When should a dog be vaccinated? How often should a dog be vaccinated against rabies? What to do in special cases

To date, the most the best way to prevent the disease of bacterial and viral infections is vaccination. When a vaccine is administered, immunity is developed in the dog's body, and the animal becomes immune to the disease.

Why dogs need to be vaccinated

Vaccination of dogs is a concern not only for owners of expensive purebred dogs, but also for all other dog breeders. An unvaccinated dog can become sick itself or become a carrier of infection, which can be very dangerous for others.

To form in a dog active immunity against viral infection must be done regularly preventive vaccination. To do this, there are various vaccines, the effect of which can be explained very simply: a virus or bacterium in a small amount (antigen) enters the animal's body and causes the production of antibodies, the purpose of which is to fight antigens. Due to this, specific memory cells are created in the body, and powerful immunity, capable of giving an instant rebuff when the virus re-enters.

The most common canine diseases are:

    • carnivore plague,
    • hepatitis,
    • parvovirus,
    • leptospirosis,
    • rabies.

These diseases are also the most dangerous. To prevent the development of such diseases in a dog, vaccination is necessary.

What dog diseases are there vaccines for?

List serious illnesses dogs against which vaccines have been developed is quite extensive.

The most dangerous:

    • rabies;
    • plague of carnivores;
    • parvo viral enteritis;
    • hepatitis;
    • rhinotracheitis;
    • leptospirosis;
    • parainfluenza;
    • Lyme disease;
    • giardiasis
    • microsporia, trichophytosis.

There are no vaccines for tick-borne piroplasmosis, Aujeszky's disease, and a number of other diseases.

What you need to know about dog vaccines

To date, vaccines for dogs are available in abundance, but they are all divided into:

  • Monovaccines (that is, from one disease).
  • Comprehensive vaccines that protect the animal against several of the most common infections, such as viral hepatitis, parainfluenza, canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis and rabies.

In addition, vaccines are:

  • Alive means developed from living but highly weakened bacteria and viruses.
  • Killed - from neutralized (killed viruses).

Most effective live vaccine, because it forms a more stable immunity in the dog.

Scientists have found that the vaccine remains effective if it contains no more than 6 or 7 components, that is, it is designed to protect against 6-7 diseases.

Rabies vaccine is always monovalent, and vaccination against this most dangerous disease carried out separately.

In addition, vaccines can be:

  • Mandatory, these include vaccines against the most dangerous and common diseases - such as plague, parvovirus, rabies.
  • Optional, their veterinarians may advise doing if there is a danger of contracting a disease in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence, which is usually not very common.

On the market veterinary drugs There are many vaccines available today. Depending on the region and the practicing veterinarian, different vaccines may be used. In practice, complex polyvalent vaccines are used, which are designed to produce antibodies in the body against several diseases at once. These include Multikan, Vanguard, Nobivak, Dyuramon, etc. Vaccines of domestic or foreign production do not differ much from each other. The use of any of them contributes to the development of sufficiently stable immunity.

Deciphering the abbreviations that are written on the vaccine vial.

  • D - Distemper = dog distemper.
  • H - Hepatitis infectiosa = Rubart's hepatitis.
  • P - Parvovirus enteritis = canine parvovirus enteritis.
  • L - Leptospirosis = canine leptospirosis.
  • L. jcterohaemorrhagiae, L. canicola, L. pomona, L. grippotiphosa.
  • R - Rabies = dog rabies.
  • PI2-Parainfluenza + Bordetella bronchiceptica = canine parainfluenza.

At what age should dogs be vaccinated?

You should know that a puppy is a gentle creature. Therefore, do not rush into vaccinations and other forms of exposure to the dog. The puppy receives its first immunity protection immediately after birth - from the milk of its mother. In colostrum (the milk of a lactating dog) there are special antibodies that are designed to protect the puppy in the first days of his life. However, if natural feeding stops, the flow of antibodies also stops. none artificial milk will not replace a puppy's mother's colostrum. Therefore, if in the first days after weaning the puppy from the breast of the mother dog, you do not vaccinate, the immunity can be significantly weakened.

