What is small cell lung cancer. Small cell lung cancer Mortality by stage


Previously, this type of disease was considered a male disease, but with environmental pollution, increased nervous stress, cases of smoking among women, it has spread to the female part of the population. The main risk group falls on people aged 44-67 years.

Small cell lung cancer: life expectancy

When diagnosed with small cell, it is impossible to say exactly how long patients live. Because this is determined by several factors: the age of the patient, good immunity, the body's susceptibility to drugs, the timeliness of the therapy started.

There are four stages of the development of the disease:

  1. Malignant formation is 3cm. Metastasis to other areas is not observed.
  2. Blastoma from 3 to 6 cm. Infected particles enter the pleura, pinch the bronchi, there is a possibility of atelectasis.
  3. The neoplasm grows up to 7cm. Malignant cells grow into nearby lymph nodes. Spread to other organs begins.
  4. From harmful cells, formations are created that cover the heart, kidneys and liver. Incurable.

In the first stage, characterized by a small tumor in the lung, recovery occurs with a 75-85% probability.

But this should be preceded by a timely surgical operation, which will remove the malignant formation in time, and the right medication.

If your body copes with this difficult task without complications, then the possibility of a relapse after five years will be 6-9%.

At the second stage, where in addition to the tumor there are already small formations in the lymphatic system, the possibility of complete regression is 50-60%.

Due to the likelihood of relapse and weakening of the body, the survival rate for 4-6 years is no more than 25%.

However, this type of malignancy is predominantly detected at the 3rd (approximately 65%) or 4th stage, according to the totality of all the symptoms that have manifested by this time. By this time, a malignant lung tumor progresses and gives complications to other organs, so the period of life, even with treatment, is reduced to 5-7 years.

It is worth noting that if, as a result of therapeutic actions, the tumor begins to decrease, then doctors regard this as a sign that increases the success of recovery. With partial remission, the chances are about 52%, and with complete remission, 75-90%.

The 3rd stage of a cancerous tumor is characterized by the manifestation of a constant cough with the release of red-brown sputum due to metastases in the blood vessels. Become constant and unbearable pain in the chest, previously attributed to neuralgia. The heartbeat is disturbed, the esophagus becomes difficult to pass, constant shortness of breath torments, symptoms appear that characterize the initial damage to other organs.

When diagnosed with a malignant lung tumor in the 3rd phase, the prognosis is disappointing. Without drug assistance, life expectancy ranges from a few weeks to 4-6 months.

However, this type of tumor has an increased sensitivity to radiation and chemotherapy, so the combined treatment of small cell carcinoma with the correct dosage of cytotoxic drugs can increase the lifespan to 5-7 years.

Predictions for stage 4 small cell lung cancer

At the final stage, malignant cells affect the tissue of the liver and kidneys, bones, penetrate into the brain. This causes severe pain that analgesics cannot cope with. Absolute recovery (without relapse) during the described stage is very rare. The life span of cancer patients with malignant tumors that have spread to the heart or liver is no more than 2 months. With a diagnosis of stage 4 sarcoma, the prognosis does not exceed 8-10% of people's life expectancy within 4-6 years.

According to the total set of factors, the prognosis of recurrence at stage 4 is positive. Compared with other types of lesions with this form of tumor, life expectancy after surgery is very short.

Small cell lung cancer is considered a fairly common disease among men. It is quite difficult to determine such a form at the initial stages, but if it is detected in time and treated, then the patient has every chance of favorable prognosis.

Small cell lung cancer is characterized by increased malignancy, an aggressive course, and a tendency to extensive metastasis. Therefore, if you do not identify it in the early stages of progression and do not start timely treatment, then the patient will die. The share of such cancer accounts for a quarter of cases of the total number of pulmonary pathologies.

The concept of the disease

So, small cell lung cancer is a malignant tumor formation, prone to rapid progression and extensive.

