She became distracted and inattentive. Decreased concentration affects memory. What is distraction

Memory counts the most important function human brain, which affects cognitive processes, mental activity, thinking ability. This function is a complex process, which for certain reasons may be subject to change.

Moreover, disorders can occur at any age, they often occur in young people. Our article will talk about why there is a deterioration in memory and attention and how to deal with these changes.

Causes and features of disorders at different ages

Such problems may manifest themselves in the form of a loss short term memory. They can significantly change the quality of life. There are many reasons for this, including leading place given away:

disorders in young people

There are cases that absent-mindedness is manifested in people 18-30 years old. They often forget what day of the week it is, where they put the keys to the apartment. This forgetfulness is mainly formed by such reasons as keeping unhealthy image life. Often, after a stormy evening, young people do not remember what happened yesterday.

The special aspects of brain damage that lead to forgetfulness are manifested due to all kinds of gadgets. Multitasking is necessary for brain health, and electronics do it. If there is no shift of attention to different types activity, short-term memory is impaired.

Often the inattention is due to addiction Keep your phones close while you sleep. They emit harmful electromagnetic fields that destroy various brain functions. People are going psychological disorder leading to an emotional imbalance, they become more distracted, forgetful.

Also sharp deterioration memory occurs during dehydration of the body, with low sugar in blood. As a rule, when eliminating the causes, causing a problem restore brain function.

Important! If young people have difficulty remembering, then it makes sense to reconsider their lifestyle, perhaps this is due to lack of sleep, physical inactivity, and the presence of bad habits.

Disorders in the elderly

Elderly people often complain about forgetting. It often happens that they forgot the way home, what movie they watched the day before, for which they went into the room, as the usual objects are called. These problems are usually associated with dementia. However, they are not always a sign incurable diseases. Usually older people need more time to memorize, recall information.

This phenomenon is not a problem resulting from the inevitable aging, since the brain has a unique ability to produce young cells in any age period. If this ability is not used, then the brain cells will atrophy. The following reasons affect memory impairment in older people:

Important! In old age, it is necessary to distinguish the forgetfulness inherent in age from the onset of development in a timely manner. serious illnesses.

How to distinguish normal memory impairment in older people from the development of diseases?

Often, older people and their environment have the question of how to distinguish normal changes cognitive function of the brain from the onset of serious diseases. The main difference is that at the onset of the disease, periodic failures affect the daily life of a person. Persistent deterioration of the speech apparatus of memory is called senile dementia. A person practically loses the opportunity for abstraction and logic.

If forgetfulness and absent-mindedness do not interfere with leading a normal life, engaging in the usual type of activity, then these are not terrible age-related changes. Beginning dementia is characterized by difficulty in performing ordinary tasks, such as washing dishes. Also, a signal in order to suspect a disease is a loss of orientation in a familiar environment, a change in behavior, and a distortion of spoken words.

When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult a neurologist as soon as possible, he, after certain diagnostic measures, will recommend a treatment that eliminates the problems that have formed.

Influence of anesthesia

Everybody knows Negative influence anesthesia on the work of the brain, memory often suffers from this, the ability to learn decreases, distracted attention is observed. Usually over time this problem passes, but there are cases when spontaneous recovery after the influence of anesthesia does not occur.

If after 3 months there is no improvement, then you need to contact a neurologist, who, after finding out the cause, will prescribe adequate therapy. Most often, he recommends taking nootropics, neuroprotectors, antioxidants, nonsteroidal drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Also, to speed up the return of memory, it is recommended to solve crossword puzzles, charades, read more literature. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, then you can only aggravate the situation and the therapy will not bring the expected result.

What to do with distraction?

Many people in the modern rhythm often suffer from forgetfulness. In the question of how to deal with forgetfulness, experts highlight the following effective recommendations:

Also, to combat absent-mindedness, you can use the technique: "Find 15 differences." To increase the concentration of attention, you need to engage in feasible sports, reduce the time spent in virtuality and devote more time to communicating with people. When is the data simple recommendations do not bring the expected result and the condition only worsens, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Exercises to Eliminate Violations

To prevent memory impairment at the onset of problems a good remedy are easy exercises. Below are some of them:

In order for these exercises to be beneficial, they must be carried out daily. Neuropathologists say that if you devote 20 minutes to this every day, you can significantly improve the functioning of the brain.


