The best guard dogs. Best Guard Dog Breeds with Photos and Names for a Private Home List and Brief Description of Major Guard Dog Breeds

There are dogs that perfectly guard property and owners, but not all breeds are suitable for this. Next, consider the best breeds with photos and a detailed description. Everyone will be able to choose a watchdog for themselves, depending on living conditions, requirements and personal sympathies.

are considered the best guards, they have instant reaction, strength and cunning. These are very beautiful, smart, brave and loyal animals.

German Shepherds lend themselves well, often to other special services, help in the search for people and illegal substances. Smart animals have acting skills and often act in films. They are distinguished by devotion and affectionate attitude towards, can become the best friend in the family.

German Shepherds are the best home guard dogs and bodyguards for the whole family. They carefully monitor the territory of their yard and are very harsh to strangers, but affectionate towards the owner.
"Germans" are unpretentious, do not require special care. If necessary, they can be kept in an apartment, if the area allows. The main disadvantage is the strong shedding of the shepherd dog, you will have to clean the wool in the apartment.

A very popular breed often used to guard houses. These watchdogs are distinguished by their impressive size, excellent physical strength, confidence, courage and beauty. The Moscow watchdog has an impressive loud voice.
With the right upbringing, these pets will reliably protect the house and their territory and become the best friends of the family. They are very aggressive towards strangers and have excellent grip, but quickly calm down if the alien leaves the territory.

Important! The Moscow watchdog cannot be kept on a short chain, it needs physical activity and movement.

It is important to properly educate a dog, the training process is more difficult than with a German Shepherd, and requires a special approach. Not particularly whimsical and do not need special care.

Very popular and used as a guard dog for the home. The large size of the "Caucasian" and courage impress all unexpected guests.
It is important to properly educate the animal, teach the basic commands and gain its authority.

The Caucasian Shepherd tolerates the antics of children, is friends with them and loves them. Friendly and devoted character dogs suitable for all family members.
The thick coat of the Caucasian makes it easy to endure low temperatures. To maintain good physical shape, daily outdoor games for two hours will be enough. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog has very well developed guard instincts, it controls its territory perfectly and does not need to be taught for a long time.

When raising a Rottweiler, it is recommended to train him from a young age, then you will get a fearless guard. Strong jaws and a wide chest make the dog a powerful weapon against uninvited strangers and an excellent bodyguard for the owner.
The dog is perfect for guarding a private home, but does not tolerate extremely low temperatures.

The stubborn nature of the animal requires a special approach, but with proper upbringing, the Rottweiler can become a very good protector of the owner and a devoted friend.

The Bullmastiff is distinguished by great strength and courage, the appearance of the dog is impressive. The dog is perfect for protection of a private house and children. The Bullmastiff is very loyal to all children's antics. He well distinguishes good people from bad and instinctively feels the enemy.

The dog must definitely feel like a member of the family, only then is she happy. The Bullmastiff treats his whole family well, protects everyone and does not single out one owner.
The small size of the bullmastiff allows you to keep it in the apartment.

Possesses graceful appearance and lightning-fast reaction. Guard dogs of this breed have an athletic muscular build and fascinate with their beauty. They can be used without problems to protect a private house.
The Doberman is smart and courageous, an excellent guard, bodyguard and devoted protector. True, it is not recommended to keep it in families with small children, but with proper upbringing, the dog clearly follows the owner’s commands, obeys him and is completely controlled.
This breed is distinguished by the fact that it makes a detour of the territory, perfectly controls the situation both in a country house and in an apartment. It can stop and detain the criminal, but does not try to bite him.

Did you know? Humans and dogs share 97% of their gene structure. The genome of different dogs is 99.85% identical, and the difference of 0.15% is responsible for all the diversity of breeds. A person distinguishes several thousand smells, a dog - half a million.

Guard dog breeds Dogo Argentino are able to scare off the criminal with their appearance alone. A strong neck and powerful jaw, an athletic body with a short, shiny white coat are the main characteristics of this breed.
dogo argentino have strength and courage, love to dominate other animals and people. Therefore, it is difficult to educate them and prove their superiority and power. In order to get a dedicated guard, you need special training.


Powerful and beautiful, they are considered one of the best guard dog breeds for home and territory. This large animal needs regular walking, has an excellent watchdog instinct, endurance and courage.

