The child's first tooth fell out what to do. The first milk tooth fell out what to do with it signs

The change of milk teeth is a real event, both for the baby and his parents. The natural question in this case is the question of what to do with the fallen milk tooth. Let's look at the most popular options.

Lost milk tooth

What to do with the first baby tooth that falls out?

Not particularly superstitious parents keep them as a reminder of the child's childhood. To do this, you can sew a special bag or buy a beautiful box. In addition, sometimes parents make a special album for the baby, in which they describe the most significant moments in the life of the crumbs, including the change of teeth. At the same time, they can be invested in such an album and saved for many years.

If you are superstitious enough, you can prepare a whole ritual for your child, which is sure to be remembered by the child for life. Perhaps your son or daughter, as adults, will pass on the tradition to their children. So, below you will find the most popular and interesting signs that will help you make the right decision.

Can baby teeth be stored?

A few centuries ago, it was believed that storing such things was a bad omen. People believed that witches and sorcerers could secretly steal children's teeth for all sorts of conspiracies and rituals. Nomadic peoples, for example, buried children's teeth, believing that this would not only protect the child from damage, but also bring him happiness in later life. Today, the view on this issue has changed dramatically.

Lost milk teeth - a real storehouse of stem cells. Instead of throwing away such a treasure or aimlessly storing it in a box, they can be donated to a stem cell bank. What are they needed for? Everything is very simple! The fact is that the potential of such stem cells, which are much more powerful than cells taken from the umbilical cord, is several times higher. They can be used for a variety of conditions, ranging from retinal problems to complex fractures.

Thus, storing milk teeth can be of great benefit.. If you have the opportunity, why not take advantage of it? Despite the fact that the technology of collecting stem cells in this way is quite young, they predict a great future for it.

Tooth Fairy

Folk traditions and beliefs about milk teeth

Each country has its own signs and superstitions associated with the main event in the life of a child. Sometimes, the customs of peoples are radically different from each other. If your baby has such an important event, you have the right to act according to any traditions.

Traditions of America

In America, there is a belief about a mysterious fairy who flies in at night and takes milk teeth. For this, they are placed under the pillow, hoping to find a long-awaited coin in return. Perhaps this tradition can be attributed to the most famous and widespread.

British traditions

More complex traditions developed among the northern English. It was believed that a fallen tooth must be burned without fail. Firstly, this eliminated the possibility of using it for the purpose of inducing witchcraft and damage, and secondly, they believed that a stronger and healthier one would take the place of a burned tooth.

Another no less interesting tradition of the British associated with these things says that the milk tooth must be destroyed in any way so that not a single animal can swallow it. If this happens, then the child will have an ugly smile, or exactly the same fangs as the animal that swallowed it.

Traditions of the Slavic peoples

The Slavs had several interesting signs at once. Most often, the loss was given to the mouse, which was supposed to take it for itself, and bring a new one in its place. They also threw teeth behind the stove and asked the brownie to take them for themselves.

Gypsy traditions

If a child's tooth fell out, it was either buried, while uttering special conspiracies, or thrown to the moon. It was believed that in this way you can attract good luck, which will accompany the child all his life, protecting him from ill-wishers and various troubles.

Dental traditions in Asia

In order for a new tooth to grow in place of a fallen tooth, there was a funny belief in Asian countries. At the same time, the upper teeth that fell out were thrown onto the roof of the house where the baby lives, the lower ones were hidden under the porch, and the parents repeated a special plot that was supposed to provide the baby with protection from the evil eye.

Folk signs about milk teeth

  • If a child had a gap between his front teeth, they said about him that he would grow up to be a real joker and merry fellow, as well as the soul of any company.
  • The kids weren't allowed to spit out the window. It was believed that in this case, the teeth can get very sick.
  • If a child was already born with teeth, he was prophesied a great future. Usually they said about boys that they would become great commanders and warriors, and girls would be able to marry extremely successfully.
  • When the baby's first tooth erupted, he was given a silver spoon, which later became his amulet for life.
  • If the baby had a gap through which a coin easily passed, it was believed that such a child would be a rich man or a successful entrepreneur. In addition, they believed that such a person would lead in all financial affairs.

Mouse, mouse, take the milk tooth, and bring me a new one, bone and strong

Why donate a tooth

The tradition of giving a tooth to spirits, a fairy or a mouse goes back to ancient times. Moreover, each tradition has its own special history. It is believed that by giving the loss, the baby will receive a gift. Thus, we can say that the task of such a ritual is to create a special mood in the child and please the baby.

Where did the tradition of giving a tooth to a fairy come from?

