What happens if you breathe pure oxygen. Oxygen therapy - a unique procedure for health and beauty How much oxygen can you breathe in a hospital

The history of mankind has more than two thousand years. But the history of the Earth, the place where people live, began much earlier, about 4 billion years ago. It was then that life appeared on the planet. At first, only plants lived on Earth, but then invertebrates and vertebrates began to appear. About 65 million years ago, a variety of mammals evolved, and some ape-like animals gained the ability to walk upright. It was from these animals that man subsequently evolved. Man and animals are united by one thing - they cannot live without an atmosphere.

The atmosphere is made up of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Oxygen is a colorless and tasteless gas. It is part of many organic substances and is found in many cells. During breathing, a person receives oxygen from the air, it enters the lungs. In the lungs, the blood takes in oxygen, and the person exhales carbon dioxide. It would seem that oxygen is everywhere, and it cannot do anything bad to a person. But it is not. You can not breathe air that contains oxygen without impurities.

Why can't you breathe pure oxygen?

  • Scientists help answer this question. Pure oxygen without impurities, even at normal pressure, damages tissue and does not allow carbon dioxide to escape. The maximum amount of time that you can breathe pure oxygen is 10-15 minutes. If longer, then you can get poisoned. First, oxygen intoxicates a person, then he loses consciousness, he begins to have convulsions. If a person is not saved, then a fatal outcome is possible.
  • The danger of oxygen poisoning is taken into account, for example, in the production of oxygen bags and other similar devices. Inside each oxygen cushion is a mixture of gases, in which oxygen in its pure form is only about 70%. The remaining 30% refers to a mixture of other substances.
  • Pure oxygen can not be poisoned if the atmospheric pressure is very far from normal and is very low. But this happens very rarely, so it is important to be very careful. The danger of oxygen poisoning exists among people working in mines and submariners. Therefore, it is very important to know how to provide first aid for oxygen poisoning. For example, divers need to reduce the depth of the descent, stop, and let the victim breathe in the gas mixture. Depth of descent is generally very important to control.

In our body, oxygen is responsible for the process of energy production. In our cells, only thanks to oxygen, oxygenation occurs - the conversion of nutrients (fats and lipids) into cell energy. With a decrease in the partial pressure (content) of oxygen in the inhaled level - its level in the blood decreases - the activity of the organism at the cellular level decreases. It is known that more than 20% of oxygen is consumed by the brain. Oxygen deficiency contributes Accordingly, when the level of oxygen falls, well-being, performance, general tone, and immunity suffer.
It is also important to know that it is oxygen that can remove toxins from the body.
Please note that in all foreign films, in case of an accident or a person in serious condition, first of all, emergency services doctors put on an oxygen apparatus to the victim in order to increase the body's resistance and increase its chances of survival.
The therapeutic effect of oxygen has been known and used in medicine since the end of the 18th century. In the USSR, the active use of oxygen for preventive purposes began in the 60s of the last century.


Hypoxia or oxygen starvation is a reduced oxygen content in the body or individual organs and tissues. Hypoxia occurs when there is a lack of oxygen in the inhaled air and in the blood, in violation of the biochemical processes of tissue respiration. Due to hypoxia, irreversible changes develop in vital organs. The most sensitive to oxygen deficiency are the central nervous system, heart muscle, kidney tissue, and liver.
The manifestations of hypoxia are respiratory failure, shortness of breath; violation of the functions of organs and systems.

The harm of oxygen

Sometimes you can hear that "Oxygen is an oxidizing agent that accelerates the aging of the body."
Here the wrong conclusion is drawn from the right premise. Yes, oxygen is an oxidizing agent. Only thanks to him, the nutrients from food are processed into energy in the body.
The fear of oxygen is associated with two of its exceptional properties: free radicals and poisoning with excess pressure.

