Super Lasik is a vision correction method. Lasik or PRK: we will help you decide which is better to choose What is the LASEK method

PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) is a type of refractive surgery to correct myopia (nearsightedness), hypermetropia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. PRK and LASIK are two fairly common vision correction methods, but differences between PRK and LASIK pretty significant.

Like LASIK and other types of laser eye surgery, PRK corrects the refractive power of the eye by reshaping the surface of the cornea with an excimer laser, allowing light entering the eye to be properly focused on the retina for clear vision.
The main difference between PRK and LASIK is the first step of the operation.

In LASIK, a thin flap is created on the cornea using a microkeratome. This flap is lifted up to expose the underlying corneal tissue and put back in place after the cornea is reshaped with an excimer laser.

The difference between PRK and LASIK in that the thin outer layer of the cornea (epithelium) is removed before changing the shape of the underlying corneal tissue using an excimer laser. Then, as in LASIK, the main part of the cornea is removed with a laser. After the procedure, the epithelium itself will grow over the surface of the cornea for several days after the operation, and its traces will not be visible at all. It's like you haven't had a laser treatment at all. This is good for the military, pilots, firefighters, machinists and people in other specialties who undergo a thorough eye examination at a physical examination.

Also a type of PRK is LASEK (not to be confused with LASIK), it is also available in the arsenal of refractive surgeons. Instead of removing the outer epithelial layer of the cornea, as in PRK, LASEK involves lifting the epithelial layer (using a surgical instrument called a trephine) while maintaining it during surgery. The corneal profile is changed with an excimer laser, and then this epithelium is laid back on the surface of the eye at the end of the procedure.

But when only one epithelium is raised, it often turns out to be unviable by the end of the operation. Therefore, there is a slower recovery of vision compared to PRK, since it takes more time to replace a poorly functioning epithelial layer with a new one in LASEK than to grow a new epithelial layer on a laser-formed smooth surface in PRK.

Differences between PRK and LASIK

Benefits of PRK Flaws
Less depth of operation than with LASIK Slower recovery of vision than LASIK
Suitable for thin corneas Slightly longer discomfort after surgery
Cheaper than LASIK. No risk of complications associated with the valve (cap) There is a small risk of postoperative haze
The operation itself is faster than with LASIK, because. lid does not form Since the epithelium is not removed - less discomfort
After recovery after the operation, it is not visible even to specialists that the operation was performed It takes a little longer to drip drops after surgery

PRK and LASIK. Comparison of results after surgery.

The end results of surgery for PRK are the same as for LASIK. 100% vision is achieved with both procedures. Recovery of vision after PRK is slower because it takes several days for new epithelial cells to regenerate and cover the surface of the eye. But then there will be no signs of performing any operation on the eye. Whereas with LASIK these signs remain and the specialist can find out about the previous corneal correction operation (a pimple formed during the LASIK operation is visible in the thickness of the cornea).
Within 1-2 days after LASIK, patients usually experience less discomfort than after PRK and their vision stabilizes faster (within the same 1-2 days), while improvement in vision with PRK is gradual, and the final result appears after a few days.

PRK has some advantages over LASIK in other respects, since PRK does not require the creation of a corneal flap (an operculum that contains both epithelial and deeper corneal tissues), the entire thickness of the underlying stromal layer is used to correct vision.

This is especially useful if the cornea is too thin for LASIK or if you have had LASIK before and therefore have a thinner residual corneal thickness. Also, if the valve is not created, then there are also no complications associated with its formation, just as there are no postoperative complications associated with it.

There is a new, modified version of PRK - trans PRK. With this method, neither the surgeon nor the laser touches the patient. The operation is completely contactless. This circumstance reduces discomfort during the operation and reduces the total time of the operation.

Let's summarize the advantages and disadvantages of PRK and LASIK in one table.

In Nizhny Novgorod, only in the clinic "Vizus-1" - these operations are performed on a laser device of the latest generation.

