Damage to the meniscus of the knee joint. Injury to the internal meniscus. Signs and symptoms

Why does the meniscus of the knee joint hurt, and what to do? Even a qualified doctor will not be able to answer this question unambiguously. The causes preceding the onset of pain are varied.

How does the meniscus hurt?

The knees can be safely attributed to the most important joints in the human skeleton, and the most vulnerable at the same time. This largest connection of bones is designed to support the weight of the entire body, and endure significant loads. The menisci - internal and external - are a kind of shock absorbers, elastic bands in the cup of the joint, which allow you to move, squat, run gently, not like robots.

The knee cartilage maintains the shape of the joint and protects it from wear and tear. Pain in the knee meniscus can be sharp and acute, or it can increase gradually. It is noteworthy that in young people the disease is more acute and painful than in older people. Worn joints dull perception. The external or lateral meniscus is extremely rarely damaged, most often it is a disease of the internal or medial meniscus. Rezi in the knee area is most often accompanied by swelling, which is a kind of protection. What to do if your knee hurts?

First of all, contact a medical institution. The doctor during the examination will help determine the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Pain on exertion

It is widely believed that diseases of elastic cartilage are the fate of athletes and people involved in heavy physical labor. Indeed, this category of persons is the main one in the risk group, but not the only one.

Pain in the knee can overtake someone who, without constant training, loads the leg once. We played football at a picnic, had a blast at a disco, walked along a mountain path and our knees were already swollen, my menisci hurt and my movements were constrained. In this way, the meniscus reacts to sprains, bruises and unusual loads.

What to do? Most often, special treatment in such cases is not required, pain and swelling go away on their own at home, it is enough to give the legs a rest, apply a compress or anoint with ointment.

It should be remembered that without training, such loads are very harmful to the knee joint and can cause injuries and chronic inflammation.

After injury

A common cause of knee pain is a meniscus injury. This concept refers to the rupture of the protective cartilage. Meniscus tears of a traumatic nature haunt both young people and the elderly. The second reason for ruptures is degenerative changes, which, in turn, can occur in the absence of proper damage treatment, as a neglected option.

The main signs of a meniscus tear are:

  1. Severe pain is felt if the torn fragments of cartilage fall between the tibia and femur. In this case, the victim cannot bend the knee and move around. Most often, discomfort is not acute in the initial stage. Soreness can also appear after a long period. The resulting injury reminds of itself with a slight load, even after six months.
  2. Swelling. A fresh injury is always accompanied by edema of varying degrees, which disappear during treatment after 2-3 days. Degenerative changes may be accompanied by chronic swelling.
  3. Violation of functionality. Immediately after the injury, bending and unbending the knee, stepping on the sore leg, becomes problematic. Sometimes movement, in addition to pain, can be accompanied by characteristic clicks in the joint.

What to do in case of injury

It will not be original, but always relevant advice - contact the clinic. Meniscal tears rarely go away on their own. Even if the first symptoms have disappeared, the insidious disease will manifest itself in a chronic form after a while. And this is more serious, the final stage is complete immobility.

First aid for a sore leg:

  1. Give immobility.
  2. Use a crutch if necessary to move.
  3. To relieve pain, use painkillers, both internally and externally.
  4. Fix the diseased joint with a bandage, knee pad or even a splint.

What will the doctor prescribe

If therapeutic measures do not bring the desired result, and the pain makes itself felt for more than three weeks, surgery becomes necessary. The type of operation on the knee meniscus can be different: stitching together torn particles, complete or partial removal of cartilage, endoprosthetics.

Medical measures can be effectively combined with the methods of alternative and traditional medicine, physiological procedures, and spa treatment.

Pain when running

Running is the most favorite and common exercise for those who love physical activity. Sometimes non-traumatic pain in the meniscus, which occurs when running, or immediately after class, interferes with this activity. With what it can be connected? Its reasons are:

  1. Wrong shoes.
  2. Overweight.
  3. The onset of inflammation, stretching.
  4. Running on uncomfortable terrain, or in the wrong technique.

What to do?

  1. Loads should be moderate. All professional runners sooner or later experience all the "charms" of knee wear.
  2. Easy and safe running, in which the support is transferred to the front of the foot, the supporting leg is slightly bent, the movements of the arms and body are synchronous with the movements of the legs.
  3. Properly choose shoes that fit your foot tightly.
  4. It is most convenient to run on a dirt trodden path. For paved surfaces, sneakers with special soles are needed.
  5. Before the race, you need to stimulate and warm up the muscles with special exercises.

If the pain continues for more than three days, this is a reason to take action.

Diseases of the knee joint

Pain in the menisci with arthritis, arthrosis, polyarthritis, rheumatism and other joint diseases do not occur acutely. This is a long and gradual process, which at first is not paid attention to. Gonarthritis in the first degree can be asymptomatic, with rare discomfort, which is attributed to simple fatigue. Serious changes and dull periodic pain disturb the patient in the second stage, when the cartilage tissue is deformed.

What to do? Do not ignore the first signs. In the beginning, all joint diseases can be cured without resorting to surgical intervention, using medication and folk methods.

Knee pain is a problem that can affect anyone, regardless of age. It is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. What do orthopedists and trainers advise?

