Astigmatism in children. Causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention. Optical correction of astigmatism in children

The appearance of astigmatism in a child is due to a congenital or acquired deviation over time. The occurrence of this disease may be due to a violation in the development of the eyeball.

When a disease is detected, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis and begin treatment. Astigmatism has many complications if the disease process is started.

Children's astigmatism: what is it and what is the reason for its occurrence?

During astigmatism in children, curvature of the cornea. Some people have a deformity of the lens. When the deflection process occurs, objects are distorted in the course of incorrect refraction of the sun's rays (light).

The image is projected not on the retina, but in front of it or behind. During astigmatism, the child sees the surrounding objects blurry.

Newborns have a slight degree of astigmatism. This deviation decreases after a year. Such an ailment is physiological in nature, and does not seriously affect the vision of the child.

The disease is considered to be hereditary. In this case, the deviation in astigmatism appears after 2 years. There is a violation of the shape of the lens or its displacement.

This also applies to the cornea. Violation can manifest itself depending on the development of the child. Parents need to pay attention to the health of the baby if there have been cases with a vision problem in the family. Because of this, you should be taken to a preventive appointment with a pediatric ophthalmologist.

Congenital astigmatism can manifest itself due to the following abnormalities:

  1. Albinism. Albinism is manifested due to the complete or partial absence of melanin in the eye. As a result, a pinkish tint occurs. Children have a strong eye sensitivity to light. This pathology can lead to astigmatism.
  2. Keratoconus. The occurrence of keratoconus in children can be congenital or degenerative. The shape of the cornea in this disease is deformed and instead of spherical it can become elongated. This leads to loss of visual acuity and the appearance of astigmatism.
  3. Maxillary pathologies. The shape of the cornea can also be affected by the irregular structure of the maxillary bones. They put pressure on the eyes and lead to many deviations.
  4. Pigmentary retinitis. Retinitis pigmentosa leads to gradual loss of vision and blindness. The disease is considered genetic and is inherited. There are changes in the retina and in the pigment tissues of the eye. Areas with deformed epithelium begin to form.
  5. Due to the abuse of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products by the mother.

Acquired astigmatism occurs after an injury to the eye or a dislocation of the lens. In some cases, it occurs due to the pathology of the dentoalveolar system, which deform and distort the walls of the eye cavity.

Acquired disease develops due to the following pathologies:

  • infectious diseases;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • beriberi;
  • hypervitaminosis.

The appearance of astigmatism in a child may occur due to uneven development of the cornea. This physiological manifestation of the disease can pass at the age of 3 years.


During congenital astigmatism in a baby, the state of vision returns to normal within 12 months. In individual cases, with age, the disease begins to progress.

If not on time help the baby, then astigmatism leads to strabismus.

The consequences of the complication is a violation in the development of the visual system.

Because of this, visual acuity decreases, and astigmatism turns into amblyopia. Helping a child with this complication will be difficult.

Optical correction will not provide positive results. Treatment is carried out in an individual approach to the patient. Therapeutic actions will require the approach of several methods at once.

Astigmatism in a child should be treated immediately, after the discovery of the disease. This will help prevent complications that will be more difficult to treat. Therapeutic measures should be carried out at least 2 times a year. It depends on the course of astigmatism and its shape. During the break between courses of treatment, the attending physician prescribes preventive measures. They include doing gymnastic exercises at home.

The drug is effective for the prevention of eye diseases, protects against vision loss. Especially recommended for those who spend a lot of time at the computer and feel tired eyes. Restores the process of natural moisturizing of the eyes, protecting the mucous membrane from dryness.

The drug is effective for the prevention of eye diseases, protects against vision loss. Especially recommended for those who spend a lot of time at the computer and feel tired eyes. Restores the process of natural moisturizing of the eyes, protecting the mucous membrane from dryness.


There are a number of signs that parents should look out for.

If the following symptoms are observed, then it is necessary to contact a pediatric ophthalmologist:

  1. The child complains about fuzzy objects or their blurring;
  2. Eyes get tired quickly, and children begin to rub them;
  3. The occurrence of pain in the forehead;
  4. The child cannot look at text or read for a long time;
  5. There is a constant squinting of the eyes at objects, if something cannot be seen.

Determining eye disease in a child is quite difficult. To identify it, you will need to undergo preventive examinations with a specialist.

Younger children will not be able to tell if they have eye problems. Parents do not always take refusal to read seriously and consider it a manifestation of laziness.

A sign of deviation in a child under 1 year old may be strabismus. Even without this symptom, with regular visits to the hospital, a specialist will be able to identify the disease.

Types and degrees

Depending on the occurrence of the deviation, astigmatism in children is divided into the following types:

In astigmatism, 3 degrees of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Weak- deviation of visual acuity reaches 3 diopters;
  2. strong– violation in refraction exceeds 6 diopters;
  3. Medium– the deviation is up to 5 diopters.

Diagnosis of astigmatism in children

Basically, an accurate diagnosis of astigmatism is carried out in children older than 2 years. After a visual examination, the ophthalmologist prescribes a series of examinations.

To do this, conduct a comprehensive study of the condition of the eyes, which includes:

  • Visiometry using a table;
  • Evaluation of refraction using skiascopy;
  • Autorefractometry;
  • Topography using a computer;
  • Ultrasound examination.

A tabular study implies a special Sivtsev technique. Diagnosis is made using lenses with cylinders and a special row of letters or circles.

Depending on the degree of the disease, glasses with diopters are installed in the child in ascending order. The doctor selects the appropriate location of the lenses so that the vision has a fairly good indicator.

With the help of a study, the table determines not only farsighted astigmatism, but also myopia.

To provide an accurate indicator, the ophthalmologist conducts hardware examinations. Carrying out skiascopy helps to find out about the degree of structure of the cornea with astigmatism.

To do this, conduct a study on the ability of light refraction. In this hardware method, a special mirror and a light source are used. Skiascopy is performed only for children.

Another method of studying the condition of the eyes in a child is considered autorefractometry. During the diagnosis, a beam of infrared light is directed to the retina of the eye. Optical spheres are scanned. The movement of the beam is fixed by special sensors. The program provides data about the eye.

An innovative study of the eye is considered to be computerized topography. This method creates a three-dimensional image of the cornea. The program is able to evaluate the degree of curvature, thickness and shape. Topography is prescribed before keratotomy.

Stories from our readers!
“My vision has always been low. Since my youth, I had problems with eye pressure and high fatigue. My eyes are often watery, I have a strong burning sensation, sometimes dryness, irritation and conjunctivitis.

My husband brought these drops to try. What I like the most is that it is natural, no chemicals. Since then, I forgot about discomfort! Thank you for this drug, I advise!

Treatment of astigmatism

Treatment of the disease is as follows:

  1. Carry out optical vision correction;
  2. Therapy of amblyopia and asthenopia;
  3. Restoring the nutrition of eye tissues with the help of medicines and vitamins.

If astigmatism is detected at an early stage, then the deviation can be corrected.

Surgical or laser methods of restoring vision are prohibited for children. The eyes develop before the age of 18, so this treatment is unacceptable.

Medical treatment

Doctors prescribe drug therapy in violation of the structure of the eye with astigmatism. However, drugs cannot be dispensed with.

Treatment involves a set of measures and actions. Pharmaceuticals help with minor problems (symptoms).

