How to get good eyesight without glasses. W. G. Bates. How to get good vision without glasses

5-11-2018, 08:08

Format: PDF

Quality: Electronic book

Number of pages: 156


Attention! This is not a translation of Bates's book, this book is based on the thoughts and conjectures of the person who wrote it!
If you want to actually get acquainted with the original translation of the Bates book, you can find it at this link:

Doctor's teachings and discoveries William Bates in the field of ophthalmology, although they belong to the middle of the 20th century, are more relevant today than ever.

William Horatio Bates

William Horatio Bates(English William Horatio Bates) (December 23, 1860 (18601223), Newark, New Jersey - July 10, 1931, New York) - american doctor- ophthalmologist, inventor of the original non-drug method restoration of vision through relaxation and exercises.

Born in Newark, New Jersey.

He received his medical education at Cornell in 1881, degree the doctors medical sciences- at the American College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1885.

Bates began his practice in New York, working for a time as a physician assistant at the Manhattan Hospital for the treatment of diseases of the organs of vision and hearing.

Between 1886 and 1888, Bates worked as a staff physician at the Bellevule Psychiatric Hospital.

From 1886 to 1896, Bates also served as a staff physician in the New York eye hospital, works in a number of other medical institutions USA.

From 1886-1891 he taught ophthalmology at the New York Hospital Postgraduate Research Institute.

In 1896, Bates decided to leave his work in the hospital for several years due to the need for experimental work.

In 1902, Bates went to work at London's Charing Cross Hospital. Two years later he began to work private practice in Grand Forks (Dakota), which continues for six years.

In 1910, he took up the post of physician for the care of the visually impaired at the Harlem Hospital in New York and worked there until 1922.

increased many times - television, computers, video ...

Preface to the first edition in Russian

W. G. Bates "Improving vision without glasses"

The famous American ophthalmologist William Bates is the inventor of a method to improve vision without the use of any medications or devices (glasses, lenses).

How to get good eyesight according to Bates

Even today, some of his research and theoretical developments are not recognized. scientific world, but despite this, even after a hundred years from the date of publication of his book "How to gain good vision without glasses” his methods are popular.

The main thing in Bates's theory is the information that the eye produces accommodation, in other words, vision adapts to viewing objects from a close or long distance, by means of tension of the muscles of the surrounding eyes. In traditional ophthalmology, a different point of view is used, according to which the curvature of the lens changes during vision, as well as the length of the eyeball. Bates did not agree with this point of view and was sure that stress and processes are the causes of visual impairment. psychological stress. And depending on the type of voltage, the subject is subject to various kinds disorders (astigmatism, myopia, hyperopia).

One of the most famous and effective exercises is palming. For this exercise, you will need to sit comfortably and relax your neck, then you need to rub, thereby warming up your palms. Next, place your palms over your eyes so that the bases of the little fingers are on your nose, the rest of the fingers are on your forehead, and central part palms in front of your eyes. For your convenience, we recommend that you put a pillow under your elbows or lie down and put it on your chest, you should be completely relaxed. Light should not penetrate through the palms, for this close your eyes. If you do this exercise, you will notice that your eyes are rested.

Most of the rest of the exercises are carried out in the process of palming and deal with working with consciousness. When you close your eyes with your hands, you will notice flickering dots or shapes and colors, these are yours. optic nerves are still working, try to relax by imagining something nice, from time to time you will only see a black background. Try to relax as much as possible and get, as far as possible, a black background, remember something good, if it doesn't work, just imagine black objects. Bates also suggested a method: first remember a few colors, and then think about a white piece of chalk, it will appear on a black background.

Margaret D. Corbett

How to get good vision without glasses

Dedicated with the deepest respect to Dr. William G. Bates, the famous ophthalmologist who found the best way.

Introduction. Good vision and eye

Strained vision undermines 90% of its nerve power in the eye. When, through relaxation, this nerve force recovers to normal level, the calmness of a long-forgotten, and maybe never felt power returns.

This fact has been amply demonstrated by my husband, who has experienced the devastating effects of eye strain. He and I traveled all over the United States in search of a specialist who could help his failing eyesight and relieve his constant pain. The strength of the lenses in the glasses grew, the visual acuity simultaneously fell, and the attacks of constant headaches became more and more violent. No diagnosis was made to him, but in one thing all the doctors were unanimous - that he would go blind. My husband also talked about it - openly, firmly and confidently. Nothing so oppresses a person, and does not test his will to live, as the gradual approach of blindness. So 15 years have passed. As the pain intensified and vision deteriorated both near and far, in the face of my husband's impending blindness, we decided to move to Los Angeles, believing that the beauty of this place would at least soften the approach of the tragedy.

