How to make purple eyes without contact lenses. Is it possible to change eye color. How a person's age affects eye color

Contact lenses are generally divided into two types: lenses used in cosmetic purposes and their decorative counterparts. What is their difference?

The cosmetic version of these amazing devices is designed to change the appearance and, in turn, is also divided into tint and color types. The use of one or another option depends on what effect you expect. change the shade of the iris dramatically, while tint can shade or enhance your own color, given by nature. Is it possible to change them so that they look natural? Certainly! To do this, you will need tinted translucent lenses or an option that can enhance the color of your eyes.

decorative look intended for events such as a carnival, participation in a performance, that is, they will be completely inappropriate in Everyday life. Such lenses are made, as a rule, in bright colors, can be decorated with a pattern, imitate the look of some alien inhabitant, etc.

Is it possible to change eye color light shade?

Of course, yes, and it is much easier to do this than changing the eyes of a darker shade. People with light eyes have more choice, you can experiment with your appearance.

In order to make the look deeper and more attractive, complex lenses (contact, colored) are used, consisting of three shades that gradually merge into one another.

Can you change eye color without contact lenses?

California doctor Greg Homer answers this question in the affirmative. While working for Stroma Medical, he created a special laser technology Lumineyes, which is able to change the brown color of the eyes, making them blue, and forever. This technology is a laser with a certain frequency. At the same time, brown pigment is removed from the iris of the eyes using a laser beam. After two (possibly three) weeks, blueness begins to appear. It should be noted here that once having created Blue eyes, you can no longer return them to their previous shade. Only with lenses.

To date, the company's specialists, under the guidance of an innovative doctor, have begun testing their sophisticated technology on humans (partial). In order to complete them, Stroma Medical will need another significant financial injection (about a million USD). According to Doctor Homer's forecast, if all goes well, then new technology will be available in your country within three years, and outside the US in half the time. The experts rated unique procedure five thousand dollars each.

Of course, many people dream of changing their eyes, not only the shape, but also the color, spending significant amounts of money on this, acquiring different types contact lenses. And this technology will help them with this. In the meantime, lenses (contact) are the most acceptable and affordable solution for those who want to change, including the eyes. Asking if it is possible to change the color of the eyes, we answer with confidence - yes!

There are times when a person does not like his native eye color, as a result of which he wants to change it. There are a number of simple tricks that will help to carry out the plan without surgical intervention and magic. It is important to follow the sequence, monitor the general state of health and stop the procedures in case of discomfort. Consider actual ways eye color changes at home.

This is interesting
Babies that have recently come out of the womb have blue eyes. This is due to the fact that melanin is produced, but very weakly. Upon reaching the child three months his eyes change because the color pigment reaches its peak of development.

In the world, 2 types of abnormalities associated with the production of melanin have been found. Albino man looks at the world through blood vessels because it has no melanin at all. The irises of such people are pink or red. The next unique consequence is called heterochromia, when the iris of one eye differs in color from the other.

Experts notice that eye color often changes after illness. In most cases, they darken, brighten or switch to similar colors. So, blue eyes become gray, brown - black, and green can be replaced by light brown.

Study your diet carefully

Food is closely related to all processes in the body, including the production of melanin in the eyeballs. The hormones norepinephrine and serotonin have the ability to dilate and constrict the pupils for a certain period of time, as a result of which the eyes either darken or brighten. Radical changes in your daily diet will not change the color of your iris much.

If you like to diet, make a menu based on individual needs. Include foods that contain optimal amount such hormones. Eat oatmeal, hard cheeses, natural chocolate. Try to eat more oranges, melons, bananas, porcini mushrooms, green vegetables. Sport also promotes the production of serotonin, you may need to change your rhythm of life to a more active one.

Monitor your own emotions

When a person rejoices, his pupils dilate and become distinct and bright. If you are angry or sad, the iris darkens. With an endless and prolonged stream of tears, the shell of the eyes brightens, becomes transparent, and the red vessels contrast with the natural color of the eyes, so their shade changes.

Carry out regular cleansing of the body with decoctions of plants

People who change eye color in this way, unanimously claim the effectiveness of the procedures. Medicinal herbs affect the hormonal background, especially for women. Such changes provoke a change in the color of the iris to contrasting shades. Your eyes may be blue, but with prophylaxis and herbal cleansing, they will go to the blue or green side.

