Treat a chipped tooth. Types of chipped front teeth. Causes of dental damage

What to do if a piece, wall, enamel breaks off anterior tooth? Enamel is the most durable fabric human body. Despite this, teeth are often damaged, chipped, broken off due to different reasons. Himself big risk in this regard, the anterior ones are exposed. When this happens to canines or incisors, it is perceived by many as a disaster. In fact, there are ways to restore teeth.


Types of damage to teeth

Chips, depending on the severity of the consequences and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage, are divided into several types:

The level of tooth damage is determined according to the chip present. Of these, the first two are considered easy in dentistry. The destruction of the dentin layer is the average level of damage, and if the pulp of the tooth is exposed, this is a strong degree.

Causes of dental damage

The choice of treatment and restoration of the tooth depends on the establishment of the cause of the chip.

Damage is usually caused by:


Patient's actions when any part of the front tooth is chipped

Any damage requires medical care to restore functionality and appearance tooth. For the front, this is of particular importance.

Before visiting a doctor, the patient can take the following actions:

When a noticeable piece of tooth has broken off, it makes sense to save it. It is likely that it will come in handy during further restoration, it will help preserve the appearance of the organ.

When visiting dental clinic the doctor will choose the treatment method, keeping in mind the level of damage. For the front teeth, the restoration is done, taking into account their location. In addition to dental rapid response measures, the patient will have to take better care of their teeth. If the cause of the chip is not eliminated, the next organ may be similar.

Enamel chip treatment

When only one enamel is damaged, the patient begins to feel hot and cold, sour and sweet. It would seem that a similar problem can be solved with special toothpastes and gels. But in this case they won't help.

The specialist will appoint enamel remineralization course of 10-15 procedures. For applications with calcium, fluoride preparations applied to the damaged area swab soaked in them for 20-25 minutes. Even more efficient use remineralizing compositions with electrophoresis. So useful material in the form of ions penetrate deeper into the layers of enamel, more securely fixed there. At the end of the course, the tooth is covered with fluorine varnish to prevent damage in the future.

Dentin chip therapy

This is more serious destruction, strengthening remineralizing compounds is indispensable here. The tooth is filled using materials that match the color. Usually take light-cured composite. Then the filling is polished, giving it a shine and resemblance to the rest of the tooth.

Restoration in case of severe tooth damage

If the chip has affected the pulp chamber, the nerve will most likely need to be removed. Otherwise, the patient will be doomed to endure constant toothache. After removal of the pulp under anesthesia, the tooth is sealed. If necessary, this is done with the installation of a transparent pin, which will help strengthen the tooth and give the filling a more aesthetic appearance.

In difficult cases, to restore its appearance, the frontal part is covered with veneer. If the tooth is more than half destroyed, and it is unrealistic to restore it by filling even using a pin, you will have to wear a crown.

Is it possible to leave a damaged tooth without treatment

Disadvantages of appearance not only bring psychological discomfort to the patient's life, but also provoke further speech defects, negative changes in facial expressions. Therefore, chipped teeth, even if they seem minor, must be treated. Otherwise, in places of damage, pathogenic microorganisms are activated, which will continue to destroy the tooth.

What can the patient expect in this case:

Any of them can permanently destroy the tooth. existing in oral cavity infection leads to disease digestive tract, cardiovascular diseases, as well as the excretory system.

It often happens that cracks suddenly appear on the enamel of the teeth. This very unfortunate situation can arise due to the many various reasons. It is especially alarming when a piece of the front tooth broke off. What to do so that the situation does not worsen.

If you look closely at a person’s teeth, you can see many cracks and chips. They can be provoked by hot or too cold food, the habit of constantly chewing on objects (pens, pencils, nails, etc.), chewing caramels. Subsequently, chips lead to the fact that a piece of the tooth may break off.