Quite by accident, we stumbled upon Dr. Bates's book "Perfect Vision Without Glasses" in the library. I started reading it aloud to my husband. He was amazed. “That sounds convincing,” he said. - I'll try".

Being quite orthodox in both thought and action, I was annoyed: “Do you think that by doing any of this, you can throw away your glasses that we have carried so far, only to do this? After all, we were told that they would at least a little, but delay blindness.

However, my husband studied the book carefully and tried some of the more basic things it says: solarization, palming, and rocking. "Dr. Bates is right," said my husband. "Relaxing can't hurt, and I'll do it!"

“Then I will help you,” I decided.

We studied together, following every instruction in the book, every recommendation. After 2 weeks, the pain in the eyes and headaches disappeared. Along with the improvement in the condition of his nervous system, his work also improved. digestive tract and intestines. returned to him again normal sleep. Every month my eyesight got better and better, and the need for glasses became less and less. With improved vision, he was able to get a driver's license. Subsequently, he never wore glasses again. In one year, he achieved normal vision for both near and far points. We are indebted to Dr. Bates and his book, Perfect Vision Without Glasses, not only for the relief of pain and discouragement, but for those years of enjoying normal vision and normal health that my husband got.

After his death, I have only one interest left in my life - to continue this noble work, which has done so much for us. I went to New York to see Dr. Bates to learn his method. Back in Los Angeles, I opened my own Eye Training School, where many absolutely different people With poor eyesight- workers, students, military and many others.

In response to requests for help from across the US and many more foreign countries many letters were sent. My students have dispersed both in our country and in other countries, including Brazil, New Zealand, Australia, Hawaii, England and Holland. Many requests were also received from other countries, especially from Italy, Greece and Spanish-speaking countries.

The purpose of this book is to give an idea of ​​some of the ways in which you can relieve eye strain. Reading a book will not take you much time - you can quickly read it on the subway, in your free time, etc. The few minutes of relaxation that these methods will give you will help you to withstand several hours of hard work.

If the above exercises are applied constantly, then this relaxation can become continuous. Anyone who wants to get to know large quantity exercise and go over full course treatments, all of which can be found in my previously published book Help Yourself to Better Sight.

Most people suffer from some kind of visual impairment, but do not know how to get rid of them, because they do not know that they (if the eye is organically healthy) are based on tension. There are several types of tension: physical, associated with muscles; mental associated with nervous system, and emotional, associated with a violation of physical rhythms. All these types of stress affect the eyes, which are a kind of barometer of a person's condition - both good and bad. You can learn to relax and release these tensions.

When healthy eye relaxed, it will function properly. Like a camera, it will flatten, shortening its axis when viewing distant objects, and lengthen its axis when viewing close objects. Only tension gets in the way eyeball undergo such changes in its form. Instead of the muscles of the eye, glasses begin to do this work, as a result of which eye muscles cease to perform their functions and begin to gradually weaken.

Spencer says: “Each gift acquires the ability to function through the performance of its function. If this function is performed for him by another agent, then no adjustments from nature will occur. Rather, nature will go to the violation of its nature in order to adapt to artificial measures taken instead of natural ones. This speaks of importance relaxing the eyes and allowing them to independently perform their functions. If you want to help your eyes, then you have to do a series of simple exercises to relax the eyes. They cannot do any harm and have already brought help to many people. You just need to persuade yourself to do a few of these exercises daily, for a short time, but more often. “A little and often” is the rule for forming the right, good habit. Someday this habit will finally form, and you will always use your eyes correctly. Determine which exercises are most effective for you and do them regularly, conscientiously and thoroughly. You will be surprised by the changes that have occurred with your eyes, thinking, mood and the whole body under the influence of relaxation exercises. Relaxation is the secret to the normalization of many functions. Engage in relaxation and remember the sensations produced by it. Make it a way of life, a habit both at work and during leisure. Learn to use your eyes in a relaxed manner and you will avoid any trouble with your eyesight in the future.