This tradition is associated with the name of the Spanish writer Luis Coloma, who lived in the 18th century. When the young king of Spain lost his first milk tooth at the age of 8, the writer was asked to compose an interesting fairy tale for the boy. It is not difficult to guess that the story was about a fairy who takes away milk teeth that have fallen out at night, if you put them under the pillow, and in the morning leaves a small gift instead.

Why give a tooth to a mouse

Our grandmothers also taught us, throwing out a milk tooth, to say: “Mouse, mouse, take the milk tooth, and bring me a new, bone and durable one.” With what this sign is connected, it is very difficult to say now. It is believed that the incisors of rodents are very strong, which is why, giving the loss to the mouse, the baby expects that he will grow the same strong teeth.

In addition, it was the mouse that was addressed, since small rodents were frequent guests in the villages. They lived behind the stoves and under the floorboards. That is why in the village the tooth was thrown into the stove or into the cellar so that the mouse could find the treasured gift for sure. It is interesting that the tradition of giving as a gift to a mouse existed not only in Russia, but also abroad. For example, in Germany, if a child had such a long-awaited event, mothers told the children to go to the darkest corner of the house and throw the loss there so that the mouse could find it and take it for itself.

It is important to understand that, despite traditions and signs, when changing teeth, it is necessary to consult a dentist who will help not only facilitate this process, but also tell you how to care for the wound in order to avoid the risk of infection.

The change of teeth is undoubtedly a significant and exciting event in the life of the whole family, indicating that your child is becoming an adult. At the same time, you should not suffer from superstitions and signs. Act in this situation as you see fit.

The loss of a child's first milk tooth is one of the most striking events in every family, because, as a rule, this happens on the threshold of an independent life, when a school is already looming on the horizon. In memory of this important stage of growing up, parents often strive to keep the first fallen incisors, next to the tag from the hospital, the first cut curl, casts of the baby's tiny hands and feet. However, according to popular belief, it is categorically not recommended to store teeth at home. Let's try to figure out why it is impossible to keep them at home, and whether this is actually the case.

  • 1 Teeth and karma
  • 2 Signs and superstitions
  • 3 Scientific approach

teeth and karma

Eastern sages have long been sure that the condition of the teeth can determine the karma of a person, his future fate. So, even incisors were considered a sign of well-being and the absence of any complex life collisions, and curved ones testified to a complex, intricate fate. The owners of rare teeth were prescribed a light disposition and the ability to please the opposite sex, and large prominent incisors told about the evil and harsh nature of their owner.

Among the Slavs, these parts of the body symbolized the connection with the family, and the front incisors reflected the connection with the parents, and the fangs and chewing teeth were a legacy passed on to the person by more distant relatives. The upper jaws at the same time symbolized the male ancestors, while the lower jaws symbolized the female ancestors. Wisdom teeth enjoyed special honor: it was believed that they grow only in spiritually mature individuals who are under the protection of their kind. The reluctance of many people, especially of the old school, to remove them grows out of the belief that, having lost this part of the body, a person also loses the spiritual protection of his ancestors. In order for the extreme teeth not to deteriorate longer and remain in the mouth, they were even specially spoken.

The change of a child's milk teeth was also considered a sacred event. It usually occurs for about 7 years, namely, after such a period, a complete renewal and restructuring of the body is carried out. According to Eastern traditions, the karma of the child changes at this time, and you need to behave with him as carefully and carefully as possible, setting him up for a happy future. After 7 years, by the age of 14, the child completes the change of teeth, and he becomes a teenager. And after another seven-year cycle, by the age of 21, a person becomes an adult, his wisdom teeth erupt, and he is given another chance to change karma.

Signs and superstitions

Milk teeth were a separate subject for superstition. Our ancestors considered their condition an indicator of what problems a child would face in adulthood.

  • The eruption of the first tooth meant a lot: if it was a cutter, it was believed that such a person in the future, if desired, could change his fate. When the fang erupted first, it was considered a very bad omen: according to the beliefs of different peoples, such a child was expected either by a bleak fate, or even death in infancy. Some communities even went so far as to kill such children themselves - which is why, most likely, such an ominous sign appeared among the people.
  • Another very common belief concerns fallen and extracted teeth. Until the 20th century, it was believed that they should be collected and buried with the owner, since in heaven a person should be accountable for all his teeth, and if any copy is missing, the soul will have to go in search of it. However, the fallen milk incisors and fangs could not be stored, but burned, asking the fire to give strong permanent jaws in return.
  • Many of our ancestors were seriously worried not so much by the ephemeral possibility of looking for a lost body part after arriving in heaven, but by the fact that it could go to a witch who would perform a magical rite aimed at causing harm. That is why it is believed that it is absolutely impossible to keep teeth at home or make amulets out of them, because they can easily fall into the hands of ill-wishers.
  • Some peoples have another sign: if a fallen tooth finds an animal, not a human, but an animal fang will grow in its place.

