Leptospirosis in dogs - in detail about the disease. Symptoms and treatment of hemorrhagic leptospirosis in dogs

An illness in a dog with a high or low temperature, vomiting, bleeding mucous membranes, and malfunctions of the central nervous system may be leptospirosis. A dangerous disease poses a serious threat to the life of a pet and is easily transmitted to others. Leptospirosis needs to be diagnosed and treated promptly. Lethal outcomes of diseased dogs are common.

What is this disease

Leptospira bacteria are found throughout nature and cause a serious infectious disease called leptospirosis. They live in water bodies and soil. They have a long life cycle, up to 280 days, high resistance to disinfection. Both animals and humans can be carriers and spreaders of the disease. Leptospira enter the environment with feces, mucosal secretions, and milk.

Leptospirosis in dogs occurs through contact with sick or carriers, eating contaminated food or water. The disease is transmitted through common equipment, care items, during mating, while swimming in a pond or by swallowing particles of earth. More often breeds of dogs with a dense, stocky skeleton get sick. These include bulldogs, mastiffs, bloodhounds, boxers, sharpei.


Six varieties of Lectospira bacteria are known. The disease in dogs can occur in two forms:

  • icteric leptospirosis;
  • hemorrhagic leptospirosis (anicteric).

The icteric form is caused by pathogenic bacteria of the species L.icterohaemorrhagiae, the anicteric form is caused by L.pomona.

Depending on the manifestations and degree of organ damage, the disease can be acute, subacute, chronic and latent. First, bacteria enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. Then they are localized in parenchymal organs: liver, kidneys, lungs. In these foci, an intensive division of bacteria and the release of toxins begin. Destruction first occurs at the cellular level, then the walls of blood vessels are corroded, then organs and systems begin to suffer.

Signs and symptoms

Young dogs are more likely to develop icteric leptospirosis. First, there is a short-term increase in temperature, which itself passes. Other symptoms of the disease do not appear for some time. Then there are signs of anemia. The dog becomes lethargic, lethargic, loses appetite, lies down all the time. In this case, the liver of the animal is affected and hemoglobin is rapidly destroyed. There is diarrhea, vomiting, jaundice appears, traces of hemorrhages are visible in the oral cavity.

In older dogs, in most cases, anicteric form of leptospirosis is observed. First, the body temperature rises sharply to 41℃, there is a strong thirst, dryness of the mucous membranes, appetite disappears. On the second day, the temperature drops to 37℃, the mucous membranes begin to bleed, necrotic foci appear. At this time, the destruction of erythrocytes by bacteria occurs, the vessels are clogged.

Then severe vomiting and diarrhea with blood begins, the entire gastrointestinal tract is affected. Diarrhea may suddenly turn into constipation. The dog is lethargic and lethargic, does not get up and refuses to eat. Then leptospira penetrate into the membranes of the brain, and there are severe nervous disorders, convulsions. With leptospirosis, mortality occurs in 55-60% of cases.

In some dogs, the disease becomes chronic. Then problems with internal organs arise periodically, with varying intensity. Gradually decreases immunity. Body temperature may be normal or slightly elevated. Palpation of the peritoneum causes pain in the dog.

Causes of leptospirosis

The onset of the disease can occur due to contact with sick dogs and other animals. Feeders, drinkers, beds shared with other dogs can spread the disease from individual to individual. Many rodents, such as rats or mice, being carriers of leptospirosis, do not get sick themselves, but infect everything around them.

City dogs are more likely to get sick due to reduced immunity and unfavorable living conditions, and hunting breeds due to the specifics of contacts with wild animals. Walking with a dog in low-lying places with stagnant puddles and ponds also leads to this dangerous pet disease. A dog can get sick from flea and tick bites.

Diagnosis of leptospirosis

For successful treatment of leptospirosis, it is important to recognize it in time and start treatment as soon as possible. It is enough for experienced specialists to see the first symptoms of the disease in order to diagnose the disease. However, laboratory diagnosis is also very important. It is necessarily carried out to determine the latent form of the disease. When a disease is detected, blood tests help to establish the severity of the disease and monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

Laboratory diagnostics for leptospirosis includes tests:

  • blood;
  • urine;
  • secretions from the genitals.

Blood is examined for the presence of antibodies to pathogenic bacteria, urine and secretions are cultured and analyzed under a microscope for the presence of pathogens. Analyzes of a sick animal are given weekly.

Treatment of leptospirosis

At the first signs of leptospirosis, you should immediately contact the veterinary clinic for accurate diagnosis and qualified treatment. The fight against such a serious disease should take place in a hospital, so that the condition of the animal is constantly monitored by specialists. Treatment of leptospirosis at home is unacceptable and dangerous. Due to the severe damage to the internal organs and the serious condition of the pet, most of the drugs are administered to the dog intravenously.

Finished preparations

Therapy is carried out in several directions:

  • targeted destruction of leptospira in the body;
  • elimination of toxins;
  • maintenance and normalization of the cardiovascular system;
  • maintenance and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • restoration of immunity.

For the treatment of leptospirosis use:

  1. Antileptospiral serum. This hyperimmune serum is administered in the first three days. The sooner it is used, the greater the chance of saving the animal. The dose is calculated from the body weight of the dog.
  2. Antibiotics of the penicillin group. The use of sulfonamides is unacceptable!
  3. Solutions for restoring water-salt metabolism.
  4. Cordiamin, thiotriazoline, riboxin- to support the heart.
  5. Askorutin- to restore blood vessels.
  6. Solutions for detoxification: hemodez, sirepar, saline.
  7. Enterosgel, loperamide- to stop diarrhea.
  8. Cerucal injections from vomiting spasms.
  9. Hepaprotector Essentiale-N intravenously.
  10. Lespeflant- to support the work of the kidneys.

Folk remedies

After completion of treatment, the diet should be maintained. Feed should contain a limited amount of proteins and fats, but a significant proportion of fiber. To restore digestion and immunity, before feeding, you need to give the dog simple remedies with a choleretic effect:

  • decoction of calendula;
  • decoction on corn stigmas;
  • decoction of celandine.

Prevention of leptospirosis

The most effective preventive measure is timely vaccination of the dog. A complex vaccine with protection against many infections, including leptospirosis, is administered for the first time as early as puppyhood: in the second to fourth months of life. Then the vaccination is repeated annually. Veterinarians recommend vaccinating dogs in the winter, during the recession of infectious epidemics.

There is a monovaccine with a directed action against leptospira serotypes, which is vaccinated in two stages. First, it is administered to puppies at 8-9 weeks of age, and after 3 weeks the vaccination is repeated.

If fatal, is disinfection necessary?

People can get leptospirosis from a dog. This dangerous disease for humans is transmitted through the skin and mucous membranes. It is important to observe hygiene standards, not to allow licking of the face and hands, to limit the contact of the animal with children.

If the animal is ill, it must be isolated. When caring for him, wear personal protective equipment. After manipulations with a sick dog, hands are washed with laundry soap up to the elbow.

In the case of a late diagnosis of the disease, the treatment becomes ineffective, and veterinarians suggest not torturing the animal, but to put it to sleep. It is difficult to give consent, but it is necessary. The room where the animal lived must be processed after its death. All surfaces are disinfected with a disinfectant solution. Then irradiation is carried out with an ultraviolet lamp for at least an hour.

Pets need to be properly cared for, vaccinated according to the schedule, and in case of alarming symptoms, be sure to get tested. Early treatment for veterinary care and treatment in the early stages of the disease give a greater chance of a full recovery.

Leptospirosis often affects young animals (up to 2-3 years). The causative agent belongs to the genus Leptospira and looks like a thin thread twisted into a spiral, its size is up to 20 microns in length. These microorganisms are divided into several groups: L. Canicolau, L. Icterohaemorrhagiae and L. Grippotyphosa.

Leptospirosis is highly contagious. Ill and sick individuals (foxes, cats, dogs, rodents) excrete the pathogen with feces, urine, sputum from the lungs. Dogs can be carriers up to 3-4 years of age. Outbreaks are more common during the summer and fall months. Dogs become infected with leptospirosis in the following ways:

  • through food or water in which pathogens are located;
  • when eating dead animals that were ill with leptospirosis;
  • when swimming in ponds, lakes and other bodies of water in which pathogens are located;
  • when mating with a carrier of the disease.

The causative agent of leptospirosis lives for a long time in water bodies (up to 200 days) and in moist soil (up to 250 days). Dry soil is dangerous for the microorganism, since they die in it within 12 hours. The incubation period in dogs lasts from 2 to 12 days.

Leptospirosis is a dangerous disease that affects the blood vessels, kidneys, liver and other body systems.

The causative agents of the disease are leptospira bacteria, characterized by:

  • a spiral shape that allows you to freely and quickly spread inside the body after penetration;
  • resistance to adverse factors.