Important! It is important to properly educate the Alabai in order to be sure of his devotion and reliability, the owner must be a leader for him.

This huge handsome man with a strong voice perfectly protects the house and yard from all strangers, acts quickly, confidently. Merciless to strangers, but kind and restrained to his masters, very smart.

Giant Schnauzer

The best guard dog for a private home -. This breed is easy to train to make an incredibly brave, dedicated watchdog and protector. Giant Schnauzer good with children, loves active games and quickly becomes attached to the owner.

It is necessary to give the dog an active run to maintain its physical shape. The Giant Schnauzer is unpretentious, but requires grooming. This beautiful shaggy dog ​​gets along well with other pets, but is merciless to strangers and intruders.

Boxer is a born guard, but despite his formidable appearance, never hurt a child. The dog calmly and patiently endures all tests from children.
This is a very smart dog, which is easy and pleasant to train, very active. Requires significant physical exertion to maintain the shape of an athlete. Very strong, excellent guard and watchman, warns the owner of danger. He enjoys playing with his owner, loves to spend a lot of time with him, cheerful, sociable and loyal.

All guard dog breeds for the home require special education and training. Some breeds are easier to train, others are stubborn and want to dominate. It is necessary to approach the process of education correctly and in time, and then a devoted bodyguard, a guard of your home and property, a devoted friend will be next to you.

Guard dogs are great for people who want to secure their home and acquire a new family member. First of all, pets - defenders are designed to notify the inhabitants of the house about the invasion of the territory, to have the ability to instantly concentrate and respond correctly to a possible danger. But keep in mind that such dogs are more suitable for experienced owners, because they need special education and care. However, there are breeds that would suit inexperienced breeders. Each pet must undergo a serious training course with professionals in order to ensure maximum protection for the home and owners, as well as to respond correctly to various stimuli. A guard dog is not only safety, but also a great responsibility.

First of all, future owners should think about several things:

  1. Where do you plan to keep the animal? Not all dogs tolerate cold and heat equally well while in an aviary. The size of the pet also plays a role. Large animals are not suitable for keeping in a small apartment.
  2. Are there children in the house? Certain breeds of dogs have a complex character and do not recognize anyone other than the owner.
  3. Are there other pets in the house? There is a risk that the caretaker will not get along with other pets.

Based on the answers to these questions, you should decide which dog is best for a particular family.

The most popular guard dog breeds are:

One of the most elegant and aristocratic watchdog breeds. Dobermans have established themselves as fearless dogs that reliably guard their family. However, such a dog needs to be shown who is in charge in the house, otherwise it simply will not listen to the owner. Dobermans lend themselves well to training, thanks to their innate intelligence and passion.

Peculiarities: minimal grooming, ambiguous character, recognize only one owner, suitable for keeping in an apartment.

Good-natured strong protector to protect the house. Suitable for owners with an active lifestyle. Dogs of this breed get along well with children, do not show inappropriate aggression with proper upbringing. But they are wary of strangers and in case of danger they will immediately begin to protect the owners.

Peculiarities: can be kept in an apartment, used as service dogs, precautions should be taken when contacting people and animals that are strangers to the dog.

A large calm animal with an independent character. Carefully protect their territory from strangers and distrust all strangers. At the same time, the Tibetan mastiff shows patience and love to family members. A dog needs the company of people, so you can’t just forget about it and leave it in the yard. She will definitely remind you of this with a loud bark.

Peculiarities: get along well with other animals, recommended for keeping in an aviary, long walks are required.

The easiest animal to care for is the protector. Unfortunately, there is a stereotype that dogs of this breed do not shine with intelligence, but in fact this is not the case. With the right training, a boxer can be an excellent watchdog. The breed is characterized by strength, agility and incredible endurance. Ideal for people with an active lifestyle.

Peculiarities: suitable for inexperienced breeders, affectionate, get along well with other pets, can sometimes be noisy.

A popular breed that is highly intelligent and trainable, as well as impressive in size. Breeders should be aware that this breed needs prolonged exercise and walks. German Shepherds are exceptionally loyal to their owners, they have a protective instinct.

Peculiarities: get along with all family members, can be companions, intuitively feel the danger.

A watchman with a strong independent character that can overwhelm a weak master. Outwardly, this is an athletic graceful breed with its own charm. Ridgebacks need long walks and physical activity in the fresh air. At the same time, they can be kept both at home and in a city apartment.

