Is it possible to do laser vision correction during menstruation? Is the operation always available? Contraindications to laser vision correction Is it possible to do vision correction during menstruation

Tell me, please, those who know, I am at a crossroads. I have myopia -7.22 years old, I wear lenses. For medical reasons, laser vision correction can be done, but I'm afraid, because I heard a lot of "horror stories" that my vision can then worsen even more, that it will be impossible to lead an active lifestyle (sports and *****.) and much more. How true is this? Is it really “better to live” after the correction than before it, with lenses? Thank you!

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Well, do it in one eye, if anything - there is a second one.

I have friends who have done it and are happy with it. I can’t decide something, it’s like it’s impossible to give birth there for 3 years, but suddenly.

You can’t give birth, because retinal detachment can occur from strain, so it can be with myopia, but the operation has nothing to do with it, they don’t touch the retina, it’s on the lens.

Lenses also damage the eyes. Check thoroughly what your diagnosis is, and if there is nothing but myopia (strabismus, etc.), do it.
My friend did it before marriage, she gave birth three times already and it seems nothing, she doesn’t complain

4, on which lens. what are you talking about? It's a corneal operation, nothing more.
Don't be afraid, author. It was -6, I had an operation and realized that I had only suffered in vain with lenses for 12 years. Should have done it earlier.

by the way, from prolonged wearing of lenses, vessels from hypoxia grow into the cornea.

Yes, probably on the cornea, I agree.

I had surgery 2.5 years ago. It was almost minus 9, now everything is fine. I go in for sports - everything is also excellent.

my friend gave birth a year after the correction
so about 3 years is a myth.
By the way, at the consultation, the doctor explained in great detail what and how happens during the operation.
It does not affect the birth process in any way.

sorry for the stupid question 🙂 does it hurt?

girls, who did it, how long does it take to rehabilitate? Do I need to take a vacation for this? And how much does such a pleasure cost? my eyesight is minus 6.5

girls, and with progressive myopia, will the growth of diopters stop or will it continue to grow after operations? I have minus 8 prog. myopia

answer question 11 interesting

answer to question 11. The first 3 hours - tin .. hail of tears from the eyes .. it is impossible to even look at a weak beam of light .. When I arrived from the hospital, I set the computer. an armchair in the bath and in the dark, in black glasses, tama sat this time .. In our city, this costs about 22 pieces.

It doesn't hurt, but it's scary - it's during the operation. And after the anesthetic ceases to act - horror, I agree with Permyachka. I thought I would die. But be patient for a short time, on the trail. the morning is already much easier, but still "sand in the eyes." Vacation, I think, is better to take, so as not to strain once again in front of the computer.
Paid 64,000.

14, with progress. myopia is not advised to make a correction.

And I wear night lenses - I am also immensely happy - this is an option for such fighters like me.
In the morning you shoot - in a container. And you walk all day - you stare, you see everything.

it was -3.5, I got tired of the lenses, I made a correction in the new look using the REIK method a year ago. 70 000 rub. They did it at 2 pm, at 8 pm vision had already fully recovered. there was NO pain. photophobia and tearfulness - yes. the first night you sleep in special plastic glasses, every hour you drip drops. yes in general and all. The first week I limited the use of the computer. I did it on Saturday and went back to work on Monday. no redness, nothing. I don't even remember wearing lenses now. the main thing is a good clinic, a good doctor, and it is better not to save money and use the most progressive method.

Lasik in 2001 (myopia -5.5), removal of astigmatism with strengthening of the retina.
It hurts that day, tears hail.
The next day I went to work, current in s / s glasses, tk. there were bruises on the squirrels from the fixatives. After 3 weeks everything is ok.
2008 - vision again village, now - 1.75 and astigmatism, they can’t explain the reason, they offer a second correction, I’m already afraid.

If work with papers or a computer vision falls again, my friend went to the kindergarten teacher. so that you don’t strain your eyes and everything is OK, but a friend is working at the computer and his vision has fallen again (((

Was it really painful? I don't have a drop. Yes, it's a little annoying, that's all. Especially when water spilled behind the ears (they constantly watered their eyes for some reason). The sensation of sand in the eyes passed after 4 hours. Vision was - 6.5 and astigmatism. Now I see EVERYTHING! It's been 2 years already. Made in Excimer, St. Petersburg. 70000 rubles. I sit at the computer all the time.

klementina tell me in which city they did it and the name of the clinic.

re-read the post, in a new look

I did 2 months. ago, it was -5 in both eyes. A little scary, a little painful, but the main thing is not to worry, everything will be ok. a lot. Will it continue to deteriorate? I'm so upset. it's only 2 months. passed. And did in St. Petersburg, the clinic. Fedorov, about 35 thousand for both eyes.

I did more than 10 years ago, everything, thank God, is good. After that, she gave birth to 2 children. I did it in New Look for 2.5 thousand dollars.

I did it in the summer, everything is very fast and does not hurt at all. Very satisfied. I'm just afraid that it will suddenly start to fall again?

they don’t recommend nulliparous women - and in general - wear better lenses - there is a possibility of complications - 0000000 some percent there - imagine how it would be a shame - if you get into their number - sit on a chair, close your eyes, sit like this for 5 minutes - and now imagine that it's forever. I have a minus 4 - I will not do this to myself for anything

SHI, what if my eyes start to reject lenses? I wore lenses for 8 years, they are good, but then my eyes just began to react to them with constant redness and pain. Never say never

Be careful with lenses, especially when wearing in tech. many years. Ruin your cornea!

I'm probably the most experienced here. Did in 1998 after the crisis, prices fell to $ 200 per eye. First I tried one eye, a year later the other. Vision was -5. "Excimer" in Moscow, "Marxist". True, the FRK method is the cheapest and most traumatic of the laser ones (with it, two eyes were not done at once, first the leading one). Now it doesn't seem to apply. The pain after the end of anesthesia was terrible + lacrimation (I wanted to tie a diaper to my eye, all the skin was corroded from tears) and photophobia. She lay for three days in dark glasses and with dark curtains. As promised, exactly three days later the pain once again - and "turned off". But the recovery went on for another month. With the second eye it was already easier, because. knew what to expect. It didn't hurt, but it was scary. If I knew that it would be so painful (feeling as if a red-hot stake was inserted into your eye and rotated there together with your brains, plus everything is wet, it’s scary to go to the mirror: what if there is a bloody-purulent mess? After all, then few people went through this ), would never go. It's good that they lied to me, as if it were just a little stinging. What happiness it is - after 30 years of wearing glasses, to see everything clear and voluminous and not to panic at the thought that I forgot my glasses at home. I sit at the computer for days, working with papers. For 10 years, nothing has deteriorated. There is no age-related farsightedness either. The most surprising thing is that a familiar ophthalmologist surgeon wears glasses and does not believe that there will be no consequences! He says that there are no sufficient statistics yet.