The goal of drug therapy is the normalization of intraocular circulation. Along with this, the treatment should eliminate problems with dryness and inflammation.

The drugs help stabilize the metabolic processes in the eye. The use of eye drops provides protection for the ocular epithelium. This prevents possible damage to the eye structure.

The following eye drops are prescribed:

  1. Taufon- the composition of the drug includes taurine, which is used to restore pressure inside the eye and retinal function. The instructions indicate that you can use the drops from 18 years of age. Doctors prescribe it even to small children. The main thing is to observe the dosage and not exceed the norm per day;
  2. Emoxipin- the active ingredient is methylethylpyridinol, which helps in the treatment of vascular conduction and normalizes pressure inside the eyes. For children, it is prescribed in the form of drops and used for up to 30 days;
  3. Midrum- contains tropicamide, which helps in the diagnosis. This drug is prescribed to reduce spasm of the muscles of the eye. The course of treatment is determined by the attending physician;
  4. Albucid- used to recover from infectious diseases like conjunctivitis or other diseases that develop with astigmatism. The medicine helps to reduce inflammation and eliminate the spread of germs. For children, there is a special form of release of albucid;
  5. Ujala– the active ingredients are natural plant extracts. Drops help in cleansing the lens, relieve tension and restore metabolism. In addition, the medicine has antiseptic properties and eliminates the development of microbes.

How is astigmatism treated with glasses?

In most cases, wear special glasses that slowly restore vision. If this happens for the first time, then at first such a correction will cause discomfort to the child. Can be complaining of headache or dizziness.

Parents should not sound the alarm and stop treatment. Unpleasant sensations in the child will pass after 7 days.

Only if the delivered discomfort continues, then they turn to an ophthalmologist.

This may portend that the doctor has chosen the wrong lenses. Treating astigmatism in a child with glasses is considered a therapy.

However, it has its drawbacks, which include:

  • limited peripheral vision;
  • many children do not want to wear glasses.

Treatment with lenses

Optometrists may prescribe orthokeratology treatment. The method is to wear lenses. By structure, they are solid and put on at night. The lenses help to change the curvature of the cornea, and after a certain course of treatment, it restores its normal shape. This method is used to treat mild astigmatism, which does not exceed 2 diopters.

Laser correction

The use of laser correction treatment is carried out after 18 years. The procedure is fast and painless. There are no stitches after laser treatment. The epithelium is able to recover on its own after a while. The effect of the procedure can be felt after a few hours. After 7 days, astigmatism will disappear, and visual acuity will be restored.

Eye exercises

If myopia or farsightedness with astigmatism is diagnosed, then it is advised to do gymnastics for the eyes. There are many exercises that have a therapeutic effect.

It does not take much effort to do gymnastics, for example:

Gymnastics for kids is gentle. Exercises should be simple and not demanding to perform. This includes normal eye movements.

To do this, you will need to follow the following steps:

  1. The child is in a sitting or standing position;
  2. He takes a breath and, without moving his head, looks to the right. This action must be slow. The kid should not make an effort to look in that direction all the way;
  3. When exhalation is made, the eyes are transferred to their original state and look straight;
  4. The same procedure is carried out on the left.

If the child has just started doing eye gymnastics, then during the first 7 days, 1 approach should be performed. After 2 weeks, increase up to 2 times in each direction.

If the child did not like this exercise, you can try the following:

This exercise helps to write out the shape of an oblique eight in the air. Gymnastics can also be performed in a mirror image. Change the direction of view to the left and up, and to the right and down. Within 14 days, the procedure is carried out in 1 approach. Then increase to 2 or 3 times. For the health of the child's eyes, it will be useful to carry out exercises in circular movements.

The following steps must be followed:

  1. During inhalation, the eyes look down and slowly turn the gaze clockwise;
  2. Make the first stop at the top point;
  3. When exhaling, they continue to move, but already down;
  4. To finish, close your eyes for 10 seconds.

Exercise can be done in the opposite direction.

Treatment with folk remedies

Therapy with folk methods for astigmatism is carried out together with traditional treatment. This is done so that the child's body is filled with the necessary vitamins so that eye health can be restored.

Among the people, the most famous healthy vegetables, berries and fruits are:

  • carrot;
  • cucumber;
  • beet;
  • blueberries and plant leaves;
  • eyebright.

As a preventive measure, a mixture of vegetable juices is used.

To prepare a healthy drink you will need:

  1. Carrot juice - 180 ml;
  2. Beet juice - 80 ml;
  3. Cucumber juice - 80 ml.

The components are mixed and the folk remedy is ready. After cooking, you can serve the child in certain quantities. Small children are given 3 tbsp each, but preschoolers are given 120 ml.

If the child will constantly take a cocktail in large quantities, then an allergic reaction will occur.

For the effectiveness of the remedy and the addition of vitamins, it is mixed with parsley. Treatment with the use of juices is considered seasonal. More nutrients are found only in fresh vegetables.

The use of blueberries helps to keep visual acuity in good shape. The active substance in this berry is considered to be anthocyanidins, which helps improve metabolic processes.

At the same time, it normalizes the production of febrile protein and restores photosensitivity.

Blueberries can be used in a variety of ways:

  • in compote;
  • add to fruit drink;
  • make jam;
  • freeze.

You can make a healthy dessert in the winter. This will require frozen blueberries, which are sprinkled with sugar. A child can eat no more than ½ cup of berries per day. If taken as compote, then do not exceed the dose of 1 cup.

The course of treatment is from 30 to 60 days. Then they take a break so that the vitamins do not become addictive, and they do not cease to be beneficial.

For children, it will be effective for astigmatism to drink blueberry leaf tea. The component is crushed and 1 tablespoon is added to the container.

The ground leaves are brewed in 1 cup of hot boiling water. The tea is infused until the water takes on a deep color. The daily intake of tea is 240 ml.

In folk medicine, a decoction of eyebright is used to treat astigmatism in children. The properties of the plant include improving visual acuity and maintaining the tone of the visual organs.

To prepare the decoction you will need:

  • dried eyebright grass - 50 g;
  • water - 1 l.

The plant must be brewed with hot boiling water and let it brew for 3 hours. At the end of time, the broth is filtered. Then it can be consumed. Children are given a remedy 3 times a day for 1/3 cup.

Many herbs for children will have allergic effects. Therefore, the use of folk methods is minimized. If you use them in small quantities, then there will be no positive effect on the course of astigmatism. The use for children in normal amounts of herbal preparations causes an upset of the gastrointestinal tract. Most herbs in folk medicine for children have a choleretic effect. This is contraindicated due to increased metabolism.

Disease prognosis

Congenital astigmatism can decrease within 12 months of a baby's life. Depending on the development of the child, vision stabilizes by the age of 7. If no correction was made, then the degree of astigmatism can decrease and increase.

Many parents who timely took up the treatment of the disease in the baby, visual acuity improves. The correction method helps to stop wearing lenses after a while.

If the disease is in a strong degree, then optical correction does not help. In the future, strabismus or amblyopia may develop.

Sick children should be observed by an ophthalmologist. Parents are required to attend scheduled eye exams at least twice a year. The child grows, and all organs develop with him. It is necessary to monitor the change in the optical power of the eyes.


To prevent astigmatism from developing, it is necessary to provide the child with certain conditions.

