How to understand that a cat is pregnant: the first time is the most difficult. Childbearing age and at what age do cats become pregnant? When a British cat is able to get pregnant for the first time

If a fluffy beauty cat appeared in your house, then most likely various questions arose along with it: how to care, at what age a cat can become pregnant for the first time. Let's learn more and more about the reproductive age of a cat.

When can a cat get pregnant for the first time?

The cat is an early maturing pet. Many pussies can become pregnant and have offspring as early as a year old. The optimal age for puberty in a cat is six to eight months. However, there are individuals who acquire children even at four months. This largely depends on the breed of the cat. But experts consider such a young age of the cat unfavorable and even dangerous for the first pregnancy.

The ability for pregnancy and childbirth in a cat appears in the very first estrus and continues throughout life. The most active reproductive age of a cat is considered to be from two to six years. During this period, giving birth to pussies is even good for their health. After the age of six, the animal can also become pregnant, however, during such childbirth, various complications can occur both in the cat itself and in its offspring. Therefore, veterinarians recommend that a cat become pregnant once a year, in extreme cases, skipping one estrus.

It is possible to notice that a cat has come, or, scientifically, estrus, only by its behavior. She becomes obsessive and restless, and the inviting cries of the animal are heard outside the house. This period lasts about a week. Some cats go into heat every month, others go twice a year. However, the classic frequency of estrus is once every three months.

Pregnancy in cats lasts two months. At first, the animal behaves as usual, and all the changes appear in the second half of the interesting position of the cat. Her belly grows, the size and color of the nipples change: they turn pink and swell. Experts consider this particular sign to be a clear indication of the cat's pregnancy.

When a fluffy, uncastrated young beauty lives in the house, sooner or later the owner is puzzled by the question of what time the cat can become pregnant. Knowledge in the field of physiology, understanding of the characteristics of sexual behavior, the nuances of reproduction will help to competently approach the problem of keeping and breeding a pet.

The cat family is characterized by precocity and fertility. This is true for pets as well. When a cat can become pregnant for the first time will be influenced by a number of factors:

  • pedigree,

  • heredity,

  • individual characteristics,

  • others.

The average cat has her first heat. and with it, the opportunity to become pregnant occurs at 6 to 8 months. Later, large breeds and owners of a long coat mature. In representatives of such breeds as Maine Coon, Bobtail, Siberian, Norwegian Forest cat, the first estrus occurs at 12-14 months. Short-haired breeds, as well as outbred animals, can mature even before 6 months. Often the first estrus is observed at the age of 4 - 5 months. This should be taken into account when keeping a young female in the house.

Large breeds of cats mature later, their first estrus occurs at 12-14 months.

From the moment of the first estrus, the pet is physiologically ready to become a mother and retains this ability for almost the entire sexually mature age. There is no such thing as menopause in the feline family. The reproductive period begins with the first estrus and can last until death. Owners of fluffy pets should know this feature in order to understand that the answer to the question of how many months a cat can get pregnant is quite simple - immediately after puberty.

The task of the owner of the animal is, first of all, to preserve the health of the pet. That is why experienced breeders and veterinarians believe that the first estrus should in no case end in the animal's pregnancy. The young organism should get stronger, be formed. Pregnancy, childbirth and feeding offspring require a lot of strength. Therefore, by the first conception, the female must be absolutely healthy, in good physical shape and fully developed physiologically. In this regard, the question often arises: when can a cat give birth for the first time?

Breeding experts and veterinarians recommend skipping the first 2-3 estrus, and only after that organize mating. For this purpose, an experienced (untied) cat is selected.

After giving birth, estrus in a cat, as a rule, occurs in 1.5 - 2 months. Often, signs of estrus are observed even earlier - 2 weeks after lambing. However, planning another pregnancy should not be earlier than 5-6 months. Even if the previous lambing and childbirth went without complications, the pet must regain strength. bearing kittens

, labor activity is associated with large losses of nutrients and minerals. The mother loses a lot of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, giving these and other components to the formation of the offspring. In addition, the female should regain weight, normalize hormonal levels.

