Does it hurt to pull out a temporary filling? What happens if you overexpose arsenic in the tooth. Why you may need to extract arsenic yourself

As a rule, a temporary filling is intended for subsequent replacement with a permanent one. Used when the dentist uses medicinal preparation or completely unsure of the diagnosis. A temporary filling is a protective layer of the tooth to certain time avoid the penetration of food particles and the reproduction of bacteria inside. The constant is designed for long-term action. But, as a rule, the service life depends on the quality of the material used, the structure of the tooth, the correct observance of the technology, and the qualifications of the doctor.

Temporary fillings are widely used in the diagnosis of dental diseases. For example, in some diseases in the oral cavity, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the nerve endings. This is necessary in order to try to save the nerve, if possible, and not thoughtlessly remove it when a small hole appears in the tooth.

Another way to use temporary fillings is prosthetics. The material for temporary appointment performs the function of protecting the prepared part of the tooth for further production of the implant, which will be inserted into the patient's oral cavity.

If a temporary filling has fallen out, it means that poor-quality material was used or the specialist did not treat the tooth surface well enough. It should be noted that the temporary filling is removed directly in the dental office, after which a permanent one is immediately placed.

Reliable installation of a temporary filling requires preliminary preparation of the tooth. To do this, it is necessary to thoroughly dry all the channels and the bottom. As a rule, a temporary filling can be placed for several days or even 2-3 weeks. It depends on the purpose and time of action of the drug.

Sometimes, with a temporary filling, painful sensations begin to appear, which is considered the norm. In this case, you can use any pain reliever. If the filling comes out prematurely or individual pieces break off, you should immediately consult a doctor, since if saliva and food debris enter, the inflammatory process will begin and the destruction of the tooth itself will continue. If it hurts under a permanent filling, then this should be a cause for concern and an immediate appeal to a specialist.

The most common materials from which a filling can be made are metal, cement, phosphate cement, glass ionomer cement, composites, plastics, acrylic-containing plastics, and others. On the this moment fillings made of light-polymer material are in great demand, as they have high quality characteristics. As a rule, such fillings can be installed on any part of the damaged tooth, with the help of such a composition, chipped pieces of the tooth are restored, any shade of the filling is given. This is due to the fact that hardening occurs only under the influence of special light.

To avoid unpleasant symptoms and the appearance of caries, it is necessary to carefully take care of the oral cavity: brush your teeth daily in the morning and evening, regularly visit the dental office to detect diseases at an early stage, eat a balanced diet and monitor intake enough trace elements and vitamins, regularly walk in the fresh air and get enough sleep, refuse to use alcoholic beverages and smoking.

We collect the child in the camp: autumn shift.

Of course, we understand that the weather is different in October and November. Try to look at the weather forecasts for the holiday week and pack accordingly. It is better to put in more warm clothes than not to put them in at all. Otherwise, you, dear parents, will have to bring these things to the camp for 2-3 days of the shift. Outdoor clothing: Demi-season coat or down jacket Warm waterproof jacket and sports winter pants or jeans with insulation (for participation in sports games and outdoor walks…

Tooth for removal at 3.7 years old!: (((. Children's medicine

Help with advice, who knows!!! My son had pulpitis, the nerve was removed. Then the doctor put the medicine in and ... I don’t know for sure, I don’t want to write anything definitely yet, but it turns out that either I mixed up the dose of the medicine, or “overdosed it” (????) - the last in her words. In reality, the child walked with medicine under a temporary filling for 4 weeks. When the filling was removed, the gum bled, they sent it for an x-ray, and the verdict was to remove it ... I asked how urgent it was - they said, within a day maximum! Naturally…

Caries in children - caries of milk teeth.

Caries in Children - Caries in Milk Teeth Caries in milk teeth is usually found in children aged 2-3 years, but in some cases it can also occur in a child younger than 2 years. Most often, the pathological process affects the milk incisors of the upper jaw and chewing surface molars. Factors contributing to the development of caries in children are violations of the structure of tooth tissues (malformations) that arose in the child in utero, as well as mother's diseases - rheumatism, hypertension ...

Teeth. Cumparsita's blog on

I started doing some dental checkups. This is when each tooth is either depulped or retreated. And I have several teeth under crowns, there are teeth with pins, which were treated 10 years ago, I would even say, saved ... And now again the dental epic. Well, they opened the tooth under the crown - and the crown part was destroyed, they left the root, you need to make a stump tab. They have already begun to open a pinned tooth - while the prognosis is difficult, the doctor said that she will finally open it in the next ...

The cost of dental treatment - help navigate.

I went here yesterday to treat my teeth in my clinic, where I have been going for a long time. Usually I didn’t have any questions, but here I was thrown into some confusion by the cost and volume of the proposed treatment. If without details, then the tooth treatment goes off scale for $ 300 and will take place in three visits! I do not know the prices in other clinics, I only know that mine is not the cheapest, but for 300 USD. I have never had my teeth done there. My husband thinks that they just bred me there and treat me to a greater extent than is required. I…

Teeth cleaning with ultrasound. Community About everything in the world on

Tell me a reliable clinic where you can solve the problem of plaque on the teeth with the help of ultrasound and strengthen the enamel. And has anyone treated their teeth with a laser?

Teeth extension for children. Children's medicine

Please share your positive experience (if any) of augmentation of the upper central incisors without nerve removal (the tooth is not yet fully formed). My son has an injury - a broken half of a tooth. The dentist suggested fluoridation and wait 16 years (when everything is finally formed) and then remove the nerve and restore it. The son is very worried about the aesthetic side of the issue (

About the inflamed gums, see the link, plz! . Child 7 to 10

Narosis and pregnancy. Pregnancy and childbirth

Girls, save, can anyone come across. My tooth ached terribly, and dentists shy away from me: ((They say that outwardly they don’t see problems, but fillings on the tooth can only hurt if there is pulpitis under the filling. And in order to understand this, you need to take an x-ray, which I can’t. On offer remove the filling and see, they said that if there is pulpitis, then I will give birth to them in the chair, when they open the pulpitis without anesthesia. local view anesthesia for teeth, which ...

In TsNIIS they treat well - I agree. Faced with a leak...

Turned to this center in order to heal one complex tooth The child has. But they didn’t treat us at the first appointment, but they said that without cleaning the stone (I didn’t see it and in the children’s city they never talked about the fact that we have it) we can’t start treatment. Removed. Paid 9800 Further inspired (I was determined to believe the doctor the highest category) that the teeth must be varnished. Covered. 7000. Next visit and again: teeth filling is required. She said to treat first, fill it later. Seemed to agree. Healed…

Teeth are breaking ((. SP: gatherings

help on the link in medicine [link-1] Maybe someone had this. Several teeth have been without nerves for many years, healed, there are fillings. And now, in the last 4 months, large pieces are breaking off from them ((I even had to put a crown on one, it cannot be reconstructed ((Why this happens, there is not enough calcium or something else Can I drink some special vitamins or change the paste?

How to get money back for badly made fillings.

Healed 2 front teeth. On one filling it is imperceptible, on the other you can see a dark spot. I did it in a decent clinic, the issue price is 9 thousand rubles. They no longer have a desire to redo it. I want to return the money, but I'm afraid they won't want to return it.

The dentist asks.. Medicine and health

Girls, what does it mean for you to treat a tooth inexpensively? Up to how much is it inexpensive? For caries and for pulpitis. Suddenly it became very interesting.

Unbearable toothache!!! How to help yourself? Medicine and health

For the 2nd day, the tooth hurts terribly unbearably, the upper 2nd left one, the filling fell out ... :(((I can’t stand it. Since the tooth is front, I wouldn’t want to run to the first doctor I came across, because I’m afraid to ruin the face. How can you relieve the pain even for a moment? You need to be patient at least a week (until the salary) And in general, where is the best place to do the front teeth well? And what are the prices for the front teeth in Moscow today (insert a filling + treat). Thank you in advance.

Knowledgeable in dentistry…. About his own, about the girlish

Girls, don’t tell me what’s going on with me, they recently put in a filling without cleaning the canals, explaining that the tooth was dead, but how were discomfort, and they remained, that is, when I draw in air, there is an unpleasant smell, I asked the dentist, he says that the gums are inflamed and will pass by themselves. This is true? Or was my dentist a “super-professional” ???

filling problem.. Pediatric medicine

Situation.! My daughter was treated for a tooth, put arsenic, then a permanent filling, 2 weeks ago. In recent days, she complained of pain in this tooth when pressed, whined, rinsed with soda. The last two nights I had a toothache. they drank painkillers ... today they went to the clinic, the seal was removed, they put a cotton wool, they said if it hurts, take it out, rinse with soda ... tomorrow they will come and put a permanent one .... But the daughter still complains of pain when pressed ....... Put a seal? What else can they-should do????? Damn, I have emotions through ...

Where is the truth? Or how to treat a tooth .. Medicine and health

Girls, who understands dentistry? Tell me: there is a complex tooth, they cleaned the canals, removed the nerve, put a temporary filling. When trying to put a permanent one, the doctor said that due to the high location of the gums, when trying to put some kind of limiters, the gums start to bleed (and it’s true, she only had time to change tampons for half an hour), so she can’t put a filling. Those. maybe only this is all useless: in any case, blood will remain below and after a while ...

about my teeth - need help. Medicine and health

a serious question arose. background. 30 years ago, a “good aunt orthodontist” ruined my teeth. For three years I walked with a plate, corrected my bite, during this time I developed multiple caries, but the doctor did not send me to treat it. When I came with the class, the doctors on duty were shocked. It seems that 8 holes in two teeth were patched up. At the age of 20, having given birth to a daughter, I began to desperately lose my teeth. The remains of the front were hardly saved. Well, I have what I have. Patched-patched. They don't have much of a view. Well, the content...

Is it possible to put a filling on a milk tooth.

Be sure to treat milk teeth, so you can avoid problems with permanent teeth, so that they do not erupt already affected by caries. Fillings can also be put on “adults”, polymeric, quickly hardening, which will hold better even on the front teeth. Children's caries progresses extremely quickly, unlike ordinary caries in adults - this is due to unformed tooth tissues, they are more easily destroyed as a result carious process, as well as with such unfavorable factors ...

Arsenic in the tooth. About his own, about the girlish

Does it happen that they put arsenic for 6 days? ... They put me on Thursday, and they told me to come the next Wednesday ... I'm afraid of something ...

Can pregnant women whiten their teeth?

In the annotations to any whitening system used both in the clinic ( office whitening), as well as for home use, always in contraindications will be written-pregnancy and breast-feeding. Let's make a reservation right away - these contraindications are not absolute, but relative, that is, teeth whitening during pregnancy and lactation does not pose a threat to the life of either you or your baby. But is there such an urgent need to apply, albeit locally, chemical effects ...

Looking for the best toothbrush.

Some time ago, I was concerned about choosing a new device for my teeth. Fortunately, there is now a huge selection of different devices for care. Yes, of course, I had a regular toothbrush and sanitary floss, but progress requires. So, what does the foreign industry offer us - electric toothbrushes - ultrasonic toothbrushes - irrigators Unfortunately, despite the mass of laudatory reviews, I could not afford an irrigator, due to the lack of space for it in the bathroom. Yes it…

Toothache: you can not be afraid - treat! Dental and cavity care...