The reasons, along which a crack can form in the tooth:

  1. Jaw injuries, blows, etc.
  2. Violation normal level acidity in the mouth.
  3. Bad habits.
  4. Malocclusion.
  5. Lack of calcium and vitamins in the body.
  6. Hormonal disruptions (diabetes, thyroid disease, pregnancy).

All this leads to the fact that a crack appears, and then a piece can break off. Some medications also lead to this problem. Also, some experts assure that grinding of teeth at night can play a detrimental role.

Important! Before breaking off, the tooth always “beeps” with the sensitivity of the enamel to hot and cold food. It is worth paying attention to this in advance..

Before chipping, the tooth becomes sensitive to temperature changes.

A damaged tooth causes concern to the owner not only by a violation of the aesthetic appearance, but also by pain sometimes. Over time, it becomes a source of infection. Therefore, it is necessary to see a specialist in this case.

Types of chips

They differ in their complexity into types:

  • cracks in the tooth enamel - incomplete chipping;
  • enamel chip;
  • chipped dentin;
  • cleavage followed by pulp exposure.

The degree of dental damage can vary. It depends on the type of chip:

  1. The minimum degree is cracks and chips on the tooth.
  2. Medium degree - when the dentin is damaged.
  3. Severe degree - exposure of the nerve and pulp.

Depending on the degree of damage, the doctor chooses a method of treating the damage.

Often, cracks, and even more so microcracks in the teeth, do not cause any special worries and worries on the part of the patient. Therefore, they don’t bother at all, and no one thinks what a chip can lead to. But in vain, because a cracked tooth can often cause a piece to break off.

When a tooth cracked, everyone should know what to do. You need to contact a specialist. He will accept necessary measures to prevent chipped teeth. But if time is lost, and a piece of tooth falls off? First, as a rule, the dentin falls off. This is the hard part that envelops the pulp and nerve. Thanks to him, a form is created. It is harder than bone, but softer than enamel.

In the event of a chip medium degree, there is a risk of further washing out of the dentin and then damage to the pulp. And this is serious. Therefore, if a piece of tooth has broken off, it is clear what needs to be done. Without the help of a specialist, it will be difficult to avoid the consequences.

Although a person does not feel severe pain when dentin is chipped, the enamel is already starting to react to acidic and spicy food. With a severe degree of cleavage - exposure of the nerve and pulp, a person feels severe pain. Even painkillers can only relieve the condition for a while. It is clear that he immediately runs to the doctor. The dentist first removes the pulp, then cleans the canals. And only then begins prosthetics.

This is a light chip.

A piece of the front tooth broke off: what should be done in the first place?

If you do not contact a specialist in time for a chip, problems will appear that will be difficult to solve later. For example, when malocclusion there are chips near the gum itself. It leads to cervical caries. Here it is required special treatment before prosthetics. You should not wait until a vertically cracked tooth breaks off completely. You have to go to the dentist.

When dropped or hit, there are usually serious moderate to severe chips. Before a visit to the dentist, it is required to provide first aid to the victim. Any person can do this. The first steps to help the victim should be as follows:

  • give a glass of warm boiled water to rinse your mouth;
  • if bleeding is present, or the gum is damaged, a bandage must be applied;
  • ice should be applied to the site of injury;
  • if the pain is severe, offer pain medication.

When a person gets to the dentist, he first assesses the severity of the case. At little damage It is proposed to make micro prosthetics. For this, it is made, which is attached with glue. This can be done in just one visit.

If there are chips on the front and side teeth, veneers are required. These are the thinnest ceramic plates that are attached to the tooth. AT recent times they are increasingly being replaced. They look aesthetically pleasing and make a beautiful smile. But lumineers are many times more expensive than veneers. A piece broke off posterior tooth what to do to avoid consequences? In this case, a simple filling is placed. Sharp edges are then sanded.

Cracked tooth: what can be done?

When damaged most of tooth, but the pulp is not affected, the doctor will most likely suggest the installation of a metal-ceramic crown. It is convenient, aesthetic and does not require large expenditures.

Veneers and lumineers are used to restore front teeth.

