to improve a person’s well-being with tonsillitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, rhinitis. These pathologies occur against the background of the formation of a large amount of mucus in the nasal cavity and on the inner wall of the larynx. It is enough to eat a piece of bread, seasoned with horseradish, so that the viscosity of thick sputum decreases, and it is freely evacuated from their respiratory tract. Together with it, the human body also leaves the pathogens of respiratory infections - bacteria and fungi.

Recommendation: Traditional healers use crushed roots to treat dry coughs. The use of horseradish seasoning prevents strong adhesion of sputum to the mucous membranes of the trachea and bronchi. Under the influence of mustard essential oil, it gradually liquefies. This allows you to translate a dry cough into its wet, productive form, facilitate a person’s breathing, and normalize sleep.

Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels

Due to the high concentration of trace elements magnesium and potassium in the plant, horseradish treatment at home helps to improve the condition of veins, arteries and capillaries. Flavonoids from the composition of the medicinal plant cleanse the vessels of cholesterol blocks, thereby ensuring free blood circulation. At the same time, useful triglycerides remain in the body, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the myocardium.

Regular use of crushed roots replenishes the reserves of potassium in the tissues. Nutrients and biologically active substances, as well as molecular oxygen, begin to flow to the cells along with the blood, contributing to rapid regeneration. This becomes an excellent prevention of stroke, heart attack, atherosclerosis.

High blood pressure

Horseradish from pressure is used only in the form of a decoction. The use of such a dosage form of the plant helps to minimize the irritating properties of mustard oil and glycosides. A decoction of horseradish has a selective effect on blood vessels, expanding them and reducing the rate of blood flow. Since the roots contain a high concentration of potassium, a person has more frequent urination. The removal of excess fluid helps prevent swelling of the face, hands and spoons. Unlike pharmacological diuretics, a decoction of horseradish retains all the necessary trace elements in the human body. You can prepare the medicine as follows:

  1. Peel and grind the large root with a grater.
  2. Pour in 3 cups of water and bring to a boil.
  3. Simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes, cool and filter.
  4. Add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of thick honey and take a tablespoon three times a day after meals.

But crushed fresh roots will help normalize blood pressure to hypotensive patients, often experiencing weakness and dizziness. For good health, you need to eat a teaspoon of aromatic seasoning with a slice of black bread during lunch.


The benefits and harms of horseradish for human health are due to the chemical composition of the plant, namely the high concentration of glycosides and essential oils. Dosage forms from leaves and roots will show a healing effect only when used correctly. Applying an excess amount of ointment to the skin will provoke a severe burn, and food richly flavored with grated horseradish can damage the gastric mucosa. The plant cannot be used in therapy when diagnosing the following pathologies in an adult or child.

Horseradish is one of the most common garden plants. It is unpretentious and requires almost no maintenance. In many garden plots, horseradish, like a weed, grows exorbitantly and causes a lot of trouble to the owners. All parts of the plant are used for culinary purposes: spicy seasonings are made from the root, leaves are added to home-made canned food, meat and fish are baked in them.

Source: depositphotos.com

The use of horseradish in medicine is associated with the presence in its composition of a large amount of allyl (mustard) oil and lysozyme, which have a strong bactericidal effect. In addition, the plant is rich in B vitamins and ascorbic acid, as well as trace elements and phytoncides involved in digestive processes.

Today we will talk about those medicines that are easy to prepare from horseradish at home.

raw juice

Juice squeezed from the roots or leaves of horseradish must be diluted with water or other liquids before ingestion to avoid burning the mucous membrane. Traditional medicine advises the use of this product in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • hypertonic disease. Mix 200 ml of honey, horseradish and carrot juices, add the juice of 1 lemon. The solution is taken 3 times a day 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals, 1-2 teaspoons. The course of treatment is 1.5-2 months. The product is stored in the refrigerator for a long time;
  • violations of the biliary tract, swelling, stagnation of fluid in the body. To 150 ml of horseradish juice add the juice of 2-3 lemons, take 1 teaspoon before meals;
  • inflammatory diseases of the throat and oral cavity. Horseradish juice is diluted in half with water and used for rinsing;
  • seborrhea, baldness. Whole horseradish juice is rubbed into the scalp;
  • acne. To get rid of acne, a mask is made from horseradish juice and sour cream, mixed in equal proportions.

Mixtures and infusions with grated root

Grated horseradish root has been successfully used as an expectorant. With pleurisy and bronchitis, the slurry is taken, mixing in equal proportions with honey or granulated sugar.

