How the ancient Slavs prayed to their gods. Pagan prayers of the ancient Slavs

Slavic prayers:

The Path of Faith-Veda Orthodox

I believe in the Supreme Family - the One and Many Manifest God,
Source of all that is and that is,
which to all Gods is the Eternal roof.
I know that the World is Rod,
and all the many-named Gods are united in it.
I believe in the trinity of being Rule, Reveal and Navi,
And that Rule is True,
and retold to the Fathers by our Forefathers.
I know that Rule with us, and we are not afraid of Navi,
For Nav has no power against us.
I believe in unity with the Native Gods,
For we are the grandchildren of Dazhgod - the hope and support of the Gods of the Relatives.
And the Gods keep their right hands on our rals.
I know that life in the Great Family is eternal,
and must think about the eternal, walking the paths of the Rule.
I believe in the strength and wisdom of the Ancestors who are born among us,
Leading to the good through our Guides.
I know that strength is in the unity of the Orthodox families,
and that we will become glorious, glorifying the Native Gods!
Glory to the Family and all the Gods that exist in Him!

Prayer of Devotion

Rod the Almighty! Great our God!
You are one and many manifestations, You are our Light and Justice,
You are the spring of Eternal Life, the source of boundless Love, the one that heals the Soul and Body.
We praise You, God of Rule, Reveal and Navi.
And every day we work on our souls,
to be wise and strong,
strong support of Mother Earth
and defenders of their ancient Kin,
for You give us encouragement and joy,
bestow Courage and Fortitude,
you give us the Veda and teach us Patience,
so that we walk the path of our life with honor,
inspiringly fulfilling Your Sacred will.
Glory to Thee, God Almighty! And to all the Native Gods in You!

Unity Prayer

Rode the Almighty, who gave birth to the life of Reveal and Navi!
You are the God of Our Gods and the beginning of the whole Divine Family.
You are Father-Heaven - Svarog, Grandfather of God,
You are the Great Mother Lada - love and the birth of the World.
Like Perun, we see You in many battles,
which leads us to military victories and the affirmation of a righteous life.
You are the holy knight of our Faith - Svetovit, God of Rule, Reveal and Navi.
Yet you are the Great Triglav of our Faith-Veda.
Glory to the Mother Gods!

Prayer of Encouragement

Rod Omnigod! You are Holiness more sacred than all holiness!
The Highest Parent and the Eternal Spirit of Light,
by the movement of your thought in Diva you give birth to many worlds,
Therefore, You are in everything and everything is in You, with Infinite Light You fill souls with everything,
You bless with the Holy Armor for eternal life,
happy are those who know your highest wisdom!
Heavenly parents, Native Gods and Light Ancestors are held,
Sanctity Rule on Earth claiming, they go to the Most Pure Svarga!
Filled with your powers, protected by your holiness,
we live for You, faithfully fulfilling our destiny.
Because You are the highest joy and boundless happiness!
Your love flows to us, with spiritual and bodily gifts, and with every grace,
for we abide in the unity of the Generic Fire,
we sanctify our souls with pure deeds,
We are creating a world of Goodness and Love!
Glory to the Almighty Family!

Prayer "Dazhgod's morning"

The red sun rises, even our God,
The world is illumined with light, filled with joy!
My soul wants grace, for there is I Vnu (chka) to Dazhbozh (s) y.
I look at the sky and my heart trembles with unspeakable joy,
After all, our Dido himself enters my dwelling.
Greetings Sunshine!
Bless my spirit, soul and body,
to be in health and grace.
Without You there is no breath
there is no movement of any on Earth - Makosh!
God bless me for a clear day,
so that all my good undertakings come true, and so that Krivda sinks into the Pit!
Glory to Dazhbog!

Prayer before starting any work

Svarozhe, Dido of the Heavenly Clan,
You are the creator of the Explicit World - the sun, stars and Mother Earth.
In You the power of creation is great,
which is manifested in the masters of our kind
You are the beginning of all good deeds that are born in the hearts,
ripen in the mind and bring their fruits in Reveal.
How can I start without Your blessing?
I pray to the Heavenly Father, may he bless my right cause,
let him inspire with his Light,
so that I create for the good and joy of the White Light, the Orthodox family, and my relatives.
Glory to Svarog!

Prayer at the end of the case

You are the crown of everything and earthly lives, Veles, our God!
May my heart be filled with joy from what has been created,
For my deeds are with a pure heart and bright thoughts.
May my deeds be manifested with good fruits and glory to my family!
Bless Velese, so be it!

Prayers before eating

Option 1

BY THE POWER OF NATIVE GODS And by human labor, food arrives,
He blesses the bodies and souls of Dazhbozh's Grandchildren, sanctifying them with the desire for holiness.
For the good and happiness of the Children of Svarozh, having food, we demand, we create glory for the Great Family!
Glory to the Mother Gods!

Option 2

Glory to the Native Gods, for our daily food,
which is for our joy and for our children for a worthy life.
We ask the Gods of the Native to consecrate food and treat our Ancestors,
so that peace and harmony reign between the Heavenly Clan and the earthly race.
Glory to the Mother Gods!

Option 3

We praise the Gods of the Family, for daily food,
What grants us to create inspired works,
We ask you to sanctify this food
Fill with the Primordial Light for good and happiness to us
And treat the Light Ancestors!
Glory to the Mother Gods!

Prayer before bed.

Rod the Almighty! Your blood children praise you.
As the night steps on the Earth, Veles walks the saint on the Earth.
And our souls go to the Right through Nav,
through a dream deep ancestors are called.
Therefore, Veles the Father, who brought the children to our earthly Ancestor, we ask our souls to be protected from Navi, and to the world of Reveal, like Dazhbog, come healthy and strong in the morning. b
Glory to the Mother Gods!

Prayer of parents for children

The Supreme Family, through Father Svarog and Mother Lada,
You give birth to the existence of the World, manifest in the Gods of the Family and in every creation. Now we are filled with Your holy Spirit, and we call on all your righteous forces!
May the Native Gods come and, through their bodily manifestations, sanctify the souls of the children of our kind, that in the Joy of Svarog, they become united with the Knowledgeable, Savior and Native Gods! Glory to the Mother Gods!

Prayer for the family and children

Rod the Almighty! I call your life-giving Light!
The power of Father Svarog and Mother Lada,
and all the Light Gods, come and bless!
Dana-Voditsa, living spring, bring us health and cleanse our bodies, illuminate our thoughts, as the morning ray of meadows and forests illuminates our natives. Life has been born in you, renew and enrich life in our bodies and souls. May strength be in our family, may our children become ten times stronger, twenty times richer, and hundreds of times wiser than us! So be it! Glory to the Mother Gods!