1. What are free radicals?
Some of the huge number of constantly flowing oxidative (energy-producing) and reduction reactions of the body are not completed to the end, and then substances are formed with unstable molecules that have unpaired electrons at the outer electronic levels, called “free radicals”. They seek to capture the missing electron from any other molecule. This molecule becomes a free radical and steals an electron from the next one, and so on.
Why is this needed? A certain amount of free radicals, or oxidants, is vital for the body. First of all - to combat harmful microorganisms. Free radicals are used by the immune system as "projectiles" against "invaders". Normally, in the human body, 5% of the substances formed during chemical reactions become free radicals.
The main reasons for the violation of the natural biochemical balance and the increase in the number of free radicals, scientists call emotional stress, heavy physical exertion, injuries and exhaustion against the background of air pollution, eating canned and technologically incorrectly processed foods, vegetables and fruits grown with the help of herbicides and pesticides, ultraviolet and radiation exposure.

Thus, aging is a biological process of slowing down cell division, and free radicals mistakenly associated with aging are natural and necessary defense mechanisms for the body, and their harmful effects are associated with a violation of natural processes in the body by negative environmental factors and stress.

2. "Oxygen is easy to poison."
Indeed, excess oxygen is dangerous. Excess oxygen causes an increase in the amount of oxidized hemoglobin in the blood and a decrease in the amount of reduced hemoglobin. And, since it is the reduced hemoglobin that removes carbon dioxide, its retention in the tissues leads to hypercapnia - CO2 poisoning.
With an excess of oxygen, the number of free radical metabolites grows, those very terrible “free radicals” that are highly active, acting as oxidizing agents that can damage the biological membranes of cells.

Terrible, right? I immediately want to stop breathing. Fortunately, in order to be poisoned by oxygen, an increased oxygen pressure is necessary, as, for example, in a pressure chamber (during oxygen barotherapy) or when diving with special breathing mixtures. In ordinary life, such situations do not occur.

3. “There is little oxygen in the mountains, but there are many centenarians! Those. oxygen is bad."
Indeed, in the Soviet Union in the mountainous regions of the Caucasus and in Transcaucasia, a certain number of long-livers were registered. If you look at the list of verified (i.e. confirmed) centenarians of the world throughout its history, the picture will not be so obvious: the oldest centenarians registered in France, the USA and Japan did not live in the mountains ..

In Japan, where the oldest woman on the planet, Misao Okawa, who is over 116 years old, still lives and lives, there is also the “island of centenarians” Okinawa. The average life expectancy here for men is 88 years, for women - 92; this is higher than in the rest of Japan by 10-15 years. The island has collected data on more than seven hundred local centenarians over a hundred years old. They say that: "Unlike the Caucasian highlanders, the Hunzakuts of Northern Pakistan and other peoples who boast of their longevity, all Okinawan births since 1879 are documented in the Japanese family register - koseki." The Okinhua people themselves believe that the secret to their longevity rests on four pillars: diet, active lifestyle, self-sufficiency and spirituality. Locals never overeat, adhering to the principle of "hari hachi bu" - eight tenths full. These "eight tenths" of them consist of pork, seaweed and tofu, vegetables, daikon and local bitter cucumber. The oldest Okinawans do not sit idle: they actively work on the land, and their recreation is also active: most of all they love to play a local variety of croquet.: Okinawa is called the happiest island - there is no hurry and stress inherent in the large islands of Japan. The locals are committed to the philosophy of yuimaru - "kindhearted and friendly collaborative effort".
Interestingly, as soon as the Okinawans move to other parts of the country, there are no long-livers among such people. Thus, scientists studying this phenomenon found that the genetic factor does not play a role in the longevity of the islanders. And we, for our part, consider it extremely important that the Okinawa Islands are located in an actively windswept zone in the ocean, and the level of oxygen content in such zones is recorded as the highest - 21.9 - 22% oxygen.

Therefore, the task of the OxyHaus system is not so much to INCREASE the level of oxygen in the room, but to RESTORE its natural balance.
In the tissues of the body saturated with a natural level of oxygen, the metabolic process is accelerated, the body is “activated”, its resistance to negative factors increases, its endurance and the efficiency of organs and systems increase.


