Eye clinics named after. Eye surgery. Research Institute of Eye Diseases

Made repairs.

I have been going to Fedorov since 2015, but only to get to a certain laser surgeon. I went through all the examinations for money, but now you can only get to her through compulsory medical insurance - that is, wait a few months, but I can’t afford this. I hope that this is my acquaintance with this honey. the institution will end, the world has not converged like a wedge in this place, and this is not the only clinic in the world.

1. Total rudeness, starting immediately from the reception. The card is thrown at you like a dog. Well, fuck him, what to expect from a person who is only suitable for the work of issuing a card? But doctors are just as rude. If they didn't raise their voice at you, but just looked at you as [...], then you're in luck! Why do they allow themselves such an attitude towards patients? I think because the clinic is state-owned, which means it is sponsored by the state, and they will have money regardless of whether people go to them or not. And I am writing all this about a paid building, in which examinations and treatment are paid. And rather big ones - on average, one visit to the clinic costs 5-7 thousand rubles. 2. Giant lines. Sitting in line for 2 hours in only one office, staying in it for 4 minutes, during which the doctor will treat you like a beggar, is normal. Then you get ready and go to another office, and history repeats itself. Situations constantly arise that doctors start an appointment an hour later. Imagine, the appointment starts at 10 am, the doctor comes to 11 as if nothing had happened. In the process of taking them, they also go somewhere for 20-40 minutes. I once sat in line for such a long time that they gave me a medicine to dilate my pupils 4 times! And I'm not sure it's not bad. And now specifically my story: for 5 years I went first for an operation, and then for a follow-up observation to the same laser surgeon - Klepinina Olga Borisovna. I went to this terrible legacy of the Soviet past only to get an appointment with her. 01/14/2020, when I had already spent about 5 hours in the clinic, I was told that I would not get to Klepinina in principle (without explaining why) and sent me to another surgeon. He signed me up for laser retinal photocoagulation in two weeks. Leaving his office, I managed to agree with a third doctor, she called Klepinina in front of me and asked if she would take me for an operation. Klepinina also clarified whether it was an examination or an operation, that is, it was 100% clear from the conversation that it was about the operation. Klepinina signed me up for 01/30/20. On January 30, I arrived half an hour before the appointed time. And you know what? But nothing! I sat in line from 13:40 to 16:30 (I was told to arrive at o-p-e-r-a-ts-i-y by 14:00), after which Klepinina told me that she did nothing for me will, as it is unethical - to poach patients. What the hell is poaching? I went to her for 5 years, and then, quite by accident, I once got to another doctor. Couldn't this have been said before? Don't make me wait 2 weeks and another 3 hours in line? Olga Borisovna Klepinina is a good doctor, but as a person ... Apparently, the crown is too tight for her. I am outraged that for my money I cannot get to the doctor I want to see!

Operative interventions on the eyes are carried out when conservative methods of treatment are ineffective. Surgery in ophthalmology is aimed at improving vision or its complete restoration. The best ophthalmologists, who have high-tech equipment at their disposal, are able to perform the most serious operations and restore vision even in the most difficult cases. The main thing for the patient is to seek professional help in a timely manner.

Examination and diagnostics

The possibilities of modern medicine allow performing a wide range of diagnostic measures to determine the exact cause of the disease and methods of treatment. At the initial appointment, the ophthalmologist-surgeon assesses the general condition of the client, if necessary, sends him for consultations to specialists of a different profile.

Diagnostic methods:



    visual acuity test - carried out in conditions of different illumination;

    assessment of ocular motility and binocularity of vision;

    optical coherence tomography;

    biomicroscopy with dilated pupil;

    determination of the reaction of the pupil to changes in illumination.

Preparing for the operation

If the doctor decides that surgery is inevitable, the patient should prepare and follow a number of recommendations:

  • stop taking aspirin and blood thinners on the eve of surgery;
  • start taking antibiotics (as recommended by the surgeon) to reduce the chance of infection;
  • stop drinking alcohol the day before and after microsurgical intervention.

Thanks to modern equipment and the professionalism of doctors, with proper preparation for surgery, surgical treatment of strabismus, glaucoma and cataracts, diseases of the retina, eyeball and other pathologies of the visual organs are carried out quickly and almost painlessly for the patient.

general description

To date, most ophthalmic operations, even the most technically complex ones, are performed without mandatory hospitalization. With many surgical interventions, the patient is conscious, since only local anesthesia is used. General anesthesia is necessary only for long and complex interventions. During the entire procedure, the anesthesiologist controls the work of the heart, blood pressure.

During the operation, the patient's shoulders and head are covered with a sterile cloth, the eyes are washed with a special solution. When working, the surgeon can use the following basic tools:






During ophthalmic operations, various surgical techniques using laser and ultrasound are widely used - this helps to carry out surgical intervention with minimal trauma for the patient, and shorten the rehabilitation period

Postoperative care

In the postoperative period, a person may experience mild pain, and small bruises under the eyes are also possible. In some cases, he is prescribed eye drops (to prevent infection, reduce inflammation). Also, the specialist may recommend the use of special protective pads on the eyes during sleep, or special lenses throughout the day to avoid injury. In the rehabilitation period, lifting weights, performing physical exercises is prohibited.

Timely access to specialists, the exact implementation of doctor's prescriptions and the desire to defeat the disease - these are the main components of the success of surgery in ophthalmology!


  • Ave. Mira, 101, building 2

    M Alekseevskaya (473m) M VDNH (1.1km) M Rizhskaya (2.1km)

    Closed until 10:00


Official name: LLC "Center for Eye Surgery"

The clinic "Center for Eye Surgery" is located in the Ostankino district of Moscow. This is a high-tech company that specializes in laser treatment of eye diseases. The organization has a license for the right to carry out medical activities. The documentation was received on January 14, 2016.

Some of the best specialists in the city work within the walls of the Eye Surgery Center. The technical equipment of the clinic is represented by such types of equipment as angiograph, biometer, autorefractometer, laser unit and vitreosurgery system.


The clinic "Center for Eye Surgery" performs the following types of operations: laser goniopuncture and iridectomy, trabeculognioplasty, peripheral laser coagulation, cataract dissection, cataract phacoemulsification and glaucoma sclerectomy. To diagnose diseases, such measures as tonometry, autorefractometry, Schirmer test, biomicroophthalmoscopy, gonioscopy, coherence tomography, fundus examination and B-scan are carried out.


For the most comfortable travel to the Eye Surgery Center medical institution, you can use the metro that runs along the Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line. It is necessary to travel to the Alekseevskaya station. Having risen to the surface, you need to go along Mira Avenue to building No. 101 st. 2. Walking time is 7 - 8 minutes.

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