Prayer of a girl (vest) for marriage

I will get up early in the morning, I will wash my blessing, I will turn to the idols of the Gods and Slavic Goddesses. Lada - Mother, hear me!
There is no wife in the World without a husband, as if there is no Lada in Svarga without Svarog, for the great Pokon of life is destined like that!
Our Blessed Mother of God, I see how the eyes of my spirit have seen the light, I feel a great need in myself, for the peace of my soul! May the face of my narrowed one appear to me, for I realized my path in Reveal! I am ready to accept it and go along the path of life, I see how happiness comes to my house, the children smile and the Sun shines joyfully! I give you blessings, Ladushka!
Glory to the Heavenly Family!

Prayer for parents

We honor our parents and glorify the Gods, we turn to Them,
in order to protect the old age of our parents.
For they have brought us into the manifest world,
taught to give harmony to life, to praise the gods of relatives,
Honor the Holy Land and protect it from the kind of stranger, the dashing eye.
We call our Family, the Father of the Orthodox Gods: take custody of our parents.
May they live out their old age calmly, which Mother Dolya has woven, and easily go to the Gods in their own time.
And to whom there is a need, let them return to Earth and happily again overcome the planned path. Glory to the Mother Gods!

Prayer of husband and wife for the family

Rode the Most High, you, who hold in yourself everything that exists and carries, everything visible and invisible, let us join the spring of Eternal Life, the source of infinite love! God grant that our family union be kind and strong, send us beautiful, healthy and happy children for good and happiness to the whole Orthodox family! Father Svarozh, create our righteous life in your strength and glory, so that they have a good house and magnify the Gods, in unity of spirit and body, unite in the Supreme Family! Great Mother Lada, guardian of the Heavenly Clan and the earthly race, be with us all our lives, may your maternal strength and affection envelop our family and protect it from all evil!
Glory to the Family of Vsebog, Svarog and Lada, and to all Gods and Ancestors!

Wife's prayer for her husband

Rod Omnigod! You are the Creator of the Universe
Source of the Kind of Heaven and the kind of earth.
I praise you and ask you to give my husband good health,
like an indestructible rock, a pure and bright mind, like a mountain source, great strength, courageous disposition,
to stand firmly in life,
shore of our family, loved his children, respected me,
He praised the gods.
Glory to the Mother Gods!

Husband's prayer for his wife

Mother Lada, we praise Your all-embracing love.
You create harmony in the Universe, in the Families of Heaven and Earth, fill our women with kindness and motherhood.
I beg you, give my wife good health, a long life, a gentle disposition, a kind heart. To fill our family with love, raise children, love me faithfully, respect my mother and father, take care of our household.
Let only consent rule in her soul, and words from her lips only flow like a song, and in beautiful eyes, eternal love rules. Glory to Mother - Lada and all Native Goddesses!

Prayer to Mother - Live

Glorious and Trislavna be Alive-Zhivitsa,
Goddess of life and bearer of the Generic Light!
We see how you descend in the rays of Grandfather Dazhbog, enter the sources of our bodies and fill with health, strength and goodness.
Without you, there is no life in a person, but there is only Mother Mara, which announces the end of Yavnaya's life. Now we pray and praise the Light of the Kind of the Most High, which comes with You and radiates through our palms. In that Light, all life exists and outside it is nothing, then the Genus-Generator itself descends in Your face. Glory pours to Thee with a hundred voices, Mother of Life, Mother Alive!
Glory to Zhiva-Zhivitsa!

Our ancestors had great wisdom - they exalted the strong prayers to the ancient gods for good luck, they praised them, but did not ask for anything, did not cringe. An ancient prayer is a tool with which we receive protection, help and support from the God we turn to. Believing that help and support will come, we receive divine power for our spiritual development.
It does not matter whether powerful prayers are said to the ancient Gods for the appearance of money aloud, or a mental message was made and a mental touch to the Deity, all the same, the prayer performs miracles. The main thing is to turn to the Divine Essence with a pure soul, and then the prayer works extremely powerfully. To offer Slavic prayers to the ancient Gods means to tune in to the high vibrations of the Gods, to use their power. Our ancestors followed the path of Rule, strictly observing the commandments of the Sacred Vedas: "Holy honor the Gods and Ancestors, and live according to Conscience in harmony with Nature." Each word of this commandment has a strictly regulated semantic load. Let's try to decipher.

Praise the divine power and use it for your own spiritual growth and improvement.

: Don't do to others what you don't want for yourself.

Living in harmony with nature: harmony it is a subtle relationship with natural vibrations .

Watch the video about the Slavic Gods

Read the text of a strong Slavic prayer to the ancient Gods

The Path of the Orthodox Faith

I believe in the Supreme Family, the One God, the Source of all that exists and carries, which is the Eternal source of all Gods. I know that the Universe is a Genus, that the many-named Gods are united in Him. I believe in the trinity of being Rule, Reveal and Navi, and that Rule is true, and retold to the Fathers by our Forefathers. I know that Rule with us, and we are not afraid of Navi, for Navi has no power over us. I believe in unity with the Native Gods, for we are Dazhgod's grandchildren, the hope and support of the Native Gods. I know that life in the Great Family is eternal, and we must think about the eternal, following the paths of Rule. I believe in the power and wisdom of the Ancestors who are born among us, leading to good through our Guides. I know that strength lies in the unity of the Orthodox families! Glory to the Family and all the Gods that exist in Him!

Miraculous prayer of devotion to the ancient Gods and the glory of the Family

The Most High Family, Our Great God! You are the One and Many Manifestation, You are our Light and Justice! You are the eternal source of life, the spring of boundless love, healing the soul and body. We praise You, God Rule, Reveal and Navi! And we work on our souls in order to be wise and strong, a strong support of Mother Earth and defenders of the ancient race, for You, the Most High Rod, grant courage and stamina, teach patience, so that we honorably walk the path of our life, fulfilling Your Sacred Will. Glory to Thee, God Almighty! And to all the Native Gods that exist in You!

The strong Slavic prayers used by the ancestors will be able to strengthen the family hearth and bring good luck. The power of ancient conspiracies has been tested for centuries, and will bring peace and tranquility if the rituals are carried out correctly.

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What is the power of Slavic prayers and conspiracies?

In Russia, conspiracies were written gradually and all the little things were noticed. More than one year was spent on this and more than one generation worked on magic spells. With any unsuccessful rite, the text changed completely.

The power of ancient rituals was achieved through the following rules:

  1. Achievement in unity with nature. All spells were chanted. Speech should flow like a stream, like a song. The rhythm should coincide with the fluctuations of natural energy. With the singing of birds, the sound of waves, the rustle of leaves.
  2. The witch must be clean. Do not abuse alcohol and tobacco.
  3. Three days before the ceremony, the Old Believer kept a fast and did not indulge in carnal pleasures. I just read prayers and meditated.

Photo gallery

Ancient Slavic amulets helped in business and increased the power of conspiracies.

Solar Cross Rozhanitsa Newborn Ryzhik Amulet of Mokosh

Ancient Slavic prayers to attract prosperity

In order for the house to be a full bowl and finances not to be a problem, you need to use the Old Slavonic conspiracies.

