What is cicatricial stenosis of the esophagus and scars on the internal organs, and how to live with it? What is a scar on the lung and what is the connection with pneumonia

In MSCD-10, in the Tuberculosis section, there is a heading Consequences of tuberculosis (B90). Residual changes after curing a patient from tuberculosis can be formed at the site of a specific process in the lungs due to adequate chemotherapy, surgical treatment, or spontaneous cure of patients with tuberculosis. In patients with residual changes after tuberculosis high risk disease or recurrence of tuberculosis, therefore, such patients are on dispensary records, but they are not included in the group of patients with active tuberculosis.

Residual changes in the respiratory organs are dense calcified foci, fibrous, fibrous-cicatricial, cirrhotic and bullous changes, pleural layers, bronchiectasis, postoperative changes in the lungs. In other organs, post-tuberculosis changes are characterized by the formation of scars and their consequences, calcification, and the condition after surgical interventions.

Depending on the size, nature, prevalence and potential threat of occurrence, small and large residual changes after respiratory tuberculosis are distinguished.

Small residual changes:

Primary complex - single (no more than 5) components of the primary complex (Gon's focus and calcified lymph nodes) less than 1 cm in size;

The foci in the lungs are single (up to 5), intense, clearly defined foci, less than 1 cm in size;

Fibrous and cirrhotic changes in the lungs - limited fibrosis within 1 segment;

Changes in the pleura - sealed sinuses, interlobar moorings, pleural adhesions and layers up to 1 cm wide (with or without pleural calcification) one- or two-sided;

Changes after surgical interventions - changes after resection of a segment or lobe of the lung in the absence of large postoperative changes in the lung tissue and pleura.

Big Residual Changes:

- multiple (more than 5) components of the primary complex (Gon's focus and calcified lymph nodes) less than 1 cm in size;

- single and multiple components of the primary complex (Gon's focus and calcified lymph nodes) 1 cm or more in size;

- multiple (more than 5), intense, well-defined lesions less than 1 cm in size;

- single and multiple, intense, well-defined foci 1 cm or more in size and foci 1 cm or more in size;

fibrotic and cirrhotic changes in the lungs:

- widespread fibrosis (more than 1 segment);

- cirrhotic changes of any prevalence;

pleural changes - massive pleural layers more than 1 cm wide (with and without pleural calcification);

changes after surgery:

- changes after resection of a segment or lobe of the lung in the presence of large postoperative changes in the lung tissue and pleura;

— changes after pulmonectomy, thoracoplasty, pleurectomy, cavernectomy, extrapleural pneumolysis.

Under the influence antibacterial treatment most patients with tuberculosis are cured, but complete resorption of specific changes is rarely achieved. Usually, scars form in the lungs at the site of the pathological focus. Depending on the previous localization of the tuberculous focus, residual changes in the respiratory and other organs are distinguished.

Types of residual changes depending on the amount of scar tissue in the lungs:

pneumosclerosis - characterized by slight limited or diffuse development of connective tissue in the lungs;

pneumofibrosis - characterized by the presence of more severe cicatricial changes in the lungs, but the airiness of the parenchyma is preserved. Determined on the x-ray significant reduction transparency, darkening, narrowing of the area of ​​the lung and chest wall;

pneumocirrhosis - characterized by the presence of massive cicatricial changes with a complete loss of airiness of the lung. On the radiograph, a narrowing of the pulmonary field and hemithorax are determined, which indicates the development of fibrothorax.

Scars wrinkle the area of ​​the lung, deform the alveoli, blood vessels and bronchi. The more intense the formation of scars in the lungs, the greater the deformation of the organ. Cicatricial wrinkling of a part of the lung is compensated by the expansion of its unchanged sections. Compensatory expansion of the lung can lead to the development of emphysema. However, more often the cause emphysema in patients cured of tuberculosis is the formation of scars in the interalveolar septa and loss of elasticity of the lungs. Emphysema is characterized by an increase in the transparency of the pattern of the lung on the radiograph.

Cicatricial changes in the pleura occur after pleurisy. First, the pleura thickens, layers are formed, and then pleurogenic pneumosclerosis or cirrhosis of the lung develops. Pleural stratification is also observed in patients after economical resection of the lung, if after the operation there is no rapid expansion of the lung and filling of the pleural cavity.

Post-tuberculosis changes include bronchial stenosis (large, medium and small), while often percussion and auscultatory data are normal or slightly changed. X-ray tomographic changes are not typical either. Only when conducting bronchography and FBS, it is possible to clearly determine the degree and length of bronchus stenosis.

A variety of metatuberculous changes are broncholiths, that is, bronchial stones. They arise as a result of breakthroughs in the bronchus of the contents of a calcified lymph node and are small in size. The main symptoms of bronchitis are cough and hemoptysis. The main diagnostic methods are X-ray examination and FBS.

A scar on the lung: what does it threaten you with?

Any lung disease that a person can be ill with must leave their traces. Even according to the sight of a lung a specialist can determine how many times and at about what age a person has had pneumonia or other lung diseases.

Preventing the disease process and avoiding scarring is not at all difficult. To do this, you need to pass in time medical examination and at the first signs of the disease, begin treatment. If time is lost and a scar has formed, patients need to stop smoking, avoid dusty places, try not to catch a cold and visit the coniferous forest more often.

It is possible to detect a scar on the lung even with the usual listening with a phonendoscope, but only radiography can make a final diagnosis. A scar is formed (according to pulmonologists) in the process of healing of the focus of infection, in place of which connective tissue begins to grow, replacing the voids. It is this substitution that leads to the fusion of the alveoli (the smallest particles of lung tissue). Being in this state, they cannot exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen. In addition, a significant problem is that the alveoli begin to empty and may fill with exudate over time, as a result of which the respiratory function will be impaired.

The reason for the development of scars are, in principle, any changes in the respiratory system. Measles, whooping cough, pneumonia, tuberculosis or bronchitis, not completely or not treated in time, can lead to the formation of connective tissues. However, the appearance of scars does not always depend on colds. Working in gassy or dusty environments can also lead to pneumoconiosis or dusty bronchitis. Quite often, scar tissue develops when toxic drugs are inhaled. Often the cause of scarring is amoebiasis or toxoplasmosis. In the developmental stage, the infection nests in the lung tissue and destroys it. After that, a scar remains in this place.

Difficulty inhaling also indicates cicatricial disease. In this case, the disease will manifest itself as a cyanotic skin under the nose. Another clear sign of the disease are dry rales.

Medical therapy for this pathology is limited symptomatic treatment. At allergic manifestations the patient is prescribed glucocorticosteroids, the fight against shortness of breath is carried out with the help of bronchodilators, but if sputum is present when coughing, then the treatment is supplemented with mucolytics. When cardiopulmonary insufficiency is noticeable, cardiac glycosides are prescribed. Apart from drug treatment patients are prescribed exercise therapy and electrophoresis, and blood flow to the lungs is provided through massage chest. However, all these activities are performed if the scar causes any discomfort. Otherwise, you can do with traditional medicine. Quite often, after this, the scars on the lungs resolve on their own. Of the folk recipes, those used to treat pneumonia and pneumosclerosis are most suitable. Inhalations with licorice, yarrow, chamomile, birch buds, and string help best of all. The components can be used both in a mixture and separately, brewing them with boiling water (four tablespoons of vegetable raw materials per liter of boiling water). After the mixture boils for five minutes on low heat, it should be removed from the heat and wrapped for another twenty minutes with a towel to infuse better. Breathe in the steam until it cools down.

In addition, one of the main methods of treatment is sports. People who have a scar on their lung will benefit from jogging and race walking. These exercises will help saturate the blood with oxygen, which is so necessary for normal human life, and in fact, with cicatricial disease, the lungs cannot fully fulfill their task. For those who do not like sports, you can also choose activities to your liking. For example, breathing exercises. There are many different methods that improve the functioning of the respiratory system. In this case, the main thing is the regularity of classes. Of course, to completely get rid of the scar on the lung is neither medical nor folk methods will no longer succeed, since all of them are intended only to relieve the symptoms of the disease, and, unfortunately, you can’t get anywhere with the connective tissue.

The size of the scars can vary significantly. Moreover, the symptoms will directly depend on the degree of damage to the organ. Suppose patients with (diffuse) pneumosclerosis that has engulfed the entire organ will be disturbed by severe shortness of breath, however, it will manifest itself only with heavy physical activity.

In conclusion, it should be warned once again that self-medication can be dangerous not only for health, but also for life. Therefore, before starting to treat any ailment, including scars on the lungs, the patient should see a specialist.

Medical board at the IOM or again about inactive tuberculosis

Today we passed a medical examination at the IOM. Just returned from Moscow. Went back and forth on a plane Well, what can I say. In general, everything is like everyone else, however, it was lucky that there were no queues at all, everything was fast - payment, then blood in the clinic on Romanov Lane (by the way, it was also lucky here - the girl pricked did not hurt at all), X-ray, a small queue to the doctor. And then it began. No, the doctor was just very good and understanding. I got high blood pressure. And it must be said, I always have a high at the sight of a white coat. And so, it’s quite normal. So, she somehow believed me right away when I explained this to her, and another doctor sent a woman with exactly the same pressure to additional examination, although she claimed that she was generally hypotonic.

Well, in general, we talked sincerely with her, and then she stunned me that I had a scar on one lung. Well, she explained about inactive tuberculosis, already known to many.

Now I'm waiting for the consul's reaction to this problem. Although people here had similar cases, and everything seems to be fine, but how did I encounter it myself. In general, there is a little jitters on this topic, I won’t lie

OlgaS, did you have inflammation of the lungs? The fact is that I also have scars on my lungs, but this is after suffering pneumonia. I took an extract from the therapist that, due to the inflammation of the lungs, I have modifications to the lungs in the form of scars, it seems to be written like this, although I have not yet passed the medical examination (an appointment for May 6), but I also don’t know how they will react to this on medical boards

OlgaS, did you have inflammation of the lungs? The fact is that I also have scars on my lungs, but this is after suffering pneumonia.

I was ill with pneumonia at the age of 1 year, of course I don’t remember this, I know from my mother. So, no patient would give me a certificate on this topic, and there have never been problems with this on any fluorography

Moderator Joined 14.01 Address Garden State Posts 21,075 Blog Entries 3 Thanks 5,991 Said 10,125 times in 4,792 posts

Past pneumonia (even with documented scarring) does not exclude the possibility of tuberculosis.

We are all the fruit of a sick fantasy. We need to heal :-). I went to wash the toilet :-) (c)uienifer

Citizen Registration 13.07 Posts 838 Thank you 398 Said 599 times in 211 posts

Yulik, and if the doctor at the IOM said that it was clearly from pneumonia and I had never had problems with any fluorography before, could there be problems without an interview?

Money, of course, does not bring happiness, but it is extremely calming (c) Erich-Maria Remarque

Re: Medical board at the IOM or again about inactive tuberculosis

In principle, a TB scar cannot be distinguished from a pneumonia scar. high probability. There are a few specific presentations, but they, like all specific ones, are rare.

I hope the doctor at IOM wrote in the papers what she said. Then there shouldn't be any problems. Wish you luck.

Scar on the lung after tuberculosis

Where do scars on the lungs come from?

Scars in the lungs in medical parlance it is called pulmonary fibrosis. Scarring of the lung tissue occurs when the focus of infection heals, and connective tissue begins to grow in its place. It replaces the void in the lung, contributing to the fusion of the alveoli into conglomerates. And in this state, the alveoli cannot exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen.