Atmung oxygen concentrators use NASA's PSA (Pressure Variable Absorption) technology. Outside air is purified through a filter system, after which the device releases oxygen using a molecular sieve from the volcanic mineral zeolite. Pure, almost 100% oxygen is supplied by a stream at a pressure of 5-10 liters per minute. This pressure is sufficient to provide the natural level of oxygen in a room up to 30 meters.

Air purity

“But the air is dirty outside, and oxygen carries all substances with it.”
That is why OxyHaus systems have a three-stage incoming air filtration system. And already purified air enters the zeolite molecular sieve, in which air oxygen is separated.


“Why is the use of the OxyHaus system dangerous? After all, oxygen is explosive.
The use of the concentrator is safe. There is a risk of explosion in industrial oxygen cylinders because the oxygen is under high pressure. The Atmung Oxygen Concentrators that the system is based on are free of combustible materials and use NASA's PSA (Pressure Variable Adsorption Process) technology, which is safe and easy to operate.


Why do I need your system? I can reduce the level of CO2 in the room by opening the window and ventilating.”
Indeed, regular ventilation is a very good habit and we also recommend it to reduce CO2 levels. However, city air cannot be called truly fresh - in addition to the increased level of harmful substances, the level of oxygen is reduced in it. In the forest, the oxygen content is about 22%, and in urban air - 20.5 - 20.8%. This seemingly insignificant difference significantly affects the human body.
“I tried breathing oxygen and didn’t feel anything”
The effect of oxygen should not be compared with the effect of energy drinks. The positive effect of oxygen has a cumulative effect, so the oxygen balance of the body must be replenished regularly. We recommend turning on the OxyHaus system at night and for 3-4 hours a day during physical or intellectual activities. It is not necessary to use the system 24 hours a day.

"What's the difference with air purifiers?"
The air purifier only performs the function of reducing the amount of dust, but does not solve the problem of balancing the oxygen level of stuffiness.
“What is the most favorable concentration of oxygen in a room?”
The most favorable oxygen content is close to the same as in the forest or on the seashore: 22%. Even if your oxygen level is slightly above 21% due to natural ventilation, this is a favorable atmosphere.

"Is it possible to be poisoned by oxygen?"

Oxygen poisoning, hyperoxia, occurs as a result of breathing oxygen-containing gas mixtures (air, nitrox) at elevated pressure. Oxygen poisoning can occur when using oxygen devices, regenerative devices, when using artificial gas mixtures for breathing, during oxygen recompression, and also due to excess therapeutic doses in the process of oxygen barotherapy. In case of oxygen poisoning, dysfunctions of the central nervous system, respiratory and circulatory organs develop.

In order for the body to function normally, the air must contain 20-21% oxygen. Only in stuffy offices and on busy city streets does its concentration drop to 16-17%. This amount is catastrophically small for a person to breathe normally. As a result, he feels tired, he has headaches, his working capacity decreases, his complexion becomes earthy and unhealthy, he constantly wants to sleep. Therefore, oxygen therapy has become popular - it eliminates O2 deficiency and restores good health.

To protect yourself from polluted city air, you can hermetically close windows and doors. Only this will not save from oxygen deficiency. In a tightly closed room, normal air exchange is disturbed, which is necessary for the full functioning of the body. By the way, everyone notices that it is more difficult to breathe on a hot and dry day, and easier on cool and high humidity. Only this does not depend on the concentration of oxygen, so changing the weather will not help get rid of oxygen deficiency. Now there are some truly effective methods that help replenish O2 in the body. Read about them in this article.

Why is oxygen therapy needed and who benefits from it in the first place?

Oxygen treatment is used for various diseases, especially for problems with the lungs - this makes breathing easier. Oxygen therapy is also recommended for pregnant women for the normal development of the fetus and in general for all people who live in the city and constantly breathe polluted air.

General health improvement

Oxygen therapy is used for general health purposes to strengthen the immune system, eliminate chronic fatigue and for accelerated recovery after the treatment of serious illnesses. In cosmetology, this method is used to normalize metabolic processes in the body, improve complexion and consolidate the result of a diet in combination with physical activity, that is, to speed up metabolism.

