Symptoms after vaccination against yellow fever. Vaccination myths. Indications for the introduction of the vaccine

A dangerous disease can be avoided if certain points are met. Vaccination against yellow fever will help protect against the disease. The study of the features and contraindications of the injection will achieve maximum benefit when used.

Trips to warm countries where outbreaks of the disease were recorded are associated with concern for safety and health. Vaccination against yellow fever reduces the chance of contracting the virus. When traveling to places with certain climatic conditions, you must follow safety rules.

Epidemic surges are recorded in such places:

  • Africa - Sudan, Togo, Chad, Rwanda, etc.;
  • countries of South America.

Seeing everything without vaccination is considered a risky idea.

Who should not be vaccinated against yellow fever: contraindications

Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to be examined by a doctor, inform him about existing health problems, allergic reactions, side effects. Vaccination against yellow fever is well tolerated, but it is worth remembering the contraindications.

  • if you are allergic to eggs, chicken meat;
  • pregnant women;
  • children under the age of 9 months;
  • if there are immunodeficiencies of various etiologies, HIV;
  • with an acute or chronic stage of an infectious disease;
  • advanced age from 60 years;
  • oncology.

The yellow fever vaccine is prescribed by a medical professional with the fulfillment of all requirements and rules, the instructions must be followed for the safety of the patient. You can not independently make decisions about the injection, otherwise there are negative consequences.

Types of vaccine

The very first vaccine was invented by an American scientist in 1937. To date, the component of the drug is a live culture of the virus, it does not harm humans. Its release is carried out in the form of a dry powder - lyophysilate in ampoules, sold together with a special solvent. After cooking, a mixture is obtained.

The virus is grown on chicken embryos, it should be taken into account in the presence of allergies. The disease is rare, its spread and fixation are observed in areas of southern latitudes. Mass vaccinations against yellow fever are not on the shelves of pharmacies.

In Russia, it will be possible to buy drugs from manufacturers:

  • Belgian - Havriks No. 1440 for adults, No. 720 - for children;
  • domestic - Federal State Unitary Enterprise PIPVE named after M.P. Chumakov;
  • companies from France "Sanofi Posteur" - the name "Stamaril".

According to reviews, the drugs are of excellent quality, approved by the necessary regulatory documents, and comply with WHO requirements.

Where can you get vaccinated

Vaccination is carried out by appointment. It is made in medical institutions at the place of residence, the drug may not be available due to its rarity and lack of demand. The vaccine is ordered and expected to arrive, immunity grows stronger within 10 days after the injection.

You can vaccinate adults and children from 9 months. Immunization is established in 10-14 days, the validity period is 6-15 years. To obtain more accurate data, it is worth conducting serological studies. Timely implementation of vaccination will allow you to maintain your health outside the country.

Rules for preparing for vaccination

Before leaving for dangerous regions, it is recommended to consult a doctor. His actions will be aimed at vaccination against yellow fever, preparation of all necessary documents. The body will become protected 10 days after the injection.

It is worth remembering to enter information in the passport with vaccinations.

The mechanism for preparing for vaccination is as follows:

  • before the injection, consume fruits and vegetables that cause sensitization a few days before the injection;
  • after the procedure, do not go to crowded places for 2 weeks, so as not to catch an additional infection;
  • alcohol intake is prohibited - it negatively affects the protection of the immune system.

The occurrence of side effects, deviations signals the need to talk with a doctor, contact an ambulance. A timely injection will protect life from the disease when traveling to African countries, South America.

Possible side effects and complications

Each person has a different reaction to the vaccine. Some people do not feel the change at all, others react strongly. The vaccine contains a foreign element, which contributes to the occurrence of allergies.

In this case, side effects are possible:

  • slight swelling, redness of the bite site;
  • subfebrile temperature;
  • pain in joints, muscles;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • soreness;
  • hives;
  • angioedema.

All these effects disappear after 24-72 hours.

Diagnosis of yellow fever: the first symptoms

The spread of the disease is transmission, mosquitoes carry it in 91% of cases. The virus collects and develops in the lymph nodes. It settles in all organs, affects the vessels, an inflammatory process, destruction of the parenchyma is observed.

