What you can eat for dinner when losing weight: products, dishes, recipes. Delicious, healthy pp-dinner: all the secrets and rules

Many people know the golden rule of diets - do not eat after six in the evening. Losing weight women, and especially girls, try not to deviate from him. But doctors are sure that when fasting for more than 10-12 hours, digestion and metabolism are disturbed, neuroses and insomnia occur. Going to bed on an empty stomach is just as harmful as going to bed full of high-calorie foods. Instead of dooming yourself to starvation, you need to properly compose a diet and have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

A healthy dinner is very important for proper nutrition. In the evening, you can not eat high-calorie foods, but you can eat only certain foods.

Healthy dinner for weight loss

The perfect dinner is just as important for the figure as the morning and afternoon meals. If heavy food was consumed during the evening meal, then there can be no talk of losing weight. Therefore, women are very concerned about the question: what can you eat for dinner with proper nutrition.

The main thing is that the dishes should be healthy, but low in calories. There are recommendations for what you can eat in the evening. They need to be followed.

    Pasta, dumplings, dumplings, mayonnaise, chocolate, potatoes should not be included in the diet.

  • Eat dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Serving size for women - 250 g, for men - 350.
  • Energy dinner should be one-fifth of the daily calorie intake.

Protein with vegetables or protein with greens are ideal dinner options. Animal proteins in proper nutrition include fish, seafood, lean meat, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese. A sample menu of what is better to eat for dinner is given below.

From drinks, green or herbal tea is well suited, as well as coffee with milk, cocoa.

  • Once or twice a week, animal proteins can be replaced with vegetable ones - these are dishes from beans, beans, lentils, peas, but the fruits must first be soaked to eliminate the gas-forming effect.
  • For dinner, you can eat proteins in the form of nuts, but the nuts should not be fried, but dried.
  • You can eat for dinner only vegetables (in any form, except fried) or cereals - buckwheat, oatmeal seasoned with any vegetable oil, mushrooms, dried fruits, berries and fruits - these are light meals for dinner.

Varied dinner options

Here are some examples of what to eat for dinner with proper nutrition.

  1. Beef cutlets, coleslaw with vegetable oil and lemon dressing, coffee with milk.
  2. Fish baked in sour cream and vegetables, green tea.
  3. Stewed chicken breast, scrambled eggs with herbs, cocoa.
  4. Turkey fillet, 2 tbsp. spoons of buckwheat without oil, tea with lemon.
  5. Baked potatoes, squid salad, eggs and cucumber, tea.
  6. Stewed beef, vegetables, black bread, cocoa.
  7. Rabbit salad, boiled beans, sweet peppers and fresh cucumbers, tea.
  8. Fish baked in the oven, boiled rice, coffee with milk.
  9. Omelet with stewed tomatoes, boiled chicken breast, herbal tea.
  10. Fish stuffed with carrots and onions, vegetable salad with cheese, coffee.
  11. Steam minced beef patties, a mix of stewed vegetables, green tea.
  12. Turkey (fillet), garnished with mushroom stew with carrots and onions, herbal tea.
  13. Beef stew with mushrooms, green salad, green tea.
  14. Shrimp and squid casserole with cheese, salad with cucumber and herbs, coffee with milk.

The above options are for those who decide to eat food containing animal protein in the evening.

What can you eat for the next dream?

Sometimes a situation may arise that a person can appear at home just before going to bed. But don't go to bed hungry! What to cook for dinner? In such cases, dishes from vegetables scrolled in a blender will help - smoothies. They will quickly digest, and your sleep will be easy. You can take vegetables that you like, but from those that are allowed for proper nutrition.

Cocktail options

  • Tomatoes and cucumbers - 100 g each, greens;
  • spinach or celery leaves 200 g, 1 unsweetened apple;
  • boiled broccoli 200 g, tomatoes 100 g, a little salt.

How to deal with the effects of overeating

If you find it difficult to overcome the habit of eating heavily for dinner, then you need to help your stomach fight your weaknesses.

For this purpose, cocktails from berries are suitable. It doesn't take long to prepare them. In summer it is better to use fresh berries - currants, strawberries, raspberries, in winter - frozen ones. The berries are twisted in a blender, freshly squeezed fruit juices or mineral water can be added to them.
A low-calorie cocktail based on low-fat kefir will also help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and get a good night's sleep. He is able to turn overeating into a healthy dinner. It includes the following ingredients: 300 g of low-fat kefir, 0.5 tbsp. tablespoons of ginger and cinnamon, a little ground black pepper. Mix all the ingredients and you can add any citrus juice to them if desired to give an interesting taste.