With the help of the LASIK method, uncomplicated cases of refractive errors are well eliminated, with more complex cases, the more modern SuperLASIK operation is better handled. The surface of the cornea is not disturbed, and the surgical intervention takes place on the middle layers of the cornea. A few days later, high visual acuity develops.

The clinic operates an excimer laser EC-5000CX-III -NAVEX Quest "(Japan) (the most modern laser of the latest generation in the region, 2010) on which the SuperLasik operation is performed. After a diagnostic examination, you will be recommended a correction method suitable for your situation, which will give the best result.

Operation SuperLasik

In addition to myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism, there are subtle violations of the optics of the eye - aberrations of a higher order (affect contrast, color perception, twilight vision, glare, halos, etc.) Super LASIK surgery allows you to achieve the best result with such violations. The goal of Super LASIK is to bring the optics of the eye closer to the theoretical ideal.
The special feature of Super LASIK is the most precise laser "resurfacing" of the cornea based on preliminary aberration analysis data. It became possible to measure and eliminate absolutely all irregularities (pathological irregularities) of the cornea.
A fundamentally new approach to the study of corneal aberrations makes it possible to take into account all the smallest features of its structure and calculate the correction zones as accurately as possible. With the help of a special computer program, the data of aberrometric analysis are transferred to the laser. Vision is simulated, demonstrating its predictable quality. The account goes on microns. The laser beam selectively corrects only those areas of the cornea that have a deviation from the norm. Absolutely all aberrations that affect the quality of vision are eliminated. The accuracy of this approach is so great that it became possible to correct aberrations resulting from surgery performed on other excimer lasers.

This approach is maximally personalized and makes it possible to obtain an ideal surface of the entire cornea. As a result, not only high visual acuity is restored (which often exceeds 1.0), but also its optimal quality (clearness, brightness, contrast, lack of light and double vision). Such indicators remain unchanged even in the evening and at night.

The difference between lasik surgery and super lasik surgery - video

Using the latest femto lasik laser technology, you can achieve great results without risk.

Sometimes surgery is the only chance to see the world in all its colors. If earlier such procedures were quite dangerous and did not guarantee success, today the situation has completely changed.

Laser vision correction was proposed in the middle of the last century by the Colombian ophthalmologist Barraquer. His idea was truly revolutionary. It took almost 20 years to create the first excimer laser.

And 10 years later, in one of the clinics in Berlin, with his help, the first operation was successfully performed. But after a few years, laser vision correction was introduced in all well-known ophthalmological clinics in America and Europe.

Operations carried out with the help of a laser are absolutely safe and highly effective. Their essence lies in the correction of corneal defects. The laser changes its irregular shape and corrects the defects that led to visual impairment. After that, the refraction of light in the eye changes, it focuses on the retina, and the patient begins to see clearly. Today, laser correction techniques have become diverse and accessible to almost everyone. The most modern of them are Lasik and Femtolasiq.

Which is better Lasik or Femtolasiq?

First you need to understand what is the difference between these two methods. And it lies in the way the corneal flap is formed. With the Lasik technique, a special mechanical microblade is used for this. Femtolasiq involves the formation of a flap with a femtosecond laser (laser with ultrashort pulses).

Both methods are effective and have good reviews among patients. They are safe and painless. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the lasik or femto lasik method based on individual medical indications, the financial capabilities of the patient and the technical equipment of the clinic in which the operation will be performed.

Femto Super Lasik

The advantages of Femto Lasik are that all stages of the operation are performed exclusively by technology. This implies high accuracy. A femtosecond laser fires tens of thousands of pulses in seconds. They form one precise cut. In addition, its beam seems to “spread” the tissues, penetrating to the desired depth.

Thus, it is easy for the surgeon to calculate everything and form a corneal flap of the required parameters. For a clearer drawing up of a laser correction program, a comprehensive examination of the patient is carried out before the operation. This helps the doctor get all the data they need down to a fraction of a micron.