Dentistry without secrets: when toothache kills why you can not brush your teeth after cola and proper whitening
…— Is it possible to whiten teeth at home? — There is office (office) and home whitening.

you can whiten your teeth at home, but only after visiting a hygienist who will conduct professional hygiene: remove plaque that does not allow you to whiten your teeth. Before home whitening, the doctor takes impressions of the teeth, mouthguards are made and special gels are given to the patient. There are night, day and weekend whitening. Depending on the type of mouthguards with gel, they are worn at night, during the day or on weekends. With home whitening, patients get a tangible and noticeable result. But the process is slow. By time home whitening spread over 2-3 weeks. The term depends on how many shades you need to change ...
…Often, wisdom teeth are angled or horizontal, resulting in pressure on the adjacent teeth and causes pain. They can cause inflammation of the gums. Patients who are shown orthodontic treatment wisdom teeth are always removed. - If a piece of a tooth broke off, what is the reason? Normally, teeth should not chip. If healthy teeth without fillings are chipped, then this may be the result of trauma or malocclusion due to increased stress on the tooth. When teeth with fillings break off, most often a piece is “dead” teeth, from which the pulp is removed, since after depulpation, the elasticity of the tooth is disturbed. Therefore, "dead" teeth need to be covered with crowns. Also, the cause of a chip may be an incomplete dentition, because…

Can a tooth hurt without a nerve? Medicine and health

Wow, I can't. A year ago, the first filling was placed, and the nerve of the tooth was removed. Yesterday, a piece broke off from this tooth, the gums and cheek hurt terribly. I can’t get to the doctor, the next appointment is in 3 days (both in a free clinic and in paid dentistry): (((. What can be done to at least feel like a person? *** The topic was moved from the conference “SP: gatherings”

There is such a situation - 6 pieces of chewing teeth have large carious cavities (there are large fillings), but all the teeth are alive, the nerves have not been removed. in fact, the teeth are in the shape of a glass, inside the glass there is a solid filling. The fillings are old at least 3 teeth, and it is better to urgently treat and change the fillings. The doctor suggests making not fillings, but inlays. Very advertised and all that. However, he says that the decision is up to me - if I want to make large fillings again, but this is not very good - the tooth can burst and they will take a long time ...

Tooth!. Styusha's blog on

Got cut!! I’ve been checking it with a spoon for several days, since it was visible and palpable with a finger, but didn’t knock) But I hit it!) So we lose, officially toothy) I knew that they would climb early, but that Vasyukha would be overtaken for 3 weeks, I didn’t expect)

... Many women have the feeling that the child during prenatal development"Takes" calcium from the mother's teeth, causing caries and gum disease. In fact, this is a myth that has no scientific confirmation. The calcium reserves necessary for the development of the baby are not replenished by the mother's teeth. Why, then, during pregnancy, problems with the teeth are aggravated? What happens to teeth and gums during pregnancy? Most often, during this period, women complain of an exacerbation of diseases such as caries, gingivitis, periodontitis. Each of them can lead to tooth loss in the absence of timely treatment. Catalyst...
... However, it is still not worth associating a sharp deterioration in oral health with pregnancy. If you maintained proper oral hygiene before pregnancy, regularly visited preventive examinations and do it every six months professional cleaning, then all the problems listed above will most likely not affect you. Another thing is if you have never removed dental plaque and have not cured caries. Even if they practically did not bother you before pregnancy, then during it the problems already “acquired” earlier are likely to worsen. Can the "dental" diseases of the mother affect the health of the baby? Sore teeth and inflamed gums are a source of infection for the whole body. From the carious cavity, microbes can penetrate through the root to ...

Strange, but it is the teeth that concern us so much. It would seem how much more human body there are: legs, arms, hair. Ears, after all, are also an important detail. But no. Our teeth have become more than just a tool for chewing, biting and “smiling”.
…By at least, so others begin to think ... Around this reverent attitude to "bones growing out of the jaw cell, for biting and grinding food" ( Dictionary Dahl) the whole huge dental business is spinning. Here they sell not seals or crowns, but symbols of success and prosperity. And even those whose teeth do not need treatment, there is always something to offer. For example, to make a snow-white smile, correct curvature, reduce the distance between teeth. We decided to talk a little about the cosmetic side of dentistry, about ways to make our teeth even more beautiful, whiter and smoother. That is, about investing, as they say, in the smile of your dreams. Whitening Of course, the standard for whiter teeth is…

09/23/2012. Blog user nikalena123 on

We woke up only at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, while we had breakfast, while we cleaned the room and moved the furniture, it was already 4 o'clock in the afternoon. We decided to have lunch and cover another wall with wallpaper. During lunch, a piece of my tooth broke off, but it didn’t fall out, but went to the side from under the filling ... I urgently started calling dentists (it even hurt me to talk). The weather was nasty, it was raining, I got ready, rushed to the doctor in Intan, and he said “this is just a removal, but we don’t have a surgeon today” and also charged me 340 rubles for this. I got to another...

Treat or remove a tooth? Children's medicine

Good afternoon! Please advise on this matter. The child is 4.5 years old. 1 tooth - "chewing", the last, has a very deep caries. The doctor said: you need to drill, put the medicine under a temporary filling, walk like this for 10 days, then drill it again and put a normal filling. The tooth does not hurt, the child does not complain, but, of course, something must be done. Do you think this tooth can be removed? In order not to torment the child with drilling. All the same, it will fall out, milky, on the other hand - and if we tear it out ...

In the previous article, we tried to create a simple algorithm for a home dental program aimed at ensuring that your child's smile is beautiful and his teeth are healthy.

When the teeth hurt ... Caries in a child. Children's dental care

Caries in a child: how to care for children's teeth

…Accordingly, to achieve a snow-white effect, it is only necessary to increase the area of ​​the reflective surface. Sometimes this can only be achieved by replacing old, discolored fillings. If replacing fillings is not enough, then you need to resort to a teeth whitening procedure using bleaching agents. Whitening will also provide an increase in the reflective surface of the enamel of the teeth, which in turn will make your smile dazzling! Types of whitening You can whiten your teeth both at home and in the clinic. The choice depends on the desired results, the amount of time available and, of course, the funds. Home whitening (help yourself) The most…
…Sometimes this can only be achieved by replacing old, discolored fillings. If replacing fillings is not enough, then you need to resort to a teeth whitening procedure using bleaching agents. Whitening will also provide an increase in the reflective surface of the enamel of the teeth, which in turn will make your smile dazzling! Types of whitening You can whiten your teeth both at home and in the clinic. The choice depends on the desired results, the amount of time available and, of course, the funds. Home whitening (help yourself) The most time-consuming and risky is self-whitening at home, when choosing which you will have to choose a whitening agent yourself, taking into account the characteristics of the teeth (enamel condition,…

Dental advice for pregnant and lactating women. Dental care...

Pregnancy and breastfeeding is not a reason to part with even one tooth!
…but there are a few simple recommendations for women who are worried about their smile, but are attached to a small child and do not have the opportunity to visit a dentist. Examine the mouth. Periodically inspect the oral cavity with a mirror and pay attention to each tooth when brushing. That is, do not clean the entire dentition at once, but each tooth from all sides separately. If you notice pigmentation on any tooth or plaque that does not disappear after thorough cleaning, then you still need to visit a doctor. Make applications to strengthen the enamel. Twice a day for 10-15 minutes on brushed teeth, apply loosened cotton wool, thickly smeared with toothpaste containing calcium (repeat this procedure as follows…

When does a sealed tooth bleed?

This is really, really horror, right? And the smell, the taste is so rotten. The fact that it shouldn’t be like this is what I know. But I’ll only get to the doctor not earlier than Wednesday. It comes from this tooth. Should I die right away? Or is there even the slightest chance of surviving until Wednesday? Or drop everything and tear your claws into Russia? *** The topic was moved from the conference “About my own, about girlish”

Liquid probiotics "Biovestiny" suppress pathogenic bacteria which are often the cause of bad breath.
... Maybe that's why relationships at work do not work out, and colleagues turn away not from your opinion, but from your ambre? And on love front everything is not as we would like ... Both boring and sad ... Where to "sniff out" the problem? Most often, the causes of bad breath are in the competence of the dentist. The smell from the mouth will haunt a person if he has not cured carious teeth, if the fillings are incorrectly installed or have a defect. Halitosis is an obligatory companion of inflammation of the gums and bone tissue, which can occur as a complication after tooth extraction, during the eruption of wisdom teeth, with various diseases mucosal - stomatitis, fungal infections, ulcers, dry mouth associated with insufficient p...

What does a patient need to know about prosthetics?
… Fillings and crowns are used to restore a single damaged tooth. They are installed on areas affected by caries, protect the rest of the tooth, restoring it former form and functionality. Bridges, dentures and implants are designed to restore the shape and functionality of the dentition as a whole. Precautions Some patients experience allergic reactions to drugs that…
... To stop the process of decay, the dentist removes the destroyed part of the tooth (special dental instruments are used for drilling and grinding) and fills the resulting cavity with a filling. The installation process takes a few minutes, then it takes several hours to fully cure. For filling the front teeth, visible when a person smiles, composite (denture) plastics are used, since it is easier to choose an insert from such a material by color. Inlays Inlays are also used for filling cavities resulting from the removal of a part of the tooth damaged by caries. Unlike conventional fillings, the tab is not formed in the patient's mouth and not immediately. First, the doctor makes a wax copy of the hole being sealed. Based on it, we make…

According to the observations of dentists, we are less and less gladdening them with good news: the condition of our teeth and gums has long puzzled specialists. Fortunately, everything is fixable: just to solve such problems, many different treatment methods have been developed.
... Usually it is manifested by teeth grinding at night. The cause of the disease is nervous tension. Normally, closing the mouth, we do not close the teeth, between the upper and lower jaw there is a gap of 2-3 mm. Problems appear when they "converge" for more than 10-15 minutes during the day. Due to pressure unintended by nature, teeth can suffer, composite fillings, ceramic crowns. To prevent the jaws from clenching and protect the teeth, their chewing surface is covered with mouthguards. I give you a tooth! Fracture of the crown of the tooth Falling and hitting his chin, the baby can break or damage the tooth - then cracks will appear on its surface. More often than others in such situations, the central upper incisors suffer. These events are about...

Tooth for a tooth? A price you don't have to pay. Medical…

... They say that one child takes at least one tooth. Such arithmetic is rather naive, but perhaps not so irrelevant: so many women complain that pregnancy has deprived them of healthy teeth. What can you do to prevent this from happening to you? In the dental office After the gynecologist - to the dentist! If your guesses about pregnancy were confirmed, the first, or one of the first ...
... A fluorine-containing composition is poured into the recesses of such casts, and then they are superimposed on the patient's teeth. This procedure requires 10-15 visits dental office. The second way is to apply a fluorine-containing varnish with a brush on the surface of the teeth (for 3-4 visits). Whitening Teeth whitening procedure consists of two stages. First, plaque and tartar are removed and removed, then the teeth are treated with special whitening pastes and elixirs. Plaque is removed either using ultrasound (it may make sense to refrain from this procedure in the first half of pregnancy), or with the help of special pastes that treat each tooth individually (which is absolutely safe at any stage of pregnancy). Whitening pastes and elixirs are completely harmless to…

Do you know what happiness is? Happiness is when your teeth don't hurt. Anyone who has experienced a toothache at least once will agree with this. If you want your little one to never go through this, think about it today.

Many dental problems it is better to prevent even before conception. Changes dramatically during pregnancy hormonal background increases the consumption of minerals and vitamins.
… The toxic effect of amalgam components on the body has been scientifically proven. It is better to replace amalgam fillings due to their unaesthetic appearance. Fillings, where the integrity of the marginal fit to the tooth surface is preserved, do not need to be replaced. However, it is recommended to grind and polish them, since the surface roughness contributes to the accumulation of colonies of microorganisms on it, the waste products of which are main reason occurrence of dental caries and its complications. If there are defects in the dentition - the absence of one or more teeth - prosthetics are necessary. In the presence of defects in the dentition, food is swallowed in an insufficiently chewed form and insufficiently processed ...

By the time the long-awaited child is born to the mother, she has already heard that teething is a quiet horror.
... The result of the treatment is five crowns, three fillings. It was not easy for the girl to recover from anesthesia. Doctors gave mom a TSU: give water only when the baby finally wakes up and opens her eyes. But she did not open her eyes, she cried, tossed about, coughed, and calmed down again. Parents poured water into her, everything poured back. She only woke up at home. At first, she behaved differently: she dozed, cried, smiled, talked ... Then she got up and ran to play. By the evening, in general, life improved - the puffiness subsided, the blue of the gums disappeared. Only eating and drinking was still painful. A week later, the child seemed to have forgotten everything. To describe the whole situation and post it on the Internet, the girl’s mother was forced to shout to the whole world: do not repeat such mistakes, watch out ...