Make an infusion of chamomile flowers, cornflower, licorice root, rosemary and mint, consume with meals, but at least 5 times a day for two weeks. Modern tea boutiques, pharmacies and shops proper nutrition offer all these infusions in a ready-made version. You just have to buy the powder and dilute it with warm water.

Use lenses that are sold in any pharmacy

The variety is amazing, you have the opportunity to make your eyes not only brown, green or blue. Manufacturers produce purple, gold, silver, yellow and even black lenses, the choice depends on personal preferences. It is important to read the instructions carefully in order to artificial eyes» served you faithfully long years. Be sure to use a cleaning solution and remove your lenses at night.

Get your makeup right

If you are applying discreet and natural makeup, go for bright colors. Shadows, eyeliner, mascara and false eyelashes different colors will create the illusion of a different shade of eyes. They shade the iris, give it brightness and unusual colors.

Color makeup works wonders! To make eyes with a blue tint, use golden and copper shadows, purple eyeliner will give the iris a green tint, and blue can make the eyes brown, almost black.

"Photoshop" for indecisive persons

If you often sit in in social networks, are an active user of VKontakte, Instagram and Facebook, buy a subscription to Photoshop. In the program, you can change the color of your eyes with one click of the mouse, daily experiments will help you decide on more drastic measures.

Master the Art of Meditation

Meditation does wonderful things with the human body. The power of thought and the involvement of consciousness change not only spiritual world, they treat diseases, help to cope with stress and even change the color of the eyes. The point is to control hormonal background, during which you change chemical processes throughout the body. Amazingly, with the help of auto-training, you can change the color of the iris not only to dark or light, but also to the opposite. It is important to choose the right technique on your own or contact a meditation guru.

Stand in front of a mirror every day and start working with your consciousness, follow the process, imagine in your brain how your eyes are changing. Meditation does not work immediately, you will have a step-by-step change in the shade of the iris, continue classes until you achieve the desired eye color. Autotraining is not harmful to health, but you will set your body to change eye color depending on your own. emotional state. If you often experience conflicting feelings when communicating with others, this phenomenon will seem extremely frightening to them.

Eye drops work wonders

One of the most effective ways eye color changes at home are drops. Suppose the color of the iris is now gray-blue, when using drops, you will make them brighter, cleaner, bluer. Fundamental changes will not be achieved, pharmaceutical products they do not last long (5-6 hours), but for important events this method is great.

Resorting to simple manipulations, you will create a sky blue tint in just a minute. If you decide to use drops, first consult with an ophthalmologist so that he picks up best option. Buy funds only in a pharmacy, always check the expiration date and do not use the Internet to purchase medicines.

Clothing will accentuate the color of the eyes

If you are the lucky owner of green, brown and blue eyes, wear appropriate clothing. Green eyes purple and red outfits are emphasized, blue-eyed clothes of red and purple shades are suitable. Brown-eyed people can safely buy yellow, golden and white robes.

Clothing tips apply to scarves, hats, sweaters, T-shirts and shirts. Jeans or shorts in these colors will not help you.

What Not to Do

  1. Many "experts" recommend using honey to brighten the iris, do not resort to this method. The technique consists in daily instillation of the eyes with a liquid honey solution, but the danger is too great. Honey belongs to herbal products It contains all types of bacteria and fungi. When eating honey, this percentage seems insignificant, but the eyes can be severely affected up to the loss of your vision. Scientific experiments with this tool traditional medicine were not carried out, as a result of which the danger has not gone away. Do not risk your own health by dripping honey, you will irritate your eyes and cause capillaries to crack.
  2. Never interfere with hormones with medications in the form of capsules or special tablets. Yes, they are able to change the size of the pupil, its darkness / lightness, however, these drugs drastically affect emotions, general state body and sex organs. No need to force the body, there are many other ways to change eye color at home.
  3. Do not be led by advertising signs and banners on the Internet that hypnosis changes eye color. The iris takes on a different shade only during the influence of the hypnotist on your body, but at the end of the session, the result immediately disappears. Again, the hypnotic effect is directly related to hormones, but the result is short-lived.

Important. After certain procedures at home, you notice abrupt change eye colors? Contact an ophthalmologist immediately! Meditation is a long-term procedure, one day the iris will not change. As for drops and infusions medicinal herbs, they change the hue to a small extent.