A drug solution to the problem is possible only after a thorough examination. Memory impairment usually requires treatment medicines after 40-50 years, when the recommended exercises do not bring the expected result. Most often, for these purposes, the reception is recommended:

A special role for the treatment of memory disorders is played by the appointment of Cortexin, produced from the brain of a large cattle. It is produced as a powder, which, when dissolved, is injected. This drug widely used for brain injuries, strokes. Helps treat Alzheimer's disease senile dementia. It is also widely used to improve the cognitive function of the brain.

Cortexin establishes a balance between inhibition and excitation, protects against oxygen starvation brain cells, prevents their aging. Given natural remedy appointed courses, if necessary, which can be repeated three times a year.

sticking to certain rules you can get rid of distraction. If with the help of simple exercises it is not possible to improve well-being, then it is recommended to consult a doctor. He will appoint medicines to help fix memory problems.

Hello everybody! Forgetfulness and absent-mindedness, such seemingly insignificant nuances, are actually capable of destroying a person’s professional and personal life, and if not destroying, then greatly complicating it. After all, you must admit that it is difficult to move towards your goal when a lot of information flies out of your head?

Basic concepts

If you manage to assimilate information, remember it and then reproduce it when necessary, you have an excellent memory. But as soon as one of these stages fails, then it's time to think about whether you are treating yourself right? Because forgetfulness or inattention is not congenital, except in cases of psychiatric abnormalities. So they arise as a result of our wrong image life. Let's first distinguish between these two concepts, because they denote slightly different states.

Forgetfulness- it's directly memory problems. Remember in the article , Have we considered that it can be short-term and long-term? So, the information that got into the short-term reservoir evaporates very quickly from it. In order to keep it in the long-term zone, one should arbitrarily pay attention to it. And here absent-mindedness is connected, namely, difficulties with the concentration of this very attention. And these two factors can be the cause of whole catastrophes, in case a person with any of the above violations is responsible for other people, for example, driving an airplane or a train.

The symptoms, I think, are familiar to everyone: a feeling of indifference to some processes and events, the inability to concentrate and concentrate, feeling powerless, excessive relaxation, inactivity. Frequent residence of boredom, unsuccessful attempts remember something important, leading to irritability and dissatisfaction. Sometimes there is a deja vu effect, that is, when it seems that what is happening now has already happened before. Excessive relaxation, sometimes similar to irresponsibility and carelessness, as a result of which others have a desire to take control of the fulfillment of some of your obligations or, in general, your life.

But before looking for ways to deal with it, let's explore probable causes occurrence of disorders in cognitive processes.


1.Modern human life

It is not only filled with a series of events, it is simply overflowing. Not surprisingly, his body periodically fails. A huge amount of information is simply impossible to catch and keep in your head. After all, we are subjected to this attack both on the street, watching countless big boards and ads, and at home, involuntarily viewing ads and news, corresponding in in social networks and talking on mobile phone. So it is not surprising that the brain, in an attempt to protect itself, simply turns off some processes.

2. Insomnia or just lack of sleep

And you and I know to what devastating consequences leads to lack of sleep, so forgetfulness is a flower compared to depression, severe chronic disease or oncology. If you do not remember all the consequences of lack of sleep, read.

3.Lack of water

Our body consists of 70% water, every student knows this, but the use of carbonated drinks, coffee and other things does not saturate it necessary quantity fluids, because of which the brain suffers very much, malfunctioning.

4. Alcohol, drugs and smoking

They reduce the efficiency of thinking, the speed of perception and cause spasms of blood vessels, disrupting the activity of not only the brain, but the body as a whole, even causing changes in the psyche.

5. Diets

Poor memory is sometimes the result of diets that simply shock the brain due to a lack of carbohydrates, fats and other things. Most often, women sin with this, not in vain, because there is even a wording “girl's memory”.

6. Stress

May lead to condition chronic fatigue, that is, to neuropsychic weakness. With such weakness, it becomes very difficult to concentrate and, in general, to remember information, if only because it becomes irrelevant for a person. You can talk about this disease.

7. Over-focused

Paradoxical as it may seem, but inattention can occur due to excessive concentration. I'll explain now. When we are carried away by some process, we may not keep track of the moments happening around. Well, who hasn’t happened that, thinking, you didn’t notice how you got from work to home? This is how inventors, overly immersed in their ideas, are able to create brilliant creations, but at the same time they are completely helpless in everyday life.

8. Life

Ordinariness also makes it difficult to concentrate and track events. After all, when the process goes on knurled, it does not require our inclusion, which means that consciousness directs attention to internal processes.

