What to do if you break your hand. The clinical picture of hand sprains, treatment methods and useful tips for patients. What is included in the treatment

Sprain is the most frequent occasion to see a surgeon. Pathology is often noted in the area of ​​​​the hands, due to constant tension upper limbs. The injury is considered mild and is highly treatable. What are the signs to suspect a sprain in the area of ​​​​the hands, what to do?

The victims have a lot of questions, look for answers to them below in the article. It is important to provide first aid correctly, in most cases, the outcome of treatment, its duration and prognosis for the patient depend on these actions. Follow the doctor's recommendations, if necessary, visit a doctor immediately.

Origin mechanism

The mechanism of occurrence of damage, the frequency of diagnosed sprains of the ligaments of the hand is associated with anatomical structure limbs, frequent loads on this area (people of certain professions often suffer from such injuries). human hand represents complex mechanism, including many small bones, ligaments, tendons. Perfectly delayed work of all components is the key to successful performance of the functions of the brush.

The ligamentous apparatus is designed to stabilize movements, ensures the natural mobility of the joint in different directions. The margin of safety of the tendons is large enough, but sometimes the load is too high, which leads to partial or complete rupture of the ligaments. On the hands, the ligaments consist of strong bundles of connective fibers capable of stretching. The integrity of this area is violated only with sudden excessive loads, unnatural movements.

Negative factors conducive to stretching of the ligaments in the area of ​​​​the hand are considered to be:

  • congenital pathologies of tendons, leading to rapid thinning of tissues, loss of their elasticity and strength;
  • advanced age of the patient. Connective tissue loses elasticity over time, more negatively affected;
  • the course of inflammatory processes in the periarticular tissues. Pathologies lead to disruption of blood microcirculation, as a result - tissues lose strength, quickly collapse and are damaged;
  • underdeveloped muscle groups, sedentary image life. They lead to muscle atrophy, a decrease in their endurance, as a result - frequent sprains.

According to statistics, about 85% of patients with sprains of the hand received pathology due to injury. Exceeding the limit permissible load on the hand (lifting weights, unsuccessful fall) leads to stretching. Often the trouble is diagnosed in children. Them ligamentous apparatus more elastic than adults, but poor coordination, increased physical activity is a significant risk for various injuries.

Professional athletes, especially football players, javelin or discus throwers, volleyball players, gymnasts, tennis players, have the greatest risk of injury to the hand. These people constantly load the brush, an unsuccessful movement will immediately make itself felt with an acute pain syndrome. to professions with increased risk include pianists. Monotonous movements that occur constantly lead to overstrain of the ligaments, their further stretching.

Medical therapy

Doctors use standard scheme for the treatment of sprains of the muscles of the hand:

  • , painkillers (Diclofenac, Nurofen);
  • B vitamins that help start regenerative processes;
  • (glucosamine, chondroitin);
  • local anesthetics (used for severe pain), Lidocaine, Novocain are used.

In the first days after injury, special injections are actively used to stop pain syndrome and inflammatory process. Then it is allowed to use special ointments that have a similar effect:

  • absorbable gels (Apizatron) are used to relieve edema;
  • after injury, cooling ointments are used (Gevkamen);
  • warming agents in the absence of inflammation (Espol, Finalgon);
  • Troxerutin to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, eliminate hematomas.

Then they proceed to physiotherapy, returning the victim to normal motor activity, starting recovery processes.

Folk remedies and recipes

Effective Recipes:

  • chop the onion to the state of gruel, place it on the affected area, wrap it with polyethylene and an elastic bandage. Leave the compress overnight, repeat the therapeutic manipulations daily for only one week;
  • use in the same way cabbage leaf, pre-beat it a little until you get juice;
  • it is allowed to lubricate the diseased area with alcohol and fix the brush with an elastic bandage. Many argue that such manipulations will help to cope with pain and swelling.

To prevent damage to the hand, refuse to lift weights, regularly engage in moderate physical activity, at the slightest suspicion of stretching, consult a specialist. limb injury - serious injury requiring first aid and therapy, do not self-medicate.

Everyone can stretch the ligaments in the area of ​​the hand. If discomfort is detected, contact the trauma department, strictly follow the instructions of the doctor.