The incubation period of the disease is 3-10 days. When insect cells enter the blood, lymph, they actively multiply, penetrate into the parenchyma of organs.

The disease has stages: short-term remission, hyperemia, venous stasis, convalescence.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • temperature jump;
  • problems with the nervous system;
  • mouth, bright red tongue;
  • lacrimation and photophobia;
  • poisoning;
  • pain in the head, body aches;
  • gag reflexes, nausea.

At the first stage, which lasts 4 days, there are failures of cardiac activity, the rate of urine per day decreases, the liver and spleen increase, and bleeding occurs.

After there is a short remission, its duration is 2-48 hours, the patient's condition, his temperature are normalized.

Forms of yellow fever:

  • abortive - the body recovers, the symptoms tend to return back;
  • severe - the stage of venous stasis, the skin becomes pale, jaundice spreads throughout the body, the condition worsens, there is an abundant release of vomit, blood flows from the nose;
  • progressive - death occurs in 50% of cases.

They get sick once in a lifetime, in the future immunity is developed.

Diagnosis of the disease consists in compiling an epidemiological picture of the general condition, it includes leukopenia, neutropenia, detection of cylinders, protein in the urine, blood. Based on changes in bilirubin, residual nitrogen, serum aminotransferases and liver size, different conclusions can be drawn about the disease.

Urine and blood tests help to form an overall picture. Changes in indicators contribute to the start of treatment.


An injection for yellow fever should be done well in advance of leaving for dangerous places with outbreaks of the disease. Proper preparation and adherence to vaccination recommendations will protect the body from possible infection with the virus.

Vaccination – Vaccination against yellow fever in immunocompromised people can cause complications. Sometimes it is better not to travel than to risk your health. Vaccination has contraindications and in itself is also a risk, and this must be remembered!
Yellow fever (aka Yellow fever, YFV, aka Yellow Jack, aka Black Vomit)- a dangerous acute hemorrhagic disease caused by a virus consisting of single-stranded RNA (genus Flavivirus).


Where: Lives in some (Press!) And, does not respect administrative-territorial boundaries, retains freedom of movement and everything else in the tropics and subtropics.

How: One bite from an infected mosquito is enough to "enlighten". It is not transmitted through direct contact from person to person. Up to 4 days after the onset of signs of infection, the patient must be protected with a mosquito net so that he does not infect healthy mosquitoes.

Hospitalization: Required.

Forewarned is forearmed

How not to get sick:

  • Don't date.
    You can sit at home. Do not stick out in any interesting countries. However, if you can’t, but really want to, then you can. In this case, not a foot in the jungle.
  • Prepare for the meeting and develop immunity.

The coveted yellow fever vaccination is available to inquisitive citizens in a special certified center, where they will vaccinate and issue confirmation of the deed - an international card of the same color ("" with a signature and seal). Certificate is valid 10 days after the act of vaccination and another 10 years . Without this document, border guards will not let you into some countries.
You can rush on a trip anyway, but they will catch you at the border, put you in quarantine for 6 whole days. A carefree tourist is at risk of being vaccinated against yellow fever. No one will ask about contraindications. And suddenly complications away from native penates! Just the case when deportation is preferable.

Yellow fever, vaccination and contraindications

The yellow fever vaccine is a live but weakened virus.

Normal reaction to vaccination in healthy people:

  • 1 in 4 people may experience a fever, mild pain, redness or swelling at the injection site, which usually resolves within a week.

All travelers, passengers, aged 9 months to 59 years old, living or working, or intending to travel to areas where yellow fever occurs, must confirm yellow fever vaccination when required at the border. Contagious laboratory workers are vaccinated by contact with any biomaterials.

Curiosity is not a vice, because there are complications

Information about vaccination is available on the websites of the World Health Organization, WHO and Rospotrebnadzor. You can learn a lot of interesting things on various forums. It is better to look for up-to-date information on official sources, websites of airlines and embassies of the countries where you plan to travel.


Vaccination is contraindicated in the following cases:

If yellow fever vaccination is not allowed for health reasons, contraindications must be recorded on a special yellow card.

