The ear hurts in a three-year-old child than to treat. The child has a severe earache: how to help him at home

The feeling when there is pain in the ear is quite unpleasant. What to do if the pain in the ears worries the child? What treatment is important in this case?

As a rule, piercing pain in the ear in children manifests itself in the evening or at night, when it is no longer possible to call a doctor at home. What can you do to help your child overcome discomfort? What first aid should be given to the baby in order to reduce pain in the ear and at the same time not to achieve complications?

The reasons

When a child has an earache, he becomes moody and whiny. If children at 3 or 4 years old can roughly describe the nature of the pain, then babies and children under the age of 1 year - 2 years old only cry, so it is quite difficult for adults to identify which part of the hearing aid is bothering them.

There are several main reasons for the condition, from which the child's ear hurts.

  • Ears in children often hurt due to the ingress of any foreign body into the hearing aid.
  • Ear pain is caused by trauma.
  • If water gets into the ears of children during bathing, then such a condition can cause aching pain.
  • Often the ears begin to hurt during the activation of colds.
  • In a baby at 3 or 4 years old, ear pain manifests itself during the infectious process of the hearing aid.

In addition to these reasons, a provocateur of ear pain is a serious inflammatory disease - otitis media. The disease is activated in various forms - external, internal,. Otitis is divided into catarrhal, purulent and exudative.

The exact reasons why ear pain appears can only be indicated by a qualified doctor after a complete examination of a small patient.


The condition when a child has an earache is often manifested by the following symptoms:

  • piercing, aching or sharp pain in the ear;
  • tearing;
  • discharge from the ear of liquid contents. With purulent otitis media, pus is released from the ear, in any other cases, a clear liquid with a characteristic odor is released;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • violation of coordination of movement;
  • increase in body temperature.

A child at the age of 3 is able to independently determine the source of pain, but in a newborn baby, the nature of behavior during the painful process will change dramatically. It is important for parents to provide their child with first aid in a timely manner, and then urgently show him to the doctor..

When should you see a doctor?

An otolaryngologist deals with the treatment of ENT organs. As soon as the baby begins to indicate ear pain, parents should urgently take him to the appropriate specialist. If the pain in the ears manifests itself closer to the night, when most of the children's clinics are closed, then the reason for calling the emergency medical team may be:

  • continuous crying of the child;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • discharge of purulent contents from the ear;
  • the appearance of vomiting;
  • deterioration in the general condition of the baby.


Only a doctor is able to determine the cause of the appearance of pain in the ear and prescribe the appropriate treatment after conducting medical research. At the initial stage, an initial examination of a small patient is carried out. Then the baby is assigned to take general tests: urine, blood. Be sure to analyze the secreted fluid from the diseased ear.

After receiving the results of the study, the doctor approves the diagnosis of the disease and prescribes the appropriate treatment in this case.

First aid

Timely first aid to a sick child will help to significantly reduce the pain threshold and avoid the occurrence of complications of the disease process.

What should parents do? What is the first aid for ear pain in children?

  • Give the child an anesthetic, as well as an antipyretic (Panadol).
  • To reduce swelling in the inflamed ear, it is recommended to drip a couple of drops of vasoconstrictor agents into the ears to treat the common cold in young children. Instillation with other drugs is allowed only after being prescribed by a doctor.
  • If first aid is provided to an allergic child, then it is necessary to give the baby an antihistamine.
  • If there is discharge of pus from the ear, carefully remove the secreted liquid with a cotton swab.
  • In case of acute pain and other aggravating symptoms, immediately call an emergency medical team.

Traditional treatment

First aid provided at home is necessary to reduce the sharp pain in the child's ears. The main treatment of the painful process is prescribed by the doctor after examining the baby and establishing the correct diagnosis.

What medical procedures are usually done for ear pain?

  • In the presence of a viral infection, the baby is prescribed instillation of vasoconstrictor drops into the ears.
  • To eliminate a bacterial infection, a course of antibiotics is required.
  • It is indicated to treat ear pain with antiviral, antimicrobial and analgesic drugs.
  • When the accumulated pus in the ear cannot naturally come out due to swelling of the eardrum, it is necessary to make a puncture. The procedure will help free the ear from pus and save the child from excruciating pain.

Folk remedies


  • Pain in the ears in children at the age of 3 is well treated with onions. Bake 1 onion in the oven, squeeze out the juice, which is used to dig a sore ear. Do instillation of 2 drops in the ear every 4 hours.
  • Pain can be treated with almond oil - 1 drop of oil is instilled into each ear canal, instilled 2 times a day.
  • Mix infusion of propolis and olive oil (proportions 2:1). Soak a cotton ball in the resulting mixture and insert it all into the ear for 30 minutes. Make a compress 3 times a day.

Treatment with drugs from folk healers can be carried out only after consulting a doctor.

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A child of preschool age often has problems with his ears, and if in the first two years of his life he is unable to explain to his parents that he is in pain, then when he is three years old, he is able to tell about it. This age is characterized by the fact that in the treatment it is already possible to use drugs that have age limits of up to two and a half years, so it is much easier to cope with the disease that struck the child's ear.

A child's ear can hurt for a variety of reasons. Basically, pain is caused by inflammatory processes, injuries and other lesions of the hearing organ. Also, pain can be given to the ear for any diseases of the nasopharynx, oral cavity, blood vessels that are near the ear.

To determine if the problem is really in the ears, you can press on the tragus, which is a small cartilaginous protrusion at the front of the pinna. With an ear disease, the baby will definitely complain of pain, if he does not even twitch, the problem must be sought in another reason.

In order not to cause pain in a child, you should immediately call a doctor. Since very often exacerbations occur at night, you should not wait until the morning, you need to immediately call an ambulance. If the illness caught in nature, in the country, and there is no hope that an ambulance will arrive in the near future, the first thing to do is stop rest and go to a clinic or hospital. Trying to cope with the disease on your own is undesirable, since you can cause irreparable damage to the health of the crumbs.