Medical video - reference. Folk recipes sprain treatment:

Among the most common causes of movement restriction are lateral ligament sprains. knee joint, as well as the elbow, ankle joints and hands are most common. The risk of sprains is especially high among athletes, children and adolescents. Due to the fact that in childhood the ligaments are more elastic than in adulthood, any child or teenager will endure their stretching much easier than an adult.

What are ligaments and how do they stretch?

Ligaments are dense, elastic strands, consisting of fibers connective tissue. Their main function is to "link" individual bones that form a joint, as well as attach muscles to bone structures.

This injury, like a sprain on the leg, is partial break the fibers of which they are composed. This happens as a result of the following factors that cause strong tension in the ligaments:

1 In athletes when performing certain exercises, for example:

Bench press or from the shoulders, work with a load - the ligaments of the shoulder or elbow joints, and the hand are damaged.

Exercises on the horizontal bar.

2 In everyday life:

When falling with a landing on an outstretched hand,

In combination with dislocations or subluxations of the joints during household injuries.

3 In babies, sprains sometimes occur if an adult lifts the child abruptly, holding him by one hand.

Types of sprains

So, although experts use the term "stretching", however, in fact, this means a rupture of a certain part of the connective tissue fibers, blood vessels and nerve fibers included in the composition of the bundle. Depending on what percentage of the fibers have broken, the following degrees of stretching are distinguished:

1 First degree. Minor tearing of the fibers, accompanied by minor pain.

2 Second degree. In this case, the gap is more significant, but does not reach 50% of all fibers. Characterized by swelling, moderate pain and short-term violation functions.

3 Third degree. There is a rupture of more than half of the fibers that make up the ligament, which is accompanied by severe pain, joint instability, and swelling.

Hand sprain symptoms

As a rule, symptoms (sprain of the knee joint, hands, elbow joint, shoulder) depend on the degree of fiber rupture and are characterized by swelling, painful sensations. However, there are some features of a sprain depending on the location of the joint:

1 elbow joint. This type sprain is typical for athletes (for example, “elbow of a tennis player, baseball player, golfer”) or occurs during fights, street brawls. The so-called “chronic” sprain observed in athletes, musicians and representatives of some other specialties is characteristic of the elbow joint. This phenomenon is formed due to the fact that the fibers that make up the ligaments are damaged due to constant overvoltage or overtraining.

Chronic sprains are characterized by the following features:

Pain that occurs after a period physical activity(first degree).

Pain in the joint or along the muscles occurs not only after playing sports, but also during training (second degree).

The pain is quite intense, so the person must stop performing certain movements in the joint (third degree).

The pain becomes constant, which leads to disability (fourth degree).

2 brush. Wrist sprains are the most common. Typical symptoms:

acute pain,


Difficulty in movement

3 Shoulder joint. Sprain of this joint is often combined with dislocation or subluxation. Compared to other joints of the hand, swelling during stretching is less pronounced.

Hand sprain treatment

If we talk briefly about how to treat a sprain of the hand, elbow or shoulder joints, then all the diversity can be reduced to 2 consecutive stages:

1 Providing emergency care.

2 Further treatment.

Emergency care includes the following items:

1 Ensuring rest of the injured limb. For this, the victim is comfortably laid or seated so that the limb remains motionless, and a bandage is applied using an elastic bandage or improvised material. If there is abnormal mobility of the joint, then it is better to apply a splint.

2 Apply an ice pack during the first hours to reduce swelling.

3 In case of painful sensations - reception painkillers.

If there are bruises, then the hand is given an elevated position to minimize the increase in swelling of the tissues located around the joint.

If there is a “looseness” of the joint, a change in its usual shape, the absence or a sharp restriction of the movements of the victim, it should be taken to the emergency room as quickly as possible.

You should always see a traumatologist if you have any of the following symptoms:

Highly strong pain, limitation of normal range of motion,

Numbness of the part of the limb below the injured joint,

Redness of the skin over the joint, fever,

Moderate pain that did not disappear within 3 days,

General weakness, malaise.

Further treatment

Severe tendon sprain is treated in a hospital, using surgical methods treatment, as well as the imposition of fixative dressings (including plaster). Mild to moderate sprains are treated with outpatient settings about 10 days.

Anti-inflammatory ointments and gels are prescribed immediately, as they effectively relieve pain and reduce swelling: for example, Nurofen-gel, indomethacin or diclofenac ointment.

