How to get rid of diplopia. Diplopia - what is this disease? binocular diplopia. Basic Treatments

Diplopia - visual pathology, the cause of which is the deviation of the visual axis of the eye, which doubles visible image. Due to such negative changes, the image does not fall on the central eye fossa and is reproduced by other points of the retina.

Diplopia is a form of binocular vision disorder. When one eye is closed, doubling disappears. Meets and monocular diplopia- even when viewed with one eye, the image doubles.

  • Symptoms and causes of diplopia

    Symptoms of the disease:

    The severity of symptoms and the location of the second image depend on the type of diplopia. For example, with damage to the oblique muscles, doubling is parallel. The eyeball, and hence the opening of the pupil, deviate to the side opposite the damaged muscle. To better examine the object, the patient reflexively adjusts, turns or tilts his head.

    The disease can be classified as:

    • binocular diplopia - the parallelism of the visual axes of both eyes is disturbed; emit sensory, motor, mixed, permanent, temporary, orbital or neuroparalytic forms;
    • monocular diplopia - projections occur in two areas of the retina in one eye, the causes of the disease can be clouding or subluxation of the eye lens, polycoria - several pupils in the iris, iridodialysis - detachment of the iris from the ciliary body due to direct eye injury or traumatic brain injury;
    • paralytic doubling - with paralysis eye muscles;
    • cross - the most severe form of the disease - images are superimposed on each other crosswise.

    Symptoms of diplopia depend on its form and the causes that caused the disease.

    With brain pathology central departments visual analyzer - there is a lesion of the eye muscles responsible for rotation eyeballs, and, accordingly, pupils, develops:

    The disease develops

    • with injuries eye orbits- including fracture bottom wall;
    • with diseases of the cavity of the orbits, which provoke the displacement of the eyeball;
    • with tumors and hematomas, one of the symptoms of which is the restriction of eye mobility;
    • due to an aneurysm carotid artery- its protrusion, pinching the oculomotor nerve.

    The causes of doubling can also include tuberculous meningitis, alcohol or drug intoxication, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, thyrotoxicosis. Violation of the image display can develop with cataracts, due to strabismus, as a postoperative complication in the treatment of retinal detachment.

    The cause of diplopia can be an attack of hysteria or neurosis caused by emotional instability.

    Diplopia - diagnosis and treatment

    The first grounds for examining patients for diplopia are complaints of doubling of objects.

    For diagnostics, such methods are used.

    In addition, the diagnosis includes cover testing - with its help, the mobility of the eyelids is assessed.

    During an ophthalmological examination, visual acuity, refraction of the eye, color perception are also checked, and the conjunctiva is examined.

    Treatment of the disease largely depends on the etiology - infectious or non-infectious - and the causes that provoked doubling. Main therapeutic measures directed to the root cause.

    Surgery or consultation with a neurologist may be necessary.

    • For monocular diplopia, additional diagnostics to classify the form of the disease more precisely:
    • aberrational - in this case, it is necessary to treat eye diseases that cause distortion: uneven surface of the cornea or clouding of the lens;
    • refractive - easily diagnosed no less easily treated with correction contact lenses or glasses;
    • pupillary - one cannot do without surgical intervention, in this rather rare case, during the diagnosis, 2 pupils can be seen in one iris;
    • retinal - appears with pathology peripheral vessels or degenerative eye diseases, that is, treatment should begin with drugs that stabilize blood supply.

    Complex treatment of diplopia is supplemented special gymnastics for eyes.

    In the neurogenic form of the disease, they are first eliminated functional disorders caused by a malfunction of the nervous system or a disorder of endocrine processes.

    To eliminate doubling, a prismatic correction is prescribed. To do this, special glasses are made directly in the ophthalmologist's office from standard industrial prisms. If you need compensators with an optical power of about 6 diopters for each eye, then they are prescribed regular glasses with prismatic action.

    If necessary optical power closer to 10 diopters, special Fresnel prisms are used. Their disadvantage is that with a force of 15 diopters, they cause a sensation of colored edges on the edges. With concomitant strabismus and paradoxical diplopia, prisms of the opposite direction are prescribed. Prismatic correction decreases gradually, in children it is used against the background of functional therapy.

    Functional therapy is all types of ophthalmic gymnastics. It helps restore fusional reserves and develop binocular vision.

    Home exercises (Kashchenko's technique) help to expand the field of view for each eye.

    In the future, this exercise is carried out from different distances, and then the objects of fixation are changed.