  • The room should be well lit so that the light hits the desk at the right angle;
  • Alternate loads on the vision system;
  • Carry out preventive exercises for the eyes;
  • Do eyelid massage;
  • Provide healthy and vitamin-rich foods;
  • Timely treat eye diseases and other pathologies.

If the child does not restore vision and does not get rid of astigmatism at an early age, then with reaching the age of 18, you can make a correction. This will help to forget about the disease, but after the operation, the load on vision becomes minimal.

Astigmatism is considered an unpleasant disease that accompanies a child from birth. If favorable conditions are provided for the disease, then a lot of effort will be required to combat the disease.

Parents are more responsible for the health of their child and should help in a timely manner. Complications of astigmatism are difficult to treat, and the use of surgical intervention does not always help in restoring vision for adults.

What is astigmatism, how is it diagnosed in children of the first year of life and at an older age. Types of disease, the possibility of correcting visual function. further prevention.

The content of the article:

Astigmatism is a refractive error in the eye. With this defect, the clarity of the objects under consideration is reduced due to a violation of the forms of the individual components of the eye: the cornea or lens. It is impossible to correct the pathology of the visual organ only by the selection of optical lenses. The disease must be treated to prevent a decrease in visual acuity and the development of strabismus.

What is eye astigmatism in a child

Astigmatism in children cannot be literally called a disease. This term refers to a congenital deformity or underdevelopment of the lens or cornea of ​​the eye. In this case, the rays of light falling on the eye create as many focuses - the image becomes cloudy or doubles.

In 98% of cases with astigmatism, the structure of the cornea is disturbed - it has an elongated shape, as a result of which two foci are formed. The image becomes fuzzy, blurry. In 2% of cases, pathological changes affect the lens; this can be caused not only by a congenital anomaly, but also by the development of cataracts.

Visual acuity falls, it is impossible to clearly see objects, regardless of the distance at which they are located. In 35% of children in the first year of life, congenital astigmatism is diagnosed. With a small degree of deviation, the pathology is cured on its own as the child grows. In other cases, vision correction is necessary.

Children cannot complain about double vision, blurred images and headaches that occur when trying to look at pictures, so the diagnosis is made on the basis of an examination, they are often prescribed based on parental complaints.

Astigmatism in children can be characterized by the severity of the condition:

  • With a weak degree of correction, it is quite easy to carry out - conservative treatment is sufficient. Vision differs from normal by no more than 3 diopters.
  • The average degree (3-6 diopters) requires the use of an operative technique, conventional surgery or laser technology can be used.
  • Pathology, deviations in which more than 6 diopters, are treated according to a complex method, using a combination of surgical techniques and wearing hard contact lenses.

Reasons for the development of astigmatism in children

Most often, astigmatism in a child is congenital. In this case, its main cause is a genetic predisposition.

In addition, the causes of congenital pathology can be:

  • Albinism. This is a complete or partial absence of the coloring pigment of the eyeball, melanin, because of this, the eyeball acquires a pink tint and hypersensitivity to light rays appears.
  • Keratoconus. A congenital or degenerative disease in which the shape of the cornea changes from spherical to elongated, which contributes to reduced visual acuity.
  • Pathologies in the structure of the bones of the skull - eye sockets or jaw. In this case, the bones can press on the eyes, which leads to a violation of the shape of the cornea.
  • . An eye disease of genetic etiology that gradually causes blindness. Due to negative changes in the retina, foci with altered tissue are formed in the epithelium and photoreceptors of the pigment layer.
  • Intrauterine alcohol intoxication. It has a significant impact on the development of astigmatism in a newborn.
Pathology can develop after injuries of the skull or directly to the eyes, after operations, due to infectious diseases and conjunctivitis, beriberi and hypervitaminosis.

The next prerequisite for changing the structures of the eye is the uneven growth of individual light-refracting elements. This astigmatism is called physiological and usually disappears on its own when the child reaches the age of 1-3 years.

The main signs of astigmatism in children

Babies cannot talk about their own feelings, but parents can guess about the pathology and consult a doctor based on some characteristic signs. You should not hope that older children will be able to talk about their problems: they simply do not know that the world around them looks different.

Consider the symptoms of astigmatism in children of different ages:

  1. For a child under one year old. Immediately after the birth of newborns, a pediatric ophthalmologist examines and can already make a preliminary diagnosis. Further treatment is carried out after complaints from parents who were alerted by the atypical behavior of infants. The following signs may indicate astigmatism in infants: the eyes often turn red, irritation and lacrimation appear. When trying to examine the toy, the baby brings it close to his eyes, he constantly pulls the pen and rubs his eyes. Often you have to think about the treatment of conjunctivitis. After long games or classes, babies begin to act up, sleep poorly, the eyelids turn red and swell.
  2. For children aged 1 to 3 years. The development of astigmatism in older children is revealed by behavior. When playing on the table, the child often puts the toy past the surface, bumps into objects in the apartment after rearranging the furniture, brings objects close to the eyes in order to better examine them, squints, tilts her head or closes one eye with her hands. After special classes, children often get tired and start crying, but they cannot explain exactly what worries them more - pain in the eyes or a headache. Sometimes parents notice a fainting state in babies, due to increased stress, a disorder of consciousness may occur.
  3. Preschoolers. Children at this age have already sufficiently adapted to the disease, if it is congenital, and if parents consider the characteristic squint to be an individual feature, then they are unlikely to consult an ophthalmologist. However, visual load at this age increases, children begin to prepare for school, they are taught to read and sometimes write, and there are complaints of pain in the eyes, frequent headaches. Because of an attempt to improve visual function, they try to correct the eyelids with their fingers, they introduce an infection - this increases the likelihood of conjunctivitis. It can already be seen that vision is not good enough, and treatment is indispensable.
  4. For younger students and teenagers. In this age group, acquired astigmatism is more often diagnosed, which appeared after injuries or diseases. As soon as the child voices his complaints, you should immediately consult a doctor. With the right treatment strategy, visual impairment can be stopped.

Varieties of childhood astigmatism

Astigmatism in children can be classified into several types, depending on the focal point in the organ of vision and the type of visual pathology - farsightedness or myopia.

Let us consider in more detail the types of this disease:

  • Simple astigmatism. This type of pathology is typical for children of the first year of life. The work of only one eye is disturbed in the direction of farsightedness or myopia, the second one sees absolutely normally. Parents often notice that the baby's eyes squint, one of them is slightly deviated from the normal position. Usually, by 5-6 months, the condition levels off, and treatment is not required.
  • . In this case, the symptoms are clearer and the pathology can be detected much earlier. Refraction is impaired in both eyes, both myopia and hyperopia can be diagnosed. Structural changes are similar in both paired organs. Treatment is a must.
  • Hypermetropic astigmatism in children. This type of deviation can be both a kind of simple astigmatism and complex. In the first case, hypermetropic refraction is detected in only one eye and can be either farsightedness or myopia. With complex hypermetropic astigmatism, both eyes suffer - farsightedness appears in both eyes, but it is expressed in different ways. That is, the degree of farsightedness is different.
  • Myopic astigmatism. Myopic manifestations are popularly called "wandering eyes." It is very difficult for a person suffering from this pathology to focus on an object of interest to him, and it is quite difficult to catch the eye of such a patient. In this case, different visual acuity is not only in paired organs, but also in different parts of one eye. With simple myopic astigmatism, one eye functions normally, while the other is short-sighted. With complex myopia, myopia was detected in both eyes, but to varying degrees.
  • Mixed astigmatism in children. The main differences between mixed astigmatism and pathologies of other types are two focuses in the organ of vision. One of them is in front of the retina, the second is located behind it. The disease can be caused by a curvature of the cornea or a deformity of the lens, the perception of the image is significantly impaired. The eye becomes both myopic and farsighted, the outlines of objects are distorted, the space looks curved, and spatial orientation becomes difficult. A functional disorder appears - asthenopia, visual loads cause severe headaches, dizziness, nausea, and sometimes vomiting.
All types of astigmatism require visual correction, and the sooner it begins, the easier it is to return normal visual functions.

