Hard swelling on the right testicle. Clinical course of the disease. I stage seminoma

A tumor of the testicles in men is called seminoma, most often it is malignant.

In the occurrence of testicular tumors in men, two provocative moments are distinguished. The first moment is cryptorchidism, or undescended testicle into the scrotum. Almost a quarter of all patients with seminoma have this anomaly.

The second point that provokes the development of a testicular tumor is testicular atrophy and disorders hormonal background in male body related to atrophy.

Before the age of ten, seminoma can develop due to too much production of androgen hormones. This phenomenon indicates too rapid puberty. AT childhood Seminoma is extremely rare.

Symptoms of a testicular tumor in men

At the very beginning of the disease, seminoma does not make itself felt. As a rule, men independently find the presence of a seal in any testicle. The affected testicle rapidly increases in size, with tension causes severe pain. The seminoma itself is not the cause of pain, the pain manifests itself after being affected by the tumor spermatic cord. After that, the testicle is strongly compacted and deformed. At the next stage in the development of seminoma, fluid begins to collect in the scrotum, further deforming the genitals. With cryptorchidism, Seminoma can be detected by probing in the groin canal. In this place it is compacted and causes pain. If a seminoma occurs when the testicle is in the abdominal cavity, then it can reach a very impressive size and occupy more than half of the entire abdominal cavity.

As long as the seminoma does not extend beyond the scrotum, the man does not show symptoms of the disease. Although in some cases there may be a problem with sexual arousal, breast enlargement is very rare.

Diagnosis of a testicular tumor in men

As a rule, the diagnosis of seminoma of the testicles consists in examining the male genital organs, in particular the scrotum. One such examination can give enough information about seminoma. If the patient does not suffer from cryptorchidism, but there is no symmetry of the testicles on the face, then the urologist feels the area of ​​the scrotum. These manipulations also serve as a source of information for the doctor. As a seminoma develops, fluid often accumulates in the scrotum. If necessary, the urologist removes fluid from the scrotum with a puncture needle and examines the organs.

Ultrasound examination plays a significant role in the process of diagnosing seminoma. Ultrasound makes it possible not only to detect seminoma, but also to establish its degree and extent.

The X-ray machine makes it possible to determine only the growth of metastases. Typically, the method is used excretory urography. In its process, a study of the kidneys and urinary tract by penetrating the blood with contrast fluid and taking x-rays.

The most reliable method for diagnosing seminoma on this moment is a biopsy followed by a cytology study.

Treatment of testicular tumor in men

Therapy for seminomas of a malignant nature is a surgical intervention. An operation is performed to remove the affected testicle. In the vast majority of cases, this operation is enough to solve the problem with the tumor. Sometimes the entire spermatic cord needs to be removed. If metastases are present in the lymph nodes, then surgical intervention for lymphadenectomy is performed.

Irradiation is also used to eliminate metastases, in particular in the form of radiation exposure to the conglomerate lymph nodes if they are not to be deleted.

Quite often, chemotherapy is used to solve the problem with seminoma, especially if the testicular tumor is malignant.

Testicular tumors account for about two percent of all neoplasms in men. Testicular cancer in men is the second most common malignant neoplasms in the representatives of the stronger sex aged 20-34 years. The article will describe the causes of this pathology, symptoms and characteristics as well as diagnosis and treatment. It should be understood that not all tumors in the testicles are malignant. Thanks to the information presented in the article, a man will be able to independently draw preliminary conclusions about the nature of the tumor.

Causes of testicular tumors

If the eggs of a man are swollen, the causes of this pathology in most cases remain unclear. Predisposing factors for the appearance of testicular disease are dysgenesis and undescended testicles. Often the cause of the pathology is associated with an organ injury, although a direct causal relationship has not been established.

Testicular swelling is sometimes associated with the following conditions:

  • Down syndrome;
  • prenatal estrogen therapy;
  • Klinefelter syndrome.

Men with testicular cancer have bilateral gynecomastia. This increase in the mammary glands is due to an imbalance of androgen-estrogen. The reason for this lies in the fact that the elements of the tumor produce the hormone hCG, which stimulates the production of estrogen in the male body.

If the right testicle is swollen in a man, the causes of the pathology are as follows (the same can be said for swelling of the left egg):

  1. The risk of developing the disease genetic predisposition is 70 percent.
  2. Undescended testicles and their constant stay at elevated temperatures contribute to the appearance of local pathologies that predispose to tumor processes in the organ.
  3. After an injury, due to tissue deformation, a sluggish pathology persists, which leads to the appearance of a benign or malignant tumor.
  4. Endocrine disorders affect the functioning of the reproductive system and provoke the growth of pathological cells.