Thanks to Femto Lasik, even patients with thin corneas can count on a successful outcome of the operation. Although previously surgery for vision correction was contraindicated for them. Also, the introduction of high-precision laser technology has given hope to people with profound myopia. Such patients were previously denied surgery for medical reasons.

The procedure itself takes only 10-15 minutes. And the laser exposure is 30-40 seconds for both eyes. In total, the patient stays in the clinic for 1.5-3 hours. Then the person receives a doctor's recommendation and goes home.

In this case, during the procedure, there is a very slight increase in intraocular pressure, compared with the imposition of a vacuum ring of a mechanical keratome.

Another advantage of Femto Lasik is a significant shortening of the rehabilitation period. In just 1.5 hours after the end of the operation, the sensation of a foreign body in the eye, lacrimation, and photophobia disappear.

Therefore, the answer to the question “what is better Lasik or Femto Lasik” lies on the surface. Femto Lasik can be called an improvement of the highly effective Lasik technique. People who have chosen this method of vision correction are not threatened with the consequences that are characteristic of previous technologies of eye microsurgery.

Indications and contraindications

Femto Lasik vision correction is indicated for myopia, hyperopia, any kind of astigmatism. But like any type of treatment, there are limitations and contraindications for its implementation.

It is not advisable to carry out the procedure for children under 18 years of age. Because their eyeballs are not fully formed. Any surgical intervention in the cornea of ​​​​the eye at such an early age can have negative consequences.

Pregnant women should be especially careful when approaching eye microsurgery using Femto Lasik (as well as any other technique). During this period, significant changes in the hormonal background occur and the body's reaction to surgery is somewhat unpredictable.

Also, patients with diabetes mellitus, women during lactation, people with endogenous psychoses, diseases of the anterior and posterior parts of the eye, clouding of the cornea, significant changes in the fundus of the eye also require special treatment.

Absolute contraindications for Femto Lasik laser vision correction are: glaucoma, keratoconus, progressive myopathy, cataracts, autoimmune diseases (such as arthritis, collagenosis), immunodeficiency states, the presence of a pacemaker, systemic diseases that affect regeneration processes.

Before performing eye microsurgery using the Femto Lasik technique, you need to undergo a complete medical examination. Based on its results, together with your ophthalmologist, you will be able to make the right decision. Femto Lasik will help color your world with bright colors!

Super Lasik surgery refers to laser vision correction. This is an innovative technology called Keratomileusis. Feature - the operation is performed on the basis of the individual properties of the cornea. Initially, the surface of the cornea is scanned using a corneotopograph device, and the results are displayed. Then the doctor programs the laser unit according to the patient's personal data. This technique gives 100% efficiency. Among other things, Super Lasik allows you to maintain the maximum thickness of the cornea, which is impossible with other methods of correction. It is also possible to operate on patients with a minimum thickness of the cornea.

Each technique of laser vision correction has individual features, among which are indications and contraindications, methods of preparation and stages of the operation, advantages, and much more.

Benefits of the Super Lasik Method

  1. A deep study of the anatomical features of the optical system of the eye of an individual person.
  2. The ability to install the program for each person.
  3. Reduced risk of laser damage.
  4. The efficiency of the method is 100%.
  5. Simultaneous restoration of visual acuity, twilight vision and sensitivity.
  6. Minimum recovery time.
  7. Maximum safety and harmlessness.
  8. The maximum time is 10 minutes.

Preparatory stage and indications

Before performing Super Lasik surgery, the doctor carefully examines the patient and predicts the result. No special preparatory measures are required. But the patient must exclude the use of alcoholic beverages 2 days before the operation. The indications include the following:

  1. Nearsightedness and farsightedness.
  2. Astigmatism and different visual acuity in both eyes.
  3. Labor activity of a person, involving work in unfavorable conditions for the eyes. For example, firefighters, pilots, etc.