Pulmonary fibrosis can develop without a specific cause - an idiopathic form of fibrosis that does not respond to treatment.

Scars in the lung may have different sizes, the symptoms of the disease depend on the size of the damage to the organ. Difficulty inhaling indicates cicatricial disease. Patients are plagued by shortness of breath, which first appears during physical exertion, and eventually at rest. Due to hypoventilation of the lungs, cyanosis of the skin under the nose occurs. Dry wheezing is considered a clear sign of scarring.

Treatment of pulmonary fibrosis

It is unrealistic to recover completely with cicatricial disease. Connective tissue is not able to regenerate, so fibrosis never disappears without a trace. However, with the right treatment, the condition of patients improves.

Treatment is aimed primarily at preventing the progression of the disease. To do this, it is necessary to eliminate all the causes that can become a source of fibrosis. For all types inflammatory diseases in the lungs, too, preventive measures must be taken.

Effective massage of the chest, which increases blood flow to the lungs, electrophoresis, physiotherapy exercises.

With pulmonary fibrosis, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, give the body sufficient physical activity, do breathing exercises and not be stressed.


How to avoid scarring on the lungs

Causes of scarring in the lungs

Fibrotic changes in the lungs are characterized by the appearance of scars resembling scars after injuries. They are often found in people employed in the field of construction, metallurgy, etc., who, in the process of work, are forced to inhale industrial and industrial dust. Scars in the lungs appear as a result of a number of diseases: cirrhosis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and an allergic reaction. The development of fibrosis depends, among other things, on conditions environment, climate. The process of scar formation is accompanied by the following symptoms: cough, rapid breathing, cyanosis of the skin, increased blood pressure, shortness of breath. Shortness of breath is first observed only during physical exertion, and then appears at rest. A complication of this condition is chronic respiratory failure, accession secondary infection, chronic cor pulmonale, pulmonary hypertension.

Fibrosis prevention

To avoid scarring in the lungs, it is important to exclude factors that can cause such changes. Patients should not overwork, with an exacerbation of the underlying disease, they are prescribed antibiotics, bronchial dilators, and inhalations. The appearance of scars in the lungs will help to avoid compliance with safety regulations, the use of personal protective equipment, timely treatment inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, smoking cessation. The development of fibrosis can lead to the intake of certain antiarrhythmic drugs, in which case periodic monitoring of the condition of the lungs is necessary. As a preventive measure for the appearance of scars, physical exercises, proper nutrition, cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, avoiding stressful situations are recommended.

Age-related fibrotic changes in the lungs

Scars in the lungs can appear due to the aging of the body, while the organs lose their elasticity and lose their ability to expand and contract. Airways in the elderly are clogged due to a long stay in horizontal position, shallow breathing. Pretty common age change lung tissue is interstitial fibrosis, in which fibrous tissue grows and the walls of the alveoli thicken. A person develops a cough with sputum and an admixture of blood, pain in the chest, shallow breathing is observed. Prevention of age-related fibrotic changes in the lungs consists in active way life, smoking cessation, regular exercise, constant voice communication, singing, reading aloud.

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Consequences of pneumonia

In many cases, pneumonia does not go away without a trace. The consequences of pneumonia in adults and children are due to the fact that the infection impairs the functioning of the respiratory organs, and this negatively affects the state of the body, in particular, the supply of oxygen to tissues. When the lungs are not able to get rid of bacteria and mucus on their own, quite serious complications arise.

Some people have back pain after pneumonia, others suffer from chest pain. Sometimes it is found that a spot remains after pneumonia. Almost everyone has scars in the lungs after pneumonia. Sometimes they are quite small and will not affect the quality of life in any way, while in other cases they reach quite large sizes which affects the functioning of the respiratory system. After curing pneumonia, you must be attentive to your health, discussing with your doctor all alarming manifestations.

Pain in the lungs after pneumonia

Most often, the cause of the problem is that pneumonia is undertreated or transferred “on the legs”. Pain in the lungs can be manifested by slight tingling when inhaling or acute attacks. This sometimes causes palpitations and shortness of breath. The severity of pain depends on how severe the disease was, as well as on the efficiency and quality of treatment.

If a lung hurts after pneumonia, then most likely, we are talking about adhesive process in the body. Spikes are called pathological fusion of organs. They are formed as a result of chronic infectious pathologies, mechanical injuries, internal bleeding.

As a result of pneumonia, adhesions between the pleura can occur. One of them lines the chest, the other - the lung. If the inflammation has flowed from the lung to the pleura, then due to the release of fibrin, the pleura sheets stick together with each other. A commissure is an area of ​​glued pleura sheets.

Adhesions on the lungs after pneumonia can be single or multiple. In a critical case, they envelop the pleura completely. At the same time, it shifts and deforms, breathing becomes difficult. Pathology can be extremely severe course and aggravated by acute respiratory failure Yu.

Shortness of breath after pneumonia

Sometimes situations arise when all the symptoms of the disease regress, and shortness of breath does not stop. If it is difficult to breathe after pneumonia, it means that the inflammatory process has not resolved completely, that is, pathogens continue to have a destructive effect on the lung tissue.

Possible consequences include pleural empyema, adhesive pleurisy, lung abscess, sepsis, multiple organ failure. By the way, a fairly common question is whether tuberculosis can occur after pneumonia. There is no danger in this regard.

Pneumonia and tuberculosis are caused by different microorganisms. However, on x-rays these diseases are very similar. In practice, pneumonia is usually diagnosed first and treated appropriately. If there is no improvement after therapy, the patient is referred to a phthisiatrician. If tuberculosis is diagnosed after the examination, this does not mean that it has developed as a consequence of pneumonia. The person was simply sick from the very beginning with tuberculosis.

So, if it is difficult to breathe after pneumonia, you need to discuss with your doctor the methods of strengthening the lungs. good effect can give physiotherapy. In her arsenal, such tricks as deep breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, etc.

temperature after pneumonia

Sometimes after pneumonia, the temperature is 37 degrees. You should not be particularly worried - such a clinic is considered normal, but only if there are no infiltrative blackouts on the radiograph, and the clinical blood test is normal. The main causes of temperature are:

  • incomplete elimination of foci of inflammation;
  • damage to organs by toxins;
  • accession of a new infection;
  • the presence in the body of pathogenic microorganisms that can actively multiply during periods of weakened immunity and transform into the L-form during periods increased output antibodies.
  • The consequences of pneumonia in children require special attention. For a child, a temperature tail is a rather rare occurrence. It may indicate that the baby's immunity is weak or structural changes have occurred in the body from the respiratory system.

    Bacteremia after pneumonia

    This phenomenon is characterized by the fact that in the blood there is a huge number of pathogens. Bacteremia is one of the threatening consequences after pneumonia. It should be suspected with symptoms such as heat, extreme weakness, cough with green, yellow sputum.

    It is necessary to treat bacteremia as soon as possible, since the infection can spread throughout the body and affect the most important organs. Requires a course of potent antibiotics and hospitalization.

    With such a serious illness as pneumonia, Negative consequences for the body can be associated not only with the specifics of the disease, but also with the methods of treatment. Taking antibacterial drugs for pneumonia can later lead to intoxication.

    It often happens that the doctor prescribes an effective antibiotic, but the patient's body simply does not accept it, for example, after the first dose, vomiting begins. Even if the patient responds well to the drug, antibiotics cause serious damage to the intestinal microflora. To avoid this, the doctor prescribes a course of probiotics.

    Of course, even if you have chest pain after pneumonia or the picture is not perfect, this does not necessarily indicate the presence of a threatening or irreversible process. You should not panic and look for answers in medical forums. It is much wiser to find a specialist whom you can really trust. He will assess how serious the residual effects after pneumonia are and tell you how to remove them.

    Notebook of a phthisiatrician - tuberculosis

    Everything you want to know about TB

    Focal pulmonary tuberculosis - clinical forms

    Focal pulmonary tuberculosis includes lesions represented by a few foci (2-10 mm) that have arisen in the lungs for the first time or as a result of other forms of tuberculosis, and are characterized by a predominantly productive inflammatory reaction.

    Focal pulmonary tuberculosis is distinguished by an asymptomatic clinical picture; it is considered as a small, timely detected form of tuberculosis.

    In newly diagnosed patients with tuberculosis of the respiratory system, focal tuberculosis is detected in 10-18% of cases, in those registered with anti-tuberculosis dispensaries - in 24-25%.

    Focal pulmonary tuberculosis is more often detected in adults than in children and adolescents, since it occurs in the secondary period of tuberculosis infection, that is, many years after the primary infection of the MBT or the cure of primary tuberculosis. At autopsies, focal tuberculosis is an accidental finding in patients who died from other diseases.

    There are the following clinical forms:

    • fresh focal pulmonary tuberculosis;
    • chronic focal pulmonary tuberculosis.

    Pathogenesis and pathological anatomy. Focal pulmonary tuberculosis develops as a result of activation of infection in old healed post-tuberculosis foci or scars left after the treatment of primary or secondary tuberculosis (reactivation of endogenous infection) or due to aerogenic or alimentary superinfection of MBT (exogenous superinfection).

    The significance of reactivation of endogenous infection or exogenous superinfection in the development of focal tuberculosis cannot always be established. There is a high probability of superinfection in case of tuberculosis of persons living with a patient who has an open form of tuberculosis. In these cases, MBT, already resistant to anti-TB drugs, is isolated from patients with focal tuberculosis.

    Exogenous superinfection is of significant importance in the spread of tuberculosis among the population in areas where there is a high incidence of tuberculosis and there is a high risk of the spread of tuberculosis infection.

    With a favorable epidemiological situation in the pathogenesis of focal pulmonary tuberculosis, the main role belongs to the reactivation of endogenous infection. This is evidenced by a higher incidence of tuberculosis in persons with residual post-tuberculous changes in the lungs, in the intrathoracic lymph nodes.

    At the same time, the most common source of MBT is the reactivation of infection in the apical foci (Simon's foci) and in the lymph nodes.

    The multiplication of MBT and reactivation of tuberculosis in post-tuberculosis foci, as well as the implementation of superinfection into a disease, are promoted by mental and physical trauma, overwork and malnutrition, acute and chronic diseases (silicosis, gastric ulcer and duodenum, diabetes, alcoholism, drug addiction, chronic inflammatory lung diseases, etc.), pregnancy, abortion, immunosuppressant treatment, HIV infection.

    A factor contributing to the reactivation of tuberculosis in old healed tuberculosis foci is also superinfection.

    Early changes in newly emerged fresh focal tuberculosis usually develop in the upper lobes of the lungs, where the MBT from the lymph nodes or aerogenically penetrate through the bronchi or lymphatic vessels and rarely by the hematogenous route. The defeat of the parenchyma of the lung begins with tuberculous inflammation of the small bronchus or lymphatic vessel.

    The caseous masses formed during inflammation of the bronchus with the MBT contained in them are aspirated into the adjacent subapical and apical bronchi, around which acinous-nodose and lobular foci are formed.

    Inflammation also spreads through the lymphatic vessels, forming new foci. This is how fresh (acute) tuberculous foci (Aprikosov's foci) appear. Initially, bronchopneumonic foci are represented mainly by exudative inflammation, but very soon the inflammatory tissue reaction in the foci becomes productive.

