How to learn to see an image in a stereo image. Stereo images to improve vision Stereo image cross-viewing method

Humans have binocular vision, which allows the brain to perceive the visible environment in the form of a three-dimensional image, as well as to distinguish the distance between objects, their distance and shape. This ability of the human eye helps to find something more in stereo images. Before you understand how to learn how to watch stereo images, you should familiarize yourself with how they work and affect human vision.

A stereo image is a special type of graphics that uses two separate images. They use a combination of different forms. These can be points, patterns, shapes, etc., in combination with which, with the necessary angle of view and focus, you can see an encrypted 3D drawing.

The benefits of stereo images for the eyes are undeniable. This is felt by people whose eyes are exposed to regular radiation from a computer monitor or phone screen. Some users even set stereo images on their desktop wallpaper to switch and train their eyes when tired, while at the same time getting effects such as:

  • improvement of blood circulation of the eye muscles;
  • improving the operation of the apparatus of adaptation and focusing;
  • improving the conductivity of nerve fibers;
  • saturation of the tissues of the eyeball with oxygen.

In addition, ophthalmologists have noticed that looking at stereo images improves blood circulation inside the eyeball, and also trains the ability to more accurately focus vision on arbitrary objects.

Since the user is at the same distance from the monitor for a long time, focusing on one point, the eye muscles are in a state of inactivity. However, intense viewing of stereo images contributes to the contraction of these muscles. When the eye is focused on such a picture, the ciliary muscle, which controls the lens, first tenses and then relaxes. A similar effect is achieved by looking into the distance.

Viewing stereo images is a kind of physical education for the eyes, which means it can help with myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism without impairing vision. Ophthalmologists recommend that people with myopia look at stereo images without glasses or lenses.

In addition to bringing a healing effect on eye health, stereo images help to relax, immerse yourself in your own thoughts, which leads to a state similar to meditative, because they:

  • affect the conscious and subconscious;
  • affect brain activity;
  • help to come to the necessary decision, choice;
  • contribute to the development of concentration.

It has been proven that exercises with stereo images in no way harm vision, provided that a high-quality monitor is used that does not distort the objects depicted.

Types of pictures

There are cross and parallel stereo images, in which the stereo effect is achieved in various ways. In simple terms, when looking at a cross image, you should sort of squint your eyes, and when looking at a parallel stereo image, on the contrary, spread your eyes so that it covers the image as a whole.

Parallel stereo images

Parallel stereo images look like a set of repeating elements, often colorful and colorful. When looking at them, one should look as if through or behind the picture in order to see a three-dimensional pattern, encrypted in patterns.

For parallel drawings, the gaze is focused behind the image.

There are stereograms consisting of random points. You can also find text, where ASCII characters are used instead of dots. The apex is animated stereograms - these are video files in which stereo images with moving objects are arranged in a regular sequence.

Cross images

Cross images are often referred to as stereo pairs - these are two almost identical photographs located side by side. The difference between them is that they are initially taken with a slight offset relative to each other. This is done because the human eye perceives objects from different angles of view from the left and right points. Considering stereopairs at the right angle and with proper defocusing allows you to merge these two images together.

... different angle of view of the eyes.

In order to easily see this effect in a cross stereogram, you need to practice with a pencil, placing it at a distance of 5-7 cm in front of the image. Focusing on the very tip, you need to smoothly move it back and forth. As the eyes focus on the pencil, the image behind is blurred, allowing the three-dimensional image to be seen.

In such pictures, several layers of the image are hidden, so that at a certain angle you can see a three-dimensional dragonfly. This is discussed in more detail in the gif below.

Stereo effect.

There is another way to see stereograms. Close your left eye and the photo on the right, and look at the photo on the left with your right eye. Then repeat the action, closing the right eye and the photo on the left. After that, opening both eyes and, as if looking sideways at the nose, continue to look at the images - they should merge into one. So, the left eye looks at the right picture, and the right eye looks at the left.

Training stereo.

How to look at an image correctly

To learn to see what is encrypted in a stereo image, you need to get the hang of defocusing your eyes as much as possible, focusing on the center of the image. There are three simple ways to consider a three-dimensional shape in a stereo image:

  • look at the image from afar;
  • zooming in and out of the image;
  • close focus.