The treatment of leptospirosis depends on the symptoms shown in the dog, so cases where the symptoms are mild and go unnoticed for a long time are of particular danger.

The disease got its name from the spirochete bacteria that causes it. Leptospira actively breed at temperatures above 34 degrees, in a humid environment. They are able to survive in the external environment until they enter the body of an animal. Leptospira die at temperatures above 70 ° C, as well as under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Leptospirosis often affects dogs that have to often come into contact with water. These are, as a rule, hunting breeds, stray and stray dogs.

Ways of infection

Dogs can contract leptospirosis from carriers of the bacteria. They excrete leptospira with urine, feces, semen, saliva. The causative agent of the disease can live in moist soil and water for up to 200-250 days.

Ways of infection can be different:

  • through contaminated food or drinking water;
  • when eating the meat of animals with leptospirosis;
  • while swimming in ponds;
  • with tick or mosquito bites;
  • in the process of mating with a carrier of infection.

Carriers of a dangerous bacterium can be any animals. They release them into the external environment for a long time. And thus infect others. Rodents are capable of being carriers of leptospira throughout their lives.

Humans can also get leptospirosis from dogs. Therefore, if there is a sick animal at home, it is necessary to limit contact with it. When processing, use gloves, a mask, wear a change of clothes, which should be boiled after use. Wash the dog's feces with disinfectants.


Leptospira easily penetrate the body through mucous membranes or damaged skin and are carried with blood flow to parenchymal organs (kidneys, liver, lungs), where they multiply intensively for 2-12 days (the duration of the incubation period). Then the pathogen enters the bloodstream again, releasing a large amount of toxins. At the same time, hyperthermia and intoxication of the body are noted in sick animals.

In particular, Leptospira toxins destroy the endothelium of capillaries, causing an increase in their permeability, as well as significant disturbances in various parts of hemostasis, in particular, stopping blood flow in the vessels of organs and tissues. This pathology is observed in severe leptospirosis (N.B. Primachenko, 1986).

Isolation of leptospira from the body occurs 5-7 days after infection and may continue, depending on the form of the disease, for several weeks, months, and in some cases years. This is explained by the fact that even after a clinical (incomplete) recovery in recovered animals, leptospira, which are in the convoluted tubules of the kidneys, are inaccessible to the action of specific immunoglobulins. This is the reason for the long-term excretion of the pathogen in the urine (R.F. Sosov, 1974; I.A. Bakulov, 1999, etc.).

Causes of leptospirosis

The onset of the disease is due to poor health, unable to resist bacteria. In this regard, the risk group includes:

  • elderly dogs;
  • puppies up to six months;
  • animals with chronic diseases.

You can become infected with leptospira when:

  1. Consumption of contaminated food or water. Raw meat is especially dangerous.
  2. Bathing in ponds with stagnant water. In puddles and backwaters, bacteria live for about 200 days without a host. Their reproduction decreases only at low temperatures.
  3. Contact with infected animals. The danger is not only sick dogs, but also small rodents that spread the infection.
  4. Conditions of crowded content. If one of the dogs kept in the kennel is sick with leptospirosis, then all animals will be at risk.
  5. The bite of an insect that is a carrier.
  6. Birth or feeding. Leptospirosis during pregnancy or lactation is equally dangerous for mother and puppy.

Main symptoms

It is possible to suspect the development of leptospirosis already by the first symptoms, which affect a sharp decrease in activity and a gradual deterioration in well-being. The affected dog has:

  1. Temperature jump up to 42 °, acceleration of the heart rate and rapid breathing.
  2. Vomiting and diarrhea. There is blood in the vomit and feces. Due to dehydration, diarrhea is replaced by constipation.
  3. Offensive ammoniacal smell from the mouth, appearing with yellowing of the mucous membranes. In addition to the mucous membranes, the whites and conjunctiva of the dog's eyes turn yellow.
  4. The formation of plaque with an unpleasant odor on the coat and skin.
  5. Change in the color of urine to brown, stained with traces of blood. The pet refuses water, which leads to a gradual reduction in urination and the development of kidney failure.
  6. Severe pain when probing the abdomen.
  7. The appearance of purulent ulcers in the oral cavity, resembling small scratches.
  8. "Crushing" of the nose. The formation of weeping spots on the lobe leads to the death of tissues after they dry out.
  9. The severity of breathing, accompanied by wheezing and gurgling. In some cases of leptospirosis, seizures are recorded in dogs.

In some dogs, the disease can be asymptomatic, and especially bright symptoms appear in breeds with folded skin:

  • bulldogs;
  • bassets;
  • pugs;
  • sharpei;
  • mastiffs;
  • bloodhounds.

The onset of the disease can occur due to contact with sick dogs and other animals. Feeders, drinkers, beds shared with other dogs can spread the disease from individual to individual. Many rodents, such as rats or mice, being carriers of leptospirosis, do not get sick themselves, but infect everything around them.

City dogs are more likely to get sick due to reduced immunity and unfavorable living conditions, and hunting breeds due to the specifics of contacts with wild animals. Walking with a dog in low-lying places with stagnant puddles and ponds also leads to this dangerous pet disease. A dog can get sick from flea and tick bites.


Six varieties of Lectospira bacteria are known. The disease in dogs can occur in two forms:

  • icteric leptospirosis;
  • hemorrhagic leptospirosis (anicteric).

The icteric form is caused by pathogenic bacteria of the species L.icterohaemorrhagiae, the anicteric form is caused by L.pomona.

Depending on the manifestations and degree of organ damage, the disease can be acute, subacute, chronic and latent. First, bacteria enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. Then they are localized in parenchymal organs: liver, kidneys, lungs. In these foci, an intensive division of bacteria and the release of toxins begin. Destruction first occurs at the cellular level, then the walls of blood vessels are corroded, then organs and systems begin to suffer.

Stages of development of the disease and its form

Leptospirosis in any dog ​​can be acute, subacute or chronic. Which one it will develop into depends on the Leptospira serogroup and the level of its virulence, the number of bacterial pathogens that have entered the bloodstream of the quadruped, and the state of its immunity. The severity of the disease depends on the intensity of the lesion:

  • in the liver and kidneys, which is expressed by jaundice;
  • in the capillaries, which is expressed by hemorrhages (hemorrhages).

On this basis, 2 forms of "canine typhus" are distinguished: icteric and hemorrhagic. The first of them is more common in small puppies and young individuals up to 2 years of age and is expressed as follows:

  1. The animal's temperature rises, anorexia gradually develops, that is, a complete refusal of food and water, which is accompanied by apathy and depression.
  2. Since in this form of the disease, leptospira concentrates in the liver and kidneys, affected dogs experience an increase in these organs, and then severe hepatopathy, expressed in inflammation and degenerative changes in the liver cells, as well as acute liver and kidney failure.

Canine typhus occurs in icteric form in 2 variants: acute and subacute. Each of them lasts 1–4 days and 10–15 days, respectively. Without treatment, the mortality of animals in the first case is 60-80%, and in the second - 30-50%.

The hemorrhagic form also proceeds acutely and subacutely, but is not expressed in jaundice, but in bleeding of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose of animals, internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in subcutaneous hemorrhages due to pathological permeability of the capillary walls caused by exposure to toxins secreted by leptospira bacteria.

Both icteric and hemorrhagic forms, which are subacute, if not treated, often pass into the chronic stage. In this case, all the symptoms weaken so much that they become almost invisible (sometimes there are violations of the digestive tract). But recovery does not occur, and sick dogs remain carriers and distributors of bacteria.

Signs and symptoms

The incubation period of the disease is 7-14 days, after which signs of infection appear. The disease begins acutely, most often the first symptom is fever.

In the clinic of the disease, the following main syndromes can be distinguished:

  • fever, intoxication syndrome;
  • myalgia (muscle pain);
  • kidney damage;
  • liver damage;
  • hemorrhagic syndrome.

Depending on the form of the disease, certain signs may predominate. At a late stage of the disease, symptoms of damage to the cardiovascular and central nervous systems may join.


In this form, hemorrhagic syndrome predominates. It can be manifested by the appearance of petechiae (pinpoint hemorrhages) on visible areas of the skin or mucous membranes. If the disease progresses, then signs of bleeding appear: nasal, gastrointestinal. The appearance of bleeding is very dangerous for the dog, because if left untreated it can be fatal.

The main syndrome is hemorrhagic, but there are also additional signs. These include fever, lethargy, drowsiness, redness of the eyes.


For this form of the disease, the main symptom is liver damage. Clinically, this is manifested by icterus of the mucous membrane and visible areas of the skin. Due to the fact that the liver cannot cope with the detoxification function, a severe intoxication syndrome appears. In the future, signs of a hemorrhagic form may appear. This is due to the fact that some blood clotting factors are produced in the liver.

Additional signs of illness include:

  • fever
  • vomiting, diarrhea;
  • decreased urine output;
  • significant dehydration.