    Fresh focal tuberculosis is usually successfully cured. But in the absence of treatment and inadequate therapy, it can take a chronic course. In the outbreaks long time an active inflammatory process persists, which at the same time stimulates reparative processes. The granulation tissue in the focus is partially replaced by connective tissue, forming a capsule of the focus.

    Another genesis of the formation of chronic focal tuberculosis is the formation of encapsulated foci of caseosis, as well as fibrosis during the regression of the process in other, more common forms of pulmonary tuberculosis.

    With the exacerbation of such a focus, lymphocytes and neutrophils penetrate into its capsule, which, with the help of the proteolytic enzymes secreted by them, loosen it and melt the caseous masses. Under these conditions, MBT is activated, from the focus in pieces of caseous mycobacteria enter other bronchi, where they cause the formation of caseous bronchitis and fresh foci.

    Stimulation of exacerbation of the old focus can also occur under the influence of nonspecific microflora that has penetrated from the bronchi into the focus during an acute respiratory inflammatory disease. Along with the bronchi, the inflammatory process also involves the lymphatic vessels that drain the foci.

    During treatment, and in some cases spontaneously, fresh foci resolve, encapsulate or turn into scars, lymphangitis leaves behind fibrosis. Exacerbated old foci undergo compaction and calcification. Granulation tissue disappears in the foci, i.e., they become inactive and are already considered as residual post-tuberculous focal changes.

    Pathologically, fresh tuberculous foci are found in segments I or II. At an early stage, an anatomically fresh focus is represented by panbronchitis with caseosis in the lumen of the bronchus and lymphocytic accumulations in the tissue surrounding the bronchus. Inflammatory infiltration of the lymphatic vessels does not lead to the development of regional caseous lymphadenitis.

    In the subsequent stage, foci of caseosis are also found in the alveoli in the form of acinous and lobular caseous bronchopneumonia. At the stage of formation of productive inflammatory response along with fresh foci, there are few (single or groups) productive tubercles (acinous-nodose foci).

    In chronic focal tuberculosis, caseosis in the focus is surrounded by a connective tissue capsule. During the progression of tuberculosis, the capsule in some places is two-layered as a result of the appearance of a layer of granulations, it is infiltrated with cellular elements.

    Lymphocytic infiltration is found in the walls of the lymphatic vessels, bronchi, interalveolar septa, and in the surrounding parenchyma. Along with dense and calcified foci, fresh foci are also found, often of a productive nature, resulting from lymphogenous or bronchogenic spread of the infection.

    Tuberculous granulations in the foci may undergo caseous melting. With the release of caseous masses in the bronchus, a decay cavity is formed. By this period of the inflammatory process, the foci usually form a pneumonic focus, which is characteristic of the more common, infiltrative form of tuberculosis.

    Due to the fact that lung tissue around the encapsulated foci is sclerotically changed, this form of chronic focal tuberculosis is called fibro-focal.

    The healed focus contains a dense caseosis, surrounded by a single-layer connective tissue capsule without granulations. Such a focus during the deposition of calcium salts in caseosis is called calcification.

    Symptoms. limited, mostly productive inflammation causes an asymptomatic or asymptomatic clinical picture of focal pulmonary tuberculosis. Therefore, patients with focal pulmonary tuberculosis are detected mainly with prophylactic fluorography and much less often with diagnostic fluorography performed on the patient in connection with various complaints.

    AT clinical picture focal tuberculosis of the lungs conditionally distinguish between symptoms of intoxication and symptoms caused by damage to the respiratory system. One or more symptoms are detected in approximately 1/3 of patients, and in 2/3 of patients the disease occurs and is asymptomatic.

    Intoxication in patients with focal pulmonary tuberculosis is manifested by unstable subfebrile body temperature, decreased performance, malaise, and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

    Patients may complain of pain in the side, cough dry or with a small amount of sputum, in rare cases - hemoptysis. Symptoms of intoxication often accompany fresh, predominantly exudative forms of focal tuberculosis.

    Percussion and auscultation in focal tuberculosis are not of great diagnostic value. The shortening of percussion pulmonary sound is weakly expressed and is determined only in patients with chronic focal tuberculosis in the presence of sclerotic changes in the lungs and pleura.

    Wet fine bubbling rales are rarely heard - in single patients with a fresh, predominantly exudative focal process in the decay phase.

    In patients with chronic form focal tuberculosis, you can hear mainly dry rales, indicating bronchitis, which complicated the connective tissue deformation of the bronchial tree.

    With unilateral chronic focal tuberculosis in a patient, one can detect a retraction of the supraclavicular and subclavian fossae, a lag of the affected half of the chest during breathing, and a narrowing of the Krenig field, indicating cicatricial compaction of the apex of the lung.

    X-ray semiotics. X-ray examination is the main and most informative method for diagnosing focal pulmonary tuberculosis. The earliest radiographic manifestation of focal pulmonary tuberculosis are non-intense, indistinctly delineated strip-like shadows in the form of delicate reticulation (bronchitis, lymphangitis).

    Upon further observation, a limited shadow or a group of shadows about 1 cm in size (the size of a lung lobule), of irregular shape, of low intensity, with fuzzy contours, is revealed against its background.

    Among the foci on a qualitatively performed tomogram, it is possible to identify the lumen of a small bronchus, around which foci have arisen. Sometimes a decay cavity is formed in the center of the focus, manifested by a slight enlightenment. A similar x-ray picture is typical for fresh foci with an exudative nature of inflammation.

    Fresh productive foci of smaller size are 3-6 mm in diameter. They are round in shape, located in the form of a group of 3-4 closely spaced foci, form a polycyclic shadow.

    Productive foci of medium intensity (the density of the shadow of the vessel in the axial projection), their contours are slightly blurred. With fresh focal tuberculosis, calcified intrathoracic lymph nodes or single calcifications in the lungs, which could be a source of endogenous reactivation. Fresh, newly emerging focal tuberculosis is usually localized in I, II, less often in VI segments.

    In chronic focal tuberculosis, the foci are small (less than 4 mm) and medium (less than 6 mm) in size, their shadow is of medium and high intensity. The boundaries of the foci are clear and even sharp, in some of them there are dense inclusions - deposits of calcium salts.

    Around the foci there are strip-like shadows of sclerotic bronchi and lymphatic vessels. With connective tissue compaction of the lung parenchyma, the foci are displaced towards the apex of the lung, merge into conglomerates. Along with the old ones, fresh foci can also be found.

    In cases of a long course of chronic focal tuberculosis, the X-ray picture is characterized by the predominance of fibrous compaction of the lungs and pleura in the form of strip-like shadows going from the foci to the root of the lungs and to the pleura (rather than focal changes).

    The general uniform decrease in the transparency of the affected lung field, observed in such patients, indicates a connective tissue thickening of the pleural sheets.

    Tuberculin diagnostics. Reactions to tuberculin (Mantoux test with 2 TU) in patients with focal pulmonary tuberculosis are moderately pronounced, not differing from reactions in healthy people infected with MBT.

    Subcutaneous administration of tuberculin to patients with newly diagnosed active focal tuberculosis can cause a general, and sometimes focal reaction. In this regard, a test with subcutaneous injection of tuberculin is used in persons with unclear etiology focal changes in the lungs or to determine the activity of tuberculosis foci, while assessing the shifts in many biochemical and immunological indicators of homeostasis.

    Laboratory research. To detect MBT in the sputum of patients with active focal tuberculosis, smear microscopy, culture and, in some cases, infection of animals are carried out.

    With focal tuberculosis, decay cavities are rarely formed, therefore, bacterioexcretion in the focal form of tuberculosis is scarce or absent. Sputum and bronchial contents are examined at least 3 times, while bacterial excretion is detected by all methods in no more than 50% of patients.

    Due to the paucity of clinical and radiological symptoms, the detection of MBT is of great importance for confirming the diagnosis of tuberculosis and determining its activity.

    Despite the oligobacillarity, patients with focal tuberculosis pose a certain epidemic danger.

    The hemogram in most patients with focal tuberculosis is not changed. Only in some patients, an increase in the number of stab neutrophils, lymphocytosis or lymphopenia, an increase in ESR (no more than 10-18 mm / h), slight changes in humoral and cellular immunity, metabolism.

    These changes are characteristic mainly for patients with exudative forms of focal tuberculosis.

    Bronchoscopy. Tuberculous lesions of the bronchial tree in patients with fresh focal pulmonary tuberculosis are rarely diagnosed during bronchoscopy. Only in cases of endogenous reactivation of foci in the lymph nodes of the mediastinum or lung root can local specific inflammation of the bronchial wall, bronchonodular fistula or scar after tuberculosis of the bronchi be detected.

    In chronic focal tuberculosis bronchoscopically, it is possible to detect bronchial deformity and diffuse nonspecific endobronchitis. Detection of bronchial tuberculosis is a reliable indicator of the activity of pulmonary tuberculosis.

    Study of respiratory and circulatory function. The function of external respiration in patients with focal tuberculosis does not change. Its violations in some patients are due to the deterioration of gas exchange and obstruction of the bronchi as a result of intoxication and, to a lesser extent, direct damage to the lung parenchyma. Under the influence of intoxication, patients may experience tachycardia, arterial pressure lability.

    Diagnostics. For focal pulmonary tuberculosis, asymptomatic or oligosymptomatic, gradual onset and development of the disease, manifested by common symptoms health disorders of the patient.

    Due to the absence of pathognomonic clinical symptoms lung lesions are of primary importance in identifying foci X-ray method, allowing to determine their localization and distribution, to clarify the phase of the process.

    X-ray picture This form of tuberculosis is characterized by the presence of different sizes (no more than 1 cm) of focal shadows of a rounded or polycyclic shape, of low intensity with fuzzy contours during an active process, and high intensity with clear contours - with an inactive one.

    To confirm the diagnosis, a retrospective analysis of the materials of a fluorographic examination of the patient's lungs is important.

    The detection of post-tuberculous changes in the lungs on previous fluorograms is an important proof of the tuberculous etiology of the process.

    Negative tuberculin reactions usually make it possible to exclude a tuberculous etiology of the foci. Great importance in the diagnosis of focal pulmonary tuberculosis, it is detected in sputum, bronchial washings and other test material of the MBT.

    In the diagnosis of tuberculosis, when a focal process in the lungs is detected, the results of specific chemotherapy are important: the reduction and partial resorption of foci after 2-3 months of treatment confirm the diagnosis of focal tuberculosis.

    Great difficulties arise in establishing the activity of focal tuberculosis. Errors in determining the nature of the inflammatory reaction in focal tuberculosis are possible both in the direction of underdiagnosis of the activity of the tuberculosis process, and overdiagnosis.

    The activity of focal changes in the lungs is evidenced by the presence of symptoms of intoxication, wet rales over the affected area, radiographically detectable weak intensity of focal shadows, blurring of their contours, as well as their appearance during last year(according to the annual fluorography).

    Indisputable indicators of the activity of tuberculosis are the detection of MBT in sputum, the positive dynamics of the x-ray picture during the treatment of the patient, the general and focal reactions to the subcutaneous injection of tuberculin.

    Treatment. Use a combination of 2 or 3 anti-tuberculosis drugs. With the exudative form of newly diagnosed focal tuberculosis, treatment with isoniazid, streptomycin and rifampicin (or ethambutol) is indicated for 6-9 months, of which streptomycin is the first 2-3 months.

    With a productive form of focal tuberculosis, patients are prescribed isoniazid and rifampicin (ethambutol or pyrazinamide) also for 6-9 months. Similar treatment is carried out for patients with exacerbation of chronic focal tuberculosis.