According to

Hello dear friends!

For a month now I have been in doubt - is it worth doing laser vision correction?

At the moment, I continue to breastfeed my daughter, so for now the operation is contraindicated for me. Therefore, I took advantage of this situation and closely engaged in a comprehensive study of this issue.

I have already studied the technology of laser correction, its types, indications and contraindications. I got acquainted with the reviews of people who made this operation. But doubts remained.

Now I decided to find out the opinions of experts on the advisability of vision correction. If you are also interested, read on.

He talks about the pros and cons of contact lenses, the dangers of laser correction and why doctors themselves prefer glasses. chief ophthalmologist of St. Petersburg, doctor of medical sciences, professor Yuri Astakhov.

- Yuri Sergeevich, now myopia can be corrected in just a couple of minutes with the help of laser vision correction. However, any operation is still a risk. In what cases is vision correction worth doing, and when is it better to avoid it?

Patients very often turn to me with one question: “Can I do laser correction?” I answer: “It is possible, but is it necessary?”

There are clear medical indications for laser vision correction.

Let's say the difference in the refractions of the two eyes. For example, in one eye there is a small myopia, and in the other - a large one.

Glasses will not help here, because people cannot tolerate a difference in glasses of more than 2-2.5 diopters.

It happens that a person needs good vision without glasses due to the nature of his work. The military, athletes, stars can face this.

But most of the people who come to us are ready to have the operation simply for cosmetic reasons. Petersburgers come to me with a slight myopia of two or three diopters. They say, "Give us an operation because we don't want to wear glasses or mess with contact lenses."

But after all, any operation, including laser vision correction, is still a risk. Complications are possible. Patients need to be told about this, to warn them.

It is impossible to have laser vision correction performed by a doctor who is driven, to a large extent, by commercial interests. The state bought us all the necessary expensive equipment. And we do not need, as they say now, to recapture the cost of the laser.

Therefore, we candidly explain the possible consequences of the operation. To give permission for laser correction, the doctor must be sure that the patient's myopia has not progressed over the past two years. Otherwise, some time after the operation, vision may fall again.

Women should remember that myopia can progress during pregnancy. The fact is that during this period of life, the properties of the connective tissue change, and the eye can stretch a little along the axis. So, if possible, the correction is best done after childbirth.

Besides, the possibility of the operation depends on the anatomical features of the eye. For example, you can not make a correction with a very thin cornea. Indeed, during the operation, the uppermost part of the cornea is cut off and leans back, like a shred, to the side. Then the evaporation of a part of the cornea is done, after which this shred is placed in place.

I was told a case when a patient after an operation rubbed his eyes with his hands. And he rolled the shreds from the cornea into a tube ...

In this regard, we can recall the words of the eye microsurgeon Svyatoslav Fedorov: irresponsible attitude of the patient to his health is a contraindication to surgery. And this is absolutely correct.

- Even after laser correction, vision can deteriorate again. Is it possible to do the operation again in this case?

Not excluded. But here it is important to remember that it is also impossible to thin the cornea too much. In this case, it can take a conical shape, protrude under the influence of intraocular pressure. And there will be very serious problems. For the same reason, vision correction is not done for people with a high degree of myopia.

- If the operation was successful, can there be any complications in 20-30 years?

This is unlikely if the laser correction is done correctly, and the patient subsequently monitored his health. Some problems arose only in those who underwent keratotomy according to the Fedorov method. By the way, they are no longer carried out.

And all because this operation is associated with an incision in the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye. This drastically reduces its strength. Even with minimal trauma, say, when hit by a ball, there have been numerous cases of rupture of the cornea in people.

- But if laser correction is safe, why do many doctors wear glasses themselves?

Probably because ophthalmologists, by virtue of their profession, work with various optical magnifying devices. Therefore, the issue of inferior vision is solved very simply: it is enough just to adjust the equipment accordingly.

- Suppose a person refused laser correction. And before him is a choice - glasses or lenses. What is safer?

Contact lenses are a very good means of correcting vision. But they need to be constantly processed, they need to be changed in time. If a person is not ready for this, then it is better to choose glasses. By the way, I would not advise buying lenses in online stores, and glasses in kiosks.

- If the lenses are safe, then why do doctors require them to be removed 3-4 months before laser vision correction?

Lenses do have an effect on the eyes. On the one hand, they slightly deform the cornea. It's OK. But before the operation, this can lead to the fact that the doctor will incorrectly determine the parameters of the cornea.

On the other hand, improperly selected lenses can disrupt the nutrition of the cornea and make it difficult for oxygen to penetrate into it. Then it can adversely affect the healing process after surgery.

The eyes are often called the mirror of the soul. But it happens that this very mirror is hidden by glasses or contact lenses, and all attempts to restore precious vision turn out to be fruitless.

In this case, laser correction can come to the rescue - the most effective, safe and reliable way to restore vision, recognized by the world's leading ophthalmologists. So is it worth it to do laser vision correction - let's find out ?!

Laser vision correction has already "exchanged" the fifth decade. Over the past 10 years alone, more than 5 million such operations have been performed worldwide. The technology of the method has become so perfect that it can restore vision in a matter of minutes to people aged 18 to 55 years.

You don't even have to ask yourself: “What will happen to me if, in the midst of the operation, my eye blinks, and my hand reaches out to straighten my hair? Will my face be with “laser marks”, and the eye will not see anything else?

It's simple - the latest generation excimer lasers are so perfect that at the slightest deviation a special system stops the correction process, and the operation continues only after the alignment of the eye position.

The main advantages of the procedure are painlessness and no hospitalization! It only takes a few days to get back to your normal lifestyle! And no more glasses on the nose, no more lenses!

An excellent result of laser correction depends on two parameters:

  • equipment that meets international standards;
  • high qualification of the doctor, his skill.

Let's dispel the myths about laser vision correction.

Doing laser correction is painful and scary.