9.Internal condition

If you notice that absent-mindedness has appeared, try listening to general condition, because often these problems cause diseases such as tumors, epilepsy, atherosclerosis, provoke craniocerebral injuries, infections and disorders in the thyroid gland.

  1. Try to use a large number of clean drinking water except for sodas and sugary drinks. And, of course, control your diet by including vegetables, fruits, herbs and other foods rich in vitamins, minerals and, in general, substances necessary for the body.
  2. Doing sports, especially yoga, will help to saturate every cell of your body with oxygen, which will increase its activity and performance. To improve your mindfulness, make a habit of meditation practices aimed at concentration and the ability to stop and just observe what is happening, both within yourself and the surrounding reality. I have described these methods quite accessible for beginners.
  3. Use reminders in the form of stickers, alerts and a board on which you will cling leaves with tasks and thoughts.
  4. Study the article carefully. Because it is very difficult to keep a bunch of thoughts in your head, to start solving several cases at once, and in general, not to understand which direction in this moment move. Such multitasking will lead not only to absent-mindedness, but also to depression in general.
  5. Clean up your desk, every thing should have its own place. Then there will be no need for unnecessary overload of your brain. You won't have to remember where you put your mobile or keys, you'll just know exactly where they should be anyway. Therefore, before wondering how to get rid of forgetfulness, you should do a general cleaning, both in your head and in your home and office.
  6. Play associations, that is, if you have problems remembering names, repeat it to yourself several times and come up with an association that is consonant with it. In some cases, you will have to create a whole associative array associated with the place and actions. For example, if you need to call your parents as soon as you get home, then imagine an image of a home phone and how you call it. Then, once in the apartment and being next to him, you will immediately remember that they are worried about you and you need to make yourself known.
  7. Many also recommend this remedy. It improves the function and function of the brain. For more details, you can read on that website.


Most importantly, learn to notice yourself in the present moment, then there will be no difficulties with concentration. No matter how ordinary life may seem, it is still diverse, you just have to look around and you will notice all its diversity. If you don’t know how, read the article And that’s all for today, dear readers! By the way, as an advertisement, I created a group on VKontakte about self-development, I will be glad to see you there. See you soon.

Everyday fuss and problems lead to the fact that we forget about the little things: take out the trash, look interesting film, buy bread. But sometimes it happens that due to absent-mindedness and inattention, more serious things happen, like a disrupted business meeting, a forgotten turned on iron, a missed birthday of a loved one.

We are accustomed to explain everything by bad memory, but absent-mindedness and inattention have nothing to do with it. The thing is that a person cannot concentrate, concentrate on what he is doing and what he needs to do.

To understand how get rid of distraction and inattention , need to know them causes and types.

What is distraction and inattention?

Many people like to say that distraction is inherent in great people. This is repeated by those who do not want to work on their bad qualities and are looking for excuses for them. In fact, this shortcoming not as harmless as many people think.

Absent-mindedness is a state of attention in which a person cannot concentrate on ongoing events or actions. It is also called inattention, forgetfulness, and often it is not considered a vice, but only a character trait.

None of us was born out of the blue or inattentive. Many people consider them "glorious flaws", but they can lead to real tragedies: car accidents or accidents at the factory. Such people and ordinary life bring a lot of trouble, because they also cannot build normal relationships due to constant household “accidents”, and at work they are unlikely to bring much benefit.

Absent-mindedness has absolutely nothing to do with memory, it is a violation of attention. This trait is acquired, so you need to get rid of it if you want to change your life for the better and make it easier for those around you, to whom you deliver, albeit minor, but troubles.

Causes of absent-mindedness and inattention

To understand how to get rid of distraction, you need to know where it comes from. It is of two types: imaginary and genuine. Genuine may be associated with health problems like neurasthenia, chronic fatigue syndrome, very severe fatigue. A person simply cannot concentrate on one thing, but at the same time he is very easily distracted by extraneous events.

No matter how strange it may sound, but the imaginary absent-mindedness appears due to concentration, but it is excessive. A person's attention is directed to one thing, but he does not notice everything that is happening around. It is this trait that is inherent in great people.

Modern technologies are very advanced and help to make our lives much easier. It is because of the “facilitation” of life that inattention appears. Because of this, many suffer from insomnia: they seem to be mentally exhausted, but physiological processes disturbed and do not want to sleep.

It happens that at work you are so exhausted that by the evening you completely stop thinking, you even lose your orientation in time. How to become more attentive? Move more, exercise more, surf the Internet less.

Distracted attention is acquired during a person's life, and is not congenital. This symptom is not nosological and can occur due to various reasons.