The fact is that the ear can hurt for many reasons, and some conventional folk methods of treatment for pain in the ears are contraindicated. For example, in no case should a warming compress be applied with purulent otitis media, and also if ear pain is accompanied by temperature, since heat contributes to the development of purulent processes. All doctors recommend to do at first is to give painkillers to children and try to distract the baby from the pain.

outer ear

You should not do anything yourself if, as a result of the examination, it was found that the child had put a foreign object in the ear. With inept actions, it will be possible to injure the auditory canal even more, or push the object deeper, damaging the eardrum. Also, do not remove the object if it is obvious that blood is coming from the ear, and it is likely that the membrane is torn. In this situation, you need to call an ambulance, or if you have a car, immediately take the baby to the hospital.

The cause of the pain in the crumbs may be sulfur plug, but it has specific manifestations, and may not be immediately detected. In the first time after it is formed, the baby's ear begins to hear worse, which he naturally cannot report. Then, when the sulfur hardens, it begins to scratch the skin of the auditory canal, which will make itself felt by shooting in the ears.

Therefore, you need to pay attention if the child periodically shudders and touches the ear. This may signal the presence of a plug, the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis. As in the case of a foreign object, it is not recommended to remove it yourself, especially putting ear sticks into the ear canal. It will not work to get rid of the cork in this way, but the ear can be injured.

The cause of pain in the ear of a three-year-old baby may be water that has got into the ear. Therefore, after each bath, you must carefully wipe your ears. If the water does not leave the auditory canal, you need to ask the baby to jump on the leg from which the ear hurts, tilting his head so that the ear looks down.

You can rid your ear of water if you tell your baby to take a deep breath, close his nostrils, and ask him to exhale. Under the influence of the resulting internal pressure, the water must leave the ear. Also, if you suspect the presence of water in the ear, you can make a turunda from cotton wool, then place it in the auditory canal, remove it after fifteen seconds. During this time, the cotton wool will be saturated with water, and the ear will be rid of the liquid.

A child’s ear can hurt as a result of a boil (in the people of a boil), which occurs as a result of inflammation of the hair follicle, sebaceous gland and surrounding connective tissue. It occurs due to the entry of putrefactive bacteria into the microwound. The treatment of a boil largely depends on the stage of the purulent process, in some cases, in order to save the baby from pain, the boil is opened surgically. It should be borne in mind that it is absolutely impossible to squeeze out the boil.

If a child at the age of three has an earache, itches, the skin peels off due to a fungus, depending on the type of pathogen, the doctor will select the appropriate medicine. The sooner the treatment of the fungus is started, the more likely it is to quickly cure the disease.

Middle ear

Another reason why a child has an earache is inflammation of the middle ear. Usually it is a complication after influenza, tonsillitis, sinusitis and other acute respiratory diseases. Therefore, these diseases cannot be started, and at the first symptoms of the disease, treat it.

The fact is that the middle part of the ear is connected to the nasopharynx with the help of the Eustachian (auditory) tube, and is separated from the outer ear by the tympanic membrane. The auditory tube carries air into the middle ear to balance the pressure on either side of the tympanic membrane. Otherwise, under the pressure of air that entered the ear from the side, the membrane will bend, which will negatively affect the work of the hearing organ.

In a child who has not reached the age of three, this tube is wider and shorter than in adults, so the microbes that provoked inflammation in the nasopharynx are much easier to penetrate into the Eustachian tube. This leads to its swelling and a decrease in the amount of air entering the tympanic cavity. After some time, inflammatory processes begin in the Eustachian tube and middle ear, known as otitis media.

Inflammation of the middle part of the ear is accompanied not only by pain in the ear, but also by high fever, chills, vomiting, and frequent stools. In an advanced case, pus breaks through the eardrum, comes out, after which the disease subsides, but often goes into a chronic stage. Although the eardrum usually heals on its own, due to the presence of a scar, hearing acuity will decrease slightly.

To stop otitis in the bud, parents should always have ear drops and nasal vasoconstrictors on hand. Nasal preparations are needed to reduce the swelling of the Eustachian tube so that the pus can drain out.

Many medicines that cannot be used before the child is two and a half years old are already legal at the age of three. When buying ear drops, you need to pay attention to whether they can bury the baby's ear when the eardrum ruptures: in this case, if there is an acute form of otitis media, you can use the remedy without fear of harm. For the same reason, drops containing alcohol are undesirable.

It is also necessary to pay attention when buying drops for the treatment of the initial stage of otitis media so that they do not contain antibiotics. The fact is that antibiotics do not cope with diseases that provoked viruses (for example, influenza), and in this case they can do harm. On which drug it is better to stop attention, it is better to consult a doctor.

inner ear

The ear can hurt due to inflammation of the inner part of the hearing organ. Inflammatory processes in it can be caused by various reasons, including if the pus did not go out, but broke through the membranes that separate the inner ear from the middle one.

Labyrinthitis is dangerous because the cells of the inner ear do not regenerate, so if the inflammation destroys them, it will affect hearing, causing hearing loss or deafness. Also in the inner ear is the vestibular apparatus. If inflammatory processes get to him, his work will be disrupted. This will make itself felt by nausea, dizziness, impaired coordination.

Inflammation of the middle ear can often occur without fever, although the behavior of the child can be seen that he is worried about the ear. If he can speak, he can also communicate it in words.

In this case, you should not hesitate to contact a doctor: at the initial stage, it is possible to stop the disease and almost completely restore hearing. In the second stage, hearing loss is usually irreversible; in the third stage, the child is given a disability.

Treatment Methods

Before the doctor makes a diagnosis, no traditional methods in treatment can be done. One of the cheapest and most well-known antiseptics in the treatment of otitis media is a 3% solution of boric acid. Children are contraindicated due to severe toxicity, with an overdose there is a risk of burns.

The compress can be used as an aid and only after consultation with the doctor. It is worth remembering that warming bandages are contraindicated not only for otitis media, but also for labyrinthitis, boils and any skin lesions of the inner ear.

At the initial stage of otitis, warming bandages can be made, which are only a few degrees above body temperature. They stimulate blood circulation in the diseased ear and reduce pain due to warmth. The temperature of hot compresses is about fifty degrees, they are used for migraines, spasms that give pain to the ears.

To make a warm compress, you need to take:

  • gauze;
  • medical alcohol;
  • parchment paper or cellophane;
  • cotton wool;
  • bandage, handkerchief or bandage.

Roll up the gauze in several layers and soak in a slightly heated solution of water with vodka in proportions one to one (do not heat too much so that the alcohol does not evaporate). Instead of alcohol, you can use another remedy, not forgetting to coordinate with your doctor.