Such oncology is characterized by a latent, asymptomatic onset, so it often happens that patients fall into the hands of specialists when the disease is already in an advanced stage.

More often, pathology is found in patients of the stronger sex, although in recent years the disease has also begun to affect the beautiful half, which is most likely due to the spread among women.


Small cell lung oncology is divided into two pathological forms:

  • small cell carcinoma- this is a rather unfavorable oncoprocess, which is characterized by rapid and aggressive development with extensive metastases, therefore the only treatment option is combined polychemotherapy;
  • Combined small cell carcinoma- this type of oncology is characterized by the presence of signs of adenocarcinoma in combination with the symptoms of squamous and oat cell cancer.

The reasons

The main cause of pulmonary small cell oncology is. The degree of risk of developing such a pathology is largely determined by the age characteristics of the patient, the number of cigarettes smoked throughout the day, smoking experience, etc.

The presence of nicotine addiction increases the likelihood of oncological processes in the lung tissues by 16-25 times. In addition to smoking, the following factors can provoke cancer:

  1. Pulmonary pathologies like obstruction, tuberculosis, etc.;
  2. Unfavorable environmental conditions;
  3. hereditary predisposition;
  4. Work in a hazardous environment.

Exposure to radiation can also become a trigger for the occurrence of a cancerous tumor in the lungs.


As previously reported, pathology rarely manifests itself in the initial stages of development, therefore it is detected at the stage of active progression, accompanied by such symptomatic manifestations:

  • The occurrence of an inexplicable cough, gradually worsening and not amenable to treatment;
  • Refusal to eat, weight loss;
  • Tendency to frequent pulmonary pathologies such as pneumonia or bronchitis;
  • Excessive fatigue and fatigue, shortness of breath;
  • Chest pains that tend to increase in intensity with laughter, coughing, or deep breathing;
  • Sudden rises in temperature, up to a feverish state;
  • Over time, with a cough, rusty-brown or red mucous sputum begins to stand out, hemoptysis;
  • Extraneous whistling sounds when breathing.

Unusual signs of lung cancer are described in this video:

With extensive growth of the tumor, additional symptoms also appear, such as ossalgia, jaundice, neurological manifestations, swelling of the supraclavicular and cervical lymph node structures.

The large size of the formation has a depressing effect on neighboring systems, causing additional soreness, puffiness of the face, problems with swallowing, intractable hiccups, etc.

Stages and prognosis in small cell lung cancer

Small cell forms of lung cancer develop according to the following scenario:

  • Stage 1 - oncology is localized, the formation is located only in one part of the chest and the regional lymph node system. At this stage, the disease responds positively to radiation if its volume and intensity are chosen correctly;
  • Stage 2 is manifested by generalization of the tumor process, which spreads beyond one chest half and regional lymph nodes, growing throughout the body. In this case, the prognosis is often unfavorable.


The diagnostic process is based on several research procedures:

  1. Fluorographic examination;
  2. Bronchoscopy procedure;
  3. tumors;
  4. X-ray examination;
  5. or MRI, diagnosing.

Principles of treatment

Such treatment is recommended to be combined with, involving the irradiation of primary tumor foci and lymph node structures. A combined approach to the treatment of small cell lung cancer helps to prolong the life of a cancer patient by 2 years.

If the small cell tumor is widespread, then at least 5-6 chemotherapy courses are indicated. If metastases have penetrated into the bone, brain, adrenal structures, then they resort to radiation treatment.

Although small cell lung cancer is characterized by increased sensitivity to polychemotherapeutic and radiation exposure, the likelihood of relapse is quite high.

Patient life expectancy

If left untreated, lung cancer is 100% fatal.

Predicting the life expectancy of patients with small cell lung cancer depends on the development of the oncological process and the correctness of its therapy.

If small cell lung oncology is detected at the beginning of pathology, then the number of survivors in a five-year period will be about 21-38%. When detected in advanced stages 3.4, the survival rate is a maximum of 9%.