Often, oxygen therapy is prescribed for problems with the heart and blood vessels. O2 concentrators with nebulizers that convert a liquid drug into an aerosol mixture have been shown to be effective in the treatment of acute and chronic respiratory diseases.

Benefits for pregnant women

In the early stages of pregnancy, oxygen therapy helps to eliminate fetal hypoxia, and a sufficient supply of oxygen is necessary for its normal development. For the mother, these procedures are useful in that they improve her general well-being, eliminate neuroses and emotional lability, relieve toxicosis, cheer up and strengthen the immune system.

Video: The role of oxygen and oxygen therapy in clinical practice.

Long-term oxygen therapy for COPD

In chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), oxygen therapy is a mandatory method of treatment. The main problem in such patients is that they cannot breathe deeply. Continuous oxygen therapy, lasting at least 15 hours every day, compensates for respiratory failure of the lungs. As a result, the patient becomes much easier. For oxygen therapy, you will have to purchase or rent a concentrator.


There are many ways to saturate the body with oxygen. It can be inhaled through a mask and special tubes, passed through the skin, even drunk.

Oxygen inhalations

Even practically healthy people, oxygen inhalations will benefit in the form of prevention of various ailments. This is especially true for residents of large cities who are forced to breathe polluted air. Inhalations with pure oxygen tone up, eliminate the earthy complexion and give a healthy glow, and also help get rid of chronic fatigue, increase efficiency and improve mood.

Such oxygen therapy is also prescribed for many diseases. Indications for inhalation are as follows:

  • asthma;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • heart disease (with inpatient treatment);
  • gas poisoning;
  • asthma attacks;
  • shock conditions;
  • impaired renal function;
  • nervous disorders;
  • frequent fainting;
  • obesity.

For inhalation, an oxygen mask is used, to which an oxygen mixture is supplied, or nasal cannula tubes (in this case, O2 is used diluted). Each procedure lasts at least 10 minutes, with some diseases - a longer time, but only at the discretion of the doctor.

Inhalations are carried out in special clinics, but they can also be performed at home. In this case, you should buy an oxygen cylinder at the pharmacy. Its capacity is from 5 to 14 liters, and the oxygen content in it can be from 30% to 95%. The bottle has a sprayer that can be injected into the mouth or nose - whichever is more convenient. When carrying out 2-3 inhalations per day, 5 liters of the drug is enough for about 5 days.

Another option for inhalation is the use of a concentrator that saturates the indoor air with oxygen. For example, model 7F emits as much O2 as 3 large trees.

Concentrators can be used in saunas, baths, apartments and offices, oxygen cafes and bars, which are now gaining popularity. You can also use them individually with a mask. The devices are equipped with regulators and timers to prevent overdose, as well as a self-diagnosis function. You can purchase a pulse oximeter to more accurately monitor your blood oxygen levels. It is convenient to use and compact.

You can not do more inhalations than recommended by the doctor. Its increased concentration in the body is no less dangerous than insufficient. This can provoke clouding of the lens of the eye and blindness, pathological processes in the lungs and kidneys, convulsions, dry cough, chest pain, and impaired thermoregulation of the body. Some scientists even believe that excess oxygen in the body can lead to the development of cancer.


This method of oxygen therapy is widely used in cosmetology. Mesotherapy is as follows: preparations enriched with active oxygen are administered intravenously, directed to the deepest layers of the skin. As a result, the cells are rejuvenated, as their regeneration is accelerated, the complexion improves, and the external manifestations of cellulite disappear. The hated orange peel on the buttocks, thighs and abdomen disappears, the skin in these places becomes smooth and even.


Barotherapy is also carried out with the use of oxygen, which is supplied under high pressure. When using a pressure chamber, O2 better penetrates into the blood vessels directly from the lungs. So hemoglobin is maximally enriched with oxygen. As a result, fatigue disappears, immunity increases and efficiency increases.

Barotherapy also helps with chronic diseases - with ischemia of the heart, stomach and duodenal ulcers, obliterating endarteritis, retinal ischemia and other ailments.