When is the best time not to get vaccinated?

  • Children aged 6 to 8 months;
  • breastfeeding women are advised to refrain from traveling to areas with a risk of infection, if the trip cannot be canceled or postponed, a doctor should be consulted.
  • Vaccination, including yellow fever, is harmful to health after 60 years.
  • In the presence of asymptomatic HIV infection and CD4 T-lymphocytes 200–499/mm3 (or 15%–24% of the total for children under 6 years of age).

According to statistics, after vaccination, serious problems arose:

  • Severe allergic reaction to vaccine components (about 1 in 55,000).
  • Severe nervous system reaction (1 in 125,000).
  • Life-threatening severe condition with organ failure (1 in 250,000).

More than half of these cases ended in death. The last two points do not apply to the booster vaccine.

In case of serious reactions after vaccination, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to determine the severity of a reaction:
Severe allergy, intense flu-like condition, change in behavior. Signs: swelling of the face and throat, hives, difficulty breathing, palpitations, weakness and dizziness lasting from several minutes to several hours after inoculation.
In case of manifestation of all the described signs, you need to call an ambulance and urgently be hospitalized.

Conclusion: before you go on an exotic trip, visit a doctor. In anticipation of an exciting journey, there is no time, but you can learn a lot about your health. If suddenly there are chronic diseases, such as: kidney failure, chronic liver disease, diabetes, HIV / AIDS, immunity suppressed for any reason, in general, the doctor knows contraindications for use, then the yellow fever vaccine can be life-threatening. To cancel the trip in this case or not is the choice of everyone.

Funny song:
Think for yourself
Decide for yourself
To hurt or not to hurt!

Bibliography: CDC Health Information for International Travel (commonly called the Yellow Book) Camille Nelson Kotton, David O. Freedman APPROACH TO THE IMMUNOCOMPROMISED TRAVELER

Yellow fever is an acute hemorrhagic viral disease. It originates in Africa and South America. Yellow fever disease is transmitted through mosquito bites. It has two epidemiological forms: rural (from infected monkeys - mosquitoes bite them, and then pass them on to people) and urban (in settlements where it is transmitted by the same insects, but from a sick person to a healthy one). It is the latter that causes the maximum number of epidemics and outbreaks. Every year, thirty thousand out of two hundred die from it. Nearly 90% of epidemics originate in Africa.

Disease history

The yellow fever virus is very similar to malaria, similar in epidemiology and clinical features. The carriers of these diseases are also the same. Therefore, earlier these two diseases were very often confused, which is not surprising, since there were no technical means for accurate diagnosis before. Now, having modern equipment, you can quickly make the correct diagnosis. Sometimes yellow fever and malaria appear even in a combined form. The first officially recorded epidemic of this fever occurred in 1648 in South America. From which we can conclude that the disease is quite old, unlike Ebola, for example.

In those days, the entire population of the Caribbean suffered from constant epidemics. The name "yellow fever" was first proposed by English colonists in Barbados. Over time, it became firmly attached to the disease. Although the Spaniards for some time called it in their own way - "black vomit", and the English sailors and pirates, who suffered from it the most, called it "Yellow Jack". In the eighteenth century, even a legend went around the English colonies: a well-known pirate at that time contracted yellow fever. Allegedly, the name "Yellow Jack" appeared in his honor. Upon learning of his illness, he ordered his team to take him to the shore of one of the Caribbean islands and leave him there along with the treasures he had stolen. The next day, a Spanish military galleon arrived at that place, the sick pirate was hanged on a yardarm, and the treasures were appropriated. But the Spanish ship could not reach the settlements either, the crew died in agony, having caught the infection.

How is it going l fever?

The disease spreads transmissively, carriers are blood-sucking insects. In 90% of cases it is mosquitoes. The virus enters the bloodstream from the digestive system of blood-sucking insects. Then for some time it accumulates and reproduces in the lymph nodes. In the first days, it spreads throughout the body. At this time, the virus has time to settle in many organs, affecting the vessels and causing inflammation. As a result, the destruction of the parenchyma occurs, the permeability of the walls of blood vessels increases, which causes hemorrhage.