If the pulp is damaged, everything is much more complicated. First, the dentist removes pain syndrome. After the pulp has been removed and there is no more pain, the next step is recovery. To do this, a pin is inserted into it. It will remove the load from the surface of the side walls.

If a wisdom tooth is damaged, it is usually not restored. Because it does not perform a chewing function and has no aesthetic value. Don't wait until he fall off as pain may occur. Most often, broken wisdom teeth are removed. break down Maybe anterior teeth. In such cases, a person is embarrassed by his appearance, tries less to smile and speak. It all hurts him psychological trauma. He feels defective.

At different types anterior row injuries exist different ways its recovery:

  • if a small part of the front tooth has broken off, then it is necessary to put a seal and grind it.
  • if the pulp is damaged, the nerve is removed, the canals are cleaned, then they are sealed. Sometimes .
  • if a large part has broken off, it is best to use lumineers.

Sometimes when various diseases of cardio-vascular system, stomach and kidneys may be chipped. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the treatment of these diseases.

Broke off a piece of a milk tooth

It often happens that a piece breaks off baby tooth. This is due to the mobility of children, frequent falls and injuries, as well as the weakness of the enamel of milk teeth. What to do if this happened? First of all, you need:

  • calm the parents and calm the child;
  • rinse your mouth to remove dirt;
  • disinfect the oral cavity using hydrogen peroxide;
  • it is advisable to see a doctor on the same day;
  • bring the broken piece to the dentist.

A pediatric dentist will first evaluate the chip. Might need to do X-ray. Then the chip is usually preserved with a special gel for several days. In the meantime, a treatment technique is chosen.

Usually children's pulp is not removed, even with severe chips. Because she has the ability to recover quickly. Even nerve removal is done very rarely in children. Prevention of chips in children and adults is the intake of vitamins and trace elements, proper nutrition, avoidance of bad habits, as well as too hot or cold food and water.

Oral diseases develop in different ways. Sometimes a healthy row of teeth can be broken by a chipped tooth, which delivers pain and has and looks unaesthetic. Regardless of the degree of chipping, urgent medical intervention is necessary. A damaged tooth can lead to the development complex diseases teeth, and over time - a source of infection.

The degree of pain depends on the type of chip. If a piece of enamel on the tooth has broken off, there may be a reaction to cold and hot food. If the nerve is exposed during the break or the pulp chamber is affected, the tooth may hurt as with complicated caries - pulpitis.

Common pain relievers in the form of rinses and medicines when the chip will not help. Without medical care getting rid of the pain is impossible.

Types of chipped teeth

Dentists distinguish the following types of chips:

  • incomplete chip - enamel crack;
  • chipped enamel on the tooth;
  • dentine chip:
  • cleavage, leading to the opening of the pulp.

Depending on the type of chip, dentists also determine the degree of damage to the tooth: minimal, medium and severe.

Cracks and chips in the enamel are minimal damage, the average degree is damage to the dentin. Exposure of the nerve and pulp chamber is a severe injury.

Depending on the type of chip and the degree of damage, the dentist chooses the technique of treatment and restoration of the tooth.

enamel chip

Tooth enamel is the hardest bone material in our body, it requires special care.

Often we do not think about the health of enamel and cause irreparable harm to it. food with high content carbohydrates, eating too hard food, improper care, bad habits thin the protective barrier and provoke enamel chips and cracks.

Photo: Crack (left) and chipped enamel (right)

Cracks and chips of enamel without damage to the dentin usually do not cause significant discomfort, so patients often turn to the dentist late. Untimely appeal may lead to a number serious illnesses and lead to tooth decay.

Dentin is the mineralized hard part of the tooth that envelops the pulp chamber and nerve.

Dentin is responsible for the shape of the tooth; it is softer than enamel but harder than bone. With moderate chipping, there is a risk of washing out the dentin and subsequent damage to the pulp chamber.