For the treatment of rheumatism, 70 g of grated horseradish root is poured into 1/2 cup of vegetable oil and left for 2 hours. Then the mixture is placed in a gauze bag, which is lowered into a bath of hot water intended for bathing the patient. The duration of the bath is 20 minutes. Then it is necessary to wash off the oil from the skin in the shower (with warm water). To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to carry out the procedure daily at bedtime for 2 weeks.

For liver diseases, an infusion prepared from equal parts of grated horseradish and boiling water is used. The mixture is left in a tightly closed glass container to cool. It is taken for 10 days 3 times a day before meals, dissolving 2 tablespoons of infusion in 100 ml of water. After a week break, the course can be repeated, halving the dosage.

Diabetics are recommended to prepare a drug that normalizes blood sugar levels from grated horseradish and kefir (it can be replaced with yogurt), taken in a ratio of 1:10. The mixture is insisted in a closed ceramic dish during the day, consumed 1 tablespoon before each meal.

Horseradish root gruel is applied to sore spots with sciatica, sciatica and neuralgia. Compresses are made from it to help relieve pain and swelling with inflammation of the joints.

An infusion of 1 tablespoon of grated root and 2 cups of boiled water is taken 1/3 cup before meals to improve appetite.

Alcohol tincture of the root

Healing tincture is prepared from horseradish root, cut into small chips or chopped on a coarse grater. Raw materials are placed in a glass jar up to half the height, filled to the top with vodka, infused for 10 days, then filtered. The remedy is taken 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for angina. Rinse the throat with the infusion diluted with water.

Alcohol tincture of horseradish root is a strong bactericidal agent. It is used to disinfect the skin in the treatment of minor injuries (cuts, abrasions), purulent lesions.

Root infusions on beer and wine

The so-called horseradish wine is considered a very effective treatment for beriberi and iron deficiency anemia. To prepare the preparation, 90 g of crushed horseradish roots and 6 g of ginger root are poured into 700 ml of grape white wine. The mixture is kept for 12 hours, then filtered, taken 2-3 times a day, 100 ml.

The infusion of horseradish root on beer also has healing properties. It is recommended for use in fluid stagnation in the body caused by atony of the urinary tract. The preparation is prepared as follows:

  • grind 150 g of horseradish root and pour 500-700 ml of beer;
  • insist in a sealed container for a day;
  • filter and add 30 ml of sugar syrup.

The dosage and mode of administration are selected individually, based on the patient's condition. This tool not only relieves swelling, but also improves the functioning of the male reproductive system.

Preparations from leaves and flowers

Horseradish leaves have long been used for external treatment of diseased joints, as well as to get rid of heel spurs. An alcoholic infusion of chopped greens is considered a good way to cleanse the body and increase overall tone.

In folk medicine, horseradish flowers are used in the treatment of malignant neoplasms. The tool is prepared from cut and crushed flower stalks. Loosely fill a liter glass jar with raw materials, fill it to the top with vodka and insist in a dark place for 8-10 days, take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, diluting the tincture with water or herbal tea.

The use of horseradish preparations requires caution, since all parts of the plant contain substances that can cause burns to the mucous membranes and sensitive areas of the skin. If the dosage is exceeded, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may occur.

Means prepared from horseradish should not be taken with exacerbations of diseases of the digestive system, severe damage to the kidneys and liver, as well as with individual intolerance. It is not recommended to treat pregnant women, nursing mothers and small children with horseradish.

Substances that make up the plant can increase bleeding. In addition, they do not combine well with some pharmaceutical preparations. Therefore, before using horseradish for therapeutic purposes, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

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This plant has been known to mankind for its beneficial and healing properties for over four thousand years, and today many people cannot imagine their daily diet without this burning, aromatic seasoning. Meet - everyone knows, dearly loved and most used as a seasoning - horseradish. It belongs to the Cabbage genus, both the tops and the root part are eaten. Crushed horseradish leaves are most often added to marinades and pickles, and the root is crushed and used as a spice. The taste of horseradish is sharp, burning, like mustard, because the root contains mustard essential oil. The beneficial properties of horseradish are strong and are largely due to its composition.

Horseradish Ingredients:

Horseradish root is a pantry of useful substances. It contains vitamin C, vitamins of group B, PP, ascorbic acid, a large set of essential mustard oils, phytoncides, starch, resinous substances, fiber, a large number of micro and macro elements.