Having studied the viewing instructions for beginners, the user will be able to learn how to decipher stereograms, of which there are a great many: from simple to the most complex.

Approach to the face

This method is suitable for severe eye strain, inability to sufficiently defocus vision. The stereo image should be placed at a distance of 20 cm from the face.

First, you should approach the stereogram as slowly as possible so that your eyes cannot focus on one thing, and the image is blurred. Having approached closely and without taking your eyes off the picture, you should slowly and smoothly move away, maintaining defocus. The most difficult thing is to learn how to properly look at stereo images with a defocused eye, and not focus it on the image. It is because of this concentration in the picture that beginners do not succeed.

For cross-patterns, the eye is focused in front of the image.

These actions can be repeated until the eyes relax and the gaze picks out a three-dimensional pattern in the image. The longer you can look at it, the better.

Looking from afar

This method is quite simple and is best suited for beginners who are interested in how to view stereo images. In order to see an encrypted 3D drawing, you need to place the picture at arm's length from your eyes, and then start peering into the image, focusing your eyes in its very center. Then you should relax your eyes as much as possible, continuing to look at the stereo image until three-dimensional figures begin to be distinguished in it.

How to focus at close range

This method is considered the most difficult, but it is the best for training the eye muscles and helps to see the clearest 3D image.

The stereo image must be placed at a distance of 10 cm from the face. The gaze is focused on the picture, after which the eye muscles relax (this requires some effort) - it turns out to look as if through a stereogram. As a rule, this method is applied instinctively after sufficient training on the first 2 methods.

Looking at images in which a 3D drawing is encrypted is not only an entertaining activity akin to solving riddles or puzzles, but also a great way to improve your vision. At first it will be difficult to learn how to watch stereo images, but once you understand the principle, each time it will get faster and faster.

Stereo images are an interesting phenomenon that has arisen at the intersection of optics, physiology and psychology. They are good for eye training, so they were often published on the covers of school notebooks. Unfortunately, someone in all his school years never saw a single three-dimensional image.

To see a stereo image, move the stereogram to the distance of a half-stretched arm. Relax your eyes and look through the picture as if it is transparent or not there at all. At first, your eyes will unconsciously switch to the picture, but this is natural - you have trained them to do this all your life.

After a short time - from a few seconds to a couple of minutes - a three-dimensional image should appear. Over time, you will get easier, and the picture will be clear. Do not forget, when viewing a stereogram, you do not need to strain your eyesight.

Only 1% of people can't see the hidden 3D image, so feel free to try. It should work.

Selection of stereo pictures and stereo photographs. Real 3D effect without special glasses and other equipment. For beginners - an explanation of how to watch them correctly.

There are many different ways to get a 3D effect on an image. In this post I will describe only a few, I will explain to beginners how to learn how to watch such stereo images or photos. Those who are not interested in theory, or who already know how to view them, can immediately go to the gallery.

View selections of stereo images:

  • (simple stereo pairs for mastering viewing techniques).
  • Selection (more complex, but also more interesting stereo pairs).
  • Stereo photo taken
  • (stereograms are colorful images with the illusion of a three-dimensional object).

Stereo pictures, how to watch

Now a little theory for newcomers to this topic. At first, you can say a few words about why you should still consider these very pictures ..

Well, firstly, it's interesting to look at your usual computer screen, at the usual flat pictures, and suddenly see the depth and volume, sometimes even more distinct than in real life!

Secondly, it is good for the eyes, like gymnastics for the body - muscles work, blood circulation increases, the lens stretches, and in general, control over the eyes increases.

Thirdly, it concerns sirds-images.. When we look at colorful, seemingly empty pictures, when adjusting the sharpness, our brain is actively looking for options - “What is drawn here!?” Imagination works to the fullest. At the same time, the ability to concentrate improves, as well as the so-called visual accommodation develops, not to mention the fact that when viewing such "magic drawings" there is a subtle sensation of touching something unknown, because at this moment we see something that is not really there.


This is the simplest option for obtaining the effect of volume on a plane. Learning how to properly watch stereo pairs is much easier than Sirds pictures, so beginners should start with them.