Considering all these beliefs, in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Georgia, Bulgaria, Germany, Great Britain and other countries, it has become customary to throw fallen children's incisors and fangs into the fire or bury them in the ground. In Russia, it is also allowed to give them to a mouse, asking her to give the child good, strong, sharp teeth in return.

Scientific approach

If a popular sign clearly indicates that it is impossible to store fallen or torn teeth at home, then modern science has a different opinion. From a hygienic point of view, they are absolutely safe, as they do not contain any remnants of flesh. They can be equated with such parts of the human body as nails and hair: esoteric beliefs prescribe them to be burned, since through these biological materials it is possible to influence their former owner, but the vast majority of citizens still throw them in the trash can.

However, given the latest scientific discoveries, thoughtless disposal of milk teeth is a very irrational act. Recently, British scientists have begun extracting stem cells from their pulp. The frozen material can be stored in a special jar for about 30 years and, if necessary, used to treat cancer, diabetes, stroke and other serious diseases.

Unlike materials extracted from umbilical cord blood, stem cells from milk teeth are more viable and are used to treat not only blood diseases, but also diseases of internal organs, including the brain. In addition, they can be removed not only at birth, when there are already enough worries and expenses, but at a later age: from 6 to 12 years.

Your brownie.

What signs and rituals exist in this regard?

All parents, without exception, are waiting for their children to have their first teeth. Here, it happened, the baby finally has a full set of teeth, but not much time passes, and again gaps in the child's smile. Milk teeth are replaced by molars. There is a lot of folklore on this subject.

Usually milk teeth begin to change at the age of 5-7 years, these terms cannot be called exact, since everything depends on the characteristics of the baby himself. The process of tooth loss begins because a molar tooth begins to grow inside the gum, which, as it were, pushes the milk tooth out. The root of the milk tooth dissolves. The sixth teeth fall out first, followed by the incisors, premolars, second premolars, and canines.

Parents should treat this process with magic, especially for the first tooth. You need to put it in a beautiful box and hide it at home, but tell the child that the mouse will take the tooth and put a gift in its place. Guess what to do? At night, you will replace the milk tooth with any gift or coin. In the morning, when the baby discovers the find, he will be inspired and happy, and will look forward to the next tooth falling out.

One of the signs says that the first tooth that falls out must be thrown into the fire and the following words should be said: “Fire, fire, here is a bone for you, and you give our Vanechka a new tooth!” It was believed that the fire takes away various evil eyes and diseases from the baby. If it so happened that the first tooth that fell out of the child was lost, then the child will leave his home early and begin to live an independent life.

Also a character quite popular today is the tooth fairy, who will take the tooth at night and leave a reward for the child. This idea is very good because the child, as it were, receives compensation for the pain that he experienced. But if the mouse is a domestic image, invented by our ancestors, then the tooth fairy is the creative work of Western mothers.

There is another conspiracy ritual. When the first tooth fell out, you need to ask the brownie to take the old tooth and bring the new one. Take the fallen tooth, put it on the silver spoon that the godfather gave the child for the first tooth, prick it on a church candle and say: “Grandfather Brownie! You have a burdock tooth, but give me a bone one!” After that, blow out the candle, and pour honey into a spoon and put it under the table for the night, without looking in the morning, take it and rinse it under running hot water.

Here are some techniques that parents can use to make the process of changing teeth memorable and less painful.

Notes on milk teeth

How much joy for the whole family causes the first tooth of the baby! But over time, the baby grows, and the attitude towards his milk teeth changes almost to a satirical one, because everyone is waiting for permanent ones to appear in their place. People even came up with a lot of funny signs associated with milk teeth. It is very interesting to read about them, I give a tooth!

The laying of the future teeth of the child is carried out even in the early stages of pregnancy - up to approximately the 13th week. And the first tooth is shown in a baby, usually at the age of 6-8 months, and soon the second one joins it - milk teeth grow in pairs. First, the front incisors appear, then the lateral ones, the next in line are the first molars (4th teeth), then the canines (3rd teeth), the second molars (5th teeth). The process of formation of teeth of the milk row ends by 2.5 - 3 years, the full "set" is 20 milk teeth.