Diagnosis of astigmatism in children

The skiascopy method helps to establish visual impairment in infants of the first year of life. In practice, it looks like this: the baby is brought into a dark room, light rays are directed into the eyes, a mirror is installed so that a shadow appears on the retina. As soon as this shadow can be focused, with the help of a skiascopic ruler, the degree of refraction along the cylindrical lens is set, which is able to neutralize this shadow on the pupil.

A skiascopic ruler is a regular ruler, like a T-square, in which several cylindrical lenses with different diopters are built in.

At the same age, a visual examination is performed and ophthalmoscopy is performed: the fundus is examined with an ophthalmoscope, a magnifying device.

From the age of 3, it is already possible to check the visual acuity, the kids already understand what the doctors want, and answer the questions that the images see. You can already try on contact lenses, accurately determine the degree of astigmatism. Visual function can be assessed using a slit lamp.

There is also a more modern method - keratometry. This computer technique allows you to identify the causes that caused astigmatism in children, pathologies of the optic nerves, lens and cornea.

It is necessary to exclude the consequences of injuries and operations: possible hemorrhages, scar formations on separate segments of the organ of vision, retinal detachment.

Features of the treatment of astigmatism in children

Simple astigmatism with deviations from the norm up to 3 diopters, detected in children under one year old, does not require treatment. With adaptation to extrauterine life, the condition gradually normalizes. All other types of pathology require therapeutic measures, which depend on the degree and type of visual impairment.

How to treat astigmatism in children with medications

Violation of the structure of the visual organ of this nature cannot be corrected only with the use of pharmaceuticals, but they help to eliminate associated problems.

The purpose of drug treatment is to stabilize the internal blood circulation of the eyes, normalize metabolic processes and eliminate the periodically occurring feeling of dryness and possible inflammatory processes. Also, eye drops perform a protective function, which helps to avoid the progress of damage to the structures of the eye.

The most commonly used drops are:

  1. "Taufon". The active substance - taurine, is used to normalize intraocular pressure and restore the function of the retina. Despite the fact that the instructions say - recommendations for use from 18 years old, ophthalmologists can prescribe this medicine to very young children. The multiplicity and course of treatment are prescribed in each case separately.
  2. "Emoxipin". The composition contains methylethylpyridinol. This substance quickly restores vascular conductivity, has an antioxidant effect, and reduces intraocular pressure. In children, the drug is used in the form of drops, adults are prescribed subconjunctival injections. The duration of the treatment course is from 3 days to a month, the frequency of use is 2 times a day, 1 drop.
  3. "Midrum". The active ingredient is tropicamide. This drug is used for diagnostics and for therapeutic purposes, to eliminate spasm of the eye muscles. The duration of the treatment course is determined by the doctor.
  4. "Sulfacyl sodium". He is better known under the name "Albucid". Drops are used to eliminate the effects of conjunctivitis, which often develops with astigmatism in children. The drug has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, quickly stops the inflammatory process, eliminates swelling and lacrimation. For children, "Albucid" is produced in a special form.
Separately, it is worth highlighting the drops of "Udzhal", which include only natural plant extracts. They clean the eye lens, eliminate eye fatigue, improve metabolic processes. They also have antimicrobial and antiseptic effects. Despite the fact that "Ujala" is called an Ayurvedic tonic, it is prescribed by practicing ophthalmologists in the treatment of astigmatism in children.

All drugs should be prescribed by an ophthalmologist, the therapeutic regimen is adjusted relative to the clinical picture.

Treated or not astigmatism in children with folk remedies

Astigmatism in children is a rather serious pathology, therefore, folk remedies are used only as concomitant, in order to replenish the body with useful substances necessary to improve the condition of the organ of vision.

The most useful products for the eyes are as follows:

  • Mixture of carrot, cucumber and beet juices. Carrot juice is taken in 3 parts, beetroot and cucumber juice - 1 part each. Children should not be given juice in unlimited quantities: 2-3 tablespoons are enough for kids, about half a glass for preschoolers. If you abuse a vitamin cocktail, an allergic reaction may occur. To make it more beneficial, you can add a little parsley juice to the composition of the drink. Since only fresh juices are beneficial, the treatment is seasonal.
  • Blueberry. Helps maintain visual acuity. It owes its medicinal properties to the useful substances contained in it - anthocyanidins, they help increase metabolism, stimulate the production of natural collagen, and improve the photosensitivity of the retina. Blueberries can be eaten in the form of berries, cooked from it compote, fruit drink, jam, consumed frozen. The best recipe for a winter treat is blueberries grated with sugar. The daily dose is half a glass of fresh berries or a glass of compote per day. The duration of the therapeutic blueberry course is 4-7 weeks, then you should take a break.
  • Blueberry leaf tea. You can brew and give the child instead of berries. Brew a tablespoon of vegetable raw materials in a glass of boiling water, insist until an intense color. On the day the child can be given a glass of infusion.
Herbs should not be used to treat children, they can provoke an allergic reaction. In small quantities, they do not have a beneficial effect on the course of the disease, and therapeutic doses can cause intestinal upset. Almost all herbs have a weak choleretic effect, and babies have an increased metabolism.

Eye exercises for astigmatism in a child

It is impossible to get rid of astigmatism in children without training the eye muscles. Ophthalmologists themselves select the optimal complexes, one of which can be evaluated independently.

Consider a set of exercises in more detail:

  1. It is necessary to take a comfortable sitting position, relax. The head should rest comfortably against the back of the chair. Then they look into the distance, then they focus their eyes on the index finger of their own outstretched hand, and after that, without looking away from the finger, they bend the arm at the elbow.
  2. Roll your eyes in different directions, making figure eights.
  3. They close their eyes tightly, fix the pose for 1-2 seconds, and then sharply open their eyes.
All exercises are repeated ten times.

The therapeutic gymnastic complex is completed with a massage of the eyeballs. Children close their eyes, and adults stand behind a chair and massage them with light pressure. It is advisable to take classes at the same time.

Optical correction of astigmatism in children

The main method of vision correction for astigmatism in children is the selection of glasses.

Previously, in some forms of pathology, one eye was covered with a bandage, now special eyepieces are made. They are quite heavy, limit some possibilities, for example, you cannot play sports and play outdoor games with them. But thanks to such glasses, the visual centers develop correctly, the pathology is corrected.

Complex cylindrical glasses can only be selected by a doctor. They should be worn constantly, removing only at night. Visual discomfort is possible only on the first or second day of treatment, if the child continues to complain of pain in the eyes or headache, then the choice was made incorrectly and it is necessary to visit the ophthalmologist again. With high astigmatism, lenses are sometimes changed every 7-10 days.

