Berestov, we were friends. Poetry is a world of feelings, impressions, experiences (a lesson in expressive reading of poetry by heart)

Goals: instill a love of poetry; improve the ability to expressively read poems by heart.

Equipment : collections of poems by V. Berestov.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

I invite you guys to the literary living room dedicated to the work of V. Berestov.

II. Introduction to the topic.

Early glory

"Poet! Poet!" - shouted after.

The poet was young.

He didn't dream of fame.

He dreamed of reprisal

With everyone who follows the poet

He shouted: “Poet! Poet!"

Prove the biography of this poem. (At the age of 8, he wrote teasers about his classmates, for which they beat him badly.)

Think about what I. Zverev wanted to say about V. Berestov with his statement (writing on the board): "A smart poet - if he is really smart and a poet - double joy." (The poet not only feels, but also understands life.)

Berestov was passionate about life. He loved to play with children and he knew how to play the way children play. The poet was happy, together with the children, to “rediscover and master the world.”

III. Announcement of the topic and setting the objectives of the lesson.

The words of Berestov himself will be the goal of our "literary living room" - "to rediscover and master the world."

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Guess the riddle:

Whoever goes to the house

Everyone takes the hand.


Berestov's talent is so multifaceted that he has not just a door, but a real witness to time.

1. Reading the poem "The Door".


Here is the door. You were brought into it with a bag,

And they took her out in a wheelchair.

And here he is, wrapped in a hood,

You drag your sleigh to the threshold.

You are a first grader. There is a blizzard in the yard.

In his hand is a briefcase full of books.

Grow up. Notches crawl up the door.

The key to it is already entrusted to you.

It's the same door. And yet she leads

In another life, in another time.

What is the idea of ​​this poem? (The author showed the stages of growing up of his lyrical hero. From the door of the house, where “you were carried ... in a bag”, to the school threshold. The first teacher, friendship with classmates, with whom they “fought and argued without respite” ...)

Conclusion: the poem "The Door" is an opportunity to look back, listen to yourself.

V. Berestov convinces his reader that changes have come and one must learn to understand oneself as new.

2. Reading the poems "Man" and "Tug".


Father was called to the front.

And for this reason

I must live from now on

As a man should.

Mother is always at work.

The apartment is empty.

But in a house for a man

There will always be a job.

Buckets full of water.

Swept apartment.

Easy to wash dishes

There is not a drop of fat on it.

From three cards coupons

They cut my hair at the grocery store.

Breadwinner and earner.

The male. Senior in the house.

I'm sincerely sure

What became the father's replacement.

But in that distant life

Blessed, pre-war,

Father didn't work

Similar deeds.

Mother replaced father.

I help my mother.


I am a tug. What is a tugboat to do?

Attached - the ceiling.

Here I go again to the apartment

To the attached student.

Attached sits as beaten,

And looks at the textbook with resentment,

And sadly puts on the sofa

Adventure chubby novel.

What are you looking at? I'm the same boy

And not smarter than you

And the textbook is the same book,

Just a little more boring.

What qualities of human character did the author speak about in these verses? (Responsibility, dignity, loyalty to family and friends, etc.)

3. Reading the poem "We loved you for no particular reason ...".

The path of growing up is difficult. Read a poem about parental love.

Loved you for no particular reason

Because you are a grandson

Because you are a son

For being a baby

For growing up

Because he looks like mom and dad.

And this love until the end of your days

It will remain your secret support.

What is the secret of parental love? (They love their child just like that, for no special reason.)

But the people around have become more demanding. If you want to be loved - be able to prove that you deserve it. Think how to do it? (Kindness, sincerity, selflessness.)

4. Reading the poem "Own - someone else's."


Here is my city now, and here is my house.

After all, forever with all your goodness

We moved here yesterday.

I'm standing in the middle of an unfamiliar courtyard.

The dog does not know that I am the owner here,

And I don't know what his name is.

I'm going to walk down my street...

What kind of people, what kind of houses on it?

Everything is unclear today. All wrong.

Nobody is a friend. But no one is an enemy.

Boys. That one is lower. That big one.

I, brothers, are here. I am not a stranger to you.

Girl. Silly bum. Smart look.

And acquaintance with a bow is to be.

Here is the corner. Turn or again

Walk down the street? How strange to know

That this unfamiliar city is mine,

And go home to an unfamiliar house.

What feelings overwhelm the lyrical hero?

Try to explain why you recognize yourself in the lyrical hero of Berestov?

Read poems that support this idea.