Symptoms and signs of testicular tumors

A tumor on a testicle in a man is germinogenic or formed from Leydig cells. Testicular neoplasms are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the man will not only swell up the testicle, but will also have bursting sensations in the organ;
  • pain and sensitivity of the scrotum;
  • gynecomastia;
  • hydrocele;
  • on examination, they notice that the testicles differ in size.

A malignant tumor on the testicle in a man is manifested by symptoms characteristic of any oncology in the stage of metastasis:

  • bone pain;
  • pain in the back;
  • inguinal lymph nodes increase;
  • neurological dysfunction;
  • on the background distant metastases retroperitoneal and supraclavicular lymph nodes increase.

If a man is swollen left testicle or the right testicle due to the formation of a neoplasm from Leydig cells, then the symptoms of the pathology are as follows:

  • premature puberty;
  • rapid growth and formation of sexual characteristics (secondary);
  • in mature men, the testicle may swell;
  • decreased libido;
  • gynecomastia.

If the left testicle or right testicle is swollen, then, depending on the stage of the malignant process, there are the following symptoms:

  1. For the first stage characterized by the absence of pain. The process is localized only in damaged tissues and does not cause discomfort to the patient. Usually, pathology is detected by chance during examination for another reason. Sometimes the scrotum may swell slightly. One testicle will increase in size relative to the other. As the disease progresses, the density of the scrotum changes.
  2. If the right testicle is swollen, then at the second stage organ enlargement is more noticeable. In this case, metastases are formed in other tissues and retroperitoneal lymph nodes. Now the man himself notices that the testicle has increased in size and hurts. There are problems with urination, as a growing tumor compresses the urinary canal. In the region of the scrotum and retroperitoneal space, drawing pains. In the testicles, heaviness and tension are constantly felt, which do not disappear even at night.
  3. For the third stage characterized by active metastasis to distant areas of the body. The testicles double or triple in size. The scrotum turns blue and red, and on its surface is clearly visible vascular network. The affected organ loses its sensitivity. The symptoms characteristic of all cancer pathologies are added: weight loss, general weakness, loss of appetite, fast fatiguability, headache.

Differential Diagnosis

If the testicle is swollen, then oncological pathology is sometimes confused with orchitis or epididymitis. Since the spermatic cord also becomes inflamed during epididymitis, it is important to feel it for diagnosis. With epididymitis, it will be painful and indurated. Fever and pyuria also help to distinguish the disease.

Important! A hydrocele is often concomitant symptom neoplasms of the testicle, therefore, after aspiration of the hydrocele, a repeated thorough examination of the organ is indicated.

If the husband’s egg is swollen, what kind of disease, only the doctor will say, because the disease is often confused with:

  • hematomas;
  • inguinal hernia;
  • hematocele;
  • spermatocele;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • varicocele;
  • syphilitic gum;
  • tuberculosis.

To make a final diagnosis, the following studies are carried out:

  1. History taking, examination and palpation. It is important to assess the size of the organ, the density of the scrotum, and also to identify an increase in lymph nodes.
  2. Ultrasound will help determine the size and location of the tumor.
  3. Aiming radiography is needed to assess the condition of the surrounding tissues, as well as to identify the form of the neoplasm.
  4. MRI and CT allow you to study the structure of tissues in layers.
  5. A biopsy is needed to identify the form of cancer and its stage.

Treatment of testicular tumors

Testicular neoplasms should be treated by an oncologist. Therapy depends on the stage of the disease. At the first stage radiation therapy is shown. With its help, inflammation in the tissues of the organ is quickly eliminated, lymph nodes are reduced. Relapse of the disease occurs in only five percent of patients.

In case of recurrence of pathology, combined treatment with prompt removal neoplasms and the affected organ. The inguinal and seminal canals intersect. Combined treatment gives a 100% positive result.

The choice of treatment tactics in the second stage depends on the degree of enlargement of the lymph nodes. With their increase by no more than 5 cm, radiation therapy is prescribed. For large metastases, complex treatment using chemotherapy and radiation exposure. Sarcolysin is administered intravenously at a dose of 50 mg once a day for seven days. The total course dosage is not more than 300 mg.