Our left and right eyes look at objects from different angles.

To learn something faster, you first need to understand the principle. Here it is very simple. In ordinary life, we see space as three-dimensional due to the fact that the left and right eyes are at some distance from each other and, accordingly, see objects at slightly different angles. Our brain has learned to “feel” the distance to an object, depending on how different the position of this object is in the field of view of the right and left eyes. The greater this difference, the closer the subject. For example, we see a finger in front of the nose, with the left eye in the right part of the field of vision, and with the right eye in the left, and as it moves away, this difference decreases. A stereo pair completely repeats this effect - two photographs are taken from different points, one slightly to the left, the other to the right, the first is for the left eye - the second for the right. Now, if the left image on the stereopair is placed on the left, and the right image on the right, then you get a parallel stereopair. To correctly see such a stereo image, you need to teach your eyes to move apart a little in different directions. For beginners, this is difficult, so it is much more common cross stereopairs - in them the right eye should look at the left picture, and the left eye should look at the right one, that is, the eyes should not be moved apart, but, on the contrary, squinted in front of the nose. Agree, they can do it all without any training.

Training stereo. Source - site

Practice on this picture. In my opinion, the easiest way to learn to see stereo pairs is this:

Stereo for beginners

  1. Take a pen or pencil and substitute its tip to the screen of your computer directly to the center of the picture, in the middle between the images of the girl.
  2. Then start slowly bringing the pencil closer to your eyes, all the time looking at its tip, but at the same time paying attention to the picture behind the pencil. The important point here is to look at one thing, but watch out for the other.
  3. The left and right images of the girl will begin to split into two, meaning at some point you will see 4 girls. But at a certain position of the pencil tip, adjacent images will overlap each other. At this stage it is important catch exactly this position (pencil and eyes) - when there will be 3 images of girls, although the picture will not be sharp yet. If you look at the screen from about 50 centimeters, then this position of the eyes will be adjusted when the pencil is approximately in the middle between you and the screen. It is important to keep your head straight, because if you tilt it, then one image will become higher than the other and they will not be able to combine in any way.
  4. Now that there are 3 girls, only remove the pencil and adjust the sharpness keeping the position of the eyes.

The illustration below shows a very accurate simulation of how this happens:

First, the pictures split in two, then you need to combine the nearest of them, after which, concentrating on the object, adjust the sharpness of vision. (Illustration taken from the site -

Probably the last step in this manual is the most difficult for beginners. Their eyes are used to looking and focusing on the same object. Here, our visual apparatus faces a non-standard task - the eyes must look at different objects, and each eye must focus on its own object. In stereo images, the images differ very slightly, so it is not too difficult to do this, and after a little practice, the eyes get used to it and do it automatically.

If, nevertheless, it doesn’t work out for you - you can’t combine the pictures, or the combined pictures scatter again and do not want to stick together and become one clear 3d image, show a little patience and try to deceive your eyes with self-hypnosis. At the moment when the pictures are combined, try to forget that you are looking at different pictures that you have combined by twisting your eyes, you are looking (in this case) just at the girl who is sitting on the mat. Believe me, your eyes will immediately focus on it and you will see a clear three-dimensional image.

If you still can’t do anything, then try to practice on this simple stereo image:

This should work without problems. If it works, fix the effect by viewing a selection of simple pictures for beginners. You will see how quickly your eyes adapt to the new task. After that, you can proceed to view other collections.

Stereo photo from an airplane

In my opinion, stereopairs obtained from photographs taken from an airplane (hang glider, or simply from a high mountain) are one of the most beautiful types of 3D images. How are they made..

Since to get a stereo pair you just need to take two photos from different points, then if you take two shots in succession from a flying plane, obviously you will get them. The distance between the photographic points is called − stereo base. It is believed that the optimal stereo base is equal to 1/30 of the distance to the object. When photographing spacious landscapes, it should be hundreds of meters, so it’s better to take several shots in a row from an airplane in order to select the best pair later:

This pair of shots were taken from an airplane flying over the Alps from Milan to Moscow.