5. Reading the poems “Indian”, “The ball flies from under the knee ...”, “We were friends with you ...”, “Heroes”.


He woke up an Indian! Hi all!

He is Chingachgook's brother and Hiawatha.

Where's the feather head? There are no feathers.

And Hiawatha got out of bed.

There, where the jackdaws are heard,

Where the woodpecker marks the pines of the forest ...

What kind of feathers you will not find there!

And the day has passed. And he was so good

A day in search of an Indian dress.

* * *

The ball flies from under the knee,

Flying over the shoulder.

Play against the wall all day

Maybe a girl with a ball.

Will turn back and forth

Takes it this way and that,

Slap on the ground, slam on the wall

And again through the knee.

And at the same time a sly eye

He sees each of us

Who is smart, who is cute,

Who just doesn't care.

* * *

We were friends with you, like boys are friends,

They fought and argued without respite.

It used to be as soon as we get together with you,

And right away we start fighting.

Again in hand-to-hand or chess combat

We hurry to put each other on the shoulder blades.

Where the sword flashed, there the ball will roll.

Rejoice, winner! Defeated, cry!

We are not tired of these battles,

Though every hundred times died in a duel.

But we kept our friendship.

Still would! She's hardened in battle!


There were bumps on the forehead, Let the head be green

Under the eye - lanterns. And in plasters leg,

Well, if we are boys, But there are still strong ones,

Then we are heroes. To defeat the enemy.

Scratches. Splinters. Stubborn, in the morning we

We are only afraid of iodine! Again, to fight, on patrol!

(Here, without hesitation, tears .. Scars from those battles

The commander himself is pouring.) They still remain.

Conclusion: poems by V. Berestov call to seek, play, compete.

Physical education minute

6. Reading the poem "What is sweetest of all."


What's cutest

For you boy?

Berestov Valentin

Poems about children

Valentin Berestov

Poems about children

Loved you for no particular reason

Grandma Katya

Third try

From the cycle "School lyrics"

He pulls his hand over the desk and pulls

Where is the right, where is the left


We were friends with you, like boys are friends

Loved you for no particular reason

Because you are a grandson.

Because you are a son.

For being a kid.

For what you are growing.

For being on dad and mom

And this love until the end of your

It will remain your secret support.

Grandma Katya

I see Grandma Katya

Standing by the bed.

Came from the village

Grandma Katya.

Mom knot with a hotel

She submits.

I'm quiet

Dried pear vanity.

I told my father

As a child:

"You, baby, yourself

Unharness your horse!"

And respectfully asked

Leaning over me

"Would you like a fairy tale,

My father?"

Again, like many years ago,

I go into the familiar courtyard and garden.

The yard is empty. And no one in the garden.

How can I find comrades?

No one... And yet there is someone.

Empty... But they should be here.

One, two, three, four, five,

I'm going looking!

I'll take my hands off my eyes.

Hey guys! Who fell into the grass?

Who's in the shed? Who's around that corner?

Who is there behind the birch trunk?

I don't believe in an empty yard.

I still play with you.

Taught lessons. I repeated the lessons.

Having done the lessons, he rushed to the lessons.

How I listened to the lessons in the lesson!

How did the lessons answer at the blackboard!

And having deserved reproaches or reproaches,

I immediately learned from them.

I followed the teacher with my eyes.

Nothing distracted me.

And who then sat at the desk next to,

Let him forgive, I did not hear him.

Teaching ... Man is ruled by passions,

And I have this passion was in power.

In any of us sits a schoolboy-slave,

Afraid that they will be called to the board.

In each of us lives a cheerful schoolboy,

Drawing theorems in the sand.

For the school spirit without the admixture of schoolchildren,

As for a horse, ready to give half the kingdom.

Third try

You don't immediately leave the arena

And you don't draw the line right away.

Three attempts are given to the athlete

To take the height.

Failure, but you are not at a loss:

The decisive moment is near again.

You're getting ready for your third try

Watching others try.

Run up. Take off. And - done!

Heralding a new struggle

The bar is set higher, and again

Three attempts are given to you.

But it didn’t work out (an attempt is not torture),

Grit your teeth, get ready and wait.

And it turns out that the third attempt

It always stays ahead.

From the cycle "School lyrics"

He pulls his hand over the desk and pulls.

Will no one even look at him?

He's all impatient: "Ask me!"

As if, having driven a horse along the road,

Here he rushed with an urgent package,

With urgent package and accurate reply.

Do not need marks in the journal and in the diary,

It is enough that he penetrated the secret,

That a miracle happened, the task was solved ...

Please ask! Do mercy!

Where is the right, where is the left

The student stood at a fork in the road.