Eating the right food for dinner isn't everything: movement is necessary.

You can do some housework, enjoy walking with children in the fresh air, play with them at home if the weather is not conducive to walking. And then your dream will be easy, and the figure will please.

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« Give dinner to the enemy», « don't eat after 6», « you can have dinner only with a glass of kefir”- what kind of myths does not accompany the final meal. Today we will look at best dinner options for weight loss and touch on the basic principles of the formation of dinner.

The main principles of a healthy dinner

Before moving on to specific weight loss dinner options, let's first dwell on the basic principles of shaping healthy dinner. So, what is important to know about the last meal?

1. Dinner is necessary about 3 hours before bedtime. Not before, otherwise you will go to bed hungry. And not later, otherwise the food will not have time to digest.

2. In order not to overeat for dinner, be sure to have a full breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack.

3. Forget about the rule: do not eat after 18.00. Unless, of course, you go to bed at 21.00.

4. Also forget about the rule: "eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy." You need to have dinner, otherwise hungry evenings will definitely lead you to a food breakdown.

5. But you don’t need to overeat in the evening either. Avoid situations where you eat snacks during the day, and by the evening you decide to catch up on the whole day.

6. Generally dinner should be 20-25% in calories from the daily diet.

7. The ideal dinner for weight loss should include protein foods and foods rich in fiber. Protein is a tool for building our muscles and bones, and fiber is a product that is not processed into fat cells.

8. If you still could not restrain yourself and ate too much for dinner, do not go on a hunger strike the next day. Better organize yourself an additional cardio workout.

9. You you can limit yourself to evening kefir (for example, with bran), but only in volume if during the day you eat your calorie intake. Not a minimum wage of 1200 kcal, but the norm.

10. The most important rule for weight loss: eat less than your body can use for the whole day. Therefore, yes, counting the caloric content of the diet and keeping the balance of BJU is the main principle of nutrition during the day, regardless of the correct “dinners” and “breakfasts”. BUT! If you learn how to correctly plan your menu during the day, you will come to losing weight. guaranteed faster.

Dinner for weight loss: do's and don'ts

If you want to get in great shape as quickly as possible, then the choice of dinner should be approached very responsibly. There are certain forbidden foods, but there is also great alternatives.

  • baking, flour, confectionery;
  • potatoes, pasta, white rice;
  • fried foods;
  • sweet fruits (bananas, grapes, peaches, watermelon, melon, mango);
  • dried fruits and nuts (it is better to postpone them for the first half of the day);
  • products containing industrial sugar (sweet yoghurts and curds);

It is also better not to eat legumes and white cabbage for dinner because of possible digestive problems.

Dinner for weight loss: 7 best options

What then for dinner, you ask? In fact, there are many options, you can even combine some of the products below.

1. Lean fish or seafood

Fish and seafood is the perfect dinner option for weight loss. First, it is pure protein. Secondly, it is a source of useful vitamins and microelements. Thirdly, it is satisfying and tasty. Only you don’t need to fry them, it is better to boil, stew or bake. You can add a portion of fresh vegetables to fish and seafood.

2. Lean chicken or turkey

Chicken breasts are a classic weight loss dinner option. Again, avoid the oil-fried option, otherwise the dish will cease to be so unconditionally useful. If you want to diversify the meat menu, you can cook turkey fillet.

3. Curd

Another indispensable product for weight loss is cottage cheese. It contains a "long" protein casein, which is simply necessary for muscle recovery. Cottage cheese can be eaten with white natural yogurt. The only recommendation: try to avoid not only fatty dairy products, but also completely fat-free ones.

4. Vegetable salad with low-fat cheese

Vegetables are the main source of fiber, which helps to normalize digestion. Therefore, an evening vegetable salad will come in handy. You can add it with slices of low-fat cheese. When choosing cheese, choose one with more protein.

5. Stewed or boiled vegetables

If you are not a fan of raw vegetables, then stewed and boiled vegetables can be a great alternative. You can buy ready-made vegetable mixtures (just see if the composition is natural) or, for example, broccoli. You can also afford carrots and beets, though it’s better not to abuse them.