What to do about an overbite
... A competent specialist will teach a child to use a toothbrush correctly, to take care of oral cavity. He will take measures to strengthen the enamel. And regular preventive trips to the clinic will teach the little patient not to be afraid of a man in a white coat. Now colored fillings are used, and the child can actively participate in the treatment, he can choose a filling of any color. So a visit to the dentist can be pleasant and interesting. At the age of 5-7, when changing milk teeth to permanent ones, it is necessary to visit an orthodontist. In early orthodontic correction today, devices such as trainers are used. They help straighten teeth...
... In addition, Myobrace trainers do not injure the mucous tissues of the mouth and hard tissue teeth and keep tooth enamel strong and healthy. All means of myofunctional correction - and vestibular plates, and trainers, and "Myobrace" are recommended to be worn for about 1 hour during the day, plus wear all night. Thus, training takes place mainly at home, under the supervision of parents, and the correction process proceeds unnoticed by others - after a couple of months, the profile and even posture of the child noticeably improves, since all systems in the body develop in mutual influence and head fit often depends on maxillofacial development. In the Moscow Center for Myofunctional Correction Vallex M (License No. LO-77-01-002510), experienced…

…”Why should kids brush their teeth? They are rare, food does not get stuck between them ... ”- parents sometimes say. - Teeth in babies are rarely located, while there are few of them. But by the age of 2.5, a full set is cut through - 20 pieces, and they are already sitting tight. And the tighter the teeth are pressed together, the more prone they are to the development of caries. Saliva, which contains substances that neutralize bacteria, no longer washes them from all sides, which means that plaque from the enamel must be removed with a brush. I think it is necessary to teach to brush your teeth from about two years old, when the child is already confidently standing and can imitate the movements of his parents. It is not necessary to brush the baby's teeth with a cotton swab a year, as some mothers do, but even up to 4-5 years, familiarity with the brush cannot be delayed. Buy your baby two brushes of different colors - for the morning and for the evening - and let them be used by themselves ...

Who went to C**E**S dentistry? Review and question.

Moderators, do not endure, pliz, here they will answer me faster. Girls who have insurance from the Center for Aesthetic Dentistry (C*E*S)? (I took it in a joint venture) Share your impressions which clinic is better in this network? My impression: There were no complaints, I had not been to the dentist for 2 years, I decided to check. I chose the clinic at Chistye Prudy, everything is clean, beautiful, polite, the doctor, a young guy, looked, said: “Your filling has come off here, now we will replace it.” Replaced. After the frost has passed, the tooth begins ...

So, dear dentists, I’ll ask you not to piz… tit that you are so unhappy. I suppose you go on vacation 2 times a year abroad!?. Of course, there are exceptions: doctors of an ordinary PC, there are ordinary system administrators, and designers serving far from the Kremlin ... So let's make prices not 3000, but 300 rubles for a seal and the market will be zero! In the meantime, this is so, I will seek and find all possible, all various ways– to make our costs CITIZENS for life: minimal, because it's not worth it. And if you want to do this: AS IN THE ALL CIVILIZED WORLD, then the first thing to do is DO AS IN THE ALL CIVILIZED WORLD - SALaries and PENSIONS. ($10,000 dentist salary) And only then: taxes, roads, fools, cars, oh yes, and of course everyone's favorite DENTISTRY! Or am I wrong here? Right .. right ... That's where the legs grow from, it turns out !!! It's like fat DPSmen, you feed them yourself - STOP feeding them. They are all designed for human pain, from hopelessness, and this is what they earn. If with acute pain - prepare $ 150. When a person has nowhere to go!!! But it won't work - this time! Beware...

In conclusion, to those comrades (dentists) who say that I have problems with my teeth, I post photos of my teeth. 1-photo and 2-photo, the self-made filling itself and how it looks like this together with the tooth now - nothing bothers, it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t press, it doesn’t fart, it doesn’t interfere ... I’m glad that my first filling turned out great! Now everything is absolutely in order with the filling - it has ground itself as it should, and over time it will be 1 in 1 in color! Another 3 photos are all teeth, well, just in case - to dispel doubts from doubters and other dentists, so that they would not pester me with stupid advice - go for an X-ray or see a dentist. - “You should go to the tax office and repent, before it’s too late, pay taxes for your pissing semi-basement medical blade!” Well, don’t worry, I myself will write to the FAS for you, don’t worry! It won’t work for you - fuck this topic! This article is for you! I won’t write any more, I’m tired, crucify how, but what ... to respond to provocative answers, the topic is closed, I think so. Those who need it will understand, those who do not need it will calmly pass by, and go through the authorities, as they say!

Do you want to put a seal, but do you want to go to the dentist - it's up to you and no one else to decide! I personally - everything is OK, no problems! Aufiderzein ... (and remember, we have long arms, which means that wherever you are, we will always tell the truth, only the pure truth, and tell our people about you, dear dentists, and how to get out of this situation with minimal costs TO SIMPLE PEOPLE) The seal is worth it, the flight is normal 😉 And absolutely - I want to say THANK YOU to simple, REALLY DOCTORS, those who really help people, and sometimes for free and selflessly - BOW TO YOU !!! It's good that there are so few of you - but still you are in this world 😉 Thank you everyone! All the best.

PS: It would be better if a person had teeth like a shark or a rat, and new ones grew every month! When will it be invented? Let's say an injection in the gum and your new tooth begins to grow! Who knows?

Finished, you can break.

Why is arsenic needed in dental treatment

The substance is used in dentistry in the treatment of pulpitis, deep caries. With serious tissue damage, the infection affects the pulp, inflammation develops.

The patient suffers from severe toothache. It is impossible to treat a tooth affected by pulpitis without removing the neurovascular clot: the patient may experience pain shock.

In some cases, traditional anesthesia (injections into the gums) is contraindicated. You have to resort to the help of a devitalizing paste.

How does arsenic work:

  • the substance provokes the death of nerve endings;
  • under the influence of the active ingredient, the pulp tissue dies, the blood supply to the area stops;
  • gradually, the nerve endings stop receiving impulses, the soreness of the affected area disappears.


Arsenic is a poison, any initiative in the use of a substance can end badly for the body. The exact dosage is determined by the doctor. A dangerous amount is 5–50 ml.

For each person, the dangerous dosage is individual. The dentist must calculate how much preparation with arsenic to put into the prepared cavity in order to kill the nerve, but not harm the body.

Most often, the doctor puts a volume of the drug into the carious cavity with a small pinhead. The specialist must take into account the patient's condition, age, number of roots.

Find out the instructions for using the Maraslavin solution for dental diseases.

Effective bite correction methods for adults and children are described on this page.

The combination of arsenic anhydride with other components helps to minimize the risks:

  • anesthetic (novocaine, lidocaine);
  • antiseptic (carbolic acid, thymol, camphor);
  • filler to create correct form arsenic mass;
  • tannin, which slows down the penetration of an aggressive substance into the pulp.

Incorrect dosage calculation has different kind effects. Flaw active component does not allow you to quickly kill the nerve, the patient suffers for a long time with soreness of the problem tooth. A larger than expected volume of a devitalizing preparation causes poisoning of adjacent tissues, gingival necrosis, and pulp edema. With the severity of the case, there is toxic injury organism.

How long can you keep the drug in the tooth

The date of the next appointment to remove the devitalizing paste will be determined by the doctor. Most often, the second visit is scheduled in a day, less often - in two.

Indications for use

The dentist replaces the anesthetic injection with arsenic paste in the following cases:

  • allergic reactions to the components of the anesthetic;
  • inability to inject high blood pressure, after a heart attack;
  • lack of time for the patient full treatment in one session;
  • night visit to the dentist on duty with severe toothache;
  • dental treatment in children with formed roots, if there is an allergy to local anesthetics.


  • allergy to the components of arsenic paste;
  • curvature, infection of a part of the canal, tartar, blocks the canal;
  • age up to one and a half years;
  • through damage to the root with a dental instrument;
  • risk of development/presence of glaucoma;
  • absorbable / unformed roots;
  • kidney pathology, prostatitis;
  • pregnancy, lactation.

Installation steps

Removal of the nerve takes place in two stages:

  • first visit to the dentist. X-ray, opening of the problematic cavity, removal of dead tissue, introduction of arsenic paste. Sometimes the doctor covers the paste with a cotton ball soaked in an anesthetic. A temporary filling must be placed on top. The doctor sets the date for the next visit, usually in 1.5–2 days;
  • second visit to the dentist. Opening of the filling material, thorough cleaning of the cavity from arsenic residues, removal of the dental nerve. Soreness is not felt, the removal of the nerve clot passes without complications. After endodontic treatment, the dentist fills the cavity, gives recommendations for the care of teeth and gums.

Is it possible to use the substance against toothache

Doctors do not recommend conducting dangerous experiments. Only a specialist can calculate the dosage, take into account contraindications. Careless handling of arsenic paste will harm the mucous membranes, gums, and cause poisoning of the body. Accidental ingestion of a toxic substance provokes life-threatening complications.

Take note:

  • after laying in the carious cavity, the dentist hermetically closes the arsenic mass;
  • a temporary filling protects the surrounding tissues from the action of an aggressive substance;
  • at home, it is impossible to avoid the effect of arsenic on the gums, mucous membranes;
  • in case of severe toothache, consult a doctor: even at night you will be received by a dentist on duty.

What to do if a tooth hurts after putting a toothpaste

Unpleasant sensations after laying arsenic paste, installing a temporary filling - normal phenomenon. The aggressive component gradually kills the nerve, destroys tissues. The process is accompanied by pain.

Normally, aching pain should go away after a few hours, or at least gradually subside by the end of the first day.

Sometimes incorrect dosage calculation, problems when installing a seal disrupt the process:

  • an insufficient amount of devitalizing paste has little effect, aching pain is felt for up to three days;
  • the strong pressure of the temporary filling provokes severe pain that does not subside for 2-3 hours.

Which is better dental floss and how to use it correctly? Find out the answer on our website.

O useful properties and application oak bark for gum health is written on this page.

What to do:

  • 2 hours after installing a temporary filling, drink an anesthetic;
  • food and drinks are prohibited for two to three hours;
  • when feeling sour taste use a soda solution to neutralize the action of the acid;
  • do not touch the temporary filling with your tongue: the coating will crumble, the aggressive substance will enter the oral cavity;
  • does the pain last longer than two hours? Use a regular soda rinse (250 ml of water plus a teaspoon of baking soda). Maybe, home remedy reduce discomfort;
  • a glass of unhot milk will warn toxic poisoning: protein perfectly binds arsenic, removes the substance from the body;
  • If severe pain persists after 3 hours, visit your dentist again. The doctor will reinstall the temporary coating with less pressure on the arsenic paste and pulp.

How and where to remove arsenic from a tooth

Doctors insist on visiting the dental office to remove the devitalizing paste. Self-removal of a substance that kills a nerve often ends in burns of the mucous membrane, poisoning of the body.

Take the time to visit your dentist to have the nerve removed after applying the arsenic paste. It is impossible to leave a temporary filling inside a problematic tooth for longer than the prescribed period.

Some people and unscrupulous doctors advise removing the devitalizing paste with a toothpick, a thick needle. The procedure is dangerous, because particles of arsenic easily enter the oral cavity and further into the body. The patient does not see the site of the problematic tooth, cannot control the process - complications are inevitable.

Take note:

  • you decided to get the drug that kills the dental nerve yourself? After removing the temporary filling, be sure to rinse your mouth with soda solution;
  • a safe home remedy neutralizes the effect of the acid;
  • never swallow the liquid while rinsing;
  • look in the mirror, try to see if the devitalizing paste is completely behind the walls of the tooth;
  • as soon as possible, visit a doctor to control a problematic tooth: often after arsenic gets on the gums, mucous membranes develop complications.