Operation Super Lasik has 2 types of contraindications - relative and absolute. In the first case, surgical intervention cannot be carried out temporarily, that is, until the patient gets rid of the reason for the ban. And they can be different:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the visual organ.
  2. Dry eye syndrome.
  3. allergic manifestations.
  4. Pregnancy, postpartum and breastfeeding.
  1. Cataract and retinal detachment.
  2. Excessively thinned cornea and infection of the eyeball.
  3. Weakened immunity in diseases such as HIV, AIDS, oncological neoplasms.
  4. Diseases of a systemic nature and the endocrine apparatus: diabetes mellitus, inflammation of the thyroid gland, rheumatism, bronchial asthma, etc.
  5. One eye is blind.

Stages of the operation

    Creation of a corneal flap and its subsequent unfolding. This is considered the most important and difficult step, since accuracy is needed to evenly create a flap from the corneal layer. For this, a microkeratome device or a femtosecond laser is used.
    Evaporation of corneal tissue using a laser machine.
    Returning the flap to its place. In this case, suturing is not required. The corneal layer is fixed spontaneously.

Rehabilitation rules

After the Super Lasik operation, the patient should lie in bed for about 2 hours. After that, the surgeon performs a control examination of the operated visual organ using a slit lamp. The patient can then go home. At home, you should follow some rules:

  1. You can not rub the gas with your hands and wash it under running water.
  2. Swimming in any reservoirs during the week is excluded.
  3. Women are forbidden to paint with decorative cosmetics for 2 weeks. It is also undesirable to use creams, tonics and makeup removers.
  4. The first 3 weeks are not recommended to carry weights, engage in power and contact sports, make sudden movements and engage in physically hard work.
  5. You can not overstrain your eyes, that is, sit at a computer, TV, book for a long time.
  6. Be sure to drip your eyes with special eye drops that the doctor will prescribe.
  7. It is forbidden to insert contact lenses.

Differences between laser vision correction methods

There are several types of laser vision correction. There are some differences between them. Therefore, many people are interested in the question: Femto Lasik, Lasik and Super Lasik - what is the difference? This is what needs to be analyzed in more detail.

What is Lasik

Lasik is a type of laser vision correction. This is the first method from this group. Correction is carried out in two main stages. The first thing the surgeon does is create a corneal flap (flap) and carry out the correction. To do this, an excimer laser acts on the corneal tissue. The flap consists of Bowman's membranes, epithelium, stroma. These layers are cut off by means of a microkeratome device, but the flap is not completely removed, but remains, as it were, on a leg. The second stage involves processing the inner part of the stroma with the same excimer laser. This allows you to create a completely new surface. Then the flap returns to its place. The peculiarity is the preservation of the layered structure of the cornea.

What is Super Lasik

What Super Lasik is was discussed above. This method is improved, unlike Lasik. The only difference is the ability to program the laser unit to the individual characteristics of the structure of the cornea of ​​each patient.

What is Femto Super Lasik

Femto Super Lasik is considered to be a more modified metol, in contrast to the 2 previous methods of laser vision correction. The peculiarity is that the corneal flap is created using a femtosecond laser device, and not a microkeratome. That is, the flap is cut off by laser exposure in a matter of seconds. The method allows you to install individual programs, make the flap as thin as possible and carry out the operation in the shortest possible time. Femto Super Lasik hasn't been used that long, and the innovative equipment is prohibitively expensive. For these reasons, the operation is very expensive.

What to choose, PRK or Lasik? If you decide on a laser vision correction surgery, then you will face the question: “With the help of which operation is it better to do this?” Currently, there are two main methods of laser correction: PRK and Lasik. Let's look at what these operations are, their disadvantages, advantages, differences.

