Compiling a resume: what qualities of an employee will interest the employer? Personal qualities for a resume: an example and useful tips


A conversation about personal qualities in a resume should begin with the question: “Is it necessary to write anything at all?” After all, professional skills and a list of employers are, in fact, facts that can be “ripped off” from a diploma and a work book. But business and personal qualities already require an objective view from the outside and an inner readiness to speak well about yourself ...

Of course, many manage to “rip off” personal qualities from someone’s resume. But employers usually see such irresponsibility immediately. And then either the described advantages are ignored, or it goes to the trash (well, or where they are stored there).

Is it necessary or not?

Serious recruiters say that the item about business and personal qualities in the resume is definitely needed. Even despite the fact that only about half of the personnel officers look into it.

At the same time, there are cases when the assessment of one's own merits is put almost on a par with professional skills and experience. For example, when the position is associated with high social activity (managers, janitors, promoters, etc.).

So, obviously, HR managers are interested in the applicant self-evaluating himself and writing about it on paper. So, it is important to understand how in this regard.

Rules for describing personal qualities in a resume:

  1. Useful characteristics should not be more than five.
  2. These qualities must correspond to the desired position. Remember that a secretary or accountant does not need leadership qualities and charisma at all. But almost everyone needs stress resistance.
  3. Restrained tone and a minimum of humor. The exception is the situation when the employer is clearly waiting for something "sharp" and creative. You can usually find out about the employer's preferences on the company's website.
  4. Down with templates and meaningless words like "professionalism". That's how everyone writes. Instead, imagine who you would hire for this position. And offer the employer really necessary and useful qualities.

Examples of describing personal qualities in a resume

It should be noted that our examples reflect the general wishes of employers and are advisory in nature.

Mandatory qualities: responsibility, attentiveness and good learning ability.
Highly valued: sociability, stress resistance and non-conflict.

Mandatory qualities: stress resistance, competent and well-delivered speech, diligence, accuracy.
Highly valued: presentable appearance (not beauty, namely).

Sales Manager
Mandatory qualities: activity, result orientation, sociability.
Highly valued: competent speech, non-standard thinking, stress resistance.

Once again, we remind you that you should not list all the examples of personal qualities given in your resume. Choose 3-5 the most relevant and important in your opinion. Or don't write anything at all.

And if you decide to indicate something, then do not forget that the declared qualities should appear at the very first meeting (if such a need arises). That is, having indicated “punctuality” in the resume, you cannot be late even for a minute. A sociable person will not sit at an interview, looking down and not knowing what to answer. Well, and so on.

Universal qualities

If you don’t know what to include in your resume, but you really want to write at least something. You can use two magical options that employers love a lot:

  • excellent learning ability

  • readiness
These qualities “sell” the best, so theoretically they can be included in any resume. But if you decide to use them, then be so kind as to justify the expectations of your superiors later.

Top 5 Personality Traits (in addition to the ones above):

  • initiative

  • industriousness

  • honesty

  • no bad habits

  • equilibrium
If you do not want to indicate your personal qualities in your resume, this in no way reduces (but does not increase) your chances of employment. At the interview, you will be asked what you need.

Professional skills and personal qualities are a mandatory item when filling out a questionnaire or for any vacancy. In this section, you have the opportunity to make yourself known by telling a potential employer about all your pluses. Some applicants are sure that the section of professional skills is considered the key. But they are not quite right. Staff search staff pay the same attention to him, as well as personal qualities. And often their inconsistency with a certain vacancy can be the reason for rejecting a candidate.

Professional skills and personal qualities: what should be avoided?

When filling out these items, follow one simple rule: be sincere. You don't need to invent something that doesn't exist. The deception will be revealed, and then the employer

will be extremely disappointed. Do not write that you know how, for example, to work with the Photoshop program, although in fact you have opened it only a couple of times. Very often, recruiters give a test task to a candidate they like to determine the level of his knowledge, and here you risk getting into a mess. Also, you don’t need to write in the “personal qualities” column, for example, that you are a very sociable, sociable person who quickly finds a common language with other people, if this is not true. One more piece of advice: do not write too much or, on the contrary, too little about yourself in these paragraphs, observe the measure.