  1. Timely consultations with doctors as soon as the knee began to hurt.
  2. Feasible loads on the legs and their reduction or complete cessation immediately after the onset of pain.
  3. Limitation of joint mobility during loads by fixing means (photo).
  4. There is no escape from the wear of the knees, so you need to accustom them to loads, gradually stretching the muscles and ligaments. Warming up is a must before workouts.
  5. The health of our joints directly depends on what we eat. Fatty fish, vegetables, jellies and other dishes with gelatin, low-fat sour-milk products should become constant in the diet. Sufficient drinking regimen is mandatory.

In consultation with a doctor and the absence of contraindications, it is useful to use vitamin complexes.

In a knee injury, it is the meniscus of the knee joint that most often suffers. The treatment of such injuries often becomes a familiar procedure for athletes, ballerinas and climbers.

Injury to the meniscus is usually caused by excessive flexion or extension of the knee joint, or direct injury to the meniscus when the knee hits a hard object (such as a fall on a hard surface).

In this case, the meniscus can be damaged in different ways - come off, tear, crush, acquire excessive mobility due to stretching or rupture of the intermeniscal ligaments, etc. With untimely diagnosis, damage to the meniscus of the knee joint can gradually turn into a chronic process, manifested by degeneration and degeneration of the meniscus.

What symptoms of the meniscus of the knee joint bother the patient?

  • First, a sharp pain. At first, the pain is of a general nature, spilling over the entire knee, after a while it is localized in the corresponding area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage - on the outside or inside of the knee, depending on which meniscus (external or internal) is damaged.
  • Secondly, severe limitation of movement. It is easier for the patient to keep the leg bent, extension leads to increased pain intensity, sometimes such an action is accompanied by a crunch or click.
  • Joint enlargement in volume. With such a symptom of damage to the meniscus of the knee joint, treatment should be started immediately.
  • A symptom of joint blockade is difficulty with joint flexion with a certain range of motion.
  • After the end of the acute period (2-3 weeks), the patient may be disturbed dull pain in the knee, especially when going down stairs, as well as the feeling of a disturbing object inside the joint.

Symptoms of damage to the meniscus of the knee joint are nonspecific and occur with many other lesions.- such as sprains or bruised joints, therefore, require careful examination and follow-up with a doctor.

Treatment of damage to the meniscus of the knee joint

The nature of the injury, the severity of the damage, as well as its localization are the determining tactics of treatment in the case when the meniscus of the knee joint is damaged. Treatment, as a rule, begins with the elimination of pain. Next, it is determined in what way it is required to treat this lesion of the meniscus of the knee joint.

Indications for surgical treatment of the meniscus

If the amount of damage to the meniscus is large (longitudinal tissue rupture or fragmentation), surgical intervention is required, which consists in suturing the damage or partial or complete removal of the damaged meniscus, depending on the severity of the injury, and in some cases, the installation of an artificial implant.

Conservative treatment of the meniscus

Symptoms of the meniscus of the knee joint, treatment

A small tear or tear is not the worst thing that can overtake the meniscus of the knee joint. Treatment in this case consists in rigid fixation of the knee joint, in the use of physiotherapeutic procedures and in the intake of drugs that have a beneficial effect on cartilage tissue and contribute to the speedy healing of the damaged meniscus.

If the meniscus had to be operated on, then the fixation of the joint is also an inevitable component of the postoperative period. And the next step is the restoration of joint mobility with the help of physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises and taking the drugs necessary for further recovery.

The following groups of drugs are used

  1. Analgesics
  2. Chondroprotectors
  3. Anti-inflammatory
  4. Auxiliary therapy - vitamins and dietary supplements

In the acute period, analgesics are used. One of the leading drugs for damage to the meniscus of the knee joint are also chondroprotectors - glucosamine, teraflex, chondroitin sulfate. These drugs stimulate the synthesis of cartilage tissue, improve the metabolism of connective tissue and the properties of the intra-articular fluid.

Meniscus of the knee joint - treatment with Collagen

In addition to this group, it is reasonable to prescribe chondroprotective dietary supplements, the main representative of which is Collagen Ultra. This tool contains collagen - the main structural substance of cartilage, which, in fact, is the meniscus. Collagen treatment actively promotes the regeneration of cartilage tissue, increasing its water-retaining properties and preventing inflammation.

In addition, in order for the damaged meniscus to recover faster, it is necessary to prescribe vitamins of groups A, C, E.

The duration of treatment for a torn meniscus of the knee may vary, but since the recovery period for this injury is quite long, it is recommended to take supportive drugs, such as chondroitin, glucosamine or collagen, for 3-4 months.

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Problems of the meniscus of the knee joint are quite common in patients who experience prolonged stress on the legs. However, infringements, ruptures and minor microtraumas are received not only by athletes.

The meniscus is a natural shock absorber, therefore, without it, the knee joint is not able to fully function.

In this article, we will take a closer look at why problems arise in the work of the meniscus and how to treat damage to the meniscus of the knee joint at home.

Correctly selected methods of therapy will help prevent the transition to a chronic form of knee joint disease.

Meniscus. What's this?

Many of us have heard such phrases as “meniscus rupture” or “meniscus injury”, but few people know what role this cartilage formation has, what it looks like.

Where is the meniscus located? This formation is concentrated directly in the knee joint, between the lower leg and thigh.

The meniscus is a crescent-shaped inter-articular lining. Its role is to limit the mobility of the knee joint, and it also acts as a shock absorber.

Therefore, the meniscus contributes to the prevention of injuries, with movements it can stretch and shrink.