Young dogs are more likely to develop icteric leptospirosis. First, there is a short-term increase in temperature, which itself passes. Other symptoms of the disease do not appear for some time. Then there are signs of anemia. The dog becomes lethargic, lethargic, loses appetite, lies down all the time. In this case, the liver of the animal is affected and hemoglobin is rapidly destroyed. There is diarrhea, vomiting, jaundice appears, traces of hemorrhages are visible in the oral cavity.

In older dogs, in most cases, anicteric form of leptospirosis is observed. First, the body temperature rises sharply to 41℃, there is a strong thirst, dryness of the mucous membranes, appetite disappears. On the second day, the temperature drops to 37℃, the mucous membranes begin to bleed, necrotic foci appear. At this time, the destruction of erythrocytes by bacteria occurs, the vessels are clogged.

Then severe vomiting and diarrhea with blood begins, the entire gastrointestinal tract is affected. Diarrhea may suddenly turn into constipation. The dog is lethargic and lethargic, does not get up and refuses to eat. Then leptospira penetrate into the membranes of the brain, and there are severe nervous disorders, convulsions. With leptospirosis, mortality occurs in 55-60% of cases.

In some dogs, the disease becomes chronic. Then problems with internal organs arise periodically, with varying intensity. Gradually decreases immunity. Body temperature may be normal or slightly elevated. Palpation of the peritoneum causes pain in the dog.

The disease is difficult to recognize at an early stage, as early symptoms of leptospirosis in dogs are similar to distemper, hepatitis, and nephritis. There are two types of the disease, depending on the microbe of the causative agent of leptospirosis: Leptospira Canicola and Icterohemorrhagiae. They have common symptoms, but the second type is more severe.

Common signs of leptospirosis in dogs are lethargy, weight loss, tightness in the back of the body, loose stools, and a temperature of 39.8-40.7°C. The whites of the eyes become clogged with small arteries, often giving them a coppery-yellow tint. In the later stages of the disease, the temperature drops to normal or lower.

If the dog has a milder form of leptospirosis (Canicola), the urine may be orange, chocolate, or brown, and may contain traces of blood.

The main symptom of the second type (Icterohemorrhagiae) is jaundice. With the development of the disease of the white of the eyes, the mucous membrane of the mouth and the skin turn yellow.

By the time jaundice is noticed, damage to the liver and kidneys is so severe that recovery is impossible.

Mass diseases of dogs with leptospirosis are recorded from May to November. Single cases of the disease are possible throughout the year. In many cases, the disease proceeds secretly, without clear clinical signs. Dogs living in the city are more likely to get sick than in the suburbs. The risk group includes yard animals, as well as hunting dogs.

The incubation period for canine leptospirosis is 2 to 15 days. The disease is acute, subacute, chronic and asymptomatic. In dogs, hemorrhagic and icteric forms of leptospirosis are isolated.

Symptoms and forms of the disease

At the very beginning of the disease, the sick dog becomes inactive, lethargic and lethargic. Most of the time she lies down, doesn't eat, and is reluctant to follow commands. Over the next 3 to 7 days, leptospirosis begins to show the following symptoms:

  • the animal is feverish (its temperature rises to 40-41.5 ° C);
  • breathing quickens;
  • diarrhea and vomiting appear, sometimes with blood;
  • the mouth begins to stink, and its mucous membranes turn yellow due to staining with bilirubin (jaundice) and become covered with sores (stomatitis);
  • the skin and conjunctiva of the eyes also turn yellow;
  • mucous membranes of the mouth and nose bleed;
  • urine becomes brown, and its volume decreases.

After some time, the dog develops constipation, he does not eat, does not drink and breathes heavily. The animal quickly and strongly loses weight, its body temperature drops below 37 ° C, then convulsions appear. Very soon, everything ends with his death. Sometimes leptospirosis (in a latent form) in some dogs can develop without full symptoms, even almost asymptomatically.

Leptospirosis occurs in several forms:

  • latent (without the manifestation of obvious symptoms);
  • chronic;
  • super-sharp;
  • subacute;
  • acute.

Distinctive features of the disease are hemorrhagic syndrome (bleeding) or jaundice (due to damage to the liver and kidneys).

The table details the manifestations of various forms, as well as signs of leptospirosis in a dog.

Form of the disease Symptoms
1. Latent (atypical) This form is the most harmless. The dog feels a little depressed, the temperature rises slightly (no more than 1 degree). The mucous membranes either turn pale or turn slightly yellow. After a few days, the signs of the disease disappear, and the animal recovers.
2. Chronic This form is less common than the others. The dog loses weight, the mucous membranes turn pale, the lymph nodes in the groin and under the jaw increase. The temperature periodically rises, at the same time the urine darkens (to a dark yellow or brown color). Sick dogs hide in the shade, dead puppies are born in pregnant bitches, various complications arise. Hair falls out on the sacrum and other parts of the body.
3. Super-sharp (lightning fast) This form lasts up to 2 days. The dog's temperature rises sharply to 41.5 degrees and lasts for several hours, then drops to 38 degrees, in some cases the animals become violent. Symptoms of leptospirosis in dogs: mucous membranes turn yellow, breathing quickens. If you do not help, she dies a couple of days after the first manifestations of symptoms.
4. Sharp This form is usually found in juveniles. Animals have a fever (up to 41.5 degrees), after a few days the mucous membranes and sclera turn yellow. Urine turns dark brown and is excreted in small portions. Often in dogs diarrhea is observed, blood impurities are noticeable in the feces. Sick animals experience severe pain in the lumbar region, arch their back, and show anxiety. Dandruff appears in the coat, ulcers, bruises and erosion form on the skin due to necrosis.
5. Subacute The duration of this form is 2-3 weeks. The temperature rarely exceeds 39.5 degrees. The animal is weakened, its limbs tremble. Purulent discharge accumulates in the corners of the eyes. The remaining symptoms are similar to the acute form, but are not so pronounced.

Leptospirosis in dogs: symptoms and treatment are determined by a veterinarian after proper diagnosis.

The following laboratory tests are possible:

  • serology (study of blood serum);
  • biological sample (the blood of a sick individual is injected into an experimental animal: a rabbit or a guinea pig);
  • microscopy of urine (it is collected only from those individuals who have not yet taken antibiotics).

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of leptospirosis consists in the destruction of the causative agent of the disease, the elimination of associated symptoms and the maintenance of the body. Here is a scheme that will help to cope with the disease:

  1. Serum administration against hyperimmune leptospirosis (dosage - per 1 kg of body weight 0.5 ml of the drug) once a day for 2-3 days.
  2. Introduction intramuscularly, under the skin or intravenously (depending on the drug) antibiotics: Bicillin-1 or Bicillin-3, Streptomycin, Penicillin, Amoxicillin. The dosage of antibacterial drugs is selected by the veterinarian.
  3. If the veterinary clinic has the appropriate equipment, a sick dog is given hemodialysis, which allows you to quickly remove the pathogen from the blood.
  4. Treatment for leptospirosis in dogs intravenous fluid infusion: glucose, Ringer's solution or saline.
  5. Spasms are relieved with No-shpa in liquid form.
  6. To support the liver use drugs: Essentiale, LIV-52, Karsil, etc.
  7. To relieve inflammation use Flamin or Dexafort.
  8. The affected areas of the skin are treated hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine or Miramistin.
  9. To get rid of vomiting use Cerucal.
  10. To keep the heart working prescribe injections of Riboxin, vitamins B and C.

During treatment, the dog is placed on a low-protein diet. With timely treatment, more than 50% of patients recover in 2-3 weeks.

Leptospirosis occurs in icteric and hemorrhagic forms. For jaundice, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • The entire skin of the dog and the mucous membranes take on a rich yellow color, in some places hemorrhages are visible;
  • Darkening of the color of urine;
  • Vomiting occurs (sometimes with blood);
  • Swelling and soreness of the abdomen due to enlargement of the liver;
  • Refusal to eat and severe weakness;
  • Temperature.

If the disease proceeds in a hemorrhagic form, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • Apathy and lack of appetite (the animal, however, drinks water);
  • High temperature (above 40.5-41 degrees) at the onset of the disease and reduced in the subsequent period to 37-36.5 degrees;
  • Redness of the mucous membranes and the formation of ulcers;
  • Bleeding external (from the mouth, nose, genitals) and internal (gastric, intestinal);
  • Rare urge to urinate;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • Blood in stool and urine, vomiting blood;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Tachycardia;
  • exhaustion;
  • Seizures.

It is worth noting that often the symptoms of icteric and hemorrhagic forms of leptospirosis are merged, that is, a dog can easily experience both icterus and bleeding at the same time.