Important! At the third stage, radiation exposure is prescribed in combination with induction chemotherapy. The effect is shown in the VER and EP modes. Usually 4 courses are held with a break of two weeks.

How to identify testicular cancer?

Most often malignant process affects the left organ and is detected in the second or third stage. It is at this stage that one can see dangerous symptoms oncology and draw conclusions that a man has testicular cancer:

  1. The first symptom is associated with a lack of sexual desire or its decrease.
  2. Usually available oncological process indicates enhanced growth hair in the back, face and arms of a man.
  3. Pain in the groin and lower abdomen is also characteristic of cancer.
  4. Problems in sexual life are manifested by the lack of orgasm, unpleasant sensations with ejaculation and discomfort during erection.
  5. Breast pain and breast enlargement (gynecomastia) are reasons to see a doctor.
  6. A man himself can feel the scrotum and identify areas with seals, hardening, nodes, swelling and other neoplasms.
  7. It is also worth paying attention to the presence common symptoms oncology: weight loss, poor appetite, indigestion, weakness, malaise.

Specific symptoms directly depend on the stage of the pathology. Sometimes symptoms are associated with systemic disease therefore, at the slightest suspicion of the presence of a neoplasm in the testicular area, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

Cancer of the testicles (or testicles) is called a malignant neoplasm formed from the cells of the gonads of a man. Most often, such tumors are detected in young people up to 35-40 years old or adolescents. According to statistics among all cancer the share of these malignant neoplasms is about 2%, and the main insidiousness of this dangerous disease lies in its rapid progression. That is why it is extremely important for every man to be attentive to his health and to notice signs in time that indicate possible defeat testicular tumor.

In this article, we will introduce you to the main causes, varieties, symptoms and methods for diagnosing and treating testicular cancer. This information will help to suspect the development of the disease in time and start the fight against the tumor.

The reasons

Smoking and alcohol consumption increase the risk of developing testicular cancer.

The exact causes of the development of a malignant tumor of the testicles are still unknown, but oncologists identify a number of predisposing factors that contribute to the appearance of a neoplasm:

  • heredity (the presence of testicular cancer in a grandfather, father, brother);
  • benign teratoma;
  • scrotal injury;
  • Klinefelter's syndrome;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, marijuana use);
  • transferred with complications (for example, orchitis) in childhood;
  • physique (tall and thin men get sick more often);
  • exposure to harmful external factors: radiation, high temperatures, vapors of hydrocarbons, oil, etc.;
  • lack of regular sex;
  • previous surgeries to remove cancerous tumor testicles.

According to experts, testicular cancer is 10 times more likely to be detected in men with cryptorchidism. And according to statistics, this disease is 5 times more common among residents of Europe (especially in Scandinavia and Germany) and is less common among residents of Africa and Asia.

Classification and stages

About 95% of testicular tumors begin their growth from germ cells (i.e., from those from which spermatozoa are formed) and are called germ cells. They are divided into two types:

  • seminoma - about 40%;
  • nonseminoma tumors - about 60%.

Seminomas are formed from germ cells on early stage their development. And nonseminomas can begin their growth from various types cells and consist of several of their types. They grow faster than seminomas.

Nonseminoma testicular tumors include:

  • malignant teratoma - grows from germ cells that differentiate inside the testicle into muscle, nerve or cartilage tissue;
  • embryonic cancer - grows from mature germ cells;
  • choriocarcinoma - the structure of such a tumor is similar to the placenta, is rarely detected and belongs to high-grade tumors;
  • neoplasm yolk sac- grows from the cells of the yolk sac present in the embryo.

The remaining testicular cancers are non-germinogenic (i.e., formed from the stroma of the testicle) or mixed. Non-germinogenic neoplasms include the following varieties:

  • sarcoma;
  • sertolioma;
  • leidigoma.

Experts distinguish the following stages of the cancer process in case of testicular damage:

  • I - the neoplasm is limited to the testicle and there are no signs of metastasis to the lymph nodes and other organs;
  • II - the neoplasm is limited to the testicle, there are metastases in the retroperitoneal lymph nodes, no metastases are detected in distant organs;
  • III - the tumor spreads beyond the testicle, metastases are present in the regional lymph nodes and distant organs (lungs, kidneys, liver, brain).


As a rule, the first sign of testicular cancer is a hardening of the gland. When it is probed, a painless nodule is found, and in a quarter of men there is a sensation of discomfort, heaviness or soreness in the affected testicle or scrotum. Sometimes present Blunt pain lower abdomen. All these initial signs testicular cancers are nonspecific and resemble the symptoms of acute orchiepididymitis.