If during the course of treatment there is a tendency to a decrease in tumor parameters, then oncologists regard this phenomenon as a favorable sign, because the patient has good chances for a long life - with a partially remission result, the survival rate will be about 50%, with a complete one - 70-90%.

Disease prevention

An excellent measure for the prevention of lung cancer is to get rid of nicotine addiction, and passive smoking should also be avoided. No less important is the prevention of pulmonary pathologies and general organic infections.

It is necessary to include gymnastics, morning exercises, fitness or jogging in the daily routine. Such a measure will favorably affect the pulmonary system and help control your weight.

If you have addictions like drinking or it is recommended to get rid of them. If the profession is associated with the production of increased hazard, then you need to follow safety precautions and use personal protective equipment.

Once a year, you need to undergo preventive fluorography, which will help in a timely manner to detect the oncological processes that have begun in the lungs, if any.

Video of the scientific and practical conference on small cell lung cancer:

Bronchogenic carcinoma (in other words, lung cancer) is a fairly serious disease. The disease is characterized by the occurrence of malignant tumors that develop from the epithelial cells of the bronchi. The disease negatively affects all organs and systems of the human body.

Making a terrible diagnosis immediately raises a lot of questions in the patient. The most common of them is “How long do they live with lung cancer?”. It is not possible to specify the possible life expectancy for lung cancer. It varies based on a large number of concomitant oncology factors.

The essence of pathology

Concentrated in the lung tissue, the disease is expressed not only by the neoplasm. Lung cancer in adults is a network of malignant tumors. They may differ in their occurrence, the clinical picture of the problem and the expected prognosis.

Compared with the total number, oncology of this organ is most common. The prognosis for lung cancer is usually poor. Pathology is recognized as the most common cause of death among people with any type of cancer. Males are more susceptible to the disease.

note: people who smoke, no matter how banal it may seem, often develop lung cancer.

Causes of death

The more neglected the condition becomes oncology, the more causes of death.

This is how people die from lung cancer:

  1. Severe intoxication. This is due to the release of toxins by the tumor, which injure the cells and provoke their necrosis and oxygen starvation.
  2. Sudden weight loss. Wasting can be quite severe (up to 50% of the total weight), as a result of which the body is significantly weakened, increasing the likelihood of death.
  3. Pronounced soreness. It occurs in the process of damage to the pleura of the lung, which is endowed with a large number of nerve endings (which is why pleural cancer appears so easily). The pain syndrome is explained by the germination of the tumor in the pulmonary membrane.
  4. Acute respiratory failure. It occurs when the tumor (due to its size) begins to block the lumen of the bronchus. This makes it difficult for the patient to breathe..
  5. Massive pulmonary hemorrhage. It comes from a lung damaged by a neoplasm.
  6. The formation of secondary foci of oncology. In the later stages of the disease, multiple organ failure develops. Metastasis is one of the most common causes of patient death.

note: these phenomena rarely occur separately. Exhaustion, cancer of the pleura and intoxication significantly worsen the general condition of the body, as a result of which a person can live quite a short time.

Pulmonary bleeding

Due to its ever-increasing size, the tumor can injure the circulatory network. The lung tissue contains a number of blood vessels, damage to which causes extensive bleeding. Stopping it is often quite difficult. The patient needs to be provided with high-quality medical care in a timely manner. Otherwise, he will die within 5 minutes after the first symptoms of the pathology appear.

The manifestation of sputum discharge with blood in a patient indicates damage to the wall of one of the vessels. And do not ignore even small inclusions. As soon as the vessel is completely injured, extensive bleeding will not take long.

Sometimes people confuse bleeding from small vessels in terms of symptoms with those in the gastrointestinal tract. Incorrectly selected therapy also leads to death.