There is an opinion that absent-mindedness may be a reflection of an unconscious unwillingness to do what it should be focused on.
Distracted attention can arise from fatigue, insomnia, headache, monotonous and monotonous activity (this is more common with the first type of absent-mindedness).

Distracted attention also appears due to organic damage to the brain.
It occurs in various mental illness, for example, such as depression or anxiety disorder, when a person has difficulty concentrating on something.

How to get rid of distraction and forgetfulness?

Experts offer different ways to help get rid of absent-mindedness.
We bring to your attention the most effective:

- if you need to do something, do not put it off until later. If you still need to do something later, ask someone to remind you;

- try to concentrate on the upcoming event, disconnecting from the outside world. Direct your thoughts in the right direction;

- do exercises in the morning, go in for sports. Active life and sports - great ways eliminate distraction;

- give your body a rest, because due to overwork, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness appear;

- work with a large amount of information correctly, without emotions. If you have any questions, be sure to ask them. This will help you better understand what you have to do;

- write down important upcoming events so as not to forget about them;

- yours workplace should be in perfect order. You should not be distracted by such annoying moments as searching for a pen in the chaos of the desktop.

How to get rid of inattention? Rest more and start doing important things full of strength and energy. Eat special exercises, which help to focus, concentrate on one thing. For example, the well-known exercises "Find 10 differences."

And remember, in order to become mindful, you must not allow yourself to do any thing inattentively.

Getting rid of bad qualities is the way to success

By following our advice, you will soon notice how your better side and your life changes. Nothing is impossible, and human abilities have not yet been fully explored.

Try to focus right now!
Use the tips or tips from the picture:

Also watch this video:

Absent-mindedness is an acquired thing, not a hereditary thing, so it can be got rid of with some effort. Specialists give practical advice what to do with bad memory and absent-mindedness. Using them, absent-mindedness can be overcome, "put on the shoulder blades."

What is distraction?

The classic distracted state is characterized by wandering attention, distracting a person from important, priority matters or plans. This condition manifests itself in the following:

  • difficulty or even inability to focus on one subject or topic for a long time. Attention seems to wander extensively from object to object;
  • lack of concentration in sensations and thoughts, they are vague and uncertain;
  • impotence and relaxation;
  • indifference and disinterest in what is happening;
  • boredom.

Impaired attention and memory are very selective, unstable and small in volume.

understand the reason

The guarantee of victory in any battle is to know the enemy by sight. Therefore, in our case, asking the question of how to overcome absent-mindedness, first you need to understand why memory can become dull. One of their reasons is laziness, unwillingness to focus on business, which you don't want to do. The following reasons bad memory: monotonous monotonous activity, chronic lack of sleep, physical and mental exhaustion. All this can serve as the beginning of inattention. If nothing is done to solve these problems in a timely manner, it can develop into pathological absent-mindedness. Another reason is psychological illness which may be caused by brain damage. In this case, medical treatment is needed.

Need for treatment

Treatment for absent-mindedness depends on the degree of the disorder.

  1. Internal factors. organic defeat brain. The need for clinical treatment.
  2. External factors. Overwork or illness.

In the first case, carelessness is considered as mental disorder, which can even leak with a complete memory shutdown. Most often this happens due to depression or anxiety disorder. With this diagnosis, drug treatment are prescribed antidepressants or nootropic drugs. At the same time, a psychologist is helping to work out emotional situations, if any.

"Fluttering" attention

The second type of attention disorder does not require serious medical treatment. It can be called "fluttering" attention. It is typical of teenage contingent and people of advanced years. This kind of inattention is observed in people who are overworked or weakened by illness. Their inability to flutter like a butterfly, switching from topic to topic.

At ordinary people of this type is temporary, subject to the fight against such inattention and the reasons that cause it. This pathology is affected by a temporary decrease in the mobility of nervous processes. In the case of the clinic, this happens due to cerebral oxygen starvation or cerebral atherosclerosis. It most often occurs in older people.

How to get rid of absent-mindedness and bad memory? What to do?" - a frequently asked question of anxious patients, which they address to psychologists. They are concerned about whether this disease is serious, whether it needs treatment, and how to deal with absent-mindedness. Often this type of inattention manifests itself in the inability to concentrate and the difficulty in switching attention from one object to another or from one type of activity to another. This type does not need serious treatment distraction. The cause may be elementary physical, emotional or mental overwork. In this case, it is clear what needs to be done. Just give the body a rest, perhaps even a change of scenery for a while.