Despite the fact that some kids refuse eyepieces, they must be worn without fail. Parents should explain to young patients the need for such a correction.

There is another method of optical correction that can already be used to treat preschoolers. These are rigid contact lenses: they are worn at night, and they put pressure on the cornea, changing its shape to a spherical one. This method is called orthokeratology.

At the same age, toric contact lenses can already be used - they are worn for several hours a day. The special shape of the products allows you to correct not only astigmatism, but also to eliminate concomitant visual defects, farsightedness or myopia.

Some ophthalmologists consider it unacceptable to correct lenses with babies who cannot yet install them themselves. They fear that outside assistance in the installation is unacceptable, as there is a high probability of injuring the eyeball or infecting. If other methods are not suitable, then when installing the lens, you should be especially careful and be sure to wash your hands before this procedure.

Surgical intervention is carried out after the child reaches the age of 18, when the visual organ is finally formed. In special cases, if blindness progresses, ophthalmologists may recommend surgery, regardless of the age of the patient.

Prevention of childhood astigmatism

To protect the visual apparatus from regression, it is necessary to provide the child with the most comfortable conditions. The lighting of the room should be sufficient, the light should fall on the workplace only from the left.

Visual and physical activity must be alternated; in between classes, the baby must do gymnastics for vision.

Sometimes you have to have a conversation with peers, explain to them how important it is to wear heavy optical structures. If no one teases the child, he will not remove the optics in kindergarten and school and will get rid of the disease faster.

You should regularly massage the eyelids, do not forget to replenish the diet with the necessary vitamins and minerals, avoid dangerous activities in which the eyes can be injured. All infectious or inflammatory processes of the organ of vision should be treated when the first symptoms appear.

If it is not possible to get rid of the pathology before the child reaches the age of majority, in the future it is always possible to perform an operation that will help to forget about the unpleasant problem forever.

How to treat astigmatism in children - look at the video:

Astigmatism in children should not be taken lightly. Pathology can provoke the development of strabismus, a delay in the formation of the visual system, deterioration in visual acuity up to complete blindness.

Astigmatism in children is not yet a sentence for vision. In some cases, it may be associated with uneven growth of eye structures that are involved in the refraction of light. Sometimes it is caused by heredity, trauma or surgery. In any case, the disease lends itself well to correction with the help of medications, exercises and glasses. These measures are necessary to help the brain learn to form (“see”) images correctly. Otherwise, the operation, if it is needed after the age of 18, will only change the structure of the eye, but will not affect vision.

What is astigmatism

Astigmatism is a visual impairment in which the clarity of the objects being viewed is lost. This happens due to the fact that one of our main natural "lenses" of the eye - the lens or cornea - loses the uniformity of its curvature. As a result, on the retina - the back of the eye, where the image is formed, each point of a real-life object gives several points. In this case, only a part of them can lie on the retina: the center of several will be before it, while others will be focused in the area behind the retina. This results in a blurry, distorted outline of the object.

How does it work?

Our eye has a very complex structure, but it can be conditionally divided into components - two systems:

  1. refractive, which, with the help of beams of light, contributes to the formation of an image;
  2. perceiving system. This is the retina, on which there are special cells - "rods" and "cones". One of their ends is able to perceive the image, the second one communicates with the nerve cells that make up the optic nerve. Through this "cable" the image is transmitted to the brain.

In order for us to see anything, both of these systems must function correctly:

  • The media through which light passes must be transparent. If there is no eyesore (corneal clouding), the lens is not clouded (no cataract) and the vitreous body is not saturated with blood or inflammatory fluid, the first condition can be considered fulfilled.
  • Rods and cones should work normally (there should be no retinitis, that is, inflammation in which the retina swells). Also, the connection between retinal cells and neurons of the optic nerve must not be broken (that is, the retina is not detached).
  • Light must be refracted at the right angles so that the effect of a “crooked mirror” does not occur. In addition, each of the light-refracting structures, and this is the cornea and lens, should not change its refractive index: 1.37 for the cornea, 1.38 for the lens shell, 1.4 for the lens nucleus.

Violation of the first two conditions does not lead to astigmatism, but if the third point is not observed, astigmatism develops.

Consider the schematic refractive system of the eye. First, the light hits the cornea of ​​the eye - a structure that has a hemispherical shape (like a dome). Next, the light enters the lens - a biconvex lens, which is "suspended" in the eye on zinn ligaments. Ligaments stretch, flattening the lens, or relax, increasing its bulge. So the eye adjusts to the changing illumination, so that, regardless of it, a beam of light rays hits the retina, in the region of its central visual spot.

Conventionally, both along the lens and along the cornea, lines are drawn similar to those used to draw a map of the globe - parallels and meridians. Normally, light is refracted equally along different meridians and enters the retina (with normal vision), is projected in front of it (with myopia) or behind it (with farsightedness). If the curvature of the refractive media is different for different (or only one), horizontal or vertical, meridians, the focus changes. Instead of a dot, a spot is obtained there. In this case, nearsightedness or farsightedness is not excluded.

There are 4 main meridians that suffer from astigmatism. They are located at 3, 6, 9 and 12 o'clock (as on the dial). And the image is obtained, as if a person is looking through the water.

Occurring in children under one year old, astigmatism leads to the fact that the child gets used to seeing objects in a blurry form, and if this disorder is not diagnosed, he will not complain of poor vision. The problem will become noticeable when learning to write and read, but the child will not necessarily say that he does not see or the letters are blurry. He, most likely, will not understand what is written, which he will say about (this may raise suspicions of a developmental lag). And the sooner the diagnosis is carried out, and the sooner vision correction and exercises to “train” the brain in a normal picture begin to be carried out together, the more successful efforts will be crowned. Cylindrical lenses help to concentrate light rays at one point.

Types of astigmatism

The disease has several classifications, based on various signs. So, due to the appearance of astigmatism, it can be congenital and acquired (more on this in the next section).

Depending on the refraction of the main meridians, it happens:

  1. direct: maximum refractive power - for vertical meridians;
  2. the opposite: the main part of the refractive power is at the horizontal meridian;
  3. with oblique axles.

It looks like it happens:

What does it mean Subspecies subspecies subspecies


The main meridians that refract light run at an angle of 90 degrees to each other. Its causes are almost always congenital.

Simple: abnormal refraction in one prime meridian, the other refracts light normally Hyperopic astigmatism of a simple type: refraction of one meridian - as with farsightedness (a beam of rays converge behind the projection of the retina), the second meridian gives a normal focus
Myopic simple: one meridian refracts light so that the beam of its rays converge in front of the projection of the retina. The second meridian forms the focus directly on the retina
Complex astigmatism: the same degree of farsightedness or nearsightedness in the main meridians Complex hyperopic: both meridians cause refraction, as in farsightedness, but to varying degrees
Complex myopic: both main meridians form beams of light rays to the retina (as in myopia), but do so to varying degrees
Mixed astigmatism: one meridian forms farsightedness, the second - myopia Has no division


The main meridians obliquely overlap each other. It occurs due to acquired causes.

Has no division

If astigmatism is congenital, correct, and vision suffers by 0.5-1 diopter, this type of pathology is called physiological and does not need complex correction.