Respiratory failure

This pathology begins to develop when an enlarged tumor blocks the lumen of the trachea and bronchi. At first, the patient who received this ailment suffers from shortness of breath and gradually increasing shortness of breath. A little later, asthma attacks are added to the existing symptoms.. They can occur repeatedly during the day, at any time, and are not subject to any control by the patient.

As soon as the lumen of the bronchi is completely blocked, the patient loses the ability to breathe. You can try to prepare in advance for this situation. If you do not provide a person with emergency medical care, he will die within 30 minutes.


One of the causes of death Attempts to remove metastases through surgery are fraught with their reappearance at a faster rate. If the cancer spreads to other organs, the patient has no chance of recovery.

The greatest possible danger is brain damage. If a secondary tumor develops, which will be concentrated in this area, it will not be possible to prevent a fatal outcome.

Metastases localized in other parts of the body disrupt the functioning of all organs and systems, causing a serious pain syndrome. Usually, such symptoms, which also accelerate the death of the patient, are inherent in small cell cancer.

How long can you live with the disease

The duration of life with this disease is different for each of the patients. The specific period directly depends on the type of cancer, smoking and other factors, on timely diagnosis.

Mortality by stages

Detection of cancer at the initial stage, coupled with correctly selected therapy, can prolong the patient's life for up to 10 years.

The second and third stages of the disease are characterized by the occurrence of metastases. Moreover, even the removal of the tumor is not able to save a person from the disease. Lethal outcome occurs in 7-8 years.

note: the development of a secondary tumor usually occurs no earlier than 5 years after the onset of the disease. However, do not forget about the cases of earlier occurrence of metastases. The rapid course of the disease significantly reduces the years of life, resulting in death from lung cancer occurs within 3 years.

The advanced stage of the disease will allow the patient to live only a few months (usually 2-3).

Small cell form of the disease (SCLC)

This type of disease is most common in smokers. It is quite aggressive, and metastases spread at lightning speed. How much do you need to smoke in order to get lung cancer? There is no specific answer, because life expectancy depends on the influence of many factors. Sometimes a person lives to a ripe old age without parting with a cigarette. And another by the first year of smoking will face oncology and will not even live to be 30 years old.

To treat the small cell form of pathology at an early stage, doctors usually resort to chemotherapy drugs. However, even with the right therapy, one should not expect a significant positive result. Often, a malignant neoplasm does not respond to the use of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which means that there is a risk of death.

The best option is to alleviate the suffering of the dying.

Palliative techniques are based on:
  • Pain relief.
  • Saturation of the patient's cells with oxygen.
  • Operations that can at least partially improve the quality of life of the patient.

With small cell lung cancer, the life expectancy of the victim will be approximately 4-5 months to 1 year. Such an early death is explained by the severity of the disease and the rapid development of secondary tumors in the lymph nodes and distant organs.


Video - Man dying of cancer

Non-small cell form

This form of oncology develops much more often than SCLC.

Non-small cell lung cancer can be classified as follows:

  • Squamous cell carcinoma.

Survival directly depends on the degree of damage to the organ, on the characteristics of histology. During the third stage of the disease, the tumor increases to 8 cm, and metastases spread to the vascular network, organs and bone apparatus. With squamous cell lung cancer, the prognosis is not encouraging: at stage 3, out of 100 people, about 20 survive.

  • Large cell cancer.

It occurs in 10% of oncology cases. It is usually diagnosed at a rather late stage, when the use of therapeutic measures will no longer bring the desired effect.

The initial symptomatology is the presence of cough, increased fatigue, painful syndrome in the chest.

If metastases have not yet spread, surgery can be applied. Otherwise, it is an inoperable cancer. The late stage of the disease in 85% of cases ends in death.

  • Adenocarcinoma.

Non-small cell lung cancer is usually represented by this particular variety. If the secondary tumor has touched the lymph nodes and lung pleura cancer has appeared, the prognosis for recovery is disappointing. In the process of the last stage of the disease, conventional methods of treatment do not bring any result. Of the total number of patients, only 10% can live for about 5 years.

