Goose fat application in medicine. Goose fat in cooking. Recipes and uses

People talk a lot about the benefits of bear, fish and badger fat. But for some reason, no one mentions goose fat, although in the old days it was used not only to treat many diseases, but also as a component in various recipes beauty.

Where to get goose fat

For the use of goose fat in cosmetology, only goose fat grown at home and which has not been treated with disinfectant compounds can be used. To obtain fat, heat the pan, put pieces of fresh fat on it, pour a quarter liter of water and cook, after closing the lid, until the fat turns into lumps. Then the contents of the pan are transferred to a jar, allowed to cool and sent to the refrigerator. Water is drained from the thickened fat and used as a component for masks, creams, rubs, ointments, etc.

Goose fat has unique property- it is able to quickly regenerate cells and tissues. In addition, it helps with frostbite, is useful for hair, skin of the face, decollete and the whole organism as a whole.

Sweet Lips

Goose fat is just a godsend for chapped lips. With regular use, about 3-5 times a week, they will gain elasticity, youth and smoothness.

To cope with cracks in the corners of the mouth, it is necessary to lubricate them with pure goose fat.
To soften lips take 19-20 rosehip flower petals and carefully grind in a cup or mortar. Add 1 tbsp. goose fat, mix and apply the resulting composition to the lips.

Taking care of the décolleté area

The neckline is the first to lose its attractiveness. To prevent this, the décolleté area, as well as the chest, must be smeared with a weak solution of apple cider vinegar and allowed to dry completely. Then goose fat is applied to the surface of the skin and they begin to rub it with massaging movements in a spiral, starting from the areola. From above, the zone is wrapped in a downy scarf, having previously laid a layer of plastic film so that it does not get dirty, and lie down to rest for 20-30 minutes. At the end of the procedure, take a light shower.

shining face

In the old days, beauties, before going out, always put goose fat on their faces as a cream. It not only prevented frostbite, but also prevented skin peeling and chapping.

For the skin of the face, you can use the following recipes:

Protective cream
To do this, goose fat is simply cut into pieces and placed in water bath. When the mass melts, it is filtered through double-folded gauze, poured into a jar and sent to the refrigerator.

Skin scrub
Ground coffee is brewed. The drink is drunk, but not added to the thick a large number of liquid goose fat and sent for storage in the refrigerator. Scrub is used no more than 2 times a week.

Apply to the palm daily cream in the usual amount and add a few drops of fat. Mix the ingredients in the hand and apply with fingertips to the skin. This mixture is very well established as a base for make-up. But before applying foundation, excess fat is blotted with a napkin.

If you have sensitive or dry skin, then in this case you should prepare a special mask by carefully mixing 25 g of goose fat and 2.5 g of goose fat. camphor oil. The resulting mass is applied to the skin and removed after 20 minutes. warm water.

shiny hair

The use of goose fat in hair cosmetology is very important if you are the owner of brittle, dull, lifeless and dry hair. To solve the problem, goose fat is melted in a water bath and then rubbed into the scalp for 6-7 minutes. After that, they put a plastic bag on the hair, warm the head with a hairdryer, wrap it on top terry towel and wear the resulting turban for half an hour. After, the hair is washed with shampoo and rinsed herbal infusion or water with the addition of lemon juice. Can also be used as a rinse tea mushroom or Apple vinegar.

As you can see, goose fat in cosmetology is very necessary and useful component, so it is very often used to improve and rejuvenate our body.

The times when non-official medicine was very popular, unfortunately, have sunk into oblivion. Today it is easier for people with any illness to go to the nearest pharmacy and buy drug preparation. Many simply do not trust folk remedies afraid to use them.

But drugs from the people are the medicines that our ancestors were treated with. The pharmaceutical industry was not always so developed, once it did not exist at all. Plants, oils, water, fat - this is what helped in the fight against pathologies, and very successfully. In addition, it is well known that our grandparents were ill much less than us.

Many people believe that drugs alternative medicine ineffective and even useless. However, adherents alternative treatment also a lot. They definitely know about the benefits of goose fat. This bird has been bred since ancient times. In some nations, she was even deified.