Before applying a compress, lubricate the delicate skin of the baby with baby cream, then squeeze the gauze and apply it in such a way that the ear canal remains open. After that, cut out a circle from parchment paper or polyethylene and put it on the fabric so that the paper completely covers the gauze. Then apply a thick piece of cotton wool, secure with a bandage and hold for about an hour.

If it is not possible to make a compress, you can simply insulate the ear with cotton, securing it with a warm scarf or scarf. Also, this should be done in anticipation of the arrival of a doctor, if the baby has an earache, there is no temperature, there is a strong confidence in the absence of a purulent form of otitis media.

The situation when a child has an earache, and the parents do not know how to help him, is quite common. Firstly, due to the anatomical features of the auditory tube, preschool children are more likely than others to be prone to all kinds of inflammation - otitis, manifested by pain in the child's ear, and secondly, as a rule, the baby's condition worsens in the evening, and you can show it to a specialist only on the next day.

But the most basic problem is that only an otolaryngologist can diagnose otitis media and prescribe the appropriate treatment, and the doctor on duty or doctors from the ambulance have the right only to give the child pain medication to alleviate his condition before the appointment of treatment specialist.

Why does this happen and what to do when a child has an earache, how to help your baby without harming him at the same time? Let's take a closer look.

How to understand that a child has an earache

In order to help your child, you must first determine the source of pain, and then eliminate its cause. If a child has an earache, the situation is much more complicated by the fact that in very tiny children it is not always possible to find out the cause of crying and parents are at a loss. Of course, if a child has an earache at the age of 4, he is able to tell about it and show where it hurts, but there are several methods for diagnosing silly children:

  • The bacterium that provokes otitis in a child is Haemophilus influenzae, most often when infected with it, babies are also diagnosed with bacterial conjunctivitis, which manifests itself in the form of purulent discharge from the inner corners of the eyes. If the day before the baby’s eyes were sour, and by the evening he began to act up, then a possible reason for this behavior is that the child’s ears hurt due to the manifestation of purulent otitis media caused by the vital activity of the same bacterium.
  • Any fluid flowing from the outer cavity of the ear is a 100% guarantee that it is the ear that hurts the baby, since such discharge indicates the presence of acute purulent otitis media with perforation of the eardrum.
  • With viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the risk of inflammation of the auditory tube increases, especially if the baby has an enlarged adenoid or runny nose.
  • Often, with otitis, the vestibular apparatus located next to the auditory nerve also suffers, so any movement coordination disorders accompanied by dizziness, vomiting is another sign that the child has otitis media.
  • There is also a way to check if a child’s ear hurts, for this you need to lightly press on a small protruding cartilage (tragus) from the side where the external entrance is located in the auricle. In the presence of an inflammatory process in the middle ear, when the tragus is pressed, the child feels a short-term acute pain. In the event that the baby does not react in any way to pressing, most likely the reason that worries him lies elsewhere.

Reasons why ears hurt

As mentioned earlier, if a child has earaches, this is a sure sign of otitis media. The diagnosis of otitis has several interpretations depending on the site of inflammation:

  • Otitis externa
  • Otitis media
  • Internal otitis.

And they are also distinguished by the nature of its manifestations:

  • Catarrhal - without discharge of pus.
  • Exudative - with the accumulation of fluid in the middle ear, it happens with allergies, rhinitis.
  • Purulent - the formation of pus in the cavity of the middle ear and its outflow during perforation of the eardrum.

In addition, otitis media can be acute - occurring suddenly and accompanied by pain in the ear, and chronic - an advanced form, or it occurs with concomitant factors such as diabetes, allergies, adenoids.

Only an otolaryngologist can give the correct answer to the question of why a child has an earache after a detailed examination. But as practice shows, the cause of acute pain in most cases is acute suppurative otitis media. In this case, the accumulated pus can create internal pressure on the eardrum, which creates a situation in which the child's ear hurts and the temperature rises. When the membrane is perforated (most often this happens spontaneously and only in rare cases a puncture is required), the pus comes out and the pressure on the membrane weakens, and with it the pain subsides. It is at this moment that all the symptoms of otitis media can disappear, except for the manifestation of purulent discharge from the ear, so parents should be extremely attentive to children complaining of acute pain in the evening, and in the morning, as if nothing had happened, continuing to enjoy life. Ear pain always indicates the onset of an inflammatory process, so even if the baby feels better, do not postpone going to the clinic for later, otherwise there may be complications in the form of otitis media becoming chronic, meningitis and partial or complete hearing loss.

Another no less urgent problem in which the child’s ear hurts is small objects thrust into the outer cavity of the auricle, what should I do if a foreign object is really found during a visual examination? In no case should you try to pull it out on your own by picking it up with a thin hairpin, so you can not only injure the baby, but also pierce a fairly thin eardrum, so the only right decision would be to call an ambulance.

By the way, the same foreign objects thrust into the nasal cavity also impede the outflow of mucus and air circulation through the nasal canals, which leads to otitis after a short time. Therefore, when diagnosing, one should not lose sight of such an important detail as the patency of the nasal canals.

The child has an earache first aid

It is natural for a loving parent to help the child, to do something, to give medicine when the child has an earache, but any rash actions during self-treatment can turn into serious consequences for the child. Therefore, if a child has an earache, one should not joke, since otitis media is a complex disease, has various forms, and, accordingly, its treatment is radically different. Furthermore without an examination by an otolaryngologist and a clear diagnosis, even a pediatrician does not have the right to prescribe treatment.

What is it connected with? Methods of treatment of otitis media may include the application of various warming compresses (with purulent otitis media is contraindicated), drops that are instilled into the ears (perforation of the eardrum is a contraindication). Without a diagnosis of otitis media, any treatment, especially folk remedies, can be harmful.

But it’s also impossible to leave the baby without assistance, especially if the ears hurt closer to the night, and it’s unlikely that anyone will do this.