It is impossible to say “no” or “yes” here, since the threshold for pain sensitivity is different for each person. It hurts someone from the mere sight of a nurse with a syringe in her hand, someone calmly tolerates a tooth extraction without anesthesia ... It is very important that the patient has the appropriate attitude - this is 50% of the success of the operation.

You can not do laser correction before pregnancy.

No, it's not. You can not make a correction during menstruation, during breastfeeding and during pregnancy. If you are not planning children in the next year or two, then laser correction can be done. In the future, it will not have any effect on either the pregnancy or the baby.

The main criterion for the beautiful half of humanity is a stable hormonal background. According to statistics, about 80% of young girls undergo laser correction before pregnancy.

Usually, the patient experiences discomfort only on the day of the operation, since the surface layer of the cornea is disturbed. The recovery period is sometimes a day, sometimes two, sometimes three. After the operation, the patient moves completely independently, however, it is necessary to wear sunglasses. Quite often, patients return to work within a day. And if there were no retinal pathologies, then there will not even be restrictions on physical activity.

If we focus on the world practice of laser surgery, then approximately 5-7% of patients may have a decrease in the effect of vision correction, which requires intervention within 6-12 months. Moreover, such a regression is possible only with high degrees of myopia or hyperopia, and only a small part of the previous operation returns (up to 1-2 diopters). In this case, a second operation is performed (free of charge).

Doctors state that people with good eyesight are becoming less and less, and the number of bespectacled people and those wearing contact lenses is increasing every day. There are many reasons for this. The quality of vision may depend on heredity, eye diseases, injuries.

Does not add health to our eyes
and prolonged sitting at the computer. Eye problems are solved in different ways. For some, it is enough to wear glasses, for some, surgery is indispensable, and in some cases, special exercises can improve visual acuity.

What to do in certain cases, during the direct line held in Znamenka, told Associate Professor of the Department of Eye Diseases of the Belarusian State Medical University Marina Dzhumova.

- Is it possible to go in for sports after eye surgery and what loads are generally allowed without harm to health?
Alina Nikolaevna

It all depends on the operation and the condition of the retina. If the reader means laser vision correction, then there are no restrictions on playing sports in the absence of changes in the fundus. If there are pronounced changes in the retina associated with myopia, then any sports are contraindicated, since stress can provoke retinal detachment. In each case, the issue is resolved by the ophthalmologist individually.

Is laser correction a surgical intervention? What loads are shown after such an operation?
Andrey, Minsk

Yes, it is laser refractive surgery. It combines a number of procedures that are performed to change the refraction of the eye by acting on the cornea or lens.

LASIK is the most common refractive procedure in recent times. It provides correction of hypermetropia up to 4 diopters, astigmatism without restrictions and myopia up to 12 diopters depending on the thickness of the cornea.

In the absence of changes in the fundus, you can play sports. Retinal changes associated with myopia (thinning, tearing, peripheral degeneration) limit sports. You can not lift weights, perform work with an inclined position of the head, engage in power sports, jumping, running, i.e. any sudden movements are contraindicated.

- Is it possible to give birth naturally after refractive eye surgery?
Marina, Orsha

It all depends on the condition of the retina. All restrictions are connected with it. If there are no changes in the retina, you can give birth naturally.

With high myopia, it is necessary to examine the retina in the third trimester of pregnancy, i.e. examine the fundus. If tears, pre-ruptures, peripheral degenerations are found on the retina, predisposing to retinal detachment, you should definitely contact the laser center and perform laser coagulation of the retina. If there is a threat of retinal detachment, natural delivery is contraindicated. In each case, this issue is decided by the optometrist.

- I want to do laser vision correction. But now I have the first months of pregnancy. When is it better to do it: now or after childbirth?
Anna, Polotsk

Laser vision correction can be done three months before the planned pregnancy. But during pregnancy and lactation - no. It will be possible to do it after childbirth and cessation of lactation.

- What physical and visual limitations can be after laser vision correction surgery? Are there any contraindications for such an operation?
Mikhail Davidovich, Minsk

In the first week after laser correction, physical activity is contraindicated, you can not visit the pool. Limitations are associated with the possible displacement of the corneal flap and its subsequent deformation, wrinkling. In the future, physical limitations are associated with the state of the retina. There are no visual restrictions. The operation is characterized by rapid visual rehabilitation and stabilization of refraction, minimal risk of corneal opacity.

Contraindications for the operation are pregnancy and lactation, chronic inflammatory eye diseases (blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, keratouveitis, etc.), glaucoma, cataract, keratoconus. With diabetes, it is better to refrain from surgery.

- Is the eye open after such an operation or is a bandage applied?

The bandage is not applied, the eye is open. Therefore, it is important that flap displacement does not occur. The operation is associated with minimal discomfort.

- Approximately how much is removed from the thickness of the cornea during laser correction surgery and how safe is additional correction?
Lyudmila Alexandrovna, Molodechno

The amount of tissue removed and the effect of the intervention are limited by the initial thickness of the cornea. To avoid corneal ectasia (progressive thinning and increase in corneal curvature with irregular astigmatism leading to visual impairment), the thickness of the residual stroma after the formation of the flap and ablation (removal) of the tissue should be at least 450 microns.

How safe is re-correction? If this is within the specified corneal thickness, then the correction is safe.

- With what eye diseases would you recommend laser correction?
Sergey Anatolyevich, Zhodino

Glaucoma, cataract, diabetes mellitus, inflammatory eye diseases (blepharitis, conjunctivitis,
uveitis, keratitis (especially herpetic keratitis).

- What are the consequences of unsuccessful eye surgery?
Tatiana, Orsha

It depends on the type of surgery. Various methods of laser refractive surgery are possible.

Allocate intra- and postoperative complications. For example, after LASIK (laser insity keratomileusis) surgery, complications are associated with flap damage (formation of a thin flap, “perforated” holes, uneven flap, etc.).

Postoperative complications are wrinkling, twisting or displacement of the flap, epithelial defects, subepithelial opacities that can cause night blindness, and sometimes diffuse lamellar keratitis or bacterial keratitis.

Quite often there is a syndrome of "dry" eye, when patients complain of sensations of dryness and burning in the eyes. In such cases, tear substitutes are used, preparations that moisturize the eye: natural tear, systain, oxial, hilo-chest, vidisik and others.

It is necessary to consult with an ophthalmologist, as the question of choosing a drug is decided individually. I must say that in most cases, laser refractive surgery goes without complications.