In this regard, responsible and competent breeders recommend planning childbirth in a thoroughbred pet no more than 1 time in 1 - 1.5 years. Such an interval between births will allow you to restore strength, improve health for the next pregnancy.

It is no coincidence that the cat family is considered one of the most prolific. This fully applies to domestic beauties. During the year, a sexually mature cat is able to give birth 4 - 5 times. This frequency is typical for animals that have free access to the street. In the absence of control over sexual behavior, pregnancy can occur even in a nursing cat. This leads to exhaustion, weight loss, spinal curvature, and the development of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs.

If the owner approaches breeding issues responsibly, he will not allow pregnancy in every estrus. There should be a rehabilitation period of at least 4-5 months between births.

Many owners, interested in breeding issues, want to know when cats stop giving birth. Features of the sexual behavior of domestic beauties allow them to continue their feline race throughout their lives, until very old age. Pets in old age give birth, as a rule, to a smaller number of kittens than young animals. Nevertheless, pregnancy also occurs in an elderly cat by cat standards.

The owner must take a responsible approach to breeding and not allow mating of animals older than 7 years. Upon reaching the pet of this age, it should be sterilized. This point of view is shared not only by veterinary specialists, but also by experienced and competent breeders. No self-respecting breeder will get offspring from a cat older than 6-7 years. And this is justified not only by the problems of obtaining high-quality offspring of a particular breed, but by care and love for a fluffy beauty. After all, pregnancy, childbirth, feeding kittens do not add health to an elderly female.

Knowing how cats get pregnant, the owner should also have an idea about the methods of protection. The issues of contraception are especially acute for the owners of thoroughbred animals during the rehabilitation period. There are many oral contraceptives for domestic cats on the pet supply market. The most popular of them are the following:

  • "Sex barrier";

  • "Stop intimacy";

  • "Counter-sex";

  • "Gestrenol";

  • "Libidomin".

Injectable contraceptive

The above hormonal preparations are produced in various forms: tablets, drops, suspensions. The principle of their action is based on the suppression of sexual desire, the prevention of ovulation. Veterinarians do not recommend uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives in cats. Owners should be aware that these drugs are often the cause of the development of a dangerous disease for the animal - pyometra.

There is also a contraceptive in the form of an injection - "Covinan". This hormonal drug eliminates estrus in an animal for about six months. A feature of the drug is its use before the symptoms of estrus are detected. The injection is made in a veterinary institution according to a certain scheme. Like all hormonal contraceptives, "Kovinan" also has contraindications and increases the risk of developing a pathology of the reproductive system.

A loving and responsible owner of a fluffy beauty should know not only what time cats can give birth, but also many other issues related to breeding. It is important to remember that the animal needs a rehabilitation period between births, and that cats older than 7 years are not recommended to have offspring. A competent attitude of the owner to breeding issues will ensure the health and long happy life of the animal.

We recommend reading the article about when catmaybeget pregnant after childbirth. . How to take birth cats| The signs of childbirth cats. How gives birth once a year cat.

InHow manycatmaybeget pregnant for the first time. When catmaybeget pregnant after childbirth, through. How to care for pregnantcat. how to react to. How estrus lasts cats.

Illumination. For that inHow manycats begin to walk, the light regime in the room affects. . InHow manycatmaybeget pregnant for the first time.

Types of contraception for cats. cats are the most prolific domestic animals. For a year female maybeget pregnant up to 6 times, giving birth to 7 - 8 kittens. . How gives birth once a year cat.

Knowing through How manycatmaybeget pregnant after childbirth, however, many owners are faced with an unpleasant fact - nursing cat waiting for the next offspring.

How days cat bears offspring. Experienced owners are aware of How manycat wears kittens. . When catmaybeget pregnant after childbirth, through.