Peculiarities: they lend themselves well to training, get along with children, can show aggression towards strangers, adapt to different climatic conditions.

Remember the dog from the movie "Hachiko"? Amazing devotion to the owner, intelligence and independence are the hallmarks of the Akita breed - Inu. The dog will protect the family, but is unlikely to bark at strangers, like most guard pets.

Peculiarities: balanced character, suitable for families with children, can be kept in an apartment, require long active walks.

One of the cutest guard dogs comes from Asia. Outwardly, they resemble small bear cubs. Chow Chows combine calmness, intelligence and independence, but at the same time they recognize and love their owner. Dogs of this breed are reasonable with a stable nervous system, almost do not make noise.

Peculiarities: they tolerate different climatic conditions well, sometimes they show stubbornness, they are suitable for keeping in an apartment.

Noble and formidable appearance, developed muscles are characteristic of this Italian breed. Cane Corso are powerful dogs that instill fear in ill-wishers. They are very reasonable and will not show aggression without a good reason. The calm nature and patient attitude towards children make dogs excellent companions for small households.

Peculiarities: suitable for beginner breeders, have a good ability to learn, get along with other pets.

Hardy dog ​​of impressive size, which is more suitable for keeping in an aviary. By nature, the breed is balanced, but prone to dominance and self-confidence, so it is hardly suitable for timid owners.

Peculiarities: can get along with other pets, not suitable for inexperienced breeders, show aggression towards other dogs.

The most severe and large watchman, who does not get along well with other pets and is distrustful of strangers. However, the dog is very attached to the owner and family. Able to react immediately to a real threat.

Peculiarities: they combine the qualities of a watchman and a guard, they can show aggression towards strangers, they are suitable for keeping in a private house, they tolerate different weather conditions well.

Sensitive dogs with excellent hearing and vision, which makes them excellent watchdogs. "Rizens" are very active, because of which problems may arise during training. Despite the calm disposition in the normal state, these dogs will bravely protect the owners and their children in any threat.

Peculiarities: thorough grooming is required, they need long active walks, they are not suitable for beginner breeders.

A calm, good-natured, sedate giant, with one appearance scaring off ill-wishers. Dogs of this breed perfectly tolerate harsh weather conditions, which makes them excellent watchmen for private homes. Ready to attack at the slightest threat to the territory or owners.

Peculiarities: suitable for keeping in an aviary, get along with other dogs, are good with children, can be stubborn, not suitable for novice breeders.

Whatever dog the owners choose, it is important to remember that this is not just an animal, but a family member who requires love, care and attention. Only in this case, a reliable faithful watchman will appear in the house. Give love to an animal, and it will no doubt reciprocate.

The task of a guard dog is to protect the territory entrusted to it. These dogs are also called guard dogs. The best watchmen can be immediately noticed by the style of the walk. Such a dog constantly explores and re-marks the territory, and in his "own zone" he will be aggressive towards even those dog-friends with whom he communicates nicely in neutral territory.

The guard qualities of a dog are due to two important factors: the characteristics of the breed and the training program. Caucasian, Asian and South Russian Shepherd Dogs, Moscow Watchdogs are considered unsurpassed watchmen.

- one of the most popular and best breeds of guard dogs. Their height ranges from 74 to 88 cm, the average weight is about 65 kg, but there are specimens exceeding 100 kg. This dog feels great living on the street or in an aviary, easily adapts to different climates. The nature of the breed is quite ferocious in the protection of the territory, so dogs need socialization and special training.

Central asian shepherd dog

- hardy, fearless and self-confident dog, with a strong watchdog instinct. Aggressive towards strange dogs and strangers. Average height - 70 cm, weight - 60 kg.

It is less aggressive than the Caucasian Shepherd but also requires socialization and early training.

South Russian Shepherd Dog

Photo: South Russian Shepherd Dog - guard breed

- unpretentious and reliable watchman, tireless, fearless and the fastest among shepherd dogs. Submits only to a strict and dominant owner, who will become the leader of the dog.

Moscow watchdog

Photo: Moscow guard dog breed

She inherited the genes of three rather different breeds - St. Bernard, Caucasian Shepherd Dog and Russian Pinto Hound. It weighs an average of about 55 kg. This breed perfectly combines the ferocity of the Caucasian and the diligence of the St. Bernard with the endurance of the hound.