With chipped dentin, the patient may not feel acute pain, there is a reaction to sour and sweet foods.

Chip exposing the pulp

When the pulp is exposed, the tooth hurts badly, painkillers bring only temporary relief.

When the dentin is chipped, exposing the pulp, dentists remove it, clean the canals, remove the nerve, and only then they are engaged in the restoration and prosthetics of the chipped tooth.

The reasons

For successful treatment and restoration, the dentist needs to correctly establish the causes of tooth chipping.

The main causes of tooth decay include:

  • traumatism of teeth;
  • decrease in acidity in the oral cavity;
  • reminilization of tooth enamel;
  • incorrect bite and position of teeth;
  • untreated dental diseases;
  • bad habits;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Under the traumatism of the teeth is usually understood breaks and chips that occurred, for example, from a blow or a fall.

However, more often than not, we injure our teeth day after day. Think, which of us at least once in our lives has not chewed caramel, has not untied knots with our teeth, has not eaten ice cream and hot coffee at the same time?

You can list bad habits for a long time, they all injure the enamel and violate the integrity of the teeth. Use carbohydrate food violates acid balance in the mouth, smoking and alcohol consumption are responsible for the thinning of the enamel, the appearance of cracks and chips in the teeth.

Nutrition is an important part of dental health. The lack of trace elements can cause reminilization of tooth enamel, and in the future - fractures and loss of the dentition. The best prevention the appearance of chips will be proper nutrition, performance elementary rules care and timely visits to the dentist.

Another reason for the appearance of chips can be a hormonal imbalance, for example, with diabetes, diseases thyroid gland or during pregnancy. In this case, to find out the reasons, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive medical examination.

An overbite that has not been corrected in time and pathologies of the position of the teeth can also cause injuries.

The lower and upper row of teeth can injure each other even when chewing, not to mention the fact that bite defects cause nightly teeth grinding. Teeth grinding leads to abrasion of the enamel and visible defects of the teeth.

Photo: Injury to the teeth with malocclusion

Incorrect bite can also cause chips of dental tissue adjacent to the gum. If the enamel breaks off at the gums, then the second reason may be caries of the cervical region of the tooth.

In both cases, you should immediately consult a dentist. It will take not only the restoration of a damaged tooth, but also the elimination of the underlying cause.

Video: strengthening tooth enamel

What to do if a piece of tooth has broken off

Required in as soon as possible contact a dentist.

Only quick action help to fully restore the tooth and prevent further destruction. In case of injuries of the tooth and tissues of the oral cavity, the first first aid.

First aid

With chips and fractures of the teeth, a visit to the doctor is mandatory, but anyone can provide first aid.

What measures are taken in case of a chip?

  • Warm rinse boiled water to remove food debris and enamel fragments.
  • In case of traumatism of the gums and bleeding, it is necessary to apply a sterile bandage to the sore spot.
  • Ice should be applied to the fracture site to relieve swelling and pain.
  • For severe pain, you can take pain medication.

Treatment in the clinic

To restore the aesthetic appearance of the dentition in dentistry, various techniques restoration of teeth.

Small enamel chips are repaired with composite light-curing materials. The same materials are used for chipped dentin, in which case the dentist will make a special hard inlay and install it with glue.

The technique of making inlays refers to micro-prosthetics and will require a pre-prepared cast.

However, there are clinics where it is possible to make composite inlays in one day, and this saves time and does not feel psychological discomfort, especially if a piece of the front tooth has broken off.

External chips of the front and side teeth are eliminated with the help of veneers - special plates made of a translucent material, most often made of ceramics. Small internal chips of molars can be eliminated with conventional fillings, and sharp edges are smoothed by grinding.

The loss of a significant part of the tooth, but without damage to the pulp, can be corrected by installing a metal-ceramic crown.

If the pulp is damaged, the dentist necessarily conducts depulpation to prevent inflammation and relieve pain.

Restoration of the tooth in this case occurs with the help of a pin. The pin allows you to relieve the pressure on the walls of the injured tooth, thereby relieving the load and preventing possible destruction.