    • Exercise with red glass. In front of one eye - usually stronger - they install red glass, and behind a screen with a hole with a diameter of 1 cm, an ordinary electric lamp. Enough light bulbs of 25 watts. The patient is at a distance of 1 m from the light source. If the patient sees one bulb, he is asked to move a distance so that it bifurcates; two - to approach the confluence. The goal of the exercise is to see a single image for as long as possible.

    With a deviation of a high degree, surgical intervention is necessary. If double vision is caused by trauma, then the operation can be performed only 6 months after the end rehabilitation period. After a fracture of the orbit, recovery is impossible.

    In the case when therapeutic measures have not reached the goal - the image continues to double - the treatment should be directed to psychological correction states. With the help of explanatory conversations and auxiliary activities, the patient is taught not to notice the second image.

  • Diplopia is an ophthalmic pathology associated with double vision. Objects entering the field of view of a person appear double as a result of the deviation of the axis of one of the eyes. Such disorders can cause a number of causes of ophthalmological, neurological or infectious nature.

    Causes of diplopia

    The development of diplopia can provoke a shift in the orbit of the eyeball. It is often caused by eye injuries, for example, infringement of the eye muscles caused by a fracture of the orbital wall. The abnormal position of the eyeball is also caused by hematomas of the eye tissues.

    Other possible reason diplopia - damage to the oculomotor nerve. It can be provoked by an aneurysm of the carotid artery, intracranial tumors or meningitis of tuberculous etiology.

    The causes of diplopia are also infectious processes that have affected the brain stem with rubella, mumps, diphtheria or tetanus. Severe alcohol or drug intoxication can also cause diplopia.

    Double vision or diplopia is often observed against the background of botulism, thyrotoxicosis, multiple sclerosis or hysterical attacks. The cause of diplopia, as one of the types postoperative complications, manipulations on the eyes can serve in the surgical treatment of retinal detachment, strabismus or cataracts.

    Symptoms of diplopia

    The main complaint of patients with diplopia is double vision. In most cases, doubling of objects of the surrounding reality occurs when seeing with two eyes. This is how binocular diplopia manifests itself. Double vision can be partial and appear only in a certain area of ​​the visual field or complete. The manifestation of diplopia is also individual, depending on the distance of the objects in question. In some cases, doubling occurs only when looking at closely spaced or, conversely, exclusively at distant objects.

    Two images of the same object that occur with diplopia have different brightness and contrast. One of them is usually slightly offset vertically as well as horizontally and is located at a certain angle to the second image.

    Due to progressive diplopia, the patient loses work skills. It can be difficult for him to do housework, drive, and sometimes just get around. To restore the clarity of the image, a person with binocular diplopia has to close one of the eyes. For patients with another type of disease, monocular diplopia, this measure does not help.

    Types of diplopia

    Binocular diplopia is the most common form of double vision. With binocular diplopia visual picture both eyes is not projected in the corresponding points of the retina. The visual axis shifts, and a patient with binocular diplopia sees a double image of objects. binocular diplopia may be motor, sensory or mixed, permanent or temporary, neuroparalytic, orbital, trauma-induced, strabismus strabogenic, etc.

    Monocular diplopia is a more rare pathology of double vision. Image violations in this case occur even with vision in one eye. Monocular diplopia results from the projection of the image simultaneously on two different points of the retina of one eye. Monocular diplopia is most often caused by subluxation or partial clouding of the lens. The cause of monocular diplopia may also be iridodialysis (tearing off the iris from the ciliary body as a result of eye injury) or polycoria ( congenital pathology structure of the iris with several holes).

    Diagnosis of diplopia

    The primary diagnosis of diplopia is established on the basis of the patient's complaints about double images. Further diagnosis of the disease continues with the help of test control over the vision of a person whose gaze is directed to a moving light source.

    By mapping the coordinates of the resulting images, the doctor can diagnose which of the eye muscles is affected. More modern method determination of the damaged extraocular muscle of the eye - coordimetry using an OK ophthalmocoordimeter.

    Diagnosis of diplopia also involves a mandatory assessment of the state of the position and mobility of the eyelids using a cover test. Additionally, the conjunctiva of the eyeballs is examined, visual acuity, refraction and color perception are checked.

    Treatment of diplopia

    Treatment of diplopia of a secondary type of neurological, infectious or ophthalmic etiology involves the treatment of the underlying disease.