Possible complications when installing a filling

Incorrectly installed protective coating, prolonged action of the aggressive component causes negative reactions:

  • necrosis of the gums, tissues alveolar process and alveolar bone;
  • burn of gum tissue;
  • pulp edema;
  • inflammatory process in the gums;
  • body poisoning.

Redness, swelling of the gums, the appearance of a sour taste, poor health are signs negative impact devitalizing paste. See a dentist as soon as possible drink milk, any sorbent. If the gum tissue burns, rinse with peroxide, lightly sprinkle the affected area with burnt magnesia.

Application in pediatric dentistry

An aggressive substance is used in pediatric dentistry in rare cases. It is difficult to calculate the dosage to kill the nerve, but not harm the growing body.

Unfortunately not always modern anesthetics suitable for a particular child, sometimes allergic reactions prevent an anesthetic injection. Arsenic-free devitalizing preparations with a more gentle effect have been developed.

Preparations containing arsenic are allowed only if the child has formed roots. Violation of this rule by unscrupulous doctors provokes damage to the deep layers of tissues, periodontitis develops. It is forbidden to keep the drug inside the tooth for longer than the period indicated by the doctor.

Video. Specialist about arsenic in the tooth:

Why put arsenic in the tooth?

Arsenic is put with one purpose - to kill the nerve. The need for such a procedure may arise different reasons. Basically, these include serious damage to the tooth by caries, as well as in other situations where the extraction of a diseased tooth is required. Arsenic is a poison, so in large quantities it is deadly to humans. Today, this chemical element in dentistry is used in very small quantities and mostly diluted.

The action of arsenic can be compared with local anesthetics, since the drug also starts its work from a small area. The poisonous element has a destructive effect on cells: first of all, the blood supply is disturbed, which leads to prolonged absence oxygen. At the same time, a small part of the nerve is isolated from the system: the pulp and nerve endings lose their sensitivity, since the brain does not process the information that comes from this area. Accordingly, all processes of pulp killing are painless. Ultimately, the isolated nerve, which does not receive oxygen, dies, which makes it possible for further dental manipulations in the anesthetized area.

How long can you keep arsenic in your tooth

You can only keep arsenic for a limited time. The exact time can be told by the dentist, who immediately after the installation of the drug appoints the next session. Usually chemical element it takes 16 to 48 hours to kill the nerve, the number of hours depends on the age of the patient, the condition of the teeth, general health, the method of application of arsenic, and the agent that was used, since arsenic in pure form not used anywhere in dentistry. After the "work" of arsenic, mechanical removal of the nerve of the tooth is performed.


For an adult conditionally healthy person, the remedy is set for a period of 1 to 2 days. Wherein important role plays the fact on which tooth the arsenic paste is installed, as well as what treatment method is used. Arsenic balls can be installed on top of the closed pulp, and inside after it has been opened. The first method is not very popular today and is practically not used, since very often such treatment only led to an increase in toothache. In such cases, arsenic could be placed for 3 days, and sometimes more.

For 2 days, the paste is placed in a tooth with 2 roots, as it needs to be removed large quantity nerve endings, in other cases, 24 hours is enough.


Children are more susceptible to poisons, so small patients under 18 years old are given arsenic for less than a day. Usually the time allotted for the action of arsenic in the children's body is from 16 to 24 hours. Therefore, it is extremely important for parents to take the child to the next appointment on time.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, the use of arsenic for anesthesia of teeth is contraindicated, since the introduction of poison into the body, even in small doses, can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

You should also stop using dental preparations based on arsenic during breastfeeding, since together with mother's milk the substance enters the fragile and unprepared body of the child, which also causes serious harm to health, because up to 1.5 years to treat children use strong drugs based on arsenic is prohibited.

What happens if you overexpose arsenic in the tooth?

Depending on the preparation used by the dentist, the maximum time that arsenic paste can be in the tooth is 3 to 5 days. Exceeding this period leads to the fact that the tool expands its zone of influence, destroying the nerve endings of neighboring healthy teeth, which leads to their natural destruction. Also, too long a presence of a poisonous agent leads to inflammation and swelling of the tissues of the oral cavity. There is a possibility of destruction of the dentin, which is primarily manifested in the form of discoloration.

Poisoning with arsenic paste, which is used for dental treatment, is almost impossible because very small doses are used. However, in case of damage to the temporary dentin holding the paste, it is necessary to rinse the mouth with water and soda, and also drink a glass of milk, since it completely neutralizes the effects of the poison on the body.

How to get arsenic out of a tooth?

In some cases, when it is not possible to visit the dentist at the appointed time, it is necessary to independently remove arsenic from the tooth in order to avoid the negative consequences of the influence of the element on the body and oral cavity. It is quite simple to do this, since the paste is fixed only with a temporary, rather unstable filling.

It is necessary to observe hygiene as much as possible, therefore, before self-removal of arsenic, it is necessary to brush your teeth and treat your hands with an antiseptic. A temporary filling is easily broken by anyone sharp object. It is safest to use a wooden toothpick, additionally disinfected with alcohol. Arsenic paste in the pulp looks like a grayish ball, it must be removed without crushing. In case of violation of the integrity of the shell, the agent will stain the tissues in Blue colour. This dye is specially added to the remedy for cases of filling loss. The pulp cleared of arsenic must be rinsed with any antiseptic. Even a decoction of chamomile will do. The pulp can be closed with cotton wool, after which an appointment with the dentist is made as soon as possible.

Is arsenic in the tooth harmful?

Although arsenic itself is a poison to the body that can cause death, its use in dentistry is practically harmless. Modern arsenic-based products do not cause poisoning of the body even if the capsule enters the stomach.

In fact, such a tool will not be able to cause fatal damage, however, there are a number of points that indicate that arsenic cannot be called absolutely safe means. First of all, this is noticeable by the fact that the use of an arsenic ball has a clearly limited time frame. Failure to comply with these terms will lead to the destruction of even healthy teeth, which, no doubt, is quite unpleasant consequence, which violates functional part oral cavity. At the same time, the destruction of crowns is not comparable with the lethal consequences of ordinary arsenic, so arsenic pastes can be called conditionally safe.

Indications and contraindications for the use of arsenic

Arsenic is an aggressive pain reliever, so the main indication for use is fast and reliable pain relief. Most often used when the patient is treated at night with severe pain. Also, such a remedy can become an alternative if the patient is allergic to the components of other anesthetics, as well as in the case when the body is resistant to the effects of other drugs.

More rare indications for use is the state of human health at the time of treatment. In some cases, it is not possible to use other anesthetics. For example, with high blood pressure or in the presence of alcohol in the blood.

Since arsenic is a toxic agent, there are a number of contraindications to the use of the drug:

Chlorhexidine stomatitis Lidocaine in dentistry

Turning to the dental clinic, the patient assumes that the damage to his dental tissues will be completely cured.

The dentist examines the oral cavity comprehensively and applies appropriate treatment methods to full recovery functionality and anatomy of teeth.

Why put a temporary filling?

In the process of caries treatment, even before the final filling and finishing of the tooth, it is often necessary to install a temporary filling.

Temporary fillings are installed in the following cases:

In the case of additional diagnostics, if using other methods the doctor fails to make an informed decision to remove the dental nerve, then sometimes a temporary filling is applied to the cavity cleared of caries.

If the patient does not feel pain, this means that the nerve is preserved, was not affected by the inflammatory process, and a permanent filling can be installed without fear.

What to do if a tooth hurts under a temporary filling? Pain in the tooth when pressed or biting signals a developing tooth. In this case, even if there is medicine under the seal, the visit to the doctor should not be postponed. As a temporary help, you can drink.

During treatment, sometimes there is a need to leave the medicine in the affected area for several hours or days. In this case, it is necessary to exclude the ingress of particles of food and saliva into the cavity. Then the doctor applies the setting of a temporary filling, isolating the cavity.

Installing a temporary filling in the cleaned canals, the doctor pre-dries them, places essential medicine and a filling substance for a period of 2 days to three weeks, more often the treatment time is 3-4 days.

Sometimes the setting of a temporary material is necessary when whitening teeth, in cases where the active bleaching agent must be in the tooth for some time.

What is a filling and why is it needed, the dentist will tell:

Used formulations

Temporary fillings consist of environmentally friendly and non-hazardous preparations for the human body. They are plastic, have the ability to dry quickly, they are easy to install and distribute throughout the cavity. In accordance with the purpose of the seal, different compositions are used:

For temporary fillings, fast-hardening polycarboxylate cement is sometimes used, and for long-term use for up to six months, Vinoxol is installed. In any case, at the end of treatment, the temporary filling must be replaced with a permanent one.

How long can you walk with it?

Depending on the purpose and composition, temporary fillings are installed for a period of 1 day to 6 months (Vinoxol). A temporary filling does not last longer than six months, so plan visits to the dentist before long business trips.

Setting a permanent filling requires the dentist to decide on its composition in accordance with the condition of the patient's tooth.

A permanent filling is installed when all work on the restructuring of the tooth has already been completed, work has been done to clean the tissues damaged by caries, the necessary treatment has been carried out, the cavities have been filled, the tooth has been turned and polished.

A filling fell out - what to do?

If the filling spontaneously fell out before the time that was appointed by the doctor, you should immediately contact your dentist for advice. Option two:

In any case, walking with an open cavity in the tooth is fraught with complications. Before visiting the dentist, rinse your mouth after meals and take good care of your oral hygiene.

How much does pleasure cost?

The estimated price for dental clinics in Moscow for temporary fillings is from 300 to 600 rubles, even for long-term self-curing ones.

Of course, we understand that the weather is different in October and November. Try to look at the weather forecasts for the holiday week and pack accordingly. It is better to put in more warm clothes than not to put them in at all. Otherwise, you, dear parents, will have to bring these things to the camp for 2-3 days of the shift. Outdoor clothing: A demi-season coat or a down jacket A warm waterproof jacket and sports winter pants or jeans with insulation (for participation in sports games and outdoor walks when ...

Help with advice, who knows!!! My son had pulpitis, the nerve was removed. Then the doctor put the medicine in and ... I don’t know for sure, I don’t want to write anything definitely yet, but it turns out that either I mixed up the dose of the medicine, or “overdosed it” (????) - the last from her words. In reality, the child walked with medicine under a temporary filling for 4 weeks. When the filling was removed, the gum bled, they sent it for an x-ray, and the verdict was to remove it ... I asked how urgent it was - they said, within a day maximum! Naturally...


We had a tooth removed at the age of 3, in free dentistry: (it would be better if we turned to a paid clinic .. Now being observed in a paid clinic, the doctors swear very much that we did not save the tooth, because the growth of permanent teeth began and the orthodontist says that because of the absence of one tooth, the new ones will not grow correctly and move the teeth to the place of the missing one: ((it will be necessary to put a special plate on so that this does not happen ... In general, if I were you, I would try to save the tooth ...

mine was removed 4 somewhere also in 3.7. the tooth suddenly fell ill - they ran to the first dentistry that came across, where we pulled it out without options in a few minutes. Yes, my child would not have survived so many walks about which you write. then the dentist once sluggishly sent us to the orthodontist, but I confess we never got to him. lives without a quarter.

Caries in children - caries of milk teeth.

Caries in Children - Caries in Milk Teeth Caries in milk teeth is usually found in children aged 2-3 years, but in some cases it can also occur in a child younger than 2 years. Most often, the pathological process affects the milk incisors of the upper jaw and the chewing surface of the molars. Factors contributing to the development of caries in children are violations of the structure of tooth tissues (malformations) that arose in the child in utero, as well as mother's diseases - rheumatism, hypertension ...