It makes no sense to restore wisdom teeth, since they practically do not carry a chewing load and do not affect the aesthetics of the appearance. Usually, dentists with chips and fractures of wisdom teeth offer patients to remove them.


When carrying out the restoration of molars, the dentist chooses the technique of restoration and treatment on an individual basis. The choice of technique depends on the degree and type of chipping.

For example, it is more practical to restore internal invisible chips of molars by filling, and to eliminate external ones, the use of composite materials will be required.

To restore the posterior teeth, often set metal-ceramic crowns. Metal-ceramic is a durable material that can withstand a significant chewing load.

Video: cermet

front tooth

Chips of the anterior teeth are of particular concern to patients, since visible defects in the frontal part of the dentition cause psychological discomfort.

A person is embarrassed to smile and talk; over time, chipped front teeth can lead to speech defects and changes in facial expressions. All these unpleasant consequences can be avoided by consulting a doctor.

If a front tooth has broken off, there are several ways to restore it:

  • damage to enamel and dentin - filling and grinding;
  • slight damage to the pulp chamber - removal of the pulp, necrosis of the nerve, sealing sometimes with the installation of a pin;
  • in difficult cases - microprosthetics with veneers and composite inlays.
Video: veneers


Unhealed chipped teeth of any severity threaten further penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the deeper layers of the tooth.

As a result, you can get a number of diseases:

  • caries;
  • pulpitis;
  • periodontitis.

All these diseases can lead to complete destruction of the tooth.

In addition, an infection in the oral cavity causes diseases of the stomach, heart, liver and kidneys, since the teeth are directly connected with the organs through the circulatory and nervous systems.

A photo

In the photo you can see chipped front and molars teeth. The apparent catastrophic nature of the damaged dentition is now successfully treated in dental clinics.

Frequently asked Questions

What to do if a piece of a milk tooth breaks off in a child?

Chipped milk teeth are a common occurrence. The cause most often becomes childhood trauma, and the anterior incisors suffer.


  • calm the baby and not panic yourself;
  • remove dirt by rinsing the mouth;
  • disinfect the wound, as well as the cheeks, gums and tongue with hydrogen peroxide;
  • refer to pediatric dentist during the day;
  • if possible, save the fragment of the tooth and take it to the doctor.

A pediatric dentist begins treatment with an examination of the chip, anesthesia and x-rays. The picture will show the position of the root of the tooth, the condition of the dental tissues and the jaw after the injury.

For the treatment of milk incisors, dentists use a special gel, which will preserve the damaged tooth for 2-3 weeks until the wound is completely healed. Further, the method of treatment and restoration is selected from the degree of chipping.

This can be filling, the use of veneers or other micro prostheses, restoration with reflective materials.

Do not rush to remove the pulp of milk teeth, even if the chip has affected a significant part of the tooth. The pulp of milk teeth is restored more intensively than permanent teeth.

Statistics show that 95% of chipped teeth in children can be restored without removing the nerve. Prevention of fragility of teeth in children is the habit of regular hygiene and eating foods containing calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Video: nano veneers for children

Tooth injuries occur in both adults and children. They can be the result of a fall, a blow, a fight. Often a piece of tooth can break off due to weakened enamel or other dental diseases. What to do if you have a chipped tooth? Is it dangerous, and how to restore a damaged tooth?

Causes of a chipped tooth

A piece of tooth can chip off for one of several reasons:

  • inaccurate wearing of orthodontic structures,
  • fall, fight, blow,
  • in the process of eating, if a solid product has got on the tooth (bone, cherry stone, etc.),
  • result ,
  • old crack,
  • damaged seal,
  • calcium deficiency,
  • weakened immunity,
  • chronic diseases,
  • various bite anomalies,
  • hormonal imbalance.


Even with minor damage, the following symptoms will occur:

  • enamel hypersensitivity,
  • reaction to cold, hot,
  • reaction to touch.