If the baby has an earache, what to do at home before being examined by a doctor:

  1. Give the child an anesthetic and antipyretic in a dosage appropriate for his age and body weight. Preference should be given to preparations based on ibuprofen (Nurofen, Bofen) or paracetamol in the form of syrup (Panadol, Efferalgan) if there are Vibrukol candles in the house, it can also be used to relieve pain.
  2. The internal pressure in the auditory tube, which causes pain, is caused by swelling of the mucosa or mucus getting into the middle ear during a runny nose, in order to reduce pressure and possibly promote the outflow of mucus into the nasal section, it is necessary to drip vasoconstrictor drugs into the nose intended for treatment.
  3. If the baby is allergic, it is required to give him an antihistamine, which will also relieve the swelling provoked by an allergic reaction.
  4. Examine for purulent discharge from the external ear cavity, and if there are any, gently wipe them with a cotton swab.
  5. In case of acute pain or lack of necessary medicines in the house, call an ambulance.
  6. At the first opportunity, show the child to an otolaryngologist, who will prescribe further treatment.

What not to do if your child has earaches

There are many effective, and just as many absolutely meaningless traditional medicine recipes that you will certainly be advised if your child has an earache.

It is dangerous to use folk methods in the treatment of otitis media before the doctor recommends anything.

The same applies to consultations with acquaintances whose children have recently suffered from otitis media - medications and physical therapy prescribed for other children can harm your child, since otitis media has a different form and manifestation.

Any drops and a warm compress on the child's ear are prohibited, since such therapy for purulent open otitis media will harm the child's health. The only thing that can be done before the appointment of a doctor is to examine the baby, give painkillers and drip vasoconstrictor drugs into the nose. This completes parental care.

What can a doctor prescribe

If a child has an earache, then only a doctor can prescribe treatment after an examination. The choice of treatment method depends on what kind of otitis is diagnosed in a child and on the cause of its occurrence.

So if a child has a severe viral infection, manifested in the form of a runny nose, then the cause of pain in the ear could be the fact that mucus got into the auditory tube during improper blowing of the nose. For the treatment of viral otitis, it is necessary, first of all, to remove the swelling of the nasopharynx with the help of washes and vasoconstrictor drops, but they should not be used for longer than 5 days.

In the event that the ear hurts and a bacterial infection has joined, how to treat it? Here you can no longer do without antibiotics, the action of which is aimed at the destruction of pathogens of otitis media. For internal and otitis media, the doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics in the form of tablets or suspensions, the duration of which is at least 10 days. Such a long period is necessary in order for the ear tissues to accumulate the necessary amount of antibiotic to fight bacteria.

If a child has a severe earache inside, what should I do? In such cases, most likely, the anatomical feature of the tympanic membrane, namely its high density, does not allow exudate or pus to come out, while the child feels throbbing pain.

In order to save the child from suffering and not allow pus to go to other areas of the ear, doctors pierce the eardrum, which soon grows together on its own after the otitis media passes.

Perhaps there are no parents who would not encounter in their lives their baby’s complaint of earache: quite often it is precisely this pain symptom that accompanies any cold and various viral diseases that the younger generation encounters quite often at their age. What to do in such a situation? Is it possible to help a child at home? In this article, we will tell you about why a child’s ear can hurt and what needs to be done in this situation.

Why does a child have an earache: reasons

As we have already said, ear pain is a symptom that accompanies many colds and viral diseases, however, there are a number of external factors that can cause this pain syndrome. Next, we will talk in more detail about what can cause ear pain in a child.

External factors:

    water in the ear. Quite often, when bathing a child in the bathroom, water gets into the auricle, which is why for some time after the bath itself the child feels a cutting pain in the ear. A similar situation may arise when bathing a child in a pond, however, in this situation there is a risk of “picking up” any infection, because, as a rule, such water is quite dirty in itself;

    walking without a headgear in bad weather. In windy weather, a cold stream of air enters the ear, as a result of which the ear becomes cold and the child feels quite severe ear pain;

    any injury to the ear. In order to identify this particular cause of ear pain in a child, it is enough to simply examine the ear itself. If you notice a bruise, then in this situation we are talking about a bruise or an insect bite;

    getting a foreign object in the ear;

    the formation of cerumen in the ear as a result of a violation of the rules of hygiene.

Internal factors:

    Otitis or inflammation of the middle ear is the most common cause of ear pain in a child. As a rule, otitis media occurs as a result of a cold that has not been fully treated, however, it is not uncommon for this diagnosis to be a symptom of an existing boil or any wound located in the ear canal;

    Toothache is the second most common cause of earache in children. Quite often, in the presence of any dental problems, the pain manifests itself not only directly in the tooth itself; quite often, painful sensations “capture” nearby territories, namely, lymph nodes and ears;

    sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and other nasal diseases are also often accompanied by such a symptom as ear pain;

    the course in the body of a child of such complex diseases as, for example, tonsillitis or mumps, also occurs along with such a symptom as pain in the ears;

    any disturbances in the work of the central nervous system, namely, increased arterial or intracranial pressure or circulatory disorders in the brain can also cause ear pain in a child;

    a disease such as eustachitis is also accompanied by severe pain in the ears. Another symptom of this disease is a noticeable hearing loss in the patient, as well as a feeling of congestion in the ears. As a rule, eustachitis develops against the background of the presence of any infection or as a result of not fully cured diseases, for example, tonsillitis, tonsillitis and others. This disease is quite dangerous, because if left untreated, it progresses, which in the end can cause the development of deafness.

Diagnosis of ear pain in a child

As we have already said, ear pain in a child can be caused by many reasons, and, of course, the very first thing a parent should do is try to find out what became the “reason” for the occurrence of these painful sensations. Here are some tips on how to properly examine your baby's ear:

    First of all, it is necessary to inspect the child's auricle and make sure that no foreign object has got into the ear itself. If this is true, it is worth remembering that in order to remove it, it is strictly forbidden to use tweezers or cotton swabs, because in this way there is a great risk of pushing this foreign object even deeper. In this situation, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist, namely, call an ambulance;

    If the child has a fever, then in this situation it is necessary to give the baby an antipyretic and call an ambulance, because elevated body temperature is a sure sign of the presence of an inflammatory process in the body;

    You should also gently press on the so-called point - the tragus - or a protrusion in the form of cartilage in front of the ear canal itself. If, when pressing this point, the child does not experience any pain, then we can safely say that the problem lies in some other organ, and ear pain is just a side effect;

    In a situation where the child's ear is swollen and it has a bluish tint, then in this case we are talking about an insect bite or a bruise. If there is a purulent discharge, then this indicates the presence of an infection.