Acquired pathology affects vision more strongly, therefore, degrees of astigmatism are distinguished here. These diopters are obtained by subtracting the refractive power of the weakest meridian from the strongest:

  1. a weak degree of astigmatism: visual acuity - up to 3 diopters;
  2. medium degree: 3-6 diopters;
  3. high degree: visual acuity - more than 6 diopters.

There is also a classification that takes into account what structure of the eye was formed with “wrong” meridians. According to this division, astigmatism can be:

  • corneal - defects arose only from the side of the cornea;
  • lens: astigmatism is caused by pathologies of the lens.

Why does astigmatism occur?

Astigmatism, which does not impair vision, occurs in most young children, and is associated with uneven growth of the light-refracting structures of the eye. In this case, it reduces visual acuity by less than 1 diopter, and gradually disappears.

Astigmatism requiring correction is observed in 10% of children. Most often, it is predetermined by defective genes transmitted from parents, one of which suffers from this disorder. As a result, an irregular curvature of the lens or cornea is formed. There is a high chance of developing this disease in those children who were born with:

  • albinism;
  • fetal alcohol syndrome;
  • retinitis pigmentosa;
  • keratoconus - a condition when the cornea has received not a hemispherical, but a conical shape;
  • underdevelopment of the optic nerve;
  • congenital deformity of the dentition, due to which the wall of the orbit is deformed and the structures of the eye are formed incorrectly.

These cases are congenital and cause, most often, astigmatism in both eyes, while the degree of visual acuity reduction in both eyes is different.

Pathology can also be acquired. This is how it appears after:

  • corneal injury, which resulted in the formation of its scars;
  • eye operations;
  • traumatic injury, which led to rupture of the ligament of zon and subluxation of the lens;
  • keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis;
  • hypovitaminosis A;
  • some infectious diseases that can be complicated by inflammation of the structures of the eye.

What symptoms should parents look out for?

In a child who is not yet able to speak (up to 2-3 years old), it is difficult to suspect any visual impairment, especially if its severity is low. The following signs will speak about astigmatism of a medium or high degree:

  • to watch a cartoon, the child comes close to the computer or TV;
  • if you need to consider something (a cartoon or a toy), he tilts or turns his head, squints, sometimes stretches the corners of his eyes;
  • misses when placing an object (dishes or toys) in place;
  • the eyes get tired quickly, so the baby rubs them with his hands or covers them for a few seconds at some time intervals;
  • in games stumbles upon objects, furniture.

With the appearance of a constant visual load (in preparation for school or in the classroom), the child notes:

  • headaches: mainly in the back of the head and superciliary arches;
  • fast fatigue;
  • that it is hard for him to see on the board;
  • blurred vision, double vision;
  • feeling of "sand" in the eyes;
  • frequent redness of the eyes.

In the elementary grades, a child with undiagnosed astigmatism may be distinguished by poor academic performance, as he confuses and swaps letters, the written doubles in his eyes. That is why, and not because of harm, a preschooler or schoolchild may avoid reading books.

How is the diagnosis made?

To prescribe the correct treatment for astigmatism in children, you need to establish this diagnosis and determine the degree of visual impairment. To do this, you need to contact an ophthalmologist who can determine astigmatism even in infants, using the skiascopy method for this. This is the so-called "dark room test", based on the appearance and movements on the retina of the shadow from the mirror, which the doctor holds in his hand. After establishing the type of refraction, the doctor takes the appropriate skiascopic ruler with cylindrical lenses and sets the degree of refraction for the lens that neutralizes the shadow on the pupil.

Visual acuity, that is, the degree of astigmatism, is usually checked when the child reaches 3 years old - when he can cooperate with an ophthalmologist and answer his questions. At the same time, studies such as:

  1. computer refractometry. Here, using a special device, a refractometer, determines the type and degree of astigmatism. He does this more accurately than skiascopy or the determination of visual acuity from tables;
  2. visometry (check according to the tables) without correction and after trying on cylindrical lenses in a trial frame;
  3. examination in a slit lamp - an examination of the structures of the eye under magnification, allowing you to see the possible causes of astigmatism;
  4. ophthalmoscopy - examination of the fundus using a special magnifying device that the doctor holds in his hand;
  5. keratometry - measurement of the curvature of the cornea using a special apparatus and a computer program that analyzes the refraction of light along the main meridians. The study reveals keratoconus and keratoglobus as possible causes of astigmatism.

If ophthalmoscopy is impossible or difficult, an ultrasound of the eye is prescribed - a study that allows you to exclude retinal detachment, scars and hemorrhages.

Is there a cure for astigmatism?

Whether or not astigmatism is treated in your child, the ophthalmologist will say based on the examination. The fact is that the physiological forms of astigmatism in children under one year old can go away on their own - as the eye grows, slight deviations in curvature can even out. If the degree of astigmatism is mild and higher, then before the eye structures are fully formed (by the age of 18-20), conservative treatment is carried out. It is aimed at preventing dangerous complications - amblyopia and asthenopia.

The main treatment that can completely eliminate astigmatism is surgical.

Treatment of astigmatism

We will tell you how to treat astigmatism in a child. Until the age of 18, conservative tactics are almost always used. It is as follows:

  • vision correction;
  • treatment of amblyopia and asthenopia;
  • ensuring normal nutrition of the tissues of the eye.

vision correction

In order for the child to be able to see the objects he is looking at, vision correction is applied. Mostly, glasses are used for children. The latter should have cylindrical lenses that focus light rays directly onto the retina.

At first, the glasses are uncomfortable for the child, they can even cause a headache, as the load on the visual cortex increases. It is necessary to give the eyes time for a week, persuading the child to be patient. If after 2 weeks such symptoms persist, it is necessary to re-contact an ophthalmologist to review the correct selection of glasses.

Of course, glasses are not the most convenient type of correction, because they accelerate eye fatigue, limit peripheral vision, do not allow active sports and limit viewing of modern films and cartoons in cinemas. However, contact lenses for correction are used in rare cases and only in children older than 10 years.

With corneal astigmatism, they resort to a special type of treatment - prescribe orthokeratological lenses. These are rigid and uncomfortable lenses that are worn only at night and should bring the curvature of the lens back to normal. Orthokerathotherapy is not used if visual acuity is more than 1.5 diopters.

Improving the nutrition of the tissues of the eye

This is facilitated by 2 methods:

  1. instillation of special medications in the eyes;
  2. performing gymnastics for vision.

Some ophthalmologists also include training in Laser Vision glasses (“hole glasses”), but there is no proven benefit from them.

Eye drops

For instillations in the conjunctival sac, the following drops are used:

  • "Quinax". The action of these drops is to suppress the chemical reaction between the proteins dissolved in the eye fluid and the lens, which can cause it to become cloudy;
  • "Emoxipin". It is an antioxidant that stabilizes the cell membrane, reduces the permeability of the vascular wall, inhibits the deposition of neutrophils and platelets on their walls;
  • "Ujala" - Ayurvedic eye drops that help improve the transparency of the lens.

Drops are prescribed by a doctor. They are applied according to the instructions. In a year, you need to undergo 2-3 courses of treatment.

Vision exercises

They must be performed in a good mood, imagining that with their help you can see everything around. They need to be done in good lighting; there shouldn't be darkness.