PRK - Photorefractive Keratectomy

PRK surgery was the first laser surgery to be used to correct vision in humans, back in 1985. This technology uses an excimer laser, with the help of which, with an ultraviolet cold beam, the corneal tissue is evaporated to the required size, under the supervision of a computer. This method is used in cases of: myopia (-1.0 - -6.0 diopters), hyperopia (up to +3.0 diopters), astigmatism (-0.5 - -3.0 diopters). It consists of several stages:

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  1. local anesthesia is used (in the form of eye drops), in order to soften the epithelium, alcohol is used, the eyelid and the eye are fixed with an eyelid dilator, and sometimes with a vacuum ring;
  2. remove the epithelium with a microsurgical spatula;
  3. excimer laser corrects the cornea;
  4. after correction, the cornea is treated with an alcohol solution, antibacterial drops are instilled, and then a special lens is placed that will protect the cornea while the epithelium is restored.

Benefits of PRK

  • non-contact method of treatment;
  • carrying out the operation in one day;
  • after the operation, clarity of vision is guaranteed;
  • in the recovery period, a consistently predictable result;
  • absence of pain;
  • insignificant probability of negative phenomena during the procedure and after;
  • the admissibility of using technology with a thin cornea.

Disadvantages of PRK

  • long rehabilitation period;
  • painful, unpleasant sensations during the rehabilitation period;
  • temporary unstable clouding of the surface layer of the cornea (haze);
  • sometimes small inaccuracies in correction (0.25 - 0.75 diopters).

Lasik - laser intrastromal keratomileusis

Operation Lasik

The Lasik method, in English Lasik, is called in some articles as Lasik, in principle, this is not the correct translation from English, but for some reason both names are quite used in the media. This technology also includes the use of an excimer laser, but differs from the PRK method in that the epithelium is not completely removed, but left on a “leg”, a flap is created, which, after correction, returns to its place. Lasik is used in cases of: myopia (up to -15.0 diopters), hyperopia (up to +6 diopters), astigmatism (+3 - -3 diopters).

This technology also consists of several stages:

  1. first, painkillers are instilled, the eye is fixed;
  2. then a corneal flap (flap) is created with a special-purpose device, now two devices are used - a microkeratome (Lasik) or a femtosecond laser (Femto-Lasik);
  3. correct the cornea with an excimer laser;
  4. the flip is put back, it sticks together with the cornea, with the help of adhesion of the macromolecule (collagen) of the main substance of the cornea (stroma);
  5. the cornea is washed, then antiphlogistic (anti-inflammatory) drops are instilled;
  6. repeat the first steps on the other eye if needed.


  • preservation of the epithelium;
  • quick recovery, the next day it is possible to do ordinary things;
  • no pain, discomfort during and after surgery;
  • no side effects such as clouding of the cornea;
  • the possibility of surgery on both eyes;


  • there is a risk of bleeding;
  • inability to use with a thin cornea;
  • the need for an additional stage in which the flap is formed;
  • the possibility of distortion, even a year after the operation, due to poor adhesion of the flap to the cornea;
  • an expensive operation.

Preferences between PRK and Lasik

So, the difference between the methods of PRK and Lasik is significant. At the moment, the advantage is given to Lasik, but PRK is also not abandoned due to a number of reasons. Consider in what cases and for what indications this or that method is preferable:

  1. With and , these methods give approximately the same result, but if you have a high degree of myopia, then your vision is corrected only with the help of Lasik.
  2. With medium and especially high farsightedness, PRK does not give a guaranteed result, therefore, with these indications, it is better to give preference to Lasik surgery.
  3. In cases of astigmatism, Lasik is also recommended, especially in cases of severe astigmatism.
  4. If you need to get back to work as soon as possible after the operation, only Lasik will provide you with this opportunity, literally the next day you will be able to do your usual business.
  5. Efficiency in predicting results is better with Lasik, with PRK, clouding of the cornea is possible and not all layers of the cornea are restored, so penetration of infections is possible.
  6. If you have a thin cornea or your skeletal structure does not allow you to use a microkeratome, which is used in the Lasik method, then it is better to correct vision with PRK.
  7. PRK is also used in clinics where they cannot afford the expensive equipment that is used in Lasik, and the qualifications of laser surgeons are insufficient to carry out the difficult stage of phlep separation and correction.
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