Of course, all the temporary and successive “standards” described here are a conditional, most frequently encountered order. There may be slight deviations from it due to the individual development of each child. There are cases when children were born already with teeth. And there are also absolutely healthy children, whose first tooth appeared only by the age of 1, and this should not cause alarm for the mother.

Approximately by 5.5 - 6 years, milk teeth, having fulfilled their "mission", begin to loosen and fall out, being replaced by permanent ones. Moreover, this replacement usually occurs in the same order in which the milk erupted in this child. And here comes the most important milestone: the baby is experiencing the loss of the first tooth. Mom should explain to the baby that a new, even better one will grow in his place, so that he is not afraid to remain toothless. It is best to “cover” this event with a fabulous mystery, offering the baby a magical ritual that will distract him from worries and fill him with faith in future miracles. In general, children even more than adults love all sorts of rituals and are subject to their pacifying effect: it seems that by performing some kind of “correct” procedure, we join the general order in the world, take our place in universal harmony. Of course, the baby does not yet think about “universal harmony”, but intuitively perceives rituals both as a game and as a soothing activity.

Notes about teeth

Many traditional rituals are associated with milk teeth, especially the first ones (for more details about the Mouse and the Tooth Fairy, see below), as well as special signs. Here is some of them:

  • If a baby's first tooth erupted early, it means that soon the mother will have another baby.
  • If a child was born with a tooth, a great future awaits him, perhaps military glory (remember the story of the famous Zaporizhzhya Sich Kosh Ivan Sirko - the legend says that he was already born "toothy").
  • How many teeth a child has by 1 year - so many brothers and sisters he will have (this is hard to believe, since many children have more than 5 teeth by this age).
  • For the first tooth, it is customary to give a silver spoon, which subsequently will be a person’s amulet all his life. If you first knock on the first tooth with this spoon three times, all other teeth will erupt easily and painlessly.
  • If the distance between the upper front teeth that have erupted is such that a coin can be inserted sideways into it, the baby will become rich.
  • In Britain, there was a tradition that fallen milk teeth were carefully hidden, buried, or even burned, otherwise they could get caught by some animal, and then the child’s permanent tooth would grow like that of this animal.

In general, the idea that it is unacceptable for someone to find a fallen tooth is present to one degree or another in the folklore of different peoples. Its roots, perhaps, come from the gloomy Middle Ages with its superstitions about witches and sorcerers. It was believed that if your tooth got to someone from their “union”, this someone could bring trouble on you. But wearing a tooth in an amulet was a good omen - such a talisman protects from evil spirits, evil spirits and difficulties.

Once again about the mouse

The most popular game with a lost milk tooth, which our mothers taught us: give it to Mouse. Why to her? Perhaps, based on the same belief about animals: which animal picks up a fallen milk tooth, the grown permanent one will look like its teeth. And mice are rodents, whose teeth are famous for their strength at relatively small sizes.

It was believed that the Mouse would definitely keep this valuable gift, and in gratitude to the child who gave it, he would send a new tooth - beautiful and strong. Varieties of this ritual are invented by each family: either you need to put a tooth in the corner of the room, or you need to throw it on the grass over your shoulder or throw it out the window. At the same time, you need to say something like: “Mouse-mouse on your tooth is rotten - give me the root” or “Mouse-mouse, take the milk, and return the bone”, or any other interpretation of this text.

And be sure to soon let the baby find some kind of reward for himself, for the excitement he experienced - a candy, a small gift or money - so it will be easier for him to cope with stress, and he will follow the replacement of the remaining teeth without fear, but with pleasant impatience.

Tooth Fairy

It all started with a fairy tale that the Spanish writer Luis Coloma wrote for his little king Alfonso XIII, when he first lost his milk tooth. According to this source, in order to give a tooth to the Tooth Fairy, it must be placed under the pillow. While the baby is sleeping, the fairy will come and take the gift due to her, which she will later turn into an asterisk. And in the place of the tooth under the pillow in the morning, the child will find the money she left.

Many families interpret this story somewhat - for example, the tooth should be placed on the windowsill in the nursery, or in a special box, or a glass of water should be placed near the bed, where to lower it. The fact is that it will be easier for parents playing the role of the Tooth Fairy to change a tooth for a coin at night without waking the child than climbing under his pillow.

If after the first tooth the Tooth Fairy brought a “fee” to your son or daughter, she must definitely do this with each subsequent milk tooth that has fallen out, otherwise the baby will feel deceived and deprived. Another little trick: don't forget to securely eject the tooth so that the kid doesn't accidentally stumble upon his "gifts" to the Tooth Fairy and realize how adults tricked him.