Later, the man develops other symptoms of the disease:

  • an increase in the size of the testicle;
  • pain in the groin;
  • change in the texture of the testicle (soft or hard);
  • loss of tactile sensitivity in the testicle;
  • changes in the urine stream.

As the tumor grows, the man develops general oncological symptoms:

  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • lethargy;
  • rise in temperature, etc.

Other symptoms of testicular cancer are associated with tumor metastasis:

  • with intestinal damage - signs;
  • with damage to the retroperitoneal lymph nodes and compression of the nerve roots - pain in the lower back;
  • with damage to the inferior vena cava and lymphatic tract -;
  • with damage to the ureters - and signs of renal failure;
  • with damage to the lymph nodes of the mediastinum - shortness of breath and cough.

With non-germinogenic cancerous tumors of the testicles in a man, hormonal disorders. They lead to the following symptoms:

  • excessive hair growth on the face and body;
  • enlargement and slight soreness of the mammary glands;
  • frequent erections;
  • voice mutation;
  • decreased libido;


Regular self-examination (palpation) of the scrotum will help a man to identify the disease on initial stage.

The first signs of testicular cancer may not manifest themselves in any way, but a man can identify them himself by conducting regular self-examinations:

  • examine the scrotum in front of a mirror - it should not have areas of redness or swelling;
  • hold the testicle with four fingers, and thumb perform its probing - it should not have seals and nodules, it should be of the same consistency;
  • repeat the same steps on the other testicle.

If signs of testicular cancer are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor for a more detailed examination. For this, the patient may be assigned the following types of diagnostic studies:

  • Ultrasound of the scrotum - allows you to identify the tumor, its location, size and degree of invasion;
  • diaphanoscopy - translucence of tissues with a beam of light makes it possible to distinguish a neoplasm from a hydrocele, an appendage cyst and a spermatocele;
  • CT - allows you to identify the tumor, its location, size and degree of invasion;
  • X-ray contrast studies - allow you to identify the tumor, its location, size and degree of invasion;
  • MRI - allows you to determine the type of tumor (seminoma or non-seminoma);
  • analysis for serum tumor markers (hCG, AFP, PSHF and LDH) - such studies are reliable only in half of the cases;
  • testicular biopsy and morphological examination of biopsy tissue - allow you to determine the type of tumor cells.

To detect metastases, the following types of studies can be prescribed:

  • chest x-ray;
  • osteoscintigraphy;
  • CT and MRI of the brain.


The tactics of testicular cancer treatment is determined by the stage of the tumor process and the histological type of the tumor. The main way to deal with neoplasm is to surgical removal, and additional - radiation and chemotherapy. standard surgical treatment testicular cancer is radical orchiectomy, which, if necessary, is supplemented by lymphadenectomy. The possibility of performing organ-preserving interventions is considered only if it is possible to preserve the gland (at the initial stages).

For seminogenic tumors Stages I-II after performing an orchiectomy, the patient is prescribed radiation therapy of the lymph nodes. And with a more common cancerous process, chemotherapy and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection are recommended. Such an intervention can be performed traditionally or with the help of laparoscopic equipment.

For non-seminogenous tumors at stage II, orchiectomy is recommended, and radiation therapy, which is ineffective for such tumors, is not prescribed. For destruction cancer cells and to prevent the recurrence of the tumor, the patient is prescribed chemotherapy and removal of the retroperitoneal lymph nodes (sometimes such an intervention can only be recommended based on the results of chemotherapy). In addition, such patients are recommended a longer dispensary observation, because the risk of recurrence is about 20%.

Depending on the stage of the cancer process and the type of tumor in testicular cancer, the patient may be recommended from one to four courses of chemotherapy. Cytostatics are administered intravenously, and the duration of the course is 3 weeks. The following drugs may be included in the treatment protocol:

  • Bleomycin;
  • Carboplatin;
  • Vinblastine;
  • Paclitaxel;
  • Cisplatin;
  • Etoposide etc.

External radiation therapy is used to irradiate the iliac and retroperitoneal regional lymph nodes in testicular cancer. The same method of treatment can be recommended for patients with distant metastases (for example, to the brain).

Such A complex approach in the treatment of testicular cancer, it can cause a temporary or irreversible impairment of the patient's reproductive function. That is why the doctor always warns the patient about these possible consequences, and men who want to have children are offered sperm cryopreservation.