Teeth. Cumparsita's blog on

I started doing some dental checkups. This is when each tooth is either depulped or retreated. And I have several teeth under crowns, there are teeth with pins, which were treated 10 years ago, I would even say, saved ... And now again the dental epic. Well, they opened the tooth under the crown - and the crown part was destroyed, they left the root, you need to make a stump tab. They have already begun to open a pinned tooth - while the prognosis is difficult, the doctor said that she will finally open it in the next ...

I went here yesterday to treat my teeth in my clinic, where I have been going for a long time. Usually I didn’t have any questions, but here I was thrown into some confusion by the cost and volume of the proposed treatment. If without details, then the tooth treatment goes off scale for $ 300 and will take place in three visits! I do not know the prices in other clinics, I only know that mine is not the cheapest, but for 300 USD. I have never had my teeth done there. My husband thinks that they just bred me there and treat me to a greater extent than is required. I...


Wow your prices :)!! Today (in St. Petersburg) I cured 2 teeth in a good dental office for 1000 each and thought it was a little expensive :))

gee :)) remember, in Masterdent a temporary filling was placed on 1 tooth. cost 200 bucks.
so I think that 300 is not the limit :)))
but ... is it necessary?

Teeth cleaning with ultrasound. Community About everything in the world on

Tell me a reliable clinic where you can solve the problem of plaque on the teeth with the help of ultrasound and strengthen the enamel. And has anyone treated their teeth with a laser?


You just need to contact proven and reliable clinics. From the teeth, it is definitely worth removing plaque and, of course, tartar, after the removal of which rather thin enamel remains, since the tartar itself destroys it. However, if you find a good specialist, then he carried out activities aimed at restoring tooth enamel. I was lucky and I turned to the Everest clinic in St. Petersburg, where I really liked the service and attitude towards the client. There I did ultrasonic cleaning teeth. Look, now there is a promotion [link-1] and there are discounts, so you can clean your teeth from unpleasant plaque and tartar for a reasonable price. If you do not do a professional cleaning of the teeth, which removes the stone and plaque, then diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis can develop. Moreover, I was told that it is recommended to do professional teeth cleaning at least 2 times a year. So I walk now with pretty teeth.

My husband did an ultrasonic cleaning of his teeth. After her, her teeth began to react to sour-hot-cold. About a year later on these problematic teeth caries appeared, and, as it were, a strip on three teeth, next to the gum. :(Now I have to shell out money for dental treatment. :(After a good example from my husband, I very much doubt that ultrasound does not spoil the enamel. Where is the line that the doctor has already removed the stone and does not "crawl" over the enamel ??? P.S. my husband is in his 30s with only one filling in his teeth.Before this unfortunate brushing, there were no problems with his teeth.

Please share your positive experience (if any) of augmentation of the upper central incisors without nerve removal (the tooth is not yet fully formed). My son has an injury - a broken half of a tooth. The dentist suggested fluoridation and wait 16 years (when everything is finally formed) and then remove the nerve and restore it. The son is very worried about the aesthetic side of the issue (


my child broke 1-ku at the age of 7, they immediately restored it (without removing the nerve), they warned that with age / growth it would be necessary to change the filling ... only last year (he was 14) they replaced it, I don’t remember the exact reason, or it broke off he began to feel a small piece of a filling, or the edge of a filling ... in general, there was some kind of discomfort. filling half a tooth or more.

Under no circumstances should you leave it like that. The bite will go. Previously, temporary crowns were worn for children up to 14 years old (my brother and sister went like this) Now, probably, more modern technology there is. For example, a dentist built up a chipped front tooth for me without any grinding. Treated with sand (sandblasting is called) - it doesn’t hurt at all. But he is a very advanced doctor. Ask a question on the dentalfantasy website. I saw something similar there. They have pediatric trauma specialists.


I gave homeopathy yesterday and the swelling subsided! (ttt) my throat and ears hurt, our doctor said to come and take a picture when the throat cleared up. I like this option more than just tearing it out, as yesterday's doctor on duty said

my daughter was first smeared with something on the gum, then they pricked in this place, she no longer felt the prick. do not be afraid. And most importantly, do not show your child your fear and doubt.

Girls, save, can anyone come across. My tooth ached terribly, and dentists shy away from me: ((They say that outwardly they don’t see problems, but fillings on the tooth can only hurt if there is pulpitis under the filling. And in order to understand this, you need to take an x-ray, which I can’t. On offer remove the filling and see, they said that if there is pulpitis, then I will give birth to them in the chair, when they open the pulpitis without anesthesia.Actually, the question is, is there really no local type of anesthesia for the teeth, which ...


Treated at 22 weeks, they did an x-ray "sparing" (a la CT scan when the doctor does not leave the office and does not hide behind a lead wall, but sits next to the computer) + apron. They did anesthesia (the dentist assured that THIS is possible). It seems like everything is fucked up with the masses. The gynecologist herself sent to the dentist, because. "infection in the mouth more dangerous than treatment".
Yes, and at such a time when everything has formed in the baby and he is only growing, such things as dental treatment (within reasonable limits) are not dangerous :)
Good luck!

PS: I eventually had the nerve removed, the canal was cleaned, the pus was sucked out - in short, in full: (And nothing, the dentist was not afraid of my belly ...

My situation was even worse last time, they slapped me for a month and did not want to treat me, after a call PERSONALLY, the head of the maternity hospital to dentistry - naturally, they accepted me. First, the gums were opened without anesthesia 4 times (with an explanation that anesthesia was not allowed for pregnant women), they also promised that I would give birth (it was 33 weeks old) - nothing, I survived; then, with the permission of the gynecologist, they again took an x-ray of the tooth (the one that is not in an apron, but in private dentistry is usually done - they press it against the tooth and look at the ultrasound on the monitor ..), then it turned out that nothing was clear, they gathered a consultation, sent me to other doctors .. by 38 weeks we got together again with the maternity hospital doctors and decided that an x-ray should be taken - as a result, they took pictures of both the entire jaw and the head .. They decided that they would hold me for a couple of weeks on painkillers and antibiotics, and after giving birth they would take me for a couple of consultations. I will not write a continuation, another 8 months. after giving birth
... it was fun, in short, but they missed the time - after all, they could have done an x-ray right away and solved the problem at an earlier stage ...

ps X-rays did not affect my childbirth, the child, and in general everything related to pregnancy

We turned to this center in order to heal one difficult tooth in a child. But they didn’t treat us at the first appointment, but they said that without cleaning the stone (I didn’t see it and in the children’s city they never talked about the fact that we have it) we can’t start treatment. Removed. They paid 9800. Then he inspired (I was determined to believe the doctor of the highest category) that the teeth should be varnished. Covered. 7000. Next visit and again: teeth filling is required. She said to treat first, fill it later. Seemed to agree. Healed...


strange, I'm treating my teeth there, not with a professor, not a child.
She doesn't make me remove the stone, she said think, doesn't make me change old fillings.
a filling costs 2200, but this is without canal filling, and so on.
I had no experience of extortion. I think you have this professionalism costs.
Now, after your message, I'm afraid to take my child there, if I do, then not to the professor for sure

and I encountered not very good reception there.
reading only one positive reviews I made an appointment with an orthodontist, I needed a consultation about the choice of a tooth for extraction and separation of teeth
the doctor said that we must first take a picture, she went well and did it for 1300, she looked and didn’t really answer anything, gave an approximate amount and said that then she would have to look and decide which tooth to pull, and when then?
After all, I came to the consultation, having paid money, so that they would explain to me what would have to be done, how and how much it would cost.

as a result, I went to another clinic not far from my house, it turned out to be exactly 2 times cheaper to make the same panoramic picture there, I specifically looked at the price list, the cost of the consultation is cheaper too, the doctor told everything in detail, painted the entire cost of treatment on a piece of paper, what kind of reception and how much materials will be cost, told about all types of braces, painted their cost

This is what is called a consultation.

help on the link in medicine [link-1] Maybe someone had this. Several teeth have been without nerves for many years, healed, there are fillings. And now, in the last 4 months, large pieces are breaking off from them ((I even had to put a crown on one, it cannot be reconstructed ((Why this happens, there is not enough calcium or something else Can I drink some special vitamins or change the paste?


A tooth without a nerve becomes brittle if the filling is large and most of the tooth has been restored, then there is a high risk that the tooth will not just break, but will split so that only the implant is next. Therefore, crowns are needed for such teeth. Neighboring teeth are not affected at all and are not injured .. just the priceaaaa: ((compared to a filling)

maybe it's just their time has come (how to live without nerves))

Healed 2 front teeth. On one filling it is imperceptible, on the other you can see a dark spot. I did it in a decent clinic, the issue price is 9 thousand rubles. They no longer have a desire to redo it. I want to return the money, but I'm afraid they won't want to return it.

Girls, what does it mean for you to treat a tooth inexpensively? Up to how much is it inexpensive? For caries and for pulpitis. Suddenly it became very interesting.


I’m treating my teeth right now, today I just healed the fifth one)) I have circular caries, cervical in almost all my teeth (horrible, one tooth is somewhere around 4 200-4670, I also did deep fluoridation about the price, I’d better not say anything

I did it in the summer in Simferopol in the most expensive clinic - $ 25 with anesthesia :) Remove tartar and whiten - $ 1 tooth

For the 2nd day, the tooth hurts terribly unbearably, the upper 2nd left one, the filling fell out ... :(((I can’t stand it. face. How can you relieve the pain even for a moment? You need to be patient at least a week (until the salary) And in general, where is the best place to do the front teeth well? And what are the prices for the front teeth in Moscow today (insert a filling + treat). Thank you in advance.


It's probably too late now. However, I'll add my own. Vanillin anesthetizes very well if there is a dry powder. It should be poured on the aching tooth, preferably as close to the hole as possible. The action is instant.

01.04.2002 06:16:42, And

Moisten a cotton swab in propolis tincture with alcohol and put it in a hole, it helps a lot. And there is a rather extravagant way (do not throw stones at me), but he once calmed me terrible pain in the tooth for a very long time, and friends even for a year! Take a piece of the filter from a smoked cigarette, then "Bull" and also put it in the hole. Byaka unpleasant, but nicotine entot pain muffles well and, unlike analgin, does not destroy the tooth. You choose what to use, and it is better to quickly see a doctor. Healthy teeth!

Girls, don’t tell me what’s going on with me, they recently put in a filling without cleaning the canals, explaining that the tooth was dead, but as there were unpleasant sensations, they remained, that is, when I draw in air, there is an unpleasant smell, I asked at the dentist, he says that the gum is inflamed and will pass by itself. This is true? Or was my dentist a "super-professional" ???


Oh, my sore heel.
I give advice. There are two options. The first is a tooth cured normally, but there are residual effects (pain). Photo confirmed. If everything is fine, you can rinse with soda, everything should pass within 2-3 days.
Option two - the channels are not treated or treated poorly. It is confirmed again by a snapshot. Treatment - remove the filling, rinse the channels, clean, seal (most likely it will take several visits), a new filling. When retreating, there are usually more problems, the tooth can hurt in the process, the gums swell, sometimes you have to drink and prescribe antibiotics. But 95% of the problems are solvable. The doctor in the second case is MANDATORY to change.
If you want, write to me on soap, I will recommend a very good doctor. [email protected]
P.S. Excuse me for showing off, but after 3 years of sitting at home, I want to, if not drill a tooth, then at least show off my education, because it’s wasted (I’m a dentist)

I understand that if the tooth is dead, then the nerve has been removed. If the nerve is removed, then the channels must be closed.
Have you had anything done to this tooth before?

Situation.! My daughter was treated for a tooth, put arsenic, then a permanent filling, 2 weeks ago. In recent days, she complained of pain in this tooth when pressed, whined, rinsed with soda. The last two nights I had a toothache. they drank painkillers ... today they went to the clinic, the filling was removed, they put a cotton wool, they said if it hurts, take it out, rinse with soda ... tomorrow they will come and put a permanent one .... But the daughter still complains of pain when pressed ....... Put a seal? What else can they-should do????? Damn, I have emotions through...