Child psychologists say that using the fairy tale about the Tooth Fairy in life has many advantages: firstly, it simply fills the child’s soul with faith in miracles and makes childhood really fabulously happy, and secondly, it teaches the child to take better care of himself: knowing that a gift from the fairy awaits him, the baby will not ignore the next time his milk tooth staggers. He will closely monitor him, carefully clean, and certainly the moment of falling out will not pass unnoticed by him (this is how you can defeat the eternal phobia of mothers: what if the child swallows a fallen tooth?).

In the USA, in the small town of Deerfield in the suburbs of Chicago, there is even a museum of the Tooth Fairy, founded by a former assistant professor of dentistry, Rosemary Wells. There are books, dolls, piggy banks, and even T-shirts, drawings and notes from grateful children to the Tooth Fairy. So the children grow up, but the evidence of their belief in the fairy tale remains.

Well, the main sign about milk teeth is as follows: if the baby brushes his teeth thoroughly every morning and evening, and every six months his parents bring him to a pediatric dentist for a preventive examination, he will have healthy teeth and a beautiful smile. Be sure to pass this on to your child.

How to care for milk teeth (photo)






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The first tooth - signs and customs of the peoples of the world

If your baby's first tooth is cut, signs and customs will allow you to immediately learn a lot of interesting things about his subsequent fate and even improve it. You can get to know them with the help of this article.

In the article:

The first tooth in a child - signs

Usually the first teeth in children appear at the age of 4 to 7 months. Our ancestors believed that if this happens before the due date, this portends his mother bearing another child. At the same time, they paid special attention to which one appeared first. If it was one of the top ones, then the child will soon have a brother or sister just a year younger. Later, the eruption of the first tooth means that the baby will grow up as an outstanding person and will have some kind of talent, a penchant for a certain kind of activity. But in some countries they think about it exactly the opposite.

If there is a large gap between the front upper teeth, in which the edge of the coin can fit, this is considered a good omen. It means that a child with such teeth will grow up to be a successful and lucky person, will be popular with the opposite sex.

Beliefs about the first teeth say that if their appearance takes longer than expected and generally causes a lot of problems, then the child will grow up to be a capricious and irritable person. He will tend to be depressed, perhaps becoming a bore or whiner.

Sometimes children are born with teeth, that is, it turns out that the first of them appeared during their stay in the mother's womb. In the old days, it was believed that such children would either die soon, or survive and become servants of the dark forces when they reached the right age. Similar importance was attached to the eruption of the upper canines first. Now, such signs about the first tooth, which grew up even before the birth, are not given much importance.

Among the many signs and customs associated with the appearance of the first tooth in a child, there is an ancient belief about a silver spoon. When a child began to cut teeth, he was presented with a gift - a silver spoon. Godparents usually did this, not forgetting to knock on the first tooth with this spoon. This tradition is associated with the beginning of complementary foods and the fact that very soon the child will be able to cope not only with milk, and a spoon will come in handy for him.

The custom of giving a silver spoon when the first tooth comes out promises that all subsequent teeth in the child will be strong and healthy throughout life. But this is not its only meaning. It is believed that the whole life of your son or daughter will be happy and stable if you give him a silver spoon and knock on her first tooth.

Sometimes godparents or other relatives gave a spoon in advance. In this case, a chilled silver spoon was put into the mouth when teething problems appeared, for example, due to severe pain, sleep problems appeared, the temperature rose. In order for the teeth to be strong and not hurt, children were sometimes allowed to gnaw on a wolf's fang.

Our ancestors believed that during the teething period, children are less protected from the influence of dark forces, so they tried to spend as much time as possible with them, even at night. In addition, it facilitated the condition of the child, because teeth are not always cut without problems.

Beliefs about the first milk tooth that fell out

Every child will eventually lose their milk teeth. There are also some signs about this phenomenon that came to us from antiquity. Almost all peoples had them, and recently several more modern versions have been composed. One of them is associated with the tooth fairy, for which a "gift" is left under the pillow. The fairy was invented by a Spanish children's writer.

It is believed that if a lost milk tooth is lost, and not given to a mouse, brownie or thrown into the hearth, this promises the child a life away from his homeland and an early start to living separately from his parents. In England, they believed that if you did not set it on fire, then the new one that grew up would be a dog.

If your son or daughter has lost a baby tooth, he should throw it with his right hand over his left shoulder with these words:

Mouse, mouse, you have a milk tooth, give me a bone instead!

This should be done on the street, but in such a place that no one picks it up. Forests, fields and similar places are well suited. In the past, mothers were forbidden to lick the place of a fallen tooth, otherwise there would be nowhere to insert the one that the mouse would bring in return. It was also believed that the appeal to the mouse accelerates the growth of the remaining molars.