Prognosis for testicular cancer depends on the following factors:

  • stage of the cancer process;
  • neoplasm histotype;
  • correctness and completeness of treatment.

At stages I-II, the probability of recovery is observed in 90-95% of patients. At later stages, with the appearance of tumor invasion into the lymph nodes and distant metastases, the prognosis is significantly worse.

Restoration of childbearing ability after treatment is observed in about half of men. It is impossible to individually predict such an outcome in each patient, and therefore experts recommend that patients who wish to have children in the future do sperm cryopreservation.

Which doctor to contact

If seals or nodules are detected in the testicle, you should contact a urologist, who, after a series of examinations and the appearance of suspicions about the likelihood of developing a cancerous tumor, will refer the patient to an oncologist. To confirm the diagnosis, the following types of studies can be prescribed: ultrasound, CT, MRI, contrast radiography, biopsy with histological analysis tissue biopsy, etc.

Cancer of the testicles is rare, but this is not a mitigating factor, because a man who has been diagnosed with testicular cancer can burn out in 3 years from the moment of the disease. Because of this, it is worth taking responsibility for your health and being able to prevent illness in advance. To do this, you need to know the main symptoms of testicular cancer in men.

What are we dealing with?

Testicular cancer is a malignant tumor that can form unpredictably. This tumor appears in the gonad, in the future it can spread throughout the body. Specifically, it develops in such organs as the head and Bone marrow, liver, lungs. According to statistics, most often malignant tumor testicles are found in men aged 15 to 35 years. Diagnosis is carried out using diaphanoscopy, ultrasound of the scrotum and testicular biopsy. During the treatment of testicular cancer, the patient undergoes a unilateral or bilateral orchidectomy, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Prognosis of the disease may depend on its stage and histological type. Symptoms of testicular cancer in men will be discussed below.

Type of cancer

Cancers of the testicles are divided into the following classes:

  • The germ cell tumor is formed from the seed of a man and is the most common.
  • A non-germinogenic tumor is formed from the stroma of the testis.
  • A mixed tumor may contain cells of both of the above types.

Why can testicular cancer develop in men?

Symptoms (photo can be seen in our article) this disease there are, they only appear on late stage. But what is the cause of the pathology?

It’s hard to say what exactly can cause testicular cancer, but there are some patterns and factors in the appearance of this terrible disease:

  • The majority of patients are men with tall and lean physique.
  • The presence of an immunodeficiency virus can increase the risk of developing a malignant tumor.

  • Often, patients with testicular cancer are people who belong to the white race, while the average African American or Asian suffers from such a pathology ten times less often.
  • Scrotal injury.
  • Endocrine pathology.
  • After exposure to radiation.
  • Inheritance of oncology.
  • Congenital underdeveloped testicles.
  • Twisted testicle.
  • Often oncology manifests itself in smokers dependent on nicotine.
  • Early puberty can also provoke the disease.

Symptoms of testicular cancer in men

Testicular cancer is often caused by hardening of the genital tissue, which causes them to enlarge. Such processes can proceed both painfully and painlessly. In this case, the patient complains of pain in the abdomen, in the scrotum, swelling of the testicles. There may be signs such as lethargy, weight loss, a temperature in the region of 37.5 C. The scrotum begins to swell and may noticeably increase in size. The patient may notice partial or complete absence sexual attraction to opposite sex. Symptoms also appear in mammary glands and their increase, growth accelerates hairline on the head and body. There is a cough and shortness of breath.

In case of testicular cancer in men, the symptoms (photos of organs confirm the presence of pathology) are varied:

  • There is a compaction of the tissue of the genital organs, which is not always accompanied painful sensations.
  • Deformation of the genitals.
  • Swelling of testicles.
  • There are pains in the area of ​​the seminal canal and in the lower abdomen.
  • There are painful sensations in the dorsal and thoracic regions.
  • Dyspnea.

These are the main signs of testicular cancer in men.

What else happens when you get sick?

Bleeding necrosis may also develop tumor tissue, in this case, the pain can be very noticeable, and every tenth man who has developed testicular cancer complains about it. With the accumulation of metastases in the lymph nodes abdominal region observed severe pain in the lower back. If the formation of a tumor begins to spread metastases to the bone marrow, this is also accompanied by pain. In those cases when the tumor masses are outside the initially infected organ, this changes the patient's condition as a whole. This state is expressed elevated temperature, fatigue, lack of energy. This is how cancer of the right testicle in men manifests itself. Each person's symptoms may be different.