Since the disease is dangerous for both the dog and its owner, it makes sense to list the “human” symptoms of leptospirosis:

  • Severe headache and state of weakness;
  • Temperature and chills;
  • Unwillingness to eat against the background of strong thirst;
  • Muscle pain;
  • Rash;
  • Disorders of the intestines and stomach;
  • Swelling of the abdomen and discomfort in the liver;
  • Discharge of blood from the nose, with feces, hemoptysis;
  • Eye ailments (uveitis, iritis);
  • heart rhythm failures;
  • The development of pneumonia;
  • Yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes.

At the slightest suspicion of leptospirosis in oneself or in one of the family members, one should consult a doctor as soon as possible, since complications in the form of meningitis are not uncommon,

Pneumonia, anemia, renal failure.

The incubation period for leptospirosis can last 1-14 days. Sometimes the disease goes unnoticed for a longer time. The dog may experience a slight deterioration in appetite, moderate lethargy.

The nature of the course of leptospirosis can be different:

  • Latent - the most harmless, in which the animal feels slight oppression. There is pallor of the mucous membranes, slight yellowness. After a few days, the symptoms disappear, the dog recovers.
  • Acute - in a dog, symptoms appear 1-2 days after infection. There is a fever up to 41.5 degrees, the sclera and mucous membranes turn yellow, severe trembling appears. With this course of leptospirosis, no more than a quarter of dogs survive.
  • Subacute - within 2-3 weeks after infection, the animal appears healthy. After that, the temperature rises, the limbs tremble, the same symptoms appear as in the acute course, but they are less pronounced.
  • Chronic - rare, accompanies the animal for years. Periodically exacerbated signs of bacterial activity. The temperature may rise, the urine darkens. Sick bitches give birth to dead puppies.

According to clinical manifestations, hemorrhagic and icteric forms of leptospirosis are distinguished.

Typical symptoms of hemorrhagic form:

  • temperature 40-41 degrees at the initial stage of the disease and its decrease to 36.5-37 degrees in the future;
  • loss of appetite;
  • lethargy;
  • internal and external bleeding;
  • hyperemia of mucous membranes, the appearance of ulcers;
  • infrequent urination;
  • blood in vomit, urine and feces;
  • tachycardia;
  • convulsions.

For icteric leptospirosis are characteristic:

  • acquisition by mucous membranes of a saturated yellow hue;
  • dark urine;
  • vomit;
  • liver enlargement;
  • refusal of food;
  • general weakness, exhaustion;
  • heat.

Note! Often in dogs, symptoms of icteric and hemorrhagic forms of the disease appear simultaneously.

Depending on the serogroup of the pathogen, the degree of its virulence, the magnitude of the infectious dose, as well as the state of specific immunity and body resistance, leptospirosis in dogs can occur in various forms: acute, subacute, chronic and latent (asymptomatic). The main criteria for the severity of the disease are the severity of the hemorrhagic syndrome, kidney and liver damage (intensity of jaundice).

In this regard, most authors distinguish hemorrhagic and icteric forms of leptospirosis in dogs. In particular, it is noted that L.icterohaemorrhagiae usually causes an icteric form, L.pomona leptospira - mostly hemorrhagic, rarely icteric, and Lcanicola, as a rule, a hemorrhagic form without jaundice (C.A.

Lyubashenko, 1978; V.A. Chizhov et al., 1992). However, in our opinion, the icteric form, or rather the manifestation of jaundice, is associated not only with the belonging of the causative agent of leptospirosis to a certain serogroup, but is largely due to the high virulence of a particular pathogen and the severity of liver damage. After all, it is acute liver failure that causes pronounced jaundice.

Hemorrhagic (anicteric) form of leptospirosis occurs mainly in older dogs. The disease occurs most often in an acute or subacute form, begins suddenly and is characterized by short-term hyperthermia up to 40-41.5 ° C, severe depression, anorexia, increased thirst, hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the oral and nasal cavities, conjunctiva.

Diagnostics in the veterinary clinic

In a veterinary clinic, in patients with four-legged animals, when making a diagnosis, typical clinical signs are taken into account, the presence or absence of vaccination against leptospirosis and its date are specified, and then an examination is carried out. The main method for detecting leptospirosis is considered to be a serological study by microagglutination reaction (PMA).

Additional methods for detecting the disease:

  1. dark field microscopy. As a biomaterial for research, fresh (taken no later than 0.5 hours) urine is taken from the dog. This method is suitable for animals not previously treated with antibiotics.
  2. biological test. For research, 3–5 ml of blood is taken from an animal and injected into experimental animals.
  3. Blood chemistry. It determines the level of work of organs affected by bacteria.

Differential diagnostics are also carried out to exclude food poisoning, infectious hepatitis and distemper.

For successful treatment, it is important to conduct a diagnosis in a timely manner in order to avoid the transition to the toxic stage.

To determine leptospirosis, examine:

  • urine showing the presence of bacteria;
  • blood showing the presence of antibodies to leptospira.

Laboratory methods are used to diagnose leptospirosis. General clinical examination includes:

  1. General blood test (CBC). It reveals an increase in the number of leukocytes and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). These indicators are not specific, they only indicate the presence of a bacterial infection.
  2. General urine analysis (OAM). There is oliguria (a decrease in the amount of urine excreted), erythrocytes, leukocytes and protein in the urine may appear. This is indicative of kidney damage.
  3. Blood chemistry. Examine the functions of the kidneys and liver. In the renal complex, there is an increase in the level of creatinine, urea. In the liver complex - an increase in the level of bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST).

Specific diagnostics is aimed at identifying an infectious agent (leptospira). For this, microscopic examination of blood and serological methods (to detect antibodies) are used.

Treatment of leptospirosis in dogs must necessarily include the appointment of medications.

Etiotropic treatment (aimed at combating the cause of the infection) consists in the use of antibacterial agents. Most often, a group of penicillins is prescribed, for example, "Benzylpenicillin". The dosage of the drug is selected by the veterinarian individually and depends on the weight of the dog and the severity of the disease. In the first days of the disease, it is possible to prescribe immunological serum for passive immunization of the dog.

Symptomatic treatment includes the following areas:

  • correction of dehydration. It consists in the infusion of glucose-salt solutions;
  • restoration of liver function (Karsil or Essentiale are prescribed);
  • stop bleeding;
  • restoration of the cardiovascular system ("Riboxin", "Ascorbic acid").

For successful treatment of leptospirosis, it is important to recognize it in time and start treatment as soon as possible. It is enough for experienced specialists to see the first symptoms of the disease in order to diagnose the disease. However, laboratory diagnosis is also very important. It is necessarily carried out to determine the latent form of the disease. When a disease is detected, blood tests help to establish the severity of the disease and monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

Laboratory diagnostics for leptospirosis includes tests:

  • blood;
  • urine;
  • secretions from the genitals.

Blood is examined for the presence of antibodies to pathogenic bacteria, urine and secretions are cultured and analyzed under a microscope for the presence of pathogens. Analyzes of a sick animal are given weekly.

A doctor can make a diagnosis of "leptospirosis" only on the basis of laboratory tests that confirm the presence of leptospira in the body.

Animal tests:

  • serological examination of blood serum;
  • microscopy of urine, sowing on nutrient media;
  • biological test.

To assess the condition of the internal organs, ultrasound, x-rays are performed.

What is leptospirosis in dogs, and how does infection occur?

Leptospirosis in dogs is an acute natural focal disease in which the nervous system, blood vessels and mucous organs of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) of animals are predominantly affected. Its development and course is accompanied by intoxication, jaundice, and often a pronounced hemorrhagic syndrome.

Leptospirosis, or infectious jaundice, is a bacterial infection caused by spirochete bacteria of the genus Leptospira. Many mammals suffer from it, but most often it is dogs, which is why the disease was previously called “canine typhus”. This disease in Russia is found in about 20% of these animals. Leptospirosis is transmitted to animals in several ways:

  • mainly alimentary (through food: eaten meat of infected cows, pigs, sheep and fresh milk);
  • contact (through dirty water after swimming in water bodies infected with leptospira, and / or accidentally getting them into the digestive tract of a dog);
  • during mating (through the mucous membranes of the genital organs);
  • transmissively (through the bites of blood-sucking insects and arachnids).

Most often, infection with leptospira occurs in the warm season - from March to December, but dogs can also get sick in winter.

After infection with leptospirosis, it takes from 2 to 12 days before the first symptoms of the disease - this is how long the incubation period of the disease lasts. During this time, bacteria first penetrate into the blood, and then into the internal organs (liver, kidneys, spleen, lungs), in which they multiply intensively. At the end of the incubation period, leptospira again enter the blood vessels, where they release a large amount of toxins.

Leptospirosis in dogs, also known as Weil's disease or infectious jaundice, is caused by the tiny bacteria Leptospira. Puppies, young and weakened dogs, hunting animals, yard dogs are in a special risk group. The disease can be "transferred" from one dog to another (through saliva, during mating), often the carriers are rodents and farm animals - intermediate hosts of leptospira.