First aid for ear pain in a child

Quite often it happens that such a problem as earache in a child occurs spontaneously, and it is not possible to contact a specialist for help as soon as possible. That is why every parent should know the so-called "instructions" for first aid to their baby.

Often, when such a problem arises, all parents resort to one of the most common ways to “save” the child from torment, namely, to instill boric alcohol into the baby’s ear. However, in fact, this method can only be used with the permission of a specialist, because only he can determine whether the eardrum is damaged or not, which is very important to know in this situation. That is why it should be borne in mind that the actions described above can only harm the child and aggravate the situation. In the following, we will tell you about what emergency actions you should actually take if your child has an earache.

    If a similar problem arose at night while looking and at the same time the child cannot fall asleep, then in this situation it is recommended to resort to the use of painkillers. However, do not forget that the dose of the medicine used must correspond to the age of the child;

    If, in the event of ear pain, the child does not have a fever and there is no discharge from the ear, then it is recommended to make a warm compress. To prepare it, you need to use a thick napkin or a piece of gauze folded in several layers and soaked in a warm solution of water and alcohol at a rate of one to one. Next, you need to treat the skin of the ear with petroleum jelly or baby cream, after which the resulting impregnation should be applied to this place so that the ear canal and auricle remain open. On top of the napkin, cellophane should be fixed, in which an incision for the auricle will also be made, after which the head should be wrapped with a warm scarf or scarf. It is recommended to use such a compress for one hour. And remember that in the presence of pus or elevated body temperature, warming compresses should not be used;

    If, in addition to ear pain, the child's body temperature also increased, then in this situation it is recommended to moisten a cotton swab in boric alcohol and insert it into the sore ear, and then cover this swab with a piece of cotton. It is categorically impossible to heat boric alcohol in this case, because during the heating process all the necessary components simply disappear, which makes this procedure completely useless. In order not to harm the child and not to insert a cold cotton swab into the ear, you must first hold the ampoule in your palms. And remember that you can use boric alcohol only in combination with a cotton swab! It is strictly forbidden to bury this product or any other product based on alcohol!

Above, we described the procedure that needs to be done if a child has pain in the ear before visiting a specialist, however, despite the fact that the pain may disappear in the morning, you should still contact the therapist to identify the cause, because such an “attack” may recur again. Also, at the doctor’s appointment, the child will be prescribed drops that will later help you cope with a similar situation.


In the event that such ear pain in a child occurs periodically, it is necessary to prepare in advance for their occurrence. So, for example, there are a number of ear drops that can be purchased at a pharmacy and will help you out when you need it. The following is a list of such drugs:

    Remo Wax. This drug is usually prescribed to eliminate the sulfur plug in the child's ear;

    "Otinum". These ear drops have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, however, it should be borne in mind that they are contraindicated in children under one year old;

    "Garazon". This drug has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action;

    "Otofa", "Sofradex". These ear drops contain a very powerful antibiotic, so their use is possible only with the permission of a specialist;

    "Otipax". This drug is most often prescribed to a patient with otitis media; has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. However, it should be borne in mind that Otipax contains a component such as lidocaine, which in turn quite often causes an allergic reaction in children.

Of course, none of the above drugs can be prescribed to a child on their own; All ear drops can be used only with the permission of a doctor!

Depending on the diagnosis, a specialist may also prescribe an ear canal lavage using pine nut oil, vaseline oil, or hydrogen peroxide. In some cases, the use of Vishnevsky ointment can also be prescribed for disinfection.

Of course, there are many traditional medicines that also help relieve pain, however, you can resort to their use only with the permission of the attending physician. For it should be borne in mind that at a young age, the child's body is quite susceptible to various kinds of allergens, as a result of which the situation of the child can only be aggravated.

In the event of ear pain in a child, parents should know in advance what to do and how to respond to it correctly. After all, the structural features of hearing in children (physiological immaturity of the Eustachian tube) lead to the fact that 62% of children under the age of one year and 75% - under the age of 3 years suffer ear inflammation.

Symptoms of ear pain are pronounced, specific, appear in a complex. Therefore, attentive parents can themselves determine the cause of pain in a child, including infants.

You should pay attention to the following signs:

  • temperature increase up to 39-40 0 ;
  • restless behavior: whims, crying growing to a scream, head rolling;
  • restless sleep, often interrupted by crying;
  • refusal to feed (sucking and chewing movements exacerbate pain);
  • nasal congestion, frequent mouth breathing;
  • pressing on the tragus (cartilaginous tubercle at the entrance to the auditory canal) is painful, leads to crying;
  • vomiting in the absence of food poisoning.

If otitis media is not recognized and treated in time, then in 8-9 hours it turns into a purulent form. Then there will be bloody discharge from the ear.

Older children may complain of ear pain, but they can clearly localize the pain only after 3 years, so you need to pay attention to the listed symptoms.

What to do when a child has an earache. First aid

The child complained of pain in the ear. What parents need to do:

  1. Do not panic yourself, calm and distract the child as much as possible.
  2. Carefully inspect the auricle to exclude the ingress of a foreign body. Small children can push a small object into their ear that causes discomfort. If this object is shallow, remove it yourself - but be very careful not to push it even deeper.
  3. Acute pain can be caused by an insect entering the ear opening. It is necessary to drip camphor oil to neutralize the insect and carefully remove it.
  4. It is necessary to press on the tragus of the diseased ear. If this causes pain, then it is the ear that hurts, and qualified help from an otolaryngologist is needed. If the child reacted calmly, then the cause of the pain is something else.
  5. To measure the temperature. High temperature confirms the presence of an inflammatory process. You need to seek qualified medical attention. Before consulting a doctor, you can give the child an antipyretic appropriate for his age (paracetamol, ibuprofen).
  6. Do not self-medicate! Ear drops are contraindicated in perforation of the eardrum. Warming procedures will accelerate the formation of pus. You can give a light painkiller, insert a turunda moistened with boric acid into the sore ear.
  7. Show the child to an otolaryngologist as soon as possible and strictly follow his instructions.

Ear drops for children when a child's ear hurts up to a year, 2.3 years, 4.5.6 years:

Sudden sharp ear pain in a child raises the question: what to do to make the treatment as effective as possible. In the treatment of ears, drops are the most convenient and rational type of drug exposure.. They ensure the effective use of the medicinal substance, because. fall directly on the focus of inflammation and immediately begin to have a therapeutic effect.