Yellow fever. Incubation period: its duration

Fever does not start immediately after being bitten by a carrier of the virus. Initially, insect cells need to get into the lymph and blood, and then active reproduction and penetration into the parenchyma of organs begins. The incubation period itself does not last long - only three to six days. Only if the immune system of a person is very developed, it can increase up to 10 days. That is why, before leaving for countries where there is yellow fever, vaccination is done exactly 10 days before leaving the country. After the expiration of this time, a strong immunity to this virus appears.


The incubation period usually lasts a week, although it can be up to ten days. The disease proceeds through several phases: hyperemia, short-term remission, venous stasis and convalescence.

Yellow fever symptoms are as follows: fever, intoxication. There are headaches, aches all over the body, vomiting and nausea. With the progression of the disease, a disorder of the nervous system begins. Hallucinations and delusions may appear. The mouth and tongue become bright red. Patients often begin to complain of lacrimation and photophobia.

During this period, cardiac activity is disturbed (tachycardia, bradycardia, hypotension). The daily rate of urine decreases, the liver and spleen increase markedly. Further, the main hemorrhagic symptom is manifested - bleeding.

This first phase lasts about 4 days, then a brief remission begins, which can last from a few hours to up to two days. The general condition of the patient improves, the temperature normalizes. If yellow fever passes in an abortive form, then recovery begins, but usually the symptoms return again. If the disease proceeds in a severe form, then a period of venous stasis follows, pallor of the skin appears, and jaundice develops. The patient's condition worsens greatly, profuse vomiting appears, nosebleeds are often observed.

Almost 50% of cases with progressive yellow fever are fatal. With a favorable course of the disease, clinical symptoms regress. You can only get over a fever once in a lifetime. In the future, a person develops lifelong immunity to it.

What are the consequences of the disease?

In severe form of leakage - infectious-toxic shock, renal and hepatic failure. With such complications, intensive care measures are required. Very often, death occurs already on the seventh day after the onset of the disease. After vaccination against yellow fever, there is a possibility of developing encephalitis.

Diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis is made on the basis of the clinical picture and epidemiological data. Among laboratory data, neutropenia, leukopenia, detection of cylinders or protein in urine and blood are important. Residual nitrogen, bilirubin and serum aminotransferases increase. The disease is also diagnosed on the basis of changes in the liver.

Initially, a blood test is done, which shows leukopenia, in which leukocytes are impaired, platelets and neutrophils increase. Further, leukocytosis develops. Thrombocytopenia progresses. The hematocrit rises, and the content of potassium and nitrogen in the blood rises sharply.

A urine test is done, which shows an increase in protein, erythrocytes and epithelial cells (cylindrical) appear. A biochemical blood test is performed, which shows an increase in the amount of bilirubin and changes in the activity of liver enzymes.

The causative agent of fever is detected under special conditions in laboratories, while taking into account the high risk of spreading the infection. Therefore, such premises have enhanced protection. Diagnostics is carried out on experimental animals.

Fever treatment

Yellow fever is treated in a hospital. In special infectious diseases departments, which are provided for very dangerous viruses. Treatment is mainly aimed at supporting the body, its immune system, and relieving symptoms. For patients, bed rest is provided, easily digestible pureed food, which is rich in calories. Be sure to take and vitamin complexes.

Treatment of yellow fever: in the very first days, a plasma transfusion is done, although the effect of this is very insignificant. During the course of a fever, blood is transfused every couple of days. In this case, the drugs Antianemin and Campolon are prescribed. To compensate for losses, intramuscular injections of iron are made. For complex therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs and various antibiotics are used: antihistamines, cardiovascular and hemostatics. If necessary, resuscitation procedures are carried out.