It is enough for a healthy dog ​​to, say, communicate with a brother who has recently recovered from illness, eat bread bitten by a mouse, drink infected milk from a sick cow, or swim in a pond from which infected horses drank, as leptospires will be in his body. Bacteria are most aggressive in warm and hot seasons, while in winter their activity is reduced, but not reduced to zero.

The first symptoms of bacterial infection can appear as early as a day after infection, but sometimes the disease goes unnoticed for 3 weeks, and all this time the dog owners will remain in happy ignorance, because almost no symptoms of infection will be visible. Perhaps, except for a slight decrease in appetite and moderate lethargy, but all other symptoms of leptospirosis in dogs will soon manifest themselves.

Leptospirosis in pets can take the following course:

  1. Subacute - the dog looks healthy for 15-20 days after the invasion of the pathogen, after which the first signs of the disease occur, which are not too pronounced;
  2. Acute - the most dangerous form of the disease, it is believed that no more than 25% of dogs have a chance of survival. The first symptoms occur within a day or three after infection;
  3. Chronic - when the disease accompanies the dog for years, periodically either without showing any symptoms, or showing signs of bacterial activity.

Infection with leptospira occurs through damaged skin or mucous membranes, as well as through respiratory or sexual contact. The process includes 2 main stages:

  1. Bacteremic. After entering the body, the bacteria move through the lymphatic system to the bloodstream. Having reached the main systems (gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, respiratory) and organs (kidneys, lungs, liver) of the body, leptospira begin active reproduction, excluding inflammatory processes. Incubation lasts from 2 days to 1 month.
  2. Toxic. After passing through incubation, the bacteria again rush into the bloodstream, releasing poisonous products of their vital activity. Due to severe intoxication, the manifestation of the main symptoms begins. The secreted substances thicken the blood, leading to thrombosis and pathologies of the affected organs.

Leptospirosis is an infectious disease of a bacterial nature, which is clinically manifested by intoxication syndrome, hemorrhagic manifestations, kidney and liver damage.

The causative agent of leptospirosis in dogs is the spirochete Leptospira interrogans. The bacterium is a spiral movable thread. In dogs, the disease can cause several serotypes: L. Icterohaemorrhagiae, L. Grippotyphosa. The bacterium does not tolerate exposure to low temperatures and thrives in a warm and humid environment. This factor is connected with the fact that outbreaks of leptospirosis occur in summer and spring, and in winter the disease practically does not occur.

The main mechanism of infection transmission is contact. It can be implemented in the following ways:

  • swimming in open water;
  • through the consumption of raw water, contaminated milk or meat;
  • upon contact with an infected animal.

Most often, dogs become infected when swimming in contaminated water. In this case, infection does not occur through the skin, the bacterium can enter the body only through abrasions, wounds (when water comes into contact with the animal's blood).

Non-specific disease prevention includes the following activities:

  • exclude contact of the dog with infected pets and rodents;
  • do not bathe your pet in open stagnant water;
  • do not let the animal drink raw water, be sure to boil it before taking it;
  • regularly clean the location of the dog;
  • provide the dog with quality food, do not let him eat untested meat or dairy products.

For leptospirosis, contact, water and feed routes of infection are most typical. In addition, a transmissible route of infection is possible (through the bites of ticks and insects). The causative agent enters the body mainly through the mucous membranes of the digestive, respiratory and genitourinary systems when eating contaminated food and water, eating the corpses of sick animals, as well as when bathing dogs in infected water bodies, through damaged skin, and also when mating (mating) leptospira-carrying dogs .

The incubation period for canine leptospirosis ranges from 2 to 12 days.

Treatment for leptospirosis in dogs

Diagnosis, which determines the stage and form of leptospirosis, allows you to choose an individual treatment. The objectives of further therapy are:

  1. Destruction of leptospira. The first 6 days after infection, a hyperimmune serum containing protective antibodies is injected under the shoulder blade. Immunity to the pathogen develops within 3 hours after injection and lasts 14 days. In advanced cases, we allow additional administration of serum with a dose reduction of 2 times.
  2. Elimination of intoxication and inflammatory processes with the help of antibiotics (Levomecithin, Kefzol, Bicillin, Tetracycline, Streptomycin) and rehydration.
  3. Restoring the functionality of damaged organs. In addition to a special diet that eases the load on the gastrointestinal tract, the following drugs are used: hepatoprotectors (liver); riboxin (heart); askorutin (vessels); lespeflan (kidneys).
  4. Increased immune defense immunomodulators (Hemobalance, Likopid), vitamins and minerals.

At the first signs of leptospirosis, you should immediately contact the veterinary clinic for accurate diagnosis and qualified treatment. The fight against such a serious disease should take place in a hospital, so that the condition of the animal is constantly monitored by specialists. Treatment of leptospirosis at home is unacceptable and dangerous. Due to the severe damage to the internal organs and the serious condition of the pet, most of the drugs are administered to the dog intravenously.

Finished preparations

Therapy is carried out in several directions:

  • targeted destruction of leptospira in the body;
  • elimination of toxins;
  • maintenance and normalization of the cardiovascular system;
  • maintenance and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • restoration of immunity.

For the treatment of leptospirosis use:

  1. Antileptospiral serum. This hyperimmune serum is administered in the first three days. The sooner it is used, the greater the chance of saving the animal. The dose is calculated from the body weight of the dog.
  2. Antibiotics of the penicillin group. The use of sulfonamides is unacceptable!
  3. Solutions for restoring water-salt metabolism.
  4. Cordiamin, thiotriazoline, riboxin- to support the heart.
  5. Askorutin - for the restoration of blood vessels.
  6. Solutions for detoxification: hemodez, sirepar, saline.
  7. Enterosgel, loperamide- to stop diarrhea.
  8. Cerucal injections from vomiting spasms.
  9. Hepaprotector Essentiale-N intravenously.
  10. Lespeflan - to maintain kidney function.

Folk remedies

After completion of treatment, the diet should be maintained. Feed should contain a limited amount of proteins and fats, but a significant proportion of fiber. To restore digestion and immunity, before feeding, you need to give the dog simple remedies with a choleretic effect:

  • decoction of calendula;
  • decoction on corn stigmas;
  • decoction of celandine.

After the diagnosis is confirmed, it is necessary to start treatment in the clinic as soon as possible. The goals of medical measures:

  • destroy leptospira;
  • restore the work of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys;
  • remove intoxication;
  • stop vomiting, diarrhea, pain syndrome.

Care and nutrition

A sick dog is a source of infection with leptospirosis. Therefore, for the period of treatment, it must be isolated. Regularly you need to treat the room with disinfectants. When in contact with an animal, take the necessary protective measures to avoid infection.

During the recovery period, you need to adhere to dietary nutrition. It should not load the work of organs affected by harmful bacteria. If the dog refuses to eat, do not force feed it.

It is recommended to eat food often (5-6 times a day), in small portions. It is preferable to switch to special medical feed. Even after recovery, dietary nutrition will have to be followed for life. The diet should contain lean meat (turkey, veal), neutral cereals (rice, oats), cooked in water. Fruits and raw vegetables can be given when there are no flare-ups. Choleretic agents can be added to food before feeding.

In the acute phase, the drugs are mainly given intravenously to the dog. Due to the exhausted cardiovascular system, they may not be absorbed subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Specific treatment involves the introduction of the first days after infection of hyperimmune serum, aimed at the destruction of spirochetes. Serum is administered once a day for 2-3 days at a dosage of 0.5 ml/kg.

Strong antibiotics are used to kill bacteria in organs:

  • Bicillin;
  • Streptomycin;
  • Penicillin.

If the clinic has special equipment, the animal undergoes hemodialysis.

Symptomatic treatment includes the use of a complex of drugs that reduce the toxic load on the body.


  • glucose solution;
  • NaCl;
  • Ringer's solution.

When vomiting, you can give the dog Cerucal. Inflammation on the skin is eliminated by treatment with antiseptics: Miramistin, Chlorhexidine.

Treatment for leptospirosis in dogs is to remove the pathogen from the body and minimize symptoms.

To eliminate the pathogen, the dog is injected with hyperimmune serum (no later than 4-6 days from the onset of the disease), a penicillin antibiotic, dihydrostreptomycin and streptomycin are used. Antispasmodics, liver medications, antiemetics, anticonvulsants, and heart medications are used to relieve symptoms.

In recovered dogs, a stable and intense immunity is formed, which lasts for years. However, vaccination of the animal is still required, especially when exporting it to regions that are unfavorable for this disease.

To prevent leptospirosis in dogs, animals should be vaccinated annually: we recommend complex vaccines that protect your pet from leptospirosis, rabies, canine distemper, hepatitis, adenovirus infection and parvovirus enteritis.

Against leptospirosis, dogs are vaccinated starting at 8-9 weeks of age, re-vaccination is carried out at intervals of 21-28 days. Before vaccination, anthelmintic treatment of the animal is required.

