Elbow bursitis in dogs: diagnosis, symptoms and treatment. Common Symptoms and Treatments for Bursitis in Dogs

Bursitis dogs - frequent disease resulting from injury or infectious diseases. Such a disease brings a lot of inconvenience to the animal and its owner. Requires immediate medical attention and quick treatment. If you see that something is wrong with the paws of the dog, you need to contact your veterinarian for help.

What is bursitis in dogs

Synovial bag, which is intended to protect the joint from various mechanical damage becomes inflamed - this is bursitis in a dog. This pathology is very dangerous because it reduces the mobility of the animal, creates a powerful blow to nervous system, depletes the pet's body. Doctors still cannot come to an opinion what causes such a disease. Of the most obvious reasons there is:

Symptoms of a tumor

If we talk about acute bursitis, its main symptoms are:
swelling at the bend of the joint, this swelling is hotter to the touch than the rest of the body of the animal;

  • severe pain on movement, the dog may whimper and lean more
  • on healthy paws, pressing the patient;
  • severe pain is felt at night;
  • lameness, sometimes the animal tries to move less;
  • sometimes a purulent formation can form in the swelling. The bump is very dark.

With a quick determination of bursitis in a dog, it is possible to prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form, thereby removing pain symptoms and remove swelling on the joints.
False (or chronic) bursitis is a form of the disease in which a bump or swelling appears on the dog's joints, while not giving it any pain and does not bother when moving.

Who is affected by bursitis?

Bursitis characteristic disease large breed dogs. little chihuahua, yorkshire terriers, Pekingese do not usually get this disease, as the structure of their joints is slightly different.

Large dogs, especially service dogs, who spend a lot of time exercising, suffer more from bursitis. At the age of 6-7 years, such dogs may limp slightly for one or two hind legs. Since the disease progresses quite quickly, the dog's limbs may fail in a couple of weeks. In such cases, treatment and hospitalization does not help. Therefore, veterinarians so strictly recommend monitoring the activity of the animal.

Treatment of elbow bursitis in dogs

If bursitis is suspected, treatment should be carried out immediately. This requires a complete examination of the animal by a veterinarian, collection necessary analyzes. After that, the degree and form of the disease is determined and appropriate treatment is prescribed.
Usually the treatment is quite conservative, and surgery is performed extremely rarely. At the initial stage, the animal should be given maximum peace and immobility, any physical activity and prolonged walking should be stopped for the duration of treatment.

The doctor should fix a special bandage or elbow pad on the diseased joint. In the first days of treatment, you need to put cold lotions with an anesthetic or disinfectant. After 2-3 days, cold lotions are replaced by warming compresses. All treatments can be done at home.

If the form of the disease has become more complex, bursitis in a dog should be treated in a hospital, with a constant examination by a doctor. For treatment, lamp irradiation, ointments with an antibacterial effect, as well as ointments based on potent antibiotics are used. If the doctor detects the presence of pus, it is pumped out with a special syringe. After that, an injection of hydrocortisone is made into the synovial bag of the joint, which disinfects and heals.

Treatment of bursitis of the elbow joint

The elbow joint requires the same treatment as the joints of the hind legs. special compresses, ultraviolet glow will help eliminate the appearance purulent formations and relieve pain quickly. If surgery is needed, it is carried out immediately. But many experts warn about possible complications, after surgical intervention. Namely:

  1. fistula formation at the site of the suture, which require additional intervention, as well as correction with a bandage or plaster. Such fistulas are most often
  2. occur in older dogs when the recovery process is delayed up to 3-4 months;
  3. the anesthesia that is used can cause disturbance of the circulatory system, especially in the areas of removal of the bursa. Such a complication can lead to prolonged use of dressings and protective overlays;
  4. during the operation, an infection can get in, which will cause a strong inflammatory process. This happens frequently and requires further treatment. strong antibiotics, in order to avoid purulent formations.

Surgery is very often the causative agent of new diseases and complications. Since the operation will help remove bursitis, but it can not always eliminate the inflamed areas of the skin, which, when the suture heals, form bursitis again. Bursitis elbow joint very often confused with dysplasia. Symptoms and external criteria are very similar. For this reason, one should only consult experienced professionals and not use folk treatment such a complex disease.


Treatment usually brings nice results within 2-3 weeks, and postoperative period 3 to 6 weeks. Depending on the degree of the disease, symptoms such as pain and severe swelling disappear in a few days, after which complete healing of the joint is necessary.

To do this, the dog must be constantly in a special corset. Additionally, ointments or immunostimulants are rubbed. In the postoperative period, the dog stays in the hospital for several days, where hydrocortisone injections are given for 7 days. If the operation did not bring the desired results, it is done again.

