Dicynon uterine bleeding during pregnancy. Contraindications and possible side effects. Release form Dicinon

During the period of bearing a child, a woman is very vulnerable. The main threat: the likelihood of miscarriage. Everyone is trying to take her away possible ways, but if such a problem still arises, you have to resort to medicines. Such as Dicinon, which becomes, if not a panacea, then still very in an efficient way relief of pathology.

What is Dicynon

This drug has a pronounced hemostatic effect, in addition, it significantly strengthens the vessels, both large and capillaries. Dicynon accelerates the formation of platelets, and these blood elements have a very important function: give it some stability, the ability to coagulate, protecting it from heavy bleeding.

Dicinon often becomes a kind of ambulance during pregnancy on early dates, since it is during these periods that the risk of abortion due to various external influences and diseases are quite large.

In addition to the actual uterine bleeding, Dicinon is also used in the processes of placental exfoliation, as well as similar pathologies chorion - the outer shell of the embryo. The chorion becomes a protective environment for the fetus in the very first days and weeks of its existence, and violations of its integrity are fraught with great danger.

Methods of using Dicinon during pregnancy

Most often, this drug is used in the form of tablets. The instruction prescribes a dosage of 1 pill three times a day, minimum exchange rate treatment - three days. Another probable way use of Dicinon during pregnancy - injections. The second option gives more quick effect, since the composition enters the bloodstream faster and begins to function. Bleeding stops literally 10-15 minutes after the injection, while from taking the pill until the first signs of improvement appear, as a rule, it takes from one to three hours.


Like almost any other drug, Dicinon has both contraindications and possible complications. It is categorically impossible to use this remedy for those who already have high blood clotting and, accordingly, the risk of blood clots. The facts of individual intolerance to a number of components that make up this substance, expressed in allergic reactions, were also noted.

Among possible complications: reaction gastrointestinal tract(nausea, heartburn) or headaches, dizziness, present and different kind irritation of the skin. More serious side effects relate to inadequate response of cardio-vascular system: arrhythmia, drop in blood pressure and a number of others. They are especially pronounced when the dosage prescribed by the doctor and the dosage instructions are not followed.

The threat of miscarriage in the early stages

One of the most common indications for connecting this drug is the threat of miscarriage. The doctor determines the problem taking into account a number of factors: increased uterine tone, onset bloody issues pain in the lower abdomen, etc.

Treatment in a hospital usually lasts 2-3 weeks or a month, but even then medical supervision should be quite tight.

What should always be remembered: it is enough effective remedy, but its effect on the fetus itself has not yet been studied. Therefore, contact this method treatment is possible only in case of emergency, and always on the recommendation of a doctor, under his supervision.

During the nine months of pregnancy, a woman can face many troubles: a cold, viral infections, inflammation, exacerbation chronic diseases. All this can be explained by a reorganizing organism, changes hormonal background, decreased immunity.

All this overshadows a wonderful period and gives rise to many experiences and worries for expectant mothers. When a woman in position discovers in herself bleeding, it can scare her in earnest. How do they deal with such problems?

What is dicynone?

A drug that has an antihemorrhagic, hemostatic, proaggregant and angioprotective effect is dicynone. Now let's decipher what the set of the above terminology means. Dicinone is a drug that stops bleeding, strengthens capillaries, improves their permeability, stimulates the formation of platelets and accelerates movement from bone marrow. Accordingly, the medicine helps the blood to clot faster.

Can dicynone be used during pregnancy

Dicynon is used by specialists from various areas medicine: surgeons, urologists, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, gynecologists and obstetricians. Applies this drug both for prevention and treatment. Pregnancy is a period of increased risks, because within nine months, if there are any deviations from the norm, bleeding may occur.

Therefore, dicynone during pregnancy may well be used, especially in cases where a woman is faced with the threat of losing a child (vaginal bleeding).