Drops are especially convenient for treating children for two reasons. The first is that young children react negatively to injections and pills; the second - drops have a local effect, without additional effects on the entire body, unlike tablets and injections.

Popular ear drops for children

Otofa, ear drops for children

The active substance is the antibiotic Rifamycin. Clear liquid with a red tint. The volume of the bottle is 10 ml. Indications: otitis externa or otitis media, damage to the eardrum. Pediatric dosage: 3 drops twice a day for 7 days. Manufacturer: France. Released by prescription. The average price in Russia is 190-210 rubles.

Ear drops for children Otipaks

Active substances: phenazone (anti-inflammatory), lidocaine (pain reliever). Clear liquid, alcohol smell. The volume of the bottle is 15 ml. Indications: external, average, barotraumatic types of otitis media. Do not use if the eardrum is damaged.

Suitable for breasts. Children's dosage: 2-3 times / day for 7-10 days; up to a year, 1 drop, from a year to two, 2 drops, from 3 years, 3-4 drops. Manufacturer: France. The average price is 210-250 rubles.

Ear drops for children Otinum

The active substance is choline salicylate (alcohol solution). Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, ethyl alcohol - antiseptic, dissolves earwax.

Transparent liquid of a yellowish shade, specific smell. The volume of the bottle is 10 ml. Indications: external, average otitis.

Not prescribed for damage to the eardrum. It is forbidden to use up to a year.

The manufacturer does not provide data on prescribing the drug to children, but it is permissible to use it on the recommendation of a doctor, strictly following the instructions. Dosage: 3-4 times/day no more than 3 drops, 7-10 days. Manufacturer: Poland. The average price is 190-220 rubles.

Ear drops for children Sofradex

Drops of combined action.

Active substances - gramicidin (antibiotic, bactericidal action), framycetin sulfate (antibacterial), dexamethasone (glucocorticosteroid drug, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic action). Relieves itching well.

Clear colorless liquid, smell of ethyl alcohol. The volume of the bottle is 5 ml. Indications: bacterial infection of the ears, otitis. Do not use if the eardrum is damaged.

Prohibited for the treatment of children under 3 years. Dosage: for children under 7 years old, the dose is determined by the attending physician, but not more than 3 times / day, 2 drops, the duration of the course is not more than 7 days. You can use turundas moistened with drops. Manufacturer: India. The average price is 280-350 rubles.

Ear drops for children Anauran

Drops of combined action. Active substances - polymyxin B (antibiotic, acts on pathogenic bacteria), neomycin sulfate (antibiotic, broad spectrum of action), lidocaine (pain reliever).

Colorless and odorless liquid. The volume of the bottle is 25 ml. Indications: otitis, postoperative period.

Do not use if the eardrum is damaged. Forbidden for children under one year old. Prolonged use of the drug disrupts the functioning of the kidneys.

Children's dosage: 2-3 times / day for 3-7 days; from one to two years, 1-2 drops, from 2 and older, 2-3 drops. Manufacturer: Italy. The average price is 270-340 rubles.

Ear drops for children Otizol

Drops of combined action. Active substances - phenazone (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, analgesic), benzocaine (anesthetic), phenylephrine (vasoconstrictor, reduces swelling). Colorless transparent viscous liquid. The volume of the bottle is 15 ml.

Indications: post-traumatic otitis media, as a result of barotrauma, moderate acute. Do not use for perforation of the eardrum. Not recommended for children under 6 months. Children's dosage: 3 times / day for no more than 10 days; from 6 months to a year, 1-2 drops, from a year and older, 2-3 drops. Producer: Germany. Average price: 350-400 rubles.

Ear drops for children up to a year

Ear diseases, accompanied by pain in the ear, in a child under one year old, force parents to decide what to do, what means are best used. Indeed, at this age, the choice of drugs should be approached especially carefully. Experts insist on a mandatory consultation with an otolaryngologist. Recommended for babies:

  • "Otofa" (price 190-210 rubles);
  • "Otizol" - up to 6 months, use only under the supervision of a doctor (price 350-400 rubles)

Antibiotic ear drops for children

These include:

  • "Otofa"- contains rifamycin. It is usually prescribed for purulent otitis media. It is prescribed for perforation of the membrane. Doesn't anesthetize. The average price is 190-210 rubles.
  • "Sofradex"- contains gramicidin (antibiotic, bactericidal action), framycetin sulfate (antibacterial), dexamethasone (glucocorticosteroid drug, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory). With prolonged use, it gives a large number of side effects. Up to 3 years does not apply. It is prescribed for acute and chronic otitis media. The average price is 280-350 rubles.
  • "Anauran"- contains polymyxin B (antibiotic, acts on pathogenic bacteria), neomycin sulfate (broad-spectrum antibiotic), lidocaine (analgesic effect). Treats acute and chronic otitis. The average price is 270-340 rubles.
  • "Candibiotic"- contains clotrimazole, chloramphenicol, beclomethason dipropionate, lignocaine. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, antiallergic, antifungal agent. Applied for external infectious or allergic otitis media, acute otitis media. Apply from 6 years. The average price is 250-350 rubles.
  • "Polydex"- contains antibiotics polymyxin and neomycin in combination with dexamethasone (gives a strong anti-inflammatory effect). For children over 2.5 years old. 1-2 drops for several days. Treats outer and middle ear infections. The average price is 180-220 rubles.
  • "Tsipromed"- contains ciprofloxacin, a strong antibiotic that can adversely affect a child's hearing. Therefore, it is prescribed only if treatment with other antibiotics has failed. It is used to treat otitis media, with postoperative infectious complications. Banned up to a year. For children under 15 years of age, it is prescribed only under strict medical indications. The average price is 140-160 rubles.

Ear drops for children with otitis media

Ear drops that treat different types of otitis media can be divided into three groups:

  1. Combined. These are drops, which include antibiotics and glucocorticoids: "Sofradex" (price 280-350 rubles), "Anauran" (price 270-340 rubles), "Polydex" (price 180-220 rubles), "Candibiotic" (price 250-350 rubles).
  2. monopreparations, containing one anti-inflammatory substance: "Otipaks" (price 210-250 rubles), "Otinum" (price 190-220 rubles).
  3. Antibacterial drops:"Otofa" (price 190-210 rubles), "Tsipromed" (price 140-160 rubles).