You should pray:

  • Veles;
  • Mokoshe;
  • Dazhdbog;
  • Yarile.

Prayer and ritual Veles

You will need a towel and a banknote (with a large denomination).

Action plan:

  1. Before the holiday - Veles Day (December 6), you should put a bill under the towel.
  2. Say the prayer three times.
  3. In a week to spend money to a penny.

God is rich, wealth is in God, as many stars are in the sky, as many fish are in the water, so much wealth is in me. Veles-Father, come to the family, walk around, and give me, Granddaughter of Dazhdbozhya / Grandson of Dazhdbozhya, give wealth. Glory to Veles! Glory to the Almighty!

Prayer Mokoshe

You can ask for prosperity from Makosh. The goddess will bestow blessings if the prayer was sincere.

Makosha, in Great Glory you come to us from Iriy, creating prosperity for your children. Your hands bow to us with fruitful branches, and we see your smile in the warmth of autumn. You give us rich harvests and we honor and bow to the Holy Land - Makosh - our nurse. With love we glorify You as Your faithful children

The video contains Mokoshe's prayer for happiness. Filmed by universo 989.

Prayer to Dazhdbog

It is best to perform the ritual in a forest or field, if there is no way to leave, then on a balcony or in a room by an open window.

For a conspiracy you will need:

  • a handful of green tea or two candles;
  • a glass of beer (kvass);
  • white canvas fabric.

Action algorithm:

  1. Spread a rag in the place where the ceremony will be performed.
  2. While outside, you should set fire to tea. If at home, then light candles.
  3. The plot is read loudly, three times.
  4. The burning of tea or candles is extinguished with a glass of beer.

God, our Light One! You keep our Earth in the abyss, creating great life and beauty, giving warmth and food to your children. Your love rushes to us with the holiness and wisdom of our Faith. Heeding your caress, we create Your glory, from the earth to Iriy. Let it fly like a clear bird, informing all the Ancestors that we honor and worship the Supreme Sun, the Blood Father - our Dazhbog. Glory to Dazhbog!

Prayer to Yarila

Ritual attraction of wealth will help to attract wealth.

It will require:

  • coin;
  • two red candles;
  • candlestick.

You need to act as follows:

  1. Candles are intertwined with each other and placed in a candlestick.
  2. The coin is placed nearby and the plot is read.
  3. After saying the spell seven times, the coin is removed into the purse. To a branch where no money is kept. Now it is a coin-bait for money.

At the auction of a rich merchant, a good fellow does not count gold and silver,
With a generous hand he dumps him for what he wants,
Yarilo the merchant does not pass by me, he starts dealing with me,
He generously bestows his strength on me and pours his hands full of good luck.
How are you, God Ardent, well done daring, with your power you awaken all living things,
You release from a frozen sleep, you revive you to life, you push you into growth,
So my money channel fills with that rage, it accepts it,
It absorbs into itself and turns it into a profitable business for me,
He does not give back and does not distribute to strangers without asking.
In reality, it pleases me with gifts and the acquisition of what I want.
Day by day my income grows, my profit multiplies,
Money lies in chests and a purse, to the top, to the brim, to excess.
To count money for me - do not count, they come to me like a spring stream:
What was empty - went into growth and gave income,
Profitable was that which did not give money,
Luck and luck go hand in hand with me from now on,
they won't let you turn off the right path.
What I want - I get, what I want - is fulfilled.

Prayers for love and family well-being

Gods associated with love and life can help strengthen relationships in the family.

Conspiracies to the deities about the family:

  • prayer to Dazhdbog;
  • her husband's prayers to Lele for his wife and for the well-being of the family;
  • prayers to Rod for family and wife for her husband;
  • Prayer to Lada husband for his wife.

Prayer to Dazhdbog

Dazhdbog was one of the most revered gods in the pagan pantheon of the Slavs. He provided begging people with various benefits.

The Red Sun rises, Our God, The world is illuminated with light, filled with joy! My soul wants grace, for there is I Vnu (chka) to Dazhbozh (s) y. I look at the sky and my heart trembles with unspeakable joy, because our Dido himself enters my dwelling. Greetings, Sunshine! Bless my Spirit, Soul and body so that I may be in health and grace. Without You, there is no breathing, there is no movement of any on Earth - Mokosh! Bless me, O God, on a clear day, so that all my good undertakings may come true, and Krivda may sink into the Pit! Glory to Dazhbog!

Lele's prayers

Lelya is the deity of spring and love. In family matters, asking for well-being is worth it.

Let the glory be distributed to the Goddess Lele, She is the great joy of our hearts! We see the face of the Heavenly Virgin in Svarga Blue, Her love for the Grandchildren of Dazhbozhy rushes, Filling our souls with life! For we know from time immemorial that there is no life without Love, that it is the source of eternal happiness and inspiration in our exploits. We call thee to the Goddess Lele, so that the souls of the Slavs shine with your gift - Great love! May every soul find its mate with happiness arrives all the days! We will praise you all the days, as you are the All-Bright Rozhanitsa of the Slavic clan! Glory to Lele!

Dear mother Lelya, the red and beautiful Slavic Goddess, You have protected our hearts and eternal comfort for our souls. Wrap your heart in my dear fret (my dear fret) (name), so that we rejoice in the treasure of heaven all the days. In every way, in every bright deed, strengthen her (his) spirit, fill it with the power of love. Let the clear dawns and the red sun bring peace to my soul and firmness of spirit to my fret (my fret), for our love will shine forever. Honor to you, mother Lelya, we are filled with your tenderness, we give happiness to each other. Glory to Lele!

Prayers to Rod

The ancestor of life on earth will not leave his family unattended. A prayer for a husband will protect a partner from the evil eye and give strength.

Rode the Most High, Father of Heaven and Earth! Come to my family and fill it with your grace, as the rivers fill the sea with water, bless it with spiritual and bodily prosperity, as the earth blesses the fields with the harvest. Every day the sun rises, the world illuminates with light and the family (surname) affirms in happiness and strength. Glory to the Almighty!

Rod Omnigod! You are the Originator of the Universe, the Source of the Kind of Heaven and the Kind of the earth. I praise you and ask you to give my husband strong health, like an indestructible rock, pure and bright mind, like a mountain source, great strength, courageous character, so that he stands firmly in life, shores our family, loved his children, respected me, glorified the Gods . Glory to the Mother Gods!

Husband's prayer to Lada for his wife

Lada - Goddess of beauty and love. A husband can ask for the wisdom of his wife, for her beauty.

Mother Lada, we praise Your all-embracing love. You create harmony in the Universe, in the Families of Heaven and Earth, fill our women with kindness and motherhood. I beg you, give my wife good health, a long life, a gentle disposition, a kind heart. To fill our family with love, raise children, love me faithfully, respect my mother and father, take care of our household. Let only consent rule in her soul, and words from her lips only flow like a song, and in beautiful eyes, eternal love rules. Glory to Mother Lada and all Native Goddesses!