Oxygen baths

Such baths are also called pearl baths. They relax tired muscles and ligaments, improve overall well-being, relieve stress, normalize sleep and blood pressure, stimulate metabolism, relieve headaches and have a positive effect on skin condition.

The pearl bath procedure is pleasant and relaxing. The water in it is heated to about + 35-37 degrees. This corresponds to the temperature of the human body, so staying in such a bath is comfortable for a person. The action of this method of oxygen therapy is based on the fact that water is enriched with O2, and then penetrates through the surface of the skin into its deeper layers. There, oxygen actively affects the nerve endings and thus coordinates the work of all body systems.

Oxygen baths also have contraindications:

  • acute skin diseases (allergies, dermatitis);
  • tuberculosis in the active stage;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.

oxygen cocktails

You can also saturate the body with O2 through the stomach with the help of oxygen cocktails. Such drinks are an air foam with bubbles of medical oxygen, the content of which is 95%. To form a special structure of the cocktail, food converters are added to it - licorice root extract or spum mixture. The basis of the drink is a special composition of medicinal herbs, vitamin mixtures and juices without pulp, which give taste and color. Oxygen is “whipped” with these ingredients, resulting in a thick foam.

Now such drinks are offered in all sanatoriums and fitness clubs, in oxygen bars, they are often sold even in shopping centers. They stimulate digestion, remove toxins and toxins from the body, increase efficiency, improve metabolism and help reduce weight. Oxygen cocktails are useful for adults and children to drink as an aid in the treatment of various diseases, as well as for prevention. These drinks are indicated for gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, colitis.

You can make an oxygen cocktail with your own hands. This will require a cylinder of medical oxygen, which is sold in a pharmacy, as well as other ingredients. You can add juice or herbal tea - whatever you like more.

Despite the benefits of such cocktails, you should not get carried away with them. Enough to drink 1-2 servings per week. It is also recommended to consult a doctor. The fact is that the active action of O2 is contraindicated in certain health problems, especially in diseases of the stomach.

Still, the most useful and safe way to enrich the body with oxygen is walking through the forest, especially coniferous. Therefore, try to go out into nature more often, go to the country, go hiking and just walk in the parks, breathing clean and fresh air. This type of oxygen therapy is absolutely safe for health and allows you to charge O2 in its natural manifestation. An overdose in this case is impossible, but a lot of pleasant emotions are guaranteed.

What happens if a person breathes pure oxygen? How long will he last like this? and got the best answer

Answer from Oleg Boldyrev[guru]
The vital activity of the human body and the internal processes that cause it are finely designed for the consumption of oxygen in a certain amount. Excess oxygen, like its lack, is harmful to the body. The excess of the partial pressure of O2 is 1.8 atm. long-term exposure makes the gas toxic to the lungs and brain. The mechanism of the toxic effect of O2 is the disruption of the biochemical balance of tissue cells, especially the nerve cells of the brain.
Prolonged inhalation of oxygen causes oxygen poisoning. How much time is this? For normal atmospheric pressure - 18-24 hours. The situation is much worse for those who dive under water. The higher the pressure, the less pure oxygen you can breathe. Diving to a depth of more than 10 meters on pure oxygen is strictly prohibited! !
NOAA Oxygen Exposure Limits
PO2 (bar/ata) Time
0.6 720 min
0.7 570 min
0.8 450 min
0.9 360 min
1.0 300 min (at atmospheric pressure)
1.1 240 min
1.2 210 min
1.3 180 min
1.4 150 min
1.5 120 min
1.6 45 min
Symptoms of oxygen poisoning: visual impairment (tunnel vision, inability to focus), hearing impairment (ringing in the ears, the appearance of extraneous sounds), nausea, convulsive contractions (especially facial muscles), increased sensitivity to external stimuli and dizziness. The most alarming symptom is the appearance of convulsions or hyperoxic convulsions. Such convulsions are a loss of consciousness with the occurrence of repetitive strong contractions of almost all the muscles of the body within a minute.