Some formations in the tissues behave quite aggressively. Such manifestations can be damage to organs such as the lungs, liver, bone marrow, brain, skin and lymph nodes.


A man himself is able to determine testicular cancer in its first stages. This can be done with normal probing. If it began to look somehow different, too hard or soft, swollen, bumpy, changed shape or size. Illness can make itself felt painful sensations. At the first suspicion of this insidious disease you should contact a specialist for diagnostics. When a man goes to the clinic on time with his problem, it is much easier to solve it, and if you ignore the suspicious symptoms of the disease, the outcome can be quite deplorable.

We examined the symptoms of testicular cancer in men, we will deal with the consequences.

What could be the consequences?

With the manifestation of oncology on early stages the patient has big chance in order to recover from the disease completely without any consequences.

But, unfortunately, according to statistics, most of men do not immediately turn to a specialist, but only after a while. AT similar situations the chance of success is greatly reduced. The patient may be offered to undergo an orchiectomy procedure, that is, to remove the affected testicle, in which case men develop an inferiority complex in themselves. But outwardly, the problem can be eliminated without problems by implanting a prosthesis in place of the organ that was removed. Removal of both testicles is accompanied by infertility. Some patients may develop a tumor on the other testicle. Chemotherapy can cause complications, in addition, it causes nausea, vomiting, hair loss. The treatment of the disease should not be delayed, as it tends to progress rapidly and spread to other organs, this can lead to lethal outcome. This is dangerous testicular cancer in men.

Symptoms, consequences of the disease, of course, are terrible, but timely diagnosis and treatment have great importance for human life.

Diagnosis of testicular cancer

Patient diagnosis is one of milestones on the way to treatment. After a qualitative examination, the doctor can put accurate diagnosis and provide guidance on the next steps. To determine testicular cancer, the doctor first of all performs palpation (feeling) of the scrotum, regardless of the simplicity of the procedure, it provides enough information in order to take subsequent actions.

Diagnostics allows you to examine and determine the affected tissues, and palpation helps to find out what the consistency and size of the testicle is, as well as the location of the focus of the tumor. Palpation should begin with healthy side organ. A malignant tumor most often has tissue thickening and painlessness, but with inflammation of the organ, pain can still occur. It is definitely worth examining the lymph nodes, in which, most likely, there may be metastases. By probing the abdomen, you can detect tumors, and when examining the mammary glands - gynecomastia.

Also exists laboratory diagnostics, which includes the obligatory stage of examining the patient, since an increased content of a certain indicator in the blood can indicate not only the activity of the tumor, but also its dynamic development.

Stages of examination

  • Collection of information and analysis of complaints about the disease (how long ago pains began to appear, where exactly they appear, heaviness in the scrotum, detection of formations in the testicle, an increase in the size of the scrotum).
  • Analysis of the anamnesis (how the disease is tolerated, surgical intervention whether there were injuries in the scrotum).
  • Can oncology pass to the patient by inheritance (identification similar disease relatives of the patient).
  • Tactile examination, palpation of the lower abdomen.
  • The passage of ultrasound (ultrasound examination) of the scrotum will allow you to get a clear picture internal organ and analyze any changes in the body.
  • Walkthrough x-ray examination chest area.
  • Biopsy (examination of the tissue of the genital organ using a microscope) of the testicle.
  • Blood test for hCG levels (beta - hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin).
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging, one of the ways to get a diagnostic image, it is safe for the human body).
  • CT ( CT scan, X-ray examination, which allows you to get an image by displaying it on a computer screen).
  • You can also consult with an oncologist.

How to treat?

We examined what are the symptoms of the disease "testicular cancer" in men. How many live with it? If not treated, then average duration life from 1 to 3 years.

Testicular cancer can respond well to therapy even when the tumor has begun to spread metastases. But it is best to consult a doctor as soon as you notice any symptoms of the disease. Delaying the trip to the doctor, you can wait until it is too late to do anything during the appointment with the oncologist. Therefore, the sooner you see a doctor, the higher the likelihood of success for a full recovery.

The main method of treatment is surgery. The tissue where the cancer has spread is removed. After the removal of the testicle, the patient undergoes a procedure of radiotherapy (irradiation of the tumor) or chemotherapy (cure of the patient with the support of anti-cancer drugs). Therefore, it is so important to identify epididymal cancer in men. The symptoms will help.