As for the nutritional value of horseradish, 100 g of grated root contains 3.2 g of protein, 0.4 g of fat, 10.5 g of carbohydrates, 7.3 g of fiber. The energy value of horseradish is 59 kcal per 100 g of product.

The active components that make up horseradish give it unique healing and nutritional qualities. This plant contains more vitamin C than lemon. Ascorbic acid, resinous substances, mustard oils, all this has a powerful healing effect on the human body, stimulates the internal organs and prevents the development of many diseases.

The effect of horseradish on the body

Eating horseradish has a positive effect on the digestive processes of the body. Horseradish is used to treat gastritis with low acidity. The root crop relieves hypertension, osteochondrosis, pneumonia, including pleurisy, physical and mental exhaustion.

Horseradish is an excellent general tonic, it adds strength, stimulates physical activity, fights depression. Due to its anti-inflammatory and bactericidal qualities, horseradish root is indicated for colds and infectious diseases, it is recommended to include it in the menu during outbreaks of influenza and SARS. The vegetable has a diuretic, choleretic, expectorant and hematopoietic effect on the human body.

Horseradish is considered a strong natural antibiotic, it is used to treat colds and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. Due to the diuretic effect exerted on the body, horseradish root helps to remove stones, get rid of cystitis, dropsy, infection and inflammation in the urinary tract.

Due to the large number of useful substances and vitamins, the root crop acts as an excellent prophylactic against the development of beriberi, especially in spring, when the lack of vitamins is especially felt.

Horseradish root has long been used to treat impotence, its regular use in small quantities significantly improves men's health.

Horseradish is recommended for use by people who want to lose weight. It has the ability to warm and activate the digestive organs, prevent constipation and the transformation of undigested food into fat reserves and waste products. The vegetable stimulates metabolic processes in the body, which is one of the components of a successful fight against extra pounds.

The use of horseradish is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, liver diseases, inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy and lactation.

Horseradish medicines (folk medicine recipes)

The main wealth of the horseradish root is vitamins A and C, sodium, potassium salts, phosphorus, iron, copper and manganese. Therefore, it is used to treat various diseases.

# From cough. Finely chop the horseradish roots, mix in equal proportions with sugar or honey. Take 2-3 times a day, 1 teaspoon

# For headache and toothache. Wrap freshly grueled horseradish in a scarf and place on the back of the head or on the cheek.

# For asthma attacks wrap the horseradish gruel in gauze and apply on the chest. But keep in mind: such compresses should be kept for no more than 5-10 minutes, as you can earn severe skin irritation. In the initial stages, asthma can be defeated with the following recipe: mix the juice of 3 lemons and 150 g of chopped horseradish root. Take 1 teaspoon 1 day before meals.

# From radiculitis and osteochondrosis horseradish gruel with apples is very effective. Grate an equal amount of apples and horseradish, mix and apply to the sore spot for 20 minutes.
Such a compress also helps with gout, rheumatism, neuralgia and arthritis.

# At elevated pressure use the following recipe. Take 500 g of horseradish roots, 1.5 liters of water, 1 cup of honey. Peel the roots, cut into small pieces, boil for 1-2 minutes. Cool and strain the decoction, and mix it with a glass of honey. Take 100 g 3 times a day after meals.

#For common back pain it is recommended to use horseradish ointment. Grate the horseradish root, squeeze the juice and mix it with any cream. At night, rub this ointment on the sore spot and put on a wool sweater. For internal heating, you can drink tea with honey.

# Mustard oil, contained in the roots of horseradish, helps with infectious diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

# Inflammation of the gums or periosteum take 1 teaspoon of freshly grated horseradish, pour 1 glass of water. Insist for 4 hours, strain. Rinse your mouth every 30 minutes.

# Horseradish is used in the treatment cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. 1 glass of horseradish root juice mixed with other ingredients, such as honey (1 glass), carrot juice (1 glass), juice of 1 lemon, is taken for hypertension for 2 months, 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day one hour before meals and 2-3 hours after meals.

Prepare dishes and medicines that contain horseradish root, you need to be very careful, and use sparingly. Otherwise, you can provoke inflammation of the skin, kidneys or gastrointestinal tract, as well as a strong heartbeat.



Recently, alternative medicine has been widely used. Naturally, special attention is paid to the beneficial properties of certain plants. After all, recipes for folk remedies are often based on them. Horseradish should also be attributed to such plants. This seasoning contributes to a speedy recovery in the presence of certain diseases. So, what is horseradish good for the body?