However, the puppy is very adversely affected by third-party drugs, no matter how good they may be.

In some cases, vaccinations can be given as early as 9 weeks. But for this, an experienced veterinarian must carefully examine your pet. And only according to his recommendations should be acted upon.

Preparing dogs for vaccination

Preparation of the dog for vaccination is carried out in without fail. It includes a clinical examination of the animal, thermometry, for safety, you can pass general analyzes blood and urine in veterinary laboratory. According to the results of the research, the veterinary specialist allows or does not allow the vaccine to be administered.

It is advisable to have a dog veterinary passport, which will contain information about all vaccinations: the series of vaccine used and the date of vaccination. This is necessary in order to transport the dog without any problems and be able to participate with it in exhibitions and competitions.

Dog vaccination schedule


The dog vaccination scheme is quite simple, approximately it can be displayed in the following form:

  • At 8-9 weeks of age, a complex vaccine is given (any one from the list).
  • Revaccination at 12 weeks reintroduction vaccines. This is done because maternal antibodies still preserved in the puppy's body do not always allow the development of full-fledged immunity. The timing of revaccination may vary slightly, to clarify them, you must carefully read the instructions for the drug.
  • At 3 months, the dog is vaccinated against rabies if the parents were vaccinated, otherwise it is recommended at the age of 2 months.
  • Dogs are vaccinated at 20 weeks ringworm(Vakderm vaccine).
  • At the age of six, seven months (after the change of teeth), the second revaccination with a complex vaccine is carried out.
  • The third revaccination is carried out in one year old.
  • Further, all vaccines are given again once a year.

This scheme is general, but in each case you need individual approach. Therefore, it is important to choose an experienced and professional doctor who will schedule your vaccinations for you, will take preliminary analysis blood and examine the pet. Only a healthy animal can be vaccinated, therefore, at the slightest doubt, it is better to postpone this procedure.

Dog vaccination schedule

When should dogs not be vaccinated?

The introduction of vaccination to dogs is a huge stress and burden on the body, so there are some restrictions under which it is forbidden to vaccinate an animal:

    • with poor nutrition;
    • in the period of time 2 weeks after childbirth, 2 weeks before childbirth;
    • at elevated temperature;
    • if it is suspected that the animal has already become ill with the type of pathogen against which it is planned to vaccinate;
    • for any diseases (contagious or non-contagious);
    • in weakened states;
    • when changing teeth;
    • after contact with sick animals;
    • before surgical operation and right after it;
    • two weeks after taking antibiotics.

Vaccinations can only be given healthy dog, and at least 3 weeks after the previous vaccination.

Who Should Vaccinate Dogs?

Animals should only be vaccinated veterinarian which will be able to objectively assess the health status of the dog. Vaccination can be done both at home and in veterinary clinic. If there is an agreement with the veterinarian, then, of course, best solution will be vaccinated at home. In this case, there is less chance of catching an infection or catching a cold during transportation.

The fact is that vaccines require very precise storage conditions, otherwise their effectiveness decreases or the substance becomes completely unusable. In veterinary clinics, vaccines are stored in accordance with the requirements of the instructions.

If you still decide to vaccinate your dog yourself and purchase the vaccine at a pharmacy, you will have to take care of a thermos with pieces of ice in advance to transport the vaccine vial. The temperature range for storing the vaccine is very narrow: from +2 to +8°C.

Now you have a friend, protector, companion and real family member. All this is about the dog, and its health is now your responsibility, and you must protect the dog not only from dangerous plague or rabies, but also from fleas or lichen. Dog vaccines are the first thing you should take care of. So let's talk about the basic rules and issues of vaccination for dogs.

At what age should dogs be vaccinated?

Some kennels carry out early vaccination of puppies against lung diseases and cough. But in general, it is best to start with a month and a half. At this age, the first vaccination of a puppy against hepatitis or enteritis is done. It is repeated in two weeks. Next vaccination- from the distemper - is done in two and a half months. They repeat it after the change of teeth in a puppy.

