How long does it take for a parcel from china to russia aliexpress. How is the parcel from China

Everyone who once made an order for Aliexpress knows how difficult it is shipping way from china to the buyer. Especially if it's an international package.

But the reasons for all sorts of delays and problems in the movement of a parcel with goods can be different. This is an incorrectly specified address of the recipient, this is not a correctly registered track number, as well as delays in the work of delivery and postal services.

I want to pay attention to the most common problems that arise during the delivery of orders from Aliexpress, so that shipping way from china turned out to be not so difficult.

  • First, it is important to dwell on how to correctly fill in the recipient's address. In your personal account on the Aliexpress website, you will find this section with the appropriate fields to fill out.

    The fields are filled in Latin letters. In strict sequence: first name, last name; country, region; address; city; state, province, district; postcode; recipient's contact number.

    After that, you need to confirm the entered data by pressing the button. Moreover, the details of the recipient of the parcel can be edited, deleted or added an additional postal address at any time. Very simple and convenient.

  • Secondly, after placing an order, contact the seller and confirm with him the track number that he indicated to you. Sometimes it happens that the seller, for one reason or another, indicates the wrong tracking number, as a result of which problems arise in the future.
  • Thirdly, the buyer must take into account the date of registration of his order. If it coincides with holidays in China, as well as in Russia, then you need to be prepared that the delivery time will be extended in accordance with the number of days off.

Parcel path from China: possible problems

I will list a number of other points that you need to know about when ordering on the Internet.

  • Shipping Service: China post Air Mail, Hongkong Post, Singapore Post (for free shipping); EMS, DHL, Fedex (paid courier delivery) and some other services offered with individual orders - ITELLA, TNT and others.

    Free services, as a rule, deliver parcels later than courier ones (from 1 to 2 months) and always to the post office at the place of residence you specified.

    Paid services deliver your parcel directly to your home address and, depending on the region, the waiting time is from 4 to 20 days. When placing an order with free delivery, you will receive a notice to your home address with which you need to come to your post office, not forgetting to grab your passport.

    If the parcel is delivered by a courier, you also need to present your passport and sign the receipt of the parcel.

  • Russian Post deserves special attention. On its official website, you can also use the tracking system in Russia. The system tracks both parcels and small packages up to 2 kg. Despite all the efforts of employees to optimize the internal work of the service, cases of delays in parcels are not uncommon, regardless of the status indicated in the tracking system.

    The grandson decided to send a 5-year-old cognac to his grandfather in the village, so he bought a 3-year-old and sent it by Russian Post

  • Customs Service. It is known that imported goods are customs cleared differently depending on the category: catalog goods, international shipment, express delivery goods. If you fit into the duty-free standard (let me remind you, weighing up to 31 kg per month and the amount is not more than 1,000 Euros), then there will be no problems.

    For declaring, it is now necessary to present: a copy of the passport with registration, an order form and a photo of the goods, the original bank statement indicating the online store as the recipient of the payment, a copy of the bank card.

  • The documents. Each parcel must be accompanied by an invoice showing the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the sender and recipient, listing the contents and indicating the declared value.
  • Return of parcels. Theoretically, there are the following options for your actions if you want to return the parcel: paid (at your expense) shipment with a new track number and registration of the refusal of the parcel and its return to the specified address of the Chinese sender with the same track number.

    In practice, everything is completely individual and is resolved through opening a dispute and negotiating with the seller. Sometimes it is easier to claim partial compensation without shipping the goods. The main thing is to open a dispute in time and correctly indicate the reason, claims, as well as the necessary requirements. After all, the return of the parcel is paid by the buyer, and this cost may exceed the cost of the product itself. You can read about how to open a dispute correctly in my next article.

The AliExpress service is used by people all over the world, and in Russia, as well as in the CIS countries, it has gained particular popularity. But where can I get information about the delivery time of orders, how much does the goods go from AliExpress to Russia? Below you will find the necessary information about the delivery times of orders.

What determines the delivery time

In order to understand how much the goods go from AliExpress, you need to figure out what the delivery time will depend on:

  • From the postal company that transports products.
  • From the mode of transport to which the order was sent (air, rail or water).
  • There are also courier services for express delivery of goods, which transport much faster.