In conditions medical institution physiotherapy with a warming effect, injections hormonal drugs(glucocorticoids), therapeutic exercises.


Ankle sprains are quite common and are associated with a load that exceeds their tensile strength. In this case, a partial rupture of the connective tissue fibers and capillaries that make up the ligament occurs.

The main symptoms of an arm sprain are swelling, soreness, and impaired normal movement. First aid consists of immobilizing the limb, applying cold and taking painkillers. Further treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis with sprains of mild and moderate degree, and severe - in a hospital.

In case of hand injuries, the ligaments near the wrist, which hold the bones of the joints of the hands, are often damaged. The problem often occurs during falls. The cause of stretching is sometimes excessive loads in the hands of loaders, athletes, plasterers, seamstresses. With sharp jerks, parents can damage the hands of babies.

Signs and symptoms of a sprained hand

Ligaments are elastic fibers that connect bones to a joint. Together with the tendons that attach the muscles to the bones, they make up its flexible part. Ligaments are permeated with vessels and nerve receptors. That's why at the slightest movement injured hand a sharp pain pierces the body, and the wrist becomes swollen. In a child, the temperature during stretching often rises to 37.5-38 degrees. This type of injury can be distinguished from a tear or rupture of the ligaments of the hand, dislocation or fracture of the bones in that the victim can move the joint.

When spraining the ligaments of the hand, doctors distinguish three options:

  1. Light degree: microscopic tears may occur in the tendons. The person moves his hand almost freely. The pain is mild, there is no swelling of the wrist.
  2. Average degree: partial tear brush ligaments. It hurts to move the arm, its mobility is sharply limited. The wrist is swollen.
  3. Severe degree: rupture of the ligaments of the hand. Acute pain, extensive inflammation, severe swelling. Often there is a hematoma.

What to do with a sprain

A damaged hand needs complete rest. It is necessary to attach a cold object wrapped in a towel to it. The pain will subside in 1.5-2 hours, the swelling will decrease, and an immobilizing (immobilizing) bandage can be applied. An elastic rubber bandage fixes the joints best of all, but in its absence, you can use the usual gauze bandage or scarf, scarf, scarf.

Then the patient should be taken to the emergency room. It is necessary that the specialist confirm the sprain and exclude other diagnoses: their rupture or dislocation, fracture of the bones. Need to do X-ray possibly a tomogram. It is especially impossible to postpone a visit to the emergency room with severe redness, partial loss of sensitivity of the hand.

First aid

First aid for sprains, provided on time, significantly speeds up further treatment. It helps avoid risk severe complications. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • The injured hand should be applied for 1.5-2 hours cold compress.
  • Then you need to immobilize the brush with a bandage, which will speed up the healing process. If the damaged joint moves, a splint is applied to it from both sides (school rulers, thin boards, etc.).
  • The drugs Ketorol, Next, Celecoxib, Meloxicam help to anesthetize the injury.

Stretching the ligaments of the hand is fraught with the accumulation of exudate (fluid). In order for the tissues near the injured area not to swell, the victim must hold his hand at shoulder level. If, when rendering first aid, a person needs to be put down, then it should be above the head. In addition, it is desirable that the patient periodically gently squeeze and unclench his fingers.

How to treat a sprain

First of all, you need to remove the swelling. Treatment with cold and a tight bandage is supplemented with painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. They are prescribed topically in the form of ointments, gels and internally. At slight damage recovery is carried out at home and takes 1-2 weeks. For sprain treatment medium degree may take 3 weeks. When they break, the elimination of the injury increases to 2-3 months. In the hospital, they perform operations on the hand, fix it plaster cast.

If there is no risk of bleeding and the temperature is normal, a couple of days after the injury, they are prescribed light massage collar area, shoulder joint using the methods of stroking, kneading, vibrating, rubbing. In the absence of pain, then the injured area is massaged. When the pain and swelling disappear completely, you can do the exercises. therapeutic gymnastics for the hand.


Ointments with a cooling effect of Efkamon or Gevkamen containing menthol are applied immediately after damage to the hand. Then use for 1-1.5 weeks ointment with non-steroidal active substance: Voltaren (Diclofenac), Nurofen Gel, Ketoprofen or Indomethacin If the sprain is severe, prescribe hormonal ointments: hydrocortisone or prednisolone.