What diseases do dogs suffer from?

  • Rabies. It always ends in death, so the puppy must be vaccinated against it without fail. The disease is also transmitted to humans. It cannot be said that the dog tolerates this vaccine easily, the reaction can be very different, but you should not be afraid that the dog will become infected with rabies from the vaccine;
  • parvovirus enteritis in dogs. The disease is contagious, so it is better to get vaccinated against it. Parvovirus enteritis often proceeds hard and deprives puppies who do not yet have immunity, life. Accompanied by diarrhea and fluid loss;
  • plague of carnivores. She is the plague. Very often it also ends in death, especially if puppies get sick with it. Most prone to distemper are huskies. The most popular against plague is the complex vaccine vanguard, eurikan, konegen, etc.;
  • parainfluenza It cannot be said that the disease is fatal, but complications, for example, pneumonia, after it can be. ;
  • leptospirosis. You can also put a vaccine against him, including the mentioned vanguard
  • lyme disease. It disrupts coordination. The dog begins to limp and may remain disabled for life.

You can also get vaccinated against lichen, adenovirus and other ailments, depending on the conditions in which the dog lives and on what animal diseases are common in your area.

What are the best vaccines to use?

There are many vaccines for dogs, so it's hard to say which one is better. It all depends on how the dog reacts to it.

First, there are imported and domestic vaccines. Some dog owners believe that the domestic vaccine is better because it is better adapted to the area where the dog lives. Other dog owners use only imported vaccines. But no vaccine will give a hundred percent protection to a dog, so be sure to protect your pet from infections, and from lichen, and from plague.

And doctors advise to vaccinate a pet from one disease with different drugs.

Also, drugs can be monovalent and polyvalent. The former contain one virus, the latter - from 2 to 9. Thus, the vanguard protects against 6 diseases.

But many believe that it is better to vaccinate puppies with a monovalent vaccine - this way a stronger immunity is developed. But the difficulty is that it is impossible to pierce a puppy with monovalent vaccines and you cannot vaccinate him during the period when the teeth are changing, and also after the ears have been cropped. It is in this case that a polyvalent vaccine (the same vanguard) is much more convenient. In addition, many studies have shown that a polyvalent vaccine produces the same amount of antibodies as a monovalent vaccine.

When can't you get vaccinated?

  • When the dog is exhausted;
  • reaction to vaccination can be unexpected even if the dog has been ill and is weakened or sick in this moment;
  • when changing teeth;
  • during cupping of the ears (at least 14 days must pass before and after this procedure);
  • when infected with worms.

The latter is necessary, because with helminthiasis, the puppy's immunity drops dramatically and the vaccine may simply not work at all, so worming is mandatory. Do it 14 days before the introduction of any vaccine. Also, before vaccination, you can treat the dog for lichen and skin diseases.

At home or at the vet?

Even if you are able to give the injection yourself, a veterinarian is better. First, in veterinary clinics with a good reputation, he buys vaccines from unscrupulous sellers and stores the drugs correctly, so they will be effective. In addition, a puppy's reaction to a vaccination may be unexpected and it is best if he is observed by a veterinarian.

If you think you can handle it yourself, bring the vaccine on ice and keep it in the fridge at home.

Tip: Rabies vaccination is only done by a doctor. The ideal option is to call the veterinarian home.

Is there a vaccine for lichen?

Unfortunately, they have not yet come up with an effective vaccine against lichen, so if the doctor suggested giving the dog a couple of injections from lichen, do not believe it. Vaccines for lichen so far exist only experimental. Therefore, the dogs they help are very few. In addition, an injection from lichen can harm.

The best way to treat lichen is to fight a specific type of fungus.

Is quarantine necessary?

Sure, because in dogs, like us, immunity is developed slowly. That is why the puppy cannot be walked for two weeks after vaccination. Make sure that he does not catch a cold and does not overwork, do not allow contact with other animals and do not let him get cold. Also, you can not bathe him at this time.