Prayers for good luck in business

Strong pagan conspiracies among the Slavs are addressed to Svarog and Stribog. If you need luck in your endeavors, you should ask for help from these patrons. Svarog - the supreme god of the Eastern Slavs loves luck and bestows it on others. Stribog commands the winds, but brings luck in business.

Svarozhe, Dido of the Heavenly Kind, You are the creator of the Explicit World - the sun, stars and Mother Earth. In You, the power of creation is great, which is manifested in the masters of our kind, You are the beginning of all good deeds that are born in the hearts, ripen in the mind and bring their fruits in Reveal. How can I start without Your blessing? I pray to the Heavenly Father, let him bless my right cause, let him inspire with his Light, so that I create for the good and joy of the White Light, the Orthodox family, and my relatives. Glory to Svarog!

Omnipresent Our Father Stribog! I began to fulfill my plan, the cause of light, in order to increase my family in strength, endow me with your Great Power, so that I could clear the path to victory, so that the expanses of my native land would submit to me, so that I could sweep away dashing and enemy obstacles. Let my strength strike enemies like Your arrows, and I will know only victory. Glory to Thee, God of Midnight, Noon, East and West! Glory to your sons - the winds - Stribozhichs! Glory to Your Yari that fills our Universe! Arrive, God, with me in heaven and on earth, in a foreign land and their native land, because I am with You in the fulfillment of the testaments of the Most High! Glory to Stribog!

Prayers for conception and for pregnant women

Goddesses can help in procreation.

Women's conspiracies:

  • Mokoshe's prayers for conception and for a pregnant woman;
  • prayer Live.

Mokoshe prayers

Mokosha is the mother of all living things. She is associated with women in labor and mothers. The goddess patronizes women in position and gives protection.

My Light Mother, Makosh-Mother! Pray for the life-giving power, the holy and bright power, the one that makes the wives of the earthly Mother of God, brings the souls of the Ancestors of our relatives to our world. Bless me, Nanny, and great fertility in the fall, so that I bring my husband's clan Ancestors to Reality, bright and righteous souls, which are in Navi. You are our loving and friendly parent, glorious and triglorious, stay in the earthly family! Give me good health, so that my children are born easily and in joy, so that my heaviness is born as an offspring, to the glory of the Orthodox people. Let the grace of God, bright thoughts and Your wisdom settle in my soul. I should live according to Truth and Honor, with my husband in great love. Glory to Mokosh!

My mother, Mother of God, our Makosha! Bless the fetus in my womb, so that my birth is easy, so that my child grows healthy and strong in me, and is born in joy. All the days, Mother, stay near me, as a protector and champion of women in childbirth of the Orthodox family. I will do prayers and glory to you, as if you are an all-loving and all-good guardian of the wives of the earthly race. Glory to Makosha!

Prayer Live

If you can’t get pregnant, perform this powerful rite.

The actions are:

  1. Pour water into a clay bowl.
  2. Step on the threshold of the house with your right knee and pronounce a conspiracy.

Mother Goddess Live! Fly off yourself, and bless my bosom and send messengers to it: a son, like a falcon, and a daughter, like a swallow.

Then follows

  1. Drink water.
  2. Wash the bosom with the rest.

Other strong ancient Slavic prayers

The most powerful prayers of the ancestors, taken from the book of spells of the ancient Slavs.

Effective protective Slavic prayers:

  • prayer to Rod for protection and inspiration;
  • prayer to Yarila;
  • prayer to Perun;
  • prayer for healing.

Prayers to Rod

Rod will not refuse help if you ask sincerely.

My father, Rod! You are the God of Gods. Take me under your wing. Let no one prevent me from living and working in your Name. You are Perfect, and I am perfecting my Love for You, for I know that Love and justice are the most powerful defense against all evil. I thank You, my Father, for taking care of me and my family.

Rod Omnigod! You are Holiness more sacred than all holiness! The Highest Parent and the Eternal Spirit of Light, with the movement of your thought in the Diva you give birth to many worlds, therefore You are in everything and everything is in You, You fill souls with Boundless Light, You bless with the Holy Armor for eternal life, happy are those who know Your highest wisdom ! They hold on to the Heavenly Parents, Native Gods and Light Ancestors, Claiming the Holiness of Rule on Earth, Going to the Most Pure Svarga! Filled with your powers, protected by your holiness, we live for you, faithfully fulfilling our destiny. Because You are the highest joy and boundless happiness! Your love flows to us, with spiritual and bodily gifts, and with all grace, for we abide in the unity of the Generic Fire, we sanctify our souls with pure deeds, we create a World of Goodness and Love! Glory to the Almighty Family!

Prayer to Yarila

Yarilo is the god of fertility and love. Basically, they pray to him for fertility and life.

God Yarilo, our clear sun, you ride through the sky on a white horse, you bring spring to the land of the Orthodox family. There is no enlightenment either in the sky or in my soul without your life-giving ray. Java has its face in the Blue Sky, and let your spirit tremble in my soul. You are more, our God, the Father of the brave and victorious, you are a mighty knight, who creates a man from a young man. I beg you, Father, drive the Bashurs away from my family, light up the house and bless the relatives! May I be in unity, Yarile, with the Ancestors and Gods, inspired by you on my way, step boldly and victoriously! Glory to Yarila!

Prayer to Perun

Perun is the main God of the pagans. They pray to him asking for protection and strength.

Great Father Perun! I address you as Your son, Your manifestation on earth. I ask You, manifest through me, O Great Perun, I dedicate myself completely to You. Let Your eyes be my eyes, Your body my body, Your Spirit my Spirit. Your hands, my hands, my goals - Your goals. May all Your qualities become inherent in me. May your Power become my Power and be manifested through me as Your highest manifestation on our Earth. Lead me, create me, manifest through me. So be it, for so it is and will be! Glory to Thee, Great Perun!

Prayer for Healing

Goddess Zhiva (Zhivana, Siva) is the Goddess who gives life. You can ask her for recovery.

Merciful Mother is Alive, you are the Light of the Supreme Family itself, which heals all kinds of diseases. Take a look at the Grandson of Dazhdbozhy, who arrives in ailment. Let me know the cause of my illness, let me hear the voice of the Gods, that they speak through the illness and direct them to the path of the Rule. Goddess see that I comprehend the truth, and from this health and vigor return to me, longevity in the body is affirmed, and diseases recede! So be it! Glory Live!

The most powerful ancient Slavic conspiracies-amulets

Only the strongest prayers of the pagans have survived to this day. All non-working conspiracies were eliminated over time. Spells can be read both in Latin and in Russian.

Ancestral prayers:

  • conspiracies-amulets from the evil eye and damage;
  • effective sleep spells.

Conspiracies for health

To perform a ritual for health, you will need a spring and a jug.

Action algorithm:

  1. You need to go in the morning to the spring, with a jug in your right hand.
  2. Scoop up water from the bottom and speak it.