- How long does the lasik operation take and how quickly can I lead a normal life after it?
Elena, Minsk

Laser ablation lasts up to 2 minutes. The total time of the operation on two eyes is 30-40 minutes. The operation causes minimal discomfort, rapid visual rehabilitation and rapid stabilization of refraction. The risk of corneal clouding is minimal. For the first few days after surgery, you should limit physical activity so as not to injure your eyes.

- I have a slight astigmatism, I wear reading glasses. I plan to do laser correction. I want to ask a specialist if I need to do this or not?
Alexander Vyacheslavovich, Minsk

With astigmatism direct and reverse up to 2.0 diopters, spectacle correction helps well. The conclusion about the need for laser refractive surgery can only be given after a complete examination by an ophthalmologist.

Is it worth the risk? If there is a chance that vision will deteriorate even more over time or something, given the kind of medicine we have ... I don’t want to risk it ... I’d rather wear lenses.

And I did laser correction! And from my own experience I can say that the operation is quite expensive, but painless. My cornea itself is thin and therefore they didn’t give me a unit. Almost 3 years have passed. Vision returned to the stage in which it was. Now in lenses. But I don’t particularly complain about the operation in this regard, but rather about myself, since this is the 21st century, and there is no way to remove computers, phones with eternal Internet, etc. from life. But if they asked me: is it worth it. I would not advise .. Only if everything is completely bad.

And I do not agree! I did laser vision correction, I am more than satisfied with the result! My vision was -6 diopters, today -0.5. True, before deciding to do the operation with a laser, she also did, about 12 years ago, scleroplasty. The operation is really not cheap, but worth it.
Finally, I took off my glasses, lenses, I “clearly” look at the world and rejoice! Those who have had vision problems will understand what I mean.
If there are no contraindications, I advise you to do it.

Indira, I support your words! It was not easy for me to decide on an operation, in general, I am almost afraid of doctors to the point of panic attacks, as they call it correctly - the fear of white coats, if I am not mistaken. But my husband insisted, because because of the lenses, my cornea was very dry and complications could begin. We turned to Romashchenko at the clinic for help, ten days before the operation I had to wear glasses, because it is impossible to wear lenses on the eve of the operation. The operation lasted about ten minutes, I was given a sedative before it, so I was in a relaxed state. Now I have forgotten what lenses and glasses are and I am happy about it! Former bespectacled men will understand me.

I am 33 years old and already in the 9th grade my eyesight began to fall. At 32 it was seven minutes. I couldn't even walk without glasses or contact lenses. Plumbing on the face was terribly uncomfortable to wear. I changed 5 pairs, and all the glasses strained me. I experienced terrible discomfort. I started wearing lenses for half a year, which are washed with a tablet every month. A few years later, I switched to those that I wore for 3 months, then my eyes began to get very tired from them. Switched to the ones you wear for a month. And a few years later she began to wear daily. Weekends and work... spectacled. I sit at a computer a lot, my eyes get tired quickly in lenses. I was terribly afraid to do laser surgery, I read reviews: I thought .. either I will be cross-eyed, or I will go blind ....
So, when it's all behind me, I can safely tell you that laser surgery does not lead to either one or the other. There is only one BUT. In the clinic, not a single doctor will tell you the truth, but I will write to you:
1. they promise everything that having minus 5, minus 6 or more .... perhaps there will be one. Don't believe. The unit in this case can only be an exception. 100% unit will be if you have 3 minutes. Doctors cannot cut more, unless they go for laser surgery a second time, but few people have a cornea so thick that it is fashionable to cut it 2 times. These are also isolated cases. So my advice to you: if you are thinking about the operation and you are already minus three ... Do not delay. Until your vision has fallen by another 2 divisions ... Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to return the unit ....
2. Doctors do not talk about a very important point! You can’t do an operation if there is at least some replenishment in the head. In laser clinics, they never examine completely ... Only the eyes look, and they are sent for surgery. And if you have sinusitis (a very common case for young people), this is pus in the nose in millimeters from the eye. I have a friend ENT (the head doctor of the hospital) said that over the past 5 years, three people came to him with sinusitis after laser surgery and all three were BLIND. And the laser clinic will tell you: it was not a laser operation that led to blindness, but sinusitis. And they will be right. But initially no one will warn you about this. And they didn't tell me. When I went to MEDI for examination. Believe it or not, I was booked in for surgery next weekend. I had a little stuffy nose after the holidays and I decided to go to Laura. Sinusitis! He delayed the operation by 2 months. A month of treatment and a month of recovery. I almost went blind…..yeah…
3. And one more thing. Take care of yourself after laser surgery. Don't get cold, don't get sick. Three months. It is better to do the operation in the summer! Let there be a lot of sun, wear glasses on the street, but you won’t catch a cold and you won’t catch the virus. Be careful if you have allergies. Doctors won't tell you about it either.
4. The entire Internet is screaming about the disadvantages of laser surgery, saying that the eyes are more sensitive to the sun, to the wind, more dry and have to be dripped with drops. Yes, it is, BUT I am on the street 2-3 hours a day, and the rest of the time I am indoors and I do not regret at all that I did a laser operation. I get high: the child does not pull off my glasses every minute, I liberated myself by removing this plumbing from my face! I see everything, even if it’s not one, but even at minus 1.5 I can see well both at home and at work. I began to go in for sports, notice the little things in life, it's so nice, it's so important. And if the eyes are not initially dripped with moisturizing drops, because they get used to them and really need to be moisturized later, then the eyes are not dry at all (3-4 months are dry, and then normal!). But now I do not need to constantly carry containers with lenses, moisturizing drops, yes, they were needed for lenses. And everyone wears sunglasses in the summer. So what do you have to lose? Nothing. You only get comfort and a sea of ​​positive emotions.
5. One interesting moment, after the laser surgery, my eyes began to freeze)) All my friends laugh, but in winter my eyes are cold, I just feel how cold I have two apples in my head. You have to close your eyes from time to time to keep them warm. But this is only in winter and only on the street (1 hour a day).
6. And one more thing: childbirth can be difficult and it is not recommended to give birth after a laser operation for a year or two, maybe in general. I had a cesarean, now the whole of Europe is on a cesarean. Moreover, if you have a minus 7-8, you will be recommended a caesarean anyway.
7. It is also important that myopia does not progress within two years!
8. And you can not rub your eyes after the operation. I took care of myself during the day, and tied my hands to the back of the bed for two nights in a row)) That's all.
9. There was also fear. And if the doctor misses, you never know what ... It's simple - the latest generation excimer lasers are so perfect that at the slightest deviation a special system stops the correction process, and the operation continues only after the eye is aligned.
10. And one more important point. After the operation, take care of your eyesight for the first 4 months, and preferably half a year, do not overload your eyes at work. I had -0.8 after the operation. I still continued to work, and after 4 months my vision deteriorated to -1.5. My friends also have a little worse vision. And it remains unchanged. Organisms are different: if one after the operation has 0.5, then the body can pull up to one unit of vision, or it can drop to minus 1.
11. They also say: “Why don’t doctors do laz. surgery if it's safe? They wear glasses." I will answer: because all our doctors are over forty years old. And after 40-50 laser surgery, you can’t do it! That's all.
And young doctors do not do it just because they may have problems with the thyroid gland or something else. There are a number of diseases for which surgery cannot be performed. Please read this information carefully. And if you do not have these diseases and there is no inflammation in your head (nose, ears, teeth, brain). That is not to be afraid! The main thing is to choose not a clinic, but a good doctor! All my friends had surgery at the head physician of the MEDI clinic, so I went to him. He has a million successful operations behind him. The choice is always yours. The main thing is to approach the operation with the head.
Good luck to you.