If a woman has spotting, the likelihood of a doctor prescribing dicynone increases. If the doctor believes that the expected result will exceed possible risks and prescribes the drug, you should not refuse to take it. The life and health of your baby may depend on this.

Please note that the use of dicynone is possible only under the strict supervision of your doctor, in no case should you take the drug yourself. Clinical Trials regarding the effect of the drug on the body of a child developing in the womb of the mother, it was not carried out, therefore, it is also difficult to say how the woman's body will react to taking it.

However, in extreme cases without this drug is simply not enough. If you are faced with a problem such as placental abruption or chorionic abruption, in addition to dicynone, you will most likely be prescribed sedatives and antispasmodic drugs.

For best effect peace is needed and bed rest. In a pharmacy, dicynone can be purchased in the form of tablets and an injection solution. Expectant mothers are most often prescribed pills, which should be taken with meals, three times a day for at least three days. The effect of the drug is not long in coming - improvement occurs in 1-3 hours.

Side effects

Be prepared for the fact that dicynone during pregnancy can cause a number of side effects. Most often they occur in women who, before pregnancy, were not fond of in a healthy way life and in those who exceed the prescribed dosage.

Among the side effects of the reaction from the CNS, such as dizziness, headaches, flushing of the face and paresthesia of the extremities. Also possible skin reactions: redness of the skin. May cause nausea, heartburn, severe pain in the stomach, a sharp drop in pressure.

Generally, most side effects go away as quickly as they appear. But if you experience any of these discomforts, consult your doctor immediately.


In no case should you take dicynone if: you suffer from thromboembolism, thrombosis; acute lorphyria, hemorrhage, or have hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug.

Any expectant mother knows how dangerous any bleeding is during pregnancy. Placental or uterine bleeding can cause abortion. No less serious are situations when, due to bursting due to an increased load of blood vessels, blood begins to accumulate in internal organs or abdominal cavity. To avoid this, doctors prescribe a variety of antihemorrhagic drugs to pregnant women, among which Dicinon is best known.

Dicinon during pregnancy: composition and indications for use

Dicynon is a hemostatic, that is, a hemostatic drug. The main active ingredient of this drug - etamzilat - accelerates the production of platelets, which contribute to blood clotting. This popular drug has quite a lot of benefits for pregnant women and their developing babies properties. It strengthens and makes the walls of blood vessels more elastic, increases the permeability of capillaries.

The drug begins to act within 3 hours from the moment it enters the stomach. Often the first improvements in the condition become noticeable after 15 to 30 minutes. And in case of complications during pregnancy, injections can be prescribed, which begin to stimulate the formation of platelets almost immediately after the drug is injected into the body.

Dicinon is used in various branches of medicine, and it is prescribed to pregnant mothers not only for the threat of miscarriage, but also for any bleeding, even insignificant at first glance.

The main reasons why a doctor may prescribe expectant mother this drug are:

  • any uterine bleeding during pregnancy;
  • weak blood clotting after surgery;
  • internal intestinal and pulmonary bleeding, creating a threat to the life of not only the baby, but also the mother;
  • heart attack;
  • diabetic angiopathy, accompanied by bleeding;
  • nosebleeds;
  • as well as injury skin, which also poses a certain risk for the pregnant woman and her baby.

Indications for the use of Dicinon are not always associated with a serious danger. Much more often it is prescribed for prevention purposes. Blood loss, even slight, during pregnancy is serious danger for the fetus, because the balance of electrolytes in the body is disturbed, and the baby receives less nutrients what it needs for full development.

That is why any bleeding, even, at first glance, insignificant, serve as a reason to immediately appear to the gynecologist. Especially important constant control in early pregnancy.

As a rule, during pregnancy, doctors do not wait until the heavy bleeding. If there are prerequisites for termination of pregnancy (and this can be either a past illness, or simply severe stress), then this drug can be prescribed for minor, spotting discharges.