Here are some tips on how to deal with absent-mindedness, how to prevent it critical condition when it is necessary to resort to treatment. Distractedness needs to be declared war. Children need the help of their parents in this area. People prone to absent-mindedness need to understand that this weak area needs to be worked on.

  • Learn to live deliberately and slowly. Often the nature of absent-mindedness is vanity and haste.
  • Follow the train of thought, whether they are consistent; they need to be organized, stopping the fussiness in the head and directing the train of thought in one direction.
  • You need to learn how to do only one thing at a time. This is discipline.
  • Fight the habit of living automatically. Teach yourself to systematically put things in their place.
  • Memorizing difficult words is easier with the help of figurative prompts by association. Also don't be lazy
    “reminders” that will help you live more organized, keeping the priorities of the importance of things.
  • Do not overload the brain; give yourself short pauses so that you don’t think about anything.
  • Develop observation, shifting your gaze from yourself to the outside, establishing contact with the outside world.
  • Vigilance is needed when a situation of haste, anxiety, stress comes. Consciously say “stop” to panic or fuss, calm the mind and choose the right way out.

Everything will work out

If there is difficulty in observing oneself, and absent-mindedness is not subject to self-control, then it is worth contacting a doctor for an individual treatment of absent-mindedness.

The responsibility of each person is to monitor their lifestyle: am I able to relax, am I lazy in training my memory and attention, develop self-control?

For more effective result it is important to find out the individual and try to deal with it instead of “fighting” with the consequences of the problem. Then everything will work out.

Article author: Ekaterina Laukhina

Distracted attention is enough seriously infringement nervous system that anyone can face. Sometimes distraction goes away on its own, and sometimes, on the contrary, it provokes even bigger problems.

Attention impairment and its accompanying symptoms can cause severe discomfort and interfere with normal life. So what is distraction and inattention with medical point of vision, how does this condition manifest itself and how to deal with it?

What is attention in terms of psychology

Attention is a concept of cognitive psychology, which represents the degree of processing of specific information that our brain receives from the environment.

Thanks to mindfulness, successful orientation of the subject in the surrounding space is ensured, and also due to it, a complete and distinct reflection in the psyche is ensured. The object of attention falls into the center of our consciousness, the other elements are perceived weakly, not clearly, but the direction of our attention may change.

Attention is of several types:

  1. random type. During the work of this type of attention, a person does not make an effort of will to concentrate, he does not even set a goal for himself.
  2. Arbitrary type. During this variety, a person makes an effort of will to focus on a specific object.
  3. Post-arbitrary type. During this type of attention, there is a decrease in volitional effort, but the goal of being attentive is maintained.

What is distraction

First of all, absent-mindedness is a state of inattention, constant forgetfulness, which constantly accompanies a person. It is worth remembering that a person is not born with absent-mindedness, he acquires it during his life.

The presence of this disorder in Everyday life may lead to various problems and sometimes quite serious. Communication with such people is quite troublesome, they cannot build normal relationships and they have a very hard time at work. Therefore, this condition must be treated so that it does not lead to more serious consequences.

Varieties of violation

Scattered attention can be of different types:

  • functional view;
  • poetic kind;
  • minimal kind.

functional attention disorder

Inattention of this kind can manifest itself in almost any person as a result of a monotonous and monotonous work process.

This type of failure can manifest itself due to permanent ones, as well as if a person has any illnesses.

Minimum distraction

Minimal inattention and forgetfulness is caused by the inability to focus one's attention on important objects, due to deep immersion in one's personal problems.

This type of violation occurs due to the fact that a person cannot be distracted from internal experiences. Personal experiences distract him from everything he does.

Poetic nature flies high...

With this violation of attention, a person is constantly in a state of daydreaming and fantasies. This view does not age restrictions. It refers mainly to people who have a creative nature, it is normal for them to be constantly in thought, search, reflection.

Varieties of manifestations

Distracted Attention Syndrome can manifest itself in different ways, namely:

Distracted attention - is it a disease, the psychotherapist answers:

Eh, I should be absent-minded and inattentive to live ...