    Treatment of diplopia as the underlying disease is the responsibility of a neurologist or neurosurgeon. In the treatment of diplopia of a traumatic nature, an ophthalmologist surgeon performs resection or plastic surgery of the eye muscles. At the same time, surgery on the eye muscles is allowed, as a rule, only 6 months after the injury.

    Optical correction of diplopia is carried out using prismatic glasses. They can significantly improve the clarity of the patient's vision. The optimal correction in the treatment of diplopia is 6 prism diopters for each eye.

    AT rare cases glasses with higher prismatic compensation are allowed. Fresnel prisms can have a power of up to 20 pr. diopters, however, even with compensation of 15 pr. diopters, they affect visual acuity and create an iris effect around visible objects.

    Functional treatment of diplopia is to perform special exercises according to Kashchenko to restore the abilities of binocular vision and expand the field of view, as well as exercises to merge objects using red glass, etc.

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    The information is generalized and is provided for informational purposes only. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness. Self-medication is dangerous to health!

    Comments on the material (56):

    1 2 3

    Quoting Peter:

    Good afternoon. After kidney surgery and bladder I took ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin, now I see a double image of objects. How to treat?

    Good afternoon Peter.
    You need to see an ophthalmologist for an appointment.

    Quoting victoria:

    Hello everyone, here are the facts: I had a sports injury 20 days ago. Immediately I saw double images. After hospitalization and CT, I was diagnosed with an orbital floor fracture that should be treated surgically using film. According to the doctor, the operation went well, nothing was pinched (nothing is visible), and the chances of recovery were pretty good. Now, fourteen days later, the diplopia is still there, right after I sleep, it takes me about an hour until I can "fix" my gaze. During the day, the effect of double vision is weakened, in the evening it increases again. In an open space outdoors, this double vision is especially annoying. Diplopia before the operation was noticeably less.
    now my questions are:
    - What is the probability of disappearance of diplopia?
    - how long should I wait?
    - Can you somehow counteract this?
    - Is it possible that the tumor is still present inside after fourteen days and is causing diplopia?

    Good afternoon Victoria.
    All these questions you should ask your doctor, he has much more information to answer. Concerning last question, then there is no tumor, but there may be swelling and it can cause diplopia.

    Quoting Alex:

    Hello. A week ago, I hit my eye and started seeing double. I went to the ophthalmologist, he said that the contusion of the eye. The question is whether diplopia will go away with concussion, and if so, after how long and whether it should be treated. (The doctor did not say how to treat exactly diplopia, he only said to drip drops).

    As for forecasts, everything is individual. It is necessary to treat, follow the doctor's recommendations.

    1 2 3

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    Diplopia is a pathology of vision, expressed in doubling the images of visible objects, which occurs as a result of a change in the location of the visual axis. Actually, doubling occurs due to the fact that the images are focused instead of the central fovea in a different area, this is due to the deviation of the eyeball.

    Diplopia is always a disorder of binocular vision and is fully called binocular diplopia. This defect disappears as soon as one eye is covered. True, sometimes (very rarely) with eye injuries that are associated with tearing off the root of the iris, forming two false ones, or with subluxation, monocular diplopia occurs. It is characterized by the possibility of seeing with one eye two images of an object at once, and this state does not stop when the other eye is closed.

    Causes of diplopia

    The development of diplopia is caused various violations central parts of the visual analyzer, as well as pathologies of muscle balance, which arise as a result of a weakening of the functions of the muscles of the eye when it is damaged. This leads to a restriction in the movement of the eyeball or its displacement to the side. In addition, neurogenic causes or pathological processes localized directly in can provoke diplopia.

    As a rule, diplopia occurs due to weakening (paresis) or complete paralysis of the oculomotor muscles, which disrupts coordination in the movements of the eyeballs. This loss of mobility occurs due to damage to the muscles responsible for the movements of the eyeball (myasthenia gravis - muscle weakness), as well as damage to the nerves that control these muscles.

    However, the causes of diplopia can be:

    • pathological processes in the cavity of the orbit, provoking the displacement of the eyeball;
    • orbital disorders arising as a result of fractures of the lower wall of the orbit, in which the eye muscle is infringed;
    • hematomas and tumor processes that cause restrictions on the movement of the eyeball or its complete immobility;
    • aneurysm of the carotid artery, compressing the oculomotor nerve;
    • head trauma and oculomotor nerve damage.