    For the first 4 months, patients take the drugs daily, then - intermittently 2-3 times a week.

    With doubtful activity of newly diagnosed focal tuberculosis, isoniazid is prescribed in combination with pyrazinamide (ethambutol) for a period of 2 to 6 months. With positive dynamics in the x-ray picture of the lesion, indicating active tuberculosis, chemotherapy is continued until the patient is cured.

    As a result of treatment, fresh foci can completely resolve. However, the formation of fibrosis and dense or calcified foci against the background of pneumosclerosis is more often observed. Such persons need to carry out chemoprophylaxis in the spring-autumn periods for 1-2 years.

    Scars in the lungs, which almost everyone has, are very insidious.

    In principle, such a scar can be detected with an elementary “wireappling” of wheezing using a phonendoscope. X-ray will confirm the diagnosis. According to the pulmonologist, when the focus of infection “heals”, connective tissue grows in its place. It replaces the void in the lung. However, this substitution leads to fusion into conglomerates of the smallest elements of the lung tissue - the alveoli. In this state, they cannot exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen. The problem is that the alveoli are emptied and can fill with exudate. As a result, respiratory function is significantly impaired.

    The causes of scarring may be associated with inflammatory changes in the respiratory system. Pneumonia, bronchitis, measles, whooping cough, tuberculosis predispose to the formation of connective tissue if these diseases are not cured in time. Working in dusty, gassed rooms leads to the appearance of professional “dusty” bronchitis, or pneumoconiosis. Scar tissue develops in the lung and when toxic substances are inhaled. In addition, toxoplasmosis, echinococcosis, amoebiasis can lead to lung sclerosis. At a certain stage of its development, the infectious agent "nests" in the lung, destroys the tissue, resulting in the formation of a scar.

    The scar in the lung can be of different sizes. The symptoms also depend on the extent of the damage to the organ. Patients with diffuse (covering the entire organ) pneumosclerosis are worried about shortness of breath. At first, it manifests itself only during physical exertion. It is hard to catch up with a tram standing at a stop, to go up to the 9th floor without an elevator. Then breathing problems begin to annoy when you just walk with a bag of groceries, and then shortness of breath bothers even when lying down in front of the TV. In the end, it smoothly “transforms” into cardiopulmonary insufficiency. True, this disease takes decades.

    Difficulty inhaling also indicates cicatricial disease. As a result of hypoventilation of the lungs, cyanosis of the skin under the nose appears. Dry rales are considered a clear sign.

    Modern medicine for this pathology is limited to symptomatic treatment. Glucocorticosteroids are prescribed for severe allergic manifestations, the fight against shortness of breath consists in the use of bronchodilators in inhalation form, and if there is also sputum when coughing, then the therapy is supplemented with mucolytics. Cardiac glycosides are indicated for obvious cardiopulmonary insufficiency. In addition to medicines, electrophoresis and exercise therapy are quite effective. As well as chest massage, which increases blood flow to the lungs.

    Preventing the progress of the disease is not so difficult. At the first sign of lung problems, you should undergo a full examination. Unfortunately, "wiretapping" does not always reveal scars. Therefore, other diagnostic methods are needed. And if a scar is found, a person should beware of colds, dusty places, stop smoking and walk more often in a coniferous forest.

    scarring on the lungs after pneumonia

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    Questions and answers on: scars on the lungs after pneumonia

    Also, DST-neg. Analyzes at admission: KLA-Hb-141; E-4.2; L-7.6; e-1; n-5; s-70; l-20; m-4; ESR-15. OAM - specific weight - 1.019; reaction is sour; protein-0; sugar-0; L- 1-2; Ep.pl. - 2-3;. BAC - commonly. protein-83.9; AST-40.5; ALT-33.6; urea-8.3; bilirubin-19.0; indirect-16.11; straight-2.89; ShchF-54 (is there still a number on the photocopy is not visible).

    FBS-diffuse catarrhal bronchitis. FVD-moderate (grade 1) violation of pulmonary ventilation by obstructive type.

    I have pancreatic diabetes.

    Additional Information: circa 2008 also hurt in the same way as described above. At the appointment with a gastroenterologist, she heard wheezing in the upper part of her shoulders. Was sent to tube. dispensary clinic. I passed sputum tests and the Mantoux type (now called something else), they did an x-ray. As a result, it was said that I have something like a scar and these are the consequences of a small pneumonia on my legs.

    The penultimate FLU was in April 2015. and everything was normal.

    CT dated 10.11.2015 (in hospital). In axial scanning from 2 sides, a diffuse decrease in the transparency of the lung tissue, in all lung zones, mainly on the right, different-sized bullae are determined, max 34.6x25.0 mm in size. Against this background, soft-tissue opacification of the lung parenchyma without clear contours, 23.0x12.8/25.0 mm in size, with a bronchogram against its background, is determined on the right at the border of S1-2. The rest of the lung fields without focal, infiltrative and destructive changes. The roots of the lungs are not changed, the visible lobar and segmental bronchi are airy. No liquid content was found in the cavities. The organ and vascular structures of the mediastinum are distinctly differentiated, the mediastinal tissue is not infiltrated, VLH is within the normal range. (I miss the description of the kidneys, liver and pancreas).

    Conclusion: the data obtained may correspond to right-sided intra/lobar pneumonia, but the TB etiology of the revealed obscuration cannot be excluded.

    After a month of being in the hospital, I was discharged to the clinic. On discharge:

    KLA-Hb-156; E-4.6; L-9.6; e-4; n-7; p-51; l-26; m-11;

    OAM - ud. weight-1.013; reaction-acid, protein-0; sugar-2.95; L-2-3; Ep.pl.-1-3;

    BAC - total protein - 78.9; AST-27.4; ALT-36.3; urea-6.8; bilirubin-12.0; indirect-9.3; straight-2.7; Shchf-393.

    R-gr. at discharge: in the dynamics on the right in S1-2 there is an increase in the transparency of the lung tissue and a decrease in the size of the blackout area, of average intensity up to 1.76x1.03 cm in (I can’t read), the contours are clear, uneven. Left clean. Roots are structural.

    Diagnosis: focal tuberculosis of the upper lobe of the right lung, phase of infiltration. MBT-. Yes, sputum and Mantoux tests are negative.

    In a private conversation with of the diagnostic department (where I was in the hospital), to my question about the correctness of the diagnosis, he spoke something like this: I am more inclined towards the diagnosis due to the fact that I (the patient) has diabetes mellitus and just in case, for safety. It is already the third month of my treatment in the TB polyclinic. The doctor says that there are no dynamics, but she must follow the order of the Ministry of Health and keep her on treatment for at least 6 months.

    I already have liver, stomach and gallbladder problems.

    Analyzes with TB polyclinic: BAK dated 12/23/15 - total protein-82.6; AST-141.5; ALT-107.2; urea-4.5; creatinine-118; total cholesterol - 4.12; total bilirubin - 19.9; indirect-15.22; straight-4.68; ShchF-416; RPT (or GPT) -282.6. The treatment was suspended, he was treating the liver.

    LHC dated 01/11/16 - total protein-72.9; AST-30.7; ALT-33.9; urea-7.1; creatinine-102; total cholesterol - 3.63; total bilirubin - 12.6; indirect-7.19; straight-5.41; ShchF-394; RPT (or GPT) -245.6.

    KLA dated 01/11/16 - hemoglobin-142; erythrocytes-4.3; color index-0.99; Leukocytes - 9.0; neutrophils stab - 14, segmented - 61; eosinophils-1; lymphocytes-12; monocytes-12; erythrocyte sedimentation rate-30. Continued treatment. All the time was treated: isoniazid-2 tab. in a day; rifampicin-ferein -3 tab. in a day; pyrazinamide-2 tab. 2 times a day; kanamycin injections - 1 time per day; plus carsil and vitamins.

    LHC from 02/01/16 - total protein-76.0; AST-76.9; ALT-176.9; urea-7.9; creatinine-79; total cholesterol - 4.31; total bilirubin - 9.9; indirect-6.7; straight-3.2; ShchF-451; RPT (or GPT) -300.1.

    I earnestly ask you, according to the data presented, to express simply your vision in setting your diagnosis, excluding familiarization with the already established one.

    I will be very grateful, thank you.

    it all started with the fact that I began to lose weight in the abdomen, it was hot .. hungry pains, seething in the intestines .. there was a feeling that I was pregnant .. severe back pain. muscular .. suffered the most nervous system, . there were suicide attempts. I thought I was going crazy .. I turned to a neurologist .. I had an MRI of the spine, it turned out that I had osteochondrosis of the thoracic and cervical vertebrae. but as the doctor explained to me, it should not cause such pains .. the pain was of a cutting and burning nature in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades of the shoulder and neck. massages and exercise therapy were prescribed.. there were no improvements.. the condition worsened.. I fell into a deep depression.. I drank the strongest anti-depressants. . I went to a gastroenterologist, but they told me after they made a probe that I had psychosomatics and advised me to change my lifestyle. ..I left for another city so as not to go crazy ..there were no improvements ..sometimes I go and sharp pain on the sole of the foot, as if now the skin would crack, could not step on the foot .. the next day everything passed without a trace and so several times .. I returned to my city .. got a job .. I am a child psychologist by profession .. worked as a nanny for home .. a month later I became very ill. temperature rose sharply to 39 and terrible pain all over the body. I couldn’t walk, everything hurt .. as soon as I tried to walk, my heart was missing, I called an ambulance .. the first time they said neurology was panic attacks. the second time when they called they said that I had tachycardia, the third time I almost lost consciousness, an ambulance came and took me away but in the morning they let me go saying that I was healthy - I called 3 times a day because I lived alone and it was very scary. Never had a heart problem before. I went to the local clinic. I barely got to her. after examination, the doctor suggested that I had acute rheumatic fever and gave me a referral to the hospital. I went to a private clinic, passed a rheumatic test, and lay in a fever for 2 days until I waited for the answer of the analysis. ..I thought I would die. the bones seemed to be picking at me with glass, the whole body ached. tests came out negative. those. it wasn't rheumatism and they wouldn't take me to the hospital. I again went to the clinic where the doctor was surprised that I was not in the hospital and suggested that I write out a prescription for treatment. I didn’t know that I agreed with everything .. she prescribed me a bunch of antibiotic droppers, including for the heart of the km .. during the droppers, I felt bad. .after the condition improved a little, I could more or less walk. after the end of antibiotic therapy, 2 days later, I had pains in the tonsils that were not strong, there was no temperature .. I again went to the clinic, the ENT doctor said that I had tonsillitis and was surprised that after so many drugs. said to pass on rv and on vich. rinse was ordered. hiv came out negative and p was positive. .I ran with fear to an anonymous venereologist ..he again pricked me for a week with bicillin mine, because what the secret was curing. I again wanted to commit suicide .. because I didn’t want to live with such a shame and didn’t understand where it all came from, as soon as I broke up with my husband and I didn’t have anyone else after him. the former husband is healthy since he went to live abroad and passed all the tests for a visa. I didn't believe it, but I did it anyway. Whether the venereologist profited from me still I do not understand. my condition did not improve. tongue swollen asthma and bronchitis opened strong macrotia with a brown admixture pharyngitis a bump under the tongue all the palate in scars on the wall of the throat small pustules .. the venereologist explained to me that it was supposedly a fungus from antibiotics and prescribed antihistamines. nothing passed. the condition did not improve even the rash on the neck became more. asthma worsened, I went to the allergist, he sent me to take an x-ray of the lungs. Turned out it was pneumonia. ..again prescribed the strongest antibiotics. I didn't even have a temperature. only severe weakness. after 7 days of antibiotics, macros became even more no improvement. I went to another allergist, he said that the fungus antibiotics can not be dripped fucis and askarbinnka got a little better. ..after that I went to the center of Pulmonology, since macros did not give me life, there are a lot of them to this day. Previously, I passed a swab from the pharynx and macro. Staphylococcus aureus was found in the pharynx, and geomolytic streptococcus was found in macrot b. I didn't believe my ears. in Pulmonology, I had another x-ray and several tests ruled out lupus and something else. again they told me to pass on vich and rv I passed everything negatively. prescribed vitamins and sent home. macros did not become less choking on it. pain in the back and joints do not allow to work. but you have to work. I turned to another neurologist already .. after examining me, she said that I had psychosomatics and sent me to a psychologist .. I didn’t want to live from the thought that I was going crazy. Even my family stopped believing that I feel bad. I went through several sessions with a psychologist. I didn't get any better. believing the doctors that it was psychosamatics, I decided to simply not think about the disease and accept that I would no longer be healthy. at work, I didn’t have enough strength for chronic malaise .. and one fine day I noticed something was wrong in my feces. I took it for analysis and found eggs of dwarf tapeworm and Giardia .. they prescribed Biltricid. only 2 tablets .. after 2 weeks another 2. I don’t understand anything everything that happened to me and all these diagnoses are due to tapeworms. please help me figure it out. and the best way to destroy them. I really want to get back to a normal life. I am 29 years old and tired of being sick. I took 2 pills and nothing happened. but the pain in the muscles of the joint also remembered that I had seen the same thing in my feces three years ago. looks like i've had them for a long time