6. Boiled eggs

Dinner for weight loss can also consist of eggs, and it is better to boil them. The same vegetables can be added to the eggs, raw or cooked.

7. Dairy products with fruits

Well, still, we will not bypass kefir. For those who like to have a quick dinner, a fermented milk drink with an apple, other unsweetened fruit or berry will be an acceptable dinner option for weight loss. Of course, this is not a protein dish or fiber, but if you ate a balanced diet during the day, then such a dinner is the place to be.

If, after dinner, the hand still arbitrarily reaches for the refrigerator, then a simple way to discourage the body's appetite will be .. routine teeth cleaning. Always remember that improving nutrition means 80% solving the issue of losing weight.

- a real crime against health. So that you don’t want to eat before going to bed, it is important to have dinner correctly, but in no case should you go hungry.

Proper and tasty dinner: 7 popular products

  1. Do not transfer. The feeling of hunger is quenched 30 minutes after eating. Because of this, a person manages to eat much more than he needs. To avoid systematic overeating, you need to eat as slowly as possible. Chew food into a fine slurry before swallowing. In the process, it is recommended to reduce the standard portion by a quarter and use smaller diameter plates. This helps to deceive your own perception - a small full plate is perceived as a large portion.
  2. Don't eat a lot of salty foods. Excess salt increases thirst. You have to drink too much liquid, the kidneys can not cope with its excretion. Excess fluid contributes to the appearance of edema.
  3. Observe portion sizes. Dinner should provide 30% of your daily calorie intake. For women, the norm is 1200-1400 kcal per day, for men - 1600-1800. People engaged in physical labor, and can increase the rate to 2500 kcal.

In the first weeks of the transition to proper nutrition, it will not be possible to follow all the rules. There is nothing to worry about, the body needs time to adjust to a new regimen. A slight malaise is acceptable: nausea, mild pain in the stomach. Cleansing the body will help remove unpleasant symptoms.

It is necessary to arrange a fasting day, during which there are only green apples or cucumbers. Water and green tea can be drunk in unlimited quantities. Such a diet removes toxins from the body, gently cleanses the intestines and prevents constipation.

What can you eat for dinner

For evening meals, you should choose foods that do not overload the digestive system. A healthy dinner should start no later than 19:00. In the evening, metabolism slows down. If you eat dinner later than 20:00, the products will not have time to be digested. This provokes the accumulation of gases and bloating.

For dinner you can eat:

  1. Lean meat. It includes chicken breast, turkey fillet, veal and rabbit meat. In order for protein foods to be digested and absorbed faster, they must be consumed with foods containing acids. For example, with kefir or sweet and sour pomegranate sauce.
  2. Fish and seafood. Any lean fish is a light, nutritious dinner. Mussels, crab meat and other seafood will help diversify the diet.
  3. Vegetables. Fresh you need to eat juicy vegetables: sweet peppers, cabbage, cucumbers, radishes. Carrots, beets, eggplant and pumpkin should be baked. Potatoes for dinner are not desirable.
  4. Dairy. An alternative to the usual cottage cheese and kefir can be: low-sugar yogurts, fermented baked milk, milk.
  5. Eggs. You can eat eggs in any form: hard-boiled, soft-boiled, in the form of an omelette. Fried eggs will have to be discarded - when frying, it absorbs too much oil.
  6. Cereal porridge. A good dinner option is buckwheat or oatmeal. Rice is best left in the morning.
  7. Whole wheat bread. It is permissible to eat 1-2 slices of bread. It is desirable that it be slightly dried up. Freshly baked and, especially, warm bread cannot be eaten.

After dinner, you can not immediately go to bed, you need to wait 3-4 hours. At this time, it is useful to take a walk in the fresh air, 2 hours after eating - do yoga or do a light workout. Serious physical exertion should be avoided. If you want to eat before going to bed, you can use a small piece of low-fat cheese or a glass of kefir. You can't go to bed hungry.

Foods to avoid in the evening

A correctly compiled evening menu cannot include:

  1. Sweets. These include not only cookies and sweets, but also dried fruits. They are high in carbohydrates. Once in the body, they are quickly absorbed and deposited on the hips and waist with excess fat deposits.
  2. Animal fats. Sea fish and mature cheeses can be eaten until 16:00, fat-free analogues are suitable for dinner.
  3. Heavy food. Red meat, mushrooms, and legumes are foods that take a long time to digest and are hard to digest. They should be eaten for lunch.
  4. Flour. White bread, homemade cakes and pasta are sources of fast carbohydrates. They quickly satisfy hunger, but do not carry any benefit.