Distracted attention can cause various reasons. To begin with, it is worth highlighting the physiological factors, not pathological, which provoke inattention, exhaustion, jumps and inertia of attention:

  1. Against the background of physical and mental fatigue.
  2. At chronic sleep deprivation, insomnia.
  3. In a profession that requires performing the same monotonous actions or focusing on the same object. Often the disorder of volume and weakening of attention is caused by work behind the conveyor, behind the wheel.
  4. Sometimes people of certain professions, in the course of their work, develop a habit in which they focus on the subject of their scientific research, which entails ignoring everything around them, this is the so-called inertia of attention (switchability disorder). At the same time, memory does not suffer, on the contrary, it improves, just people working in scientific field or another area, throw away everything that is not necessary and try to keep their attention on the most important.
  5. Age changes. With age, especially in old people over 70, the functions of concentrating attention weaken and its disorder occurs.
  6. Sometimes strong excitement prevents you from focusing your attention, which entails a state of absent-mindedness.

Neurological and other disorders

Distractedness, forgetfulness and inattention can occur due to various diseases and disorders in the body:

Distractedness and forgetfulness in children are the main symptom of ADHD

Often absent-mindedness and forgetfulness in children and very young people is characterized by the inability to control oneself. The attention of a child depends on many psychological processes that occur in the body. At the very beginning of his journey, he needs motivation and control from his parents.

Distractedness and inability to self-control is often one of the main signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (). If the child has this violation, then he has absent-mindedness such as "fluttering" attention. The main features of this condition are low level concentration and rapid involuntary switching of attention.

Causes and symptoms

Absent-mindedness and forgetfulness in young children can be provoked by seemingly harmless factors and causes:

If a child develops ADHD, the following symptoms may appear:

  • a state of hyperexcitability, restlessness, constant fuss;
  • often switches from one occupation to another, while the previous business is not completed to the end;
  • the child cannot concentrate on one specific task;
  • him bad memory, ragged movements, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness.

In addition to these symptoms, you should pay attention to other signs:

Goals and methods of diagnosis

The initial stage of diagnosing in violation of attention and absent-mindedness includes the following examinations:

  1. . During the examination, the doctor should assess the condition fine motor skills, as well as to identify neuralgic symptoms.
  2. Conducting a survey with the completion of the diagnostic card.
  3. Conducting neuropsychological testing. During this examination, the level of attention, intellectual abilities, performance in relation to a long task, and other conditions are assessed.

In addition, there are instrumental examinations and laboratory tests are given:

  • blood chemistry, at which the level of sugar, trace elements - iron, magnesium and lead is determined, the exchange of dopamine is studied;
  • genetic analyzes;
  • conducting with doppler;
  • (EEG, video-EEG) using methods (EP);
  • holding .

Package of measures

Treatment of ADHD and associated disorders should be comprehensive and should consist of the following steps:

  • behavior correction techniques;
  • psychotherapeutic methods;
  • neuropsychological correction.

Correction of absent-mindedness in a child can be carried out with the help of activities that are aimed at improving concentration. During these activities, various puzzles are solved, logical tasks. All classes must be clearly distributed over the day, while the main time must be allocated for physical activity and rest. However, if this treatment fails, other types of treatment can be used.

The main medicines that allow you to deal with absent-mindedness, forgetfulness and inattention in a child are psychostimulants that should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor:

All drugs have contraindications and side effects so be sure to read the instructions for use before use.

During physiotherapy treatment, the following procedures are carried out:

  • laser therapy, full course consists of 7-10 procedures, during each of which 3-5 zones of the body are irradiated;
  • UHF therapy, it consists of 8-10 procedures;
  • inhalation procedures 5-10;
  • UVI of the nasopharynx, the full course consists of 3-5 procedures;
  • a course of magnetotherapy, which consists of 8-10 procedures.

How to develop mindfulness - it will be useful for both children and adults:

What should parents of an inattentive child do?

An important role in the problems of their child with attentiveness and perseverance is played by parents. They must fulfill the following requirements:

  • be sure to adapt to the regimen of your child and constantly observe it;
  • to control that during the day the child feels calm, so that he does not have overwork, it is also not desirable that he spends a long time in front of the TV or computer screen;
  • try to get the child interested sports games, you can record it in the pool, as well as walk with it constantly for a walk in the fresh air;
  • it is advisable to refuse to visit places with a large crowd of people, not to invite a large number of guests.

Attention in a child must be trained from childhood, so that in the future he does not have a state of restlessness, loss and absent-mindedness. It is desirable to interest him in various educational games. Also in infancy you need to show different toys and name them so that he can already focus on them.

If suddenly you have already noticed signs of attention disorder in your child, then you need to initial stage start developing mindfulness and purposefulness on your own.

Buy educational games, constructor, mosaic. The child must develop perseverance, and each lesson must be completed to the end, and to facilitate this process, parents must help him in this.

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