Sorrows and ailments, go to someone else's hut from where you were sent. Who sent the disease, he himself returned it. Fly beyond the deep seas, wide lakes, I don't know you and don't want to know. Stay with the owner, don't touch me. I don’t wait for you, I don’t call you, I don’t welcome you, I don’t notice you.

It should be given a glass of water three times a day. The water won't heal right away. Every day the patient should drink liquid until he is completely healed.

Witchcraft will not work if a person drinks water in public.

Conspiracies-amulets from the evil eye and damage

Magic will help protect against the evil eye. The Old Russian rite from spoilage is carried out in summer or autumn.

Would need:

  • four handfuls of wheat;
  • red wine;
  • loaf of bread.

Description of actions:

  1. In the morning, until it blooms, you need to be at a crossroads.
  2. As soon as the sun appears, you should turn around in a circle clockwise.
  3. Then bow on four sides and say a conspiracy.
  4. Repeat the ritual three more times.
  5. Throw a handful of wheat on each side, leave bread and wine at the ritual site.

I will rise, (my name), early dawn, wash myself with honey dew, dry myself in the heat of the sun,
I will bow on four sides, I will pray to the Bereginy-Mothers. Oh you, Beregini-Mothers!
As you accept a child into this world, and swaddle in swaddling clothes, so do I, (your name),
close and protect with silk shrouds, silk belts,
with his blessing, from the evil one from the sorcerer, from the sorceress, and from every evil evil of man,
from evil blood, from an evil thought, and from an evil thought, so that I, (owl's name),
do not spoil, do not conjure, neither the sorcerer nor the sorceress. nor an evil and dashing person,
no evil blood, no evil thought, no thought, either opposite or opposite,
not for drink and for a hedgehog in a feast, in conversation, and in all kinds of fun. You put, Beregini-Mothers,
iron tyn around me, (name), from earth to heaven, from age to age,
not to spoil me, (name), not to conjure, not to look, and not to see,
and not to hear, at a feast, at a conversation, in every fun, and forever and ever, from now on and forever,
my word is strong!

Effective sleep spells

There are several whispers you can use to help you sleep peacefully. You should choose a couple of sentences and pronounce while lying in bed. Immediately all conspiracies will help if insomnia torments and nightmares are present.

The tradition of praying before going to bed still exists today. She inherited from the ancestors of the Slavs.

Ancient amulets from bad dreams:

  1. "Svarozhe-beautiful, give good to my dream."
  2. "God bless every corner, the threshold, all the frames and the pipe and the mouse hole."
  3. “I lie down to rest, I put up a fence from heaven to bottom. On the doors, latches, porch.
  4. “There is a yar in the sky, a yar on the hem, I am yar with a yar, I go to bed with a yar. Strong word, protect my dream and reality, from dashing people, from evil misfortunes.
  5. “I go to bed under the hand of God, Svarog is my help, Lada is my mother. Grandfathers whisper to me overhead. Perun guards, closes enemies. Go, demons, from my bed, I am stronger than you.
  6. “Ancestors in the windows, animals in the corners. Holy water in a bowl. The house is in a holy, unshakable circle. In each corner there is a scurry, Svarog sits at the very door. On the roof itself, a fire is burning, an iron tyn is standing. No one should go to my house."
  7. “Holy Gods, save the lives of the century, I will hide from death, I will close from enemies. Devils of the forest, run away, I have the power of Svarog, Veles help. I’ll lie down, lie down, I’m not afraid of evil, I’ll deny the dashing. Solid walls, quiet corners. All the worlds are asleep and I went to bed."
  8. “All around our yard, there is a high wall, an iron rear, copper gates. From all sides of the world, from any slander.
  9. "The borders of the courtyard are sealed, black evil spirits will not pass."
  10. “God of Slavyanychiy, protect the door and the outskirts for a quiet night.”
  11. “Protect, Svarozhe, for a clean night, drive away all evil spirits, save me. My home, my children."
  12. “Veles, father, give me a clean and calm sleep on a dark night.”

Nothing is true in many worlds and on Midgard Earth.

Only follow the Wisdom of the ancient Vedas,

Yes, listen to the words of the Magi and the Priestesses of the Light Gods,

Whom from above was given the Wisdom of the Vedas to interpret ...

Magus ZoomZoom

What is prayer? Prayer is a tool. Our Ancestors praised the Gods, but did not ask them for anything. We were engaged in SLAVO-wording, therefore we are Slavs. Doxology is the creation of special vibrations, because the language is given to us in order to glorify, that is, to WORDS the resonance of attunement with the Gods (a certain energy) with the help of words. Prayer- this is a vibrational series associated with a certain hypostasis: either we turn to a specific God who controls specific elements, or to one of his manifestations - protection, help, support. This is a technique of attunement with certain vibrations. When we are attuned with this vibration, we appropriate this Power for our evolution. When a person believes, when he has an inner conviction that the object he addresses to will help him, help and support come. At the same time, it doesn’t even matter whether we speak in our own words or without words, just a mental message and mental contact with God perform miracles. It is important from the Soul, with understanding, according to CONSCIOUSNESS, then the prayer works very strongly. And here it is important to accept these vibrations. Often a person is not ready to accept high vibrations if he lives in low vibrations for a very long time: aggression, anger, irritation and internal negativity. Praying means we tune in to the vibration of God, we use His Power. Therefore, prayer must be glorified, said, and not spoken (go - an image, a thief - steal. Steal images).

Commandment of the Slavs:

Holy honor Gods and Ancestors and live according to Conscience in harmony with Nature. What does this mean:

Holy honor - light, Light.

Read - chi - the energy of life, tat - to appropriate - to appropriate the light power of the Gods to oneself, to unite with them and become one with them, not to grovel before them, not to grovel, but simply this recognition that we are one and the same with them.

Praise - sl a we infuse their power and use it for our evolution.

Live according to conscience - CO-shared message: do not do to another what you do not wish for yourself.

Live in harmony with nature - harmony - it is a relationship with natural vibrations .

We offer you some of our prayers for turning to the Gods. And remember that your intention to hear the Gods, to accept their Light is important.

The Path of Faith-Veda Orthodox

I believe in the Supreme Family - the One and Many-Manifest God, the Source of all that exists and carries, which is the Eternal roof of all Gods. I know that the World is a Genus, and all the many-named Gods are united in it. I believe in the trinity of being Rule, Reveal and Navi, and that Rule is true, and was retold to the Fathers by our Forefathers. I know that Rule with us, and we are not afraid of Navi, For Navi has no power against us. I believe in unity with the Native Gods, for we are Dazhgod's grandchildren - the hope and support of the Native Gods. And the Gods keep their right hands on our rals. I know that life in the Great Family is eternal, and we must think about the eternal, following the paths of Rule. I believe in the power and wisdom of the Ancestors who are born among us, leading to good through our Guides. I know that strength is in the unity of the Orthodox families, and that we will become glorious, glorifying the Native Gods! Glory to the Family and all the Gods that exist in Him!