Refusal of any product only increases the desire to eat it, even if it was not a frequent guest on the menu before. This is a feature of the psyche that must be taken into account. To avoid breakdowns, you need to allow yourself small portions of "harmful things" 1-2 times a week.

The best diet dinner recipes for the week

The perfect evening meal: quick and delicious. Dinner options, while maintaining proper nutrition, are many, they are varied and do not require special culinary skills.

Vegetable salad with cabbage

For 4 servings of salad you will need:

  • 0.5 kg of Beijing cabbage;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 lemon.

Shred the cabbage, finely chop the carrots and onions. Mix, use lemon juice as a dressing.


For 2 servings of omelette you will need:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 st. l. flour without a slide;
  • 2 tbsp. l. milk;
  • a pinch of salt.

Beat milk with flour until smooth. Add eggs one at a time, mix. Add spices. Fry over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Decorate the finished omelet with herbs if desired.

chicken cutlets

For 6 servings of cutlets you will need:

  • 600 gr. chicken fillet;
  • 500 gr. cabbage;
  • 1 bulb.

Grind all the ingredients in a blender, mix, salt to taste. Form cutlets and bake in the oven until cooked.

Cabbage soup

For 4 servings of soup you will need:

  • 1 liter of broth or water;
  • 0.5 kg of cauliflower;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 3-5 stalks of celery;
  • 1 bulb.

Cut all vegetables into cubes, boil until tender. Smash the finished soup in a blender, pour back into the pan and bring to a boil.

Oatmeal with kefir and flaxseeds

For 2 servings of porridge you will need:

  • 300 gr. oatmeal;
  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • 400 ml of kefir.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of flax seeds

Pour the flakes into boiling water, cook until tender. Grind flaxseeds, pour into kefir.

Fish with vegetable salad

For 4 servings of fish you will need:

  • 600 gr. lean fish fillet;
  • 300 gr. Beijing cabbage;
  • 200 gr. lettuce leaves;
  • greens.

Cut the fish into steaks, bake in the oven. For salad, chop cabbage, chop lettuce and greens. Drizzle with olive oil, put on plates. Put the fish steak on top of the salad.


For 6 servings of cheesecake you will need:

  • 600 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 80 gr. semolina;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 pinch of soda.

Mix cottage cheese with semolina and soda, beat in an egg, mix until smooth. Pour into a mold and keep in a warm place for 15 minutes. Bake until golden brown.

Preparing a delicious dinner from the available products is not difficult at all. On average, it takes 15-20 minutes to prepare dinner for the whole family. Eating healthy meals together after a long day at work is the key to good health and warm relationships.

Proper nutrition involves not so much losing weight as maintaining a normal weight and a healthy lifestyle. Knowing what you can and cannot eat with such a diet, as well as what foods to give preference to in the evening, is very important. In order for the daily menu to be not only useful, but also varied, there are various dinner options with proper nutrition.

Basic Rules

According to numerous studies in the field of nutrition, the evening meal is important for the normal functioning of the body. Refusal of dinner leads to:

  • irritability;
  • increased fatigue;
  • stress
  • insomnia;
  • overeating during the day.

To eat really right, it is important not only to give preference to certain healthy foods, but also to follow simple rules:

  1. You shouldn't starve. The last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime, so that the food has time to digest, and the feeling of hunger does not bother when falling asleep.
  2. Portion size. In the evening, you should not overeat, 150-200 grams of food is enough.
  3. Calorie content. The total calorie content of meals eaten for dinner should not exceed 500 kcal, in compliance with the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (KBZhU).
  4. Compound. The diet contains protein (responsible for the formation of muscle mass), complex carbohydrates (provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety), fiber (promotes proper digestion).
  5. Cooking method. Proper nutrition implies that foods (fruits, vegetables, herbs) are eaten raw or prepared in one of the following ways: steamed, boiled, baked, stewed, grilled.
  6. Refusal of fruits. Fruits and berries should not be eaten in the evening, or strictly limit their amount (if the goal of losing weight is not worth it), as they increase appetite.
  7. Sport. It is important to combine proper nutrition with adequate physical activity (aerobics, fitness, yoga, strength sports) so that energy expenditure is equivalent to that obtained from food. You can have dinner an hour after training.
  8. Snack. If the feeling of hunger comes just before going to bed, you can eliminate it by drinking a glass of kefir.
  9. Water. The principles of proper nutrition should be observed simultaneously with the control of water balance, it is required to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day (depending on weight).
  10. Dishes. At night, you should not cook complex dishes from a large number of ingredients, as such food is digested more slowly.