As confirmation of this, there is a legend according to which it was the geese who saved Rome. When the enemy tried to enter the city, the geese made a noise and thus woke up the inhabitants. They woke up earlier guard dogs. Of course, now few people dare to use a bird as an alarm. But from application in medicinal purposes goose fat should not be abandoned.

Previously, people used fat for therapy various pathologies, in particular diseases skin and respiratory system. In addition, the bird was bred for meat, and blankets and pillows were made from fluff. As for fat, it was first melted and then stored in special containers. In the future, it was used not only for cooking dishes, it was, and still is an integral component medicines. And that's why.

Medicinal properties

The benefits of goose fat are obvious. It contains a significant amount of useful and, importantly, medicinal substances:

  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • vitamin E;
  • Selena;
  • cholesterol.

Fat, due to the content of the above substances in it, has a wound healing, tonic, immunostimulating, antioxidant, regenerating, analgesic effect.

Preparations based on goose fat contribute to:

  • fast healing of wounds;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • restoration of the lipid barrier and normal water balance dermis;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • elimination pain and inflammation.

How to cook goose lard at home?

As a rule, goose fat in pure form unsuitable for medical use. It is more suitable for cooking. In medical and cosmetic practice, it is customary to use lard - melted fat. Properly made lard should have a viscous consistency.

The preparation is very simple. The process will not take you much time. On average, it takes half an hour.

  1. First you need to collect interior and subcutaneous fat from the bird.
  2. Next, grind it and put it in a small pot or saucepan.
  3. Simmer over low heat for half an hour. It is not necessary to bring to a boil.
  4. After that, strain the composition and pour into a glass container.
  5. cooled down to room temperature lard, covered with parchment, is placed in the refrigerator, where it is stored.

Traditional medicine has in its piggy bank many recipes for medicines from goose fat. All of them are effective and most importantly - completely natural. Means are recommended for the treatment of skin ailments, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, articular pathologies, gynecological diseases.

You can use drugs only with the knowledge of the attending physician. Do not self-medicate, as you can harm yourself. In addition, do not abuse drugs and exceed the dosages indicated in the recipes.

Goose fat treatment of pathologies of the respiratory system

Cough remedy. Take one medium-sized onion, chop it with a grater and combine in equal proportions with goose lard. Every day, on an empty stomach, eat a spoonful of the drug, and before going to bed, rub the chest with the same drug, then wrap yourself up and drink milk with honey - 200 ml.

Fat in the treatment of dyspnoea. Combine equal amounts of lard with quality honey and vodka. Infuse the composition in a warm room for two weeks. It is recommended to use 15 ml of the drug three times a day, before meals.

For skin ailments and burns

Frostbite remedy. To begin with, in order to accelerate the blood flow, make a few energetic movements. Pour some water into the basin, not hot, but not cold. Dip the frostbitten limbs into the container. Raise the temperature of the water slightly after the sensitivity returns. As soon as pain is minimized or completely subsides, blot the affected areas with a soft towel and lubricate them with goose lard. Put a bandage on top and cover with a warm scarf. Don't forget to wear something warm.

For burns. The tool is recommended to use at the stage of healing. Mix 100 grams of lard with sea ​​buckthorn oil- 15 ml. Lubricate the affected areas of the skin with the prepared ointment twice a day. Bandage sore spot.

Combine the dried soapwort rhizome ground to a powdery consistency with fat. Treat the affected areas with the drug several times a day.

Against muscle and joint pain

Cure for osteoarthritis. Chop a few leaves of aloe. Combine the resulting mass with vodka - half a glass, fir oil, turpentine - 10 ml and goose fat - 100 g. Mix the composition thoroughly and set aside for three days in a dark place. Lubricate painful areas with ointment twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. The duration of the course is a week.

Medicine for muscle and joint pain. Combine lard - 50 g with honey - 15 g, tincture of cinquefoil - 20 ml, vitamin E - three drops, tincture hot pepper- a spoon. Mix the ingredients well and place in the refrigerator. Apply ointment to painful areas.

Recipes for use in cosmetology

The tool is used both for the face, healing the dermis, and. If you want to restore the skin of your hands to its former softness, as well as eliminate small cracks, lubricate your hands daily with grease.