Prayer of Devotion

Rod the Almighty! Great our God! You are one and many manifestations, You are our Light and Justice, You are the spring of Eternal Life, the source of boundless Love, the one that heals Soul and Body. We praise You, God of Rule, Reveal and Navi. And every day we work on our souls in order to be Wise and Strong, a strong support of Mother Earth and defenders of our ancient Family, for You give us Inspiration and Joy, grant Courage and Fortitude, give us Veda and teach Patience, so that we honorably go the way our lives, inspiringly fulfilling Your Holy will. Glory to Thee, God Almighty! And to all the Native Gods in You!

Prayer to Rod. Protective

"My Father, Rod! You are the God of Gods. Take me under your care. Let no one interfere with my life and work in Your Name. You are Perfect, and I am perfecting my Love for You, for I Know that Love and justice are the most powerful protection from all evil. I thank You, my Father, for taking care of me and my kind. Om (Aum) "Small Perunitsa. Big Perunica. ⚡

Important: copy this protective prayer from the site by hand onto paper. So she was handed over to me - on paper, by hand.

Unity Prayer

Rode the Almighty, who gave birth to the life of Reveal and Navi! You are the God of Our Gods and the beginning of the whole Divine Family. You are Father-Heaven - Svarog, Grandfather of God, You are the Great Mother Lada - Love and the birth of the World. Like Perun, we see You in many battles, which leads us to military victories and the affirmation of a righteous life. You are the holy knight of our Faith - Svetovit, God of Rule, Reveal and Navi. Yet you are the Great Triglav of our Faith-Veda. Glory to the Mother Gods!

Prayer of Encouragement

Rod Omnigod! You are Holiness more sacred than all holiness!
The Highest Parent and the Eternal Spirit of Light, with the movement of your thought in the Diva you give birth to many worlds, therefore You are in everything and everything is in You, You fill souls with Boundless Light, You bless with the Holy Armor for eternal life, happy are those who know Your highest wisdom ! They hold on to the Heavenly Parents, Native Gods and Light Ancestors, Claiming the Holiness of Rule on Earth, Going to the Most Pure Svarga! Filled with your powers, protected by your holiness, we live for you, faithfully fulfilling our destiny. Because You are the highest joy and boundless happiness! Your love flows to us, with spiritual and bodily gifts, and with all grace, for we abide in the unity of the Generic Fire, we sanctify our souls with pure deeds, we create a World of Goodness and Love! Glory to the Almighty Family!

Prayer "Dazhgod's morning"

The red sun rises, even our God, The world is illuminated with light, filled with joy! My soul wants grace, for there is I Vnu (chka) to Dazhbozh (s) y. I look at the sky and my heart trembles with unspeakable joy, because our Dido himself enters my dwelling. Greetings, Sunshine!
Bless my Spirit, Soul and body so that I may be in health and grace. Without You, there is no breathing, there is no movement of any on Earth - Mokosh! Bless me, O God, on a clear day, so that all my good undertakings may come true, and Krivda may sink into the Pit! Glory to Dazhbog!

Prayer before starting any business to Svarog

Svarozhe, Dido of the Heavenly Kind, You are the creator of the Explicit World - the sun, stars and Mother Earth. In You, the power of creation is great, which is manifested in the masters of our kind, You are the beginning of all good deeds that are born in the hearts, ripen in the mind and bring their fruits in Reveal. How can I start without Your blessing? I pray to the Heavenly Father, let him bless my right cause, let him inspire with his Light, so that I create for the good and joy of the White Light, the Orthodox family, and my relatives. Glory to Svarog!

Prayer at the end of the case Veles

You are the crown of everything and earthly lives, Veles, our God! May my heart be filled with joy from what has been created, For my deeds are with a pure heart and bright thoughts. May my deeds be manifested with good fruits and glory to my family! Bless, Velese, so be it!

Prayers before eating

Option 1

By the power of NATIVE GODS and by human labor, food arrives, blesses the bodies and souls of Dazhbozh's Grandchildren, sanctifying with the desire for holiness. For the good and happiness of the Children of Svarozh, having food, we demand, we create glory for the Great Family! Glory to the Mother Gods!

Option 2

Glory to the Native Gods, for our daily food, which is for our joy and for our children for a worthy life. We ask the Gods of the Family to sanctify food and treat our Ancestors so that peace and harmony reign between the Heavenly Clan and the earthly race. Glory to the Mother Gods!

Option 3

We praise the Gods of the Relatives, for daily food, which grant us to create inspired works,
We ask you to sanctify this food with the Primordial Light, fill it for good and happiness for us.

And treat the Light Ancestors! Glory to the Mother Gods!

Option 4

O Progenitor, manifesting in the form of Sventovit, Svarog, Perun and Dazhdbog, Mokosh, Lada, Glory to Thee!

Bless this food so that it will benefit us. Aum (Om) ⚡ - Perunica for food.

Option 5

Glory to Ancestral Rod, Heavenly Rod, we thank Thee for our meal, for the bread and salt that You give us to nourish our bodies, to nourish our Soul, to nourish our Spirit, may our Conscience be strong and may all our deeds be, Yes, to the Glory of all our Ancestors and to the Glory of the Heavenly Family. So be, taco be, taco be!

Prayer before bed

Rod the Almighty! Your blood children praise you. As the night steps on the Earth, Veles walks the saint on the Earth. And our souls go to the Right through Nav, through a deep sleep the ancestors are called. Therefore, Veles the Father, who brought the children to our earthly Ancestor, we ask our souls to be protected from Navi, and to the world of Reveal, like Dazhbog, come healthy and strong in the morning. Glory to the Mother Gods!

Prayer of parents for children

The Supreme Family, through Father Svarog and Lada Mother, You give birth to the existence of the World, manifest in the Gods of the Family and in every creation. Now we are filled with Your holy Spirit, and we call on all your righteous forces! May the Native Gods come and, through their bodily manifestations, sanctify the souls of the children of our kind, that in the Joy of Svarog, they become united with the Knowledgeable, Savior and Native Gods! Glory to the Mother Gods!

Prayer for the family and children

Rod the Almighty! I call your life-giving Light! The power of Father Svarog and Mother Lada, and all the Light Gods, come and bless! Dana-Voditsa, living spring, bring us health and cleanse our bodies, illuminate our thoughts, as the morning ray of meadows and forests illuminates our natives. Life has been born in you, renew and enrich life in our bodies and souls. May strength be in our family, may our children become ten times stronger, twenty times richer, and hundreds of times wiser than us! So be it! Glory to the Mother Gods!

Prayer of a girl (vest) for marriage

Prayer for the betrothed

“I’ll get up early in the morning, wash my blessing, turn to the kummirs of the Gods and Goddesses of the Slavs. Lada - Mother, hear me! how the eyes of my spirit have seen, I feel a great need in myself, for the peace of my soul! Let the face of my betrothed appear to me, for I realized my path in Reveal! I am ready to accept it and go along the path of life, I see how happiness comes to my house, the children are smiling and the sun is shining joyfully!
Glory to the Heavenly Family!"