If your dog's condition worsens, call your veterinarian right away.

Vaccinations, whether it be vanguard, eurikan, etc., are updated every year, so remember the date of vaccination or record it in the animal's passport.

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From rabies, we care not only about his health, but also in our own well-being. dangerous and incurable disease can be transmitted from a dog to any other animal and person through bites, as the virus is contained in saliva. Close contact with a possible carrier of the virus makes it unsafe cohabitation a person with an unvaccinated animal.

How often should a dog be vaccinated against rabies?

Having chosen a vaccine once, there is no need to change it later.

How often should a dog be vaccinated for optimal results? Each owner asks himself such a question when planning vaccinations for a four-legged friend.

The answer is not clear, it all depends on the drug chosen.

The instruction for any vaccine is a regulatory document, the implementation of which is mandatory. Each country has its own list of vaccines registered and approved for use, as domestic production and imported drugs.

Before vaccinating, it is necessary to read the instructions for subsequent revaccinations and follow them. Having chosen one vaccine once, it makes no sense to change the “brand”.

Validity of the vaccine

Vaccination of puppies usually falls on the shoulders of new owners.

Primary vaccination carried out to puppies at the age of 40 days. Some vaccines are administered once, followed by revaccination after 12 months. Others, such as Rabix, are recommended to be administered twice, with an interval of 21–28 days, if the dog has not been previously vaccinated.

  • Most vaccines guarantee immunity for a year , some, the same "Rabiks" "legalized" 1 time in 3 years, but the instruction immediately makes sendings to emergency situations.
  • Manufacturers of the Rabikan vaccine claim that in the case of a double injection of the vaccine (with revaccination after 30–50 days), immunity is maintained for 24 months.

The first vaccination should be given to puppies at the age of 40 days.

The expression itself, which is in the instructions - "immunity lasts for 12-36 months", is alarming. Several European accredited laboratories can already check the immunity tension (antibody titer) in a dog. The rules for the selection, transportation of blood and tariffs must be found in the embassy of a particular country. Conducting such a study is a rather expensive procedure.


Based on the above, it becomes clear that it is better to vaccinate annually.

Vaccination should be annual.

Deviations from the "norm"

Under what circumstances can deadlines be extended?

There is a certain list, according to which deviations in terms are possible.

epizootic situation

During the quarantine period, vaccination is necessary.

If a rabies quarantine is declared in the area, then all dogs are subject to 100% vaccination.

For example, if your dog was vaccinated 3 months ago, does he need to be re-vaccinated? The instructions say what you need.

If your animal is clinically healthy, vaccination required action in difficult epizootic situations. It makes no sense to expect that supposedly the dog has immunity, it is better to play it safe again.

You travel abroad with your dog

In this case, you need to know the rules for importing an animal into a particular country at the moment. Some countries require the dog to be vaccinated 15 days before pickup, others for 30. Each case has its own rules.

Before traveling abroad, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of the country.

Of course, both the veterinary specialist who issues the document for the export of the animal (form 1) and the owner himself do not understand at all why it is necessary to vaccinate an already vaccinated animal. However, we have what we have. Each country is reinsured as it can, and this is their right.

Can a vaccinated dog get rabies?

Often, owners have a completely logical question: “Can a vaccinated dog get infected?”. It is impossible to give a definite answer.

The manufacturer guarantees the immunity of the animal for 12 months. But, each organism is individual, and it is impossible to assert that after vaccination it has developed immune bodies that can protect it.

The manufacturer of the vaccine guarantees that the dog will not get sick for a year.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account where, when, by whom and with what the vaccination was made. A vaccine is a biological entity. The rules for storage and transportation are written on the basis of scientific research, but " human factor' plays a huge role. If, for example, the Rabikan vaccine from the Schelkovo-51 strain is recommended to be stored at a temperature of 2 ° C to 8 ° C, and transported at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C, but not more than 10 days, then such conditions must be created . It is no secret that sometimes both deadlines and temperature indicators are violated, and all this can affect the dog's immunity.