Important! The calorie content of meals is not the only thing to consider when adhering to proper nutrition, because it is not the quantity, but the quality of the calories consumed that matters more. A dinner of proteins and slow carbohydrates is absolutely not equivalent in terms of benefits to an evening cake or sweets, despite the identical number of calories.

Prohibited Products

When switching to proper nutrition, it is important to understand which foods will have to be categorically abandoned.

Harmful products that negatively affect the figure are:

  1. Any confectionery and bakery products.
  2. Pasta (except durum wheat vermicelli in limited quantities).
  3. Potato.
  4. White rice (brown and wild can and should be).
  5. Nuts.
  6. Dried fruits.
  7. Cottage cheese and yogurt containing sugar (industrial production).
  8. Sweet fruits (peach, grapes, melon, banana).
  9. Legumes and cabbage (stimulate the processes of gas formation and are not recommended for use in the evening).
  10. Fast food and semi-finished products.

Worth knowing! Instead of fruits for dinner, you can eat a small amount of berries, preferably sour ones. Fructose, found in most fruits, including apples, attracts water molecules and when consumed in the evening leads to morning puffiness.

In the case when proper nutrition is used as a temporary diet for weight loss and is not a permanent lifestyle, the restrictions on foods allowed for dinner will be stricter:

  1. Cottage cheese. In the process of losing weight, you should not eat cottage cheese for snakes, as it affects the level of insulin in the blood and blocks the production of somatropin, which is responsible for weight loss.
  2. Cereals. Any cereal is a pure carbohydrate, gradually turning into energy, in which there is no need before bedtime, so cereals for dinner, including those cooked on water, should be discarded.
  3. Pickles. Pickled cucumbers and other pickles should not be eaten for dinner, as the high salt content retains water in the body and slows down the metabolic process, and hence weight loss.

Worth knowing! In addition to general restrictions, it is also worth considering personal tastes and preferences when choosing the right products.

Approved Products

In the process of preparing dinner, it is worth dwelling on healthy foods and dishes that help calm the nervous system and calmly go to sleep.

Suitable meals for an evening meal of proper nutrition are:

  • boiled lean meat (rabbit, turkey, chicken, beef are suitable);
  • eggs;
  • kefir, curdled milk, white yogurt, cottage cheese;
  • lean fish (cod, flounder, tuna, trout, pink salmon, perch);
  • seafood (shrimp, squid, scallops, mussels);
  • fresh vegetables;
  • berries and unsweetened fruits;
  • greens;
  • cereals;
  • vegetable oils;
  • warm milk (only separately from any other products).

Worth knowing! In the absence of contraindications, dinner, built on the rules of proper nutrition, can be seasoned with spices and spices. Beneficial effect on metabolic processes and stimulate weight loss: ginger, garlic, mustard, horseradish, cardamom.

In the evening, it is preferable to consume a large amount of proteins, as they are responsible for the renewal of old cells and the creation of new ones without turning into fat. Protein foods are digested for a long time, providing a long-lasting feeling of satiety and allowing you to reduce the calorie content of dinner.

Red meat is digested for a very long time due to the high content of connective tissue, so it is recommended to eat quickly digestible animal products for dinner: eggs, white meat, fish and seafood.

Complex carbohydrates, fiber and vegetables (except potatoes) can be a side dish and addition to protein meals and should be consumed daily. Vegetables can be either raw (salad) or cooked (grilled, stew). It is permissible to season vegetable dishes with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Worth knowing! You can have a quick dinner with a mixture of low-fat cottage cheese and natural yogurt, with a small amount of seasonal berries.

Dinner time

The time of the last meal is not limited to 18 pm and directly depends on the period of going to bed. You should not eat after six if you plan to go to bed at 9-10 pm, however, if the activity continues until midnight, you will certainly feel hungry.

Eating up in the evening for future use, as well as going to bed hungry, are the wrong options. If you go to bed late, you can have dinner at 8 pm, and drink a glass of kefir at night.