Small Perunitsa, big Perunitsa. Bow.

Prayer for parents

We honor our parents and glorifying the Gods, we turn to Them to take care of the old age of our parents. For they brought us to the Explicit World, taught us to give harmony to life, to praise the Gods of our relatives,
Honor the Holy Land and protect it from the kind of stranger, the dashing eye. We call our Family, the Father of the Orthodox Gods: take custody of our parents. May they live out their old age calmly, which Mother Dolya has woven, and easily go to the Gods in their own time. And to whom there is a need, let them return to Earth and happily again overcome the planned path. Glory to the Mother Gods!

Prayer of husband and wife for the family

Rode the Most High, you, who hold in yourself everything that exists and carries, everything visible and invisible, let us join the spring of Eternal Life, the source of infinite love! God grant that our family union be kind and strong, send us beautiful, healthy and happy children for good and happiness to the whole Orthodox family! Father Svarozh, create our righteous life in your strength and glory, so that they have a good house and magnify the Gods, in unity of spirit and body, unite in the Supreme Family! Great Mother Lada, guardian of the Heavenly Clan and the earthly race, be with us all our lives, may your maternal strength and affection envelop our family and protect it from all evil! Glory to the Family of the Most High, Svarog and Lada, and to all the Gods and Ancestors!

Prayer to the Family of the Most High wife for her husband

Rod Omnigod! You are the Originator of the Universe, the Source of the Kind of Heaven and the Kind of the earth.
I praise you and ask you to give my husband strong health, like an indestructible rock, pure and bright mind, like a mountain source, great strength, courageous character, so that he stands firmly in life, shores our family, loved his children, respected me, glorified the Gods . Glory to the Mother Gods!

Prayer to Lada Mother husband for his wife

Mother Lada, we praise Your all-embracing love. You create harmony in the Universe, in the Families of Heaven and Earth, fill our women with kindness and motherhood.
I beg you, give my wife good health, a long life, a gentle disposition, a kind heart. To fill our family with love, raise children, love me faithfully, respect my mother and father, take care of our household. Let only consent rule in her soul, and words from her lips only flow like a song, and in beautiful eyes, eternal love rules. Glory to Mother - Lada and all Native Goddesses!

Prayer to Mother - Live

Glorious and Trislavna be Zhiva-Zhivitsa, the Goddess of life and the bearer of the Generic Light!
We see how you descend in the rays of Grandfather Dazhbog, enter the sources of our bodies and fill with health, strength and goodness. Without you, there is no life in a person, but there is only Mother Mara, which announces the end of Yavnaya's life. Now we pray and praise the Light of the Kind of the Most High, which comes with You and radiates through our palms. In that Light, all life exists and outside it is nothing, then the Genus-Generator itself descends in Your face. Glory to Thee is flowing, O mother of life, Mother Alive! Glory to Zhiva-Zhivitsa!

Nothing is true in many worlds and on Midgard Earth. Only follow the Wisdom of the ancient Vedas,

Yes, listen to the words of the Magi and the Priestesses of the Light Gods, Whom from above was given the Wisdom of the Vedas to interpret ...

Magus ZoomZoom

What is prayer? Prayer is a tool. Our Ancestors praised the GODS and the CREATOR OF THE KIND (SVAROGA)but they didn't ask for anything. We were engaged in SLAVO-wording, therefore we are Slavs. Doxology is the creation of special vibrations, because the language is given to us in order to glorify, that is, to WORDS the resonance of attunement with the Gods (a certain energy) with the help of words.Prayer- this is a vibrational series associated with a certain hypostasis: either we turn to a specific God who controls specific elements, or to one of his manifestations - protection, help, support. This is a technique of attunement with certain vibrations. When we are attuned with this vibration, we appropriate this Power for our evolution. When a person believes, when he has an inner conviction that the object he addresses to will help him, help and support come. At the same time, it doesn’t even matter whether we speak in our own words or without words, just a mental message and mental contact with God perform miracles. It is important from the Soul, with understanding, according to CONSCIOUSNESS, then the prayer works very strongly. And here it is important to accept these vibrations. Often a person is not ready to accept high vibrations if he lives in low vibrations for a very long time: aggression, anger, irritation and internal negativity. Praying means we tune in to the vibration of God, we use His Power. Therefore, prayer must be glorified, said, and not spoken (go - an image, a thief - steal. Steal images).

Commandment of the Slavs:

Holy honor Gods and Ancestors and live according to Conscience in harmony with Nature. What does this mean:

Holy honor - light, Light.

Read - chi - the energy of life, tat - to appropriate - to appropriate the light power of the Gods to oneself, to unite with them and become one with them, not to grovel before them, not to grovel, but simply this recognition that we are one and the same with them.

Praise - sl a we infuse their power and use it for our evolution.

Live according to conscience - CO-shared message: do not do to another what you do not wish for yourself.

Living in harmony with nature - it is a relationship with natural vibrations .

We offer you here some of our native prayers for turning to the Gods.And remember that your intention to hear the Gods, to accept their Light is important.

The Path of Faith-Veda Orthodox

AT I believe in the Supreme Family - the One and Many-Manifest God,Source of all that is and that is,which to all Gods is the Eternal roof.I know that the World is Rod,and all the many-named Gods are united in it.I believe in the trinity of being Rule, Reveal and Navi,and that Rule is true,and retold to the Fathers by our Forefathers.I know that Rule with us, and we are not afraid of Navi,For Nav has no power against us.I believe in unity with the Native Gods,for we are the grandchildren of Dazhgod - the hope and support of the Gods of the Family.And the Gods keep their right hands on our rals.I know that life in the Great Family is eternal,and must think about the eternal, walking the paths of the Rule.I believe in the strength and wisdom of the Ancestors who are born among us,leading to good through our Guides.I know that strength is in the unity of the Orthodox families,and that we will become glorious, glorifying the Native Gods!Glory to the Family and all the Gods that exist in Him!

Prayer of Devotion

R dress the Almighty! Great our God!You are one and many manifestations, You are our Light and Justice,You are the spring of Eternal Life, the source of boundless Love, the one that heals the Soul and Body.We praise You, God of Rule, Reveal and Navi.And every day we work on our souls,to be wise and strong,strong support of Mother Earthand defenders of their ancient Kin,for You give us encouragement and joy,bestow Courage and Fortitude,you give us the Veda and teach us Patience,so that we walk the path of our life with honor,inspiringly fulfilling Your Sacred will.Glory to Thee, God Almighty! And to all the Native Gods in You!

Prayer to Rod. Protective

"O my father, Rod! You are the God of Gods. Take me under your wing. Let no one prevent me from living and working in Your Name. You are Perfect, and I am perfecting my Love for You, for I know that Love and justice are the most powerful defense against all evil. I thank You, my Father, for taking care of me and my family. Om (Aum)".⚡

Important: copy this protective prayer from the site by hand onto paper. So she was handed over to me - on paper, by hand.