Preventive measures

To avoid such unpleasant disease like bursitis, you need to follow some rules that will protect your pet. Among them:

  • good conditions content (the dog should not sleep in a cold place or in a draft);
  • the place to sleep should be soft and warm (it is undesirable for the dog to sleep on cold tiles or linoleum), to prevent dampness in the room where the animal is located;
  • for large breeds, chondroitin must be in the diet,
  • glucosamine and other supplements that affect Good work joints;
    dry food or food must be balanced and appropriate for the weight and characteristics of the animal. Food should contain a lot of cereals and protein foods. Do not use in the diet fatty foods and bones;
  • physical activity as the dog ages. Even large breeds do not get involved in activities with overcoming high barriers. Combine active games and long walks. In the cold and wet time year, avoid walking in the rain, and also make sure that the dog does not get cold.

Bursitis in a dog is a disease that requires immediate treatment and sometimes surgery. And although the consequences after treatment are not always positive, with proper care dog still for a long time will feel comfortable. To avoid the disease, you need to follow the recommendations of a specialist and properly care for the animal. But if you notice the symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. Keep in mind that home treatment can only exacerbate the problem.

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Bursitis is an inflammation of the synovial or mucous bags of the joints, which is accompanied by increased formation and accumulation of exudate in its cavity. Bursae are connective tissue structures lined with endothelium and filled with synovial fluid that sit between bones, tendons, ligaments or muscles and reduce friction and pressure.

After injury to surrounding tissues or septic infections (for example, after puncture), inflammatory thickening and severe swelling may occur. synovial bag. Sharp and chronic inflammation, the latter are also called hygroms, most often observed in the following places:

1. Synovial bag of the radial extensor of the wrist over the proximal section of the carpal joint. Causes severe lameness in dogs after running.

2. Calcification of the synovial bag over the greater trochanter femur proceeds without clinical manifestations, however, can lead to errors in the interpretation of x-rays.

In dogs, bursitis is characteristic of large and giant breeds Cats rarely get sick. The pathological process usually occurs in the region of one or both elbow joints.

Types of bursitis:

- chronic,
- Aseptic
- Purulent.


Bursitis of the elbow joint in dogs occurs as a result of trauma to the elbow tubercle at the site of localization of the subcutaneous mucous bag (bruises, abrasions, minor wounds).

Clinical signs

A painful, fluctuating, reddened swelling the size of a walnut appears on the elbow tubercle. The swelling is mobile. Such symptoms are characteristic of acute aseptic bursitis. In chronic bursitacho can reach large sizes, and in the presence of microbes develops purulent inflammation. The purulent process spreads to the surrounding tissues, in the future it can proceed, accompanied by necrosis of the walls of the bag and the development of subcutaneous, intermuscular phlegmon. If the bursa is opened, fistulas that do not heal for a long time are formed.

Unlike arthritis, bursitis persists motor function joint.


Bursitis in animals is diagnosed based on clinical signs and the results of a bacterial study of the contents of synovial bags.

First aid

In the case of an aseptic form, it is first necessary to provide the animal with rest and soft bedding. Then you should apply cold lotions. Further, warming compresses, applications of paraffin and ozocerite, heating with a blue lamp, etc. are needed.

Treatment for bursitis in dogs acute form should be accompanied by rest, applying a pressure bandage and warm compresses. AT this case the prognosis depends on the degree of damage to the tissues of the bag, the type of infection, and also on the general resistance of the organism. In unfavorable cases, bursitis can be complicated by fistulas, osteomyelitis, arthritis, and sepsis.

In the case of chronic bursitis, injections of hydrocortisone, antibiotic and novocaine are made into the cavity of the bag. Important strict observance asepsis during injection, otherwise serious complications may occur.

With purulent bursitis, punctures are made, if this method does not bring recovery, then the bag is opened for subsequent removal of pus.

Every dog ​​in young age leads an active, mobile lifestyle: jumps, runs, walks for long distances. In this case, the limbs are most involved, and as a result, the animal is subject to different kind injuries and pathologies. One such condition is bursitis in dogs.

Description of the disease

Bursitis is an inflammation of her main function It consists in protecting the animal's joint from various kinds of mechanical damage, friction of muscles and ligaments against the bone in places where the greatest load occurs during the movement of the dog.

At severe forms ah, in dogs, the pet is threatened with atrophy of the limbs and complete immobility. The hips, knees, and Achilles tendons are most affected. Except physical limitations the pet is under stress, which additionally depletes the body.

Reasons for the appearance

Bursitis in dogs can be caused by improper care for a dog, and a complication of any disease. Exact reason the occurrence of pathology has not been elucidated.