If you have a dry type of dermis, try using lard. Apply it on your face for about fifteen minutes. Remove the rest of the product with a napkin. The procedure is recommended to be carried out before going to bed. Regular use of fat helps to heal, moisturize and nourish the dermis, regenerate cells and eliminate wrinkles. It is recommended to use lard and as a lip balm. it excellent tool against dryness and cracking.

In order to improve the condition of the hair, try the following: warm up a couple of tablespoons of lard, and then rub it into the dermis of the head. Spread the product with a wooden brush over the strands, and then wrap it with a towel. After a quarter of an hour, wash your hair and rinse with chamomile decoction.


Side effects and contraindications to the use of products based on goose fat have not been identified. However, if you are going to use this miracle cure, you should read some cautions.

  1. Do not use lard in hot weather, as well as before going outside. Fat is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which can become toxic when exposed to ultraviolet light. perfect time for the use of lard - evening.
  2. The product is considered high-calorie. For this reason, people with excess weight You need to be careful when taking medication.
  3. Do not abuse drugs from the people. Remember, everything is good in moderation.

Despite the fact that in the pharmacy today you can buy anything and at any price, we still respect the so-called " grandmother's methods". Let's talk today about ... goose fat.

Our ancestors used goose fat to treat the most serious diseases lungs, got rid of joint pain, rheumatism, ailments of the spine, protected in severe frosts and treated the skin, keeping it tender.

Read also:

What are beneficial features, and how to use goose fat today?

Goose fat: medicinal properties and contraindications

In our diet today, it is essential lack of saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Due to lack in our body necessary elements, including "omega-3", metabolic processes are disrupted, the skin is dried out, hair and nails break, digestion is disturbed, and nerves often fail.

In goose lard have everything needed by the body fats: omega-3 acid, acids - stearic, oleic, linolenic, myristic, palmitoleic and many others. BUT .

In addition to everything in useful product contains minerals (magnesium, zinc, sodium, copper, selenium) and vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, E, PP, etc.).

Goose fat has a warming property, is able to rid the body of toxins, and also helps the resorption of neoplasms and can be used to treat cancer.

Contraindications for use interior fat practically no goose because this product belongs to the most harmless and safe means for the treatment of diseases among other fats of animal origin.

The only contraindication is personal intolerance to taking this product inside. You can not take it during pregnancy, breastfeeding mothers, babies under three years old. Not recommended for people with chronic illness liver. Outdoor use is not limited.

The use of goose fat in traditional medicine

Cough remedies:

- mix four parts of warm fat with a part of melted wax and rub into the chest and back (the procedure is carried out at night);
- Warm up a mixture of 0.5 kg of the base and 0.1 kg of crushed garlic in a water bath, smear the back and chest with the medicine received and, having tied the patient with a woolen scarf, leave it all night.

Frostbite. It is enough to lubricate the injured area with a melted product three times a day, and put a compress from it at night.

Burns. For small burns, the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin should be thickly greased and bandaged. The bandage is changed twice a day, each time smearing the burn with a new layer of the medicinal product.

Psoriasis. Mix 180 ml of the base with 60 ml of crushed soapwort root. Regularly lubricate damaged areas of the skin with the resulting medicine.

Eczema. Mix the heated base with fir oil in a ratio of 2: 1, respectively. Apply the mixture in a thick layer on the sore spot, fix and leave overnight.

Tuberculosis. You need to take one hundred grams of the base, aloe juice, cocoa powder and honey. Mix all ingredients. The medicine is consumed in 60 ml with warm milk three times a day. Treatment takes a long time.

Thrombophlebitis and leg diseases

Insist for a week a mixture of the main product with Kalanchoe juice in a ratio of 2:1, respectively. The medicine should be kept in a dark container and in the refrigerator. Sore spots are lubricated for a long time before going to bed.

Gynecology and hemorrhoids

Mix half a cup of the base with one large spoonful of dried calendula flowers, heat the mixture in a water bath for about half an hour and then strain. The rest is moistened with gauze swabs. Compresses put every day at night.

The course consists of ten procedures, and repeat it two more times with a ten-day interval.


To prepare the mask, you need to mix a quarter cup of the base with a teaspoon of camphor oil. Spread the product on the face, after 20 minutes remove excess fat with a soft cloth and wash. healing product also used to strengthen and regenerate hair: the molten agent is rubbed into their roots. The mask is kept for half an hour and then washed off.