A person has not one meniscus, but two - internal and external. Most often, there are problems with the cartilage lining, which is located inside the elements of the joint.

How often is a meniscus tear diagnosed?? With a population of 100,000 people, 55-75 people a year get a meniscus tear.

It is interesting that men suffer from this injury 3 times more often than the fairer sex, men of the following age category suffer the most: from 18 to 30 years.

At the age of more than 40 years, people experience various injuries of the meniscus of the knee joint as a result of degenerative changes in the tendons.

Most often, doctors diagnose not an infringement, but a rupture of the medial meniscus. In the case of acute traumatic ruptures, usually there is so much damage inside the joint that not only the meniscus is injured, but also the ligament at the same time.

The main factor in the problems in the work of the meniscus of the knee joint is the excessive load exerted on the lower limbs.

Therefore, various athletes, ballet dancers and persons who perform hard physical work are at risk.

Recall that the main category of patients with meniscus tears are young men aged 18 to 40 years.

The second reason is degenerative-dystrophic processes as a result of aging.. Already after 50 years, the state of the joints deteriorates so much that the former elasticity of the tissues is lost, the production of synovial fluid is noticeably reduced.

Also, cartilage problems in the knee joint often develop due to arthrosis.

Since the meniscus tissues are very elastic before the age of 14, the risk of tearing is very low. Traumatologists very rarely encounter a rupture of the meniscus of the knee joint in children.

Types of meniscus tear

In addition to the classification of meniscus tears into degenerative and traumatic, there are other features in medicine that divide meniscus damage:

  • according to localization - body, posterior and anterior horn.
  • in the form:
    • horizontal (is a consequence of cystic degeneration);
    • radial, longitudinal, oblique (on the border of the middle and posterior third of the meniscus);
    • the combined tear (posterior horn) is called the "basket handle".

    The first symptom is, of course, pain in the joint itself.. If there is a rupture of the meniscus, an extensive hematoma appears at the site of the injury.

    Due to small gaps, difficulties occur during movement, which are also accompanied by pain with clicks in the joint. In severe ruptures, the joint is completely blocked.

    Moreover, if it is not possible to bend the knee, this indicates that the damage has touched the posterior meniscus, and if the joint is blocked during extension, then the anterior meniscus is damaged.

    Degenerative tears are chronic. They appear in people over the age of 40. In these cases, a meniscus tear does not always occur as a result of a sharp load on the knee joint, it is enough just to sit down incorrectly or stumble.

    Regardless of the type of rupture, the symptoms in each individual case are strictly individual.

    If the meniscus of the knee joint is damaged, the following symptoms appear:

    • pain in the inside of the knee;
    • above the junction of the meniscus and ligament, painful sensitivity is felt;
    • when the joint is tense, a shooting sharp pain appears;
    • the kneecap cannot be moved;
    • pain along the tibial ligament when bending the leg;
    • swelling of the knee joint;
    • in the area of ​​​​the anterior surface of the thigh, muscle weakness is felt.

    Symptoms of damage to the outer meniscus:

    • pain with tension of the collateral peroneal ligament;
    • pain shooting into the outer part of the knee joint;
    • when turning the lower leg inward, there is a sharp pain;
    • feeling of weakness in the muscles in the front of the thigh.

    Often, a meniscus rupture victim is interested in the question: is it possible to delay treatment or will it have health consequences.

    Doctors confidently assert: if the damage to the meniscus of the knee joint is ignored, there is a high probability that the disease will become chronic.

    In addition, the sore spot will regularly make itself felt as a result of physical exertion, with active exercises and weight lifting.

    There are also periods of a kind of calm, when the pain may not bother you for whole months, but this does not mean that the process of destruction has stopped.

    If you continue to delay the treatment of the meniscus, the cartilage tissue will begin to collapse in a person, and this will lead to the destruction of neighboring cartilage, in very difficult cases, to bone tissues.

    As a result, arthrosis develops: pain appears more and more often, and also intensifies after exertion. It becomes more and more difficult for such a person to walk, and in the worst case, the patient is threatened with disability.

    What to do if the meniscus is damaged? There are many different approaches to the treatment of this interarticular lining - ranging from surgery to non-traditional methods, traditional medicine recipes.

    What choice to make is a personal matter for everyone, but in some exceptional cases (hemorrhage in the joint cavity, severe rupture, complete separation or crushing of the meniscus), it is impossible to do without surgery.

    These injuries are very rare and require immediate surgical intervention, otherwise there is a risk of developing severe complications. Therefore, you will need to urgently remove the remnants of the meniscus from the joint or sew it (if it came off).

    Doctors advise endoscopic surgery because it has many advantages: efficiency, easy to perform under local anesthesia, less traumatic, and the risk of complications is minimal.

    In the event that a pinched meniscus is diagnosed, it is necessary to contact a chiropractor or orthopedic traumatologist. He will reposition the joint, so that the problem with the meniscus will be solved.

    In other less complex cases, doctors advise gentle treatment without surgery, but with the help of medications.

    However, if you have received a serious injury with severe pain, it is best to be treated in a hospital, because in this way you will protect yourself from complications, and intra-articular injections of a chondroprotector (hyaluronic acid) will help to completely restore cartilage tissue.

    In the case of diagnosing mild injuries to the meniscus, it is allowed to be treated at home.