Sirds pictures

S IRDS (Single Image Random Dot Stereograms)— a stereogram of an image from random points, or simply — stereogram. Although other types of obtaining a 3D effect on a plane can also be called, this term has stuck with these pictures:

I chose this stereogram as the first example, as it seemed to me quite simple "to set up" and, at the same time, expressive. Practice on it if you don't already know how to view Sirds images.

Sirds are usually made on the basis of a parallel stereo pair, so you have to teach the eyes to move apart a little in different directions, but this is not as difficult as it might seem at first. The guideline here is the repeating details that need to fit together, as in the example of the girl above. As soon as you do this, immediately the image of a three-dimensional dragonfly will appear, as if hanging over the image. By focusing on it, you can adjust the sharpness of vision. Perhaps, after cross stereo pairs, your eyes will tune out of habit crosswise, then you will see this dragonfly as if pressed into the plane of the screen. This is also cool, of course, but not right.

Some Tips for Teaching Your Eyes to See Sirds Images

  • Scroll this image with the mouse to the top of the screen, as close as possible to the top edge of the browser window, you can even turn on full screen mode so that the frame disappears (for Mozilla, this is the F11 button).
  • As you can see, here the most distinct detail, which is repeated through each “step of the stereogram”, is the reeds in its upper part.
  • Look from above the screen at the far wall of your room (naturally, it should not be right behind the computer, but at least a couple of meters from it).
  • Now your eyes have moved apart enough, relative to the original position. It is important to put them back in place and not move back. Move your gaze from the wall back to the picture, trying to look relaxed, as if through it.
  • At first, the image will be cloudy and forked. Your task is to catch matching neighboring reeds, even if they are not clear yet. Do not allow your head to tilt either to the left or to the right, otherwise the reeds simply will not line up horizontally.
  • Take your time, look relaxed through the picture, and let your attention seek out the silhouette of a dragonfly among the chaotic motley flickering.
  • Sooner or later this will happen, then it will be enough just to focus on this image, and the eyes themselves will sharpen.

I hope you succeeded! Sometimes there is such a catch - after suffering for about a minute, you combined the adjacent details of the stereo pair (here - reeds) and even sharpened, but the image is still somehow fuzzy and bifurcated. Most likely, your eyes were aligned not by neighboring reeds, but through one, that is, you overdid it a little and spread your eyes too wide. Nothing, try again, you can bring your eyes a little closer to the screen.

Cross stereograms. Last chance

Some people find Sirds difficult. If you have reached this section of the post, then perhaps you have not been able to adjust your vision to view the stereogram. But if you show a little more perseverance, then you will succeed!

Indeed, it is not very easy to open your eyes in different directions, at first I myself did not succeed well. But, fortunately, not all stereograms are made parallel. Especially for those whose eyes are difficult to train, I fished out a few cross stereograms from the Internet. It won’t be difficult to see a 3D object on them, since you don’t need to open your eyes, but mow them exactly as when looking at ordinary stereo pairs, which were discussed above. I think you have already learned to look at them.

Several cross stereograms

Click on the picture to enlarge it.
Nearby are hints about what is shown in the picture.




man with camel

Thank you all for your attention! And good luck!

Stereo training can blow your mind. If you have never trained in such pictures, then it will be very difficult to see them for the first time. It may even take several minutes to peer into some of these pictures to see the hidden image in them.

There are several ways to see the hidden image in stereo images:

    Bring the picture very close to your face with a look at it. Then gradually move the picture away from the face, while the eyes and focus should remain motionless, as if the picture had not been removed, while the picture had already moved away by 20-30 centimeters.

    Place the picture at a distance of 30-70 cm, depending on convenience. Bring your index finger to the picture and gradually move your finger away from the picture at a distance of about 10-25 cm (maybe even more or less) until a change in the image appears. In this image, drop-down clear or not very clear edges, shapes, lines, circles, anything should appear, which gradually turns into some kind of figure, scene or even text. Moreover, you need to look at the finger, shifting the center of vision up to 2-4 cm from the finger to changing the focus, as if you are looking further at the finger.

    Look at the pictures with a defocused, detached gaze, not peering into the details until the hidden image appears.

Personally, I liked the 2nd option the most.

Unfortunately, the camera has only one lens and it cannot do the same as a person changing not only the focus, but slightly squint his eyes towards each other, looking at the tip of his finger.