Non-small cell lung cancer develops at an unhurried pace, which, with proper treatment and timely surgery, gives the patient a chance for recovery. Regardless of the form of cancer, women live longer than men.

peripheral form

Peripheral lung cancer is recognized as the most dangerous. Its main difference is the difficulty of detection in the initial stages of the disease.

In its symptoms, pathology is similar to other varieties of the disease. Over time, more and more obvious signs of a particular form of cancer are added.

To determine the location of the tumor, as well as its size and nature, it is necessary to conduct a competent diagnosis. The most common is peripheral cancer of the right lung (or left), which affects the upper lobe of the organ. This variety accounts for about 60% of cases. Such statistics are explained by the anatomical structure of the lungs.

Only thirty cases out of a hundred are peripheral cancer of the left lung, developing in the lower lobe of the organ. Only 10% of the total remains for the middle department.

The main diagnostic method is radiography, although it does not always show an accurate picture. The examination should be carried out in conjunction with CT, MRI and biopsy. You will need to do a detailed blood test.

Only after a thorough examination, the specialist will be able to confirm or refute the diagnosis and prescribe competent therapy. The combination of all actions will help the patient live much longer.

In the structure of oncological diseases, lung cancer is one of the most common pathologies. It is based on a malignant degeneration of the epithelium of the lung tissue, a violation of air exchange. The disease is characterized by high mortality. The main risk group is smoking men aged 50-80 years. A feature of modern pathogenesis is a decrease in the age of primary diagnosis, an increase in the likelihood of lung cancer in women.

Small cell carcinoma is a malignant tumor that has the most aggressive course and widespread metastasis. This form accounts for about 20-25% of all types. Many scientific experts regard this type of tumor as a systemic disease, in the early stages of which, it is almost always present in the regional lymph nodes. , suffer from this type of tumor most often, but the percentage of cases is growing significantly. Almost all patients have a fairly severe form of cancer, this is due to the rapid growth of the tumor and widespread metastasis.

Small cell lung cancer

Causes of small cell lung cancer

In nature, there are many reasons for the development of a malignant neoplasm in the lungs, but there are the main ones that we encounter almost every day:

  • smoking;
  • exposure to radon;
  • asbestosis of the lungs;
  • viral damage;
  • dust impact.

Clinical manifestations of small cell lung cancer

Symptoms of small cell lung cancer:

  • a cough of a prolonged nature, or a newly appeared cough with changes in the patient's usual;
  • lack of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • general malaise, fatigue;
  • shortness of breath, pain in the chest and lungs;
  • voice change, hoarseness (dysphonia);
  • pain in the spine with bones (occurs with bone metastases);
  • epileptic seizures;
  • lung cancer, stage 4 - there is a violation of speech and severe headaches appear.

Grades of small cell lung cancer

  • Stage 1 - the size of the tumor in diameter up to 3 cm, the tumor affected one lung. There is no metastasis.
  • Stage 2 - the size of the tumor in the lung is from 3 to 6 cm, blocks the bronchus and grows into the pleura, causing atelectasis;
  • Stage 3 - the tumor rapidly passes into neighboring organs, its size has increased from 6 to 7 cm, atelectasis of the entire lung occurs. Metastases in neighboring lymph nodes.
  • Stage 4 small cell lung cancer is characterized by the spread of malignant cells to distant organs of the human body and causes symptoms such as:
  1. headache;
  2. hoarseness or even loss of voice;
  3. general malaise;
  4. loss of appetite and a sharp decrease in weight;
  5. back pain, etc.

Diagnosis of small cell lung cancer

Despite all the clinical examinations, history taking and listening to the lungs, quality is also needed, which is carried out using methods such as:

  • skeletal scintigraphy;
  • chest x-ray;
  • detailed, clinical blood test;
  • computed tomography (CT);
  • liver function tests;
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • positron emission tomography (PET);
  • sputum analysis (cytological examination to detect cancer cells);
  • pleurocentesis (fluid collection from the chest cavity around the lungs);
  • - the most common method for diagnosing a malignant neoplasm. It is carried out in the form of removal of a particle of a fragment of the affected tissue for further examination under a microscope.