Answer from User deleted[guru]
The atmosphere contains approximately 17% oxygen. Even in the hospital, patients are given 22%, not pure oxygen. Oxygen is one of the most aggressive chemicals (oxidizer). Oxygen atoms even react with each other. Therefore, O2 and not just O. O1 is generally poison! As pressure increases, the reactivity of oxygen also increases.
If you breathe pure (100%) oxygen (O2) and for a long time, then:
1) Severe burn of the respiratory tract.
2) can lead to severe poisoning of the whole organism.

Answer from scientific dragon[guru]
In general, this is how redox reactions occur in the brain - this is how thoughts are born. Oxygen - accelerates, CO2 - slows down. With an excess of O2, there is no inhibition: just try to breathe often, often - your head will spin. This is what "oxygen poisoning" looks like.
The table was given here, the time how many people will last on pure O2 depends on pressure.

Answer from Victoria Klypka[guru]
most likely he will suffocate, there will be such a feeling - that he cannot inhale, breathe.

Answer from Krab Bark[guru]
In flights to the Moon, astronauts breathed pure oxygen at a greatly reduced pressure without any harmful effects. This was later abandoned due to the danger of fires.

Answer from Megawolk®[guru]
Yes, nothing will happen, at least for us. And for you it will end with oxygen poisoning, coma, well ....

Answer from Vitaly Viktorovich[newbie]
Can you tell me how long you can breathe pure oxygen at a pressure of 0.3? Thanks in advance!

Oxygen therapy, or oxygen therapy, is the use of oxygen for medicinal purposes. The method is suitable for adults and children from infancy. Its main task is to replenish oxygen in the tissues of the body and prevent oxygen starvation.


It is indicated for patients with lack of movement, frequent stress, diseases of the respiratory system. Oxygen therapy is necessary for patients with oncological diseases who have undergone surgery and are in the period of chemotherapy or radiation therapy, patients with prolonged bed rest. From a scientific point of view, the mechanism of the action of oxygen on the body is still poorly understood, but practical application shows numerous positive examples of a positive effect.

A series of experiments were conducted at the Düsseldorf Radiation Therapy Clinic, as a result, it was revealed that oxygen therapy enhances the effect of radiation, partially eliminates complications and side effects. It also became known that in healthy tissues, regeneration occurs faster, while the effect of oxygen on diseased tissues is the opposite - cancer cells die faster. The general condition of patients improves significantly. Oxygen therapy has the greatest effect in the treatment of neuroblastomas.

Health promotion

People who do not have special diseases also need to be saturated with additional portions of oxygen, especially for residents of large cities where industrial zones are concentrated.

The normal functioning of the body is possible if the presence of oxygen in the air is at least 21% of the total mass. In fact, the oxygen level is no more than 19%. As a result, tissues of internal organs suffer, diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems occur.


Oxygen therapy is indicated for such diseases:

  • Cyanosis, respiratory failure of acute or chronic course.
  • Obstructive pathology of the lungs of a chronic form.
  • Pulmonary edema, shock.
  • Cystic fibrosis, eye diseases.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Allergic pathologies, accompanied by attacks of suffocation.
  • Arthritis, arthrosis, cardiac asthma.
  • Rehabilitation after poisoning.
  • Increasing the effectiveness of cancer therapy.


  • Autism.
  • Some types of brain diseases (dystrophy).
  • Pulmonary bleeding.

Oxygen therapy is never done with pure O2 gas. A pure substance leads to drying of lung tissue. For treatment, mixtures of gases are used, where the proportion of oxygen is from 40 to 80%, the concentration is determined by the patient's diagnosis.

What is the use

Oxygen therapy has a positive effect on many functions of the human body. During the procedure, the following is noted:

  • replenishment in tissues.
  • Normalization of cell regeneration processes.
  • Restoration of the normal level of cellular respiration.
  • Metabolic processes in tissues are stabilized.
  • The immune system is strengthened.
  • Blood pressure returns to normal.
  • The body is detoxified.
  • Accelerates metabolism.
  • Hemodynamics improves, respiratory functions normalize.