Anti-inflammatory ear drops for children

For successful treatment of inflammatory diseases of the ear, it is necessary to use complex therapy, including anti-inflammatory drugs.

Drops-monopreparations relieve pain, reduce swelling, but are ineffective against infection. Combined drops additionally contain antibiotics that successfully destroy infectious agents.

Anti-inflammatory drops-monopreparations:

  • "Otinum" (price 190-220 rubles);
  • "Otipaks" (price 210-250 rubles);
  • "Otirelax" - an analogue of "Otipax" (100-250 rubles).

Anti-inflammatory combined drops (used for purulent processes):

  • "Sofradex" (price 280-350 rubles);
  • "Candibiotic" (price 250-350 rubles);
  • "Anauran" (price 270-340 rubles);
  • "Polydex" (price 180-220 rubles).

Ear drops for children to remove wax

Sulfur plug occurs when sulfur accumulates in the ears, which mixes with particles of the epidermis and the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

In a healthy body, sulfur is excreted by itself in the process of life. But with certain pathologies, the cork increases and blocks the passage.

This causes hearing loss, noise, ear pain in a child. What to do in this case - experts recommend using drops. The function of the drops is to loosen the sulfuric plug, which will clear the ear canal from it. You can use drops: "Remo-Vax" (290-330 rubles), "Vaksol" (350-450 rubles), "A-Tserumen" (270-320 rubles), "Aqua Maris Oto" (230-320 rub.).

In case of an inflammatory process in the ears, it is possible to get rid of the sulfur plug only under the supervision of an otolaryngologist.

How to properly bury a child's ear in pictures

How to properly bury a child's ear

  • Wash your hands before the procedure;
  • prepare the baby: calm, distract with a toy. You can “drip the ears of a bunny”, put a drop on the handle so that the child is convinced that it does not hurt.
  • if necessary, clean the ears with turunda;
  • warm the drops - in the hand or with hot water - to body temperature;
  • lay the child on its side with the sore ear up;
  • gently pull the left hand sideways and down the auricle;
  • holding the pipette with your right hand, carefully drip the recommended amount of the drug along the wall of the ear canal;
  • cover the ear with cotton wool, hold the baby in this position for 10-15 minutes.

How to drip a child's ear with boric acid

Boric acid in an alcoholic solution (boric alcohol) is used to treat otitis externa. It has a disinfecting and local warming effect. Boric alcohol loosens the membrane, which leads to the outflow of fluid from it. The blood supply improves, the ear warms up. This relieves inflammation and reduces pain.

It must be remembered that boric acid is toxic and can accumulate in the body due to slow release. Therefore, it is used only externally and only for otitis externa.

It will help alleviate ear pain in a child. What to do:

  • use ready-made 3% solution;
  • drip 2 drops of a solution warmed to room temperature 2 times / day or:
  • lay in a sore ear turunda moistened with boric alcohol, 2 times / day.

Furacilin - use if the child's ear hurts

Furacilin is a synthetic agent with antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. For the treatment of ear diseases, an alcohol solution of the drug is used - furacilin alcohol. Experts characterize it as an effective, gentle and safe remedy.

Furacilin begins to have a therapeutic effect three minutes after application, destroying bacteria, relieving inflammation and reducing pain. This medication is used to treat all types of otitis at the first symptoms (in the case of advanced diseases, treatment with furacilin is not enough). It can be used to prevent ear diseases.

Furacilin alcohol is allowed for the treatment of ear diseases in children, provided that it is used correctly. Its use is strictly prohibited in case of damage to the eardrum, as well as in case of mechanical damage (abrasions) of the outer ear.

For the treatment of infants, only rubbing with the drug is used. Dosage of instillation: from a year to 5 years - 2-3 drops, over 5 years - up to 6 drops. You can use the introduction of turundas moistened with the drug for 30 minutes 3 times / day.

When pus is released, a good therapeutic effect is given by washing the ears with a preparation heated to body temperature. It is convenient to do this with a syringe without a needle - the drug is gently injected into the eye facing down.

The child’s ear hurts: how to drip to anesthetize urgently

"Otipax"- the anesthetic effect of this drug is felt within a few minutes after instillation. The pain subsides for 1.5-2 hours.

"Otinum"- has a local anesthetic effect. The active substance choline salicylate relieves acute ear pain.

"Anauran"- effectively relieves pain due to the lidocaine included in the composition. Relief brings the first instillation, complete elimination of pain occurs the next day.

"Otizol"- thanks to the phenazone and benzocaine included in the composition, it relieves pain in 15-20 minutes for an average of 5 hours, the pain decreases in 2-3 days, the complete removal of pain occurs in 4-6 days.

The child has an earache without fever

  1. If the child's ear pain is not accompanied by fever and visible damage, the first thing to do is measure the pressure. If necessary, consult a doctor.
  2. The ear should be carefully examined for foreign objects.
  3. You need to put pressure on the tragus - if there is no painful reaction, then the focus of pain is not in the ear.
  4. Itching in the ear may indicate a fungal disease.
  5. Swelling of the auricle can be the result of a bruise or an insect bite.

Child has earache and fever

An increase in temperature indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the child's body. If it coincided with the appearance of a sharp ear pain, then there is a high probability of developing otitis media or another inflammatory process in the ear canal. Experts insist on the inadmissibility of self-treatment and the need for qualified medical care.

It is necessary to take the child to the doctor (with acute pain, the doctor will take it out of turn), call the doctor at home or call an ambulance if the baby's condition is alarming (temperature above 38 0, purulent discharge from the ear, vomiting). You should not self-medicate, put compresses, drip any drugs before making an accurate diagnosis, so as not to harm the child.

You can give an age-appropriate mild antipyretic, analgesic. Turunda moistened with boric acid will help relieve pain.

How to relieve severe pain inside, is it possible to warm

Before establishing the exact cause of ear pain in a child by an otolaryngologist, in no case should one resort to warming up the ears. In the case of a purulent process that has begun, thermal exposure will accelerate the formation of pus.