The following complex is effective for use:

  • Slowly describe circles with your eyes clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  • Write out the pupils of the figure eight - now in one direction, then in the other direction, then horizontally, then vertically.
  • Look up for 10 seconds, then down for 10 seconds. Left - 10 seconds, right - 10 seconds.
  • Put your index finger to your nose, look at it. Move your finger forward and keep following it.
  • Place your index finger at a distance of 30-40 cm from the eyes. Look alternately, for 5 seconds, either at him or at objects outside the window.
  • Close your eyes. The assistant calls the colors, your task is to imagine them and hold them in front of your eyes for 2-3 seconds.

Elimination of complications of astigmatism

The main complication of astigmatism is amblyopia - the so-called "lazy eye". In this case, the brain "turns off" the blurry image that it receives from the diseased eye and does not "learn" to see. Amblyopia does not necessarily manifest itself in any way - it can be asymptomatic. It can also be manifested by a violation of color perception, orientation in space, a significant decrease in visual acuity (not corresponding to the degree of astigmatism).

Treatment of amblyopia should begin before the age of 6-7 years, since after 11-12 years it is almost impossible to correct it (even if an operation is performed and astigmatism is completely removed). It consists in pleopic treatment: sealing the better seeing eye, training on a special device "Amblicor", stimulation of the retina with a laser, light, color, electromagnetic waves. Effective for the treatment of amblyopia and physiotherapy methods: vibromassage, reflexology, drug electrophoresis.

The second complication is asthenopia - visual fatigue, decreased visual acuity, blurring of the objects in question, a feeling of "sand" in the eyes. These symptoms are aggravated by visual work, weakened by rest. This complication is treated by removing the spasm of accommodation with drugs like "Atropine", but having a shorter duration of action. After that, classes are held on special simulators - accomodotrainer, synaptophore.

Surgical treatment

The main methods that can cure (glasses and lenses are only a correction) astigmatism can only be used when the development of the eye apparatus is completed, that is, after 16 years. The following main types of surgical interventions are used:

  1. Keratotomy. This is the name of the method in which notches are applied to the cornea. In this case, the cornea “spreads” a little, and the refraction along a certain axis decreases. This is how myopic or mixed astigmatism is treated.
  2. Thermokeratocoagulation. It is based on touching the cornea in certain places with a heated needle, as a result, it “lifts”, and the refractive power in these places increases. This is how hypermetropic (far-sighted) astigmatism is corrected.
  3. Laser thermokeratoplasty. A very thin laser beam burns the cornea, causing its shape to change, becoming more convex.
  4. Conductive keratoplasty. Its principle is the same as that of the previous method, only thermal defects are applied not by a laser, but by radio frequency radiation.
  5. Photorefractory kertectomy is a precise method in which the necessary areas of even a thin cornea are evaporated with a laser, as a result of which it should precisely change its shape.
  6. LASIK method. Here, the laser beam cuts off the thinnest layer of the cornea in the required place, as a result of which the shape of the latter is corrected. The operation takes only 15 minutes. It is performed under local anesthesia in persons whose vision is better than 4 diopters.
  7. Implantation of phakic (crystalline) lenses. This method is used to correct high astigmatism when there are contraindications to laser treatment.
  8. Keratoplasty: instead of your own cornea, a donor or artificial cornea is installed.

Postoperative period

After any of the operations, vision is restored in 2 hours. But within six months, photophobia, a sensation of a foreign body in the eye, and lacrimation can be observed. At this time, necessary for the complete healing of the tissue, you need to protect yourself from physical exertion, do not stand over the fire, avoid rubbing your eyes and being in a bath or sauna. In 2 out of 10 operated patients, a regression of refraction occurs after the operation: myopia or hyperopia, which existed before the intervention, may return.


Congenital astigmatism usually either disappears or decreases by the year. By the age of 7, the degree of visual impairment stabilizes for a while, but may decrease or increase over time. If a child has a high degree of astigmatism in one eye, and he has not received correction, amblyopia, strabismus develops.


You can minimize the risk of developing astigmatism if:

  • undergoing routine examinations with an ophthalmologist, starting at the age of 6 months;
  • teach your child to do eye exercises
  • create sufficient and correct illumination in the workplace;
  • massage of the collar zone, swimming, contrast shower are useful;
  • food must be complete.

Among the common ophthalmic diseases in children, astigmatism is most often detected - a shift in visual focus. The disease is characterized by the fact that the child sees the world around him “wrongly”, distortedly.

Basically, this pathology manifests itself in tandem with myopia or hyperopia. These subspecies of the disease are respectively called myopic and hyperopic astigmatism.

The etiology of the disease and its varieties

A healthy, normally functioning cornea has a smooth spherical surface and optical focus. In people with normal vision, the rays of light, refracted in the optical system of the eye socket, do not intersect and converge at one point. Surrounding objects are seen clearly and as they really are.

When violated, the rays scatter, creating several foci at once. The perception of the image is distorted, since none of the foci is in the correct axis. This is mainly due to the irregular shape of the eye - the surface of the cornea is not spherical, but elongated in any direction.

It is for this reason that the eye, looking in different directions from the center, sees differently. Most often, it is the cornea that is uneven, however, the defect can also be in the lens.

For this reason, there are also such types of astigmatism as: corneal and lens. In addition, there are other types of this violation: simple, complex and mixed..

  • Simple - farsighted astigmatism in children or myopic, but only one eye;
  • Complex - characterized by the same visual defects for both eyes;
  • Mixed - characterized by the fact that one eye is nearsighted, and the other is farsighted.

The difference in the refractive power of the strongest and weakest meridians characterizes the magnitude of the pathology in diopters. It is worth noting that incorrect refraction of light in the human eye is not uncommon.

According to the results of various studies, every fourth inhabitant of the planet has the so-called " physiological astigmatism”, while the difference in refraction is up to 0.5 diopters.

This phenomenon does not require treatment, any correction or constant wearing of glasses, since this error is not even felt. However, if the difference indicators reach 1 diopter and above, then this is already called pathological astigmatism, which requires treatment. According to the strength of the violation, three types of disease are distinguished:

  • weak - up to a maximum of 3 diopters;
  • medium - up to 6;
  • strong - more than 6.

Causes of astigmatism in children

Astigmatism, both complex hypermetropic and mixed, most often in children manifests itself as a congenital disease, which is caused by a genetic predisposition. However, this does not mean that from birth the child does not see well.

In most cases, the disease does not make itself felt for many years, but can manifest itself at any time.

The sooner a violation is detected, the faster, easier and more efficient the course of treatment will be, because timely correction measures will significantly reduce the load on the vision system and, accordingly, prevent the risk of complications.

In addition, a violation can occur as a result of a failure when the cornea itself takes on an irregular shape, for example, after an injury or surgery.

The surest way to detect astigmatism in children is a professional examination by an ophthalmologist. That is why it is imperative to undergo preventive examinations by an ophthalmologist aged:

  • at 4 months;
  • in the first year;
  • 3 years;
  • 5 years;
  • 7-8 years;
  • 10 years;
  • 12 years;
  • 14-15;
  • 16 years.

In most cases, the doctor diagnoses the development of this pathology in older children, starting from the second year of life. But there are times when the mother of an older baby suspects that the child has a disease and the need for correction.

It is most difficult to detect astigmatism in children under one year old, because they cannot tell about their condition.