With leptospirosis, complex therapy is carried out, including etiotropic and pathogenetic. For etiotropic therapy of sick dogs, hyperimmune serum against leptospirosis is successfully used at a dose of 0.5 ml per 1 kg of body weight, especially in the early stages of the disease. Serum is injected subcutaneously, usually 1 time per day for 2-3 days.

In antibiotic therapy, drugs of the penicillin group are used, which are effective against leptospires of various serogroups and spirochetes in general: benzylpenicillin, bicillin-1, bicillin-3. In particular, the latter are used to create a long-term therapeutic concentration of bicillin in the blood. Doses: 10,000-20,000 IU per 1 kg of animal weight 1 time in 3 days (2 times a week).

The suspension of the drug is injected with a thick needle intramuscularly (it is impossible to inject intravenously!). The course of treatment to stop leptospiremia is from 2 to 6 injections, however, leptospira persist in the kidneys for a long time. Streptomycin is also used at a dose of 10-15 IU per 1 kg of body weight 2 times a day for 5 days. Sulfonamides are not recommended.

Pathogenetic therapy includes the following basic methods and means: paraimmunization (the use of immunomodulators - lycopid, polyoxidonium, etc.), rehydration (the use of physiological water-salt solutions), detoxification (hemodez, etc.). In addition, symptomatic and replacement therapy, including veterinary diet therapy, must be used.

Pathological and anatomical changes. During external examination of the corpses of dogs that died from the icteric form of leptospirosis, a pronounced icteric coloration of all visible mucous membranes (oral, nasal cavity, vagina) and various parts of the body is noted. At autopsy, icterus is found in almost all internal organs and tissues of the body (lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen, bladder, etc.).

In the hemorrhagic form of leptospirosis, a pathoanatomical picture of acute hemorrhagic inflammation is observed in various organs and tissues: extensive or numerous pinpoint hemorrhages and individual foci of necrosis on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, in the lungs, kidneys, bladder, spleen, etc.

Treatment for leptospirosis in dogs

Treatment of leptospirosis in dogs in all cases is carried out in veterinary clinics. It is aimed at:

  • extermination of bacteria;
  • elimination of intoxication;
  • stopping diarrhea and vomiting;
  • improving the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, liver, kidneys.

Most often, drugs are administered intravenously, since injected under the skin and intramuscularly, due to the poor condition of the vessels, they are not absorbed for a long time and do not produce a therapeutic effect.

Leptospira in the blood are destroyed by hyperimmune serum with antibodies in it. Her dog is injected subcutaneously, 1 time per day, for 2-3 days at a dose of 0.5 ml per 1 kg of body weight. In addition to its direct purpose, this drug additionally stimulates the dog's immunity.

In the affected organs of the animal, bacteria are killed with antibiotics. Their choice depends on the Leptospira serogroup and the general health of the dog. These are derivatives of penicillin: Benzylpenicillin, Bicillin-1, Bicillin-3. The last two drugs are used to form a long-term therapeutic concentration of bicillin in the blood of a sick animal. They are injected intramuscularly in the amount of 2-6 injections. Streptomycin is also used, which is given to the dog 2 times a day for 5 days.

Severe intoxication is removed by introducing saline and nutrient saline solutions into the blood. To remove toxins from the dog's body, glucose or magnesium sulfate is prescribed in the early phases of the disease, and in the later phases - Glutargin, sodium thiosulfate and similar medicines. Diarrhea and prolonged vomiting are stopped by Enterosgel and Cerucal.

The work of the damaged liver and kidneys is restored by Lespenefril, Essentiale, Karsil or Galstena. The walls of damaged vessels are strengthened with vitamins C, P and group B. To improve the nutrition of the heart muscle, the dog is prescribed Riboxin, Thiotriazolin and similar drugs. Immunomodulators are also used - Likopid, Polyoxidonium.


In the body of a dog, leptospira enter the bloodstream, actively multiply. The immune system reacts by releasing antibodies. The shell of bacteria is very toxic. It releases substances that destroy blood vessels. Dead leptospira are even more dangerous. They release toxic substances into the blood, which through damaged vessels seep into different parts of the body.

Once in the liver and kidneys, bacteria feed on substances that are needed for the functioning of these organs. Once in the intestine, leptospira destroy its inner surface. As a result of such activities, the dog has internal bleeding, diarrhea. Toxins, getting into the kidneys, disrupt the production of urine. And their activity in the brain provokes severe convulsions.

Bacteria force the body to synthesize excess hemoglobin. This causes exhaustion of the blood coagulation system and numerous hemorrhages.

If the animal is not promptly provided with medical assistance, a critical accumulation of toxins will accumulate in the body and it will die from intoxication and exhaustion.

The most dangerous consequences of leptospirosis:

  • liver and kidney failure;
  • cardiopathy;
  • hepatic coma.


To prevent the onset of the disease in veterinary clinics, Russian and imported mono- and polyvalent (against the 1st or 2nd serogroups) vaccines are used:

  • Biovac-L and Biovac-DPAL;
  • polyvalent vaccine VGNKI;
  • Multikan-6 (NPO Narvak);
  • Dipentavak (Vetzverocenter JSC);
  • Biorabik (NPO "Biocenter");
  • Hexakanivac;
  • Leptorabisin;
  • Vanguard 5 and 7 and others.

Vaccination of dogs is carried out 2 times during the year with a break between vaccinations of 2-3 weeks. For those animals that are in disadvantaged areas for leptospirosis, with crowded close quarters and with unconfirmed immune status, it is recommended to use the vaccine and hyperimmune serum together.

You can also prevent infection of a pet with leptospira at home if:

  • do not feed fresh raw beef, pork or lamb to your dog, and milk of dubious quality to puppies;
  • do not allow the animal to swim in dirty ponds with stagnant water;
  • bathe him more often with dog shampoos;
  • pair it only with trusted partners.

With suspicious symptoms, you should immediately take the dog to the veterinarian.

The only effective measure is vaccination of the pet against the disease (Biovac, Nobivak, Multican, etc.). Prevention of leptospirosis is complemented by restrictive measures.

Leptospirosis in dogs is transmitted to humans, therefore, when treating and communicating with a sick animal, change of clothes and gloves should be worn. The places where the patient defecated are washed with bleach or disinfectants with iodine.

Leptospirosis is one of the most dangerous diseases that can affect a dog, including viral enteritis, tick-borne piroplasmosis or rabies. Take your pet to the clinic immediately if it shows signs of illness. Early treatment can save your pet's life.

You can save your pet from infection with the help of preventive measures, including:

The most effective preventive measure is timely vaccination of the dog. A complex vaccine with protection against many infections, including leptospirosis, is administered for the first time as early as puppyhood: in the second to fourth months of life. Then the vaccination is repeated annually. Veterinarians recommend vaccinating dogs in the winter, during the recession of infectious epidemics.

There is a monovaccine with a directed action against leptospira serotypes, which is vaccinated in two stages. First, it is administered to puppies at 8-9 weeks of age, and after 3 weeks the vaccination is repeated.

If a dog has had leptospirosis, it develops immunity for several years. But the animal can remain a carrier of bacteria and infect others with them. Therefore, a few months after recovery, you need to take tests to confirm or deny the carriage of the virus.

Dogs must be vaccinated to avoid contracting leptospirosis. A complex vaccine is administered to an animal at the age of 8-9 months. After 2-3 weeks, it is revaccinated. After that, an annual revaccination against leptospirosis is necessary. Although vaccination against this disease is not mandatory, it is better to do it to protect the dog from infection.

General preventive measures include:

  • balanced diet:
  • proper care and hygiene;
  • lack of contact with stray and unvaccinated dogs;
  • avoiding swimming in questionable water bodies, drinking dirty water;
  • timely deratization in the presence of rodents in the house.

Leptospirosis is one of the most dangerous infections in dogs. Pathogens destroy organs and systems, causing severe symptoms. When the first signs of infection appear, it is necessary to take the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible in order to correctly diagnose and conduct appropriate therapy.

For active immunoprophylaxis of leptospirosis in dogs, domestic and foreign mono-, polyvalent (against leptospira of two serogroups: Icterohaemorrhagiae and Canicola) and associated vaccines are used: mono- and polyvalent vaccines - Biovac-L, vaccine against leptospirosis in dogs (NPO Narvak), polyvalent vaccine VGNKI against leptospirosis in animals, etc.

Recommendations for the use of these vaccines are summarized in Table. 1. In accordance with the instructions for the use of foreign vaccines, two-time vaccination of puppies is indicated, for adult animals - a single one. According to Yu.A. Malakhov, G.L. Sobolev (2000), such a single vaccination of adult dogs only partially prevents leptospirosis and leptospirosis within 4-6 months. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out two annual vaccinations of all dogs with an interval of 2-3 weeks.

For passive immunization of puppies and adult dogs with unknown immune status in an unfavorable epizootic situation for leptospirosis, especially when animals are group kept, it is recommended to use hyperimmune serum against leptospirosis, as well as apply the active-passive immunization method (simultaneous administration of the vaccine and hyperimmune serum against dog leptospirosis ).