How to melt goose fat

Cut the product into small pieces. So that there is not a lot of splashing, and so that the fat does not stick, in a well-heated stewpan with a powerful bottom sprinkle a pinch of salt. Reduce the heat, put the product in a bowl and cover with a lid.

Stirring, melt all the fat. Strain the melted mass into dark glass containers. Cooled down for storage remedy put in the refrigerator.

Goose fat cough for a child

For rubbing or compresses, melted fat is applied to the neck and chest, and the baby is wrapped up at night. At strong cough a quarter cup of the base is mixed with 60 ml of vodka.

Children do not like the use of goose fat inside to warm up the body. So that the child does not suffer, you can soften bad taste product decoction of lemon, boil it in water for 10 minutes.

Then the fruit is peeled, the juice is squeezed out of it into a saucepan with broth. Now you can add a couple of tablespoons of goose fat. Take a spoonful before meals until the child recovers.

Another cough composition: make a mixture of the main product with honey, cocoa powder, aloe juice and heat over low heat until a smooth mass is formed. The finished medicine is used in a small spoon with a glass of warm milk.

Kira Stoletova

Today, at the slightest indisposition, people run to the pharmacy for expensive medicines. Previously, many ailments were treated on their own, without resorting to medical institutions. It is, of course, not about serious illnesses, but no one bought medicines for headaches and colds. In the article will be discussed about how goose fat can help get rid of some ailments.

  • What explains the healing properties of goose fat

    To understand why goose fat can be considered a medicine, you need to consider what elements are present in it. chemical composition. Goose fat contains:

    • fats (animal origin);
    • fatty acids (palmitinoleic, myristic, omega-3, etc.);
    • trace elements (copper, magnesium, selenium, etc.)
    • vitamins (the product is especially rich in B vitamins).

    Polyunsaturated fats, for example, and vitamins help to strengthen the immune system, which affects general condition health. Also polyunsaturated fats slightly increase the rate of tissue regeneration (with burns or wounds, for example). And such a fatty acid as Omega-3, which is part of goose fat, is necessary for women's health. Goose fat is also recommended for people who have problems with the digestive tract. It normalizes metabolic processes.

    Speaking about the use of goose fat, it is worth saying that it is used in the manufacture of some medical preparations, and this speaks of the inherent medicinal properties.

    Areas of use

    Goose fat can be used in several areas. First of all, it is cooking and medicine. Also, cosmetologists were also interested in the healing properties of interior goose fat. If we talk about medicine, then goose fat is used to combat the following diseases:

    • colds, coughs, diseases of the lungs and bronchi;
    • purulent inflammation of the skin, psoriasis, eczema;
    • thrombophlebitis;
    • haemorrhoids;
    • tuberculosis;
    • pneumonia.

    Also, due to the healing properties of goose fat, it can be used to combat female diseases (mastitis, infertility, etc.), depression and excessive irritability.

    If we talk about cosmetology, then the use of this tool allows you to solve the problem:

    • dry skin;
    • hair loss;
    • premature aging of the skin.

    But do not think that with advanced forms of diseases, one can limit oneself only to the use of goose fat. In any case, you should first undergo an examination and consult with a doctor who will prescribe a treatment and tell you how to use goose fat to combat a specific disease.

    To whom goose fat is contraindicated

    The popularity of goose fat in traditional medicine is due to the fact that this remedy has practically no contraindications. You can even say that goose fat has no contraindications for use, but temporary recommendations. You can not take drugs prepared on the basis of goose fat:

    • people who have intolerance to at least one element that is part of it;
    • pregnant and lactating women;
    • children under the age of 3 years.

    All contraindications refer to internal use. As for external use, there are practically no contraindications. Sometimes there is individual intolerance this product, therefore, before applying goose fat externally, it is better to test it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. If the smeared area turned red and began to itch, then this remedy should not be applied. If no reaction followed, you can safely use the drug.

    The use of lard for the treatment of diseases

    Before using goose fat to treat a particular disease, it must be prepared. Consider how to melt goose fat at home. We will need fat taken from a goose or the bird itself (preferably domestic). Choose a fatter bird. At home, we cut the carcass and cut off all the fat on it. We heat goose fat for a couple (we put a double boiler, but top part must be solid, without holes). It will take 7-8 hours. You need to heat goose fat on a very small fire. The product thus obtained is called lard. You can heat goose fat in the oven. This will save you 3-4 hours. But it is better to use steamed lard in medicine.