What is horseradish

Horseradish is a herbaceous perennial plant that belongs to the cabbage family. It has a fleshy and powerful root. The stem of the plant is branched at the top and erect, furrowed, hollow. Horseradish can grow up to 1.2 meters high. At the same time, the basal leaves are elongated-oval, large, serrated along the edge, with a heart-shaped base. Flowers are collected in the smallest inflorescences and arranged in whole brushes. Horseradish usually blooms in June or May. However, the main ones for the human body are concentrated precisely at the root.

When is the best time to cook horseradish

To preserve all the useful qualities of spices, it is worth harvesting it on time. It is best to do this in the fall. It was at this time that the roots contain much more substances that positively affect our body. So that the spice does not dry out for a long time, experts recommend storing it in special boxes filled with sand. About how horseradish is useful and harmful to the body, they already knew back in 1500 BC. It should be noted that this product is used for medicinal purposes in many countries, such as Brazil, Switzerland, France.

Useful ingredients in horseradish

So, what is horseradish good for the body? It is not so difficult to answer this question. It is enough to carefully consider the composition of this product. First of all, it is worth highlighting the high content of vitamins of group B, vitamin C and E, folic acid, fiber, phytoncides and essential oils in the seasoning. In addition, horseradish is full of trace elements: arsenic, copper, manganese, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, as well as amino acids, sugar, lysozyme - a bactericidal substance based on protein.

It is worth noting that this spice contains about 5 times more vitamin C than lemons or oranges. Horseradish is not inferior in this regard even to blackcurrant.

The leaves of this plant also contain many useful components. Among them, it is worth highlighting allyl ascorbic acid and an enzyme such as myrosin.

The effect of horseradish on the body

I must say that the plant is really unique. And to the question of whether horseradish is good for the body, only a definite answer can be given. Of course! The root contains phytoncides - volatile substances. It is they who are able to overcome some pathogens, exerting a bactericidal effect on the body.

Horseradish also contains the glycoside sinigrin, which, when split, forms lysozyme and allyl mustard oil. It should be noted that these components also have a bactericidal effect. In small amounts, allyl mustard oil can increase appetite. Very often, horseradish is used to stimulate the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the product has antiscorbutic, expectorant and choleretic effects.

Healing qualities of the product

So, what is horseradish good for the body? Very often this product is used for the preparation of alternative medicine. Often, horseradish-based preparations are prescribed for all kinds of diseases of the stomach, in the presence of inflammatory processes, gout, rheumatism, as well as for ailments associated with the skin, bladder and liver.

Treatment of rheumatism

To cure this disease, horseradish was used in ancient times. A slurry was made from the root of this plant. The freshly prepared mass was applied to a piece of cloth. Such a compress was applied to a sore spot.

It should be noted that horseradish gruel is used for purulent wounds as a distracting and irritating agent.

Fighting a cold

For the body have been studied for many centuries. The doctors of ancient Rome often used this product to combat acute respiratory diseases, as well as to prevent them. Today, alternative medicine experts recommend making poultices to the shins and feet. Such procedures are considered preventive. If it was not possible to avoid a cold, and the patient is tormented by a strong cough, then in some cases the doctor may prescribe a folk remedy prepared on the basis of honey and horseradish. For its preparation, it is necessary to take the indicated components in equal proportions and mix them. You can use the drug up to three times a day for a teaspoon.

Dentistry and hell

Very often, horseradish is used to treat inflamed gums. To prepare the product, you need to take a teaspoon of grated fresh product and pour about a glass of wine or water. The spice should stand for 4 hours. The finished product is filtered and used to rinse the mouth every half hour.

Scientists have also found that horseradish contains components that destroy bacteria that cause caries. Based on this plant, experts are trying to develop a toothpaste.

Horseradish juice: benefits and uses

So, how is horseradish useful for the body and in what form can it be consumed? Very often, in the preparation of alternative medicine, the juice of this product is used. For example, in India, a similar drink is used as a distraction in the presence of inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Horseradish juice is also instilled into the ears during inflammatory processes in them.

Damn horseradish

The effect of horseradish on the body is not always positive. But, as a rule, problems arise only in cases where there is no sense of proportion. For example, allyl mustard oil has a pronounced local effect. With prolonged therapy, this substance can cause burning pain and flushing of the skin, up to a burn. It is worth noting that allyl mustard oil determines the taste and smell of the spice. Its vapors can cause lacrimation and severe coughing. If the product is consumed in large quantities, severe gastroenteritis may develop.