A similar story: on December 31 in the evening, the child began to complain about a tooth, healed! no nerves! it hurts to knock, press and tz de (though healed for a long time). The first morning we went to look for at least someone. We found only round-the-clock children's emergency dental care, where they opened it for us and sent it to rinse with soda until 10.01. At the same time, they said that the tooth is most likely to be removed, but only an x-ray will show this, which will appear only on the 10th. Fortunately, private traders already worked on the 3rd, made an x-ray, set the time. a filling with medicine, they said to look like a week, if it doesn’t get sick, only then they will put a permanent one. What I could find out: the private trader said that an open tooth is not a buzz, it was better to set the time. seal and make an incision (all the same, they did an anesthetic injection) so that all the muck came out. While there is inflammation in the tooth, it is impossible to put a permanent one. In our case, this tooth had to be saved, since this is a five, but there is no six yet. In addition to the round-the-clock ambulance, we visited two more on duty, where they told us that the tooth should be removed, but there are no surgeons, so walk until the 10th. So we were lucky, if I may say so, the tooth was saved. Find a good doctor, good luck.

01/14/2006 13:19:40, Angelinka

maybe just go back to normal modern dentistry? so that the tooth does not hurt when pressed, a special is placed under the filling. pad with medicine, as explained to me. Are they still doing tricks with arsenic now? I did this 15 years ago last time. Sorry for the child.

Girls, who understands dentistry? Tell me: there is a complex tooth, they cleaned the canals, removed the nerve, put a temporary filling. When trying to put a permanent one, the doctor said that due to the high location of the gums, when trying to put some kind of limiters, the gums start to bleed (and it’s true, she only had time to change tampons for half an hour), so she can’t put a filling. Those. maybe only this is all useless: in any case, blood will remain below and after a while ...


Yes, so that the gum does not bleed, there are special hemostatic agents and, in the presence of these, the setting of the filling should not create difficulties

if, due to some of your individual problems, the bleeding cannot be stopped by any means (I can imagine this only theoretically), then it will be impossible to fix the tab with high quality, because the main condition when working with modern adhesive materials is reliable isolation from biological fluids (blood and saliva)

IMHO, either a money scam, or an inexperienced doctor, or both

Yes, you got a pro! Absolutely right. if it bleeds, put a tab. She also does not need to change the fillings five times, because for OBJECTIVE reasons she will not deliver reliably and will not give a guarantee for the work.

12/18/2008 10:09:32 PM, Garik's mother

a serious question arose. background. 30 years ago "good aunt orthodontist" ruined my teeth. For three years I walked with a plate, corrected my bite, during this time I developed multiple caries, but the doctor did not send me to treat it. When I came with the class, the doctors on duty were shocked. It seems that 8 holes in two teeth were patched up. At the age of 20, having given birth to a daughter, I began to desperately lose my teeth. The remains of the front were hardly saved. Well, I have what I have. Patched-patched. They don't have much of a view. Well, content...


You need to look on the spot, each tooth, as long as there is enough wall left, just fill it up ... If there are some missing and you need prosthetics, then look at the neighboring ones accordingly ...

Oh, how many of us! I will also stand by and listen. You have at least five children, and even before the birth of the child, the condition of my teeth was, as the doctors told me, "as after three births" (((
Now the child is alone, 1.5 years old GW, constant intake of calcium, yesterday she removed the nerves from two more teeth - now 12 are dead (((Okay, the front ones are more or less holding on.
And recently, the thought of teeth has become a fat minus in the desire to have more children (This will not stop me, of course, I still want a second one someday, but what will happen to the teeth if it’s like this already now ???!!!

03/11/2009 4:02:26 PM

Is it possible to put a filling on a milk tooth.

Be sure to treat milk teeth, so you can avoid problems with permanent teeth, so that they do not erupt already affected by caries. Fillings can also be put on "adults", polymeric, quickly hardening, which will hold better even on the front teeth. Children's caries progresses extremely quickly, unlike normal caries in adults - this is due to unformed tooth tissues, they are more easily destroyed as a result of the carious process, as well as such adverse factors ...

Does it happen that they put arsenic for 6 days?... They put me on Thursday, and they told me to come next Wednesday... I'm afraid of something...


Don't worry so much. :) Arsenic has long been widely used in dentistry. Not in those doses, of course, to dump a person, but for about the same purposes. :) Any tooth, as you undoubtedly know, has a nerve ending inside it. Actually, when your teeth hurt, it is these same nerves that actually hurt. So, if the damage to the tooth is small and has not reached the nerve canal, then a regular filling is performed. Much like plastering a wall. They covered the cavity with soil and put a protective layer on top. But if the lesion is deep, has reached the soft internal tissues of the tooth, or even affected them, then the above technique is no longer suitable. First of all, because the seal breathes a little and thus can put pressure on the nerve causing serious pain. In addition, the nerves pass through canals in the roots of the tooth. In fact, these are holes through which an infection can penetrate into the tooth. AT normal case the body copes with the problem normally. But when the channels are open from above, an infection can enter them from the outside, because, as doctors joke, the human mouth is the dirtiest place in the body. Therefore, the standard method of treating a tooth in this case is to open the tooth up to the canals themselves for the purpose of their subsequent cementation. But it is impossible to cement the canal with the nerve in it. The cement will compress the nerve and you yourself will climb the ceiling from pain. Therefore, the nerve must first be removed, but while it is alive, this cannot be done. For the same reason. The problem is solved simply. In the opening of the channels, a preparation containing arsenic is laid. The concentration of arsenic itself is scanty and generally harmless to the body. She only provides local action. Under the influence of arsenic nerve ending dies off. It takes from three to eight days, depending on the type of arsenic composition used. Then the temporary filling is removed, arsenic and dead nerves are removed and the canals in the roots of the tooth are cemented. And then a permanent filling is placed on top.

In a word, there is absolutely no reason for unrest. :)

08.10.2001 09:42:41

Can pregnant women whiten their teeth?

In the annotations for any whitening system used both in the clinic (office whitening) and for home use, it will always be written in contraindications - pregnancy and breastfeeding. Let's make a reservation right away - these contraindications are not absolute, but relative, that is, teeth whitening during pregnancy and lactation does not pose a threat to the life of either you or your baby. But is there such an urgent need to apply, albeit locally, the effects of chemical ...

Looking for the best toothbrush.

Some time ago, I was concerned about choosing a new device for my teeth. Fortunately, there is now a huge selection of different devices for care. Yes, of course, I had a regular toothbrush and sanitary floss, but progress requires. So, what does the foreign industry offer us - electric toothbrushes - ultrasonic toothbrushes - irrigators Unfortunately, despite the mass of laudatory reviews, I could not afford an irrigator, due to the lack of space for it in the bathroom. Yes it...

Dentistry without secrets: when a toothache kills, why you shouldn't brush your teeth after cola and proper whitening
...— Is it possible to whiten teeth at home? — There is office (office) and home whitening. You can whiten your teeth at home, but only after visiting a hygienist who will perform professional hygiene: remove plaque that does not allow you to whiten your teeth. Before home whitening, the doctor takes impressions of the teeth, mouthguards are made and special gels are given to the patient. There are night, day and weekend whitening. Depending on the type of mouthguards with gel, they are worn at night, during the day or on weekends. With home whitening, patients get a tangible and noticeable result. But the process is slow. In time, home whitening stretches for 2-3 weeks. The term depends on how many shades you need to change ...
... Often, wisdom teeth are angled or horizontal, causing pressure on adjacent teeth and causing pain. They can cause inflammation of the gums. For patients who are indicated for orthodontic treatment, wisdom teeth are always removed. - If a piece of a tooth broke off, what is the reason? Normally, teeth should not chip. If healthy teeth without fillings are chipped, then this may be the result of trauma or malocclusion due to increased stress on the tooth. When teeth with fillings are chipped, most often a piece is "dead" teeth, from which the pulp is removed, since after depulpation, the elasticity of the tooth is disturbed. Therefore, "dead" teeth need to be covered with crowns. Also, the cause of a chip may be an incomplete dentition, because ...

Wow, I can't. A year ago, the first filling was placed, and the nerve of the tooth was removed. Yesterday, a piece broke off from this tooth, the gums and cheek hurt terribly. I can’t get to the doctor, the next appointment is in 3 days (both in a free clinic and in paid dentistry): (((. What can be done to at least feel like a man? *** The topic was moved from the conference "SP: gatherings"


can: ((According to the description - it looks like a fracture (crack), which was immediately. See a doctor faster. Write if you haven’t found

Solcoseryl dental saved me for two weeks. It is an anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic (mild). ADNAKA still had to run - see the topic in gatherings)))

There is such a situation - 6 pieces of chewing teeth have large carious cavities (there are large fillings), but all the teeth are alive, the nerves have not been removed. in fact, the teeth are in the shape of a glass, inside the glass there is a solid filling. The fillings are old at least 3 teeth, and it is better to urgently treat and change the fillings. The doctor suggests making not fillings, but inlays. Very advertised and all that. However, he says that the decision is up to me - if I want to make large fillings again, but this is not very good - the tooth can burst and they take a long time ...


A ceramic tab is not a wiring, but the only way to save a tooth without removing the nerve. I have two tabs, top and bottom on chewing teeth. There were huge fillings in the teeth, and the walls of the teeth remained thin, one more filling could not withstand. There were only two options: tabs or crowns. As I understand it, crowns are placed on teeth without nerves, but I had nerves and the condition of these teeth was normal. Therefore, we decided to put tabs. And despite the fact that my husband put them on me (and he certainly tried), one of the tabs six months later from heavy loads broke and had to be redone. And for some time it was painful to press (bite, chew) on this tooth, then it passed. They have been standing for the third year, it seems normal, but now I am saving them))

Managed to catch the answer :)
Everything must be done according to indications. Chewing teeth are teeth that have a colossal chewing load. They also perform support function, protecting the temporomandibular joint and front teeth from overload. Therefore, the choice of material for restoration in case of complete destruction of the chewing surface should be in favor of a stronger and more wear-resistant material. Moreover, the seal (composite) has an unpleasant feature of expanding at high temperatures and has shrinkage. Therefore, very often there is a separation of the material from the walls of the tooth, with a large amount of material (i.e. a large filling). So the preferred choice is of course tab. Whether porcelain or gold - only they should be made taking into account all the nuances of bite, preferably in an articulator, because otherwise you can break very decent firewood. Tabs "from the device" - Cerik - unfortunately, they do not provide such an opportunity yet (virtual articulators have already appeared, but not on Cerik). Therefore, manual tabs are better and more accurate. Bye:)
Or made on the machine, but still, first, manual modeling of the fold, then scanning, then sawing it out.
For prices - the average price is 12-15, it can reach up to 20 per tab, depending on the complexity. But this includes everything, and x-rays, and anesthesia, and sobssno treatment. The price of your clinic is due to its prestige :)
Write if you have any questions, but now I can only do it in the evening :)

Tooth!. Styusha's blog on

Got cut!! I’ve been checking it with a spoon for several days, since it was visible and palpable with a finger, but didn’t knock) But I hit it!) So we lose, officially toothy) I knew that they would climb early, but that Vasyukha would be overtaken for 3 weeks, I didn’t expect)

Many women have the feeling that the baby during fetal development "takes" calcium from the mother's teeth, causing tooth decay and gum disease. In fact, this is a myth that has no scientific confirmation. The calcium reserves necessary for the development of the baby are not replenished by the mother's teeth. Why, then, during pregnancy, problems with the teeth are aggravated? What happens to teeth and gums during pregnancy? Most often, during this period, women complain of an exacerbation of diseases such as caries, gingivitis, periodontitis. Each of them can lead to tooth loss in the absence of timely treatment. Catalyst...
...However, it is still not worth associating a sharp deterioration in oral health with pregnancy. If you maintained proper oral hygiene before pregnancy, regularly attended preventive examinations and had a professional cleaning every six months, then all of the problems listed above will most likely not affect you. Another thing is if you have never removed dental plaque and have not cured caries. Even if they practically did not bother you before pregnancy, then during it the problems already "acquired" earlier are likely to worsen. Can "dental" diseases of the mother affect the health of the baby? Sore teeth and inflamed gums are a source of infection for the whole body. From the carious cavity, microbes can penetrate through the root...