Before making a diagnosis, it is necessary to limit yourself to light painkillers based on paracetamol. If the doctor confirms the integrity of the eardrum and the absence of a purulent process, then thermal procedures will help relieve pain and speed up recovery.

The first thing you can do to a child if his ear hurts is to warm up with a blue lamp.

At home, you can warm up your ears with a blue lamp or a saline heater several times a day for 10-15 minutes.

The child's ear hurts at night. What to do?

Try to calm the child. Of the drugs, you can give a mild pain reliever based on ibuprofen, paracetamol. You can drip a nose with vasoconstrictor drops, this will alleviate the condition of the child. But with a sharp rise in temperature, an ambulance call is necessary - a purulent form of otitis media develops in a few hours, a doctor is needed.

The child's ear hurts on the outside when you touch

If the child's ear is swollen, sensitive and has changed color (turned blue), then the cause may be an insect bite or a bruise. Make sure that there is no serious damage, treat the ear with an alcohol solution.

If the child complains of pain in the ear and reacts painfully to pressing on the tragus, then an otolaryngologist's consultation is necessary. this may be a sign of otitis media or another disease of the child's hearing apparatus.

Sore ear in a child with a runny nose

Colds often cause ear pain. The nasopharynx is closely associated with the ear canals, and infection of the nasopharynx is often the cause of otitis media.

To avoid the appearance of pain in the ear, the child must know what to do with a runny nose, how to properly get rid of mucus: blow your nose, alternately closing your nostrils. Also, the child should not be allowed to have a prolonged runny nose - this is a serious risk of developing otitis media.

The child has a sore ear after washing the nose

The connection between the nasopharynx and the ear canals can cause discomfort when washing the nose, when the liquid does not flow completely through the free nostril, but partially enters the ear through the Eustachian tube.

The reason may be the wrong position of the head during washing, nasal congestion, too much water pressure. To get rid of water in the ear canal and relieve unpleasant symptoms, you need to ask the child to jump with his head tilted forward.

Swallowing movements may help. If these simple steps do not help, you need to remove the liquid with an aspirator (for example, a medical pear), inserting the tip into the blocked nostril, holding the other. Vasoconstrictor drugs will help relieve discomfort. If the discomfort does not disappear, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor.

Child has ear and head pain

Earache, simply by virtue of its location, is inevitably given off as a headache. Otitis media pain can be so intense that it is difficult to localize. Acute otitis media can lead to a complication - mastoiditis, an inflammatory process behind the auricle, which causes both head and ear pain.

It is necessary to complete the course of treatment of an ear disease in a child in order to exclude the possibility of relapses and the return of pain. Pain in the head and ears can be caused by a ruptured eardrum (tinnitus, hearing and orientation problems).

If the pain occurs in the absence of inflammation of the ears, you should seek the advice of a doctor. The cause of such a pain syndrome can be, for example, a disease of the spine.

The child has a sore throat and ears

Pain in the throat and ears can be triggered by otitis media. Pain when swallowing, radiating to the ear, can be caused by pharyngitis, an inflammation of the larynx. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, rinsing can alleviate the condition.

Ear and neck pain in a child

Severe pain with otitis media can radiate to the neck. The cause of simultaneous pain can also be lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck and behind the ears, which requires the help of an otolaryngologist. In the absence of inflammatory processes, such a condition is caused by a violation of the blood circulation of the vessels, but only a neuropathologist can make an accurate diagnosis.

The child has ear and stomach pain

The initial stage of acute otitis media may be accompanied by abdominal pain and vomiting. The cause of such pain can be pressure problems, severe poisoning, the initial stage of serious diseases (for example, meningitis). If ear pain is accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting for no apparent reason, a specialist should be consulted.

The child has a sore ear after a cold

The connection of the nasopharynx and ear passages in a child is closer than in adults. Accordingly, the inflammatory processes of one ENT organ are more easily transferred to others. The cause of complications in the ears can be rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx.

Parents must teach the child to properly clear the nasal passages of accumulated mucus: alternately blow one nostril while pressing the other. Simultaneous cleansing of two nostrils leads to infection in the ear canal and the development of an inflammatory process.

It is necessary to timely and correctly treat colds in a child in order to prevent the occurrence of complications.

The child's ear hurts after swimming in the sea, river, in the pool

Sometimes an earache in a child appears after bathing. The best thing you can do to avoid this is to remove excess moisture from the ear canal. Dry your ears immediately after bathing. To do this, you can use a cotton swab or flagellum, or direct a stream of warm air from a hair dryer into your ear.

You can relieve the pain that has appeared with a thermal compress - use a heating pad, a heated towel, a bag of heated salt, etc. If the child has had otitis, it is better to refrain from swimming (especially diving) until full recovery. Ear wax is a natural defense against moisture penetration, so you should not clean your child's ears too often.

Child's ear hurts after plane

Ear pain during takeoff and landing of an aircraft is caused by pressure differences. To stabilize it, you need to open your mouth wide or make swallowing movements. Small children should be given bottles to drink, older children can drink juice through a straw or suck on hard candies. It is necessary to take drops with an anesthetic effect with you.

What to do if your child often has earaches

The cause of frequent ear diseases can be reduced immunity, family predisposition, improper child care, untreated colds. What to do if ear pain in a child has become a frequent occurrence:

  • For babies:
    • breastfeeding improves immunity;
    • the elevated position of the head during feeding prevents milk from entering the ear canal;
    • after feeding, hold the baby in an upright position until spitting up so that the regurgitated mass does not get into the ears;
    • accurate and gentle cleaning of the ears;
    • protection of the ears from drafts.
  • For children from one year old:
    • hardening - walks in the fresh air, exercises, clothes according to the weather;
    • protection of ears from drafts;
    • when swimming in open water, protect your ears from water, immediately after bathing, drain them;
    • carefully treat colds, clear the nose of mucus;
    • if necessary, surgical removal of the adenoids.

An adult with children needs to know in advance what to do and how to provide quality assistance to the baby in case of ear pain. In the home first aid kit, there must be ear drops suitable for the child by age, a thermometer, and boric acid. And most importantly, only a doctor can correctly determine the cause of ear pain in a child and competently determine what to do. Health to you and your children!

Video clips: ear pain in a child and what to do about it

Ear pain in a child. What to do will tell Dr. Komarovsky:

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