Important! Lack of food is just as harmful as its excess.

With proper nutrition, not only the foods consumed are important, but also the regularity of meals, because if the body does not receive the necessary energy from foods on time, it begins to build up reserves of adipose tissue. Eating before bed leads to weight gain inevitably, since energy is not consumed at night.

The evening menu directly depends on the energy spent during the day:

  1. With the predominance of mental activity over physical activity during the day. It is recommended to have dinner with protein dishes and fiber.
  2. With high physical activity and high energy expenditure, evening meals should contain both proteins and carbohydrates.

Important! A balanced diet is that the main source of energy (carbohydrates) should be consumed in the morning. Therefore, the most plentiful and high-calorie breakfast should be, not dinner.

Calorie calculation

Keeping a food diary is essential to keep track of your calorie intake. Today, there are many PC programs and applications for smartphones that help to carry out the necessary calculations in a simple and accessible form.

The calorie content of dishes is calculated based on the proportions of the main ingredients, and allows you to correctly calculate the portion and choose the right products.

The total calorie content of meals consumed during the day is determined taking into account:

  1. Height and body weight.
  2. Daily physical activity.
  3. Primary goals (weight maintenance, weight loss or mass gain).

Important! The correct KBZhU (balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet) is: 50 percent carbohydrates, 30% protein, 20% fat.

Serving size and calorie content for men and women will differ, while it is important to fill up on cooked food, but do not overeat, it is better to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

A proper dinner should contain approximately 70 grams of protein food and 180 grams of vegetables. If it is very difficult to give up sweets, you can try to cook

The total calorie content of dinner should not exceed 250-350 kcal. Light proteins (fatty sauce, ketchup, butter) should be discarded. After eating, it is worth moving a little: go for a walk, play with children, do light housework.

Meal options

In order not to feel food restrictions and make proper nutrition a way of life, you should eat a variety of foods and dishes:

Options for a variety of dinners for the week are presented in the table:

Option 1Vegetable soup;
whole grain bread (1 piece);
baked apple;
tea with melissa
pumpkin cutlet;
wild pear compote
vegetable stew;
a handful of nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts)
herbal tea
onion soup;
2-3 potato pancakes;
cereal bar;
lime tea
Zucchini casserole;
buckwheat bread;
berry juice
Quinoa porridge (with honey);
tofu cheese;
chamomile tea
Vegetable pilaf;
fruit and berry salad (tangerine, strawberry, raspberry);
homemade sugar free lemonade
Option 2Broccoli baked with cheese;
boiled egg;
tea with mint
Cottage cheese casserole;
unsweetened apple;
vegetable juice
Fish cutlets;
steamed cauliflower;
boiled turkey;
stewed carrots;
fruit drink
boiled salmon;
brown rice;
unsweetened fruit drink
Cottage cheese (up to 6% fat, 150 g);
unsweetened fruits;
Steamed omelet with green beans;
unsweetened fruit

Important! Depending on current goals and personal preferences, dinner products can be changed to those similar in composition and calorie content.

Proper nutrition is not a diet, and it is worth adhering to its principles on an ongoing basis in order to maintain ideal weight, maintain beauty and youth, get rid of insomnia and stress. The greatest effectiveness of PP is manifested when it is combined with physical activity and the rejection of bad habits.

Proper nutrition has a huge impact on both human health and its appearance - figure, hair, skin, well-being. One of the principles of rational nutrition says about the mode of eating, that is, eating at the same time. It is desirable that the time between and lunch is 5-6 hours. It would be good to observe the same time interval between lunch and dinner. If you put one light snack between these main meals, then here is a ready-made formula for a proper diet.

Unfortunately, many of those who watch their figure ignore dinner as such, believing that in the morning when weighing such hated grams or even kilograms will disappear. However, in most cases, they expect a completely opposite effect - on the contrary, the weight increases, moreover, there may still be problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

So to be or not to be dinner?

Of course, be! You should not refuse dinner, so as not to experience “hunger pangs” in the evening, which can affect the emotional level and lead to irritability, because thoughts will still be about food. And also do not forget about the body's need for energy in the evening, but where can you get it if dinner is banned?

Rules for a healthy and light dinner

There are a few simple rules for dinner, following which, you can benefit both health and figure without much effort.