Features of the vaccine

The instruction ("Rabikan") states that the vaccine should be used within 4 hours after breaking the integrity of the vial. However, when packing large doses(10 doses) and house-to-house vaccinations, in emergency epizootic situations, it may not always be possible to use it during this time. Rabies does not choose the season either, and vaccinations are done both in hot and cold weather, and, unfortunately, our specialists are not yet equipped with special mini-refrigerators.

After opening, the Rabikan vaccine must be used within 4 hours.

When choosing a clinic or contacting a veterinarian, ask about the conditions for storing drugs. If something worries you, refuse the vaccine and contact another specialist.

It also happens that a stall sells a vaccine, in a market where the very concept of a refrigerator is incompatible with activity. It is not safe to buy medicines and biologicals in such establishments.

One shot for everything

Sometimes dog owners insist on vaccinations against all diseases at once, that is, a polyvalent vaccine (poly - many), which will include more than one antigen. Examples of such drugs are "Hexadog (DHPLR)" France or Nobivac LR Holland.

Nobivac LR is a multivalent vaccine.

However, it must be borne in mind that the vaccine is strong inducer of immunological memory . Developing immunity against one virus can be a heavy burden for the body, but here there are several at once. That is why some experts advise taking your time and vaccinating gradually, giving you the opportunity to cope immune system with load.

Which vaccine is preferred?

The vaccine is biological preparation, which can call . However, this is not a reason to refuse vaccination.

Experts agreed that the US-made drug "Defensor" almost does not cause complications after vaccination.

The Defensor vaccine has almost no side effects.

Veterinary specialists and clinics that value their name do everything possible to ensure that the manipulations carried out are effective and efficient. They try to keep a "hand on the pulse" of novelties in the field of veterinary drugs around the world. After consulting with a good specialist, you can get both a service and a recommendation, and your dog will be healthy.

Rabies vaccine video

How nice it is to have a four-legged friend who never leaves and sincerely rejoices when he sees us! When our beloved dog rushes at full speed and rolls on the floor, it seems that his life is carefree and nothing in the world can break his indestructible optimism. However, a dog is also a living creature, whose health is not limited, and if four-legged friend not cared for properly, then there is big risk that he gets sick. This is especially true for hosts. purebred dogs, because when breeding rocks with different features adaptability and resilience various infections were not a priority.

As an exception, one can recall such a breed as German Shepherd- these animals are able to survive in harsh conditions and have good health Because that's what they were brought out for. However, responsible and loving host should know the characteristics of your pet. And since the same German Shepherd must be strong and hardy, then her health, like a house, needs to be built even when she is small. Pay attention to your dog and she will make you happy! How to vaccinate a dog correctly? Where to inject the vaccine - at the withers or back paw? When is rabies vaccination given? How to vaccinate your dog yourself? How to vaccinate your dog against rabies with minimal discomfort? More details can be found below.

How to vaccinate a dog correctly?

How to vaccinate your dog to protect him from rabies and protect others? This is enough important question because rabies is not just inadequate and aggressive dog, which must be placed in an aviary and limit it from others. The main problem of this disease is death.

Very often, dog owners who have had contact with rabies-infected animals do not notice that their pet is sick. However, when a dog refuses to eat due to a sore throat and becomes too aggressive, you can understand what the problem is. But, unfortunately, this is the stage of the disease when the dog's nervous system is too severely affected and it will be either too difficult or impossible to save the pet. In addition, the animal can infect others with this disease, even before symptoms appear. As you know, rabies can be just as deadly to humans.