    Immediately after the injury, the victim should be provided with rest.. You will also need to use a knee brace to fix the knee joint in case of damage to the meniscus.

    The patient can lie down on the bed with his leg on the pillow, and it is advised to raise the limb just above the chest so that edema does not appear.

    A cold compress can be applied to the affected joint, which will reduce pain and improve the general condition of the patient.

    Then be sure to visit a doctor, since it is worth treating yourself only with his permission. The doctor will examine you and prescribe examinations (X-ray, CT scan, ultrasound, MRI or arthroscopy).

    Also, if the menisci of the knee joint are damaged, it is recommended to do physical exercises, exercise therapy. In order to fully restore the full functioning of the knee, the patient must attend massage sessions in case of damage to the meniscus and do simple gymnastics.

    Thanks to myostimulation, you can achieve relaxation and strengthening of the thigh muscles. Magnetotherapy and laser therapy improves metabolic processes and microcirculation in muscle tissue cells.

    1. Place a small rubber ball under your knee. Bending your knee, try to squeeze the ball, while straightening your knee, try to hold it.
    2. Walk on the carpet on all fours, even through pain.

    At home, for the treatment of a damaged meniscus, warm compresses are often used, which must be applied to the affected knee several times a day.

    To do this, the joint area should be lubricated with the prepared mixture, then the knee should be insulated and wrapped with a linen bandage.

    It is also useful to use tinctures, ointments, juices of medicinal plants or essential oils..

    A positive effect is also observed after coniferous baths, since the essential oils contained in the needles help to relax muscles, reduce pain, and improve blood circulation. In addition, coniferous baths have a general strengthening effect on the body.

    For the preparation of compresses, mud from salty springs, honey, wormwood or burdock leaves are often used.

    Secure the resulting design with a tightening bandage. It is advised to remove the compress not earlier than after 2 hours, and in some cases sometimes left overnight.

    Honey compress

    For its preparation, medical alcohol and real bee honey are used. The ratio of ingredients is 1:1. The mixture must be heated in a water bath, then a thin layer is applied to the knee and fixed for 2-2.5 hours.

    The compress must be used twice a day. The course of treatment with this method of the meniscus of the knee joint is one month.

    However, before you start using this recipe, be sure to find out if you are allergic to honey!

    To prepare it, you will need sugar and 2-3 onions..

    Grate the onion on a fine grater to get gruel. Then add 1 teaspoon of sugar there, stir the contents.

    Please note - you can not apply a compress directly to the skin, as this can cause irritation. Therefore, onion gruel with sugar must be applied to the knee joint on top of several layers of gauze.

    Leave the compress overnight and then rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure daily for a month, then the treatment will bring a noticeable result.

    Burdock for making a compress

    In summer, to prepare a compress, you need to take fresh leaves of the plant, and in winter they use dried ones, but previously soaked in hot water.

    A leaf of burdock should be wrapped around the affected knee, and a restraining bandage should be applied on top. It is advisable to keep the compress without removing it for 3-4 hours.

    If dry burdock leaves are used for the compress, the recommended duration of the procedure is 8 hours. Treatment should be continued until the complete disappearance of all pain in the joint.

    Tinctures are prepared from garlic, nettle, wormwood, violets or birch leaves..

    Garlic tincture can be made with 2 cloves of garlic and apple cider vinegar. All this must be poured into 250 ml of water and insisted for 1 week. Be sure to use a dark glass container to store the tincture. The healing properties of garlic tincture last 8 months.

    To prepare a medicinal tincture of wormwood, you need to take 1 tablespoon of herbs, add 200 ml of boiling water and leave to brew. After an hour, strain the tincture, soak gauze in it and apply to the knee joint for half an hour.

    Repeat this procedure 3-4 times a day until the pain disappears.

    For the treatment of the meniscus of the knee joint, oil of eucalyptus, menthol, camphor, winter love, cloves is used.. Also use fresh aloe juice.

    To prepare the oil mixture, you need to mix all the above oils in equal proportions, heat them up and rub them into the knee joint area. Then the knee should be wrapped with a linen bandage. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2-4 times a day.

    This therapeutic mixture is able to have an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. Thanks to this, any discomfort and even pain in the knee area disappears.

    Alternative methods of therapy can not affect the root cause of the disease. They can only alleviate the symptoms, remove pain and alleviate the general condition of the patient.

    Unfortunately, traditional medicine recipes in no way restore the structure of the meniscus in case of damage.

    The best prevention for such injuries is to exercise caution while moving (walking, running, etc.).

    Great importance should be given to shoes: it is desirable that they be comfortable.

    This is especially true for sports: a sloppy lunge can seriously damage your knee and disable it for a long time.

    For reliable protection of the joints, it is advisable to use fixing knee pads during training - this precaution can significantly reduce the risk of damage to the meniscus.

    Rupture of the meniscus of the knee joint- damage to the cartilaginous layers of the knee, which protect the joint, ensure its mobility and evenly distribute the load during movement. Most often, such damage is diagnosed in men (twice as often as in women), although it is typical for people with high physical activity in general. Professional athletes are in a special risk group.

    Remember that often the symptoms of meniscus damage are identical to the signs of partial ruptures (tears) of the capsular-ligamentous apparatus of the knee joint, so patients do not cause serious concern. However, a cure is not always possible. Our clinic has long and professionally provided assistance for injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The sooner you contact a specialist, the more successful and effective the treatment will be!