However, Dicinon is prescribed for brown secretions during pregnancy is quite rare, since they do not pose a serious danger, but the active substance of the drug may not have a very good effect on the future health of the child. Most often, Dicinon is prescribed to pregnant women with heavy scarlet bleeding. With the so-called “daub”, the gynecologist may well limit himself to a sparing regimen and lighter medications.

This drug is produced in two main forms:

  • in the form of tablets, the dosage of which is 125 or 250 mg;
  • as a 12% solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections; the volume of the drug in one ampoule is 2 ml.

In addition, this medicine can be introduced into the body in other ways: for example, using wet compresses and lotions, and even, in rare cases by instillation into the eyes.

Pregnant women, unlike postoperative patients, are usually prescribed pills. Sometimes, in critical cases, they can be replaced with injections. Most often, Dicinon is prescribed in the early stages of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that in the first trimester the threat of termination of pregnancy is much higher than in subsequent months.

Instructions for use Dicinon during pregnancy

Dicinon refers to those drugs that can be drunk only as directed by a doctor. This is especially true for pregnant women. It is necessary to strictly observe the schedule of taking the medicine and the dosage determined by the doctor; self-activity is not allowed here. And in addition to this, it is worth adhering to the recommended daily routine. After all, often the cause of bleeding during pregnancy is stress or fatigue.

The attending physician calculates the daily dose of the drug individually for each pregnant woman, focusing on physical data, tests and possible contraindications of her patient. Average daily rate Dicinone for pregnant women is from 10 to 20 mg per kilogram of weight. This is equal to 3 - 4 tablets of 250 mg.

It is necessary to take Dicinon during pregnancy strictly after meals, if possible, maintaining uniform time intervals. The duration of the drug is 5 hours. And it is best during pregnancy to draw up a treatment schedule in such a way that a new portion of the drug enters the body no earlier and no later than the effect of the previous one ends.

The course of treatment may be different depending on the situation: from 3 days, with a favorable pregnancy, to one and a half or more weeks, with the threat of miscarriage.

During pregnancy, there are only a few situations in which it is permissible to start taking the medicine without consulting a gynecologist: these are severe scarlet bleeding, combined with the inability to urgently see a doctor. In this case, it is necessary to inject 2 ml of Dicinon intramuscularly and immediately call an ambulance.

If the bleeding does not stop within 3-4 hours, up to 2 more injections per day can be given. But this is only a temporary measure: profuse bleeding indicates the risk of abortion, and it is necessary to continue treatment in a hospital.

Contraindications during pregnancy

Like most medicines, Dicinon can bring not only benefits, but also harm. During pregnancy, a woman's body is especially vulnerable, especially since almost any ailment immediately affects the child.

There are several situations in which taking Dicinon during pregnancy is strictly prohibited.:

  • thromboembolism;
  • various kinds of thrombosis;
  • intolerance by the body of a pregnant woman to any of the active ingredients of the drug;
  • porphyria in an acute form;
  • you can not take this medicine in the case of the so-called hemorrhage during pregnancy - hemorrhages in organs or body cavities.

The effect of etamsylate on the developing fetus has not been fully studied. It is believed that this active substance is safe for the child. However, an increase in platelets in the mother's blood, especially in early pregnancy, can also affect the formation of a tiny man. Therefore, doctors try to prescribe Dicinon only in cases where the indications for its use are obvious, and possible benefit outweighs the risk that the drug may cause to the fetus.

Another reason why this drug should not be considered a panacea is the very principle of its action: it accelerates blood clotting, literally clogging a torn vessel. But the main problem, due to which the bleeding arose, he does not eliminate.

During pregnancy, it may be placental abruption or gestational sac, progesterone deficiency and many other reasons. To cope with such a disease, you need complex treatment otherwise, the result may be an abortion.

Side effects during pregnancy

But even if there are no contraindications for use during pregnancy, Dicinon can cause some side effects.