Yes, it's true, they often say that during pregnancy, teeth literally begin to crumble, therefore it is important to prepare the body before pregnancy, calcium, fluorine, vitamins should be enough, and also during pregnancy to consume the necessary complex of vitamins so as not to go to the hospital all the time, this is not pregnant it’s easy and viruses are around in general ... it’s dangerous, I often called the nurse to my house, I live in Moscow, it’s nice that the call is free, I was given vitamin droppers, it helped me save both my teeth and hair

Strange, but it is the teeth that concern us so much. It would seem how much more there is in the human body: legs, arms, hair. Ears, after all, are also an important detail. But no. Our teeth have become more than just a tool for chewing, biting and "smiling".
... At least, that's what people around are beginning to think ... Around this reverent attitude to "bones growing out of the jaw cell, for biting and grinding food" (Dal's Explanatory Dictionary), the entire huge dental business revolves. Here they sell not seals or crowns, but symbols of success and prosperity. And even those whose teeth do not need treatment, there is always something to offer. For example, to make a snow-white smile, correct curvature, reduce the distance between teeth. We decided to talk a little about the cosmetic side of dentistry, about ways to make our teeth even more beautiful, whiter and smoother. That is, about investing, as they say, in the smile of your dreams. Whitening Of course, the standard for whiter teeth is...

09/23/2012. Blog user nikalena123 on

We woke up only at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, while we had breakfast, while we cleaned the room and moved the furniture, it was already 4 o'clock in the afternoon. We decided to have lunch and cover another wall with wallpaper. During lunch, a piece of my tooth broke off, but it didn’t fall out, but went to the side from under the filling ... I urgently started calling dentists (it even hurt me to talk). The weather was nasty, it was raining, I got ready, rushed to the doctor in Intan, and he said "it's just a removal, but we don't have a surgeon today" and also charged me 340 rubles for this. I got to another...

Good afternoon! Please advise on this matter. The child is 4.5 years old. 1 tooth - "chewing", the last one, has a very deep caries. The doctor said: you need to drill, put the medicine under a temporary filling, walk like this for 10 days, then drill it again and put a normal filling. The tooth does not hurt, the child does not complain, but, of course, something must be done. Do you think this tooth can be removed? In order not to torment the child with drilling. All the same, it will fall out, milky, on the other hand - and if we tear it out ...


Thank you all so much for your advice and support!

On the 21st they went, drilled, put a temporary filling. The child behaved perfectly - he calmly allowed himself to be pricked and drilled. Not counting the time while waiting for the freeze action, everything took exactly 15 minutes. There were no problems after, the frost went away easily, nothing hurts.

Now let's go on the 4th of August, put a permanent filling. The child diligently studied the palette and chose a filling in Pink color (well, how could it be otherwise)))

of course to treat, otherwise than to chew up to 10 years. By the way, in modern pediatric dentistry, pulpitis is treated in 1 appointment.

In the previous article, we tried to create a simple algorithm for a home dental program aimed at ensuring that your child's smile is beautiful and his teeth are healthy.

Caries in a child: how to care for children's teeth


The same thing ... During pregnancy, I drank calcium, and vitamins, and the recommended diet. We clean the teeth of the board from the age of 1. There are practically no sweets in the diet due to allergies. We even buy specially fluoridated water, give calcium in tablets. And still - specks of caries ...

U nashego sinishki(1,7) nedavno obnarujili karies. Zubi chistim s pervogo zuba, sahar ne upotrblyaem, edim mnogo sirih ovoschej...
What nam delat, lechit on ne dast??

03/09/2007 12:49:09 pm

Accordingly, to achieve a snow-white effect, it is only necessary to increase the area of ​​the reflective surface. Sometimes this can only be achieved by replacing old, discolored fillings. If replacing fillings is not enough, then you need to resort to a teeth whitening procedure using bleaching agents. Whitening will also provide an increase in the reflective surface of the enamel of the teeth, which in turn will make your smile dazzling! Types of whitening You can whiten your teeth both at home and in the clinic. The choice depends on the desired results, the amount of time available and, of course, the funds. Home whitening (help yourself) The most...
...Sometimes this can only be achieved by replacing old, discolored fillings. If replacing fillings is not enough, then you need to resort to a teeth whitening procedure using bleaching agents. Whitening will also provide an increase in the reflective surface of the enamel of the teeth, which in turn will make your smile dazzling! Types of whitening You can whiten your teeth both at home and in the clinic. The choice depends on the desired results, the amount of time available and, of course, the funds. Home whitening (help yourself) The most time-consuming and risky is self-whitening at home, when choosing which you will have to choose a whitening agent yourself, taking into account the characteristics of the teeth (enamel condition,...

Pregnancy and breastfeeding is not a reason to part with even one tooth!
...But there are some simple recommendations for women who are worried about their smile, but are attached to a small child and do not have the opportunity to visit a dentist. Examine the mouth. Periodically inspect the oral cavity with a mirror and pay attention to each tooth when brushing. That is, do not clean the entire dentition at once, but each tooth from all sides separately. If you notice pigmentation on any tooth or plaque that does not disappear after thorough cleaning, then you still need to visit a doctor. Make applications to strengthen the enamel. Twice a day for 10-15 minutes, apply loose cotton wool, thickly smeared with calcium-containing toothpaste, on brushed teeth (repeat this procedure as follows).


And I made applications from the paste and did not burn anything, I did as the doctor said.

Thanks for the article and advice. I will definitely use. I have always had a problem with my teeth, and now when I breastfeed, all the more, I have already cured 3 caries, but that's not all (((

This is really, really horror, right? And the smell, the taste is so rotten. The fact that it shouldn’t be like this is what I know. But I’ll only get to the doctor not earlier than Wednesday. It comes from this tooth. Should I die right away? Or is there even the slightest chance of surviving until Wednesday? Or drop everything and tear your claws into Russia? *** The topic was moved from the conference "About my own, about girlish"


bleeding from your gums. there is no blood in the tooth :) Blood from the gums, if there is also a smell, but there is no pain - this is some kind of periodontitis. And quite run down. You will live, but you need to heal. Is the tooth loose?

you most likely have pulpitis. channels need to be treated.

Liquid probiotics "Biovestin" suppress pathogenic bacteria, which are often the cause of bad breath.
... Maybe that's why relationships at work do not work out, and colleagues turn away not from your opinion, but from your ambre? And on the love front, everything is not as we would like ... Both boring and sad ... Where to "sniff out" the problem? Most often, the causes of bad breath are in the competence of the dentist. The smell from the mouth will haunt a person if he has not cured carious teeth, if the fillings are incorrectly installed or have a defect. Halitosis is an obligatory companion of inflammation of the gums and bone tissue, which can occur as a complication after tooth extraction, when wisdom teeth erupt, with various mucosal diseases - stomatitis, fungal infections, ulcers, dry mouth associated with insufficient p...

What does a patient need to know about prosthetics?
...Fillings and crowns are used to restore one damaged tooth. They are installed on areas affected by caries, protect the rest of the tooth, restoring its former shape and functionality. Bridges, dentures and implants are designed to restore the shape and functionality of the dentition as a whole. Precautions Some patients experience allergic reactions to drugs that ...
...To stop the process of decay, the dentist removes the destroyed part of the tooth (special dental instruments are used for drilling and grinding) and fills the resulting cavity with a filling. The installation process takes a few minutes, then it takes several hours to fully cure. For filling the front teeth, visible when a person smiles, composite (denture) plastics are used, since it is easier to choose an insert from such a material by color. Inlays Inlays are also used for filling cavities resulting from the removal of a part of the tooth damaged by caries. Unlike conventional fillings, the tab is not formed in the patient's mouth and not immediately. First, the doctor makes a wax copy of the hole being sealed. Based on it...

According to the observations of dentists, we are less and less gladdening them with good news: the condition of our teeth and gums has long puzzled specialists. Fortunately, everything is fixable: just to solve such problems, many different treatment methods have been developed.
...Usually it is manifested by teeth grinding at night. The cause of the disease is nervous tension. Normally, when we close our mouth, we do not close our teeth; there is a gap of 2-3 mm between the upper and lower jaws. Problems appear when they "converge" for more than 10-15 minutes during the day. Due to pressure unforeseen by nature, teeth, composite fillings, ceramic crowns can suffer. To prevent the jaws from clenching and protect the teeth, their chewing surface is covered with mouthguards. I give you a tooth! Fracture of the crown of the tooth Falling and hitting his chin, the baby can break or damage the tooth - then cracks will appear on its surface. More often than others in such situations, the central upper incisors suffer. These events are about...

They say that every child takes at least one tooth. Such arithmetic is rather naive, but perhaps not so irrelevant: so many women complain that pregnancy has deprived them of healthy teeth. What can you do to prevent this from happening to you? In the dental office After the gynecologist - to the dentist! If your guesses about pregnancy were confirmed, the first, or one of the first ...
...A fluorine-containing composition is poured into the recesses of such casts, and then they are superimposed on the patient's teeth. This procedure requires 10-15 visits to the dental office. The second way is to apply a fluorine-containing varnish with a brush on the surface of the teeth (for 3-4 visits). Whitening Teeth whitening procedure consists of two stages. First, plaque and tartar are removed and removed, then the teeth are treated with special whitening pastes and elixirs. Plaque is removed either using ultrasound (it may make sense to refrain from this procedure in the first half of pregnancy), or with the help of special pastes that treat each tooth individually (which is absolutely safe at any stage of pregnancy). Whitening pastes and elixirs are completely harmless to...

The toxic effect of amalgam components on the body has been scientifically proven. It is better to replace amalgam fillings due to their unaesthetic appearance. Fillings, where the integrity of the marginal fit to the tooth surface is preserved, do not need to be replaced. However, it is recommended to grind and polish them, since the surface roughness contributes to the accumulation of colonies of microorganisms on it, the waste products of which are the main cause of dental caries and its complications. If there are defects in the dentition - the absence of one or more teeth - prosthetics are necessary. In the presence of defects in the dentition, food is swallowed in an insufficiently chewed form and insufficiently processed ...


This is the best advice, of course, you need to go to the dentist before and during pregnancy. I have been whining to my husband for a long time that I want a baby, and now he agreed, now I have searched through all the sites about health and pregnancy. From everything I read, I realized that I need to see a doctor and that I need to brush my teeth with special toothpastes for pregnant women, most of all they praise the domestic pregnadent. I think I'm ready to be a mother)

..."Why do kids need to brush their teeth? They are rare, food doesn't get stuck between them..." - parents sometimes say. - Teeth in babies are rare, while there are few of them. But by the age of 2.5, a full set is cut through - 20 pieces, and they are already sitting tight. And the tighter the teeth are pressed together, the more prone they are to the development of caries. Saliva, which contains substances that neutralize bacteria, no longer washes them from all sides, which means that plaque from the enamel must be removed with a brush. I think it is necessary to teach to brush your teeth from about two years old, when the child is already confidently standing and can imitate the movements of his parents. It is not necessary to brush the baby's teeth with a cotton swab a year, as some mothers do, but even up to 4-5 years, familiarity with the brush cannot be delayed. Buy your baby two brushes of different colors - for the morning and for the evening - and let them scour...