    Scars in the lungs in medical parlance it is called pulmonary fibrosis. Scarring of the lung tissue occurs when the focus of infection heals, and connective tissue begins to grow in its place. It replaces the void in the lung, contributing to the fusion of the alveoli into conglomerates. And in this state, the alveoli cannot exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen.

    In addition, they are emptied and may fill with exudate. Ultimately, the respiratory function is significantly impaired.

    Pulmonary fibrosis can develop without a specific cause - an idiopathic form of fibrosis that cannot be treated.

    Scars in the lung can have different sizes, the symptoms of the disease depend on the size of the organ damage. Difficulty inhaling indicates cicatricial disease. Patients are plagued by shortness of breath, which first appears during physical exertion, and eventually at rest. It occurs due to hypoventilation of the lungs. Dry wheezing is considered a clear sign of scarring.

    Treatment of pulmonary fibrosis

    It is unrealistic to recover completely with cicatricial disease. Connective tissue is not able to regenerate, so fibrosis never disappears without a trace. However, with the right treatment, the condition of patients improves.

    Treatment is aimed primarily at preventing the progression of the disease. To do this, it is necessary to eliminate all the causes that can become a source of fibrosis. In relation to all types of inflammatory diseases in the lungs, preventive measures must also be taken.

    Effective massage of the chest, which increases blood flow to the lungs, electrophoresis, physiotherapy exercises.

    With pulmonary fibrosis, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, give the body sufficient physical activity, do breathing exercises and not be stressed.

    Where do scars come from? What are they? Are there effective methods to make them invisible?


    Scars are characteristic changes on the skin that appear as a result of its damage and subsequent gradual regeneration. The color of the scars is associated with the stage of skin repair. Therefore, scars can acquire a color from red-pink to pale pink. The shape of scars is closely related to the cause of their occurrence. In this regard, oblong, rounded and irregular scars are observed.

    Where do scars come from - causes of scars

    A scar forms when the top layer of the skin (called the epidermis) is damaged, along with the layer below (called the dermis). Damage to the dermis stimulates fibrous tissue to repair the defect. This complex process of regeneration of the epidermis resulting in the formation of a scar is called scarring. Scarring is a natural process necessary for skin regeneration. A number of cells participate in this process along with the so-called mediators (substances that stimulate all kinds of reactions in the body). This is how scars form.

    The main causes of scarring are: trauma, surgery and damage caused by acne and other inflammatory processes skin. Scars are also called skin changes that have arisen after burns. This type of scar is significantly different from others.

    Wound healing - scarring

    The process of scar formation consists of several phases. In the first phase (the so-called inflammation phase), tissue damage occurs, hyperemia appears and the permeability of blood vessels increases (24-48 hours). The second phase, the so-called limited inflammation phase, is the period in which the wound is cleansed (seven days). The next phase, called the healing phase, is the actual scarring. At this stage, the processes of scar formation occur, due to the formation fibrous tissue. The last phase of wound healing is the scar reorganization phase, which can last from several to more than ten months.

    Scars - what types are there?

    No two scars are the same, each scar is different. Despite this, there is general classification scars:

    • atrophic (in the case when the scar is “drawn in”, for example, after smallpox or acne),
    • hypertrophic (usually occur after burns),
    • keloid scars (protruding above the surface of the skin, sometimes painful, formed after surgery and trauma),
    • cicatricial contractures (appear on the flexion surfaces, which can also be caused by burns),
    • cicatricial stretch marks (flat, pale in color).

    What do scars look like?

    It is known that each scar acquires an individual shape. Therefore, postoperative scars look completely different and scars that have arisen at the site of acne and skin cuts look completely different. Scars can be flat and almost invisible, or protruding above the surface of the skin and very visible (the so-called hypertrophic scars, resulting from increased regenerative activity of the connective tissue). The first can be very easily masked, the others are very difficult to hide.

    Can scars form anywhere on the skin?

    Yes. Scars can form in any place, regardless of the hardness or softness of the skin. They can appear on the face (acne scars), on the limbs (arms and hands), and on the trunk.

    What are the risk factors for scarring?

    It seems that we have no influence on whether another scar appears on our body or not. However, there are certain risk factors that increase this likelihood. One of the first factors to be mentioned is the way the wound is treated. Combing, dissecting, tearing the scab to spontaneous falling off are the main reasons that prevent proper healing and contribute to the formation of a more noticeable scar.
    In the case of acne scarring, the above actions are further aggravated by the habit of "squeezing" acne. This provokes the occurrence of deeper wounds, the spread of infection and an increase in the inflammatory reaction of the skin.

    Factors that predispose to the formation of scar tissue, which we cannot influence, include: dark skin, incorrectly applied postoperative suture, as well as genetic predisposition.

    Why is the color of the scar different from the color of the skin?

    Knowing the mechanisms of scar formation, one can easily understand why the “new skin” has a slightly different color. Fibrous tissue that replaces a lost or damaged area of ​​the skin does not contain natural skin pigment (dye).

    Why doesn't hair grow in the scar area?

    Lack of hairline is associated with the absence of hair follicles in the fibrous tissue that replaces damaged skin.

    Can a scar hurt?

    Yes. The area where the scar is located can hurt, itch, and even contractures may appear. Over time, however, these symptoms disappear.

    Can a scar burn?

    No. Scars should not be exposed to direct sunlight. UV rays are known to damage the skin. In addition, UV rays clearly affect the development of skin diseases, including neoplasms. Therefore, it is necessary to apply creams with UV filters, both on healthy skin and on places with scars. It must be remembered that the skin in the scar zone does not have a natural pigment (due to which healthy skin gets a tan), so you can not hope that the tan will make the scar less noticeable. In this case, we will get the opposite effect, and in addition, we will expose the “new skin” to the damaging effect of UV rays and provoke tumor processes in the body.

    Postoperative scars (occurring after operations)

    The postoperative scar, as the name suggests, occurs as a result of tissue damage caused by surgical intervention. Due to the large number of various operations carried out, there is a wide variety of postoperative scars. Postoperative scars may be deep or superficial, usually oblong or irregular in shape.

    How to eliminate scars?

    Scar removal is very popular right now. Increasingly, surgical procedures are used to reduce the visibility of scars ( plastic surgery), and laser methods. In addition, various cosmetic procedures can be applied, including microdermabrasion, peeling, or the application of special preparations to treat scars.

    What composition should the drug have for effective scar treatment?

    Due to the large number available drugs for scar treatment, the choice is certainly difficult. You need to know which components of the drug are actually able to reduce the scar. Treatments that have proven effective in treating scars include:

    • Onion extract (Allii capae bulbus extractum). Reduces the visibility of scars, affecting their color. In addition, it makes the scar more tender. The bactericidal action of onion extract accelerates the prolonged phase of wound healing (i.e., the phase of limited inflammation). In addition, onion has the ability to dissolve blood clots, due to which the scar turns pale faster.
    • Allantoin (Allantoin). The substance has a softening, anti-inflammatory and astringent effect. All of these properties lead to accelerated wound healing and regeneration of the epidermis.
    • Heparin in the form of salt ( Heparin sodium). Heparin is a substance also used in the treatment of varicose veins. It has an anti-edematous effect. Interestingly, administered intravenously or subcutaneously, it exhibits anticoagulant properties.

    Which drug to choose for the treatment of scars?

    When choosing a drug for the treatment of scars, it is necessary, first of all, to analyze its composition. Preferably, this preparation contains at least two components with proven effectiveness in reducing the visibility of scars. The richer the composition cosmetic product, all the better.

    Alcepalan - concentrated gel for the treatment of scars

    Alcepalan is a cosmetic product intended for people who want to make their scars or stretch marks (stretch marks) less visible. Due to the substances it contains (onion extract, allantoin, heparin), it is invaluable in the care of skin with cicatricial changes. As already mentioned, the effectiveness of drugs for the treatment of scars is greater, the richer the composition of the drug. In the case of Alcepalan gel, there is no doubt about its effectiveness, since it is characterized by a rich composition.

    When to use Alcepalan gel?

    The use of Alcepalan gel should be started as soon as possible after the appearance of scars. When using Alcepalan gel, it is possible to restore the natural appearance of the skin with scars caused by acne, ulcers, boils, as well as surgical operations, burns, stretch marks and skin injuries.

    How to use Alcepalan gel?
    Alcepalan gel should be used regularly, preferably in the morning and evening. For the gel to be effective, it is necessary to rub it into the scar with light massaging movements until the cosmetic product is completely absorbed. Alcepalan gel should only be applied to a completely healed wound.

    When can we expect the first results?

    With the systematic use of Alcepalan gel, the first visible effects of treatment can be expected in two or three months.


    ))) Congratulations)) how everything is detailed))))

    And we also catch up with you)

    On the 16th I was given a plan for the 18th (Wednesday). But on the evening of the 16th, I started having contractions, and the other ones were a little bit different than the last time)))

    I sensed that it was starting, but just in case I decided not to rush to conclusions, I asked for papaverine to be injected, and when it didn’t help, I realized that soon)))

    There was a periodicity, but even with large intervals, I tried to sleep, but I felt contractions through a dream. Well, I really didn’t want to give birth with the team on duty at night (last time I also had to give birth with the duty team, because on the weekend the contractions began, and there was a terrible EKS, and the waste is the same as you write, because the fears were quite understandable)

    At 4 I woke up completely, because. the contractions became more frequent, it was already impossible to sleep, and I asked (not knowing whom) that the time would pass soon, and my doctor would come)))

    At 6-30 on the 17th, I called the doctor on duty, she looked, and there was no pain, we agreed to wait for my doctor (she already comes at 7-30). After the examination, a cork came out))) I managed to go to the shower, then my doctor looked at me, and he says, and the water has been leaking for a long time? (Damn, everything is like last time))))) And I replied that I could not notice in my soul, but it didn’t seem to be. (the doctor on duty 100% did not pierce the bladder, but said it was low).