Determine the type of cancer

It is possible to start therapy only after the type of cancer type has been determined. The localized form is treatable in most cases. This form is sensitive to radiotherapy. Some time after chemotherapy, most of the formations in the tissues gradually disappear over several months. If after a while there are no changes, and the metastases have not disappeared completely, you should undergo a course of radiotherapy or resort to surgical intervention with the subsequent removal of the infected organ.

In the case when nonseminoma or mixed testicular cancer is diagnosed in men, a radical inguinal orchiectomy and monthly monitoring may be prescribed. Chemotherapy is prescribed in cases where abnormalities are still shown after the analysis. Usually, everything is done with the standard chemotherapy procedure, but if this does not give an adequate result, then a more intensive treatment regimen is used and autologous bone marrow transplantation is performed. In the event that a carcinoma is found in patients after a biopsy, radiotherapy will be prescribed, which will give a 100% effect and the patient's recovery.

If signs of testicular cancer are found in men (symptoms are described above), hospitalization and medical supervision are strongly recommended. Self-medication with such a disease is prohibited and can have serious consequences.

What drugs will help cure testicular cancer?

Treatment with pills and other medicines prescribed by a doctor, along with the passage of procedures, brings much more benefit. During therapy, the following drugs are taken:

  • "Cisplatin";
  • "Vinblastine";
  • "Etoposide";
  • "Bleomycin";
  • "Kemoplat";
  • Ifosfamide.

In case of detection of testicular cancer, you should immediately contact such doctors as: oncologist, urologist, surgical oncologist, endocrinologist. At the beginning of treatment, the patient undergoes a series of procedures, the main of which are the collection of tissues for subsequent analysis and palpation of the testicles. If it is enlarged and has a seal, then this warning sign. Compaction and swelling in the scrotum makes it necessary to palpate the other testicle and other lymph nodes. If palpation is difficult, for a more detailed diagnosis, the patient is prescribed ultrasound and diaphanoscopy.

The patient can also be diagnosed during surgical intervention. Urgent morphological studies can often be combined with radical inguinal orchiectomy but not with transscrotal biopsy. The passage of the latter is not recommended, as it has high risk local dissemination.


Now, having sufficient knowledge, it is possible to prevent a malignant tumor at the first signs of the disease. If at least one of the syndromes occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the disease is really detected, then it is easy to eliminate it on early stages development. Timeliness in this case- the guarantee of health!

The article deals with such a disease as testicular cancer in men. Symptoms, treatment, consequences are also described.

This disease is less common than cancer. prostate, and of all cases occurs only in 5% of cancer patients. For example, ovarian cancer in women is more common in 15-20% of cases. The tumor itself is very aggressive and grows rapidly, so the patient himself, without going to the doctor in time, can die quickly.

Testicular cancer in men is a malignant neoplasm that develops very quickly, grows and has unpredictable stages of metastasis. Due to the poorly differentiated tumor and too different cancer cells, it quickly kills young patients up to 30 years old.

It develops from the epithelial cells of the gonad in men. After it goes beyond the boundaries of the organ and begins to metastasize: to the lungs, liver, brain and bones. AT recent times this disease occurs in young men between 16 and 32 years of age. The most common is cancer of one testicle.


  • Non-germinogenic- cells from the stroma of the testicle mutate and grow.
  • germinogenic- the mutation occurs in the seed germinal structures. It is the main disease among all cases. The species itself is divided into two: seminomas and non-semenomas (teratoma, embryonic tumor, chorioncarcinoma).
  • mixed- the tumor includes the two previous types.

Risk factors

According to scientists, exact reasons not yet found, but there are some patterns and factors that increase the chance of getting sick.

  • Hypospadias is a disease in which the organ becomes underdeveloped, and the urethra opens below the head or on the baby itself.
  • skinny, tall men and guys.
  • Smoking for a long time.
  • Benign testicular tumors or cured malignant ones.
  • Torsion of the testis.
  • HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.
  • Work in the oil industry, work with hazardous chemicals, firefighters, etc.
  • Overheating of the genitals.
  • According to statistics, Asians and blacks suffer from the disease less often than white men.
  • Physical inactivity.
  • Cryptorchidism or undescended testis.
  • male infertility.
  • Gynecomastia.
  • Down syndrome, Klinefelter.
  • Puberty ahead of time.
  • Hypogonadism.
  • injury, strong blows, rupture of the scrotum, etc.
  • Nevi, malignant birthmarks.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Malignancy of embryonic benign teratoma in children.
  • Underdevelopment of the testicles.
  • Radiation, ecology and work with harmful chemicals.
  • Genetics.