Olga wrote such a great review, well done. Just laid everything out on the shelves. I will not write like this, I just want one thing - do not be afraid to do laser vision correction. I also doubted for a long time and looked for a clinic, a doctor and so on. But thank God now everything is over and I can safely say that this is the best decision I have ever made in my life. Many thanks to Svetlana Sergeevna Vinnichuk from the K + 31 clinic, who performed the operation on me, a doctor from God. Now everything is in order with my eyesight, if I need the contacts of a doctor, I can also write, but I think you can easily find them on the Internet.

I want to do laser hair removal too. glasses are already tired, I'm afraid of lenses) by the way, I've already heard about the aforementioned clinic, did anyone else do it there, Muscovites, respond?

There is a small mistake in the article, I don’t know, the author or the doctor, but the residual thickness of the cornea under the formed flap in the center after Laser correction should not be 450, but 300-350. If it were the first, then corrections would be suitable not for 70% of people, but for 5-10% of strength.

Sourced from

Methods of laser vision correction (LKZ) allow you to solve problems with myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism.

Despite the fact that such a procedure cannot be called a full-fledged operation, it has a number of contraindications, in which in some cases the correction is prohibited, and in others it is allowed, but only after consultation with the attending physician.

Laser vision correction is considered the most effective and safe method of restoring vision.

Photo 1. The process of laser vision correction. Data on the state of the eyes are displayed on the computer monitor.

But the procedure is not suitable for everyone: There are absolute and relative contraindications. The former include diseases or pathologies in which correction is prohibited, the latter - diseases that are temporary.

Attention! In case of relative contraindications to LKZ - be sure to consult with a specialist and in the future to follow the recommendations for the restoration of the body after laser correction.

For different methods of laser correction, there are contraindications.

  1. Acute eye infection or any other localization (kidneys, lungs).
  2. Corneal dystrophy(if the cell density less than 1.5 thousand per 1 square millimeter).
  3. Grade 4 glaucoma and simple glaucoma that is not compensated by medical medications or surgery.
  1. Cataract(except for the one that does not affect the decrease in vision and does not progress).
  2. Severe diabetic retinopathy.
  3. Subtotal and total retinal detachment.
  4. Keratoconus.
  5. Pronounced DES(dry eye syndrome) and Sjögren's syndrome.
  6. Incurable blindness.
  1. Autoimmune diseases e.g. lupus erythematosus, scleroderma.
  2. Violation of reparative processes, as a result of which, after even small cuts, serious scars are formed.

Most likely, they will also be rejected. patients who suffer from mental and neurological disorders- with such diseases, it is difficult for doctors to predict the behavior of a person after the procedure. As a result, this can cause complications due to non-compliance with the recommendations of specialists.

Relative ones include those pathologies or diseases in which the use of laser correction is possible, but undesirable.

If this technique cannot be dispensed with, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will take all precautions during the LKZ. This will avoid serious contraindications.

  1. Chronic eye infections especially during an exacerbation.
  2. SSG of a weak degree.
  3. Viral keratitis or its consequences, especially with herpetic keratitis (when using a laser, the herpes virus can be activated).
  4. Decreased sensitivity of the cornea.
  5. Glaucoma 3 degrees.
  6. congenital cataract.
  7. Corneal dystrophy.
  8. Pregnancy- it is necessary to be observed by a doctor to exclude the risk of miscarriage due to the stress caused.
  9. Diabetes.
  10. With hormone-dependent diseases.
  11. Age under 18- in this case, the body is still growing, due to which, after LKZ, vision may deteriorate.
  12. If the thickness of the cornea is less than 450 microns.

Important! The operation is denied in case of reduced immunity, as this leads to an increase in recovery time after the procedure.

  1. common diseases, including SARS and colds;
  2. the presence of a pacemaker;
  3. pregnancy and lactation- hormonal imbalance can cause a violation of the normal regeneration of the cornea after correction;
  4. retinal pathology- in this case, laser coagulation is preliminarily carried out;
  5. the presence of scars on the cornea.

Menstruation in women is considered a relative contraindication m for laser vision correction. This is due to the fact that during this period the body is weakened, so any such interventions are undesirable.

In addition, during menstruation, women experience changes in hormonal levels, which may adversely affect the condition of the eyes after LKZ.

Reference. If the scheduled adjustment coincided with the time of the onset of menstruation, it is desirable reschedule it for 2 weeks to avoid complications.

People who refused to undergo LKZ motivate this by the fact that they often see ophthalmologists with glasses. Hence, those do not make the correction. In fact, it's all relative. After all, for many doctors, especially young ones, glasses are a sign of status, image. Nobody canceled contraindications, because doctors are people too may have any chronic pathologies or diseases, at which it is undesirable to make a correction.

The important point is that the eyes are an ophthalmologist's tool.

Despite the safety of laser vision correction, no doctor cannot give a 100% guarantee the fact that after some time complications, negative consequences of LKZ will not appear.

Although not all doctors avoid such a procedure - many have already gone through it and got rid of glasses and lenses.

Watch a video in which an ophthalmologist talks about the main contraindications for laser vision correction.