In general, following these signs can greatly facilitate the life of a growing person, and the influence of many of them extends throughout life, so they should not be neglected.

Many young parents are interested in what to do with a child's baby tooth that has fallen out? After all, this event is often associated with the experiences of the baby, concern for his health. And also this process always reminds us of various beliefs and customs, and whether to adhere to traditions or not is the decision of each family.

So, what to do when changing a milk bite to a permanent one? How to help a child and is it worth telling him about the existence of unusual creatures, inventing fairy tales, or just throwing away yet another proof of growing up and not going into details?

When to expect tooth loss in a child?

The first period associated with the appearance of milk units falls on the age of up to a year. Then the whole family with trepidation awaits the eruption of each tooth and celebrates this event. And after a few years, the unrest is repeated.

The process of changing the bite usually falls on 6-7 years, but this norm is not mandatory. Dentists often note deviations of 1-2 years, which also does not indicate any pathologies. It's just that each organism has its own terms of ripening and features of the formation of the speech apparatus.

It is believed that the order of the teeth that fell out is the same as the order in which they appeared. But these are just averages. If your baby's milk bite began to change according to a different schedule, then do not panic. To calm down, you can contact a pediatric dentist and he will confirm the absence of deviations.

The process itself is painless, but can frighten the child. After all, he loses part of his smile, and sometimes this is accompanied by bleeding and the appearance of a small wound. Therefore, for a long time, parents have been trying in every possible way to help the baby survive such a difficult period and come up with ways to alleviate the loss.

Folk omens

In every country, there have long been beliefs and traditions associated with the first teeth that fell out. Today, fewer families adhere to them, and there is an opportunity to choose a more appropriate explanation for this process. It is worth noting that even psychologists note positive aspects for the child's psyche in inventing this kind of fairy tales:

  • an unusual story told by parents helps to endure the painful experience of losing teeth;
  • fantastic creatures are endowed with good and magical powers, which fills the child with positive;
  • thanks to such fictional stories, children are more attentive to the care of milk, and then permanent teeth.

No need to deny the beneficial effect on childhood memories. Almost every adult can find in memory such experiences when fairy tales and traditions helped to cope with a difficult situation.

Thanks to foreign cinema, our children got acquainted with the tale of the tooth fairy. She was born in Spain in the distant times of the reign of kings. One of these noble families ordered a story for the baby from Luis Coloma. The writer came up with a story in which a fairy takes a fallen tooth and leaves a coin under the pillow. Then she turns the "prey" into a star in the sky.

Today, this interpretation has spread all over the world and is liked by children from different countries. You can modify the story and tell that the "gift" for the fairy is not left in bed, but on the bedside table or on the window. So, it will be easier for her (and hence her parents) to find and replace it with a coin.

But keep in mind that if you have already decided on such a tradition, then you will have to exchange every fallen tooth of the baby for money so as not to upset him. And if you are going to throw away the “trophy” later, then you need to do it so that the child does not find it and is not disappointed in the fairy tale.


In our country, such a story has always been associated with a mouse. It was her parents who chose her in order to change the children's tooth, since in rodents this organ is considered the strongest and strongest. According to the legend, the fallen milk unit must be thrown over the shoulder so that it falls somewhere in a secluded place - under the bed or in the corner where the animal will find it.

At the same time, you need to sentence a phrase in which the child will ask the mouse for new and healthy teeth. It is believed that she picks up the fallen ones, and in their place the baby grows strong and beautiful. In some families, parents then throw sweets to the children as a fabulous gift.


Today, this tradition is rarely observed, but in ancient times it was quite popular. According to custom, children were often exposed to the evil eye and the influence of evil forces. In order to somehow protect and protect them, adults wrapped the dropped units in red cloth and tied threads of the same color over it.

At the same time, a conspiracy was also used, in which it was said about the close connection between the tooth and the person. When the child grew up, he was obliged to carry this amulet with him everywhere in order to protect himself from dark forces. It is strictly forbidden to lose, throw away or give it away.


Some mothers are hesitant to part with the dear memory of wonderful childhood times. So, one American woman ordered a jeweler to set a frame for her child's fallen tooth and gradually created a kind of necklace out of them. When other mothers liked this idea, the name Kim Covel became associated with the Le Knockout brand, which does similar work on order.

Of course, you don't have to send your child's teeth to the US. You can make a memo in the form of jewelry in any country. To do this, it is enough to contact the appropriate master with an individual sketch and get a finished family heirloom.

We leave in memory

Not all families want to support fairy tale stories for their child, but teach them to look at reality. At the same time, tooth loss is commented on with explanatory conversations and shows the significance of the process for the health of the baby.