If the owner asks such questions, it means that his pet is growing up and can soon bring offspring. But not always the owners give birth to animals for the purpose of breeding them. This means that you need to take care of contraceptives in advance or find out about the optimal age for breeding offspring, signs of pregnancy, and the features of its course. So, we arm ourselves with valuable theoretical knowledge.

About the puberty of cats

The period of puberty in these animals occurs at 7-9 months. This is the age of the first heat (oestrus). From this time, the female is capable of fertilization. The first estrus is characterized not only by mucous secretions from the animal's loop, but also by a peculiar change in behavior - it is called sexual hunting. The pet begins to yell invitingly, bend its back, roll on the floor, calling the males. She refuses food, shows special tenderness for the owner, if it is a man. Such behavior interferes not only with him, but also with his neighbors, because cats often scream at night. And if in the first days of estrus, which lasts 10-14 days, you do not start using contraceptives, then the cat can simply jump out the window, run away in search of a gentleman.

Breeders do not recommend allowing cats to become pregnant immediately at the first estrus, because their body is not yet quite ready to produce offspring. Kittens can be born weak, inactive, and labor can be difficult. Experts recommend that owners wait for the second or third estrus and then look for a partner for the cat, if pregnancy is planned at all. That is, the optimal age for the first pregnancy of a cat is 1.2-1.4 years.

Features of cat pregnancy

Pregnancy in cats lasts 9 weeks. But deviations in terms are possible depending on the physiological characteristics of the representatives of the breed. If a cat brings offspring before 60 days, then, most likely, the kittens will be weak. Delayed labor activity also negatively affects the process of childbirth and the health of kittens.

But back to the beginning of pregnancy. Unlike women, cats ovulate after mating after 23-30 hours. The number of eggs in cats can vary from 3 to 7. The fertilized cells of the female pass through the fallopian tubes, attach to the walls of the uterus. After a few days, the placenta is formed - a temporary organ that mediates between the mother cat's body and her fetuses. It supplies future kittens with nutrients, oxygen, vitamins.

In cats, as in women, pregnancy does not always occur after sexual contact. If conception did not take place, then the swollen mucous membrane of the reproductive organs of the animal will return to normal, the body will calm down and will prepare for the next estrus.

When pregnancy has come, then its first signs will be noticeable in three weeks.

So, already in three weeks of the term, the pet becomes passive, calm, sleeps more, eats less. She will be more affectionate, gentler, will require increased attention to herself. Three weeks after successful conception, the nipples of the expectant mother turn pink. And this is clearly noticeable just during the first pregnancy.

Also in the third week of the term, the pet may experience vomiting. It is associated with hormonal changes, stretching of the uterus. Toxicosis in cats lasts for several days, and a busy owner may not notice this. And the veterinarian determines pregnancy by palpation on the 20th day after fertilization.

At 4-6 weeks of age, developing embryos grow, put pressure on the pelvic organs, and the cat may urinate more often. From the fifth week, the expectant mother's tummy is significantly rounded.

By the 35th day of gestation, the uterus is filled with fluid, the number of embryos cannot be probed. At the eighth week of the term, putting your hand on the cat's stomach, you can feel the movements of her offspring. The cat during this period becomes restless. She starts looking for a place to nest. And if the owner is attentive, then he will definitely help her with this, find a box with low sides, cover it with an old towel or other cloth, and give her the opportunity to get used to the future "maternity hospital".

Three days before giving birth, a cat may not eat anything at all, and on the eve of childbirth, it begins to follow on the heels of the owner. Her body temperature is 37°. Normally, healthy pets who are well fed and not stressed or traumatized have an uneventful birth.

Every caring owner wants his pet to live as long as possible and feel great. However, what if the cat wants to mate, at what age can she give birth? So at what age can you give birth to a cat?

At what age can mating be allowed?

Few people know at what age cats give birth. In fact, in the wild, animals can start mating as early as six months of age. However, the owner must understand that at 6 months the pet is not quite ready for mating and subsequent births. It is better to follow how the cat goes into estrus, and with what frequency.