The task of ophthalmologists and specialists involved in vision correction is to perform the operation as efficiently and safely as possible. The task of the patient is to carefully prepare for the procedure, undergo a full examination, study contraindications. If present, consult your doctor. This will avoid serious life-threatening complications.

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The eyes are often called the mirror of the soul. But it happens that this very mirror is hidden by glasses or contact lenses, and all attempts to restore precious vision turn out to be fruitless. In this case, it may come to the rescue laser correction- the most efficient, safe and reliable way restoration of vision recognized by leading ophthalmologists in the world. And you can read everything interesting about vision on the website: Is it worth it do laser vision correction- Let's find out!

Laser correction vision already "exchanged" the fifth decade. Over the past 10 years alone, more than 5 million such operations have been performed worldwide. The technology of the method has become so perfect that it can restore vision in a matter of minutes to people aged 18 to 55 years. You don’t even have to ask yourself the question: “What will happen to me if, in the midst of the operation, my eye blinks, and my hand reaches out to straighten my hair? Will my face be with “laser marks”, and the eye will not see anything else? It's simple - the latest generation excimer lasers are so perfect that at the slightest deviation a special system stops the correction process, and the operation continues only after the alignment of the eye position.

The main advantages of the procedure are painlessness and no hospitalization! It only takes a few days to get back to your normal lifestyle! And no more glasses on the nose, no more lenses !

An excellent result of laser correction depends on two parameters:

  • equipment that meets international standards;
  • high qualification of the doctor, his skill.

Dispelling myths about laser vision correction.

Doing laser correction is painful and scary.

It is impossible to say “no” or “yes” here, since the threshold for pain sensitivity is different for each person. It hurts someone from the mere sight of a nurse with a syringe in her hand, someone calmly tolerates a tooth extraction without anesthesia ... It is very important that the patient has the appropriate attitude, this is 50% of the success of the operation.

You can not do laser correction before pregnancy.

No, it's not. You can not make a correction during menstruation, during breastfeeding and during pregnancy. If you are not planning children in the next year or two, then laser correction can be done. In the future, it will not have any effect on either the pregnancy or the baby. The main criterion for the beautiful half of humanity is a stable hormonal background. According to statistics, about 80% of young girls undergo laser correction before pregnancy.

Long and painless recovery period after surgery.

Usually, the patient experiences discomfort only on the day of the operation, since the surface layer of the cornea is disturbed. The recovery period is sometimes a day, sometimes two, sometimes three. After the operation, the patient moves completely independently, however, it is necessary to wear sunglasses. Quite often, patients return to work within a day. And if there were no retinal pathologies, then there will not even be restrictions on physical activity.

After surgery, vision may deteriorate.

If we focus on the world practice of laser surgery, then approximately 5-7% of patients may have a decrease in the effect of vision correction, which requires intervention within 6-12 months. Moreover, such a regression is possible only with high degrees of myopia or hyperopia, and only a small part of the previous operation returns (up to 1-2 diopters). In this case, a second operation is performed (free of charge).

According to

The method of laser vision correction has been used for decades all over the world, but this operation still raises many questions that give rise to the most incredible myths. We have analyzed the most popular of them.

Myth #1: Vision may deteriorate again after laser correction

There is an opinion that after the operation your vision will be restored, but not for long. They say that in five to ten years it will worsen again - and you will have to go to the clinic again.

Reality: vision is restored permanently. Ophthalmologists unanimously declare: the operation is done once and for life. This fact is confirmed by years of observation. However, no one is immune from other eye diseases that can affect visual acuity (cataract or glaucoma). Visual impairment also occurs with age-related changes in the body after forty to fifty years. Therefore, doctors insist on observance of hygiene of vision and a healthy lifestyle.

Myth #2: You can go blind during surgery

Fear is understandable - it's an operation. Even those who understand that laser vision correction is safe are afraid of unbearable pain.

Reality: laser correction is safe and virtually painless. Laser surgery is the most sparing modern medical technology. During the operation, high-tech equipment is used, which makes the operation as safe as possible. In the history of laser correction, there has not been a single case of loss of vision as a result of this procedure.

The operation takes place under local anesthesia and lasts twenty to thirty minutes, most of which is preparatory. Direct exposure to the laser takes from twenty seconds to one minute. At this point, there will be no discomfort.

Pain, pain, sensitivity to light, sensation of a foreign object after surgery for two weeks may be experienced by patients who have undergone PRK. As a rule, in other cases, there is practically no pain syndrome, visual functions are restored quickly.

Myth number 3: laser correction can be done at any age

If the operation is so modern and safe, then there should be no restrictions.

Reality: there are age and health restrictions. The optimal age for laser vision correction is 18-45 years. This procedure is not carried out for children and adolescents due to the fact that the body is not yet fully formed. Including changes in the eyeball, it is difficult to guarantee a stable result of correction until the moment of complete stabilization of vision. After forty-five years, vision correction will not insure the patient against the possible appearance of age-related farsightedness. However, there is no ban on surgery for older people - the decision is made individually, after a thorough examination.

It is important that the patient has had stable refraction (visual acuity) for the past two years. Contraindications for laser correction: progressive myopia, eye diseases (in some cases, surgery may be denied to patients with glaucoma, cataracts, chronic inflammation). Any recommendations regarding the operation are given by the doctor only after a comprehensive diagnosis of the vision of a particular patient.

Myth #4: After laser correction, natural childbirth is impossible.

There is such a horror story: during childbirth, the eyes will "burst" from strain - and the woman will go blind.

Reality: after laser correction, you can give birth. Laser correction is successfully carried out for nulliparous women. This procedure does not carry any potential risks for expectant mothers and their children.

During the operation, only the cornea is affected, and the integrity of the eye itself does not suffer. The tension during childbirth concerns just the internal structures of the eye, and not the external ones (retina and vitreous body). Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, it is so important to visit an ophthalmologist. But vision correction itself and childbirth are in no way connected.

It is impossible to carry out laser vision correction only directly during pregnancy and breastfeeding: at this time, the hormonal background of a woman has changed, the procedure simply may not give the expected effect.

Myth number 5: after laser correction, you can not play sports

There is an opinion that after a vision correction surgery, you can’t wear lenses for a long time, play sports, have sex, go to the bathhouse, drink alcohol ... The list can be continued indefinitely.

Reality: Of course, restrictions are imposed on the rehabilitation period, they all boil down to one thing: not to allow unnecessary stress on the eyes. Therefore, do not overexert yourself, read a lot or sit at the computer. And in a day or two after the operation, you can return to work. The main thing is not to overwork.