In other cases, a dramatic change indicates an infection of the eyeballs, which can adversely affect your health. Come to understand that Brown eyes changing blue is extremely difficult, you need to work on yourself for a long time.

Tired of the monotony and want to change your appearance, starting with the color of your eyes? Purchase drops at the pharmacy, after consulting with your doctor. Brew herbs and drink them daily. Does not help? Choose the right lenses and wear them whenever you want, but be sure to take them off at night. Engage in meditation, visualize all the processes in the body. Take care of yourself and stay healthy!

Video: change eye color to blue

The human iris is as unique as a fingerprint. In addition, the iris is a very important structure of the eye in terms of functional features and aesthetics. As a result external influence And internal processes in the body, eye color can change. Sometimes the reason for this is a serious pathology.

Can eyes change color? How does is called?

In some people, the eyes have a unique ability to change their color, for example, from hazel to green, depending on external factors and internal state. This happens most often due to the unique pattern on the iris. Such changes do not indicate ophthalmic pathology. The eyes of such people are called "chameleons". This is a very unusual phenomenon that has not been thoroughly studied by scientists and is associated mainly with the functioning of the central nervous system and endocrine. However, a change in eye color can be pathological when the iris becomes completely black or, on the contrary, turns white. These symptoms are indicative of serious illnesses. Consider the causes of eye color changes in children and adults and find out in which cases it is necessary to see a doctor.

Why do eyes change color in childhood?

The eyes begin to change their color immediately after the birth of a person. This process is natural. In the first days after birth, a baby's eyes are usually cloudy gray or light green. After six months, the shade changes. The body accumulates melanin, which is responsible for the color of the iris. She becomes darker. However, by about one year old eyes acquire the color laid down by genes. In this case, the final shade of the iris is formed by 5-10 years. During all this life span melanin continues to accumulate and affect the intensity of eye color.

Three factors influence eye color:

  1. The amount of pigment (melanin). At birth, it is absent from the iris and begins to be produced after a few days. The shade of the iris depends on its quantity: the more melanin, the darker the color of the eyes.
  2. Racial signs. The color of skin, hair, eyes directly depends on what race a person belongs to.
  3. Genetics. Genes play a significant role in what kind of eyes a child will have, but it is impossible to 100% predict eye color using genetics. There are only approximate data that parents can be guided by. So, for example, the probability that a light-eyed mom and dad will have a baby with bright eyes is 75%. If one of the parents has dark eyes, chances are their child will have brown eyes.

Scientists have created a special table that allows parents to determine what color eyes their child will have. With its help, you can predict how the original color changes by the age of one. Gray eyes at birth can change their shade from light to dark, blue eyes of a newborn can darken a little and become a beautiful celestial shade or lighter. Green eyes at birth become light brown or bluish-green. If the child's eyes are genetically brown, then the baby will be born with a dark gray iris.

Why do eyes change color as adults?

It is conditionally possible to distinguish two groups of reasons that lead to a change in eye color in adulthood:

  1. External.
  2. Internal (physiological).

TO external factors relate weather, changes in light levels and temperature, clothing color, environment. Moreover, the lighter the eyes, the greater their ability to color fluctuations. An object reflected from the eye causes external change its hue. However, all these reasons are relative, and the result of their influence on the eyes is almost imperceptible.

Physiological factors can be divided into natural, which do not pose a danger to human health, and pathological. The first ones include:

  • Emotions. Eyes change color with mood. Stress, joy, anger can lead to a change in the shade of the iris. Scientists attribute this process to the hormonal background.
  • Tears. When a person cries, the shade of the iris becomes more saturated. Protein, receiving excess moisture, seems even lighter and sets off the color of the iris.

All these reasons are not associated with diseases. There are several diseases that manifest themselves in a change in the shade of the iris. All of them are very dangerous and require long-term treatment. Let's take a closer look at their symptoms.

Eyes change color: what is the name of the disease?