    Damage to the oculomotor nerves can cause numerous pathologies of a neurological nature (tumor processes inside the skull, tuberculous meningitis, etc.). In addition, diplopia is one of the symptoms infectious processes in the brain stem, indicating that the central nervous system is involved in the process (diphtheria, rubella, mumps, tetanus), or medication and alcohol intoxication. Diplopia also occurs with botulism, thyrotoxicosis, disseminated and diabetes mellitus. It can develop against the background of injuries or operations on the brain, as well as due to surgical treatment, with psychoneuroses and states of hysteria.

    Symptoms of diplopia

    Diplopia manifests itself:

    • double vision,
    • persistent dizziness,
    • difficulties in assessing the location of objects.

    Symptoms of diplopia always depend on the location pathological process. For example, damage to the rectus muscles entails parallel doubling, and the oblique muscles affected by the disease can cause the "arrangement" of objects one above the other during doubling. With diplopia, there is always a deviation of the eye from the affected muscle in opposite side. The degrees of deviation are very different: sometimes, this is the absence or restriction of the movement of the eyeball towards the affected muscle, it happens and forced position head, with a characteristic turn or inclination towards the affected muscle, which eliminates double vision.

    infectious diseases, meningitis, vascular diseases brain, intracranial tumor processes and fractures at the base of the skull give clearly expressed signs of diplopia, characterizing the corresponding condition. For example, with botulism, diplopia is one of the first symptoms, and patients with diphtheria similar condition noted at the height of the disease.

    The main task of treating diplopia is to identify and immediately eliminate its causes. shape emergency care at the same time dictates the course of the underlying disease. For example, with diphtheria, botulism, meningitis, immediate hospitalization is indicated in the infectious diseases department, with fractures in the skull in the neurosurgical or trauma department. In other cases of diplopia, hospitalization is carried out with a special severity of the course of the underlying disease or general condition the victim.

    If diplopia is a consequence of only ophthalmic disease, then treatment is usually carried out in the eye department of a hospital or in a specialized eye center.

    Diplopia is a disorder visual system, at which doubling occurs.

    Pathology may be associated with deviation of the eyeball, as a result of which the image falls on the main part of the retina, and not on the fovea.

    Diplopia always covers binocular vision, that is, if you close one eye, the doubling of the image will disappear. Depending on the type of disease, monocular diplopia occurs, but this a rare event, which is caused by trauma to the iris. The peculiarity of such an ailment is that when the second eye is closed, the doubling of the image does not disappear.

    Is diplopia curable? What can be done to remove double vision?

    A disease such as diplopia brings many inconveniences.

    Many patients resort to folk methods, but this does not always positive result, because the disease is sometimes called various diseases and not just mechanical damage.

    Diplopia is completely curable, but can cause various complications in the presence of chronic diseases that disrupt the visual system. Doctors advise at the first symptoms of pathology contact the clinic.

    Feature of the treatment of the disease- combination efficiency folk methods and home gymnastics for the eyes on a par with surgical intervention. Each procedure is selected individually, depending on the cause of doubling.

    Diagnostic methods

    • Examination of the organs of vision patient after complaining of ghosting.
    • Required blood analysis, which will point to possible diseases such as diabetes mellitus or myasthenia gravis.
    • Prozerin test is a diagnostic method in which a special drug is administered ( Prozerin) to reduce the severity of diplopia and alleviate the patient's condition. The drug fills the cells and creates a supportive effect in which the eye responds better to focusing.

    • CT ( CT scan) and head MRI. Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to see the structure of the brain, identify possible violations(tumors, injuries or hemorrhages).
    • In addition to consultation with an ophthalmologist and a neuropathologist, you will need an additional examination by a neurosurgeon.

    The whole diagnosis of diplopia is to recognize the reasons that led the patient to this condition. It is necessary to take into account all the previous symptoms and pay attention to even minor details.

    Important! Diplopia should be diagnosed only after complete examination of the patient and ancillary analyses.

    How to get rid of the disease?

    Diseases of various etiologies suggest therapy for the primary disease. This should be done by a neurosurgeon or a neuropathologist. If diplopia has arisen as a result of an injury, an additional consultation with an ophthalmologist will be required. The doctor determines the need for a plastic procedure for the eye muscles.

    Surgical intervention allowed only after injury. During surgery, the muscle is shortened or moved back to compensate for the work of another muscle.

    Applies and optical correction - improving the clarity of the patient's vision with the help of prismatic glasses ( up to 6 diopters. for each eye).

    Most effective method therapy is considered set of exercises which aims to restore binocular vision. This exercise is easy to do at home.