    Alternatively, you can purchase ready-made goose fat. Before buying, you should smell the product. It should not have a sharp or unpleasant odor.


    You can save a person with the help of goose fat from coughs, colds and diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

    Cough treatment

    It is most effective to use rubbing for coughing. There are several recipes for preparing mixtures for rubbing. We will look at 2 of the most common. The first involves the use of wax and goose fat. The components are preheated and mixed in a ratio of 1:4, respectively. Rub this remedy in the chest and heart. You need to rub the mixture both in front and behind. It is advisable to perform the procedure before going to bed.

    You can prepare a mixture for rubbing from garlic and goose fat. Take these components in a ratio of 1:5. Prepare the mixture for a couple. The tool is used, as well as the previous one. You can give goose cough fat prepared in this way to a child. How many days to put compresses depends on the stage of the disease. It is advisable to do compresses for at least 3 days.

    Diseases of the bronchi and lungs

    With these diseases, first of all, they are recorded for a consultation with a doctor, only after his approval can goose fat be used for treatment. These diseases quickly become chronic form and at improper treatment give serious complications to all body systems.

    It is necessary to take funds prepared from goose fat during the treatment of diseases of the bronchi and lungs. Compresses won't help here. The most effective is a tincture of honey, lard and vodka. All components are taken from equal parts. For treatment, it is enough to prepare 300 g of the drug. Leave the tincture in the cellar or any other dark and cool place for exactly a week. After the time has passed, take the tincture in a teaspoon a day.

    Lard for a cold

    From a cold, a tincture of honey, lard, aloe juice and cocoa, which is taken orally, will help. Take the same amount of all components, and heat over low heat. It remains to dilute a teaspoon of the prepared medicine in 200 ml warm milk. Drink the resulting mixture 2 times a day. Since you need to take the drink warm, you should not prepare a large amount of the mixture at a time.

    Goose fat for skin diseases

    The use of goose fat for treatment skin diseases involves the preparation of ointments. However, there are no universal ones. Depending on the nature of the skin disease, different components should be used.

    eczema treatment

    To prepare the ointment, in addition to goose fat, you need to take fir oil. The ingredients are taken in a ratio of 2:1. The components are mixed until homogeneous. The ointment is ready. The treatment process takes at least 2 weeks. The ointment is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin, covered with a paper towel and tied with a bandage. Make such a compress in the morning and evening.

    Purulent diseases on the skin

    The use of goose fat for the treatment of purulent diseases also involves the preparation of an ointment. But in this case, oak bark, pre-crushed to a state of powder, is added to the main component. For 115 g of lard, 20 g of powder is taken. The components are thoroughly mixed and the mixture is applied to the sore spot, then the treated skin area is covered with cellophane and rewound with a bandage. Keep this compress for 60 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash off with running water at room temperature.

    Treatment of psoriasis

    Due to the beneficial properties of goose fat, ointments can be prepared from it, which are an alternative to hormonal medicines. One of these ointments is used to treat psoriasis. For its preparation, in addition to goose fat, pre-crushed soapwort root (3: 1) is taken and the components are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It is advisable to prepare an ointment for psoriasis immediately before using it. It is necessary to smear the affected areas of the skin regularly.

    This remedy for psoriasis has no contraindications. In the entire history, and the ointment has been used for quite a long time, not a single case of individual intolerance to the remedy has been recorded.

    Goose fat is a powerful remedy.

    How to melt goose fat

    Goose fat: properties, how to apply, render, store, flavor, etc.

    Treatment of tuberculosis and thrombophlebitis

    The benefits of goose fat in the treatment of tuberculosis and thrombophlebitis are invaluable. But, in addition to the remedies described below, medications should be taken. Only A complex approach to treatment will help to achieve success.

    For tuberculosis, a tincture is used with the addition of cocoa, honey and freshly squeezed aloe juice from the leaves, the recipe of which was described above. And with thrombophlebitis, an ointment with the addition of kalanchoe juice(2:1). We insist ointment for 2 days. Keep the ointment in a room where the air temperature is 10-15 ° C.