Let us analyze in more detail the symptoms of each pathologyaccompanied by a change in eye color. You will be able to distinguish pathological process from the natural and consult a doctor in time. So, the diseases leading to a change in the color of the iris include:

1. Dahlen-Fuchs syndrome. It is also called chronic nongranulomatous uveitis. It is a degenerative process that predominantly affects one eye, but may also affect the other. The symptoms of the syndrome are as follows:

  • clouding of the lens, which occurs due to a change in the composition of the fluid in the eye;
    the iris brightens on the outside due to its thinning, as a result of which the affected eye becomes darker than the healthy one (iris lacunae
  • expand - the pigment begins to shine through them);
  • lack of creeps (drawings) of the iris.

This is part of the symptoms that relate to eye color. At the same time, some signs of the disease may disappear for a while, and therefore it is difficult to diagnose. Fuchs syndrome almost always leads to secondary glaucoma or cataracts with all their symptoms. In any case, the syndrome is accompanied by heterochromia - different color eyes (one is duller, and the color of the other is more intense).

2. Posner-Schlossmann Syndrome (glaucoma-cyclitic crisis) is a type of uveitis that affects the condition of the iris. The syndrome is manifested by pain, blurred vision, a feeling of heaviness in the eyes, photophobia and the appearance of multi-colored circles. Decreased vision this pathology not accompanied. As for the state of the iris, it noticeably darkens. In addition, mydriasis of the pupil of the affected eye is observed.

3. Horner's syndrome is a disease associated with damage to the nervous system. Most often, pathology manifests itself in the eyes. The pupil of the diseased eye reacts slowly to changes in light levels. It does not adapt to external conditions and is almost always narrowed. The patient has heterochromia, especially if the disease develops in a child. It is easiest to diagnose the disease by omission upper eyelid(ptosis). Also with this syndrome sinks eyeball, and sweating (dyshidrosis) is disturbed on the affected part of the face.

4. Pigmentary glaucoma is an ophthalmic disease in which pigment separates from the back surface of the iris and enters other structures of the eye. The main difference between pigmentary glaucoma and its other forms is the depigmentation of the iris: melanin is washed out of the cells of the surface layer of the iris and enters the anterior chamber. In a person with pigmentary glaucoma, part of the protein coat becomes the color of the iris. Other symptoms of pathology:

  • swelling of the cornea;
  • floating circles, "flies" before the eyes;
  • blurred vision;
  • reduced ability to see clearly at different distances;
  • jumps intraocular pressure.

5. Melanoma of the iris - malignant tumor, which often has dark brown color. The first sign of the disease is the appearance of a mushroom cone. Brown in the anterior chamber of the eye. The borders of the iris become fuzzy, they seem to be smeared, the cornea becomes cloudy. The patient complains of blurred vision, flashes before the eyes, narrowing of the visual fields. pain usually does not occur in the eye. All of these features are characteristic of initial stage diseases. TO late symptoms relate:

  • weight loss;
  • rapid pulse;
  • fast fatiguability.

6. Lymphoma is another malignant disease, the symptoms of which are reflected in the shade of the iris. With lymphoma of the eye, the area inside the visual organ is affected, which leads to a decrease in visual acuity. The color of the iris also changes. She becomes dimmer. However, the disease can behave differently in each case.

All of these pathologies are quite rare. This makes them harder to diagnose.

Eyes began to change color: what to do?

So, the eyes change color from mood, under the influence of external circumstances and due to illness. What should a person do if he finds that his eyes began to change color? If previously your iris retained its shade regardless of external conditions and other reasons, you should consult an ophthalmologist. As we now know, changing the shade of the iris in children is natural process. It should cause alarm if the eyes change color unevenly or the shade of only one eye has changed, that is, heterochromia is observed.

Some people ask me: “Can I change my color?” No, you can't, you were born with it, it's yours. I'm green, I've done research, and I can prove that it's impossible to change color.

Imagine that you are parents and you have two children. Are these children different from each other from birth? One is bright, the other is calm. One cries a lot, the other explores a lot, breaks. They are completely different. They are already made that way. Some children are leaders from birth. They are bosses, little bosses.

My friend Harry, he is green. One day he told me that he decided to change his color to blue. “I want to be blue like my sponsor. He's having so much fun! If I were blue, my wife would be so proud of me. I would finally have charisma and personality.” Harry has been working on turning blue for 9 months. 9 months later, Harry has progressed - he is dancing. Have you ever seen an engineer dance? This is how Harry dances. “Raise your right leg 3.5 centimeters up, shift the weight 62% to the left, make an arch right foot 90 degrees, repeat the same with leg number two. He is still green.