There are several ways to perform a biopsy:

  • bronchoscopy combined with biopsy;
  • carried out with the help of CT;
  • endoscopic ultrasound with biopsy;
  • mediastinoscopy combined with biopsy;
  • open lung biopsy;
  • pleural biopsy;
  • videothoracoscopy.

Treatment of small cell lung cancer

The most important place in the treatment of small cell is chemotherapy. In the absence of appropriate treatment for lung cancer, the patient dies 5-18 weeks after diagnosis. To increase the mortality rate to 45 - 70 weeks, polychemotherapy helps. It is used both as an independent method of therapy, and in combination with surgery or radiation therapy.

The goal of this treatment is complete remission, which must be confirmed by bronchoscopic methods, biopsy and bronchoalveolar lavage. As a rule, the effectiveness of treatment is assessed after 6-12 weeks, after the start of therapy, also, according to these results, it is possible to assess the likelihood of a cure and the patient's life expectancy. The most favorable prognosis is in those patients who have achieved complete remission. This group includes all patients whose life expectancy exceeds 3 years. If the tumor has decreased by 50%, while there is no metastasis, it is possible to talk about partial remission. Life expectancy is correspondingly less than in the first group. With a tumor that is not amenable to treatment and active progression, the prognosis is unfavorable.

After a statistical study, the effectiveness of chemotherapy was revealed and it is about 70%, while in 20% of cases a complete remission is achieved, which gives survival rates close to those of patients with a localized form.

limited stage

At this stage, the tumor is located within one lung, and nearby lymph nodes may also be involved.

Applied methods of treatment:

  • combined: chemo+radiotherapy followed by prophylactic cranial irradiation (PKO) in remission;
  • chemotherapy with or without PCR, for patients who have impaired respiratory function;
  • surgical resection with adjuvant therapy for stage 1 patients;
  • combined use of chemotherapy and thoracic radiotherapy is the standard approach for patients with limited stage, small cell LC.

According to the statistics of clinical studies, combination treatment compared with chemotherapy without radiation therapy increases the 3-year survival prognosis by 5%. Drugs used: platinum and etoposide. Prognostic indicators for life expectancy are 20-26 months and a 2-year survival forecast of 50%.

Inefficient ways to increase forecast:

  • increasing the dose of drugs;
  • action of additional types of chemotherapy drugs.

The duration of the course of chemotherapy is not defined, but, nevertheless, the duration of the course should not exceed 6 months.

The question of radiotherapy: many studies show its benefits in the period 1-2 cycles of chemotherapy. The duration of the course of radiation therapy should not exceed 30-40 days.

maybeapplication of standard irradiation courses:

  • 1 time per day for 5 weeks;
  • 2 or more times a day for 3 weeks.

Hyperfractionated thoracic radiotherapy is considered preferable and contributes to a better prognosis.

Patients of older age (65-70 years) tolerate treatment much worse, the prognosis of treatment is much worse, as they respond quite poorly to radiochemotherapy, which in turn manifests itself in low efficiency and large complications. Currently, the optimal therapeutic approach for elderly patients with small cell carcinoma has not been developed.

Patients who have achieved tumor remission are candidates for prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCR). The research results indicate a significant reduction in the risk of brain metastases, which without the use of PKO is 60%. RCC improves the prognosis of 3-year survival from 15% to 21%. Frequently, survivors show impairments in neurophysiological function, but these impairments are not associated with the passage of PCR.

extensive stage

The spread of the tumor occurs outside the lung in which it originally appeared.

Standard methods of therapy:

  • combined chemotherapy with or without prophylactic cranial irradiation;
  • +

    Note! The use of higher doses of chemotherapy drugs remains an open question.