The period of delivery of an AliExpress order from China to Russia, as well as Ukraine or Belarus, has always been about the same, but recently the Russian Post has entered into an agreement with China Post, which provides services for processing AliExpress goods. This agreement established that the number of days will be reduced to 10. But in fact, delivery from AliExpress still lasts from 2 weeks to Russia and up to a month to the CIS countries.

How to find the location of the parcel

If you want to find out the delivery time of an order, first find out which method of transportation is used. To get such information online, simply enter the track number and click on the tracking button.

There is also another way to quickly find out the delivery service for your order:

When you figure out how to transport a package from AliExpress, you can find out how many days it will take.

Postal services

China Post Air Mail

Almost 80-90% of all orders go through this service. China Post Air Mail is one of the most inexpensive, and most often free, types of sending goods. But, despite the tangible benefits, this delivery method is long. If your order is sent in this way, you will have to wait. More than 2/3 of orders come in one month, and about 20% - in one and a half to two months. But there are cases when the goods go only a couple of weeks. What factors does it depend on? This is currently difficult to find out. But be sure that the sellers themselves do not affect the work of postal services.

Do not forget about the order processing period. So, if the parcel was sent only when 10 days have passed after payment, you need to add at least another month. As a result, you will have to wait about 40 days.


This is one of the most convenient types of delivery for a fee. If you want to receive the goods in the shortest possible time, without hesitation, choose this type of transportation. On the 14th day, you will most likely receive the package.

Swiss Post, Hong Hong Post, Singapore Post

The Swiss, Hong Kong and Singapore postal service generally does not experience as much congestion as China Post. Therefore, this type of delivery is also very convenient. A package delivered in this way will not arrive in a painful couple of months, but within two to a maximum of four weeks. As practice shows, almost 100% of orders are in the hands of the buyer after one month.


DHL and TNT claim to deliver orders from China in a few days (5-6 days). But the price of such transportation of goods is too high. At the same time, in fact, the goods still arrive in a couple of weeks. As a result, you will pay dearly for the services of the service, but you will wait the same time as for less expensive paid services.

Delivery stages

  1. First, after the customer selects the product and pays the fee, the suppliers check the status of the funds.
  2. The salesperson then selects the products you have purchased from the warehouse and arranges for shipment. In general, the first and second stages last from 2 to 10 days.
  3. The goods pass through the forwarding and sorting center in China, then the documents for the parcel are processed.
  4. After that, the order enters the customs service and undergoes a verification procedure before export. As a result, another 10 days pass after the second stage.
  5. Then, when the goods arrive in the country of the recipient, they will be sent to the customs of that country or country of transit. So it will take another 20 to 30 days (free shipping). When contacting a paid delivery service, the last stage of transportation will be less.

As a result, the parcel can go from 40 to 60 days.

Delivery on holidays

Difficulties in the delivery of orders occur during the winter holidays, namely Christmas and New Year. This also applies to the Chinese New Year. Therefore, you should not complain about the work of the AliExpress service or postal services in such cases. Remember that you should order gifts before the holidays much earlier.

When making a purchase, the question immediately arises about the timing of delivery of goods from China to Russia. A lot of factors play a role in the delivery time of parcels from China.

Factors affecting delivery speed

The factors that affect the speed of delivery of parcels from China include:

  • delivery method - the parcel was sent by regular mail or express delivery;
  • the delivery operator - the state postal service or a private company (express carrier) will deliver the parcel. As a rule, the delivery time of cargo from private express carriers is 3-5 times lower than that of conventional postal services;
  • national features of the work of postal operators in different countries;
  • the distance between the settlements where the sender and the recipient live;
  • time of year, impacts of cataclysms or weather conditions. For example, the number of shipments increases during periods of seasonal sales, New Year and Christmas holidays. As a result, postal operators from different countries do not have time to process them on time, which leads to delays on the way.

Periods when postage delays may occur

Every mail delivery service has periods of downswings and spikes in the number of mailings, when it simply functions at the limit of its own capabilities. China is no exception. Let us consider in more detail such periods when delivery times from China can simply be disrupted due to the huge number of shipments.