It is advisable to think over this story based on facts in advance and dress it in such words that will be accessible to the child's mind and perception, which is quite difficult. The tooth itself can be left for storage by putting it in a beautiful box or a special set created to order. In any case, it is important to pay attention to the emotions of the baby and calm his feelings.

Can you just throw it away?

Even those parents who decide to maintain the fairy tale illusion do not always know what to do next with the "trophy". Should I get rid of it and how, or keep it as a keepsake? Here everything depends only on your desire. After all, in fact, the process of changing teeth is associated with the natural maturation and maturation of the body.

And yet, according to existing beliefs in different countries, it is not recommended to throw away dairy units. It is believed that in this case the child will have bad teeth, or he will suffer from insomnia, or even doomed to live away from his homeland.

Whether this is fact or fiction, it's hard to say. But if you do not want to keep such a childhood memory, then it is best to use the most popular recommendations:

  • bury a tooth in the ground in the yard or even in a flower pot;
  • burn in fire.

In some countries, it is believed that the top units, after falling out, are best thrown onto the roof of the house. And if the lower ones are lost, then they are buried under the porch.

Video: tooth fairy and how does she bring gifts?

How can parents help a child?

In any case, the process of losing milk units remains a difficult emotional experience and parents have a duty to help cope with this. And it's not just fairy tales and stories.

It is important to ensure that the tooth fragment does not remain in the gum. If there is a suspicion of such a nuisance, then be sure to show the baby to the dentist. Also, pay close attention to the wound that appears. It usually bleeds for a while. Therefore, you should make a cotton or gauze swab, put it in place of the lost tooth, and after a few minutes everything will stop.

Immediately after the milk unit falls out, you can offer the child to rinse his mouth with a weak soda solution. It will disinfect the wound, wash the remains of food and accelerate healing. Ask your child not to touch the area with their tongue. A blood clot should form there, which should not be removed.

The tooth fairy, a character characteristic of Western culture, has successfully penetrated Russia. According to legend, a fallen tooth should be put under the pillow in the evening. At night, a fairy will come to the child, who will take the baby tooth and leave a small amount of money or another gift instead. Modern parents, wanting to make it easier for themselves, are increasingly telling their children that the tooth should be left in a glass of water on the bedside table. So it is much easier to make a substitution and at the same time not disturb the child. The story of the tooth fairy allows kids to endure the discomfort associated with the loss of milk teeth.

Memory tooth

Many parents keep a tag from the maternity hospital, a cast of a baby's leg, a strand of hair cut from their child's head in a treasured box. If you have such treasures, the first fallen tooth of your child may well go to them. Perhaps in a few years it will be interesting for you with an already grown child to look at him. And in a jewelry store, you can even buy a special tiny box designed to store the first fallen baby tooth.


The tooth fairy is a fairly new character, but in Russia, most often a tooth is given to a mouse. To do this, they hide it in a secluded place in the house (under a closet, baseboard, in a gap between the floorboards. You can also ask a child on the street to throw a tooth behind his back. At the same time, you can ask the mouse to give the baby new strong teeth.


Some believe that the first tooth of a child that falls out is a strong amulet that protects the family, brings happiness and prosperity to it and does not allow it to fall apart. If you believe in signs and want to protect your loved ones in this way, just put your tooth in a secluded place and believe in the power of this talisman.


Fans of non-trivial jewelry can make one from a fallen tooth. To do this, you can even give it to the workshop, where it will be framed in silver. The tooth will make a very extravagant pendant. However, be careful - some people believe that such products are related to black magic and can be harmful.

throw away

If sentimentality is not characteristic of you, and your child has never heard of a fairy bringing gifts, a fallen tooth can simply be thrown away. It doesn't matter if you bury it under the pink one in the country or send it to the trash. Do it the way you feel comfortable, and your baby's new molars will grow in any case.

Despite the fact that we live in the age of digital technology, signs and customs about the first tooth that fell out have been preserved among the people, and they are followed to this day. Following them can significantly make life easier for the baby, save him from discomfort - do not neglect this. In addition, the performance of the original rite can be interesting for the child and make him believe in magic.

When do the first teeth start falling out?

Children's milk teeth are replaced by permanent incisors and molars. The first tooth falls out at 6-7 years old, but the timing may vary depending on the development of the jaw apparatus and the health of the child's oral organs (we recommend reading:). Milk units are formed in the womb, and permanent bite - after the birth of the baby. The timing of the change will depend on the growth rate of the rudiments of the teeth. The drop sequence is the same for everyone:

  • sixth teeth grow (they are not milk);
  • loosen the lower, and then the upper incisors;
  • the first and second premolars fall out;
  • fangs change;
  • wisdom teeth begin to grow at the age of 10-25, sometimes they remain impacted.