Benefits of stereo imaging

In addition to being an interesting and unusual brain training exercise, it is also good for the eyes, as it trains the eye muscles and for people who spend a lot of time at the computer, reading or wearing lenses.

Some doctors even use stereo images to improve and prevent vision!

There are many reasons for vision loss. And one of them may be a weakening of the eye muscles responsible for the rotation of the eyeballs and focus. Especially if the person already wears glasses. Therefore, if the reason for the fall in vision is the insufficiency of the eye muscles, then they just need to be trained. If the reason is different, then you need to see a doctor.

View stereo images in full screen

Click on the picture you are interested in to enlarge it to full screen. Enlarging the image to full screen often helps in the initial stages to make it easier to see the encrypted image. You can also press the right and left arrow keys on your keyboard to move to the next or previous picture.

Simple pictures for beginners

I recommend starting with the first pictures, as they are the easiest. They are the best suitable for beginners in the first couple, when there is still no experience of viewing pictures or very little. Great option for a first workout!

If suddenly you feel dizzy or uncomfortable due to a change in focus, then it's okay, just stop doing the exercise. This happens in people with a weak vestibular apparatus (which, by the way, can also be trained, for example, astronauts train it especially strongly).

Complex pictures for professionals

If you have successfully mastered simple pictures, then feel free to move on to more complex ones.

Moving stereo images are very complex

It is worth moving on to these pictures after you can see complex pictures. Personally, these pictures are given to me 10 times more difficult than the most complex non-moving pictures. Training in such pictures is the most difficult, but you can watch them in motion!

Click on the picture to see it in motion.

Download stereo images for free

Download even more stereo images to your computer, phone or tablet:

Stereo pictures and other exercises

Want to learn more interesting exercises for the eyes and synchronization of the hemispheres of the brain? I invite you to the course Speed ​​Reading in 30 days.

Would you like to read books, articles, newsletters, etc. that are interesting to you very quickly? If your answer is "yes", then our course will help you develop speed reading and synchronize both hemispheres of the brain.

With synchronized, joint work of both hemispheres, the brain starts to work many times faster, which opens up many more possibilities. Attention, concentration, perception speed amplify many times over! Using the speed reading techniques from our course, you will be able to:

  1. Learn to read fast
  2. Improve attention and concentration, as they are important when reading quickly
  3. Easy to read one book a day
  4. Work faster and more carefully

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The purpose of the course is to develop the child's memory and attention so that it is easier for him to study at school, so that he can remember better.

Super memory in 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course, a powerful 30-day training for the development of super-memory and brain pumping will begin for you.

Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games in your mail, which you can apply in your life.

We will learn to memorize everything that may be required in work or personal life: learn to memorize texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that occurred during the day, week, month, and even road maps.

How to improve memory and develop attention

Free practice session from advance.


In this article, we learned what stereo images are, how they are useful for the eyes and the brain. We considered 3 ways to view stereo images for beginners, so that you can learn how to view stereo images from scratch right on this page. Also, pictures can be downloaded to open on your computer, phone or tablet and watch in full screen.

Friends, the whole world is divided into two types of people - those who see stereo images and those who are deprived of this pleasure.

So, if you want to finally find out what your friends admired so much, looking at a sheet with the same type of pattern and talking about airplanes and animals, then you have come to the right place. I will teach you how to watch stereo images correctly.

A person is able to see such pictures due to defocusing of vision. To put it simply, you need to look not at a certain point in the figure, but direct your gaze, as if behind it. However, beginners cannot do this.

This is not easy to do without preparation, but I will help you. I have a magical picture.

Famous mammals are depicted here… I won’t say anything more because soon you will see it yourself, but your admiration will only be stronger from this.

You see two dots at the top of the image, they are there, as you understand, not in vain.

You need to look at them so that instead of two points you see three, then carefully look down at the picture below, if you do everything right, you will see a stereo image.

Everything turned out to be much easier than you thought.

Well, to consolidate the success, a couple more stereo pictures.

As you can see, learning how to properly watch stereo images is not so difficult. The main thing is to be patient a little, and then having learned, you can look at them in a second and even move your eyes along the drawing itself.

Happiness IS, it cannot be!!!

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