German Shepherd

- the most popular breed of the post-Soviet space, also performs excellent watchdog functions. The growth of these dogs averages 40 kg with an average height of 60 cm.

The main character trait of this breed is fearlessness and versatility. From the "German" you can bring up a dog for various purposes: a defender of a person, a policeman, a bloodhound, a companion, a worker and, of course, an excellent watchman. It is especially suitable for families with children. A calm and balanced dog in the family can be very aggressive when threatened by outsiders.

- a breed of large (62 cm) ferocious dogs that fearlessly guard their territory. Always dominates, therefore with other dogs it is kept only as a leader. Aggressive nature requires socialization and special training.

- a dangerous aggressive dog, which with the help of training becomes a responsible and reliable watchman. The main feature of Rottweilers is self-confidence and incorruptibility.

Photo: Doberman is a good guard and watchman

- an excellent guard dog, often used to guard the apartment. Their main qualities are alertness, devotion, dexterity and intelligence. They are able to prevent an unwanted person from entering the territory without causing him physical harm.

Photo: Breeds of dogs for the protection of a private house. guard breed

- a mastiff-like breed, specially bred as a watchman and guard. Its main qualities are the desire to defend its territory, fearlessness, strong instinct, the desire to dominate. But because of the natural aggressiveness, it is better not to let children near these dogs. Bullmastiffs in the 19th century guarded game from poachers. They are considered the best family watchmen due to their strong instinctive abilities that help them distinguish friend from foe.

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Every dog ​​can bark, but not every dog ​​is a reliable watchman. Good genes from ancestors and skills improved over the centuries, backed up by hard training - this is what allows a guard dog to respond correctly to strangers and make decisions necessary to protect an apartment, house or territory from ill-wishers. For those who are looking for just such a dog, we offer a selection of the names of the ten best guard dog breeds, and photos will help future owners choose the pet that will suit not only their guarding abilities, but also their appearance.

Powerful and muscular dogs have long been used in the police service, so they have earned a reputation for being angry and dangerous dogs, which is not entirely true. Aggression can manifest itself only in the absence of sufficient training, so it is important for the owner to initially show the dog which of them is in charge. But with proper upbringing, a Rottweiler can become an ideal watchman and best friend even to a small child. Usually a calm and balanced dog, at the sight of a stranger, shows maximum caution and is ready at any moment to rush to protect his home or owner.

Large and powerful Giant Schnauzers received their share of fame during the First and Second World Wars. Adult animals have a height of up to 71 cm and a weight of up to 48 kg. The impressive size in combination with the dark color of the wool will have a frightening effect on any uninvited guest.

The Giant Schnauzer has natural protective abilities and will warn the intruder first with a menacing bark, and if necessary, attack. Devotion to the family, easy learning and developed territorial instincts are the main qualities that make it possible to form an idea about Giant Schnauzers as excellent guard dogs.

Representatives of this breed rightfully occupy a place in the top 10 best guard dogs in the world. The frightening appearance even in the photo and impressive dimensions (height 74-88 cm, weight 65-100 kg) are unlikely to cause ill-wishers to want to climb into the territory protected by the Caucasian.

The uniqueness of the breed lies in unpretentiousness and adaptability to any weather conditions. Caucasians are equally hardy to cold or heat, suitable for keeping both in an aviary and in the open. Guard abilities are inherent in them by nature, but it should be borne in mind that in view of the aggressive disposition, Caucasian dogs need not only basic training, but also active socialization if the owner wants to get a friendly and faithful watchman.

The best watchman for a house or apartment can be a German Shepherd, which is rightfully considered one of the smartest and most versatile breeds. Obedience, balanced character, unwavering loyalty and quick learning make it possible to bring up a truly reliable companion with good security qualities. Large dimensions will allow the dog to knock down any intruder if necessary, but he will never show aggression towards family members and invited guests.

Representatives of this breed are not just watchdogs, but also family dogs, which can be considered as another family member even when kept in an apartment. It is a strong attachment to his family that encourages the Doberman to show his guarding abilities in the best possible way, but naturally, subject to correct and consistent training. They are able to immediately take the right measures against violators: if the warning bark is not enough, the Doberman will attack, and speed and agility will allow this to be done in a matter of seconds.