Etiotropic treatment for yellow fever is not used at all. Recommended:

  • a diet based on the use of only dairy and plant products;
  • mandatory bed rest;
  • a complex of vitamins, which includes ascorbic acid, riboflavin, thiamine and vikasol;
  • medicines, among which there must be vasoconstrictors;
  • resuscitation, during which it is necessary to restore blood circulation and fight acidosis, for this a solution of sodium and potassium chloride, sodium bicarbonate and pyrogen-free water is used; the solution is calculated depending on the degree of dehydration of the body; if there is acute renal failure and the threat of coma, then hemodialysis is performed; if a secondary bacterial infection is superimposed on the fever, then additional antibiotics are prescribed.

Prevention of fever

For preventive purposes, mandatory control is exercised over the migration of the entire population, as well as over the transportation of goods. This excludes the possibility of importing the virus from countries where the epidemic is raging. In addition, carriers of the disease are destroyed in settlements, and people are vaccinated against yellow fever. For personal protection, it is necessary to use means that protect against bites. Vaccination (specific prophylaxis) is the introduction of a live virus into the body, but in a very weakened form. Prevention of yellow fever, including vaccinations, is essential for anyone planning a trip to countries where epidemics of this disease are raging. Moreover, it should be carried out no less than 10 days before departure.

Yellow fever vaccination, consequences of vaccination

The most reliable means of protection against the virus is immunoprophylaxis. Yellow fever vaccination is given to absolutely everyone who travels to countries where the virus is or may exist. In Russia, a vaccine is often used, which is made from chicken embryos previously infected with a weakened virus. It is intended for both children and adults. Babies can be vaccinated as early as 9 months. Vaccination against yellow fever is administered only once - under the shoulder blade, subcutaneously.

Why is it necessary to vaccinate 10 days before departure? Because during this period a person develops strong immunity, which lasts from 10 to 15 years. Vaccination can be done again, after ten years. If a person is older than 15, then he can be vaccinated at the same time as others, on the same day. Provided that drugs are injected into different parts of the body. Children under the age of 15 receive only one yellow fever vaccine, and no other vaccine can be given at the same time. Before the next injection should take at least two months.

Some people develop the following reaction at the injection site - there is redness and a slight swelling with a diameter of 2.5 centimeters. Manifestations usually occur within 12 hours or within a day after having been vaccinated. This reaction usually disappears after two or three days.

In rare cases, there is a subcutaneous thickening, which is often accompanied by mild itching. Sometimes the lymph nodes increase and pain appears. Approximately 10% of those vaccinated after the fourth day (up to ten days) develop a post-vaccination reaction, in which the temperature rises to almost 40 degrees, chills and general physical malaise begin. There is dizziness and headache. But you should not be afraid of this, since this reaction is completely safe and passes within three days.

In the first 10 days after vaccination, you should not take any alcoholic beverages, since at this time the body directs all its forces to fight the fever, producing the necessary antibodies. And alcohol destroys them. There are also a few cases of encephalitis that have been reported as complications after vaccination.

Also among the complications are myocarditis, pneumonia, gangrene of the extremities or soft tissues. As a result of layering of re-infection, sepsis may occur.

When should vaccinations not be used?

Yellow fever vaccination is contraindicated if there is a history of chicken protein allergy or congenital or acquired immunodeficiencies. In the latter case, you can be vaccinated no earlier than a year after full recovery. Vaccination is also contraindicated in exacerbations, acute infectious and other diseases. In this case, the vaccination can be done no earlier than a month after remission. There is no vaccination during pregnancy. But if it happened that the vaccine was nevertheless given at a time when the woman did not yet know about her situation, then this is not a reason for an abortion, because the fetus is reliably protected and will not suffer. Any decision to vaccinate people with the above contraindications depends on the degree of risk of possible yellow fever.

Where is the vaccination done?

You can get vaccinated against yellow fever in specially equipped rooms of medical institutions, which must have permission to carry out this procedure. Before vaccination, the doctor interviews and examines the patient, using mandatory thermometry. After that, all data are entered into the international certificate of revaccination, completed in Russian, French or English. It comes into force only after 10 days. Today, the presence of such a vaccination is a prerequisite for entry into South America and Africa.