The effect of oxygen therapy is prolonged. Within a few hours after the procedure, the patient improves:

  • Saturation of blood with oxygen.
  • Improvement of blood circulation in all organs.
  • In the blood, the amount of hemoglobin, leukocytes increases.
  • The kidneys produce more fluid, improve excretion functions, which reduces swelling.
  • Reduced pain threshold etc.

Types of mixtures

Oxygen therapy is carried out using healing mixtures of gases, where O 2 is present in a strictly dosed volume. For patients with pulmonary edema, mixtures are delivered through a defoamer.

Types of mixtures used:

  • Carbogen - consists of oxygen and carbon dioxide in a ratio of 50:50. The presence of CO 2 makes it easier for the patient to absorb oxygen.
  • Oxygen-argon - a mixture of oxygen (70-80%) with argon. This version of the gas does not allow overdrying of the mucous membranes and improves the absorption of O 2.
  • Helium-oxygen - most (60-70%) falls on helium, the rest is O 2.


Oxygen therapy is a method of restoring health through physiotherapy. The procedure is offered and prescribed in hospitals, outpatient clinics, in sanatorium and resort institutions.

The oxygen therapy system has several options, the most commonly used are the following:

  • Inhalation - the supply of an oxygen mixture occurs through catheters, masks, cannulas or This is a method of directly introducing oxygen into the lungs, usually through the nose. The duration of the session is at least 10 minutes and up to 1 hour. During inhalation, the Bobrov apparatus is used, in which the gas mixture is moistened. The supply comes from oxygen bags, stationary cylinders or clinic storage.
  • Extrapulmonary - oxygen is supplied to the peritoneum, subcutaneously or by subconjunctival injections. Each of the types of this therapy has its own goals - rectal administration increases partial pressure, accelerates metabolic processes in the gastrointestinal tract, and regulates some nervous processes. Intraperitoneal injection into the pleura is indicated to overcome pulmonary insufficiency, gas poisoning, tuberculosis, wounds, etc. The introduction of a mixture of O2 into the stomach with a probe eliminates bleeding, improves motility, secretory functions, and promotes tissue repair. Subcutaneous administration is indicated for diseases of the nervous system. In case of eye injuries, inflammation, oxygenation is carried out by injections into the eye area. For the treatment of helminthic invasion, oxygen is injected into the intestine.
  • Hyperbaric oxygenation is carried out using a sealed pressure chamber, where the gas mixture is supplied under pressure. It is indicated for patients with a number of pathologies - hypoxia, air embolism, all types of shock, decompression, microcirculation disorders, gas gangrene, etc.
  • Baths with oxygen - this type of balneotherapy activates the redox processes in the body, eliminates insomnia, improves the functioning of the nervous system, lowers blood pressure. For the procedure, the water in the bathroom is heated to 35 degrees Celsius and enriched with oxygen. The required number of sessions to achieve the result is at least 10 baths for 15 minutes.
  • Oxygen tent, awning, incubator - equipment used for oxygen therapy for infants.
  • Oxygen cocktails, mousses - enteral oxygen therapy. Juices, decoctions of herbs are passed through liquefied oxygen. Drinks bring invaluable help in otolaryngological diseases, acute respiratory viral infections, allergies, bronchial asthma, chronic fatigue, and long-term illnesses. Used to prevent colds in young children.

Ozone and oxygen

Ozone-oxygen therapy has a complex effect on the body - blood microcirculation improves, the protective functions of the body improve. External use of drugs of this group eliminates inflammation on the skin, bactericidal, oxidizing and anti-inflammatory effects of ozone are manifested.

A course of ozone therapy is recommended for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, having bad habits - the gray complexion is eliminated by subcutaneous administration of drugs. destructive effect on extraneous and harmful bacteria, viruses, damaged skin fibers. Fungal lesions of the nail plates are successfully treated with ozone therapy.

Oxygen-ozone therapy is indicated for such diseases:

  • Psoriasis.
  • Eczema.
  • Itching and atopic dermatitis.
  • Acne.

The drugs are injected subcutaneously with short needles, used externally, or administered rectally. After the course of treatment, rashes disappear, including weeping, itching disappears, the skin acquires a healthy appearance and integrity of the cover.