This is a breed specially bred in Russia, which is also successfully bred in the territory of the CIS countries. Since the state project for its breeding was not fully completed, the FCI did not recognize the breed, motivating its decision by the great similarity of the breed with the St. Bernard and not always a stable psyche. But even this does not prevent the Moscow watchdog from remaining a constant participant in the top 10 best guard dog breeds in the world.

Large size allows the Moscow watchdog to perfectly cope with its duties.

Another impressive size dog, which is mentioned in every rating of guard dogs. Alabai are distinguished by endurance, fearless disposition and a pronounced watchdog instinct. They have a less aggressive nature compared to the Caucasian Shepherd, but they are considered "bad" students, so they should only be started by people who are able to find a language with any pet and engage in regular training. A dog that grows up to 70 cm and weighs up to 60 kg can show aggression not only towards people who accidentally or not find themselves in a protected area, but also to four-legged colleagues.

Representatives of the breed, originally bred to protect the herd and farm property, today successfully carry out security service and surprise the owners with their tirelessness and unpretentiousness. In addition, the South Russian Shepherd Dog is among its colleagues the leader in running speed, so such a watchman will be able to catch up with the fastest violator. Thick wool will allow them to perform their duties in any weather conditions, and white color saves from overheating when they stay in open areas for a long time. Their only drawback is the wool that requires care, but otherwise the South Russian Shepherd Dogs are good companions and guards.

A relatively rare breed of dog dates back to the time of Ancient Rome, when they were used in military service and for hunting large animals. Later, after spreading across Europe, they were retrained as security guards. Cane Corso are distinguished by a kind and patient disposition, but only until the moment when it comes to the health and life of the owner. In case of danger, they turn into a brave beast in a matter of seconds, capable of protecting their master and the territory entrusted to him.

Another guard breed that is especially suitable for keeping in an apartment. They are characterized by obedience, loyalty, quick learning and a well-defined territorial instinct. At the same time, the German boxer will protect not only housing, but also the owner’s belongings (for example, a bicycle or bag left at the entrance).

It can be used as a companion, watchman, detective and guide, which in case of danger will show determination and boldly rush to protect its owner.

Excellent watchdogs have perfected the existing qualities for centuries. Weak representatives died during fights with opponents. At the same time, the strongest and smartest animals survived and later gave excellent offspring. Aboriginal dogs show excellent results in the process of work, although there are some specially bred breeds for home protection. This section presents guard dog breeds with photos, features and a detailed description.

Best qualities

All watchdogs have similar qualities:

  • the presence of a cold mind - the animal is able to quickly fall into a rage, but knows how to pull himself together;
  • desire for learning;
  • poise - will not attack in the absence of a clear threat;
  • territoriality;
  • focus on the owner, on a specific person. Many guard dogs for private homes were once engaged in the protection of flocks and for a long time communicated exclusively with shepherds;
  • endurance;
  • the presence of sensitive hearing;
  • the presence of a sharply developed intuition;
  • the ability to make decisions independently;
  • cunning.

Some guard dogs do not need any specific training, their main mission is to protect. Universal dogs must be aware of the task, that is, the owner will need to place all the accents in the implementation of basic training.

Man and dog are a duet that arose a very long time ago. As the conditions of existence changed, the purpose of dogs in people's lives also changed. Different directions in breeding have appeared, but today, as before, breeds of guard dogs for a private home are especially popular, and you can learn more about them in this section.

What you need to know

Watchdogs are characterized by high intelligence and a balanced nervous system. In this case, the growth of the animal does not play any role, since the main task of the watchman is to determine the danger and warn the owner. It is for this reason that aggression acts as an undesirable quality. Otherwise, the pet will react to the slightest noise, constantly making a loud bark.

An excellent watchman cannot be seen and heard until the moment when his direct intervention is required. It perfectly spills noises and sounds that can be dangerous. This section presents the best guard dog breeds with photos and names, which will allow you to choose the really best pet.

Naturally, watchdogs are currently represented by such a variety of breeds that, in the absence of special knowledge, one can easily get confused. Each specific breed has its own characteristics. But in any case, you need to remember that in the absence of proper education, the data of these dogs may not be revealed.

To avoid this, you should read the information provided in this section. Here are the best guard dog breeds with photos, descriptions, specifics of maintenance and care, features of proper upbringing and training.

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