Professional skills and personal qualities: what to write?

When listing your professional skills, indicate only what is significant and significant. For example, if you are writing a resume for a programmer job, then you will not need to indicate that you are good at computers, as this is already implied.


  • knowledge of PHP, JavaScript, C++, OOP;
  • with MySQL;
  • ability to optimize queries and do database tuning;
  • working with the Zend framework.

Specify everything you see fit. You can also open the job requirements (if possible) and add everything that applies to you from there.

Personal qualities of the employer's candidate are not fully interested. It is about what may be required of an employee. For example, it is not necessary to write that you are a kind and warm-hearted person, since this does not apply to work. Here is a list of what you can include in your resume:

  • performance;
  • ambition (if we are talking about leadership positions, vacancies that require a creative and creative approach);
  • organization (meaning both self-organization and the ability to organize the work of the team);
  • punctuality;
  • a responsibility;
  • sociability (implies several concepts: the ability to quickly establish contact with other people, sociability, talkativeness);
  • initiative (the ability to take the situation into their own hands and develop new ideas, proposals);
  • good learning ability (the ability to quickly acquire new knowledge);
  • stress tolerance (ability to work under stressful conditions).

Professional skills and personal qualities are two very important points, so take them very carefully and do not try to deceive a potential employer.

The current situation in the labor market has led to the fact that the number of resumes significantly prevails over the number of vacancies. As a result, when filling a vacancy, a competition begins, and the applicant must make his profile like a business card.

Below are examples of what personal qualities can be indicated when so that the questionnaire does not go unnoticed by the employer. Such a technique will attract the attention of a potential employer and will allow you to get to a personal meeting.

Hundreds of applicants applying for one vacant position in the company offer personnel officers to evaluate their candidacy. Therefore, you need to stand out from the background of other applicants, pointing out not only the relevance of the experience gained in the previous job, but also the personal characteristics inherent only to this candidate.

It is the combination of “business qualities plus personal characteristics” that is evaluated by personnel officers and influences the decision to enroll a person in the state. The personal properties of the applicant play the same role as his professionalism!

Brevity and completeness of information

The first is the application form. The summary should be short, concise, capacious. It is worth specifying only those personal and professional qualities that correspond to the proposed position. Listing all previously held positions is only appropriate if each previous job is related to the position for which the applicant is applying.

Moreover, less and less employers hire a person with a long track record, experience can be gained. Much more valuable steel properties:

  • competence;
  • compliance of the candidate's knowledge with the requirements of the employer;
  • accommodating;
  • personal interest in the work (implies the profile of the organization in general and the current project in particular).

It is these personal qualities in the resume that personnel officers pay attention to. To an experienced employer, a young man who recently graduated from college may seem like a more interesting candidate than a specialist with N years of experience who has not changed jobs all these years (and, perhaps, because of this, is incompetent in some new areas).

Emphasis on personality

The second important point is personal positive qualities, more precisely, their correspondence to the position for which the person claims. Take, for example, such a popular property as organizational skills.

This quality, of course, refers to the positive. But is it worth adding it to the resume if a person gets a job as a seller or cashier?

In a resume for such a position, emphasis should be placed on the applicant's inherent:

  • perseverance;
  • contact;
  • stress tolerance;
  • punctuality.

These personal characteristics, no doubt, will be appreciated by employers who are interested in hiring a competent employee who can quickly join the team and do an excellent job.

A system administrator may not have communication skills, but not a middle manager, for whom this personal characteristic develops into part of professional skills.

A universal set of personal characteristics of the candidate that the employer will like

In the event that the applicant is applying for a position for which the candidate has not yet gained experience, it is worth emphasizing their own prospects.

Those. list in the resume in the first place, not valuable professional skills (which are not yet available), but positive personal qualities that indicate the potential of the applicant.

There is no completely universal set of personal characteristics for an ideal resume - you can only give an average set of properties that in most cases are considered positive when applying for a job. Which of the personality traits to choose depends on the specific vacant position.