    Its essence is to draw a line on a piece of paper and attach the picture to the wall. The patient must keep the image in the field of view, while turning his head to the left and right. Focusing attention, the patient will adjust the work of muscles and learn to concentrate on one subject.

    This exercise should be done daily. 2 to 6 times per different time days(Change in illumination also has a good effect on visual function). Such physical education is done with varying degrees diseases, and preventive purposes to improve visual acuity. Distance from leaf from 50 cm, gradually increase it.

    Kashchenko exercises: what is it

    There is a set of exercises developed by T. P. Kashchenko, the essence of which is to work with prisms. It includes three main steps:

    • excitation of diplopia;
    • the formation of bifixation - a reflex that provides an opportunity to connect bifurcated images;
    • consolidation of this reaction.

    For each of these stages, there are separate exercises that must be carried out in medical institution under the supervision of an ophthalmologist.

    T. P. Kashchenko developed a method mergers images using binocular images.

    This method is in the connection of successive figures, which contain the same elements and belong to both the right and left eyes. The author of the method is confident that the merging of images that appear in sequence can form a single image.

    For prevention diplopia necessary:

    You will also be interested in:

    Binocular and monocular diplopia. How to treat these forms of the disease?

    binocular diplopia- the most common type of disease that requires treating the cause of the disorder. The therapy is aimed at developing a reflex of connecting images when doubling the image.

    Monocular diplopia occurs in rare cases. Reasons for the appearance of the disease - cataract, glaucoma or astigmatism. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the primary disease. Often the symptoms are removed only partially.

    If astigmatism is thought to be the cause of monocular diplopia, the patient may be advised to corrective lenses.

    Photo 1. This is what an eye with monocular diplopia looks like. The cornea is irregularly shaped, resulting in an incorrect focus on the retina.

    If the problem is due to a cataract, you will need surgical intervention to eliminate pathology.

    How to cure a disease in children

    Diplopia occurs in babies due to poor mobility of the eyeballs, there are cases of temporary malaise after viewing movies in 3D. Symptoms are difficult to recognize, parents should pay attention to how the child behaves and ask him about how he sees various objects.

    Attention! Very often, children do not feel changes and may neglect the symptoms of diplopia. If the child often squints, his eyes look at the object from different angles, parents should consult a specialist.

    Defects and violations nerve fibers can be removed as far as possible. To do this, the neurologist must establish connection between visual function and brain work. Usually such treatment and additional exercises can completely eliminate the disease in a child. If a teenager develops monocular diplopia, this often means early stage cataracts. In such cases, treatment is carried out with the help of surgery.

    Diplopia- This is an ophthalmic pathology, manifested by a violation of the functions of the oculomotor muscles and a bifurcation of the object that the patient is looking at. Translated from the Greek, “diploos” is double, and “opos” is an eye, i.e. this deviation implies a doubling of the image received by the eye.

    In normal vision, an object is visualized clearly with both eyes. This image is obtained due to the formation in the brain general view one subject or another. With diplopia, the outlines of the object under consideration are bifurcated, and at the same time, the displacement of the visual axis of the eye can be vertical, horizontal or diagonal. The reason for such a bifurcation lies in the deviation of the eyeball and because of this, the visualization is not projected onto the central eye fossa, as is normal, but onto another area of ​​the retina.

    Usually diplopia is not independent disease but a concomitant manifestation of some other disease. In some cases, this pathology is congenital. Why does diplopia develop? What are the varieties of this pathology? How is it manifested, diagnosed and treated? You will receive answers to these questions in this article.

    The main reason for the development of diplopia is the displacement of the eyeball in the orbit. This condition of the organs of vision can be provoked by the following factors or diseases:

    All of the above factors can lead to:

    Forms of diplopia

    If diplopia occurs, the doctor conducts a series of diagnostic measures and determines the form of visual deviation. Depending on the characteristics and causes that cause the pathology considered within the framework of this article, experts distinguish the following types of diplopia:

    1. Binocular diplopia. This variety is most often detected by ophthalmologists. With it, the visual axes are not parallel, and the brain forms two pictures that seem to overlap each other. As a result, the object appears bifurcated. If the patient closes one eye, then the picture is visualized as single and clear.

    Usually, such a pathology is detected when the position of the eyeballs is deviated from the norm. They are able to move up and down, get divorced to the sides, come down inward. With such violations of the normal position of the eyes, vision is not able to remain normal and the resulting image of the object begins to double.