The main reasons for the appearance include:

  • hypothermia, as a result of which blood flow is disturbed in the external and internal tissues animal;
  • allergic reactions, which are manifested by rashes and itching;
  • injuries and re-injuries of the paws;
  • infection inside the synovial bag, which contributes to the rapid multiplication of microbes that feed on the fluid filling it;
  • weakened the immune system due to malnutrition;
  • predisposition of the breed to bursitis;
  • excessive physical activity, constant training, especially before exhibitions or during service.

In addition, cases of bursitis have been reported in dogs with improperly selected bedding. If it is too hard or, as is the case with watchdogs, the animal sleeps on the ground, over time, the process of degeneration begins in the tissues, the walls of the synovial bag thicken, and exudate accumulates in it.

The material from which the bed is sewn can also affect the health of the dog. The foam rubber pad perfectly absorbs sweat, but at the same time it has almost no heat dissipation, which is fraught with hypothermia pet.

Who is affected by pathology?

As a rule, the disease is characteristic of dogs of large breeds. small breeds Dogs such as Chihuahuas, Pomeranians, Pekingeses and Yorkshire Terriers have slightly different joint structures and are prone to other limb diseases.

Large breeds - Labradors, Rottweilers, Mastiffs and Shepherds, especially service dogs that perform heavy physical exertion, are much more likely to suffer from ulnar bursitis. Dogs often develop lameness in one or both hind legs in adulthood. It is not always possible to catch this moment, since, as a rule, lameness appears after a long walk, and in urban conditions, most often walking a dog takes several minutes.

The disease imperceptibly passes into the next stage, and in just a few weeks it can lead to the complete inoperability of the limb. Further treatment dog in such cases is ineffective. Therefore, at the first symptoms in urgently you need to contact your veterinarian.

Symptoms of Bursitis in Dogs

The following symptoms are observed:

  1. The first manifestation of the pathology is the sudden lameness of the pet. A swelling similar to a bump forms on the affected limb at the joint site, and accumulated fluid is felt on palpation.
  2. In more advanced stage the tumor becomes hot, acquires dark color. When touched, the animal experiences anxiety, whines.
  3. The dog becomes lethargic, eats poorly, practically does not move, sometimes the pet becomes irritable.
  4. From the neoplasm, ichor and pus can ooze, the dog constantly licks the sore spot.

Sometimes bursitis is confused with another disease - hygroma. It occurs not only in adult dogs, but also in puppies. Hygroma is characterized by the appearance of a small tumor on the elbow of the animal - this is a fibrous capsule filled with a transparent liquid. AT mild form it is not pronounced and does not cause discomfort to the animal. In more severe cases it is extremely painful, and inevitably leads to lameness.


Joint bursitis in dogs is divided into four types:

  • Spicy. It is characterized by sudden attacks of pain, most often at night. The dog is inactive, remains in the same position, whines. In extended connective tissue calcium salts accumulate, as a result of which the joint becomes immobile.
  • Chronic the type of disease is a consequence of the acute form of bursitis not cured in time. The accumulated exudate acquires yellow, and a tumor forms on the limb. Pain becomes less noticeable, but continuous.
  • Aseptic type of bursitis occurs when immune diseases or internal injuries joint.
  • Purulent bursitis is accompanied by suppuration of tissues adjacent to the diseased joint. The bump is filled with clots of pus, then a fistula forms on it, and ichor and pus are already released through it.


Before deciding on next steps, the specialist will take a puncture of the exudate for setting accurate diagnosis. Depending on the stage of the disease, it is decided whether surgery is necessary or sufficient conservative method treatment of bursitis in dogs.

If deposited in the connective tissue a large number of salt, the joint becomes ossified, and the dog needs surgical intervention. Anesthesia is administered to the animal, and the doctor proceeds to remove the dead and affected areas. In their place, an implant made of metal or plastic is installed. The skin remaining from the emptied bag is sutured. Since adults suffer from bursitis, complications often occur in the animal after surgery (cellulitis, osteomyelitis, sepsis, osteoporosis). In this case, a repeated, more complex operation.

Hospital treatment severe forms of the disease include:

  • lamp exposure;
  • the use of ointments with potent antibiotics in the composition;
  • regular medical examination;
  • extraction of pus by expanding the fistulous opening;
  • disinfecting and healing injections.

Treatment at home

Often, due to circumstances, the owner of a pet does not have the opportunity to contact a specialist. Then it is important to take independent measures in a timely manner. When treating bursitis in dogs at home, first of all, the animal is provided with comfort and peace. It is necessary to exclude the load on the sore paw and arrange a soft bed. In the acute form, cold compresses and a tight bandage help relieve pain.

With a purulent form of bursitis, the tumor is lubricated antiseptic ointments and creams that stop the development of infection. In no case should you squeeze out the pus yourself and apply warm compresses or a heating pad - they promote the growth of bacteria! You can lightly massage the sore paw around the swelling. At the first opportunity, you should contact a specialist, since a neglected disease can lead to amputation of a limb.