After the disappearance of edema, Apizartron, Viprosal, Vipratox, Heparin ointments are used to activate blood circulation in the ligaments. Ointments Finalgon, Myoton, Espol are well warmed up. Injured vessels of the hand strengthen Troxevasin, Venoruton. Ointment for sprains should be applied thin layer. Cautious in a circular motion it is lightly rubbed into the skin.

With an armband

For injuries, the ligaments of the wrist joint are very vulnerable. A bandage in the form of a cross is applied to it. First you need to wrap the wrist with a bandage 2-3 times. Its layers should fit tightly on top of each other to firmly fix the bandage. Then they bandage the back of the hand, pass the bandage between the fingers and return to the back of the hand. The new turn should cover the previous one by half the width of the bandage. The last 2-3 turns overlap each other. The end of the bandage is cut into two parts, which are tied at the wrist.

If you need to grab the fingers as well, a bandage on the arm with a sprain is done, also starting with 2-3 turns around the wrist. Then bandage the back of the hand, moving towards the fingers. They are wrapped in vertical turns. Then, starting at the fingertips, horizontal movements bandage the entire brush. The bandage should be made tight, but it should not overtighten the ligaments and increase pain. The bandaged hand is hung on a sling (scarf).

Folk remedies

Basic recipes:

  1. When stretching the ligaments of the hand, compresses are often made with sweetened slurry from raw potatoes and onions or with pharmacy blue clay. Then the hand is wrapped in a warm scarf.
  2. Before going to bed, warming is useful for ligaments vodka compress. Don't leave it overnight!
  3. You can prepare an ointment: garlic gruel with chopped mint leaves is poured with hot melted pork fat, filtered after cooling and rubbed 2-3 times daily into the affected area.
  4. A mixture of birch leaves, nettles, elder flowers, willow bark is brewed and drunk as tea.


Physical Methods effects on diseased ligaments help to cure them faster. The wrist starts to hurt less and less. When stretching the ligaments of the hand, UHF, electrophoresis, and magnetotherapy help well. A popular method of bioenergy regulation therapy is the Prolog-02 apparatus, which generates currents similar to nerve impulses. The procedures relieve pain, allow you to reduce medication and activate the body's reserves for accelerated recovery.

Video: how to relieve wrist pain when stretching your arm

Stretching the muscles of the hand is one of the most common injuries. This is damage to muscle tissue that occurs with maximum muscle tension. With severe tears, it may be accompanied by a rupture of the ligaments of the shoulder or elbow joint. Such injuries significantly reduce the quality of life and require careful treatment.

The main cause of stretching is the effect of a load on the muscles that exceeds the elasticity of muscle tissues. It can occur at home or during exercise. It is especially common in professional athletes.

AT Everyday life stretching the muscles of the hand, forearm or shoulder can occur with an unsuccessful fall or falling on outstretched arms, strong blow or lifting weights.

gender and age category does not matter. Muscle stretching is experienced by women, men and children. But it is worth noting that women are more likely to get such injuries. This explains less actively life and reduced muscle tone.

Stretching can occur as a result of sudden intense movements, in which their amplitude does not match right direction joint.

Prolonged stay of a limb in an unusual, unnatural or awkward position can also cause stretching.

In the life of athletes, stretching of the muscles of the arm is a consequence poor quality training to exercise or strenuous exercise.

Stretching in severe form can be accompanied by a rupture of the connective and muscle tissue, ligaments and tendons. Such damages are combined into one group. They are very similar in their mechanism and are accompanied by similar symptoms.

Stretch symptoms

The clinical signs of stretching the muscles of the hand are very similar to the symptoms of a bruise, but when stretched, the pain is much stronger. Such injuries have two main forms: acute and chronic.

Regardless of the type, the main symptoms of stretching are distinguished:

  • acute sharp pain;
  • swelling or swelling;
  • slight redness or bruising;
  • partial or complete impairment of the motor ability of the hand.

The intensity of symptoms depends on the degree of muscle damage. AT medical practice define three main degrees of stretching:

  • moderate;
  • average;
  • muscle rupture.

In the first degree, damage to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe muscle occurs. There is moderate or slight pain that does not limit the movement of the arm.

The average degree is characterized by weakness of the affected muscle and its contraction, which is accompanied by pain. With such damage, a partial rupture of muscle fibers occurs, therefore, swelling and hematoma may appear.