Fever Vaccine

It is produced in ampoules, 2 and 5 doses - up to 10 pieces in one pack, which also contains mandatory instructions for use. Water for injection (solvent) is produced complete with the drug. Dry vaccine must be stored at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees, and only in special refrigerators (low temperature). Solvent - from 4 to 25 degrees. Its full or partial freezing is not allowed. Transportation of the vaccine and diluent is possible only at a temperature of 0 - 8 degrees. Over long distances, transportation is allowed only by aircraft.

Vaccination is a voluntary matter, but sometimes situations arise when a certain vaccination is not only desirable, but necessary. This is well known to those who love to travel. The fact is that the epidemiological situation in different countries is fundamentally different. If in the CIS countries there is a high probability of contracting hepatitis or tuberculosis, then in Africa and some Latin American countries, tourists are threatened by an equally serious disease - yellow fever. With this difficult to diagnose and deadly disease, the body of our compatriots will not cope without the preparation of immunity. This is why yellow fever vaccination is a must.

Insidious disease

Yellow fever refers to viral hemorrhagic diseases that occur in an acute form. And the carrier of this terrible disease are mosquitoes. This fever got its name because of the yellowing of the skin in patients who have contracted it. Every second person who gets bitten dies, and more than 200 thousand people are infected every year! Are you still sure that the yellow fever vaccine is a whim of tour operators, border guards and customs officers?

According to the WHO, the virus is endemic throughout Africa and tropical regions of Latin America. If you decide to spend your vacation in these countries, we recommend that you get vaccinated against yellow fever at least ten days before the planned departure. By the way, there are few recommendations for visiting a number of countries. To visit, for example, Tanzania, Mali, Rwanda, Cameroon or Niger, you must provide a certificate confirming that you have already been vaccinated against yellow fever, which costs $ 10-30. In hospitals at the place of registration, it can be done free of charge if the appropriate vaccine is available. Whatever the cost of the certificate, its acquisition is worth it, because the validity of the document is ten years.

Characteristics of the yellow fever vaccine

As already mentioned, this vaccination should be done at least a week before leaving for endemic regions. One injection in the subscapular region - and you are protected from yellow fever for ten years. You may not need to re-vaccinate if there are no plans to visit Africa. By the way, the vaccine can be administered from the age of nine months. If there is a high probability of infection, then vaccination is allowed at the age of four months.

Reaction to the introduction of anti-febrile vaccine usually does not occur. In rare cases, hyperemia develops, and the injection site swells slightly. On the 4-10th day after the injection, fever, headaches, chills and a general deterioration in well-being can be observed. With regard to serious consequences after vaccination against yellow fever, allergic reactions are possible. By the way, alcohol during the first ten days after vaccination against yellow fever is contraindicated, since the body directs all its forces to the production of antibodies, and alcoholic beverages take them away. Several cases of encephalitis following vaccination have been described in young children.

As for contraindications for yellow fever vaccination, there are few of them. In addition to contraindications that are common with other live vaccines (fever, infections, etc.), you should not be vaccinated if you have allergic reactions to chicken eggs. To get vaccinated, you must start taking an antihistamine. Remember, if you are forced to take antibiotics, then yellow fever vaccination should be postponed.

Having protected yourself from such a dangerous disease, you will not worry about the possibility of infection, but will spend time in an exotic country fun and carefree!

The vaccine contains live attenuated yellow fever virus. The vaccine in healthy vaccinated causes the emergence of specific T-and B-lymphocytes and the production of specific antibodies. The resistance of the body appears after about 10 days after vaccination. International health authorities require re-vaccination every 10 years in order to update the certificate, despite the likelihood that a certain level of immunity will last longer. Vaccination must be entered in the International Medical Book, the entry is valid from 10 days after vaccination for 10 years, immediately after re-vaccination.

Yellow fever vaccine: instructions for use

Active immunization against yellow fever of persons traveling to or living in endemic areas, traveling to any country requiring an International Certificate of Vaccination upon entry, and exposed to potentially infectious materials (e.g. for occupational purposes).