    In general, the bubble burst itself, mine just blew up the shells a little to drain more water) And I got an EX again, though it can’t be compared with the previous “emergency”))) Only because it’s not according to plan, it's called an emergency

    Yeah, last time it was terrible, there was no pressure, I was almost all the time in a semi-conscious state. I was sick, I could not walk and unbend ... just by the end of the third day I somehow came to my senses.

    And this time... MMMM))))

    Immediately after the intensive course, after being transferred to the ward, I also asked to pick up the baby, although they tried to dissuade me) but I was in a “combat-like” mood))) I asked to remove the catheters, and immediately went for the kitten)))

    Pain, yes, has not gone away, but general state incomparable, of course. A friend/relative told me all the time - “don’t compare, then the general condition was what, and for a long time in the green waters - intoxication, etc., and the contractions were long, they exhausted you, and almost a day without water. »

    So it turned out)

    Although when I got to the roadblock, already in the operating system I wanted to ask them to remove the droppers from me, not to put anesthesia and try it myself)))) Funny))))

    However, it’s good that I didn’t try it, because. during the CS, it turned out that meconium still managed to get into the water, and we still caught hypoxia ...

    Regarding the scar, the doctor said that everything turned out to be not so criminal. That is, the thickness between the edges is one thing, but the thickness of the layer turned out to be quite normal.

    But you know, I read what your doctor told you about the next birth, and I'm surprised ... They told me to carefully protect themselves ... There is a very big risk ... And then it's up to me to decide, of course. How, they say, don’t tighten the tissue, don’t re-form the scar, anyway, it won’t get thicker ... Here ... Previously, all hands did not reach to unsubscribe, but then you inspired))))

    Health to us and our babies)

    By the way, the day before yesterday I had to go to the taxiway, because. the seam swelled, and began to whine.

    There, a seam was opened in one place, without anesthesia. Tin. they pumped out the liquid from there ... (seroma appeared).

    But now everything is fine)

    Do you still have a belly?

    I have a rough area inside that is palpable, like a thick strip - apparently, the seams and fabrics around. And outside, the tummy is like a ball of fat ... I understand that it’s early, but I’m already waiting for it to “melt”))) I miss a flat stomach)))

    We have collected in one place popular user posts on the topic "where do lung scars come from" so that you can get answers to questions related to:

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    The baby.ru social service is a community of 10 million current and future mothers who have already discussed the question "where do lung scars come from" in their blogs and thematic communities.


    Throughout our lives, we traumatize the skin many times. Some injuries go unnoticed, while others can leave a mark for life. Why is this happening? Is it possible to somehow influence this? Does it make sense to put in the effort and spend a lot of money? Which scars are permanent and which are easily treatable? You will find answers to these and many other questions below.

    Scar formation process

    A scar does not form instantly. He doesn't even show up for a few days. This is quite a long process. And the more seriously the skin tissue was damaged, the longer it is.

    To understand why scars remain, let's look at the formation process in stages:

    1. inflammatory stage. Lasts 7-10 days from the moment of injury. This is the period when damaged tissues first they swell and become inflamed, and then gradually return to normal. If at this stage the infection of the wound has not occurred, and the correct first aid has been provided, then the wound will heal with minimal unpleasant consequences. Only a slight thin scar may appear, which over time will become completely invisible.
    2. The appearance of a young scar. Only after ten days does a true scar begin to form. This stage lasts about a month. At the same time, the scar tissue is immature, collagen fibers are just beginning to form in it, of which the scar consists. During this period, the scar has a bright red color due to the fact that it has a large number of blood vessels. With excessive physical activity, re-injury can be inflicted on the same area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. It largely depends on whether scars remain in children and adults.
    3. Transition to mature scar. This happens within 1-3 months from the date of injury. If a repeated injury occurs during this period, the scars remain for life. The scar becomes denser due to the fact that the collagen fibers begin to line up in a certain order. It also turns pale because some of the blood vessels die.
    4. The end of maturation. The process is also long, taking a period from the fourth month to a year. It is at this stage that the doctor can give an objective assessment of the condition of the scar and determine the prognosis of its treatment. The tissue becomes even denser and paler.

    Scar removal at home. Reminder for you!

    Causes of scars

    Where do rough scars come from? As a rule, this mechanical damage skin. But at the same time, everyone knows very well that if you get a small scratch, then there will be no trace of it. This means that scars remain forever if the wound was large. Why is this happening? Here are a few reasons why:


    How to properly treat wounds after acne

    Do scars remain after removing them with all sorts of methods? In most cases, yes. That is why you need to try to minimize the risk of their occurrence. For this you need:

    • Immediately after injury, clean the wound of contamination by washing it with water.
    • If the wound is too deep, wide, or lacerated, it is highly advisable to seek medical attention. medical assistance. Suturing in this case is simply necessary.
    • It is necessary to follow the instructions of the doctor during the healing period. Try not to get hurt again.
    • Since children have chickenpox scars (often even for life), it is necessary to explain to them the dangers of scratching sores and make sure that they do not do this. A good result is given by taking antihistamines (antipruritic) drugs.
    • If a scar is planned, you need to use special gels and patches for their resorption.
    • Do acne scars remain on the face? Remain, and what! This suggests that you need to take care of your skin and not run its condition.

    Exclusive video! Treatment of scars with folk remedies

    How your skin will look after a wound is largely up to you. If you do not want to get ugly scars, you need to respond to any injuries in time and then healing will take place comfortably and with minimal consequences.

    How to quickly and easily get rid of calluses on your hands

    Have you got a scar or bruises for a long time and you have already tried a bunch of drugs? Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, you are still in search of a life-saving remedy.

    Perhaps you took special courses of complex therapy, which included standard procedures, but was there any sense?

    Do not bring to a situation where the doctor will put the question point-blank. Follow the link and find out what Elena recommends doing to get rid of scars, scars, bruises and bruises.

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    The site is a medical portal for online consultations of pediatric and adult doctors of all specialties. You can ask a question about "scarring on the lungs after pneumonia" and get free online consultation doctor.

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    Questions and answers on: scars on the lungs after pneumonia

    2013-03-15 21:48:14

    Samonyuk Tatyana asks:

    Hello! My mother had pneumonia, after which there were scars on her lungs, tell me what needs to be done so that they dissolve and how to raise immunity, thanks in advance!


    Hello! The formation of adhesions in the lungs after pneumonia does not pose a threat to the life and health of the patient, if given state not accompanied by subjective complaints (chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations). In order to eliminate adhesions, one should resort to physiotherapy exercises(respiratory gymnastics), physiotherapy (electrophoresis with lidase, ultrasound treatment), therapeutic massage. AT severe cases accompanied by respiratory failure resort to the use of surgical intervention. Immunomodulators (echinacea, eleutherococcus, ginseng) and multivitamin complexes can be used to correct the immune response. Be healthy!

    2012-08-22 09:52:25

    Eugene asks:

    In 2006 I fell ill with tuberculosis of the initial stage of the closed form. 6 months after the course of treatment, they said that everything was fine, the disease was stopped, only a scar on the lung remained. I go through x-rays twice a year. In 2011 got a job as a stoker in a kindergarten. June 2012 contracted pneumonia. When I did the examination (07.2012), the regional phthisiatrician said that I do not have the right to work in a kindergarten (regardless of who by profession). The final diagnosis was as follows: healthy, able-bodied, not entitled to work in this institution. Please tell me: 1. Is the doctor right and why, if I'm healthy? 2. Where, in which institutions do I have the right to work?

    Responsible Telnov Ivan Sergeevich:

    Hello. You have the right to work in a children's team only after deregistration in the TB dispensary. You can work not in children's and school groups.

    2016-02-20 09:50:19

    Dmitry asks:

    I get sick all the time in autumn and sometimes in spring: temperature under 40*, slight dry cough and discomfort in the upper part of the chest, severe chills at night. Usually the therapist diagnoses SARS. It happened again last fall. And again it was recognized as SARS, but the therapist heard wheezing in the upper part of the shoulders. After recovery, he was referred for FLU, but with a diagnosis of acute bronchitis. Changes were revealed. (I can’t read in the medical record). He was sent to a tuberculosis clinic, and from there to a clinical dispensary. R-gr. dated 03.11.15 - on the right in upper lobe lung and on the left in the upper lobe there is an increase, enrichment of the lung pattern, focal shadows. On the right in S1-2 there is a darkening without clear contours. Along the anterior chest wall, in the anterior sinus, pleural layers. Cor in N.
    Also, DST-neg. Analyzes at admission: KLA-Hb-141; E-4.2; L-7.6; e-1; n-5; s-70; l-20; m-4; ESR-15. OAM - specific weight - 1.019; reaction is sour; protein-0; sugar-0; L- 1-2; Ep.pl. - 2-3;. BAC - commonly. protein-83.9; AST-40.5; ALT-33.6; urea-8.3; bilirubin-19.0; indirect-16.11; straight-2.89; ShchF-54 (is there still a number on the photocopy is not visible).
    FBS-diffuse catarrhal bronchitis. FVD-moderate (grade 1) violation of pulmonary ventilation by obstructive type.
    I have pancreatic diabetes.
    Additional information: around 2008. also hurt in the same way as described above. At the appointment with a gastroenterologist, she heard wheezing in the upper part of her shoulders. Was sent to tube. dispensary clinic. I passed sputum tests and the Mantoux type (now called something else), they did an x-ray. As a result, it was said that I have something like a scar and these are the consequences of a small pneumonia on my legs.
    The penultimate FLU was in April 2015. and everything was normal.
    CT dated 10.11.2015 (in hospital). In axial scanning from 2 sides, a diffuse decrease in the transparency of the lung tissue, in all lung zones, mainly on the right, different-sized bullae are determined, max 34.6x25.0 mm in size. Against this background, soft-tissue opacification of the lung parenchyma without clear contours, 23.0x12.8/25.0 mm in size, with a bronchogram against its background, is determined on the right at the border of S1-2. The rest of the lung fields without focal, infiltrative and destructive changes. The roots of the lungs are not changed, the visible lobar and segmental bronchi are airy. No liquid content was found in the cavities. The organ and vascular structures of the mediastinum are distinctly differentiated, the mediastinal tissue is not infiltrated, VLH is within the normal range. (I miss the description of the kidneys, liver and pancreas).
    Conclusion: the data obtained may correspond to right-sided intra/lobar pneumonia, but the TB etiology of the revealed obscuration cannot be excluded.
    After a month of being in the hospital, I was discharged to the clinic. On discharge:
    KLA-Hb-156; E-4.6; L-9.6; e-4; n-7; p-51; l-26; m-11;
    OAM - ud. weight-1.013; reaction-acid, protein-0; sugar-2.95; L-2-3; Ep.pl.-1-3;
    BAC - total protein - 78.9; AST-27.4; ALT-36.3; urea-6.8; bilirubin-12.0; indirect-9.3; straight-2.7; Shchf-393.
    R-gr. at discharge: in the dynamics on the right in S1-2 there is an increase in the transparency of the lung tissue and a decrease in the size of the blackout area, of average intensity up to 1.76x1.03 cm in (I can’t read), the contours are clear, uneven. Left clean. Roots are structural.
    Diagnosis: focal tuberculosis of the upper lobe of the right lung, phase of infiltration. MBT-. Yes, sputum and Mantoux tests are negative.
    In a private conversation with of the diagnostic department (where I was in the hospital), to my question about the correctness of the diagnosis, he spoke something like this: I am more inclined towards the diagnosis due to the fact that I (the patient) has diabetes mellitus and just in case, for safety. It is already the third month of my treatment in the TB polyclinic. The doctor says that there are no dynamics, but she must follow the order of the Ministry of Health and keep her on treatment for at least 6 months.
    I already have liver, stomach and gallbladder problems.
    Analyzes with TB polyclinic: BAK dated 12/23/15 - total protein-82.6; AST-141.5; ALT-107.2; urea-4.5; creatinine-118; total cholesterol - 4.12; total bilirubin - 19.9; indirect-15.22; straight-4.68; ShchF-416; RPT (or GPT) -282.6. The treatment was suspended, he was treating the liver.
    LHC dated 01/11/16 - total protein-72.9; AST-30.7; ALT-33.9; urea-7.1; creatinine-102; total cholesterol - 3.63; total bilirubin - 12.6; indirect-7.19; straight-5.41; ShchF-394; RPT (or GPT) -245.6.
    KLA dated 01/11/16 - hemoglobin-142; erythrocytes-4.3; color index-0.99; Leukocytes - 9.0; neutrophils stab - 14, segmented - 61; eosinophils-1; lymphocytes-12; monocytes-12; erythrocyte sedimentation rate-30. Continued treatment. All the time was treated: isoniazid-2 tab. in a day; rifampicin-ferein -3 tab. in a day; pyrazinamide-2 tab. 2 times a day; kanamycin injections - 1 time per day; plus carsil and vitamins.
    LHC from 02/01/16 - total protein-76.0; AST-76.9; ALT-176.9; urea-7.9; creatinine-79; total cholesterol - 4.31; total bilirubin - 9.9; indirect-6.7; straight-3.2; ShchF-451; RPT (or GPT) -300.1.
    I earnestly ask you, according to the data presented, to express simply your vision in setting your diagnosis, excluding familiarization with the already established one.
    I will be very grateful, thank you.