Two or three days you can not rub, touch your eyes. Such mechanical impact can injure the upper layer of the cornea. For the period of rehabilitation, it is worth abandoning active sports and lifting weights. It is better to consult with your doctor regarding the timing of the restrictions.

For seven days it is better to refrain from drinking alcohol. Within ten days after laser correction, it is worth abandoning makeup. It is optimal not to use decorative cosmetics for a month. For two weeks it is not recommended to visit baths and saunas, you should refrain from traveling to hot countries. But the flights themselves are not prohibited: many patients fly to the clinic of their choice from other cities and fly back home in a few hours. You should not visit the solarium for about three months. Doctors also recommend avoiding bright sunlight after surgery.

This question can be answered unequivocally - the age at which contact lenses can be worn is eight years. Why eight? Because by the age of eight, the child becomes collected and begins to understand all the responsibility entrusted to him for the care of lenses and is able to learn how to take them off in the evening and put them on in the morning. But there are situations when, according to medical recommendations, lenses are prescribed for children under one year old, and this is rather an exception to the rule.

To correct children's vision, soft lenses are more often prescribed - one-day or those that should be changed at least once a month.

Everything is clear with one-day ones - in the evening I took it off and disposed of it. It is these lenses that are considered optimal for children to wear. They do not require processing and are absolutely harmless.

Those lenses that are recommended to be changed every week or every month require careful maintenance. It is necessary to ensure that the lenses are thoroughly washed with a special solution from the protein deposits that have accumulated during the day, in order to avoid infection of the eyeball. In the first days, you should control the process, explain to the child how to properly care for the lenses and prevent him from formally performing this serious procedure.

Long-wear soft lenses should be avoided. For long-term wear, doctors in special cases prescribe rigid gas-tight contact lenses. Indications for wearing them are diseases such as keratoconus or myopia. Rigid lenses are very inconvenient, because the eye feels them as something foreign, and therefore it will take time to get used to them.

When should a child wear contact lenses?

In addition to the purely aesthetic moment, when a child is embarrassed to wear glasses, does not want to be "bespectacled", there are a number of diseases in which the wearing of contact lenses is prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

And the first of them is myopia, or myopia, which is often encountered in recent times. According to the results of recent studies, it has been proven that the use of contact lenses slows down the development of myopia, and sometimes stops it completely.

HYPERMETROPIA, or farsightedness, can also be corrected with contact lenses. Moreover, wearing lenses, unlike glasses, gives the child a more accurate "picture" of the surrounding objects. And this fact, in turn, significantly reduces the likelihood of accidental injuries at home and outside of its walls.

Such a serious disease as ASTIGMATISM can also be corrected with contact lenses. That gives a chance to avoid its most serious consequences - amblyopia and strabismus. Moreover, in some cases, when other methods of correction are impossible, lenses are the only way of treatment.

With ANISOMETROPIA, when the refraction of the eyes is significantly different, wearing lenses will help the child avoid amblyopia in the future. Lenses enable both the left and right eyes to participate in the visual process, loading them and not allowing them to be lazy.

If you miss the moment and do not correct anisometropia, inevitably one eye, the one that saw worse than the second, becomes “lazy”. This disease is called "lazy eye", or AMBLYOPIA. To fix it, you need to make the lazy eye work, and for this the second one, which is used to taking responsibility, has to be closed. Agree, it does not look very nice and a rare child will gladly agree to the constant wearing of glasses with one sealed glass. And this is where contact lenses come to the rescue, one of which is specially “clouded”. She puts on the eye, which is accustomed to work. This procedure is called "penalization". It is also good because the child does not have the opportunity to "peep" with a strong eye, taking off his glasses, he has to look at objects with a "lazy" eye, thereby forcing him to work.

Contact lenses are the most successful way to correct vision in aphakia. Unfortunately, cataracts are not only for the elderly, they also happen to children. And it doesn’t matter if the cataract is congenital or traumatic, after surgery to remove it, the best way to restore visual function is to wear contact lenses.

Where to start

Let's start with the fact that the doctor prescribed lenses. They are bought, the case is small - put on and wait for the results. But not everything is so simple. The eyes must adapt. The first day you should walk with lenses no more than three hours, every day increasing the time by half an hour or an hour, bringing their number to ten to twelve for lenses of thirty-eight percent hydrophilicity. For sixty-seventy percent - up to fifteen hours. And it would be useful to remind you that it is imperative to remove lenses from your eyes before going to bed!

Before putting on lenses, wash your hands with soap and dry with a clean towel. Remove the lens from the container and carefully look where its front side is. Place the lens on the index finger of the working hand. With the fingers of the other hand, spread the eyelids and place the lens on the eyeball. Release your eyelids and blink gently - the lens will fall into place.

To remove the lens, also fix the eyelids, press lightly on the lens with your index finger and look up. When the lens is on the white of the eye, very gently grasp it with your thumb and forefinger and remove. Immediately place in a special solution and leave it until the morning.

So, day after day, carrying out the procedure of putting on and taking off lenses on the child’s eyes, explain to him every step, every movement, and very soon he will easily cope with these simple manipulations, elevating them to the rank of necessary daily procedures.

Security questions

Wearing contact lenses will be safe if the child learns and carefully follows all the rules for wearing and caring for lenses. The main factor of this moment is an independent desire to use lenses, not glasses. Only in this case, the child will follow all the rules for using lenses - remove them before going to bed, place them in a special disinfectant solution ... And parents will need to monitor the terms of use of the lenses worn by the child and change them to new ones in time.

Recently, lenses have appeared that can not be removed during sleep. Manufacturers claim that these lenses are not harmful for children to wear. But almost all ophthalmologists agree that children still need to use lenses only during the daytime. Otherwise, complications of a different nature are likely.

There are also contraindications to wearing lenses. Very rarely, but their individual intolerance occurs. The body responds to lenses with an allergic reaction. If a child has diabetes, lenses are contraindicated for him. Also, during infectious eye diseases, lenses should be discarded. There is such a thing as a "dry" eye. Wearing lenses with this symptom will be uncomfortable and doctors recommend that they be abandoned. And finally, barley on the eyelid is another contraindication.

Remove lenses before visiting a bath or sauna. All hygiene procedures associated with water getting into the eyes should also be carried out without lenses on the eyes. But water sports in lenses are possible if you put on swimming goggles that are sealed and do not allow water to enter the lenses, preventing them from washing off.