Among the most common are:

  • Various circulatory disorders in the brain, entailing headache(both temporary and in the form of migraines) and dizziness.
  • Reduced blood pressure.
  • Nausea, heartburn and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diverse allergic reactions- First of all, redness and hyperemia of the skin.
  • There may be discomfort in the epigastric region. During pregnancy, this is a fairly common and, as a rule, safe phenomenon. But just in case, it is better to consult your doctor to rule out gastritis or stomach ulcers.
  • A common side effect is numbness and partial loss of sensation in the limbs (in pregnant women, this is primarily due to difficult capillary circulation, which worsens with abundant platelet production).
  • Also, during pregnancy, diarrhea may begin while taking Dicinon.

Pregnancy - serious occasion Start taking care of your health and the health of your baby. In many cases, the drug can be avoided or limited to a short course.

The threat of abortion is a diagnosis most often made in the first trimester. If it is present, it is important to strictly follow all the doctor's prescriptions: observe bed rest, avoid physical activity, limit contact with others to minimize the risk of emotional distress and stress.

Often the threat of miscarriage is accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina (from barely noticeable spotting to copious). Taking the hemostatic drug Dicinon during pregnancy helps to eliminate this symptom and save the baby.

Characteristics of the drug Dicinon

Dicynon has been used in obstetric practice for many years. It is also used in other areas of medicine: surgery, ophthalmology, urology, gynecology and others (wherever there is a risk of bleeding). The drug eliminates this symptom, regardless of the cause that caused it.

Active substance Dicinone - etamsylate. Its main action is hemostatic, but, in addition, the drug strengthens blood vessels, helps to reduce their permeability and improve microcirculation, accelerates the process of blood clotting.

For the formation blood clot respond special cells - platelets. Dicinon accelerates their maturation in the bone marrow and release into the bloodstream.

In addition, the drug promotes the activation of thromboplastin, a clotting factor present in cell membranes. After the use of Dicinon, vasoconstriction occurs due to the release of prostaclicin PgI2. This mechanism also reduces blood loss.

The undoubted advantage of Dicinon is that, despite a large number of hemostatic mechanisms involved, it does not contribute to the formation of blood clots and does not provoke an increase in blood pressure.

When taking pills healing effect appears after 3 hours intramuscular injection- after 60-90 minutes, after intravenous - after 15 minutes.

Indications for use and release form

Dicynon is indicated as a curative and prophylactic with internal and external bleeding of various origins.

There are several ways to use it:

  • oral (by mouth);
  • intramuscular;
  • intravenous;
  • retrobulbar;
  • local (tampons and gauze bandages).

Dicynon is prescribed in the following cases:

  • to eliminate post-traumatic bleeding;
  • in order to prevent blood loss during surgery;
  • in diseases associated with bleeding ( gynecological pathologies, cerebral infarction, diseases of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract);
  • to prevent hemorrhage in premature babies.

In pharmacies, the drug is presented in the form of tablets and ampoules.

Tablets are available in two versions: the dosage for children contains 0.05 grams of etamsylate (active substance), the dosage for adults - 0.25 grams.

Packing for 100 pcs. costs about 400 rubles. Ampoules are also presented in 2 versions: 12.5% ​​solution of 2 ml, 5% solution of 1 ml. A package for 50 ampoules costs an average of 650 rubles.

Dicynon with the threat of miscarriage

Dicinon during pregnancy can be used in any of the situations that require stopping bleeding or preventing it. More often, the drug is used for the threat of miscarriage, accompanied by vaginal bleeding.

Despite the fact that the use of Dicinon during pregnancy has been successfully practiced in obstetrics for a long time, the instructions for use contain little information about the dangers of the drug for the unborn child. According to her, treatment can be prescribed in cases where the expected benefits outweigh the possible risks.

Doctors prescribe Dicinon not only for profuse bleeding, but also with barely noticeable secretions. This approach eliminates the problem early stages without waiting for deterioration.