You cannot change your color. It belongs to you for life. You were born with your color - just enjoy.

How to determine the color of your client Listen, stop staring at me.

It really doesn't matter what color you are. What really matters is what color your potential customer is. You need to know what color your client is in order to start talking to him in his language. This is where the skill lies.

I know what you're thinking: “Oh my God! How do I know what color it is? A couple of hints. Do this exercise with your group. If you talk to your partner and he says, "By the way, help yourself, here's a cookie," he's yellow. If you are talking to your partner and he is already talking, he is blue. If you are talking to your partner and you hear: "Okay, I'll go first, let me tell you what color you are first," it will be red. If you turn to your partner and see that he has crossed his arms over his chest and says to himself under his breath: “I don’t want to participate in this. All this is stupid. Listen, stop backing at me, ”it will be green.

Three questions to help figure out your client's color

I will prompt you with a few questions that could give you a hint about the color of your interlocutor. You don't have to use these questions, but you could insert them somewhere during the conversation.

First question, which I like to ask: "What do you do for a living?" For example, someone says that he is an engineer, he builds bridges. Most likely it's green. Can you imagine a blue one building a bridge? “Something here the level does not match. Maybe we can put a can of beer here, and that's it? Someone may have a profession that is different from their personal dominant color. Therefore, this question does not give a 100% guarantee. However, this is a good question to start the conversation with.

Second question, which I ask: “What do you like to do in your free time?” To determine the color of the interlocutor, the answer to this question will be more accurate. For example, you hear this answer: "I really like to embroider ashtrays for the homeless out of wool." Most likely, this person is yellow. Or you can hear the following: “I don’t have free time, I don’t need it, I’m doing a career.” This man is definitely red.

Third question, which I like to ask: “What do you like most about it?” With this question, you give the person the opportunity to talk about what he likes about his job or favorite pastime.

I'll give you an example. I meet with a potential client and ask him the question: “What do you do?” "Oh, I'm a kindergarten teacher. I teach children." I'm guessing it's probably yellow. And I ask further: “What do you like about your work?”. My interlocutor replies: “Well, five-year-olds are still so small. You can stop them all the time, you can tell them what to do. You can rule them with an iron fist and be a dictator all your life." What color is my interlocutor? Of course, red.


Eye color depends a lot on your surroundings, from your clothes, jewelry, to the decor of your room. For example, grey eyes will look blue when wearing clothes blue flowers. Green and lilac clothing will give dull green eyes the color of a bright emerald. But with this method, you can only slightly change the shade, and turning brown eyes into green will not work.

Light intensity may change color bright eyes, changing their color scheme from light gray to rich marine. This largely depends on the color of the lighting, the walls and the size of the room. So use this method only in limited or suitable weather.

A fairly simple way to change the shade of the eyes is makeup. To do this, you need to use certain shadows and eyeliner to emphasize the color. For example, if gray, you need to apply makeup in shades of gray to make the eyes bluer. If you want to make them gray, you need to use cosmetics blue color. With brown or green contour pencil green eyes become darker.

Eye color changes by itself as a person grows up, so you can just wait. Babies are born with dark and rich eye color, and the older the person gets, the lighter the shade becomes. People's eyes become very light, as if fading. If in youth there was a dark brown color, in old age the eyes become honey-colored.

Strong emotions change eye color, but this can hardly be used on permanent basis. However, it is worth remembering that any emotional upheavals are reflected in the shade, it is enough to experience fear, anger, love, pain, joy. Eyes react differently to each emotion - they can brighten or darken.

Some diseases can cause a change in the eye, albeit a minor one. The iris becomes a little lighter or darker, blue eyes turn into gray or become green tint. Although diseases have practically no effect on brown eyes, they remain in their color scheme.

Exist inflammatory diseases that only affect one eye. These diseases include the syndrome of Fuchs and Posner-Schlossman. In recovered people, the iris acquires greenish tint. Although it is unlikely that a person will purposefully look for these diseases in order to change the color of the eyes.

In glaucoma, special drugs are prescribed to reduce intraocular pressure. eye drops. If you use them for a long time, the color of the eyes becomes darker. Although if a person has brown eyes, it will be invisible. But using such drops without a doctor's prescription is not recommended, and they will not prescribe them just for the sake of changing eye color. After all, if you use them on healthy eyes, can appear side effects and vision will deteriorate. The desire to make the eyes a little darker is not worth the risk.