Make sure that a child with lenses on his eyes is not in the room in which paint and varnish work is carried out.

Keep all aerosol bottles - hair sprays, perfumes, deodorants and more - out of the reach of a small child. Explain to an older child that when using them, it is necessary to protect the eyes from getting aerosols into them.

Colds, accompanied by coughing, sneezing, copious discharge from the nose, are a serious contraindication to wearing lenses by a child. This is because dilated vessels reduce the distance between the lens and the eyeball, which leads to tear stasis and an almost inevitable infection.

In addition to all of the above, the child should be explained about the need to protect their eyes from direct hot steam getting into them (out of curiosity, children like to look into the pots on the stove to see what is being cooked there).

And lastly, if a child inadvertently dropped a lens on the floor, regardless of whether it happened at home or outside, it should not be washed and used for wearing. Throw away and replace with a new one is the only right decision. But if the lens fell on a book, knee or table, ... put it in a special disinfectant solution for five to eight hours, then the lens can be used.

Why lenses and not glasses

Children are very active - sports, outdoor games or just running around during breaks. At these moments, falls, jumps are inevitable - the child often forgets that he wears glasses and, at best, they can simply fall and break, and at worst, they will break without falling and injure the face or, God forbid, the eyes of the child. Unpleasant traumatic situations are excluded when wearing contact lenses.

In addition, the circle of vision will not be limited by the frame of the glasses. When a child uses contact lenses, his field of vision is full, he sees the surrounding objects in their natural size and the distance to them is not increased or reduced, as is the case when looking through the lenses of glasses.

Colored or colorless

Teenage girls, sometimes boys, ask their parents to buy lenses for them, with which you can not only improve vision, but also change eye color. Do I need to go to them? Experts say it's better not to. Colored lenses can change the color of the iris, make light blue eyes bright blue, gray-green eyes green - it's beautiful. But... In order to give color to the product, it needs a high density, which, in turn, makes the lenses harder compared to colorless ones. Wearing colored lenses can cause discomfort and irritation of the eyeball. Therefore, try to convince your fashionista of the inappropriateness of putting beauty, not eye health, at the forefront. If not, go to a pediatric ophthalmologist and hopefully he will help your child make the right choice.

The key is prevention

Protect the eyes of the child from diseases and prevent visual impairment within the powers of the parents. If your child is at risk - you or your spouse have had myopia or farsightedness since childhood, the child is addicted to reading and does not part with books, became interested in computer games - it's time to take action. Primary school students are the most vulnerable age. Do not think that visiting an optometrist is a trifling matter. Check your child's vision at least twice a year. Create conditions for him that will not allow the deterioration of vision to progress.

In the children's room there should be enough sunlight, and in the evening, well-organized electric lighting.

Buy your child big, bright toys. Books - with large, clear pictures. If the child begins to read, the font should be large, classic. Remember! Straining his eyesight in order to look at a small picture or read a rhyme printed in small letters, the child embarks on the path of deterioration in visual acuity.

Watching cartoons and other children's TV shows should be measured, as well as playing computer games. The maximum is half an hour.

Nutrition is also important for eye health. Every day the child should receive a portion of vegetables and fruits. Give preference to dark green fruits. Blueberries and carrots are very useful.

With eye fatigue, visual gymnastics helps. Master her technique and teach your baby.

The statistics are relentless - eighty percent of children have vision problems. And not every one of them dares to wear glasses. The disease progresses, and the child is silent about his problem. And only from you, dear parents, the full life of your son or daughter depends. Will he see the world around him in all the variety of forms, colors and colors, or will he be content with little. You need to convince him that the lenses are the solution to his vision problems, you just need to contact a specialist and fit them.

The eyes are often called the mirror of the soul. But it happens that this very mirror is hidden by glasses or contact lenses, and all attempts to restore precious vision turn out to be fruitless. In this case, it may come to the rescue laser correction the most efficient, safe and reliable way restoration of vision recognized by leading ophthalmologists in the world. And you can read everything interesting about vision on the website: Is it worth it do laser vision correction- Let's find out!

Laser correction vision already "exchanged" the fifth decade. Over the past 10 years alone, more than 5 million such operations have been performed worldwide. The technology of the method has become so perfect that it can restore vision in a matter of minutes to people aged 18 to 55 years. You don’t even have to ask yourself the question: “What will happen to me if, in the midst of the operation, my eye blinks, and my hand reaches out to straighten my hair? Will my face be with “laser marks”, and the eye will not see anything else? It's simple - the latest generation excimer lasers are so perfect that at the slightest deviation, a special system stops the correction process, and the operation continues only after the alignment of the eye position.

The main advantages of the procedure are painlessness and no hospitalization! It only takes a few days to get back to your normal lifestyle! And no more glasses on the nose, no more !

An excellent result of laser correction depends on two parameters:

  • equipment that meets international standards;
  • high qualification of the doctor, his skill.


Dispelling myths about laser vision correction.


Doing laser correction is painful and scary.

It is impossible to say “no” or “yes” here, since the threshold for pain sensitivity is different for each person. It hurts someone from the mere sight of a nurse with a syringe in her hand, someone calmly tolerates a tooth extraction without anesthesia ... It is very important that the patient has the appropriate attitude, this is 50% of the success of the operation.


You can not do laser correction before pregnancy.

No, it's not. You can not make a correction during menstruation, during breastfeeding and during pregnancy. If you are not planning children in the next year or two, then laser correction can be done. In the future, it will not have any effect on either the pregnancy or the baby. The main criterion for the beautiful half of humanity is a stable hormonal background. According to statistics, about 80% of young girls undergo laser correction before pregnancy.


Long and painless recovery period after surgery.

Usually, the patient experiences discomfort only on the day of the operation, since the surface layer of the cornea is disturbed. The recovery period is sometimes a day, sometimes two, sometimes three. After the operation, the patient moves completely independently, however, it is necessary to wear sunglasses. Quite often, patients return to work within a day. And if there were no retinal pathologies, then there will not even be restrictions on physical activity.


After surgery, vision may deteriorate.

If we focus on the world practice of laser surgery, then approximately 5-7% of patients may have a decrease in the effect of vision correction, which requires intervention within 6-12 months. Moreover, such a regression is possible only with high degrees of myopia or hyperopia, and only a small part of the previous operation returns (up to 1-2 diopters). In this case, a second operation is performed (free of charge).

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