    Before using goose fat tinctures and ointments for the above diseases, it is important to consult a doctor.

    Treatment of burns and frostbite

    Lard is also useful for burns. Treatment of burns does not involve the use of goose fat inside. It is enough to smear the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with this substance and apply a bandage. In the morning and in the evening, change the bandage to a new one. In order to comply hygiene standards remove the old layer healing agent and put on a new one. This remedy only helps with minor burns. If a large area of ​​skin is damaged, a specialist should help.

    When frostbite, rubbing warm goose fat on a frostbitten skin area is used. Rubbing should be done at least 2 times a day. The remedy is used for all stages of frostbite.

    Goose fat for women's diseases and hemorrhoids

    This tool is widely used in gynecology. by the most effective drug for women is a tincture prepared with the addition of calendula. For 100 g of lard take 1 tbsp. l. pre-dried flowers. Fat must be melted in a water bath, add flowers and leave on low heat for half an hour. It remains to strain the resulting mixture. Swabs are dipped into the resulting tincture and placed overnight. To achieve the result, you need to undergo a course of treatment, consisting of 10 days.

    Exactly the same remedy is used to treat hemorrhoids. At the same time, in this case it is suitable for both women and men.

    knew and traditional healers how to use goose fat and what benefits it can bring in the treatment of infertility. To prepare a tincture to be taken orally, crushed aloe leaves, honey, poultry fat, and ghee were used. As for the ratios, then you need to take one part of aloe leaves, all other components - 6 parts. During the preparation of the mixture, it is important to properly prepare the aloe leaves. Before using the leaves of the plant, it is not watered for 7 days, then they are placed in a dark and cool place for 10 days. After the time has passed, remove all the thorns and grind them using a stainless steel knife.

    The use of goose fat in cosmetology

    Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of goose fat in cosmetology. Useful lard for skin, hair and nails. The simplest remedy that can be prepared to protect delicate skin from frost does not require any ingredients other than goose fat, which must be melted. It is not necessary to smear the area around the eyes. But this mask will protect the cheeks and nose.

    The properties of goose fat allow you to solve such a problem as dry skin. A nourishing mask is being prepared, for which, in addition to goose fat, which you need to take 50 g, you will need 5 g of camphor oil. Mix all the ingredients until smooth and apply on the face. Leave the mask on for 20-25 minutes. After that, wipe off the remnants of the mask that have not been absorbed into the skin of the face with a napkin or paper towel, and wash with warm water. You can also use a mask with propolis for dry skin. Nourishing masks can be applied not only on the face, but also on the hands.

    There are masks that help get rid of acne or wrinkles. For their preparation, in addition to lard, lemon and egg yolk are used.

    It is useful to make masks for hair. To do this, just melt the lard and rub it into the skin. True, the tool is used to restore dry hair. On the greasy hair You can't make a mask like this. Keep the goose fat mask for about 35 minutes, then rinse with water.

    All masks, whether they are for hair, face or hands, should be stored in a dry, dark and cool place. Pregnancy is not a contraindication to the use of lard for cosmetic purposes.

    It is important

    Before using goose fat for bronchitis, skin and other diseases, you need to make sure that you have a high quality product. When preparing lard at home, there are no questions about the quality of the product. The purchased product must be inspected for inclusions that should not be there. You should also look at the color. It should be yellow and uniform. You can see in the photo how the lard should look like.

    Lard products can only harm if they are used incorrectly. So funds for external use can not be used inside and vice versa.

    Warm up the funds, if it is provided by the recipe, you need in a water bath. Otherwise, the mask or ointment will begin to “cook” rather than warm up. Under such conditions, the drug will lose its medicinal properties. An alternative to a water bath can be a microwave or oven.

    When preparing funds, you need to follow the recipes. The composition must match 100%, as well as the dosage of each component included in the preparation.

    Finally, we note that goose fat can be purchased at a pharmacy.


    If there are no health problems, then you should regularly eat lard (replacing oil with it, for example). At the same time, do not forget that, despite all the useful properties of lard, this is a product whose calorie content is 900 kcal per 100 g, so if you do not want to gain a couple of extra pounds, you should not abuse it either.

    Goose fat for burns is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent that helps restore the epidermis and avoid scars. The mixture also moisturizes the skin, saturates it useful substances. It promotes wound healing and pain relief.