The general prevention of leptospirosis consists in strict adherence to a complex of veterinary, sanitary, zootechnical, organizational and economic measures (see "Parvovirus enteritis", prevention for more details).

Considering that sick animals and leptospiro-carrier dogs pose an immediate epidemiological danger, all people serving these dogs must strictly observe personal hygiene and prevention measures, including vaccination against leptospirosis.

Infectious diseases are especially dangerous for people and animals. Leptospirosis in dogs is quite common, its symptoms are usually acute, and treatment should begin immediately. Otherwise, the consequences can be dire. For this reason, pet owners should be aware of the dangers of this disease, what steps to take if it is detected, and how to prevent infection.

The causative agent of the disease are the bacteria leptospira, which belong to the type of spirochetes. In total, several species of these microorganisms have been found in nature, but dogs are susceptible to infection by two species - L. Icterohaemorrhagiae and L. Canicolau. The spiral shape of bacteria and their small size contribute to the rapid spread throughout the body in case of infection.

Unfavorable conditions for the reproduction of leptospira is cold, so they cannot be infected in the cold season. In the rest of the period there is a big risk. Since bacteria feel comfortable in a humid and warm environment, they are most dangerous in the summer months, especially when they are close to water bodies.

Leptospira cannot penetrate the animal's body through the skin, but easily enter the bloodstream through microtraumas, as well as the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract, and genital organs. Through the lymphatic system, bacteria enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the circulatory system, and then affect the internal organs - the liver, kidneys, spleen, and lungs. When microorganisms excrete waste products, intoxication of the body begins, which leads to the manifestation of symptoms.

The incubation period is from 3 to 30 days. A sick animal begins to isolate bacteria in 5-7 days. Isolation of harmful organisms can continue even after successful treatment for several months and even years.

How and where can a dog become infected

Infection with leptospirosis can occur in the following ways:

  1. By contact with a sick animal.
  2. Through food, water, utensils, household items.
  3. When swimming in a reservoir contaminated with bacteria.
  4. Through the bites of ticks and other blood-sucking insects.
  5. When eating the corpses of animals, especially small rodents, which act as a living reservoir for the spread of infection.
  6. Through the placenta from mother to puppy, as well as through milk during breastfeeding.

Is leptospirosis dangerous for humans?

Leptospira are dangerous not only for animals, but also for humans. In this regard, when signs of leptospirosis are detected in a dog, a person should observe safety measures:

  1. Protective equipment, such as gloves, must be used when caring for a sick animal.
  2. Limit the place where the pet is kept and keep it perfectly clean.
  3. Limit contact with sick animals.

Bacteria from the body of an animal are excreted along with saliva, feces, and blood. It is important to exclude their contact with the skin if there are injuries (cuts, bruises, wounds). With advanced form of the disease, the veterinarian may recommend euthanasia of the dog.

Symptoms of Leptospirosis in Dogs

When leptospira enters the body, the circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract, and respiratory system are affected, kidney and liver failure develops, and the work of the heart and central nervous system is disrupted. The most obvious symptoms of leptospirosis in dogs are:

  1. Increased body temperature, sometimes up to 41 degrees.
  2. Vomiting and diarrhea.
  3. Lethargy, loss of appetite and refusal to eat.
  4. Urination disorders.
  5. The appearance of blood in the urine and feces.
  6. Severe soreness, especially in the abdominal region.

The manifestations of the disease largely depend on its form.

Hemorrhagic form

The main feature of this form of the disease is severe liver damage. One of the signs of the disease is redness of the mucous membranes. Ulcers and pinpoint hemorrhages may appear on the mucous membranes. This also happens in the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to the appearance of blood in the stool. The disease is always accompanied by a high fever and lethargy.

In the absence of timely treatment, renal failure quickly develops, which is manifested by impaired urination and even its absence. High risk of death.

icteric form

With this form of leptospirosis, severe jaundice is observed. It is best seen on the mucous membranes, but is also visible on the skin when the hair is pulled apart. Obvious signs of the disease are severe diarrhea and vomiting, keratitis and conjunctivitis may develop.

As with the hemorrhagic form, hepatic and renal failure develops, but mortality is 50-60%. The cause of death may be dehydration.

If you notice the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. After laboratory tests, the doctor diagnoses the disease and prescribes treatment. Lost time can cost the animal its life.

Stages and forms of the disease

There are two main stages in the course of leptospirosis:

  1. The bacterial stage is the multiplication of microorganisms through the circulatory system after penetration into the body.
  2. Toxic stage - damage to internal organs and severe intoxication of the body. At this stage of the disease, the manifestation of symptoms occurs.

Depending on the course of the disease, several stages are distinguished:

  1. Acute. The disease proceeds at high speed. In just a couple of days, complications can develop in the form of failure of the kidneys, liver and other internal organs. High risk of death.
  2. Subacute. The disease proceeds at a slower rate (from 10 to 20 days). Decreased mortal danger.
  3. Chronic. If the animal's body manages to survive the acute and subacute form, the disease flows into a chronic illness that can last from one month to several years. Exacerbations can occur with a decrease in immunity, since it is almost impossible to completely recover from the disease. Bacteria remain in hard-to-reach places and are activated under favorable conditions.
  4. Latent or asymptomatic. The disease does not make itself felt, but the animal is a carrier of the infection.

Treatment for leptospirosis in dogs

Self-medication in case of infection with harmful bacteria is unacceptable. Treatment is always complex. A number of activities are usually carried out:

No less important is the diet in the treatment of leptospirosis. Fractional meals are required - in small portions, but often. The food should be boiled, and the food should be of high quality. A balanced diet is important.


Vaccination is at the heart of preventive measures. The first vaccination against leptospirosis in dogs is given at the age of 2 to 4 months. Re-vaccination is done after 3-4 weeks. The procedure should be repeated twice a year, because over time, immunity from the disease weakens. In addition, vaccination should be done during an epidemic.

Disease prevention is the best way to keep your pet safe, so follow these simple guidelines.

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Infectious diseases are terrible not only for animals, but also for humans. Leptospirosis in dogs is one of the most dangerous diseases (more than half of infections are fatal). Each pet owner should know the symptoms, preventive measures for leptospirosis so that the infection does not become fatal for the pet.

Leptospirosis or infectious jaundice, or Weil's disease, is an infectious disease caused by a bacterium - leptospira. It is distributed almost all over the world (except Antarctica), affects most species of mammals. More than 200 species and subspecies of the pathogenic bacterium leptospira (called serotypes or serogroups) are known to veterinary medicine. But more than 50% of them do not cause pathologies.

Important! Leptospira bacteria are close "relatives" of borreliosis and syphilis.

The infection is resistant to low temperatures, able to maintain viability and virulence for many months. Even if the ambient temperature drops to -70 degrees. An increase in ambient temperature, together with an increased level of humidity, is a favorable environment for maintaining life activity for up to a year and a half. Most often found in stagnant water bodies, with a large accumulation of leptospira bacteria, a visible film can form on the surface of the water.

In water it is able to remain active for 30 days, under favorable conditions. In running water no more than 10 days. In soil with high humidity, leptospira retain virulence for up to 300 days.

Bacteria are susceptible to drying, pH changes. When the temperature rises to 76 degrees and above - the infection dies instantly.

Ways of infection

The main ways of infection with leptospirosis:

  1. Contact. Infection occurs by contact of mucous membranes or damaged skin with contaminated soil, water, sick animals or their secretions.
  2. Alimentary. Infection occurs by getting bacteria into the stomach - quenching thirst from infected reservoirs, eating raw meat from carriers of leptospirosis or contaminated (infected animals) products.

Important! Dogs may excrete leptospira in the urine without showing clinical signs.

Carriers of leptospirosis are most often rodents and small predators that eat them:

  • Rats;
  • hedgehogs;
  • shrews;
  • The bats;
  • Voles;
  • Nutria;
  • Ferrets;
  • Martens;
  • Arctic foxes;
  • Foxes.

This is not the whole list of potential carriers of leptospirosis. Almost all mammals are susceptible to the disease, including cattle, artiodactyls, almost all canines. Remarkably, cats are the least likely to get sick.

Symptoms and signs in dogs

The disease has a huge number of clinical signs, as it affects almost all internal organs, the nervous and circulatory systems, and skeletal muscles. For this, American doctors called leptospirosis the chameleon disease, because the number of signs can confuse leptospirosis with canine distemper or infectious hepatitis.