CHAPTER 1. Basic Principles of Relaxation for All

Before you attempt to normalize your vision, you must master the four relaxation exercises: solarization, palming, rocking, and mental imaging. Do them carefully 2-3 times a day for one week before you start the vision exercises. Take off your glasses during all activities.


The sun is both food and drink for the eyes. The Bible says, “Sweet is the light, and it is pleasing to the eyes to see the sun” (Ecc. 11:7).

Recently, at an international ophthalmological convention in New York, German doctor G. Meyer-Schwickerath from Bonn reported that patients with serious eye diseases were helped by watching open eyes in the sun during its sunset. After this improvement was noted, this physician attempted to reproduce similar treatment and in the conditions of his office, using an artificial "sun". For years, the Bates method has advocated the use of sunlight to strengthen any eye, whether healthy or diseased. The practical implementation of his theory gave remarkable results. Eyes that are overly sensitive to sunlight are like greenhouse plants. They are not exposed to either the sun or the air, especially if a person wears dark glasses. Such eyes should be gradually accustomed to bright light. When the eyes recoil in horror from unexpected and bright, unaccustomed sunlight, then the cause of pain in such cases will not be the brightness of the light itself, but something similar to the shock that a person experiences with a sudden change in light intensity. In this situation, it is necessary to calm and relax the eyes in the light.

Almost the entire information flow is perceived by us visually: television, computer technology, the Internet. Therefore, today the youth of today often understands the question of how to have good eyesight. To achieve this result, people resort to various means and methods, both of a medical nature and to non-traditional methods, including the theory of the famous scientist William Bates.

How to get good eyesight?

The most important thing to realize and accept is that even if you excellent vision, the eyes must work correctly. You should follow a few rules and your eyes will be grateful to you for a long time:

in order to gain good vision, take care of optimal and comfortable lighting, the eyes love it and there will be no unnecessary stress long time;

during hard work, the eyes must periodically relax, since overstrain overloads the lens and focus is disturbed. This is done simply: close your eyes with your palms, isolating them from light for a few minutes;

to prevent vision problems, periodically read the text typed in small print - the work of the lens and muscle tension for reading stimulates blood circulation and elasticity. But such an activity should not exceed 20-25 minutes a day;

interesting training for the eyes "flipped reading". A very useful thing, I must say, to preserve vision. At first it is difficult to read, but over time, you will get a taste, you will like it and your eyes will like it;

to get good eyesight, go to fresh air, use different breathing techniques. Ophthalmologists say that the cause of eye fatigue and visual impairment is oxygen starvation.

eye wash. Attention! Eye drops aside, because no matter who they are, in any case, addiction and adaptation occur, which means that the effect of the drops will weaken over time. Rinse your eyes to prevent good vision with plain water;

eye massage will help restore good vision,;

add foods to your diet rich in vitamin A and keratin: vegetables, fruits, honey, eggs, fish and seafood;

to save your eyesight, forget about smoking and alcohol. This moment is clear to everyone!

try to wear sunglasses as needed, but not for a long time. Our eyes are designed to be easy to carry sunlight. It is better to use them in lighting conditions.

How to restore good vision according to the Bates method?

The proposed vision restoration technique by William Bates is based on the fact that the main cause of any vision problems is stress. internal muscles, and the way to recovery is the systematic implementation of practical exercises. The most effective is palming. Its principle is simple: you should relax the muscles of the eyes and face enough to achieve a completely black background.

This is what leads the eyes to complete relaxation, and therefore to the restoration of good vision. There is also a well-known method of the author “solarization” and a number of others that train the lens and muscles. But modern ophthalmologists do not recognize such a concept of gaining good vision, despite the popularity of this method throughout the world.

Seek medical attention or use non-traditional methods restoration of vision, of course, you decide. But really take advantage actionable advice reputable optometrists should be followed by anyone interested in the health of their eyes.

And finally, advice to those who wear glasses. Take off your glasses periodically and do your usual work without them. Train your eyes, rebuild your consciousness that glasses are an obstacle in order to gain good vision. Believe your eyes!

Computers, televisions, text documents - the eyes of the average person receive good rest only when he goes to bed. In this regard, good vision turns into an unattainable dream. There are still ways to restore it without resorting to surgery. The most popular of them are described in this article.