    Melted goose lard is one of the the best means for skin lesions. They treat many diseases, are used in cosmetology and in everyday life for cooking. Related to recipes traditional medicine, you can buy it at a pharmacy at an affordable price.

    It contains a large amount of fatty acids, vitamins and other useful substances that the human body needs. The properties of goose fat help reduce pain, speed up the healing process of wounds.

    Getting injured is easy enough, but to restore the skin and prevent the occurrence of consequences, you need to see a doctor. Experienced specialist knows the methods of treating burns and ways to quickly heal wounds.

    Main properties:

    • accelerates the process of regeneration of epidermal cells;
    • moisturizes, nourishes the skin;
    • restores the metabolism in the affected tissues;
    • reduces pain;
    • gives elasticity;
    • promotes the disappearance of scars;
    • restores the affected area of ​​the dermis;
    • boosts the functioning of the immune system.

    Is it possible to smear a burn

    Many people wonder if goose fat helps with burns. Dermatologists claim that it is an anti-burn agent, which can be used in certain cases. It is necessary to smear the burnt place with such a medicine when mild degree skin damage. Thanks to its healing properties, injured skin heals faster. Injuries of the deep layers of the dermis should not be smeared.

    If blisters appear on the epidermis, after opening them, it is forbidden to use this remedy. Apply it only for 1st and 2nd degree burns. Open wounds should not be smeared with the mixture, as it creates a thick film on the surface that prevents the penetration of oxygen and the necessary microorganisms for the healing of the dermis. As a result of such actions, a purulent inflammation may begin in the victim.

    Application rules

    Burns are different: according to the degree of damage to the skin and the method of injury. Depending on these parameters and associated complications the doctor determines the methods of treatment. You can burn yourself with boiling water chemicals or poisonous plants such as hogweed.

    But experts do not recommend using lard for domestic geese. It contains pathogenic microorganisms that contribute to the development of infections and the occurrence of purulent inflammation.

    Rules for the use of goose fat:

    • The drug will help with the first or second degree. It is not, but it is quite effective at the stage of wound healing.
    • Help with skin injuries pharmaceutical preparation which has gone through several stages of processing.
    • Use on large areas of the face, open wounds is prohibited.
    • Before anointing the wound, wipe the skin with an antiseptic.
    • After spreading the product, the affected area should be covered with a sterile gauze bandage. You can change it 2 times a day.
    • It is necessary to use the drug with a break of 3 days.
    • Do not ignore the application of others medicines prescribed by the attending physician.
    • Follow the doctor's orders.
    • Apply lard after a full examination and consultation with a doctor.
    • Do not self-medicate.

    From burns, goose fat can be used at the healing stage. For this, doctors advise to treat the skin special ointment. For its preparation it is necessary:

    • 100 g of pharmacy lard;
    • 15 g sea buckthorn oil.

    Apply the resulting mixture to the affected area, then apply a sterile bandage. Such a procedure, according to the reviews of people who used the ointment, must be carried out within 3 days.

    The drug is being treated festering wounds. To do this, you need to prepare a special ointment:

    • 115 g of lard;
    • 20 g oak bark powder.

    After mixing the components, anoint the wound with the resulting mixture and apply a sterile gauze bandage or wrap it with a bandage. The procedure is carried out once or twice a day. Long-term use ointments are not recommended.

    Do not apply lard immediately after an injury. Similar actions lead to the formation of a film, creating favorable environment for microbial growth and infection.

    For the treatment of children, you can also use a similar medicine. The dermis is nourished with useful substances, moisturized, heals quickly. But doctors recommend its use in small doses to avoid allergic reactions and others negative consequences.

    Contraindications for use

    This medicine is natural product, which, after thorough cleaning, cannot cause significant harm to the body if used in small doses.

    Before using it, consult with your doctor. Like any other medicine, it has several contraindications.

    Contraindications for use are:

    • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • diabetes;
    • diseases of the pancreas;
    • liver problems;
    • associated complications of the injury.

    Lard was actively used by our mothers and grandmothers. But with the development of medicine, many have forgotten about the healing properties of this remedy. He is effective medicine at skin injuries, but you can use it with the permission of your doctor, which will avoid negative consequences in the future.

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