    Causes and types of meniscal injuries

    In the knee joint there is a pair of menisci - external (lateral) and internal (medial). At the same time, the inner meniscus of the knee joint is inactive and is injured more often than the outer one.

    The main cause of a meniscus tear is a distortion movement in the joint, often associated with a rotational displacement of the lower leg relative to the thigh (turn with a fixed foot) and maximum flexion in the joint (deep squat). This mechanism of injury prevails in athletes, with accidental falls in everyday life. When injuries are of a repetitive nature (for example, in athletes or cyclic professional activities), the elasticity of the meniscus is broken - on the surface or microcracks appear in its thickness, which can lead to rupture.

    The meniscus tear line can run both transversely (vertical tear) and longitudinally (horizontal tear), or even part of the meniscus can come off the capsule (tear like a "handle-watering can"). With chronic injuries, a combined type of damage occurs. The length of the gap is complete or partial (posterior, anterior or body).

    A rupture is characteristic of a meniscus more firmly fixed in the cavity of the knee, i.e. medial meniscus. The outer meniscus is more often damaged by compression and has the character of an incomplete rupture, sometimes a cyst of the lateral meniscus is formed. When the meniscus is torn off, it becomes a traumatic agent for the cartilaginous surface of the joint and can lead to its general destruction. If you do not start treating a rupture of the meniscus of the knee joint in a timely manner, the consequences can be very serious (from arthrosis to disability with subsequent joint replacement).

    Damage to the meniscus of the knee joint: symptoms and treatment

    Signs of damage to the meniscus of the knee joint are as follows:

    • Sharp pain in the knee that worsens with weight bearing

    • Weight loss

    • Higher body temperature

    • Pain and difficulty with movement (playing sports, squatting, walking up flights of stairs, etc.)

    • The joint is enlarged due to reactive edema

    • When the leg is bent, a “click” can be heard in the joint

    If the patient has received a tear in the meniscus of the knee joint, the symptoms described above occur immediately after the injury.

    The signs of damage to the lateral meniscus do not differ from the symptoms of damage to the medial meniscus. A pronounced manifestation of symptoms is characteristic of the acute course of the disease. If there is chronic meniscal injury, the symptoms are mild. This form of the disease develops two weeks after the injury, it is not characterized by pronounced pain sensations, but it is fraught with a complete blockade of the joint (the patient cannot bend or unbend the leg). Often it is accompanied by inflammation of the knee joint, the symptoms in this case are manifested in the phenomena of synovitis (the presence of fluid in the joint cavity).

    If a knee meniscus injury occurs, the symptoms are usually non-specific and characteristic of most knee injuries, so a thorough examination will be needed to diagnose a meniscus tear.

    First aid to an injured patient, regardless of the complexity of the injuries, consists of the following measures:

    • A cold compress is applied to the area of ​​the knee joint, and then a bandage of an elastic bandage

    • In order for the swelling to subside, the patient's leg should occupy a position above the level of his chest. At the same time, edema may be due to the accumulation of blood (hemarthrosis) or serous fluid (synovitis) in the joint cavity. In this case, puncture of the joint and removal of accumulated fluid are most often indicated.

    After the diagnosis, the specialist determines the tactics of treatment. In the absence of indications for surgery, conservative treatment is prescribed. So, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors (for the restoration of cartilage tissue) are used, it is possible to use PRP technology and intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid preparations. If there is a pronounced swelling of the joint and signs of hemarthrosis, the joint is immobilized (fixed with an orthosis or plaster cast) for 2 weeks. If a tear in the meniscus of the knee joint is detected, medication treatment will last longer and immobilization may have a prologous character, followed by replacement with a joint bandage. If a rupture of the inner meniscus of the knee joint is determined, the treatment is absolutely identical to the treatment of a rupture of the outer meniscus.

    After the acute period after the injury, it is useful for the patient to undergo physiotherapy, and to remove immobilization, conduct a course of physiotherapy exercises and massage. Injury is always accompanied by inflammation of the meniscus of the knee joint, treatment must be supplemented with local rubbing with gels or ointments based on NSAIDs.

    When a patient is diagnosed with a chronic meniscus injury, treatment should be comprehensive, because such a pathology is dangerous for the development of arthrosis of the joint, and for certain types of damage, the formation of meniscus cysts or cysts of the posterior surface of the articular bag (Becker's cyst).

    Meniscus tear: surgery and rehabilitation

    If conservative treatment was not successful, or the nature of the damage precludes its need, a surgical method is used. When the meniscus of the knee joint is torn, surgical treatment consists in performing arthroscopy followed by suturing the area of ​​the rupture, and if it is impossible to perform it, removing the damaged area (partial resection).

    Surgery on the meniscus of the knee joint is performed minimally invasively and is called arthroscopy. Two small incisions (0.5 cm) are made on the patient's skin, through which the necessary instruments are inserted into the joint cavity. The operation is performed using an arthroscope - equipment equipped with a camera, a pump for washing the joint, a monitor and a light guide. At the same time, the installation itself is inserted into the first incision, and saline is injected through it. The second incision is intended for the surgeon's manipulations. The operation is performed under epidural anesthesia (in the region of the lumbar spine) and, on average, its duration is 25-30 minutes. Taking into account the minimum incisions, an excellent cosmetic effect is achieved - there are no postoperative scars.