It is great if the estrus is regular, lasts no more than a week. In this case, the health of the pet is at a good level. At the same time, a cat during estrus does not show activity, for the most part lies or slowly moves around the house.

Of course, it is not worth mating a pet at this age, since childbirth will be very difficult. Experts recommend waiting at least another year. The optimal age for mating a domestic cat is 2-3 years. At the same time, do not force the pet to do this. If she sees a cat, and she doesn't like him, then nothing can be done about it.

Before you start mating and generally looking for a cat, you need to go to the veterinarian and consult with him on this issue. He will tell you if the cat is ready to become a mother, and how her body will behave during pregnancy? It is very important that such a consultation takes place, because the health of the pet depends on it.

It is important to note that a person should carefully monitor the health of a pregnant cat. Her body is now at maximum susceptible to a variety of diseases and complications. That is why a caring owner will do everything to make the pet feel great even during pregnancy.

How to prepare a cat for mating and childbirth?

At what age can a cat give birth is a problematic question, because pets, like people, develop in different ways. Some pets are ready to produce offspring at the age of one year, while others need more time. of course, it is better to ask the advice of a veterinarian or look on the Internet for signs of a cat's readiness for bearing offspring.

Usually these signs are manifested in behavior. A cat in heat is not at all playful, constantly purring and trying to attract attention. This means that the pet is already ready for childbirth.

Before looking for a cat, it is better to deworm the cat, try to carry out as many tests as possible to confirm her health. After that, it is already worth looking for a partner. It is quite possible to determine when a cat can give birth, but whether a cat is able to produce offspring is a moot point.

It is better to take an older cat who already has experience in such things. If the cat and the cat do not have such experience, they are unlikely to succeed. It is also great if a person asks the owners of the cat about the health of their pet.

A person must understand that the pet's behavior will change immediately after conception occurs. Most likely, the cat will not be as affectionate as before, it will be less willing to allow itself to be picked up. In addition, the cat will eat much more, and her nutritional needs must be fully met in order for the kittens to be healthy.

It is interesting to note that cats are very jealous of their offspring. Sometimes even the owner of the cat does not let the pets until they grow up and get stronger. It is better not to try to pick up a kitten if the cat does not allow it.

Childbirth and their features

Almost all pet owners know how cats give birth for the first time. The fact is that it is impossible to forget! During her first birth, a cat can suffer very much, make terrible and incomprehensible sounds.

It is in their nature to give birth alone, therefore, during childbirth, the cat will take some remote place in the apartment, where it should not be disturbed. Usually pets cope with this process themselves. However, after the birth has passed, it is necessary to provide the cat with food and water. Now she will eat even more so that her milk is enough for all the kittens.

You should also look at how the cat treats kittens. Perhaps someone does not have enough milk or some kitten remains deprived of her attention. It is better to isolate it in advance so that the baby does not die of hunger. Also, an inexperienced cat can accidentally crush the kittens with its body and, thus, suffocate them.

If the owner understands that it is difficult for the cat to give birth, that she is suffering, it is better to carefully pick her up and take her to the veterinarian. Often, during the first birth, pets suffer very much, and they need the help of professionals in this matter. Of course, subsequent times the cat will cope with its natural duties much better and faster.

Of course, the instinct for reproduction is inherent in the nature of any living being. If a person knows how to organize the mating and childbirth of a cat, the process itself will be much simpler and easier. As a result, the cat will not have any problems with childbirth and raising offspring.

Domestic cats are characterized by rapid puberty. Therefore, the question of when a cat can give birth for the first time is very relevant for owners of fluffy ladies.

reproductive process

Readiness to become pregnant occurs in cats immediately after the first estrus. This is a natural process that the owner must pay close attention to, as it is the main regulator of the animal's reproductive behavior. The first estrus in a cat usually occurs at 11-13 months. In the case of hormonal disruptions, it can occur even earlier in 5-9 months. Usually physiological maturation is fixed at 6-8 months.