    For a limited stage, in case of a positive response to chemotherapy, an extensive stage of small cell lung cancer, prophylactic cranial irradiation is indicated. The risk of formation of metastases in the CNS within 1 year is reduced from 40% to 15%. There was no significant deterioration in health after PKO.

    Combined radiochemotherapy does not improve the prognosis compared to chemotherapy, but thoracic irradiation is reasonable for palliative therapy of distant metastases.

    Patients diagnosed with an advanced stage have a deteriorating state of health that complicates aggressive therapy. Conducted clinical studies have not revealed an improvement in survival prognosis with a decrease in drug doses or with the transition to monotherapy, but, nevertheless, the intensity in this case should be calculated from an individual assessment of the patient's health status.

    Disease prognosis

    As mentioned earlier, small cell lung cancer is one of the most aggressive forms of all. What prognosis of the disease and how long patients live depends directly on the treatment of oncology in the lungs. A lot depends on the stage of the disease, and what type it belongs to. There are two main types of lung cancer - small cell and non-small cell.

    Small cell lung cancer affects smokers, it is less common, but spreads very quickly, forming metastases and capturing other organs. Is more sensitive to chemical and radiation therapy.

    Life expectancy in the absence of appropriate treatment is from 6 to 18 weeks, and the survival rate reaches 50%. With appropriate therapy, life expectancy increases from 5 to 6 months. The worst prognosis is in patients with a 5-year illness. Approximately 5-10% of patients remain alive.

    Informative video

    Oncological pathologies are widespread throughout the world. The incidence of cancer is increasing every year. This is due to the fact that at present the methods of diagnosing oncological pathologies have improved significantly. One of the most common forms is small cell lung cancer. Millions of people die every year from this disease worldwide. The question of how long people live with lung cancer is very relevant. Doctors have been trying to find a cure for oncological pathologies for a long time. In modern times, oncologists have made great strides in this area. Such advances are mainly associated with early diagnosis of the disease. In addition, treatment methods are constantly being improved.

    Types of small cell lung cancer

    Like all lung cancer, there are varieties. The classification is based on the radiological forms and types of cells from which the tumor is formed. Depending on the morphology, 2 types of oncological processes are distinguished. More common It has a more favorable course. small cell is characterized by rapid metastasis. Occurs on rarer occasions. Also, this disease can occur in a localized (local) and widespread form.

    Depending on where exactly the tumor is located, the following types are distinguished:

    1. central cancer. It is characterized by the fact that the tumor is located in large and segmental bronchi. Most often, this pathology is difficult to diagnose.
    2. peripheral cancer. The oncological process develops in the lung tissue itself.
    3. Apical cancer. It also affects lung tissue. This variety is separated into a separate group, as it differs in the clinical picture (grows into the vessels of the shoulder girdle, neck).
    4. Abdominal lung cancer.
    5. Atypical and metastatic forms.
    6. Pneumonia-like tumor.

    What is small cell lung cancer?

    This type of cancer occurs in 25% of cases. It is classified as an aggressive form due to its rapid spread to the lymphatic system. If oncological pathology is suspected in smokers, the diagnosis is often small cell lung cancer. Life expectancy in this disease primarily depends on the stage of the process. The individual characteristics of the organism and the tolerability of treatment also matter. The malignancy of this type of cancer is due to the fact that it arises from undifferentiated cells. Such a tumor seems to “seed” the lung parenchyma over a large extent, as a result of which it is difficult to detect the primary focus.