    Responsible Vasquez Estuardo Eduardovich:

    Hello Dmitry! Unfortunately, it is NOT SO EASY for any doctor to "express just his vision in making a diagnosis" (this is a big responsibility, including moral), it is also connected with legislative requirements. At a distance and without examining the patient - this becomes all the more impossible! Signs of a chronic pulmonary-bronchial process are obvious, and taking into account your concomitant diagnoses, I consider all of the above fears of your doctors to be justified. My opinion: you need to continue monitoring and it is desirable to have a positive attitude towards treatment courses - not following such recommendations can be even more dangerous.

    2014-07-13 19:23:25

    Irina asks:

    Please help me please...
    it all started with the fact that I began to lose weight in the abdomen, it was hot .. hungry pains, seething in the intestines .. there was a feeling that I was pregnant .. severe back pain. muscular .. the nervous system suffered the most, ... there were suicide attempts ... I thought I was going crazy .. I turned to a neurologist .. I had an MRI of the spine, it turned out that I had osteochondrosis of the thoracic and cervical vertebrae ... but how the doctor explained to me - it shouldn’t cause such pains .. the pain was cutting and burning in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades of the shoulder and neck ... they prescribed massages and exercise therapy .. there were no improvements .. the condition worsened .. I fell into a deep depression .. saw powerful antidepressants. . I went to a gastroenterologist, but they told me after they made a probe that I had psychosomatics and advised me to change my lifestyle. ..I went to another city so as not to go crazy ..there were no improvements ..there were such things as I was walking and a sharp pain on the sole of my foot, as if now the skin would crack, I could not step on my foot ..the next day everything passed without a trace and so on for several once .. I returned to my city .. got a job .. I am a child psychologist by profession .. I worked as a nanny at home .. a month later I became very ill. the temperature rose sharply to 39 and a terrible pain all over the body. I couldn’t walk, everything hurt .. as soon as I tried to walk, my heart was missing, I called an ambulance .. the first time they said neurology panic attacks ... the second time when they called they said that I had tachycardia, the third time I almost lost consciousness, an ambulance arrived they took me away, but in the morning they let me go saying that I was healthy - they called me 3 times a day, since I lived alone and it was very scary. Never had a heart problem before. I went to the local clinic. I barely got to her. after examination, the doctor suggested that I had acute rheumatic fever and gave me a referral to the hospital. I went to a private clinic, passed a rheumatic test, and lay in a fever for 2 days until I waited for the answer of the analysis. ..I thought I was going to die... the bones seemed to be picking at me with glass, my whole body ached... the tests came out negative... it was not rheumatism and they wouldn’t take me to the hospital ... I again went to the clinic there, the doctor was surprised that I was not in the hospital and suggested that I write out a prescription for treatment ... I didn’t know that I agreed with me on everything .. she prescribed I had a bunch of antibiotic droppers, including those for the heart of the km.. during the droppers, I felt bad. .after the condition improved a little, I could already walk more or less ... after the end of antibiotic therapy, 2 days later I had pains in the tonsils, not strong, there was no temperature. .I again went to the clinic, the ENT doctor said that he had a sore throat and was surprised that after so many drugs. said to pass on rv and on vich. rinse was ordered. hiv came out negative and p was positive. .I ran with fear to an anonymous venereologist ..he again pricked me for a week with bicillin mine, because what the secret was curing. I again wanted to commit suicide .. because I didn’t want to live with such a shame and didn’t understand where it all came from, as soon as I broke up with my husband and I didn’t have anyone else after him. the former husband is healthy since he went to live abroad and passed all the tests for a visa. I didn't believe it, but I did it anyway. Whether the venereologist profited from me still I do not understand. my condition did not improve. tongue swollen asthma and bronchitis opened strong macrotia with a brown admixture pharyngitis a bump under the tongue all the palate in scars on the wall of the throat small pustules .. the venereologist explained to me that it was supposedly a fungus from antibiotics and prescribed antihistamines. nothing passed. the condition did not improve even the rash on the neck became more. asthma worsened, I went to the allergist, he sent me to take an x-ray of the lungs. Turned out it was pneumonia. ..again prescribed the strongest antibiotics. I didn't even have a temperature. only severe weakness. after 7 days of antibiotics, macros became even more no improvement. I went to another allergist, he said that the fungus antibiotics can not be dripped fucis and askarbinnka got a little better. ..after that I went to the center of Pulmonology, since macros did not give me life, there are a lot of them to this day. Previously, I passed a swab from the pharynx and macro. Staphylococcus aureus was found in the pharynx, and geomolytic streptococcus was found in macrot b. I didn't believe my ears. in Pulmonology, I had another x-ray and several tests ruled out lupus and something else. again they told me to pass on vich and rv I passed everything negatively. prescribed vitamins and sent home. macros did not become less choking on it. pain in the back and joints do not allow to work. but you have to work. I turned to another neurologist already .. after examining me, she said that I had psychosomatics and sent me to a psychologist .. I didn’t want to live from the thought that I was going crazy. Even my family stopped believing that I feel bad. I went through several sessions with a psychologist. I didn't get any better. believing the doctors that it was psychosamatics, I decided to simply not think about the disease and accept that I would no longer be healthy. at work, I didn’t have enough strength for chronic malaise .. and one fine day I noticed something was wrong in my feces. I took it for analysis and found eggs of dwarf tapeworm and Giardia .. they prescribed Biltricid. only 2 tablets .. after 2 weeks another 2. I don’t understand anything everything that happened to me and all these diagnoses due to tapeworms ??? please help me figure it out ... and the better to destroy them. I really want to get back to a normal life. I am 29 years old and tired of being sick. I took 2 pills and nothing happened. but the pain in the muscles of the joint also remembered that I had seen the same thing in my feces three years ago. looks like i've had them for a long time

    Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

    Irina, good afternoon! Pull yourself together and stop looking for new problems. You have already done more than one antibiotic therapy, antifungal therapy, etc. Now you are treating helminthiasis, this is also a powerful chemical load on the body. Do you still need to figure out if you have helminths. It all depends on the skill of the laboratory assistant. Since you are talking about seeing something three years ago, then we can just talk about underdigested food elements ... The fact is that you developed dysbacteriosis on your skin and mucous membranes with antibiotics and other chemicals. Hence your rash, itching, etc. You need to restore the normal microflora (autovaccines, bacteriophages, bacterial lysates, lactobacillus preparations, etc.) and finally stop being treated. Judging by the results of numerous examinations, you are still young and quite healthy woman. Yes, now you are not having the best period in your life (divorce, etc.), but life goes on. Switch, learn to enjoy life and stop obsessing over your condition. Be healthy!

    2013-11-22 10:33:06

    Marina asks:

    Hello dear consultants. I am 27 years old. At the beginning of 2013, she fell ill, had a temperature in the evenings, sweating, weakness, loss of appetite. X-ray showed that there is fluid in the lungs, 700 ml. Pumped out about 300 ml. The rest was gradually absorbed during treatment. Unfortunately, the pulmonologist turned out to be incompetent and did not detect tuberculosis in me, but treated me as community acquired pneumonia complicated by exudative pleurisy. In general, after the use of anti-inflammatory antibiotics, I felt good, I thought I had recovered. Until, in July, I took a picture. It turned out that he has a dense focus measuring 14 by 9 mm, and there are calcifications. and fibrotic changes. And a small hearth, 8 mm. She gave a spit, made bronchospopia, took a swab from the bronchi, the result is negative. In general, treatment was carried out, while the drugs were administered through the rectum, the treatment took 3 months. As a result, he has a scar at the site of a small focus, tuberculoma 14 * 9 mm in size, fibrous changes and calcifications. The question is. Is it possible to live with a tuberculoma of this size without resorting to surgery? Does it affect pregnancy? My doctor says that in general it is small, and you can live with it all your life, but maintaining immunity and a healthy lifestyle. And what if during pregnancy and in postpartum period to carry out preventive treatment. Can antituberculosis drugs be used during pregnancy? And will I be able to pass a medical examination to work in government agencies, with tuberculoma? I don't work with children, only adults. In general, I plan to leave in the future, on a long-term business trip, will I be able to pass a medical examination with tuberculoma? (At work they don't know about my illness)

    Responsible Telnov Ivan Sergeevich:

    Hello. You will not be able to pass a medical examination with tuberculoma in government agencies. You can receive preventive treatment during pregnancy - your doctor will select the necessary drugs for you. But given the rather large size of tuberculoma, it is better to carry out surgical treatment. Consult with a thoracic surgeon.