Rupture of muscle tissue is the most severe form of sprain. Accompanied by strong painful sensations, extensive hemorrhage in soft tissues and severe swelling. With such damage, it is impossible to contract the damaged muscle, the movement of the hand and fingers is impossible or is accompanied by severe pain.

It is impossible to independently indicate the degree of injury. To establish accurate diagnosis, Besides visual inspection, it is necessary to make an x-ray examination of the damaged area. Therefore, medical consultation in such cases is required.

First aid

Timely rendered, first health care when stretching the muscles of the arm, is the key to the effectiveness of subsequent treatment. It can be used to prevent the occurrence pain shock, and reduce the area of ​​hematoma spread.

First aid for arm sprains is aimed at immobilization of the limb and anesthesia. To do this, carry out the following manipulations:

  1. The hand must be given rest. You can not continue physical activity;
  2. If it appears on the skin large hematoma, a tight bandage is applied to the arm or fixed with a splint;
  3. A cold compress should be applied to the injured area as soon as possible. To do this, use a cloth dipped in cold water or ice. Using ice or something freezer, previously the skin of the damaged area is covered with a cloth. Withstand the compress for 15-20 minutes. More prolonged exposure cold can cause tissue frostbite.

After providing first aid, you must go to the hospital and take an x-ray. Such an examination will allow you to see if there is a fracture or rupture of the ligaments.

Proper first aid for stretching the muscles of the hand will not only facilitate general state the victim, but also speed up the process of recovery of the limb.

Treatment with folk remedies

Use Methods traditional medicine for the treatment of arm muscle strain is possible only with a moderate or moderate degree of injury. For a more severe form, folk remedies can be used as an adjunct to conservative therapy.

Most effective means traditional medicine for the treatment of arm muscle strain:

Traditional medicine is effective only when used systematically. Therefore, it is necessary to pass full course treatment without interruption.

Effective ointments

For drug therapy of stretching the muscles of the hand, preparations for local local application are used.

Many products are sold not only in the form of an ointment, but also in the form of a cream or gel. What's the Difference?

  • creams are quickly absorbed, do not have strong odor and do not leave marks on clothes;
  • The gel is quickly distributed on the skin and does not require rubbing. It is odorless and can be easily washed off if it gets on clothes;
  • the ointment is made on a fatty basis and often has a pungent odor.

In addition to the release form, each drug has a certain effect and has a number of contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before buying. Each drug is selected individually, taking into account the degree of stretching and general health. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

About my personal experience in the treatment of sprains, the athlete says:

Rehabilitation and recovery period

Muscles recover very quickly, as they belong to the tissues of the body with a good blood supply.

For injuries of the first and second degree rehabilitation period is 10-14 days. Stretching, accompanied by ruptures of muscles and ligaments, requires more long-term treatment. Its duration depends on the severity of the injury and is prescribed by the attending physician.

Rehabilitation for stretching the muscles of the hands includes drug therapy combined with physiotherapy procedures. The most effective for such injuries are mechanotherapy, acupuncture, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, microcurrent therapy, UHF. These procedures can only be done in a hospital, as they are performed using special medical equipment.

To fully restore the integrity of muscle tissue, it takes from 10 days to 5 weeks. The period depends on the degree of stretching and the method of treatment.

Recovery includes a sparing set of exercises and massage. Procedures must be performed according to the prescribed course. The load is increased gradually. It helps to restore muscle tone and avoid complications.

Preventive measures and consequences

by the most negative consequence arm muscle strain is the formation of scars on the muscle tissue. They can call constant pain in hand or border motor ability limbs. To avoid this, it is necessary to strictly follow all the doctor's prescriptions, not to interrupt the course of treatment on your own and to avoid the occurrence of such injuries.

Most Effective preventive measures from stretching the muscles of the arm:

  1. Regular, vigorous exercise.
  2. Strengthening the muscles of the hands.
  3. Rubbing with a warming cream, just before exercising.
  4. For professional athletes good workout before training.

The main rule of prevention is gradual increase load on the muscles of the hand. Only in this case muscle warms up and becomes more elastic, which eliminates its damage.

Stretching the muscles of the hand is a fairly common injury. At the first manifestations of pain or other symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only in this case, the treatment will be more effective, and full recovery will take minimal amount time.