A serious injury will be manifested by sharp pain, the strength of which will depend on the depth of the injury. If the pain is unbearable, the tooth “pulsates”, most likely, the pulp is open and the nerves are exposed. In this case, you need to urgently consult a dentist.


Chipped milk teeth are common.

There are several types of chips:

A crack in the enamel is an incomplete chip

Chip on the surface of the tooth (chip enamel)

Weak enamel is prone to chipping. Bad habits, malnutrition, stress and chronic diseases thin the enamel, causing cracks and chips.

Such injuries rarely cause any discomfort Therefore, patients turn to the dentist late.

Dentin chip

Dentin is the layer of the tooth that is responsible for its shape. Dentin is softer than enamel and harder than bone. Dentin chipping is accompanied by an increase in the sensitivity of enamel: it begins to react to cold, hot, salty, sour.

Chip that led to the opening of the pulp chamber

If such an injury occurs, strong pain, which only temporarily disappears when taking painkillers.

In addition, depending on the type of chip, the degree of damage is distinguished:

  • minimum
  • average,
  • strong.

I broke off a piece of a tooth, what should I do?

If you notice that a piece of your tooth has broken off, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible. So you can prevent further destruction and restore it as accurately as possible.

Before you get to a specialist, do the following:

  1. Rinse your mouth warm water to remove shards of enamel and food debris.
  2. If the gum is injured, apply a sterile bandage to it.
  3. Apply ice to the chipped area to relieve pain and prevent swelling.
  4. If the pain becomes unbearable, you can take painkillers.


Photos before and after restoration

So, you turned to a specialist. What are the ways to restore teeth after chipping? Let's look at the main types of restoration of damaged teeth:

  1. The use of crowns.
  2. Application of veneers.
  3. Special tabs.

Let's take a look at how dental restoration works. different occasions chips:

  • If the chip is small, the tooth is restored using special light-curing materials. The same materials are used in cases of chipped dentin: special overlays are made that restore the tooth.

The technique for making such inlays requires a cast of the tooth and refers to microprosthetics.

  • If the front tooth is damaged, veneers, special ceramic overlays, help to restore it.
  • Small chips on chewing teeth are closed with conventional fillings, which are then polished.
  • If a significant part has broken off, it is necessary to install a crown.
  • If the pulp chamber is damaged, the tooth is depulpated to prevent the development of the inflammatory process.
  • In most cases, there is no point in restoring wisdom teeth, since they do not take part in the process of chewing food. Most often, when damaged, wisdom teeth are removed.
  • If the chip occurred with the front tooth, there are several ways to restore it:
  1. In case of damage to the enamel and dentin, filling and grinding are carried out.
  2. With minor damage to the pulp chamber, the pulp is removed, the canals are sealed and the pin is installed.
  3. If the damage is severe, inlays and veneers are used.

Chipped milk tooth what to do?

Chips are not uncommon, as babies are very mobile, often falling. If your little one has a chipped tooth, follow these guidelines:

  • let the baby rinse his mouth plain water to remove dirt, food debris and enamel chips,
  • disinfect the child's gums, cheeks, lips, if they were damaged by a chipped tooth,
  • it is advisable to consult a doctor within a day,
  • if possible, keep the shard and take it with you to the dentist.

At the appointment with a specialist, the baby will definitely take an x-ray to check the condition of the root, as well as the jaw tissues after the injury.

If the milk incisor is damaged, dentists use a special gel that “preserves” the damaged tooth until it is completely healed. Next, restoration is carried out, the technique is selected depending on the nature of the damage.

Where is dental restoration carried out in Moscow?

We offer you an overview of Moscow clinics, where restoration is carried out with high quality.

Today, chipped teeth are among the most common injuries in the dental field. Exists different character damage, as well as their different sizes, for this reason, not every chip requires mandatory attention from the dentist. If the damage is small and does not imply any violations of the very structure of the teeth, the intervention of the dentist is not required at all, unless the chip brings discomfort and pain to the person. If the chipped tooth is serious, in the future it can cause inflammatory process, which will be accompanied by excessive pain, so it is better to immediately consult a specialist.