Peak periods of postal services in China:

  • national holidays in china , of which there are 18. Everyone celebrates them, so no one works in the country during this period. In order not to get into trouble, you need to know the dates of all national holidays in China, and try not to send parcels during these periods;
  • the eve of the European New Year and Christmas holidays almost always indicates that delivery times from China are significantly increasing. As a rule, delays begin from the end of November - the beginning of December and end only by the end of January. In this regard, the delivery time for a parcel from China can be 2 - 3 months;
  • Chinese New Year according to the lunar calendar means the unstable work of China Post. Indeed, at this time, the New Year holidays begin in the country, which will last 2-3 weeks. Therefore, February is practically non-working;
  • congresses of the Communist Party of China practically paralyze the work of China Post these days. On the eve of the conventions, grandiose security measures are taken, when all postal items are controlled with particular seriousness, restrictions are applied on the postal sending of certain groups of goods (for example, devices that contain lithium batteries). Therefore, the delivery time of parcels can increase significantly.

Delivery times for parcels from China via China Post

Recently, interest in goods from China has increased significantly. In this regard, the activity of Chinese online stores in China has increased significantly. According to China Post specialists, the volume of postal items sent abroad is increasing by 20-25% annually.

Almost 90% of shipments via China Post are free shipping. These are unregistered shipments that do not have tracking numbers. Therefore, the load is significantly increased not only on the Chinese postal service, but also on the Russian postal services.

It is worth noting that China Post has the same problems as Russian Post. The infrastructure of the postal department was not ready for the growth of postal exports. There are not enough sorting centers and carrying capacities for transportation to other countries by air. Cases have become more frequent when items with export status are at the airport in a mail sealed container for several days, waiting in line for dispatch.

All this significantly affects the delivery time from China through China Post, significantly increasing them. And if just a year ago, parcels and small items from China to Russia were delivered in a month, now the delivery time of China Post has increased significantly. According to statistics, the time of delivery of cargo from China to Russia is 55 - 60 days, and sometimes it can exceed this period. And the main reason for the delay is precisely the loading of China Post and Russian Post.

Delivery time for parcels from China via DHL and EMS

You can reduce the delivery time for parcels from China if you use foreign mail delivery services. For example, DHL and EMS services. Of course, you will have to pay more for faster delivery.


You can deliver a parcel from China to Russia in a short time using the DHL courier service. This is a fairly reliable company from Germany, which is famous for its short delivery times. And the delivery time of DHL from China will be no more than 10 business days.


Using sending via EMS, the delivery time for a parcel from China will be 10 - 25 days. And this is several times less than delivery through the state postal service. A huge plus of this service is that the parcel is delivered to the addressee directly in the hands, i.e. delivery to the specified address.

Delivery times for goods from Aliexpress

If we consider the Aliexpress online store, then the delivery time of the goods will directly depend on which postal service it is sent through. A parcel sent via China Post can take from 1 to 3 months. But parcels sent via EMS or DHL, with goods purchased on Aliexpress, delivery times will be much shorter. Therefore, anyone who wants to receive the goods as quickly as possible should choose the delivery service of interest on the website. However, be prepared to pay extra for it.

Let's consider in more detail the delivery times in the summer period:

  • Singapore Post- 2 - 3 weeks;
  • free shipping - 2 - 3 weeks;
  • Express delivery - 1.5 - 2 weeks.

In winter:

  • Singapore Post- 4 weeks;
  • free shipping - 3 - 5 weeks;
  • Express delivery - 2 - 4 weeks.

Why are parcels from China delayed?

  1. Although the buyer receives the track number booked by mail immediately after payment, the seller can actually send it only a few weeks later. Therefore, if after 10 - 14 days after paying for the order, the parcel number from China is not displayed anywhere, you can safely present all your claims to the seller and demand a refund of your money.
  2. The postal item may be located at the turn between the Chinese customs and the warehouse of the Russian air mail, which is located in the Middle Kingdom up to 50 - 60 days.
  3. It is no less likely that after the flight the parcel will be at the customs of our country for a long time.
  4. Delays in postal items in various sorting shops of the Russian Post in different cities are not ruled out.
  5. It is quite possible that the parcel will lie for several weeks in the post office of your city, waiting for the arrival of the addressee, who was not informed about this. Therefore, having tracked your parcel from China and seeing a mark of arrival at the place of delivery, you can safely go to your post office and demand the issuance of a long-awaited parcel.