There are a number of symptoms that indicate the disease:

  • the child often says that he does not see anything well, regardless of the distance;
  • there are systematic pains of the head and in the region of the eyebrows, forehead. Often occur due to the fact that the child tilts his head for better visibility;
  • squinting of the eyes;
  • hard to focus on printed text.

What to do when a disease is detected

Very often, minor disturbances in the visual system go away on their own with age. However, inaction in the presence of pathology is fraught with decreased vision, excessive stress, pain in the eyes, headaches, often strabismus and amblyopia ( "lazy eye" syndrome).

If the child has confirmed the diagnosis of astigmatism, then medical appointments will primarily be aimed at correcting vision. First of all, an ophthalmologist selects glasses (contact lenses are used very rarely).

At the same time, they have cylindrical glasses - for constant wear. At this time, the main task of parents is to control the growth of the eyes and timely replacement of optics.

Now on the shelves you can find a large assortment of polydiaphragmatic glasses, "in the hole", or in another way - laser vision. They are used to treat eye diseases by increasing the depth of optical focus.

However, most experts are rather skeptical about this method. True, such a product will not bring harm, but it will take time if patients are counting on just such a correction.

Treatment of astigmatism in children occurs with the help of contact correction, as well as with the use of a video-computer method to improve vision. Gymnastics for the eyes has proven itself very effectively. During the course of treatment, it gives a positive trend.

In the vast majority of cases, this complete complex quite effectively increases visual acuity and after a while completely get rid of eyeglass dependence. And that is the goal of corrective treatment: to improve a child's visual acuity without the help of glasses.

Surgical treatment

However, it is worth emphasizing that optics is only a correction, not a treatment. Astigmatism can be completely cured only by resorting to surgical intervention.

Such surgical treatment is possible only after 20 years, taking into account the peculiarities of the course of the disease, because before the age of 16, growth processes are actively taking place in the body, including the vision system.

Children look at the world and through their eyes they receive a huge amount of information about its structure and laws. Children's vision is, of course, different from that of adults. Up to a month, newborns generally do not distinguish much. For them, the world is a collection of blurry spots.

By the age of three months, the child is able to focus his eyesight and keep his attention on objects for quite a long time. Starting from 6 months, the organs of vision of the little one are rapidly improving, “growing up”. But often it is at a very early age that parents hear the diagnosis of "astigmatism" from a doctor. About how it appears, how to prevent and treat this eye ailment, if it was not possible to avoid it, tells the famous pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky.

What it is

Astigmatism is a disturbance in the perception of light rays. This occurs with defects in the retina, lens or cornea and leads to the inability to perceive images clearly. In a normally seeing person, all the rays converge into one beam at one point of the retina. With astigmatism, light rays can converge at several points, in front of the retina and behind it. This makes it difficult to see the clear outlines of objects.

Usually astigmatism in a child has a hereditary factor. If mom or dad suffers from eye diseases, the child has a very real chance of becoming an astigmatist. The risks increase if both the mother and father of the baby wear glasses.

Among other causes of the disease is a violation of visual hygiene (the child watches TV too close to the screen, spends a lot of time at the computer or with a tablet in his hands, there is insufficient lighting in his room or the light falls incorrectly, etc.). In addition, astigmatism can be caused by trauma to the head or eyes, or even a chronic lack of minerals and vitamins in the child's body.

The disease can manifest itself as myopic, farsighted and as mixed.

Today, astigmatism is one of the most common ailments: 40% of the inhabitants of the Earth have it to one degree or another. More often, the deviation from the norm is insignificant . Until it reaches a value of 1 diopter, nothing needs to be treated. This is considered a physiological norm for this particular person. Astigmatism in children under one year old also does not need correction, since most often it goes away on its own, and after a year the child begins to see quite normally.

In children under one year old, it is quite difficult to suspect astigmatism, but it will not be difficult for attentive parents to notice symptoms characteristic of visual impairment in the child's behavior. The kid often cannot take the toy he wants because he misses the handle. A one-year-old child with normal vision manages to do this procedure accurately the first time.

In older children, astigmatism can be suspected due to frequent complaints of headaches, the unwillingness of the baby to draw, read books, study letters and look at pictures. It's difficult for him, so he doesn't want to. The child cannot concentrate on a subject that is interesting to him, squints to see small objects, and sometimes tilts his head to get a better look at something.

Astigmatism in children is treated most often by conservative methods - wearing specially selected glasses, and at school age - contact lenses. The ailment in children is not treated by surgical methods, all surgical manipulations are possible only when the organs of vision stop “growing”, that is, operations are not performed until the age of 18-20. After this age, it is possible to carry out a correction with a laser, using a notch and cauterization.

Komarovsky about illness

Evgeny Komarovsky advises to start examining the child's vision as early as possible. It is best if the first diagnosis of the baby passes at 3 months. Then it should be shown to an ophthalmologist at 1 year. And if in this interval something causes fear and suspicion among parents, then even earlier.

Whether it is necessary to treat?

To the question of mothers and fathers about whether it is necessary to treat the identified astigmatism in a child, Evgeny Olegovich replies that it all depends on age. If the child is not a year old, nothing needs to be treated yet. If more, then it is necessary to treat, and the sooner the parents, together with the doctors, begin to correct the baby's vision, the better the result will be.

The child will have to wear glasses all the time, emphasizes Komarovsky. Not only while reading or watching TV, but always, and the baby will not get used to it right away. The task of parents is to choose a comfortable frame for him, to ensure that the child stops perceiving glasses as something alien and interfering as soon as possible. The older the child, the more difficult it is for him to get used to wearing glasses. Yevgeny Komarovsky warns that in the period of adaptation, complaints of headache, nausea, lethargy and fatigue in a child are quite normal. On average, the addiction period lasts from 1 to 2 weeks, in some children it is somewhat longer.

It is not worth counting on the fact that glasses will “cure”. They only slow down the development of astigmatism, correct the current stage. But the doctor reminds that often, the disease goes away on its own as the child grows. If this does not happen, after 18 years you can always resort to laser technology and other methods of surgical intervention.


In general, the forecasts of doctors are quite optimistic: if the child does not have concomitant eye diseases, astigmatism stops progressing by the age of 7, its stage stabilizes, and in some cases there is a clear improvement in vision.

Parents can reduce the risks of astigmatism in a child if, from birth, the crumbs follow some simple rules for the formation of correct and healthy vision. Evgeny Komarovsky recommends:

  • Do not hang bright and beautiful rattles directly in front of the newborn's face. Up to 3 months, he is still unable to properly consider and evaluate them. And after this age, low-hanging toys can cause strabismus and astigmatism. Rattles should be hung at a distance of at least 40-50 centimeters from the child's face.
  • There are parents who try not to turn on bright light in the children's room, use nightlights, naturally, out of good intentions, create subdued light for the newborn. This is a common mistake, because such a blurry and fuzzy light interferes with the formation of normal color perception in the baby, and slows down the process of becoming clear vision. The light should be normal, moderately bright.
  • The color of toys, according to Komarovsky, is of great importance for the development of vision. In the first six months of life, it is better for a baby to buy large yellow and green rattles. After six months, the baby's organs of vision can also distinguish other colors, and therefore the brighter and more diverse the colors of the toys bought for the child, the better.
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