    Etiology of small cell carcinoma

    Like any oncological pathology, small cell lung cancer does not just happen. Atypical cells begin to multiply due to several predisposing factors. The main cause of small cell cancer is smoking. There is also a relationship between morbidity and exposure to harmful substances (heavy metals, arsenic). The likelihood of developing cancer is increased in older people who have a high smoker index (having used tobacco for many years). Predisposing factors include chronic lung diseases, including tuberculosis, COPD, obstructive bronchitis. The risk of developing small cell cancer is increased among people who have constant contact with dust particles. With a combination of factors such as smoking, chronic diseases and occupational hazards, the likelihood of a tumor is very high. In addition, the reasons for the development of oncological processes include a decrease in the body's immune defenses and chronic stress.

    Stages of small cell lung cancer

    The question of how long they live with lung cancer can only be answered by knowing the stage of the disease. It depends on the size of the oncological process and the degree of spread to other organs. Like most tumors, lung cancer has 4 stages. In addition, there is also the initial phase of the disease. In another way, it is called "precancer". This phase is characterized by the fact that small cell elements are located only on the inner lining of the lungs.

    The first stage of cancer is characterized by a tumor size of up to 3 cm. At the same time, nearby lymph nodes are not damaged. Around the tumor process is healthy lung tissue.

    Second stage. There is an increase in size (up to 7 cm). Lymph nodes remain intact. Nevertheless, the tumor grows into the pleura and bronchi.

    Third stage. It is characterized by the large size of the oncological process. Cancer grows into the lymph nodes of the chest, vessels of the neck and mediastinum. Also, the tumor can spread to the tissue of the pericardium, trachea, esophagus.

    The fourth stage is characterized by the appearance of metastases in other organs (liver, bones, brain).

    Clinical picture of small cell lung cancer

    Clinical manifestations of the disease depend on the stage of small cell lung cancer. At the initial stages, the pathology is very difficult to diagnose, since there are practically no symptoms. The first signs of cancer are observed in the second stage of the disease. These include: increased shortness of breath, a change in the nature of cough (in patients with COPD), chest pain. In some cases, the appearance of blood in the sputum is noted. The changes that occur in the third stage depend on where the tumor has grown. When the heart is involved in the process, symptoms such as pain, arrhythmias, tachycardia or bradycardia appear. If the tumor affects the pharynx and esophagus, there is a violation of swallowing, choking. The terminal stage is characterized by general weakness, enlarged lymph nodes, subfebrile temperature and weight loss.

    Small cell lung cancer: life expectancy with such a diagnosis

    Unfortunately, this disease progresses very quickly. The life expectancy of patients depends on when exactly the terrible diagnosis was made - "small cell lung cancer". The prognosis of the disease is unfavorable. This is especially true for patients with stages 3 and 4 of the oncological process. In the initial forms, small cell carcinoma is also difficult to treat. Nevertheless, sometimes it is possible to achieve a delay in tumor growth. It is impossible to determine with accuracy how much time the patient has left to live. It depends on the human body and on the rate of cancer development. The five-year survival rate for small cell lung tumors is 5-10%.

    Cancer Center (Moscow): cancer treatment

    If the stage of the disease allows, then the cancer must be treated. Removal of the tumor and therapy will help not only prolong the life of the patient, but also alleviate his suffering. For effective treatment, you should find a qualified specialist and a good oncology center. Moscow is considered one of the cities where medicine is developed at a very high level. In particular, this applies to oncology. New methods of treatment are being developed here, clinical trials are being conducted. There are several regional oncological dispensaries and hospitals in Moscow. The most significant centers are also Blokhin. These oncology dispensaries have the latest treatment equipment and the best specialists in the country. Scientific experience is widely used abroad.

    Small cell lung cancer: treatment

    Treatment of small cell lung cancer is carried out depending on the nature of growth, size and stage of the tumor process. The main method is chemotherapy. It allows you to slow down the growth of the tumor, increasing the life expectancy of the patient for months and years. Chemotherapy can be used at all stages of the oncological process, with the exception of the terminal phase. In this case, the patient's condition should be relatively satisfactory and not be accompanied by other severe pathologies. Small cell lung cancer may have a localized form. In this case, chemotherapy is combined with surgical treatment and radiation therapy.

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