Horseradish has long been used by the people as a spicy seasoning for many dishes, and as a remedy for many diseases. This common plant feels great in any garden plot, without requiring any care and watering, and pleases all housewives with its spicy leaves, especially during the conservation period. Grated horseradish roots are used for food, crushed root or juice is used for medical purposes.


Horseradish root, which contains: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, organic acids, water, essential oils, sugars, starch, ash, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, exhibits powerful antiseptic properties. The vegetable is rich in vitamins - group B (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, folic acid), PP, tocopherol and ascorbic acid. Trace elements in the plant are represented by calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium and sodium.

The root contains the biologically active compound lysozyme, which has the ability to destroy the cells of most pathogens (especially in combination with vitamin C present in sufficient quantities), including Koch's bacillus (tuberculosis bacillus), so horseradish juice is considered a natural antibiotic. Lysozyme helps create an antibacterial barrier to body cells.

Impact on the body

Traditional medicine has long known the healing properties of horseradish, especially its root part.

The root of the plant is known for its stimulating effect on the secretion of the digestive glands and the entire digestive system as a whole, and a sufficient amount of fiber helps the intestines to better cope with the removal of waste products from the body. The vegetable exhibits pronounced choleretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antiscorbutic, hematopoietic, bactericidal, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory and expectorant properties.

A large amount of phytoncides in the root of horseradish makes it an indispensable folk remedy for flu and colds. The plant helps with mental and physical exhaustion of the body, showing restorative and tonic properties.

The benefits of horseradish

Systematic eating and treatment with a plant is advisable for the following diseases:

  • respiratory organs - pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy, bronchial asthma, chronic cough, catarrh of the respiratory tract;
  • excretory organs - inflammation of the urinary tract, difficulty urinating, kidney and bladder stones, cystitis;
  • digestive organs - gastritis with low acidity, intestinal atony, lack of appetite, stomach cancer, hepatitis, sluggish bowel contraction, reduced function of the biliary tract, cholecystitis;
  • hematopoietic organs - anemia;
  • cardiovascular system - hypertension, atherosclerosis;
  • other organs and systems - failure of the menstrual cycle associated with a delay, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, gout, rheumatism, metabolic disorders, malaria, dropsy, osteochondrosis.

The plant has a low glycemic index (15), which is why it is allowed to be added to the menu of diabetics.

Horseradish juice is an effective external remedy for toothache and stomatitis (gargling), rheumatism, radiculitis, myositis, purulent wounds (compresses and washings), neuralgia, seborrhea.

Application methods

By adding horseradish to your diet, you will strengthen the immune system and help the body effectively resist many diseases.

Seasoning recipe: in 100 g of chopped root (grated), add 100 g of fresh tomatoes (passed through a meat grinder or mashed in a blender), mix, adding salt to taste (preferably sea) and a little sugar, as well as finely chopped favorite garden greens ( arugula, coriander, parsley, dill, basil).

Prepare horseradish seasonings often and in small doses, as after a week the vitamins from the pureed root practically disappear. The remaining biologically active phytonutrients reduce their properties, but remain for about a month.

  1. The use of horseradish infusion with sour milk helps to maintain normal blood sugar, which is useful for diabetes and pancreatic diseases.
  2. Horseradish leaves are a proven remedy for bruises, sprains, sciatica and muscle pain. A sheet should be applied to the damaged area and tied with a woolen scarf or handkerchief.
  3. Poultices from the fresh root are cured of rheumatism and frostbite.
  4. Horseradish juice, diluted approximately in half with vodka or alcohol (arbitrary proportion), is used for warming rubbing (sciatica, neuralgia, etc.).
  5. Grated horseradish with honey or sugar is used with reduced acidity (1 small spoon 2 times a day). You can add a little table vinegar or homemade sour cream to this remedy.
  6. In cosmetology practice, age spots (of various origins) and freckles are dissolved with root juice.


In the acute and chronic course of diseases of the digestive system, the use of food and treatment with horseradish is prohibited. Also, the plant is contraindicated for high acidity, peptic ulcer, colitis, pregnancy, some inflammations of the kidneys and liver. Before eating the root, it is advisable to consult with your doctor, who will give recommendations on treatment methods and individual dosages.

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