The result of the treatment is five crowns, three fillings. It was not easy for the girl to recover from anesthesia. Doctors gave mom a TSU: give water only when the baby finally wakes up and opens her eyes. But she did not open her eyes, she cried, tossed about, coughed, and calmed down again. Parents poured water into her, everything poured back. She only woke up at home. At first, she behaved differently: she dozed, cried, smiled, talked ... Then she got up and ran to play. By the evening, in general, life improved - the puffiness subsided, the blue of the gums disappeared. Only eating and drinking was still painful. A week later, the child seemed to have forgotten everything. To describe the whole situation and post it on the Internet, the girl's mother was forced to shout to the whole world: do not repeat such mistakes, watch ...

What to do about an overbite
... A competent specialist will teach a child to use a toothbrush correctly, to take care of the oral cavity. He will take measures to strengthen the enamel. And regular preventive trips to the clinic will teach the little patient not to be afraid of a man in a white coat. Now colored fillings are used, and the child can actively participate in the treatment, he can choose a filling of any color. So a visit to the dentist can be pleasant and interesting. At the age of 5-7, when changing milk teeth to permanent ones, it is necessary to visit an orthodontist. In early orthodontic correction today, devices such as trainers are used. They help straighten teeth...
...Besides, Myobrace trainers do not injure the mucous tissues of the mouth and hard tissues of the tooth and keep the enamel of the teeth strong and healthy. All means of myofunctional correction - and vestibular plates, and trainers, and "Myobrace" are recommended to be worn for about 1 hour during the day, plus wear all night. Thus, training takes place mainly at home, under the supervision of parents, and the correction process proceeds unnoticed by others - after a couple of months, the profile and even posture of the child noticeably improves, since all systems in the body develop in mutual influence and head fit often depends on maxillofacial development . In the Moscow Center for Myofunctional Correction Vallex M (License No. LO-77-01-002510) experienced...


Thank you very much for the information! I didn’t even know about such a thing; today the dentist told my daughter that we need to put braces, and we are already almost 12 and going to school with such a thing is dumb for her, and these trainers can not be worn to school, tomorrow I’ll run to find out if they sell we have these things

My son wore trainers for a year and a half, now I had to put on braces, because. one tooth has grown so far in the second row that it simply does not fit in the trainer. In general, from wearing the trainer, the result was, the bite was corrected and the jaw grew a little. It could be even better if in the second year the child did not start to protest and "forget" to wear.
Our trainers cost 4.5 thousand. We have already paid about 15 for braces and will give at least the same amount more.

And now my youngest wears a trainer :) Because we have hereditary problems with teeth.

Actually, you need to take a picture. although in my picture it was far from the nerve - but the tooth did not stop hurting.
I would definitely go to another doctor.

I had the same thing with my wisdom teeth. The doctor said that this type of tooth is sensitive and therefore it reacts to the filling in this way. He offered to wait a couple of months, it should pass. Didn't chew anything on the other side for two weeks. Then I got tired, went and removed the nerves in that tooth. A new filling - in the end, nothing hurts. I only have 2 of these teeth. The second one I just can't get over...

Turning to a dentist for help, we always expect to get a quick and quality treatment to which we have every right.

However, it doesn't always go smoothly. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that many patients postpone a visit to the dentist until the last, hoping that the pain will go away on its own, and caries will not progress rapidly.

As a result, we end up in the dentist's office with acute pain and serious defeat tooth, as the disease is in a state of neglect.

Often, in this case, it is not enough just to treat the carious cavity with a drill and seal the tooth.

Treatment is required in several stages. The first of these is the installation of a temporary filling, which includes medicine. Sometimes something goes wrong in the treatment and the tooth under the filling starts to hurt.

In order to understand how to act in such a situation, it is necessary to find out the reason sudden appearance pain.

Causes of pain under the filling

  • Failure to comply with all doctor's prescriptions for caring for a sore tooth and the oral cavity as a whole. Negligent attitude to one's health often results in additional problems.
  • If you notice that the pain does not go away and appears on permanent basis from the moment the temporary filling is installed, there is a risk of an allergic reaction to filling material. In the absence of headache and irritation, you can take painkillers. More severe symptoms such as acute pain and high temperature, can be eliminated by removing the filling yourself, after which the cavity must be closed with cotton wool or gauze swab. As soon as possible, you should contact your dentist.
  • Pain when pressing on the filling, especially at night, suggests that the medicine has not yet had time to act on the entire inflamed pulp. It is necessary to wait a little while the medicine completely destroys the pathogens.
  • Sometimes a person may simply not notice that the filling has fallen out. The pulp is open again and nothing prevents the infection from re-entering the soft tissues tooth. The only thing you can do is block access to the pulp and contact a specialist.

How to relieve pain under a temporary filling

Since a temporary filling is placed on a tooth that has not yet been cured, its nerves are sensitive and the appearance pain just inevitable.

Moreover, no one is immune from side effect medicines, so you should not immediately complain to your doctor about the quality of treatment.

Toothache in the first days after the installation of the filling is the norm. But if this process is delayed, urgent measures must be taken to eliminate it.

Periodically inspect the gums to recognize the beginning of the inflammatory process. If they become reddened or bumps appear, you should contact the dentist on duty.

To temporarily relieve irritation and pain, moisten the tooth with a tincture of lemon balm or valerian. There are also special drugs that can prevent the inflammatory process, but before using them, it is better to consult a specialist.

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Inflammation under a poorly sealed canal X-ray found a slight inflammation under a poorly sealed canal 7-ki. The canals were sealed, cleaned, and they offered to choose a treatment method: "quick" - just re-fill the tooth, and "slow" - put the drug ...

Quite often, after the initial session of dental treatment at the dentist, the patient returns home with a temporary filling. Many people are beginning to wonder why it is not possible to put a long-term option in order to exclude a repeat visit and whether temporary fillings are in a simple way making extra money for doctors.

What is a temporary filling?

What does a temporary filling look like?

A standard temporary filling is one that is installed at an intermediate stage during treatment. This option is made of fairly cheap materials, which are subsequently removed quite easily.

Although the material used is plastic and does not dissolve, temporary sealing is not suitable for long-term use.

At the moment, there are various options for temporary traffic jams, subdivided depending on the material used. In its natural state, it has a very viscous and dense consistency, resembling a paste.

The most popular temporary fillings:

The main difference between such a cork and a permanent one is the service life of the materials used. A permanent filling is made to be worn in the tooth for a number of years, it adheres tightly to the natural walls of the tooth, so getting rid of it is quite difficult.

Temporary cork is looser and has little to no adhesion, so it is standard not to keep them in the mouth for more than a week, although there are materials with more long term actions.

Once the mixture has hardened on the tooth, it is difficult to distinguish what a temporary barrier looks like from a permanent one. common man, since the features of the differences relate not so much to the appearance, but to other areas.

Why put it

If necessary, the dentist may decide to place a temporary filling on the tooth before the end of treatment and finishing.

The reasons Peculiarities
Making an inlay It usually takes several days to make an inlay, a temporary filling closes a damaged tooth for this time
Nerve removal Removing a nerve from a tooth is quite painful, so it becomes a way to monitor a diseased tooth.
Canal cleaning Helps to put a drug into the cleaned canal
Pulpitis Together with a temporary filling, a preparation is laid that promotes pulp necrosis and prevents decay
Deciding on follow-up treatment Often, a dentist cannot cure a tooth in one session. This can happen due to lack of time or the severity of the case. Serves as a way to keep channels free from contamination between treatments
Purulent periodontitis After removal of pus from the pulp, permanent filling is not recommended, since the risk of re-inflammation is incredibly high. It is used as a cupping channel

Drugs placed under a sealed barrier

It is from the drug laid in the temporary plug that its service life initially depends:

  1. Arsenic is used to kill the nerve in the tooth for subsequent depulpation. For this purpose, a number of other toxic substances, which help not only painlessly remove the nerve, but also subject the entire pulp tissue to necrosis;
  2. For the treatment of periodontitis or pulpitis, antiseptics or antibiotics are used to relieve inflammation. Such a filling is usually worn for about 20 days until the infection is completely suppressed.

Correct staging

Often difficult treatment pulpitis or periodontitis cannot be performed in a single session:

  1. In the initial treatment, the dentist usually diagnoses the diseased tooth and opens it with a drill.
  2. The tooth is processed, there is a temporary expansion of the root canal to remove pus or damaged areas of the tooth.
  3. After that, cleansing, removal of nerves and other manipulations during treatment take place.
  4. A temporary filling is placed over the exposed tooth to prevent microbes from entering the open cavity.

Such a cleaning of the canals may be required more than once, so the doctor must wait until the patient has no pain before placing a long-term filling. After hardening, the paste placed on the tooth should be treated with care, since it is usually quite fragile.

What happens to the tooth?

After setting the barrier, the doctor monitors the changes in the tooth and the development of symptoms.

Some pain may remain, but the substances contained in the filling should have a calming effect on the tooth.

During this period, the pulp should gradually build a barrier that completely isolates the teeth from external influences.

How long should a filling be worn?

You can wear a temporary filling for a period from a day to six months. The maximum validity of Vinoxol, the strongest and most durable of them, is exactly 6 months. However, such fillings are rarely placed, and in general, their shelf life depends on the original purpose.

If a medicine was placed under the cork, then the period will be from 3 to 20 days. In general, the timing of the removal of the temporary barrier depends entirely on the attending dentist.

Important! You should not wear a temporary filling in your mouth for a longer period than recommended by your doctor, even if it is in perfect order.

Removal and replacement with a permanent

Removing a temporary filling

Removing the temporary stopper is mandatory procedure before setting up a permanent structure. Usually, removal is done after the end of treatment, removal of the nerve, so it does not cause pain. There is a slight discomfort, but it passes after a couple of minutes.

After removing the filling, the dentist must clean the root canals and treat the tooth with an antiseptic. After all measures have been taken, the tooth can be considered ready for permanent filling.


Temporary fillings, even from the most expensive material, as a standard do not exceed in Russia cost of 600 rubles. The price charged by clinics for popular materials tends to fluctuate within 300-500 rubles for one stopper.

Popular questions

The problem of cork crumbling appears with poor-quality installation, so you need to immediately go to the doctor, because there is a risk of re-infection of the tooth. With the help of a drill, the dentist removes material from the tooth, which makes it possible to subsequently insert a permanent.

  • What to do if the tooth continues to hurt?

You need to find out why it hurts. Painful sensations can bring the remnants of the pulp, killed by arsenic, then after the action of the medicine they will completely stop. The culprit may be an allergy to the components, then it is urgent to remove the seal. To make a diagnosis, you need to consult a doctor.

  • What to do if a temporary filling falls out?

At home, a cotton swab can replace it, but remember that it can be used to bring an infection. Before the appointment with the doctor, you should not eat the side on which there is a damaged tooth and constantly rinse your mouth with soda water. It is required to immediately make an appointment for a new appointment, since the use of food with open tooth can lead to a number of complications. The doctor establishes a constant, or again makes a temporary filling.

For children, a temporary filling is placed according to the same factors as for adults. They help prevent microbes or food particles from getting into the tooth between treatments.

  • Does it hurt to put?

Currently used in dentistry modern methods anesthesiology, often the composition also includes an anesthetic component, so the patient will not notice particularly strong pain sensations.

  • How many times can a temporary filling be placed?

Usually they do not bet more than 1 time, however, in extreme cases in case of loss, the procedure can be repeated to achieve the result.

  • Can a filling be placed on a breastfeeding woman?

Installing a temporary or permanent filling is not possible during the lactation period, for this you will need to suspend breastfeeding.

It is only dangerous when overexposed, as arsenic or another dangerous drug, such as lidocaine, is often used with it.

Such a time barrier during treatment becomes an indicator of the professionalism of a doctor who prefers to first look at the reaction of the tooth to treatment before a full filling. Such a temporary sealer becomes a way to maintain the effect for a small amount of money. Dentists do not put temporary fillings for the sake of own desire, therefore, with such a proposal, it is best to agree to it and wait for the effect, since pain will persist and subsequently it will be necessary to remove the nerve or clean the root canal again. In case of problems with the teeth, an immediate visit to the dentist is necessary, since they are often subject to severe pain.

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