Evgeny Malyar

An increasing number of people are buying goods through the Aliexpress service. Many factors speak in favor of this method of purchase, but the main one is the price, which is much more pleasant than in ordinary, “material” stores. Online trading does have its drawbacks. People who have chosen the right product often complain about the long time they have to wait for an already paid item. Of course, everyone understands that China is a distant country, but it seems that the logistics system should already be worked out. Be that as it may, murmuring is heard from time to time in cities and villages. Perhaps the information below will reassure those who are tired of waiting weeks for their order. After all, knowing the possible paths he follows explains a lot.

The buyer, in principle, should not be interested in the details of the delivery. Ideally, they perceive an online store as a kind of “black box”, into which their honestly earned funds enter, and at the exit, after a specified time, the ordered item appears. But in real life, unfortunately, sometimes it happens otherwise. Goods can arrive at the address in several ways.

Looking at a map or globe, each person can assume that lies through Mongolia, the Far East, Siberia and further to the European part of Russia. This is true, but this path is not always the fastest. Parcels go through Finland, Sweden, and sometimes come from other countries, which is actually explained simply - there are warehouses where stocks of the most liquid commodity items have been created. If the ordered item has already been delivered there, we can assume that the buyer is lucky and he will receive the desired item within a matter of days. In other cases, there are options ...

The delivery time of goods from China can be conditionally divided into the following stages:

  • Order formation. Due to the huge sales volumes, this action takes quite a long time for the dispatch departments of Chinese firms - no more than a week, but usually no less than three days. However, there are more.
  • Next, the delivery service comes into play - the package is assigned a unique track number, by which theoretically (in most cases and practically) you can track its location.
  • The journey of the cargo to the customs point of the PRC does not take much time, but the goods can “hang” on it. The Chinese carefully check the contents of boxes and packages. In rare cases (especially during peak periods) it can take up to a month.

90% of international parcels processed by Russian Post come from China.

Delays are possible at any stage of the journey. The combination of problems exacerbates the situation.

Criteria for choosing a postal service

The seller chooses the delivery service. It's often free, and that makes a lot of sense. The cost of shipping in some cases may be more expensive than the goods themselves, and then ordering goods in China loses its meaning - it is cheaper and faster to buy on the spot. The most popular way is to ship by China Air Post., but since most sellers choose it, the queue is long, which can also delay delivery.

It is not uncommon to use the state postal services of Singapore, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland and other countries, if the seller knows that this will happen sooner, and he is interested in this (he receives money only after the transaction is closed and the buyer receives the goods). The duration of the journey is from two weeks to a month.

As for paid services, they also exist and it makes sense to use them if the item being sent is of particular value or is very fragile. For example, the EMS service guarantees arrival within two weeks with delivery in hand.

DHL and TNT act even more quickly and undertake to bring the purchase in five days, but they do not always succeed for various objective reasons. They don't have customs privileges, and therefore there are delays. The buyer himself decides whether it is worth paying for services that sometimes do not provide any benefits.

The seller almost always packs the item being sent in such a way as to prevent damage during transportation.

Why does it take so long for parcels from China to go through Finland

From a geographical point of view, this route seems strange, but senders take it quite often. The buyer learns that his parcel arrived through Finland by the track number printed on the parcel sticker, starting with the letters RA and ending with "FI".

This country's Itella mail has a well-deserved good reputation, and if the cargo arrived by air, for example, to Helsinki, on a China Air Post flight, then the likelihood of any delay is minimal, unless, of course, the Finnish transport workers go on strike, and this happens.

It may be difficult to track the package if “RT” is indicated on the track instead of “RA” - the seller, in an effort to reduce costs, prints the “left” code at his own risk. This does not mean that the goods will not arrive - just that the availability of the location control option over a rather long section of the path will be limited.

The Finnish route is favorable for Petersburgers, but everyone else will have to wait for the entrance clearance on, after which the goods are delivered by the Russian Post, which also takes time. The same applies to all parcels and parcels arriving at Vnukovo Airport, where the sorting machine rarely (fortunately), but (unfortunately) breaks down, and it is difficult and time consuming to rake the goods manually. Parcels from China go through Finland to Russia, but this is not the only country located to the west, which serves as a transshipment point. There is also a route through Sweden, which works similarly to the Finnish one, and is chosen for similar reasons. Sweden Post usually does not create problems and delays.