How to restore good vision? Gymnastics

Simple exercises will help activate the blood supply to the eye tissues, give muscle tone, strengthen them and relieve overwork. If a person seriously intends to gain good eyesight, time for gymnastics will have to be allocated daily.

  • The first exercise starts with eyes closed. The eyelids fall, the person alternately looks left and right. After 20 repetitions, go to circular motion constantly changing direction. After 20 circles, you need to open your eyes and direct the pupils to the nose, repeating this action 10 times.
  • The next exercise, the purpose of which is good vision, is performed at the window. First, a person stares at any element that is nearby, for example, a bird on a tree standing nearby. Then he redirects his gaze to distant details.
  • The third exercise is carried out with closed eyes. You need to "write" with your nose in space, imagining it as a pencil. You are allowed to draw pictures, put your own signature and perform other actions that your imagination tells you.

Practicing solarization

Solarization - recently invented with the help of which the desired norm of vision is achieved, according to the promises of the creator. You can choose any of the exercises below or combine them for greater effectiveness. Required condition- the presence of sunlight.

The best time for gymnastics is sunrise. Man takes comfortable position, looking to the east, concentrates his eyes on the sun. The main task is to continuously observe the increase in the bright disk.

Another pleasant exercise is the contemplation of those playing on the water. For its implementation, any vast body of water is required - a lake, a river, a sea.


Palming was also developed by William Bates, who declared the technique the result of lengthy experiments. Special gymnastics will help people who have myopia, strabismus. It not only provides good vision, but also removes the tension that has become the result of long gatherings at papers or a computer.

Palming can be practiced in any comfortable position that can provide complete relaxation of every cell of the body. To obtain heat, the palms are rubbed against each other, then superimposed on the eyes. Their snug fit is not required, it is allowed to grab the nose slightly. The main thing is that the eyes are under the influence of heat, which returns the lost energy to them. The pose is maintained for 5 minutes, reproduced daily.

We accept water procedures

The main idea of ​​the method is based on the contrast provided by the alternating exposure to cold and hot water. Due to it, blood circulation in the retina is activated.

best time for water procedures- morning. You need to prepare two pieces of any fabric, immerse one in cold water, the other - in boiling water. First, a heated cloth is placed on the eyes, held for two minutes. Then it is replaced by a cooled cloth, which is also removed a couple of minutes later.

How to restore vision with drops?

A person who is concerned about eye problems should definitely look into the pharmacy. Drops are useful for those who have poor and good eyesight for prevention. A well-known and affordable option from an economic position is the Russian Taufon, the Belgian Quinax will cost a little more.

Eye drops will help start the broken metabolic processes, stop the development of myopia/farsightedness, improve vision. First of all, older people should pay attention to them.

Exercise glasses will help

This device has proven itself as a tool for restoring vision. It looks like a plastic colander, the role of lenses is played by perforated dies. The essence of the method is the forced reduction of the pupil diameter. The duration of training is about a year.

Before starting classes, it is worth checking your eyesight, as the creators of the accessory promise an increase in its sharpness up to 20-30%. Glasses are put on for about 10 minutes, it is advisable to repeat this action up to 4 times a day.

What Foods Improve Vision?

Anyone who is concerned about eye problems should pay close attention to their own diet. There are products shown at

In the weekly menu, you should definitely add blueberries, which provide beneficial effect on the eyes. The dish can be served on the table in any form, even mixed with sugar. A storehouse of carotene useful for vision is carrots, which are also included in the diet. Rose hips, lingonberries, cranberries, calamus will be useful.

Traditional medicine recipes

Not only a specialized clinic helps to solve the problem with the eyes. A person can give himself good vision on his own by turning to experienced folk recipes, easy to prepare.

An infusion based on parsley is made from a tablespoon of the leaves. The product is added to a glass of boiling water, aged for 40 minutes, carefully filtered, taken twice a day. To achieve noticeable results, it is recommended to consume at least two glasses per day.

We are doing sports

If vision difficulties have not yet taken on a global character, it will help active image life. When choosing a sport, it is best to focus on options that involve constant focusing of the eyes, training them. Great solution basketball and football will become, you can prefer badminton, tennis.

Vision hygiene

Finally, the 10th way to deal with Tips to help avoid its deterioration are quite simple. You can not read in low light, lying down and in transport, sit at a computer longer than an hour without a break, forget about special glasses and regular cleaning of the monitor. Keep the functionality important body always easier than rebuilding it.

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