In contact with


According to statistics, of all injuries, about 80% of cases are due to rupture or sprain of the arm ligaments. Quite often, this phenomenon is observed in athletes and people. physical labor, but the disease occurs in other categories of the population. Therefore, every literate person should know how to treat a sprained arm, since quick and competent actions improve the prognosis for restoring limb function.

Causes and provoking factors

Stretching of the ligaments of the hand occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Quite often, injury occurs as a result of a fall, awkward movement in the joint, or excessive load on the hand. In children, this phenomenon often occurs during games or physical education due to their high mobility. In some cases, ligament sprains small child appears when parents try to pick him up by the hand.
  2. To a large extent, people involved in sports are subject to such an injury, especially those types of sports that require special muscle tension hands
  3. Monotonous hand movements in some professions can also stretch the ligaments. Musicians or dancers suffer from this.

Factors that can cause stretching are:

  • decreased elasticity of tissues, including muscles and ligaments in the elderly;
  • congenital features in the structure of ligaments;
  • inflammation in the joints in their pathology;
  • low physical activity of a person.

How does stretching manifest itself?

When the muscles of the arm are stretched, the following symptoms usually occur:

  • pain in the area of ​​injury;
  • swelling and redness;
  • movement disorder.

The intensity of the symptoms depends on how severe the damage to the ligaments has occurred. With slight stretching, Blunt pain, edema is not expressed. If there is a rupture of several fibers, then the pain becomes severe, severe swelling develops, and a hematoma forms at the site of injury.

A complete break leads to unbearable pain, impaired mobility and unnatural position of the hand or finger. This condition requires immediate assistance.

Stretch treatment

At the first sign of stretching of the muscles of the arm, treatment should be carried out immediately. It is best to consult a specialist on this issue. And before that, while there is time, provide first aid to the victim of sprain.

First aid

What to do immediately when stretching the arm?

  1. To limit movement in the affected arm, apply elastic bandage . It is recommended to use a towel or scarf to keep the limb suspended. This will minimize the load on it.
  2. Apply a cold compress to the stretched area. It is recommended at home for this purpose to use ice from the refrigerator.
  3. If the pain is severe, then you should drink an anesthetic. And then the doctor, if necessary, will make an injection.
  4. You can use local ointments and gels with substances that will anesthetize and relieve inflammation.

If the injury is not severe, then usually such measures are enough to improve the patient's condition. After two weeks, the pain and symptoms of sprain on the arm go away. After that, it is best to go to physiotherapy to consolidate the result of treatment. But how to treat a sprain of the hand, if the pain does not go away and is not removed by analgesics, and the skin around becomes red and inflamed? In this case, you should definitely contact a specialist, undergo an examination and treatment.

Medical therapy

When sprained ligaments, medication treatment is necessary to relieve pain and inflammation, as well as to restore the function of the limb to the maximum extent, for this, the doctor recommends:

  • analgesics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
  • local anesthetics;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • B group vitamins.

As local treatment when wrist sprain is noted, the specialist prescribes absorbable, warming, analgesic ointments or gels. AT last resort, with a complete rupture of the ligaments, surgical treatment is used.

Help in folk ways

Healers knew how to treat muscle strain on the arm, and what to do in this case, even before the advent of official medicine and successfully dealt with this problem. But before following the advice traditional healers you need to consult with your doctor. In order to cure a diseased limb with a mild form of damage, all types of therapy can be used in combination and this may take some time.

  1. Take blue clay and mix with water, then place the mixture on the fabric so that the layer is not thinner than 3 centimeters. Apply as a compress sore spot, keep 3-4 hours. The muscular and ligamentous apparatus, with minor damage, is restored after 3 compresses with clay.
  2. For a compress for sprains, it is recommended to make a mixture of grated raw potatoes and onions with a pinch of sugar added. You can use cabbage leaves instead of onions.
  3. A sprained wrist is treated using garlic and eucalyptus. They are taken in equal amounts. Garlic should be boiled over low heat, and then grind to a pulp and add a crushed eucalyptus leaf. This mixture should be rubbed into the area of ​​​​inflammation.
  4. You can make a compress from the infusion of garlic and lemon juice. The tool is prepared as follows. Seven cloves of garlic are ground into a gruel, then half a liter of vinegar is added there (you can use both ordinary vinegar and apple cider vinegar) and 100 grams of vodka. Keep for two weeks in a dark place. Then add 20 drops eucalyptus oil and apply as a compress.

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