  • Dinner time

The choice of dinner time is individual for everyone and directly depends on the pace, lifestyle and work schedule. And it's okay if your dinner does not fall at 6 pm, as is commonly believed to be correct. Nutrition experts recommend eating 3 hours before bedtime. The fact is that during this period of time the food received is able to have time to be digested, and the body, like you, will rest at night.

  • The volume of the evening meal

Ideally, dinner should be light, containing a maximum of 450-500 calories and not exceeding 200 grams. But in everyday life, few people write down calories in a notebook and weigh food before eating. There should be so much food on the plate that, after eating, you will feel a slight malnutrition. It's time to finish dinner. The feeling of satiety will not take long! It should be remembered that it is overeating that leads to extra centimeters.

  • Useful and harmful products of the right dinner

The evening diet should contain only healthy and light ingredients of dishes so that the body has time to cope with them. Next, we will deal with what foods to eat for dinner to lose weight, and which ones are banned, especially for a late dinner.

What foods can you eat for dinner

For dinner, you should choose products that can calm the nervous system, which is important after a working day, as well as promote a healthy and sound sleep. These can be attributed bananas, avocado, chicken breast. It should be noted that the latter is a purely dietary product and contains almost no fat.

Also included in the evening menu dairy products which are a source of calcium.

Vegetables and fruits should occupy an honorable and leading place during dinner. For example, the artichoke, which due to the high content of enzymes. But it is advisable to exclude white cabbage from the evening menu, as it can cause gaseous processes in the intestines. The same goes for all legumes.

Also good for dinner the right fats. To do this, salads need to be seasoned with vegetable oils such as olive, sesame. They are able to regulate the level of leptin, a hormone responsible for metabolism in the body.

Do not forget about seafood which are very well absorbed. Pamper yourself with fish, shrimp, crabs.

About the features of preparing a healthy dinner

An important condition for obtaining a healthy and at the same time light dinner is cooking either for a couple, or by boiling or stewing. When frying, dishes become high-calorie, and for dinner, extra calories are not needed at all.

A steamer can serve as an excellent find, which will help you cook tasty, healthy, dietary food and, at the same time, save precious time after a hard day's work.

Simple recipes for the right dinner

If you do not know what would be so easy to cook for dinner and please yourself, loved ones, as well as your family, we can offer you several options for the evening menu. This will be an exceptionally correct dinner for your figure.

Diet tomato soup

This very easy to prepare first course will provide the body with minerals and dull the feeling of hunger. In addition, it has a diuretic and mild laxative effect, which means it will free the body from toxins and toxins. The only drawback can be considered a contraindication for use by people with gastritis with high acidity and stomach ulcers.

So, to prepare the soup, you need to grind tomatoes without skins, carrots, green onions and basil in a blender, salt to taste. It turns out quickly, tasty, healthy!

Vegetable Rhapsody

For this dish, you should chop the zucchini, tomatoes, garlic, basil and parsley, then put it in a baking dish and bake it all in the oven. Incredible aroma and light taste!

Light salad for dinner

If you have a boiled piece of chicken breast, then you can prepare a delicious and healthy salad for dinner in a matter of minutes. To do this, cut the meat into slices, add pickled red onion, orange slices and season with a few drops of olive oil.

Light evening cake

For a sweet tooth, you can offer a cake made from low-fat yogurt, a small amount of honey, fruit and gelatin.

What else to cook for a light dinner

Meal options can be:

  • serving lean fish steamed with any vegetable salad or steamed rice;

  • boiled rice with shrimp and vegetables;

  • boiled rabbit meat with tomato salad;

  • omelette with low-fat cheese;

  • steamed fish meatballs with a vegetable side dish;

  • pumpkin soup.

Vegetables for garnish can be both fresh and baked, but it is better to give preference to the latter for dinner.

Also, a mixture of a glass of milk, egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey, and with the addition of cinnamon for taste, drunk for a late dinner, will also support a good shape.

What not to eat for dinner

There are also very harmful, metabolic-disrupting foods that should not be included in the dinner menu, and try not to use them during the day either. These include sweets, rich pastries and such carbohydrates with chemical additives, preservatives and flavor enhancers as chips, crackers, snacks, fast food.

In conclusion, I would like to say that dinner should always be tasty, light and healthy - the final chord of the outgoing day. Cook with pleasure and benefit for your figure! We hope that we were able to answer your questions about what should be the right dinner.

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