With the threat of a miscarriage, Dicinon should not be prescribed independently, since its administration is part of complex therapy. Without a proper approach to treatment, the drug will only "disguise" the problem, exacerbating the situation.

So far there is no data on clinical research, revealing the influence of &Ditsinon& on the formation of the fetus. The decision on the need to take the medicine should be made by the doctor, and the entire course of treatment should be under his control. More about the threat of miscarriage→

Expectant mothers, as a rule, are prescribed Dicinon tablets during pregnancy, the dosage and duration of the course of treatment are selected individually. As a standard, it is recommended to take them in 1 pc. three times a day at regular intervals. Duration of admission - at least 3 days.

Side effects and contraindications

Dicinon is contraindicated in patients with a tendency to form blood clots, hemoblastosis in childhood, acute porphyria, as well as allergies to the components of the drug.

With extreme caution, the drug is prescribed for a history of thrombosis and thromboembolism, even if these diseases are absent at the time of admission, as well as for bleeding caused by an overdose of anticoagulants.

If &Dicinon& is taken during the period breastfeeding the baby is temporarily weaned.

The drug should not be used with congenital glucose intolerance, with lapp lactase deficiency (lactase intolerance in some residents of the North), as well as with glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome.

Side effects occur with an overdose of Dicinon and disappear after its withdrawal. Heartburn, nausea and epigastric pain, lowering blood pressure, migraine, numbness and tingling in the legs, redness of the face may appear.

The threat of abortion is a complication, one of the symptoms of which is vaginal bleeding. To eliminate them, Dicinon, a hemostatic drug that acts in several directions at once, can be used as part of complex therapy.

It not only accelerates blood clotting, but also strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves microcirculation. At correct reception, as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor, Dicinon tablets and injections during pregnancy effectively eliminate bleeding.

especially for Mama66.ru

If you have been prescribed Dicinon with a threat of pregnancy, then you should not think and doubt. In combination with other drugs, this will help save the baby. But if you decide to use this tool on your own, simply because you have a daub, then this should not be done: it is likely that spotting does not threaten your pregnancy.

In general, Dicinon is prescribed to pregnant women quite often, but this medicine is by no means suitable for self-medication. Does it hide harm or danger during the period of bearing a child? An exciting question, but this case not the most important, because sometimes without similar treatment cannot be dispensed with.

How Dicinon works during pregnancy: instructions

Dicynon refers to pharmaceutical group hemostatic, antihemorrhagic drugs - that is, drugs that have a hemostatic effect. The active substance - etamzilat - stimulates the production of platelets (blood cells involved in the process of blood clotting), promotes their release from the bone marrow and concentration at the site of vascular damage, and also activates the formation of thromboplastin (an enzyme that promotes blood clotting on inner walls capillaries when they are damaged). This is necessary in cases where it is necessary to prevent bleeding in case of damage to blood vessels.

In connection with this action, Dicinon is very widely used in gynecology and obstetrics (including during pregnancy on different terms gestation), as well as in other branches of medicine in the treatment of conditions that threaten internal blood loss.

Why is Dicinon prescribed during pregnancy

The main reason for this appointment is bleeding resulting from detachment of the fetal egg or placenta. Such a situation always threatens to terminate the pregnancy, and in some cases it threatens not only with the loss of the unborn child, but also with the health problems of the expectant mother.

Danger is indicated by spotting (spotting, brown and especially scarlet, red), which may be accompanied by other dangerous signs (pulling pains lower abdomen or lower back, fever, etc.).

Is it possible to take and inject Dicinon during pregnancy: contraindications

The drug is available in tablets and ampoules for intravenous or intramuscular injection. If the situation is critical and requires immediate relief of bleeding, then Dicinon during pregnancy is administered intramuscularly, and sometimes intravenously (injections act faster than tablets). After stopping bleeding in a hospital, a tablet form is more often used to continue therapy or for home treatment.