The exact timing of the passage of the first heat depends largely on the breed.:

  • in long-haired breeds (Angora, Burmese, etc.) at 1–1.2 years;
  • in short-haired breeds (British, Scottish, Siamese, etc.) - at 6 months;
  • in outbred animals - at 4–5 months.

The longest pregnancy recorded in the representatives of the Persian breed of cats. The fastest way to carry babies is in individuals with a light skeleton - Siamese, Orientals, etc.

Optimal age for pregnancy and childbirth

Feminologists believe that you can give birth at the age of 1 year, when the cat's body is fully formed and ready for reproduction. Experienced cat breeders advise skipping the first estrus and bringing animals to mating only after the second. A cat can give birth for the first time at 1–1.5 years. This is the optimal age for the first pregnancy. After 8–9 years, females already have a hard time bearing offspring. Few kittens are born. They often die in the first days of life. Therefore, it is advisable to stop reproduction.

Owners of cats should remember that menopause in animals does not exist. Therefore, cats are able to become pregnant and give birth throughout their lives. Cases have been recorded when kittens were born to 5-month-old cats. As a rule, they were not viable, since the mother herself did not yet have enough strength to bear offspring.

The oldest cat became a mother at the age of 30 years. She brought two kittens in the last lambing.

Experts in the field of feminology advise considering the first estrus in no way as a reason for mating animals, but only as a signal that such a process is possible. In order to choose the right time for the first pregnancy and childbirth, the owner must know exactly what interval occurs and how long the cat's estrus lasts. In a healthy female, estrus lasts about a week.

The first time partners need to be brought together for mating at about 10 months. The exact age depends on the individual characteristics of the female, her puberty. The partner should be chosen experienced (unleashed), then the first meeting with a high degree of probability will end in successful fertilization.

Pregnancy and childbirth are a serious test for an animal and owners should treat them with all responsibility. Primiparous cats do not understand what changes are happening to their body. They are worried and nervous. Due to stressful situations, primiparous cats have a high proportion of pathologies during childbirth.

Birth preparation and assistance

By the first pregnancy, the cat should be normal, have the required weight (2.3–3.2 kg), and be in excellent physical shape. Only under these conditions, her body will be able to easily endure the prenatal period and the feeding of offspring. During pregnancy, it is necessary to closely monitor the health of the expectant mother.

It is very important to help a cat give birth for the first time. The first birth is quite painful, accompanied by severe pain. Young cats are nervous, screaming loudly. Cats give birth for the first time within 2-6 hours. With weak labor activity, babies are born within 1–1.5 days. If the birth is delayed, it is better to carefully wrap the woman in labor and take her to the veterinarian. Doctors know exactly what to do and how to help in this situation.

A new estrus occurs approximately one and a half to two months after lambing. The cat is ready to get pregnant again, but there is no need to speed up this process. Generic activity, feeding babies takes a lot of strength from the female, the body consumes previously accumulated nutrients. If the breeder intends to get strong healthy offspring, then you should not force the cat to give birth often.

Pedigree individuals are recommended to have cubs no more than once every 1–1.5 years. In the presence of comfortable conditions, the female gives 2.1 offspring per year. The researchers found that the interval between spring-summer lambing is 22.5 weeks, and between autumn-winter 28.8.

A cat can get pregnant up to six years old. At an older age, females are capable of fertilization, but conception occurs much less frequently. Kittens often appear weak, unviable. There is a high probability of genetic abnormalities and pathologies. A cat can give birth at an age that is already considered advanced (over 7-8 years old). But the older the woman in labor becomes, the more problems and dangers are associated with bearing offspring. Therefore, experienced breeders try to stop reproduction in fluffy mature ladies.

Thus, the exact answer to the question, how old do cats give birth, depends on a number of factors.:

  • body weight of the animal;
  • genetics;
  • living conditions;
  • the duration of the photoperiod (length of daylight);
  • breeds;
  • nutrition;
  • health status.

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