    Upon completion of the operation, the patient is not subjected to fixation of the joint, he begins to walk after the end of the anesthesia (on the day of the operation). Postoperative sutures are removed two weeks after the operation. If a meniscal tear is repaired arthroscopically, the symptoms of meniscus injury disappear completely within four to six weeks after the intervention. For all its rarity, one cannot but mention the risk of possible complications. This is a possible inflammation of the joint in the form of synovitis, and more exotic complications, in the form of neurological disorders or damage to blood vessels (with additional access to the posterior parts of the joint). You can start playing sports in a month, subject to the recommendations of your doctor.

    If the specialists of our clinic diagnose a rupture of the meniscus of the knee joint in a patient, an operation, the price of the intervention will be announced immediately. They will tell the patient in detail how the treatment is carried out, how the rehabilitation goes and what to expect afterwards. In our clinic, you can get advice from all the necessary specialists, find out what damage to the medial meniscus of the knee joint is, the treatment of such a disease, as well as go through the entire range of diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation procedures.

    Make an appointment

    Before the operation, the patient must undergo a preoperative examination in the amount of clinical and biochemical blood tests, an ECG. If there is a comorbidity standard preoperative examination may be supplemented by specialist advice to determine the degree of risk of surgical and anesthetic support. Absolute contraindications for operations on the meniscus of the knee joint are acute inflammatory and infectious diseases, inflammation of the skin in the area of ​​the surgical aid. It is undesirable to perform the operation during the menstrual cycle (increased bleeding).

    Recovery after removal of the meniscus of the knee joint is more effective with an integrated approach using chondroprotectors, exercise therapy and physiotherapy (ask for a referral to your doctor).

    If a meniscal tear is diagnosed, surgical treatment should not be considered as an alternative to medical treatment - the doctor determines the indications. Postponed surgical operations and interventions performed during development may be ineffective, and the recovery period sometimes takes up to six months.

    Diagnosis of meniscal injury

    X-rays or computed tomography (CT) are prescribed to determine bone pathology as a result of a knee joint injury. To verify soft tissue pathology (cartilage, menisci, ligaments), ultrasound (ultrasound) and magnetic resonance therapy (MRI) are used.

    In some cases, an arthroscope is used to diagnose intra-articular pathology, this procedure is called diagnostic arthroscopy. It is used in the presence of complaints, the absence of the effect of the ongoing conservative treatment and the absence of pathology during studies (MRI, CT, ultrasound and radiography).

    The treatment and diagnosis of this disease is carried out by an orthopedic traumatologist.

    Prevention of cartilage damage

    To avoid damage to the meniscus, you must:

    • Control your weight

    • Carefully run and move up flights of stairs

    • Women - wear comfortable shoes (small heels and alternate with low shoes)

    • Minimize the risk of limb injury

    • During sports, use elastic bandages and various shock-absorbing means (knee pads and others)

    The modern equipment of the clinic allows our specialists to carry out a complete diagnosis and identify all kinds of pathologies of the joints and limbs. We will accurately determine the presence of a rupture of the meniscus of the knee joint, the treatment will take into account the degree of damage to the cartilage layer and be selected for each patient on an individual basis. Entrust your health to professionals and let yourself move easily and confidently!

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    The meniscus is a stabilizing pad made up of cartilage fibers that absorb synovial fluid. It is a source of nutrients.

    The meniscus in the knee reduces the load in the joint, serves as a barrier that excludes the possibility of contact between the bones.

    There is a lateral meniscus (outer) and a medial (inner) meniscus. The medial meniscus of the knee joint has the shape of a semicircle, the lateral meniscus is similar to the letter "C". 60-70% of the meniscus consists of ordered collagen fibers arranged in a circle, about 16% is occupied by special proteins, another 0.6% is elastin.

    The structure of both types of menisci is the same, including the anterior horn, posterior horn, and body. With the help of a horn, the meniscus is attached to the bone or to the articular fossa. The blood supply is only in the outer part of the meniscus.

    If the meniscus is damaged in this area, then cartilage repair is possible without suturing. Over the years, the number of blood vessels decreases, so injuries take longer to heal. The medial meniscus of the knee joint works in conjunction with the lateral ligament of the knee joint. Therefore, damage to the medial meniscus of the knee joint and ligament usually occurs simultaneously.

    Causes of meniscus problems

    • permanent loads;
    • mechanical impact, falling, jumping or a strong blow resulting in an injury to the meniscus of the knee joint;
    • complications after surgery;
    • violation of metabolism and blood supply;
    • oncological diseases, diseases of the joints;
    • age;
    • repeated injuries;
    • improper rotation of the joint.

    Provocative factors for the development of meniscus disease:

    • constant sharp extensor movements;
    • overweight;
    • congenital or acquired weakness of the ligaments.


    The menisci are very susceptible to injury. Symptoms appear depending on the type of damage, the main diseases and their signs include:

    • Inflammation of the meniscus. To determine the inflammation of the meniscus is quite simple:
      • swelling is noticeable to the naked eye (see photo below);
      • palpable pain, which may subside over time (with increased stress and circulatory disorders, the pain syndrome increases);
      • restriction of movements;
      • clicks in the knee.

    Inflammation of the meniscus

    Symptoms of inflammation of the meniscus are often similar to a rupture, so it is not recommended to draw conclusions and prescribe treatment on your own.