The instruction to the drug contains a warning that Dicinon during pregnancy can be used only according to indications, when there is an urgent need for this, or when the benefits of such treatment exceed it. probable harm. This means that official Scientific research for influence medicinal substance on the development of the embryo were not carried out. That is, it is impossible to authoritatively answer the question of whether Dicinon is harmful and dangerous during pregnancy. However, over the course of many years of practice of its use with the threat of termination of pregnancy, no negative consequences was not identified.

In addition, there are other reasons why pharmacists and doctors prefer to play it safe.

Firstly, daubing during pregnancy does not always indicate danger. Spotting vaginal discharge, in particular, can normally occur on days when a woman has had menstrual bleeding. Also, in the early stages, the appearance of minor blood fragments in the secretions may occur during the period of implantation of the ovum into the uterine cavity. Such situations do not threaten anything and do not require any treatment, except for a little more caution and a little less activity in everyday life.

Secondly, Dicinon only prevents the onset dangerous bleeding and stops what has already arisen. But he does not eliminate the reasons for which there is a threat of miscarriage, and they can be very serious: detachment of the fetal egg, abruption or placenta previa, a miscarriage that has begun during an ectopic or missed pregnancy, progesterone deficiency, and others. This means that the very reason must be found and eliminated - Dicinon alone is not enough for this. Usually, this drug is prescribed in combination with others (it can be No-shpa, valerian, Magne B6, progesterone-containing drugs, etc.) and with mandatory bed rest.

Therefore, competently assess the situation and prescribe a safe effective therapeutic regimen only a specialist is capable - a woman should not resort to taking Dicinon when smearing on own initiative to myself (and developing fetus) do no harm.

The instructions indicate that against the background of treatment with this remedy, side effects may occur: blood pressure, dizziness and headaches, heartburn and nausea, decreased sensitivity in the limbs, redness of the skin (in particular the face) and other allergic reactions.

If for some reason Dicinon (or Etamzilat is the same medicine) is not suitable or contraindicated for a pregnant woman, then other drugs with similar action(for example, Vikasol or Traneksam). Contraindications to treatment with Etamsylat are increased clotting blood, a tendency to form blood clots, exacerbation of porphyria, as well as individual intolerance active ingredient. Cannot be applied this medicine to stop bleeding caused by an overdose of anticoagulants.

In other cases, Dicinon can be used in the early stages, in the second and third trimester, if any. medical indications, and if such treatment is carried out as prescribed and under the supervision of a physician.

How to inject and how to take Dicinon during pregnancy: dosage

Actually, we have already found out that no amateur activity in this case is unacceptable, unless the doctor advised you to resort to the help of Etamzilat at the slightest appearance of blood. In this case, he will describe in detail the scheme and course of treatment and tell you how much to take Dicinon tablets during pregnancy, because in each case the appointments will be different. Usually prescribed 1 tablet 3 times a day, but the universal scheme is not always applicable.

An exception can only be cases when a threatening situation has arisen (scarlet or red bleeding has begun), and there is no opportunity to urgently see a doctor. In this case, it is best to use Dicinon injections with a threat of pregnancy as ambulance(2-3 ampoules at once, and if the bleeding does not stop after 3-4 hours, then it is necessary to inject 2 more ampoules) in order to achieve the desired effect as quickly as possible.

Dicynon during pregnancy: reviews

Despite the presence of side effects, contraindications and warnings, Dicinon during pregnancy and before its onset is used by many women, many of them continuously for several years, with every menstruation. And they do not note any pronounced negative effect of the drug on their body, adverse reactions do not appear.

Pregnant women would rather risk taking the pill than losing the baby. Therefore, in situations where Dicinon is prescribed with a threat of miscarriage, they usually follow the therapeutic regimen prescribed by the doctor.

Especially for - Elena Semenova

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