To avoid bursitis in a dog on the elbow, a number of preventive measures are recommended:

  • Well-chosen diet. For large dogs, it is imperative to add preparations that strengthen the joints in their food. Often bursitis is observed in obese animals, since the joint capsule cannot bear the pressure of weight.
  • Spacious aviary. Large breed dogs need more space, otherwise, the likelihood of developing pathologies of the limbs is high.
  • Care and proper care. No draft and dampness in the location pet.
  • Soft pad.

Preventive measures do not require serious costs and investments, but they are able to protect your beloved pet from disease and possible consequences.


With a favorable prognosis, the pet is on the mend 2-3 weeks after the start of treatment for bursitis in dogs. If we talk about a dog after surgery, then improvements are noticeable after 1-1.5 months. During the treatment of mild forms of the disease, pain and swelling subside within a week.

For full recovery a special corset is recommended for the animal. The wound is lubricated with healing ointments and immunostimulants. Within a week after the operation, the dog is given injections of hydrocortisone. If the operation did not help the first time, it is carried out again.

Do not forget that the dog needs full care. Even minor pet health problems should not be left to chance, otherwise they will lead to his disability or death.

Bursitis in dogs is an inflammation of the joint capsule that contains synovial fluid. This disease is characterized by increased pain and limited mobility in the affected joints. Most cases are treated conservatively, but chronic forms often require surgical intervention.

Causes of joint bursitis in dogs

There are several trigger factors that can lead to the development of the disease:

  • Infectious diseases.
  • Injuries.
  • Autoimmune pathologies.
  • Obesity (due to increased stress on the joints).

10% of cases are idiopathic, the cause of the disease remains unknown.

The mechanism of development of pathology is the friction of muscle and tendon components against bony surfaces, which leads to inflammation of the walls of the bag. Begins pathological discharge fluid with subsequent accumulation in the cavity. If infection joins, then joint bursitis in a dog is considered purulent. False bursitis (hygroma) develops according to the same mechanism, but is not accompanied by inflammation of the bag.

Bursitis in dogs: symptoms

The manifestations of the disease depend on which bursa is inflamed, but there are usually common symptoms that are characteristic of all types:

  • Limping. The main symptom with which most often go to the veterinary clinic. It develops as a result of stretching of the articular bag and severe pain. In severe cases, complete immobility of the affected limb is formed.
  • Decreased appetite. Due to constant soreness, the dog's appetite decreases, up to complete failure from food.
  • Regular licking of the affected joint.
  • Behavior changes. The animal becomes lethargic, irritable.
  • Staleness - the dog is reluctant to stand on its paws.

Symptoms of bursitis in dogs include changes in the outer contours of the joint (enlargement) due to accumulated fluid. On palpation of the swollen area, a fluctuation is felt, the presence of exudate.

Elbow bursitis in a dog

This is the most common form of the disease in large breeds, accounting for 75% of all cases. As it develops to general symptoms join pathognomonic:

  • The formation in the elbow region of jumpers and outgrowths of connective tissue, outwardly resembling ridges or rollers.
  • Exudate acquires a yellowish tint.
  • The appearance in the exudate of bursolites - bodies in the form of rice grains, consisting of a fibrin sediment with adhering epithelioid cells.

Heavy ulnar bursitis in a dog is characterized by the formation of fistulas, through which purulent discharge seep into the environment.

To confirm the diagnosis, a joint puncture is performed.

Bursitis in a dog treatment

Therapy begins with conservative methods:

  • With severe pain, immobility of the joint is ensured.
  • The limb is fixed pressure bandage under which a cold compress is applied.
  • Starting from the second day, heating with a sollux lamp is used, together with a warm wrap.
  • If infectious agents are detected, antibiotics are prescribed.
  • Drug therapy also includes the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and in case of their ineffectiveness, hormonal agents.

Conservative treatment of bursitis in a dog is not always effective. In severe cases, arthroplasty is recommended.

Another surgical option involves opening the bursa and cleaning out the necrotic areas. The formed pathological sac is sutured.

bursitis pumping out fluid in a dog

This event can be held on initial stages illness. Using a conventional syringe, the exudate is aspirated, and an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent solution is injected into the joint cavity. Usually the course of treatment is 2-3 procedures with an interval of 1 month.

In severe cases of bursitis in dogs, pumping fluid may not be effective due to constant recurrence and rapid accumulation of exudate. Then the veterinarian conducts drainage. The drain is removed when the exudate stops flowing. Subsequently, washing with antibiotics is carried out to prevent infectious complications.

Dear patients, in our clinic, the treatment of diseases of the joints and bones is carried out by veterinarians- Orthopedists (traumatologists). You can find out the schedule of work and make an appointment by calling our phones.

We are always happy to help our four-legged patients.

Sincerely, veterinary clinic Aquarius.

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