    • Meniscus tears. The main symptoms of a torn meniscus are:
      • inflammation of the meniscus;
      • incessant pain;
      • joint immobility;
      • crunching during movement;
      • bleeding in the joint is a clear sign that there has been a rupture of the medial meniscus of the knee joint.

    Rupture of the meniscus of the knee joint

    Symptoms of a meniscus tear do not differ depending on the location of the injury. Whether the lateral meniscus is damaged or the medial meniscus is torn, the sensations will be the same.

    Classification of meniscal injuries

    The American physician Stoller identified several stages of meniscus injury. His technique allows you to accurately determine the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

    1. First degree The disease is characterized by damage to the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. Physiological reasons cause this violation. The focus of damage is located inside the meniscus, most often a person is unaware of a violation in the joint that has appeared. Usually, the initial degree of damage is detected by chance during a routine examination and is in the nature of inflammation of the meniscus.
    2. Meniscus injury grade 2 has a pronounced clinical picture. The overall structure of the bone tissue is not disturbed. The cartilage retains its original shape. In the second stage, damage to the internal meniscus occurs. The person feels discomfort in the knee joint. With the development of degenerative processes in the second stage, a rupture of the meniscus occurs.
    3. The most severe 3 degree damage is characterized by a complete rupture of the meniscus of the knee joint. The anatomical structure is disturbed, the cartilage is detached and displaced. The chronic form of the disease occurs precisely at this stage. It is characterized by the inability to perform extensor movements. At this stage, it is impossible to treat a torn meniscus of the knee joint without surgery.


    Non-instrumental studies:

    • Epley test. The person lies on his stomach, the leg is bent at a right angle and pressed on the heel, while rotating the lower leg and foot. The test is considered positive in the presence of pain;
    • McMurry test:
      • the person lies on his back. The knee is in a bent state, as far as possible, and wrapped around the hand. The lower leg is rotated outward, the knee is extended to a right angle. If there is a meniscus tear, the patient will feel pain from the inside of the joint;
      • while in the same position, the person bends the leg at the knee and hip joint at a right angle. One hand grabs the knee, the second makes circular movements of the lower leg in and out. The meniscus tear test is considered positive if clicks are heard.

    To confirm the symptoms of a rupture of the meniscus of the knee joint, instrumental studies are used. These include Ultrasound, MRI, x-ray and arthroscopy:

    • First of all, X-ray examination and ultrasound are prescribed. The meniscus is not visible on the x-ray, research is necessary to make sure there is no fracture. Ultrasound is prescribed as an addition to x-rays.
    • MRI allows you to examine the joint itself and the area around it. This method determines the presence of injury and the degree of damage. Due to the ability to visualize the meniscus in a comprehensive manner, the accuracy of MRI is 95%. Based on this method, the decision is usually made how to treat the meniscus;
    • Computed tomography is effective for detecting inflammatory processes. The tomograph creates a series of images that allow you to draw a conclusion about the state of the joint at different depths. This method is most effective in confirming the source of pain, the presence of a fracture, and visualizing bleeding. The meniscus itself cannot be seen using tomography, so the technique is complementary to MRI;
    • Diagnostic arthroscopy allows for an accurate diagnosis. The main advantage of the method is the ability to simultaneously diagnose and correct. The data obtained by the arthroscope is displayed on the monitor in real time, so the doctor can perform the necessary manipulations to eliminate some of the consequences of the injury - remove accumulated blood, sew the edges of the meniscus.

    meniscus treatment

    The treatment for the knee depends on the cause of the inflammation of the meniscus or its rupture. First of all, the patient needs to be calm. Further, depending on the degree and nature of the damage, specific methods of treating a tear of the meniscus of the knee joint are prescribed.

    Medical treatment (drugs)

    Conservative treatment or, in other words, treatment of the meniscus without surgery is carried out at the expense of drugs of various effects:

    • (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac).
    • rubbing with an ointment (Voltaren, Ketorol, Alezan).
    • cartilage restoration is carried out with the help of such as Chondroitin sulfate.
    • Ostenil is prescribed to increase mobility and relieve pain inside the joint capsule. After the first injection, clear signs of improvement are visible. Usually prescribed 5 injections.


    Treatment of the meniscus without surgery is not often successful and only with minor injury or inflammation. Depending on the degree of damage to the meniscus of the knee joint, several options for operations are possible:

    • Meniscectomy- It is used when the meniscus is torn or in the presence of complications. A positive result is observed in 65% of operations, and arthritis of the knees is also among the consequences. Recovery takes a month and a half.
    • Recovery- a more gentle method, mainly used among patients not older than 45 years. An important condition for the operation is the stable condition of the cartilage tissue. This is due to the fact that in the presence of pathology, the menisci will be subject to further destruction. The rehabilitation period can last 4 months.
    • Arthroscopy- the most progressive type of operation. Only the medial meniscus of the knee joint with a torn posterior horn cannot be treated. The traumatism of this operation is minimal, and the scars after the operation are visible only upon closer examination. Arthroscopy is prescribed when it is impossible to accurately determine the nature of damage to the meniscus of the knee joint. 2 punctures are made for the arthroscope and surgical instruments. The arthroscope allows the surgeon to reach the most remote areas. The meniscus is sutured with non-absorbable threads made of silk, nylon or polypropylene. A positive result is observed in 90% of operations. Contraindications: open knee injury, inflammation of the skin at the puncture site, exacerbation of chronic infections, low joint mobility, low level of recovery of internal organs. Rehabilitation after surgery takes 4 weeks, on the first day the doctor prescribes exercises with minimal stress. From the second day, exercises are prescribed that help start the processes of restoration of damaged tissues and the function of the knee joint.
    • Internal fixation of the meniscus- the treatment of meniscus rupture in this way began to be used relatively recently. Minimal trauma and the absence of direct surgical intervention are the main advantages of this operation. Its essence lies in the use of fixators without an incision, due to which rehabilitation takes less time than usual.
    • Transplantation is the most expensive operation. The essence of this method is to completely remove the meniscus and replace it with a donor or artificial implant. This operation is recommended in case of complete destruction of the meniscus and the inability to stitch it, as well as when the patient's age does not exceed 40 years. Contraindications: diabetes mellitus, severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels, old age, polyarthritis and atherosclerosis. Both the lateral and medial menisci should be replaced. The peculiarity of the operation is that the implant has to wait a long time, as it must ideally fit the patient. But with a successful outcome of the operation, the risk of rejection is minimal. The duration of the operation is not more than 3 hours. The postoperative period lasts 6 weeks, after which you can enter the usual rhythm of life.

    Complementary and alternative treatments without surgery at home.

    To reduce discomfort in case of damage to the meniscus of the knee joint and reduce pain, you can apply the treatment of folk remedies based on oils and herbs.

    Tincture recipe:

    • birch buds, violet and nettle leaves, 1 tablespoon each;
    • 500 ml of boiling water.

    Grind the ingredients, mix them and pour boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes, then strain. Take 4 times a day, dosage - 1⁄4 cup.

    Spasmolytic anti-inflammatory agent. Take in equal proportions clove oil, camphor, menthol, eucalyptus and winter love, as well as aloe juice.

    • mix all the ingredients and heat in a water bath.

    Apply the resulting mixture to the knee and apply a tight bandage. Repeat 2-4 times a day.


    Treatment of the meniscus without surgery at home is possible with the help of warm compresses. The following compresses give the maximum effect:

    Compress based on honey.

    First way:

    • mix 1 tablespoon of aloe leaf pulp and 2 tablespoons of honey;
    • lubricate the knee with the resulting mixture, wrap the affected area with cling film;
    • the duration of the procedure is 1 hour.

    This compress removes swelling and stops inflammation.

    Second way:

    • mix honey and alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1;
    • heat in a water bath and apply to the inflamed area;
    • leave for 2 hours;
    • repeat the procedure twice a day.

    Burdock leaf compress.

    Burdock leaves should be wrapped around the knee and pressed tightly. You can also use dried leaves. They need to be crushed and steamed in boiling water. Then apply the resulting product and bandage. Hold the compress for 3 hours.

    A compress based on a decoction of herbs.

    You need to take 1 teaspoon of St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile and sage, pour boiling water. Filter after 1 hour. Put a bandage or soft cloth moistened with herbal decoction on the knee for 30 minutes. Repeat 3 times a day.


    It is strictly forbidden to use exercises as a treatment without surgery for rupture of the meniscus of the knee joint, since with this injury, first of all, the knee must be immobilized.

    Exercises for the treatment of the meniscus are done only at the recovery stage, physiotherapy exercises have a positive effect:

    • the first two days perform leg extension. You also need to squeeze the object between the legs, bent at the knees;
    • from the third to the tenth, they make a straight leg lift, the starting position is lying on their side and back. Sitting on a chair, you need to straighten your knee. Within 2-3 seconds, hold the straightened leg in a tense state;
    • in the third week, it is recommended to walk 2-3 km, ride a bike. Exercise: circular and swing movements of the leg.


    Physiotherapy after surgery is prescribed in order to enhance cell regeneration, improve blood circulation and metabolism. The main methods of physiotherapy:

    • electrical stimulation;
    • magnetotherapy;
    • laser therapy;
    • massage.

    In order to increase the efficiency of the patient, they are taught self-massage techniques, the rest of the procedures are carried out directly in the medical institution.


    Injury to the meniscus of the knee joint does not imply preventive measures. It is impossible to additionally influence the menisci, strengthen them or make them thicker. The doctor can give general advice: walk more carefully, avoid wearing high heels often, use protective knee pads when playing sports.

    The knee meniscus is an important component of a fulfilling healthy life. If there are the slightest symptoms of meniscal injury, there is no need to postpone the problem. You should immediately consult a doctor. Only timely diagnosis will reveal how injured the menisci are. Based on this study, the doctor will decide which method of treatment should be applied in a particular case.

    Prognosis after treatment

    Most often, the treatment of meniscus has a positive outcome. There are several factors that affect recovery:

    • patient's age. After 40 years, the rate of tissue repair decreases, which means that the rehabilitation period will take longer;
    • weak ligaments can become a factor in re-injury, as the cartilage is subject to displacement;
    • place of break. Ragged damage is much more difficult to sew than damage in one plane, and healing processes take longer;
    • freshness of injury to the meniscus of the knee joint. Advanced cases, when the patient has been self-medicating for a long time, recover much longer.

    Complications may occur - purulent inflammation, hemorrhage into the joint or eruption of sutures. No need to wait until the discomfort disappears, you should immediately contact a specialist. To avoid complications, it is necessary to completely exclude heavy physical exertion after surgery.

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