Allergy to eggs, chicken proteins, hypersensitivity to any component of the drug, severe hypersensitivity reactions after a previous dose of yellow fever vaccine, congenital or acquired disorders in the immune system (immunosuppressive therapy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, systemic use of high doses of corticosteroids), dysfunction thymus (including thymoma and thymectomy), symptomatic HIV infection, asymptomatic HIV infection accompanied by signs of immune disorders, age<6 месяцев, тяжёлая инфекционная болезнь с повышенной температурой. Очень редко после вакцинации может появиться связанное с вакцинацией нейротропное заболевание (YEL-AND) с осложнениями и в 60% с летальным исходом; повышенный риск у пациентов старше 60 лет, а также у пациентов с заболеванием вилочковой железы. В случае временного ослабления иммунной системы иммунизацию следует отложить до улучшения иммунных функций; пациентам, получающим системные дозы кортикостероидов в течение 14 дней или дольше, рекомендуется отложить вакцинацию по крайней мере на месяц после окончания лечения. Пациентам с бессимптомной ВИЧ-инфекцией без признаков иммунодефицита, которые не могут избежать поездок в эндемичные районы, в связи с отсутствием достаточных данных для определения иммунологических параметров, определяющих безопасность и эффективность вакцинации, следует рассмотреть потенциальные риски и преимущества вакцинации, принимая во внимание имеющиеся рекомендации. Дети, рождённые ВИЧ-инфицированными матерями, могут быть вакцинированы в возрасте 6 месяцев, если подтвердится, что они не инфицированы; ВИЧ-инфицированные дети в возрасте старше 6 месяцев, потенциально требующие вакцинацию, должны быть направлены на консультацию к специалистам педиатрам с целью определения показаний. Дети в возрасте 6-9 месяцев должны быть вакцинированы только в исключительных случаях (например, во время эпидемии), а также на основании актуальных официальных рекомендаций. Некоторые тяжелые и опасные для жизни побочные эффекты чаще встречаются у людей старше 60 лет, и именно поэтому вакцина должна вводиться только лицам, которые особенно подвержены болезни. Введение внутримышечно может привести к образованию гематомы в месте инъекции, поэтому не следует вакцину вводить внутримышечно лицам с нарушениями свертываемости крови (например, гемофилией, тромбоцитопенией), или во время антикоагулянтной терапии; в таких случаях вакцину следует вводить подкожно. Не применять людям с наследственной непереносимостью фруктозы.

Interaction with other drugs

The vaccine should not be mixed in the same syringe with other medicines. If it is necessary to use the vaccine simultaneously with other vaccinations, the drugs should be administered in different places, preferably in a different limb. Can be used simultaneously with hepatitis A vaccines (inactivated), or measles with Vi antigen.

Yellow fever vaccine side effects

Very often: local reactions (pain, redness, hematoma, induration, swelling at the injection site), headache. Often: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, muscle pain, fever, weakness. Rarely: abdominal pain, joint pain. There have also been observed: swollen lymph nodes, anaphylaxis, angioedema, neurotropic disease (YEL-AND, which may present with high fever and headache, as well as: confusion, lethargy, encephalitis, encephalopathy or inflammation of the meninges), convulsions, Guillain- Barre, focal neurological deficits, rash, urticaria, celiac disease (YEL-AVD, which may include: fever, fatigue, muscle aches and headaches, arterial hypotension, and possibly also: metabolic acidosis, muscle and liver cell breakdown, lymphopenia and thrombocytopenia, renal failure, respiratory failure).

Pregnancy and lactation

Category C. Vaccination of pregnant women is recommended only when absolutely necessary. There is no information whether attenuated yellow fever virus passes from the body into breast milk; Breastfeeding mothers should only be vaccinated when absolutely necessary.

Yellow Fever Vaccine: Dosage

Adults and children over 9 months: 1 dose of 0.5 ml of vaccine. In exceptional cases, the same dose can be given to children aged 6-9 months. Vaccination should be carried out at least 10 days prior to arrival in an endemic area. Patients at risk of infection are recommended to be revaccinated every 10 years. It is recommended to administer the vaccine subcutaneously. The vaccine can also be administered intramuscularly, but only according to official recommendations; for infants and young children, the vaccine is injected into the anterolateral surface of the thigh, for older children and adults - into the shoulder muscle.

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