Personal characteristics - an approximate list:

  1. The ability to be objective. It depends on the employee’s ability to sensibly assess the situation and those around him whether the subjective perception of what is happening will cause conflicts.
  2. The ability to remain attentive. It is impossible, as they say, to take such a person by surprise - he is always collected, he is not surprised at anything, it is difficult to bring him to confusion.
  3. It is worth mentioning observation. Sometimes climbing the career ladder depends on this personal trait.
  4. The candidate must have the following mental qualities - they will be appreciated by the vast majority of employers:
    • the presence of analytical skills;
    • the presence of consistency, flexibility of thinking;
    • the ability to find the optimal solution in any situation, including non-standard ones.
  5. Communication skills - as mentioned above, it is advisable to indicate them depending on the vacancy for which the applicant is applying. For a number of positions, the success of the project depends on the employee's ability to conduct business negotiations. In any case, it will not be superfluous to focus on features such as:
    • non-conflict;
    • the ability to build a constructive dialogue with any opponent;
    • , i.e. the ability to lead a team;
    • the desire to defend a personal opinion, a personal point of view.
  6. and tranquility. The already mentioned competence attracts precisely the ability of a potential employee to work independently. Such a person does not require constant monitoring by superiors - the employee clearly understands the scope of his job duties and is ready to cope with his tasks.

Attention! The indicated positive properties must correspond to reality - during the interview, the candidate will have to prove that he fully possesses all the personal qualities that the applicant wished to indicate in the questionnaire.

In addition, it is worth showing a sincere interest in getting a position - preparing counter questions for an interview, preparing answers to possible questions from the employer in advance, inquiring about the history of the company, etc.

Serious attention when compiling a resume should be given to their professional qualities. It is by them that the employer will judge whether you are suitable for the company or not. Accordingly, professional qualities for a resume must be selected and listed very carefully in order to attract a recruiter who will communicate with you during the interview.

Professional qualities for a resume

Professional qualities - this is how you can characterize the totality of personal qualities, as well as all the skills that a person managed to acquire throughout his professional activity. They can help you improve in the future and bring tangible benefits to your company.

Sometimes there are qualities that can be called professional only conditionally. For example, referring to them as “a developed sense of humor”, the applicant is unlikely to attract the attention of a recruiter. Unless a person is looking for a job as a party host - then a sense of humor can still be called professional.

How to get an effective resume with a profitable description of your professional qualities?

We offer professional assistance to job seekers who want to take their job search seriously and get a quality result.

Strong professional qualities for a resume

  • desire for professional growth;
  • the ability to convince;
  • increased performance;
  • analytical thinking.

All this will allow the recruiter to navigate and understand how to build communication with you and what your qualities should be better revealed at the interview.

For example, the same lack of experience can be supplemented with qualities such as result orientation and a quick learner. Thus, the employer, realizing that there is no need to expect instant results from a new employee, still gets the opportunity to create from him exactly the specialist that is required. If your future employer is forward-thinking, you stand a good chance.

Examples of professional qualities in a resume

It must be remembered that when listing any of the professional qualities, it is necessary to coordinate this list with the requirements that apply to the position. For example, accuracy can hardly be attributed to professional qualities and defining criteria for a candidate applying for a top manager vacancy. But it can be a very tangible plus for the post of secretary. Therefore, when choosing professional qualities for a resume, consider how one or another of them will be appropriate for you in a future position.

Here are a few situations related to certain professions that require some specific qualities.

An example of professional qualities for a manager's resume

  • a responsibility;
  • performance;
  • the ability to negotiate;
  • enterprise;
  • ability to make decisions quickly.

An example of professional qualities for an accountant resume

  • performance;
  • accuracy;
  • punctuality;
  • organization.

An example of professional qualities for a sales manager resume

  • the ability to find a common language with people;
  • public speaking skills;
  • the ability to quickly navigate the situation;
  • creativity.

As you can see, there is a difference in professional qualities. It all depends on what position you intend to apply for. But do not forget that the list of qualities should not be too long. If it contains about 10 points (or even more), then there is a high probability that your resume will be put aside: after all, the recruiter will get the feeling that you are just praising yourself. Show moderation - and the recruiter will appreciate your professional qualities in the resume.

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