Children receive a permanent bite by the age of 14. Parents have enough time to decide what to do with their fallen teeth.

First actions when falling out

A baby whose milk elements begin to change does not need painkillers. Adults think that the procedure for changing units is extremely unpleasant for the child, but before the tooth begins to loosen, the roots dissolve in it.

The prolapse causes discomfort, but the teeth do not hurt. In place of the organ, a wound remains, which bleeds a little. Children easily tolerate a change in bite.

Tooth loss can be shocking to toddlers, so parents should explain to them that this is normal and new healthy teeth will soon grow that will last forever. At the age of 7-14 years, the oral cavity needs careful hygiene, and after removal, you must follow the rules:

  • immediately rinse your mouth with soda;
  • forbid the child to touch the wound, so as not to infect the infection;
  • when the meal is over, rinse the mouth with warm water.

To help with loosening, the child can be given hard fruits and vegetables: apples, pears, carrots. A small amount of dried fruit is also suitable.

In what cases is the help of a doctor required?

There are situations when problems arise with the change of organs in the mouth. In 80% of babies, it is found that the permanent molar erupts behind the milk tooth, and this forms an incorrect bite (see also:). A temporary formation that does not want to leave its place is removed surgically. This will avoid the crooked growth of the root element. Only a dentist can pull out a unit if its root has not resolved, but has grown deep into the gum. Self-removal can provoke severe inflammation of the mucosa.

In most cases, milk teeth fall out on their own (we recommend reading:). A child may need specialist help in several atypical situations:

  • the gum is swollen and very sore;
  • the milk element is broken;
  • the wound bleeds for a long time;
  • the child swallowed a tooth.

Sign at the appearance of the first tooth

Among the many customs, there is a beautiful tradition of giving a silver spoon “for the first tooth”. When he starts cutting, the godparents present a gift - a silver spoon, not forgetting to knock on her tooth. Previously, a tableware was a symbol of the introduction of complementary foods, and the baby will soon be able to eat not only milk. When the first incisor erupted contrary to the norm (on the upper gum), in the old days they said that the mother was expecting an early pregnancy.

Customs for the loss of the first milk teeth

Different countries had their own signs and ways of getting rid of the first fallen teeth. Most performed the ritual with all the dental units that left the baby at 6-14 years old:

  • in England, parents resorted to burning teeth to prevent magicians from using them for their witchcraft purposes;
  • in Russia, children turned to the brownie and the mouse, throwing a tooth behind their back and begging them to bring a “bone” tooth instead of a “burp” one;
  • romals made a conspiracy for wealth and a long life for the baby, throwing a tooth to the moon;
  • in Asian countries, the upper tooth that fell out was thrown onto the roof, and the lower one was placed under the floor.

Common beliefs

Signs came from antiquity, and almost all peoples have them. It is believed that if a tooth is lost or thrown away, then this promises the child an early departure from the parents' house or life outside the homeland. In England, they believed that a tooth that was not burnt prophesies the appearance of dog fangs in a baby. In Russia, a child had to “give a milk tooth to a mouse”, changing it to a new one. Moms believed that it also accelerates the growth of other indigenous elements.

In some European countries, it has long been believed that after death the soul cannot rest until it finds its milk teeth. Parents prudently burned them so that they would wait for the owner in the next world. This ritual also protected children from the evil eye and evil thoughts.

There are other folk beliefs regarding the teeth of both adults and children. Of particular note are the signs of wisdom teeth, which have always been attributed unique properties: if they exist, good luck will not leave a person, he will be rich and achieve heights in his career, love. The owner of a smile of 32 "pearls" could count on the help of his ancestors - they will never leave a relative, providing support in any business. Previously, the question of why wisdom teeth grow had a simple answer - a person uses 100% mental abilities. The presence of all four "wise" units was considered a sign of a strong spirit. Some defects also spoke volumes:

Where to put the tooth and can it be stored?

Many mothers are sentimental about such things, putting the first ultrasound picture, a tag from the hospital, a lock of hair into a box. If a tooth has left its owner, parents often do not know what to do with it. Just throwing it away is too easy and hard at the same time, because changing the first tooth is a whole event. Elements that have fallen out are most often placed under the pillow, and when the child falls asleep, they replace it with a small gift, candy. Although this is not very convenient, since the baby can push the tooth into the corner of the bed, and it will be difficult to find it.

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