Rabies often comes from other domestic animals - cats, dogs, etc. But any contact with wild animals (even with rodents like hedgehogs that live near civilization) is even more dangerous. For infection, it is not necessary to get a bite from another animal - contact with the biological substance of an infected animal on the mucous membrane of your dog will cause the disease. The first rabies vaccine should be given to puppies as early as 3 months of age. A very reliable remedy is the Nobivak vaccine. Nobivak is a dry vaccine. Vaccination is carried out by specialists, that is, veterinarians. Nobivak can be stabbed in the withers or in the hind paw.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that a week before vaccination with Nobivak, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of worms. As a rule, vaccination with Nobivak is carried out once a year, during the period of prophylaxis the animal should not get sick, that is, conditions that are comfortable for the dog must be observed.

In addition to preventing rabies, the puppy needs protection from other negative factors. As you know, if you get sick with something, but then recover, then the body develops immunity to the disease and re-infection will either be invisible, or the body will quickly cope with the disease. Just as children are vaccinated against viruses, puppies are also given preventive vaccinations from different types infections. The process by which puppies develop immunity to viruses and infections in the body can last from two weeks to several years. Timely vaccination is the key to protecting the puppy from the disease.

When a puppy feeds on its mother's milk, its body is under reliable protection. But as soon as he grows up and stops using mother's milk, then it is necessary to artificially protect his body from diseases. When the puppy is 2 months old, he needs to get his first vaccination. Until that time, it should not be allowed to come into contact with other animals, take it outside, or allow it to catch a cold.

2 weeks before vaccination, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of worms in a puppy. And a properly prepared vaccine and a carefully made injection can strengthen his immunity.

Diseases that are most dangerous for your dog:

  • rabies;
  • plague(the virus infects nervous system dogs, especially head and spinal cord. Infection is most likely in early age- from 2 to 12 months, during this period, the body of puppies is weakened due to the change of teeth. Infection occurs through both airborne droplets and by contact, for example, through the mucous membrane);
  • parvovirus gastroenteritis(an infection that can be contracted by dogs through the saliva, vomit, and feces of other dogs that are infected. This infectious disease digestive tract so the sick dog suffers from diarrhea and vomiting. Symptoms can vary, so identifying a parovirus is more difficult than other illnesses.)
  • leptospirosis(One of the most common diseases in dogs. Dogs of all breeds suffer from it.

It is manifested by suppuration and death of the tissues of the mucous membrane. Main pathogen- rodents pests.).

Fortunately, vaccines have now been developed that are universal, that is, one such vaccination can protect your pet from many diseases.

Since in the first time after the introduction of the vaccine in puppies, painful appearance and weakening of the body, then the owner must carefully monitor them - the puppies should eat normally (but not overeat), you should not wet the coat or let the puppies go outside, especially if the air temperature is low and the humidity is high, these are conditions that contribute to a general decrease immunity.

The next vaccination is administered after 3 weeks. This time, the puppy's body will react less painfully, since antibodies begin to be produced in it, but, like the first time, the puppy must be isolated from contact with other animals for two weeks and not hypothermia or overheating should be allowed. When the puppy is six months old, he needs to be vaccinated against rabies and comprehensive vaccination against various diseases. However, it is worth remembering that in case of tooth loss, vaccination should be postponed until the puppy has permanent teeth. Adult dogs are given complex vaccines do it once a year. It is necessary to carry out these vaccinations in a veterinary clinic, the veterinarian writes down the composition of the vaccine and the vaccination conditions in a document - a dog passport.

You can buy a vaccine for your dog at your nearest veterinary pharmacy. You can also buy it from a trading company, but you must be sure that you are buying a quality product. You might as well sanitize your pet's withers or thighs and vaccinate them yourself at home, but then you won't be able to document the vaccinations. That is why the owners of animals address these issues to the veterinary clinic.