The main symptoms and signs of leptospirosis:

  1. Apathetic state, immobility;
  2. Refusal of food;
  3. Redness or yellowing of mucous membranes;
  4. Vomit;
  5. Diarrhea, other signs of gastrointestinal disorders;
  6. Inclusions of blood in urine, dark color of urine;
  7. Poor urination, decreased amount of urine;
  8. Stomatitis;
  9. Increase in body temperature;
  10. Deterioration of blood clotting;
  11. Lameness, lack of coordination;
  12. Shortness of breath, rapid pulse;
  13. Wheezing when breathing;
  14. Jaundice of the epithelium and mucous membranes;
  15. Dehydration;
  16. abdominal pain;
  17. Anorexia.

Most often, symptoms appear 4 to 9 days after infection. Signs of leptospirosis can vary depending on which organs are damaged. Perhaps the defeat of all organs, then the symptoms will be extensive. But the greatest danger of this disease is that the symptoms are not always pronounced, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Leptospira bacteria, after entering the body, are easiest to penetrate into the kidneys, in this regard, the first clinical signs are associated with urination. Then the work of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, spleen is disrupted. Also, the walls of blood vessels are destroyed, the work of the circulatory system is disrupted, which leads to internal bleeding.

Important! Recovered animals remain carriers of leptospira for a long time.

Forms of leptospirosis

Leptospirosis in dogs is divided into 3 forms - chronic, hemorrhagic and icteric. Symptoms also depend on the form of manifestation of the disease. The nature of the disease is determined by the state of the dog's immune system.


The disease enters the chronic phase if the dog managed to get sick with other types of leptospirosis. The chronic form lasts for several years, with a decrease in immunity or with concomitant diseases, it reappears. Rarely diagnosed.

Symptoms of chronic leptospirosis:

  • Anorexia, weight loss and appetite;
  • Paleness of mucous membranes;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes;
  • epithelial necrosis;
  • Hard breath;
  • apathetic state;
  • Cardiopalmus;
  • Lack of estrus in females and lack of sexual desire in males;
  • Stillbirth (loss of fetuses in females).


The anicteric phase of leptospirosis occurs most often in fully formed individuals. Duration of the acute hemorrhagic phase up to 7 days. With untimely or incorrect treatment, in 70% of cases a fatal outcome occurs, or the disease flows into a chronic stage.

The leptospira bacterium in the hemorrhagic form of the disease affects the circulatory system to a greater extent. Based on this, the clinical signs are:

  • A sharp increase in body temperature to 41 degrees or more;
  • increased thirst;
  • "Marble" mucous membranes (bright red pigment of the mucous membranes interspersed with pale pink and white);
  • Refusal of food;
  • Lethargy, inactivity;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Vomit;
  • Dehydration;
  • Seizures.

After 3 - 4 days, the body temperature drops to normal, or lower. In vomit and feces, blood impurities are clearly visible. During 2 - 3 days with a probability of more than 80%, the dog can no longer be saved. The animal will die from dehydration or internal bleeding.


A form of leptospirosis called icteric is more commonly diagnosed in immunocompromised dogs under two years of age. The acute course of the icteric phase lasts up to 7 days, mortality is about 65%.

Symptoms are similar to hemorrhagic. The main difference between the two phases is the pigmentation of the mucous membranes; in the icteric phase, the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes and the upper layer of the epithelium become yellow. This is due to the fact that the leptospira bacterium is localized in the liver. It leads to an increased content of bilirubin in the blood, which in turn gives a yellow tint.

Death occurs from intoxication of the body.

Diagnostic methods

The main carrier of leptospira is the blood, more precisely the antibodies produced by the body against the bacterium. Antibodies can be detected as early as 10 days after infection. Then leptospira can be detected in the urine. Therefore, blood and urine sampling are an exceptional condition for the correct diagnosis of leptospirosis.

Important! Blood and urine tests give a more plausible picture before the administration of antibiotics to the dog, regardless of the duration of symptoms.

Testing for leptospirosis in dogs

The microagglutination test, a blood serological test, is the most widely used diagnostic test for leptospirosis. But it must be carried out in combination with urine tests, and the procedure should be repeated after 2 – 3 days. Since in the initial stages the amount of antibodies to leptospira can be "within the normal range" (1:100 and even 1:200 is considered the norm in regions that do not have outbreaks of epidemics). Also, the results are highly dependent on laboratory quality control.


Treat leptospirosis at home, engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment is prohibited! Treatment is prescribed only by a qualified veterinarian and only after laboratory tests. In this case, the likelihood of positive dynamics during therapy increases.

Treatment is necessary complex, aimed primarily at the destruction of the leptospira bacterium itself. It is also necessary to restore the body, remove intoxication and normalize the work of the affected internal organs.

In addition to drug treatment, the dog is prescribed a diet without fail. Food should be only of high quality, low in fat and protein. Plentiful drinking and fractional nutrition are prescribed.

List of drugs





Hyperimmune serum against leptospirosis

424 rubles

0.5 ml per 1 kg of body weight; 1 time per day 2 - 3 days


21 ruble 10-15 IU/kg 2 times a day for a course of 5 days.
Hemodez 45 rubles

10 ml/kg once or twice a day




250 rubles

0.5 mg per 3 kg of weight once a day for 10 days.


525 rubles

up to 10 kg - ½ tab. 2 times a day, up to 20 kg - 1 tab. 2 times a day, more than 20 kg - 1 tab. 3 times a day


70 rubles

Up to 3 drops on the root of the tongue


400 rubles

up to 2 tbsp. gel dissolve in 200 ml of water, pour into the mouth


620 rubles

2-3 ml of suspension for every 10 kg of weight. Divided into 2-3 doses

Possible consequences

As part of combination therapy, dioxycycline, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, is also used. It has established itself as a drug with positive dynamics against gram-negative microorganisms (including leptospira bacteria). Apply orally 1 time per day, 10 mg per 1 kg of dog weight. The price of the drug is 30 rubles for 10 capsules.

Leptospirosis in dogs is a serious disease, the consequences of which are sometimes irreversible. After prolonged treatment, restorative therapy is often prescribed. Which is aimed at avoiding the consequences of the disease. Dogs with leptospirosis have:

  • liver dysfunction;
  • Chronic diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • Violations in the digestive tract;
  • Damage to the visual organs;
  • Violations of the cardiovascular system;
  • Inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract;
  • Complete or partial paralysis.

Dogs that have had Weil's disease remain carriers of the infection for several more years. But the survivors themselves develop a stable, lifelong immunity.


To avoid infection with infectious jaundice, it is necessary to observe elementary hygiene standards. In an increased risk zone are dogs of crowded content (kennels, zoo hotels, shelters). Also pets, often in contact with cattle. Hunting dogs, and others that eat small rodents and quench their thirst in stagnant pools.

Prevention of leptospirosis includes keeping animals clean. Exclusion from the diet of small rodents and wild animals (potential carriers of bacteria). A ban on drinking from puddles and other sources of stagnant water (during a walk, have clean drinking water with you not only for yourself, but also for the dog).

Serum against leptospirosis

Dog vaccination is the main and most effective prevention against leptospirosis. Immunization against viral infections is carried out with complex serum, which includes Leptospira strains.

The most popular vaccines against leptospirosis with average clinic prices:

  • vanguard, 1200 rubles;
  • , multikan-8, 800 rubles;
  • Nobivak, 1300 rubles;
  • Biocan, 1100 rubles.

The first immunization is carried out at the age of about 8 weeks, after 21 days a revaccination is required. The next time the serum is injected at the age of one, then duplicated annually until the end of the dog's life.

A veterinarian, in regions unfavorable for leptospirosis, may prescribe immunization more often than once a year (once every 6 to 9 months, depending on outbreaks of epidemics). The same picture for hunting dogs, the veterinarian may recommend injecting serum more often than other pets.

Is the disease dangerous for humans

Almost all mammals on the planet suffer from leptospirosis, unfortunately, humans are no exception. Therefore, dog prevention measures should be taken more than seriously. After all, this is fraught not only with the death of the pet, but also with the deterioration of the health of the owner.

If clinical signs of leptospirosis are detected in a dog, the owner must carefully observe safety measures. It is best if the animal is placed in a hospital clinic. But if this is not possible, then it is very important:

  1. Avoid contact of a sick dog with children and other animals;
  2. During treatment, avoid contact with any kind of dog secretions with human skin and mucous membranes;
  3. All types of procedures with the animal should be carried out in rubber gloves and tight clothing;
  4. Conduct sanitization of the entire house, and, if possible, daily disinfection of the premises in which the sick dog is kept;
  5. Minimize contact with an infected pet, do not allow licking of the face and hands;
  6. After each manipulation with an infected dog, be sure to wash your hands with soap, above the elbows. Even if gloves were used.

As for dogs and humans, you can enter the serum against leptospirosis. The vaccine against infectious jaundice can be given to people from the age of seven. For persons who have constant contact with animals, immunization against leptospirosis is recommended by physicians.

Video about the disease

The bacterium Leptospira provokes a severe disease, the outcome of which can be fatal. It is impossible to neglect elementary preventive measures, it is imperative to follow the schedule of vaccinations. The health of the dog is in the hands of the owner.

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