Causes of dental damage

The treatment of a chipped front tooth is always accompanied by an exact clarification of what exactly caused the chipping. Highlight a few of the most probable causes, according to which, in the main cases, damage to the teeth occurs:

1) Injuries. In this case we are talking not only about the damage caused by falls and impacts, but also about the stress placed on the teeth during malnutrition, for example, when consumed at the same time hot and cold food. Often, products with carbohydrate content cause chipping of tooth enamel, leading to microcracks, which gradually become more serious;

2) High acidity in the oral cavity. Acidity provokes erosion of enamel and reduces its strength, resulting in destruction;

3) Lack of necessary teeth for health minerals. Deficiency of such substances leads to weakening of the teeth and increases the risk of their damage. To prevent chipping of the enamel on the front tooth, you should eat foods with necessary quantity calcium, minerals, vitamins and fluorine;

4) Abnormal bite. In some cases, the tooth is initially located incorrectly in relation to its axis. In this situation it is possible overload on the front teeth, which is accompanied by their gradual damage. Erasing and traumatism of the enamel can also be facilitated by grinding the teeth;

5) Dental diseases. A chipped baby tooth often causes caries and other infections that weaken dental tissues;

6) Bad installed seal. When the filling on the tooth has served its time, its further use may contribute to the appearance of chips;

7) Bad habits of a person. This can be a chip on the teeth from seeds near the gums, damage as a result of eating nuts, biting threads, opening bottles with teeth;

8) Disturbed ratio of hormones. Sometimes hormones leave a negative mark on the condition of the teeth, especially for people suffering from diabetes having thyroid problems. There may be problems during pregnancy.

Types of chipped front teeth

Depending on the area of ​​damage to the tooth, and what features of the manifestation of the problem, there are several types of chips:

1) Incomplete cleavage - implies the occurrence of a crack in the enamel, while the remaining layers retain their previous state;

2) Enamel chipping - in some places this fabric leaves its former place. At the same time, the patient does not observe significant discomfort, therefore, usually, he turns to the dentist already in running case when the problem becomes more serious;

3) Dentin chip - this tissue is stronger than bone, but at the same time softer than enamel. When dentin is chipped, there is no particular pain, but sweet and sour foods are taken more seriously;

4) Chip with pulp exposure - accompanied by severe pain in the front tooth, it is possible to drown it out for a while with pills, but only a professional dentist can solve the problem qualitatively.

As a rule, the first two types of chips are considered mild form and do not require special efforts and treatment. The highest degree of pain is observed in the fourth case, so it is this restoration of a chipped tooth that will have the highest cost.

Features of treatment

There are several ways to fix a chipped tooth crown and other damage. In this case, most often, one or two visits to the dentist will be enough to completely get rid of the problem.

Restoration of a chipped tooth in most cases occurs using composite material. When treating chips in this way, the dentist fills the damaged area with a composite resin identical to the shade of the tooth, after which the tooth regains its natural attractive appearance. The method is famous for its efficiency and durability, and the price for treating a chipped tooth is also acceptable. However, the procedure does not involve strong pain. Often, parents choose this method to mask a chipped tooth in a child.

However, the proposed method will only be useful when there is a slight chipping of the anterior tooth. Restoring the wall of a tooth with a more serious problem requires the use of other actions. In particular, often for this the tooth is covered with a veneer - this is a thin lining made of pressed ceramics. With the use of veneers, both the restoration of a chipped front tooth and the correction of lateral teeth are possible - the method is quite aesthetic, fast and inexpensive.

The answer to the question of what to do if a tooth has broken off can also be dental crowns. They completely cover the damaged tooth and prevent its further damage. At the same time, solid ceramic material or metal-ceramic, as well as a frame made of

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