What is the route of the parcel from China

Since the beginning of last year, mail shipments began to be sent through the land checkpoint Erlian, opened near Manchuria. The route of the parcels through Mongolia seems to be more logical, and, importantly, is characterized by a predictable chronology. The train schedule is stable, so it is relatively reliable to predict the moment of delivery, at least to the Russian customs point. Previously, there was only a land checkpoint in Manzhouli. Now wagons with international correspondence from China cling to the weekly train Beijing - Moscow. The train travel time to Moscow is six days. There are also routes through the territory of Kazakhstan and by train Shanghai - Novosibirsk, but they last longer, up to 22 days.

Additional reasons for possible delay

The fact that the parcel from China takes too long may be the fault of the buyer himself. When placing an order, you should clearly adhere to the requirements of the proposed form, write your last name, first name and address in English or Latin letters, preferably indicating the postal code and, of course, your mobile phone. This is not very difficult, but unfortunately, errors, typos and other inaccuracies do occur, which makes it difficult for delivery services to work. In order to avoid misunderstandings, it makes sense to contact the seller and once again clarify all the details.

The second possible reason for the delay is placing an order on holidays or days immediately adjacent to them. They rest in China quite often, and this factor must be taken into account in order not to worry in vain.

It is possible that the sending company suddenly ran out of goods of exactly the article that was ordered. Maintaining contact in this case can also be very helpful. The seller sometimes offers a full-fledged (or even more expensive) replacement, providing a significant discount, and if the difference is not fundamental for the buyer, then it is simply a sin not to take advantage of this situation.

Finally, it also happens that the ordered goods have already arrived a long time ago, but the buyer does not know anything about this - the notification did not reach or, again, some indistinct difficulties arose. The postman can get sick - he is a living person, or the box is mixed up. Therefore, a few days after the expected date of arrival, it makes sense to call or visit the post office and ask if any parcel came from China. She is supposed to be stored for a month, after which she will again be sent to China at the expense of the sender. The buyer will not suffer material losses, but if he really wanted to purchase this item, then, of course, it would be very disappointing.

Delivery times for parcels from China depend on many details. But on average parcel from China goes to Russia 30-60 days. There are more. It rarely comes faster than a month. My delivery record was 10 days. See:

But for 3 months there was one. This is a personal maximum record for the longest package)). See for yourself:

I ordered before the New Year, so such a delay!

First, the timing depends on when you order the product. I, that in the period from January 25 to February 10, you should not order goods from China, because. Chinese New Year! New Year always on different dates passes. But roughly falls on these numbers.

The best time to order from China is summer!

Usually in the summer, parcels fly direct flights, and not transit and come in a month .

Firstly, parcels from China are delayed usually due to holidays, tk. postal services and customs are overwhelmed with parcels and do not have time to rake them. Customs and mail is a separate problem altogether... Starting this year, new rules for checking parcels at customs in Russia are being introduced, which can worsen the speed of processing parcels. But time will tell. I hope it doesn't affect the timing too much.

Secondly, the speed of delivery depends on which postal service you choose. I usually choose the cheapest China post, Singapore. I don't see much point in taking EMS. The price difference is 3 times, and the speed of delivery is not accelerated by 3 times. Why overpay?

Thirdly, the speed of delivery depends on where exactly you order the goods. For example, if you order a product through an online store, then the store can send the product on the day of the order. Because this store is one big wholesale warehouse. But if the goods are not available in the warehouse, then it will be necessary to wait until they bring them from some corner of China. And this can take up to 7 days.

And fourthly (most importantly), it all depends on which flight the parcel is sent by direct or transit. Those. for example, if a parcel goes to the south of Russia, then it can first get to the north of the country, and then only move towards you)) It does not depend on us. Everything is in the hands of the post office. Therefore, parcels ordered at the same time may arrive at different times!

I think you understand that the exact answer to the question is: how long does it take for a package to arrive from china, no one will give you. But it is better to be equal to 1-2 months.

P.S. Write in the comments, in what terms do you personally receive a package from China? Let's share our personal experience

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