Sometimes it is enough to really want to change the color, and the body obediently adapts to desires. Visualization helps in this - imagining yourself with the right shade of eyes. For this you need to find quiet place so that no one disturbs you, and turn on calm music. If you find that you will not be able to focus on the music, then you can visualize in complete silence.
When everything is ready, you need to take a comfortable position, completely relax and close your eyes. Imagine your face in detail, just change the color of the eyes to the one you want. Take a close look at yourself, enjoy the view and send a request to the universe to send you what you want.
For the effectiveness of the method, you can change the color of the eyes in your photo in photoshop and to make it easier to visualize.
Some visualization options recommend that you close your eyes and instead of the darkness in front of your eyes, imagine the natural color of your eyes, and then gradually change it to the desired one.

Another cheap one safe method- self-hypnosis. It is very similar to the previous one, but in this version you need to turn not to the universe, but to your body. To do this, you need to constantly repeat certain phrases that give the installation to the eyes to change color. They can sound differently: “I have eyes (insert the desired) color”, “my eyes (that color)”. Such phrases should be spoken aloud in the morning and evening before going to bed, when the subconscious mind is most active.

It will not work to radically change the color of the eyes with such methods, so sometimes it is much more effective to turn to medicine. For these purposes, you can use laser correction, which removes excess pigments in the iris and can turn brown eyes into blue. Although this method has significant drawbacks: high price about $5,000 and irreversible. The technique is fairly new, so little about the long-term effects.

Apart from laser correction you can use another medical service. Dr. Kahn developed a surgical procedure in which a special implant is implanted into the iris of the eye desired color. A big plus is this - after a while you can remove it to return to the original color or try something new. However, after such an operation, there may appear undesirable consequences, including glaucoma, cataracts, blindness and corneal detachment.


If you have not yet applied these methods, and the color of the eyes by itself short span time has changed the shade, you need to see a doctor. For some eye diseases eye color change is one of the main symptoms. So do not risk your health, it is better to check with an ophthalmologist.

From how beautiful and expressive your eyes depends on how other people perceive your appearance. Exactly eyes enliven the face of any man and any woman, and therefore it is important to properly care for them in order to eyes did not lose brightness and brilliance. You can use simple advice thanks to which your eyes will always be bright and beautiful, attracting the attention of others.


Learn how to use eye makeup correctly to highlight them on your face - tint the inner contour of the eyes with a cosmetic pencil, and lightly shade the inner corners of the eyes with a red pencil to eyes seemed brighter and bigger.

The perception of the eyes largely depends on the shape and grooming of the eyebrows. Don't forget to groom them regularly - comb them and trim too long hairs, and also correct the shape of the eyebrows with tweezers, removing excess. You can apply a special gel on the eyebrows, as well as on the eyelashes - this will give them shine.

Do not put too much shadow on the eyelids - the shadows should be applied in a small amount so that their excess does not accumulate in the folds of the upper eyelid and make-up is not sloppy. When picking up shadows on the brush, shake it slightly to discard excess.

If the transitions between eye shadow and eyeliner are too harsh, smooth them out. cotton swab. Try the shadows of those colors that are in harmony with your eye color and skin color - for example, if you have a cold type, use shades of cold shades.

But the lenses of the second type are opaque colored contact lenses those who want eye color radically. Such lenses will completely hide your color, and you will be able to enjoy the chosen color without any restrictions. Lenses of the second type are suitable for everyone - both light-eyed and dark-eyed.

So you're armed necessary information, and you can next step- go to the office where the contact lenses are. An ophthalmologist will check the condition of your eyes and advise you on which lenses may be most comfortable for you.
There you will be offered all kinds of means for lenses. Don't give up on them. Still, the lens is foreign body in your native eye, and everything is needed to make your eyes comfortable and comfortable.

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If you drive a car, then before driving, spend some time in new colored lenses, feel how convenient and comfortable you are in them, especially when moving, for example, from a bright room to a dark room, and vice versa.



Nature has given each of us a unique appearance. Despite such an "exclusive" gift, any woman wants change. Recolor from blonde to brunette or vice versa, use bright makeup and even resort to plastic surgery. But what about the color?

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