How to properly vaccinate a dog at home on your own - here are some tips for dog owners who decide to take this step:

  1. Disinfection- needs to be dampened cotton swab or a piece of cotton wool with alcohol. Then with this piece it is necessary to wipe the place where the vaccine will be introduced - just as it is done for children. Do not forget about yourself - you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap to prevent any microorganisms from entering through the injection site - this can cause a lot of trouble. The ampoule with the vaccine must also be wiped with alcohol before opening.
  2. Shake the ampoule- in this way, the entire composition of the drug is evenly mixed with the liquid.
  3. Bleed off excess air- if after filling the syringe with the contents of the ampoule, air bubbles remain, then it needs to be released - you need to raise the syringe with the needle up and squeeze out a little medicine through the needle. Thus, only the medicine will remain in the syringe.
  4. An injection in the withers or in the thigh- an injection in these places is done because here the dog has a loose and soft fabric, which has blood vessels. The pre-made composition of the vaccine is administered smoothly. It is necessary to insert the needle about halfway, but it is impossible that it rests on the bone.



03.04.13 10:29

A real owner who loves his dog will never put his life in danger. This applies not only possible injuries but above all her daily health.

Therefore, when bringing an animal into the house, it is necessary to take a course of vaccination against possible diseases: distemper, viral enteritis, contagious hepatitis, rabies, leptospirosis.

Why do you need to vaccinate a dog?

  • To ensure that your pet does not die from a serious illness.
  • To not have to spend great amount money for the treatment of the animal.
  • So that members of your family do not become infected with diseases dangerous to humans.

In general, all diseases of dogs are divided into two types: dangerous only for the animal and dangerous not only for him, but also for the owners. In addition, the owner of the animal himself can become a source of infection, bringing any virus into the house with shoes or on clothes.

Therefore, it is better not to believe the philistine myths, such as “why spend money, the dog will get sick anyway”, but take measures to vaccinate the pet. How effective the vaccination will be will largely depend on how healthy the dog is and whether its immune system is weakened. The age and breed of the animal in this case do not matter, but the earlier the first group of vaccinations is done, the better.

how and when to vaccinate a dog?

So, let's talk in more detail about the vaccinations themselves, the timing and preparation for vaccination. Vaccination of an animal begins from the moment it reaches two months of age. It consists of 2 injections with an interval of 10-20 days. It is necessary to have time to do the first vaccination before the dog is 4 months old.

The next stage falls on 6-8 months, immediately after the change of teeth. And this procedure is completed in a year. Further, the vaccine should be administered to the dog annually throughout the life of the animal. All vaccination records are recorded in your pet's veterinary passport.

For large breeds dogs are better to use domestic vaccine, because it provides, so to speak, more strong immunity, and besides focused specifically on our local conditions. Imported vaccines sparing, so they are great for small decorative dogs, and they are quite easily tolerated.

Prepare the animal for vaccination should be in advance. So little puppy who has not yet had a single vaccination should not be let out into the street, allowed to sniff and lick street shoes. This is due to the fact that the amount of immunity that was given to a small animal from its mother with milk has already been significantly used up, and now it has no opportunity to replenish stocks with new ones.

Another necessary step in preparing for vaccination is a visit to the veterinarian for evaluation. general condition dogs: how well-fed, cheerful, playful she is - all this is important indicators the health status of your pet. Poor feeding of the animal, the presence of worms, any colds significantly reduce the speed and quality of the grafted drug.

After that, you can proceed to the last preparatory stage- getting rid of worms. Why is this needed? Well, firstly, for your own safety, it is necessary to carry out such a “cleaning” of the animal once every three months. And, secondly, helminths quite strongly weaken the dog's immunity and the survival rate of the vaccine.

Vaccination Schedule:

  • 1.5 months- Vaccinations against enteritis and hepatitis. Repeat the same injections in two weeks.
  • 2.5 months- vaccination against distemper.
  • 4 months- vaccination against leptospirosis (then do every six months)
  • 7-8 months- re-vaccination against distemper (then it should be repeated annually).
  • From 8 months- rabies vaccination (after which the dog is quarantined for 21 days).

And finally, one more recommendation: do not save on the health of the animal, entrust the purchase of the vaccine to the veterinarian. He knows how to store it properly and when to apply it. An unprepared person can easily violate any of these conditions. The result will be deplorable: the lack of results from vaccination, which can lead to the death of the dog.

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