    It is characteristic that with strabismus in children, such a deviation from the norm does not occur, since baby brain can “remove” the image from the affected eye. This means that vision is actually carried out by one healthy eye. As a result, the child's binocular vision is impaired, but he is able to see relatively normally. In adults, strabismus almost always leads to diplopia and is characteristic of childhood adaptation is very rare. Binocular diplopia is also subdivided into strabogenic, motor, sensory orbital and mixed.

    2. Monocular diplopia. Found infrequently. With this visual impairment, viewing an object leads to the fact that the image received by the brain is displayed immediately in two different parts of the retina. If the patient closes the other eye, then doubling does not disappear.

    This form of diplopia can be caused congenital anomalies structure of the eye or traumatic lesions(for example, keratoconus, subluxation of the lens, etc.). Specialists distinguish between such varieties of monocular diplopia: retinal, aberrational, refractive, pupillary.

    Doctors warn! Monocular diplopia is a sign serious illness and always needs a comprehensive diagnosis to identify the root cause of this visual impairment. This measure will allow you not to miss the time and start timely treatment dangerous illness.

    Do not self-medicate, use our form to find a doctor:

    Depending on how the bifurcation of visualization occurs, the following forms of diplopia are distinguished:

    Diplopia may be temporary. Such a deviation of vision can be the result of a severe traumatic brain injury or concussion, taking toxic medicines or alcohol intoxication. In a number clinical cases temporary diplopia is provoked by excessive fatigue of the oculomotor muscles. If after a certain period of time it does not resolve itself and causes sensations of pain and eye fatigue (for example, in case of injury spinal column or skull), then the patient needs to consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive diagnosis, which allows to identify the cause and assess the condition of the organs of vision.

    Sometimes referred to as diplopia strong-willed. This variety does not apply to pathological conditions, since the person independently controls the movements of the eyes (reduces them inward, turns them to the sides, etc.). Volitional diplopia is individual physiological feature and does not cause any inconvenience. This condition does not need treatment.


    Usually, patients with diplopia during a visit to an ophthalmologist complain about the occurrence of doubling of the image of objects. Such a symptom is observed when a person looks at a particular object with both eyes. Thus, monocular diplopia "declares" its presence. Double vision can be partial, complete, or double vision occurs only in a certain area of ​​the visual field.

    The severity of diplopia is individual and depends on the distance at which the object in question is located. In a number of clinical cases, double vision occurs when looking at distant objects, and sometimes when looking at closely spaced things.

    Pictures of the same object that appear during diplopia have varying degrees contrast and brightness. One of the images is usually shifted horizontally and vertically and is located at one angle or another to the other picture.

    With the aggravation of the pathology, the patient loses his labor skills, it is difficult for him to perform some household work, manage vehicles and even move around. With binocular diplopia, the patient tries to close the eye in order to see the necessary object normally.

    In addition to visual impairment, patients with diplopia complain of the occurrence of frequent episodes of dizziness. In some cases, this symptom disappears or weakens when one eye is closed or in a stationary position. Sometimes severe dizziness is complemented by a feeling of nausea.

    In some cases, patients with diplopia cannot adequately control their movements when trying to put an object in the right place. They do not see the edges of the necessary object (for example, a table, cabinet, etc.), they can miss and drop the thing on the floor.

    Other manifestations of diplopia are usually associated with the underlying cause of this vision pathology. These may be symptoms of meningitis, vascular pathologies, infections, injuries, oncological diseases etc.

    Methods for the diagnosis and treatment of diplopia

    Diplopia is diagnosed on the basis of the patient's complaints of double vision and analysis of data from a number of studies that confirm the dysfunction of one of the oculomotor muscles. To do this, the following procedures are performed:

    If diplopia is accompanied by strabismus, then such diagnostic tests as diplopic projection and coordimetry.

    Examination of the patient can be supplemented by ultrasound, CT and MRI. If necessary, the ophthalmologist appoints consultations with specialized specialists: a neurologist, rheumatologist, endocrinologist, oncologist, dermatologist, psychiatrist, neuro-ophthalmologist.

    The method of treatment of diplopia is determined by the underlying disease that caused such visual impairment. If the cause of double vision lies in ophthalmic, neurological or infectious causes, then the patient is first offered therapy for the underlying ailment. Depending on the underlying cause of visual impairment, the patient may be recommended to remove the neoplasm (with a tumor process), remove (puncture) a hematoma, treat a stroke or underlying inflammatory, infectious, endocrinological or neurological disease.

    Diplopia itself can be treated using the following techniques.

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