It occurs more often in men under the age of 10, 20-40 years and older than 60 years.


The first symptoms of testicular cancer are accompanied by the appearance of a dense neoplasm in the form of a nodule. Then it starts to grow and increase in size. In the initial stages, the testis itself is painless.

First symptoms

  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Swelling of one testicle.
  • With a slight pressure on the diseased testis, there is no pain.
  • Fatigue, weakness.

Second symptoms

  • Subfebrile temperature from 37 to 38.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Rapid weight loss.
  • More late signs testicular cancer is already affecting the lung, and coughing and shortness of breath may occur.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes and pain when pressing on them.
  • Jaundice, intercostal pain.
  • Decreased sex drive.
  • If cancer manifests itself in young age, the hair on the face and body appears too early.

Symptoms of cancer of the epididymis

  • Breathing becomes more difficult.
  • The testicle becomes unusually shaped and deformed.
  • Strong enlargement of the organ.
  • Enlargement of lymph nodes throughout the body.
  • Pain in the back and abdomen.
  • Swelling of the penis and scrotum.

How to determine testicular cancer in the first phase? Take off your underpants and stand up, touch both testicles. They must have the same shape. If you notice that one of them has become larger or has become a different shape, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Consider staging according to the TNM system.

Damage to the lymphatic system


As statistics show, men are less likely to see a doctor at the first symptoms of carcinoma. Since she usually appears as common disease. Many suffer or are treated for a common sore. The earlier the disease is detected, the greater the chance of a cure.

Very often at stage 1 complete removal affected testicle (orchiectomy). Because of what the man feels uncomfortable, although one testis may well work in one. Therefore, doctors usually recommend putting a prosthesis instead of a remote one for the patient's psychological peace of mind.

Complications from radio or chemotherapy

  • Irradiation infertility.
  • Violation of immunity, damage to bone structures.
  • Cisplatin, Ifosfamide and many chem. drugs affect the liver and kidneys.
  • After a long course of chemical reagents, a sperm deficiency appears. Goes through long time within 2-4 years.
  • Hair loss, nausea, immunodeficiency and all side effects from and .

NOTE! Despite all these side effects, it is necessary to be treated, as testicular cancer in men progresses very quickly and is fatal.


Primary diagnosis of andrology

  • The doctor palpates the scrotum for an enlarged testicle. When pressed, the patient will not feel pain in the first and second stages.
  • Conducts an external examination and asks what is bothering the patient. Examines the lymph nodes in the groin.

If the doctor has at least some suspicion of a malignant lesion, he directs the patient to other studies.

  1. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound)- You can see the induration and clots inside the testis. At this stage, epididymal cancer is already detected.
  2. MRI, CT— Expensive, but accurate examination. Can see exact size and the shape of the cancerous tumor, consider how much it grows into the nearest tissue, and at what stage the cancer is.
  3. Osteoscintigraphy- see the number and percentage of metastases in the nearest tissues and lymph nodes.
  4. Test for tumor markers- since tissue is usually not taken for biopsy due to the risk of metastases, blood is usually tested for tumor markers.

tumor markers

These substances increase in the blood during the development of the tumor process in the body. Each tumor produces its own specific, and sometimes even common markers into the blood. On them you can see the growth rate, progressivity and the presence of the cancer itself.

NOTE! Markers do not always show 100% cancer, and often tests can give both false positive and false negative rates. So they are taken several times over a long period of time in conjunction with other studies.


Usually when treatment is underway removal of one affected testicle. Plus the lymph nodes closest to the cancer. After deletion is coming a course of chemotherapy and radiation to finish off the last cancer cells that may have been left in the scrotum or lymphatic system. If there is a decline in androgen or testosterone, then hormone replacement therapy is underway.

What influences a good prognosis

  • The first stage - 90% survival, stage 2 - 65%. The earlier cancer is detected, the better.
  • With metastases to the lymph nodes goes big recession complete cure. But five-year survival is 50%.
  • Health, immunity of the patient. Because the immune system also helps fight tumors and metastases.
  • The sensitivity of cancer cells to radiation and chemicals with chemotherapy.

ADVICE! If a man does not yet have children, but he is thinking of having offspring, then you need to freeze your seminal fluid, or as this procedure is also called - sperm cryopreservation.

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