    2011-12-21 10:22:11

    Suzanne asks:

    Hello! I was in the hospital 2 times this summer with out-of-hospital left-sided pneumonia chronic bronchitis protracted course. I have 3 ct of the lungs: a picture of chronic bronchitis. , then dexamethasone, vanvomycin, loraxone. For the entire time of treatment, the body temperature remained at 37 g., Harsh breathing in the lungs. And dry rales to the present. B589 of the left lung, dark gray pigmented submucosal spots without inflammation, foci of fibrosis of both lungs are visible. Cicatricial narrowing of B-7 of the right lung due to two crescentic scars, the preserved lumen has a slit-like shape 1 by 2 mm, there is no sign of inflammation, but a large amount of viscous mucosal purulent secretion in the form of small lumps. Multiple small lumps of viscous mucopurulent secretion in the bronchi. nom and levofloxacin. D-Z; 2-sided differential endobronchitis 1-2 tbsp. subcompensated stenosis of the orifice B7 pr. lung cicatricial. Endoscopic signs of a bilateral multifocal specific process (B589 pr. lung B7 of the left lung). I don’t see tuberculosis, but I’ll hand over a 3 glass sample and prescribed a trial course of therapy! the question is, could I have suffered tuberculosis for a long time, or since the summer, but they weren’t diagnosed, these scars are talking about: About tuberculosis or pneumonia and for how long? What should I do? and two children aged 21 and 18. Can my subfebrile condition be associated with tuberculosis or is it an untreated infection, soon there will be bacteremia. b or not? Thank you!

    Responsible Kucherova Anna Alekseevna:

    Perhaps both tuberculosis and bronchiectasis of the lungs. VtorSolve the question you would be helped in the Research Institute of Pulmonology and Phthisiology. Yanovsky, Kyiv. Get a referral from your pulmonologist for a consultation. In your case consultations in absentia are senseless.

    - malignant tumors that originate in the mucous membranes and glands of the bronchi and lungs. Cancer cells divide rapidly, increasing the tumor. Without proper treatment, it germinates in the heart, brain, blood vessels, esophagus, spine. The bloodstream carries cancer cells throughout the body, forming new metastases. There are three phases of cancer development:

    • The biological period is from the moment the tumor appears to the fixation of its signs on the x-ray (grade 1-2).
    • Preclinical - asymptomatic period manifests itself only on x-rays (grade 2-3).
    • Clinical shows other signs of the disease (grade 3-4).

    The reasons

    The mechanisms of cell regeneration are not fully understood. But thanks to numerous studies, chemicals have been identified that can accelerate the transformation of cells. All risk factors are grouped according to two criteria.

    Causes beyond human control:

    • Genetic propensity: at least three cases of a similar disease in the family or the presence of a similar diagnosis in a close relative, the presence of several in one patient different forms cancer.
    • Age after 50 years.
    • Tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, scars on the lungs.
    • Problems of the endocrine system.

    Modifiable factors (which can be influenced):

    • Smoking is the main cause of lung cancer. When tobacco is burned, 4,000 carcinogens are released that cover the bronchial mucosa and burn out living cells. Together with the blood, the poison enters the brain, kidneys, liver. Carcinogens settle in the lungs for the rest of life, covering them with soot. Smoking experience of 10 years or 2 packs of cigarettes a day increases the chance of getting sick by 25 times. At risk and passive smokers: 80% of exhaled smoke goes to them.
    • Professional contacts: asbestos-related factories, metallurgical enterprises; cotton, linen and felting mills; contact with poisons (arsenic, nickel, cadmium, chromium) at work; mining (coal, radon); rubber production.
    • Bad environment, radioactive contamination. The systematic impact of air polluted by cars and factories on the lungs of the urban population changes the respiratory mucosa.


    There are several types of classification. In Russia, five forms of cancer are distinguished depending on the location of the tumor.

    1. Central cancer- in the lumen of the bronchi. At the first degree, it is not detected on the pictures (masks the heart). The diagnosis may be indicated by indirect signs on x-rays: a decrease in the airiness of the lung or regular local inflammation. All this is combined with a hacking cough with blood, shortness of breath, later - chest pain, fever.
    2. peripheral cancer embedded in the lung array. pain No, the diagnosis is determined by X-ray. Patients refuse treatment without realizing that the disease is progressing. Options:
      • Cancer of the apex of the lung grows into the vessels and nerves of the shoulder. In such patients, osteochondrosis is treated for a long time, and they get to the oncologist late.
      • The cavity form appears after the collapse of the central part due to lack of nutrition. Neoplasms up to 10 cm, they are confused with abscess, cysts, tuberculosis, which complicates the treatment.
    3. Pneumonia-like cancer are treated with antibiotics. Not getting the desired effect, they end up in oncology. The tumor is distributed diffusely (not a node), occupying most of the lung.
    4. Atypical forms: brain, liver, bone create metastases in lung cancer, and not the tumor itself.
      • The hepatic form is characterized by jaundice, heaviness in the right hypochondrium, deterioration of tests, enlargement of the liver.
      • The brain looks like a stroke: the limb does not work, speech is disturbed, the patient loses consciousness, headache, convulsions, splitting.
      • Bone - pain symptoms in the spine, pelvic region, limbs, fractures without injury.
    5. Metastatic neoplasms originate from a tumor of another organ with the ability to grow, paralyzing the work of the organ. Metastases up to 10 cm lead to death from decay products and dysfunction of internal organs. The primary source - the maternal tumor is not always possible to determine.

    According to the histological structure (cell type), lung cancer is:

    1. small cell- the most aggressive tumor, quickly occupies and metastasizes already in the early stages. The frequency of occurrence is 20%. Forecast - 16 months. with non-spread cancer and 6 months. - with widespread.
    2. Non-small cell more common, characterized by relatively slow growth. There are three types:
      • squamous cell lung cancer (from squamous lamellar cells with slow growth and low frequency of manifestation of early metastases, with areas of keratinization), prone to necrosis, ulcers, ischemia. 15% survivability.
      • adenocarcinoma develops from glandular cells. It spreads rapidly through the bloodstream. Survival is 20% with palliative care, 80% with surgery.
      • Large cell carcinoma has several varieties, asymptomatic, occurs in 18% of cases. The average survival rate is 15% (depending on the type).


    • Lung cancer 1st degree. A tumor up to 3 cm in diameter or a bronchial tumor in one lobe, no metastases in neighboring lymph nodes.
    • Lung cancer grade 2. The tumor in the lung is 3-6 cm, blocks the bronchi, growing into the pleura, causing atelectasis (loss of air).
    • Lung cancer grade 3. A tumor of 6-7 cm passes to neighboring organs, atelectasis of the entire lung, the presence of metastases in neighboring lymph nodes (the root of the lung and mediastinum, supraclavicular zones).
    • Lung cancer grade 4. The tumor grows in the heart, large vessels, fluid appears in the pleural cavity.


    Common Symptoms of Lung Cancer

    • fast weight loss,
    • no appetite,
    • performance drop,
    • sweating,
    • unstable temperature.

    Specific features:

    • cough, debilitating, without clear reason- a companion of bronchial cancer. The color of sputum changes to yellow-green. In a horizontal position, physical exercises, in the cold, coughing attacks become more frequent: a tumor growing in the zone of the bronchial tree irritates the mucous membrane.
    • Blood when coughing is pinkish or scarlet, with clots, but hemoptysis is also a sign.
    • Shortness of breath due to inflammation of the lungs, recession of a part of the lung due to tumor blockage of the bronchus. With tumors in the large bronchi, there may be a shutdown of the organ.
    • Pain in the chest due to the introduction of cancer into the serous tissue (pleura), sprouting into the bone. At the beginning of the disease, there are no alarms, the appearance of pain indicates an advanced stage. The pain can be given to the arm, neck, back, shoulder, aggravated by coughing.


    Diagnosing lung cancer is not an easy task, because oncology looks like pneumonia, abscesses, tuberculosis. More than half of the tumors are detected too late. For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to undergo an x-ray annually. If cancer is suspected:

    • Fluorography to determine tuberculosis, pneumonia, lung tumors. In case of deviations, an x-ray should be taken.
    • X-ray of the lungs more accurately assesses the pathology.
    • Layered x-ray tomography of the problem area - several sections with a focus of the disease in the center.
    • Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging with the introduction of contrast on layered sections shows in detail, clarifies the diagnosis according to explicit criteria.
    • Bronchoscopy diagnoses central cancer tumors. You can see the problem and take a biopsy - a piece of affected tissue for analysis.
    • Tumor markers examine the blood for a protein produced only by the tumor. NSE tumor marker is used for small cell carcinoma, SSC, CYFRA markers are used for squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, CEA is a universal marker. The diagnostic level is low, it is used after treatment for early detection of metastases.
    • Sputum analysis with low percentage probability suggests the presence of a tumor when atypical cells are detected.
    • Thoracoscopy - examination through camera punctures in pleural cavity. Allows you to take a biopsy and clarify the changes.
    • Biopsy with computed tomography is used when there is doubt about the diagnosis.

    The examination should be comprehensive, because cancer masquerades as many diseases. Sometimes they even use diagnostic surgery.


    The type (, radiological, palliative,) is selected based on the stage of the process, the histological type of the tumor, and anamnesis). The most reliable method is surgery. At lung cancer 1st stage 70-80%, 2nd stage - 40%, 3rd stage -15-20% of patients survive the control five-year period. Operation types:

    • Removal of a lobe of the lung - meets all the principles of treatment.
    • Marginal resection removes only the tumor. Metastases are treated in other ways.
    • Removal of the lung completely (pneumoectomy) - with a tumor of 2 degrees for central cancer, 2-3 degrees - for peripheral.
    • Combined operations - with the removal of part of the neighboring affected organs.

    Chemotherapy has become more effective thanks to new drugs. Small cell lung cancer responds well to chemotherapy. With a properly selected combination (taking into account sensitivity, 6-8 courses with an interval of 3-4 weeks), the survival time increases by 4 times. Chemotherapy for lung cancer. conducted by courses and gives positive result for several years.

    Non-small cell cancer is resistant to chemotherapy (partial resorption of the tumor in 10-30% of patients, complete resorption is rare), but modern polychemotherapy raises the survival rate by 35%.

    They are also treated with platinum preparations - the most effective, but also the most toxic, and therefore they are administered with a large (up to 4 l) amount of liquid. Possible side effects: nausea, intestinal disorders, cystitis, dermatitis, phlebitis, allergy. The best results are achieved with a combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, either simultaneously or sequentially.

    Radiation therapy uses gamma-beta-trons and linear accelerators. The method is designed for inoperable patients of 3-4 degrees. The effect is achieved due to the death of all cells of the primary tumor and metastases. Nice results receive at small cell carcinoma. With non-small cell irradiation, it is carried out according to a radical program (with contraindications or refusal of surgery) for patients of 1-2 degrees or with a palliative purpose for patients of the 3rd degree. The standard dose for radiation treatment is 60-70 Gy. In 40%, it is possible to achieve a reduction in the oncological process.

    Palliative care - surgery to reduce the impact of the tumor on the affected organs to improve the quality of life with effective pain relief, oxygenation (forced oxygen saturation), treatment of comorbidities, support and care.

    Alternative methods are used exclusively for pain relief or after radiation and only in consultation with the doctor. Relying on healers and herbalists with such a serious diagnosis increases the already high risk of death.


    The prognosis for lung cancer is poor. Without special treatment 90% of patients die within 2 years. The prognosis determines the degree and histological structure. The table presents data on the survival of cancer patients for 5 years.

    lung cancer

    small cell

    Non-small cell

    1A swelling up to 3cm

    1B tumor 3-5 cm does not spread to others.
    areas and lymph nodes

    2A tumor 5-7cm without
    metastasis to lymph nodes or up to 5 cm, legs with metastases.

    2B tumor 7cm without
    metastasis or less, but with damage to neighboring l / nodes

    3A tumor over 7cm
    diaphragm, pleura and lymph nodes

    3B spreads on
    diaphragm, mid-chest, lining of the heart, other lymph nodes

    4 tumor metastasizes to other organs
    accumulation of fluid around the lung and heart

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