In cosmetology, ozone therapy methods are actively used for such purposes:

  • Eliminate or reduce the appearance of cellulite.
  • Reduction of age-related manifestations - wrinkles, dullness and decrease in skin tone.
  • Massages for general strengthening of the skin and its rejuvenation.


Like any other method, ozone therapy has its limitations in use. Contraindications to oxygen-ozone therapy are as follows:

  • Low blood clotting.
  • Blood clots, ozone allergy, hypocalcemia.
  • Diabetes mellitus, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • Hypoglycemia, myocardial infarction.
  • Convulsions, internal bleeding.
  • Pancreatitis in acute form.

activated oxygen

Singlet oxygen therapy is an application for the treatment of activated oxygen. It is obtained by passing a steam-water mixture through a magnetic ultraviolet activator. The magnetic field promotes the formation of new oxygen compounds, which act more efficiently and exhibit greater stability.

Therapy with such oxygen normalizes the antioxidant functions of the body and is indicated for diseases of the following areas:

  • Pulmonology (tuberculosis, asthmatic bronchitis, emphysema, occupational diseases, bronchitis, etc.).
  • Cardiology (hypertension, angina pectoris, VVD, cardiopathy, varicose veins, rheumatism, thrombophlebitis, etc.).
  • Gastroenterology (gastritis, ulcers, hepatitis, gastroduodenitis, colitis, etc.).
  • Hematology (anemia and leukemia).
  • Endocrinology (obesity, diabetes).
  • Neurology (VSD, neurosis, diencephalic syndrome, asthenic conditions, etc.).
  • Traumatology and orthopedics (Bekhterev's disease, post-traumatic injuries, osteochondrosis, etc.).
  • Dermatology (neurodermatitis, eczema, trophic ulcers, etc.).
  • Infectology (tonsillitis, intestinal infections, etc.).

The qualities and positive effects of activated oxygen have found application in sports medicine, surgery, urology, radiology and other fields of medicine.

Oxygen mesotherapy

Oxygen therapy for the face and body solves many skin problems and its age-related changes.

The method helps to get rid of:

  • Stretch marks, edema, rosacea.
  • Scars, scars, acne, dry skin.
  • Age spots, mimic wrinkles, acne.

Dark circles under the eyes, sagging chin are also eliminated or reduced.

With the help of oxygen, the epidermis is restored after traumatic procedures (peeling, photorejuvenation, etc.).

The device for oxygen therapy used for cosmetic purposes has several nozzles for influencing different areas of the skin. Treatment is carried out externally using pure O 2 . Before starting the procedure, the skin is prepared - cleaned, special agents are applied that enhance the therapeutic effect. To achieve the result, it is necessary to undergo at least 10 procedures.

Home oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy at home is carried out using:

  • Oxygen bottle. The container contains a gas mixture where the oxygen content is 80%. A special mask is designed for breathing. The use of the can is recommended for asthma attacks, insomnia, heart attacks, hangover syndrome or to overcome motion sickness.
  • Oxygen cushion - is a rubberized bag with a device for connecting individual equipment. To ensure humidification of the supplied oxygen, the outlet of the pillow is wrapped with a damp cloth. The pillow can hold up to 75 liters of gas mixture, filling comes from a stationary cylinder of the nearest clinic.

Useful information

The oxygen therapy procedure is painless. Before the session, the doctor checks the patient's oxygen level with a special device - a pulse oximeter, this is not a mandatory requirement, but it gives the doctor a situational picture. Appointments are made individually, depending on the condition of the patient and the goals of treatment.

Most often, the treatment is carried out by inhalation using nasal cannulas or a mask. The duration of the session can last several hours or be continuous for several days. After the session, you need to monitor your condition. Some symptoms may signal a negative effect of therapy, namely:

  • Dry cough, chest pain, difficulty breathing.
  • Insomnia, interrupted night sleep.
  • Discoloration of the skin around the eyes, lips or gums (bluish, gray tint).

In case of detection of such signs or one of them, it is necessary to contact the attending physician to correct the appointments, condition or cancel oxygen therapy.

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