Where is the right, where is the left, he could not understand.

But suddenly the student scratched his head

With the same hand that he wrote with.

And he threw the ball, and flipped through the pages.

And he held a spoon, and swept the floors.

"Victory!" came a jubilant cry.

Where is the right, where is the left, the student learned.

You don't have to go to your mom

No need to go to grandma

Please read! Read!

You don't have to beg your sister.

Well, read another page!

You don't have to call.

No need to wait.

We were friends with you, like boys are friends,

They fought and argued without respite.

It used to be as soon as we get together with you,

And right away we start fighting.

Again in hand-to-hand or chess combat

We hurry to put each other on the shoulder blades.

Where the sword flashed, there the ball will roll.

Rejoice, winner! Defeated, cry!

We are not tired of these battles,

Though every hundred times died in a duel.

But we kept our friendship.

Still would! She's hardened in battle!

Valentin Berestov

Poems about children

Loved you for no particular reason

Grandma Katya

Third try

From the cycle "School lyrics"

He pulls his hand over the desk and pulls

Where is the right, where is the left


We were friends with you, like boys are friends

Loved you for no particular reason

Because you are a grandson.

Because you are a son.

For being a kid.

For what you are growing.

For being on dad and mom

And this love until the end of your

It will remain your secret support.

Grandma Katya

I see Grandma Katya

Standing by the bed.

Came from the village

Grandma Katya.

Mom knot with a hotel

She submits.

I'm quiet

Dried pear vanity.

I told my father

As a child:

"You, baby, yourself

Unharness your horse!"

And respectfully asked

Leaning over me

"Would you like a fairy tale,

My father?"

Again, like many years ago,

I go into the familiar courtyard and garden.

The yard is empty. And no one in the garden.

How can I find comrades?

No one... And yet there is someone.

Empty... But they should be here.

One, two, three, four, five,

I'm going looking!

I'll take my hands off my eyes.

Hey guys! Who fell into the grass?

Who's in the shed? Who's around that corner?

Who is there behind the birch trunk?

I don't believe in an empty yard.

I still play with you.

Taught lessons. I repeated the lessons.

Having done the lessons, he rushed to the lessons.

How I listened to the lessons in the lesson!

How did the lessons answer at the blackboard!

And having deserved reproaches or reproaches,

I immediately learned from them.

I followed the teacher with my eyes.

Nothing distracted me.

And who then sat at the desk next to,

Let him forgive, I did not hear him.

Teaching ... Man is ruled by passions,

And I have this passion was in power.

In any of us sits a schoolboy-slave,

Afraid that they will be called to the board.

In each of us lives a cheerful schoolboy,

Drawing theorems in the sand.

For the school spirit without the admixture of schoolchildren,

As for a horse, ready to give half the kingdom.

Third try

You don't immediately leave the arena

And you don't draw the line right away.

Three attempts are given to the athlete

To take the height.

Failure, but you are not at a loss:

The decisive moment is near again.

You're getting ready for your third try

Watching others try.

Run up. Take off. And - done!

Heralding a new struggle

The bar is set higher, and again

Three attempts are given to you.

But it didn’t work out (an attempt is not torture),

Grit your teeth, get ready and wait.

And it turns out that the third attempt

It always stays ahead.

From the cycle "School lyrics"

He pulls his hand over the desk and pulls.

Will no one even look at him?

He's all impatient: "Ask me!"

As if, having driven a horse along the road,

Here he rushed with an urgent package,

With urgent package and accurate reply.

Do not need marks in the journal and in the diary,

It is enough that he penetrated the secret,

That a miracle happened, the task was solved ...

Please ask! Do mercy!

Where is the right, where is the left

The student stood at a fork in the road.

Where is the right, where is the left, he could not understand.

But suddenly the student scratched his head

With the same hand that he wrote with.

And he threw the ball, and flipped through the pages.

And he held a spoon, and swept the floors.

"Victory!" came a jubilant cry.

Where is the right, where is the left, the student learned.

You don't have to go to your mom

No need to go to grandma

Please read! Read!

You don't have to beg your sister.

Well, read another page!

You don't have to call.

No need to wait.

We were friends with you, like boys are friends,

They fought and argued without respite.

It used to be as soon as we get together with you,

And right away we start fighting.

Again in hand-to-hand or chess combat

We hurry to put each other on the shoulder blades.

Where the sword flashed, there the ball will roll.

Rejoice, winner! Defeated, cry!

We are not tired of these battles,

Though every hundred times died in a duel.

But we kept our friendship.

Still would! She's hardened in battle!

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