Unity Prayer

R ode to the Almighty, who gave birth to the life of Reveal and Navi!You are the God of Our Gods and the beginning of the whole Divine Family.You are Father-Heaven - Svarog, Grandfather of God,You are the Great Mother Lada - Love and the birth of the World.Like Perun, we see You in many battles,which leads us to military victories and the affirmation of a righteous life.You are the holy knight of our Faith - Svetovit, God of Rule, Reveal and Navi.Yet you are the Great Triglav of our Faith-Veda.Glory to the Mother Gods!

Prayer of Encouragement

R O God Almighty! You are Holiness more sacred than all holiness!
The Highest Parent and the Eternal Spirit of Light,by the movement of your thought in Dyva you give birth to many worlds,Therefore, You are in everything and everything is in You, with Infinite Light You fill souls with everything,You bless with the Holy Armor for eternal life,happy are those who know your highest wisdom!Heavenly parents, Native Gods and Light Ancestors are held,Sanctity Rule on Earth claiming, they go to the Most Pure Svarga!Filled with your powers, protected by your holiness,we live for You, faithfully fulfilling our destiny.Because You are the highest joy and boundless happiness!Your love flows to us, with spiritual and bodily gifts, and with every grace,for we abide in the unity of the Generic Fire,we sanctify our souls with pure deeds,We are creating a world of Goodness and Love!Glory to the Almighty Family!

Prayer "Dazhbozhya morning"

AT the sun is melting Red, even our God,The world is illumined with light, filled with joy!My soul wants grace, because I have Vnu (chka) to

Dazhbozh (ya) th. I look at the sky and my heart trembles with unspeakable joy,after all, our Dido himself enters my dwelling.Greetings, Sunshine!
Bless my spirit, soul and body,to be in health and grace.Without You there is no breaththere is no movement of any on Earth - Mokosh!Bless me, O God, on a clear day,so that all my good undertakings come true, and so that Krivda sinks into the Pit! Glory to Dazhbog!

Morning Praise

R od Almighty! Great our God! You are one and many manifestations, You are our Light and justice, You are the storehouse of Eternal Life, the Spring of boundless Love, the One that heals Soul and Body. We praise You, God of Rule, Reveal and Navi. And every day we work on our Souls in order to be Wise and Strong, a strong support of the Light of Russia and defenders of our ancient Family, since You give us inspiration and Joy, grant Courage and Fortitude, give us Knowledge and teach Patience so that we honor the Path our lives, inspiringly fulfilling Your Sacred Will. Glory to Thee, God Almighty! Glory to all the Native Gods that exist in you!

Prayer before starting any business to Svarog

With varozhe, Dido of the Kind of Heaven,You are the creator of the Explicit World - the sun, stars and Mother Earth.In You the power of creation is great,which is manifested in the masters of our kind,You are the beginning of all good deeds that are born in the hearts,ripen in the mind and bring their fruits in Reveal.How can I start without Your blessing?I pray to the Heavenly Father, may he bless my right cause,let him inspire with his Light,so that I create for the good and joy of the White Light, the Orthodox family, and my relatives. Glory to Svarog!

Prayer at the end of the case Veles

T You are the crown of all things and earthly lives, Veles, our God!May my heart be filled with joy from what has been created,For my deeds are with a pure heart and bright thoughts.May my deeds be manifested with good fruits and glory to my family!Bless, Velese, so be it!

Prayers of Glory before eating

Option 1

Glory to the Mother Gods!

Option 2

Glory to the Mother Gods!

Option 3

we ask you to sanctify this food and Treat the light ancestors!Glory to the Mother Gods!

Option 4

⚡ - Perunica for food.

Option 5

Option 6

Option 7

We feed all our bodies.

Prayer before bed

Option 1

By the power of the NATIVE Gods and human labor, food arrives,He blesses the bodies and souls of Dazhbozh's Grandchildren, sanctifying them with the desire for holiness.For the good and happiness of the Children of Svarozh, having food, we demand, we create glory for the Great Family!Glory to the Mother Gods!

Option 2

Glory to the Native Gods, for our daily food,which is for our joy and for our children for a worthy life.We ask the Gods of the Native to consecrate food and treat our Ancestors,so that peace and harmony reign between the Heavenly Clan and the earthly race.Glory to the Mother Gods!

Option 3

We praise the Gods of the Relatives, for daily food, hthen grant us to create inspired works,we ask you to sanctify this foodFill with the Primordial Light for good and happiness to us and Treat the light ancestors!Glory to the Mother Gods!

Option 4

O Progenitor, manifesting in the form of Sventovit, Svarog, Perun and Dazhdbog, Mokosh, Lada, Glory to Thee!Bless this food so that it will benefit us. Aum (Ohm)⚡ - Perunica for food.

Option 5

Glory to Ancestral Rod, Heavenly Rod, we thank Thee for our meal, for the bread and salt that You give us to nourish our bodies, to nourish our Soul, to nourish our Spirit, may our Conscience be strong and may all our deeds be, Yes, to the Glory of all our Ancestors and to the Glory of the Heavenly Family. So be, taco be, taco be!

Option 6

Glory to the Family of the Most High and all the Gods for the food that they give us. We ask the Gods of the Relatives to taste our food and to illuminate our Ancestors with their Strength. So that there is peace and unity between the Heavenly Clan and the Earthly Clan. Glory to the Supreme Family!

Option 7

Father Svarozh! God Almighty!
Mother of God Lada! Makosh-Joy!
We thank the Ancestors for this Meal!
We fill with our love and Light!
We feed all our bodies.
We bless God with all the power!

Prayer before bed

P we honor our parents and, glorifying the Gods, we turn to Them,in order to protect the old age of our parents.For they have brought us into the manifest world,taught to give harmony to life, to praise the gods of relatives,Honor the Holy Land and protect it from the kind of stranger, the dashing eye.We call our Family, the Father of the Orthodox Gods: take custody of our parents.May they live out their old age calmly, which Mother Dolya has woven, and easily go to the Gods in their own time.And to whom there is a need, let them return to Earth and happily again overcome the planned path. Glory to the Mother Gods!

Prayer of husband and wife for the family

Rdress the Almighty! You, who hold in yourself everything that exists and carries, everything visible and invisible, let us join the spring of Eternal Life, the source of infinite love! God grant that our family union be kind and strong, send us beautiful, healthy and happy children for good and happiness to the whole Orthodox family! Father Svarozh, create our righteous life in your strength and glory, so that they have a good house and magnify the Gods, in the unity of spirit and body, united in the Supreme Family! Great Mother Lada, guardian of the Heavenly Clan and the earthly race, be with us all our lives, may your maternal strength and affection envelop our family and protect it from all evil!Glory to the Family of the Most High, Svarog and Lada, and to all the Gods and Ancestors!

Prayer to the family of the Almighty wife for her husband

RO God Almighty! You are the creator of the universe, Source of the Kind of Heaven and the kind of earth.I praise you and ask you to give my husband good health,like an indestructible rock, a pure and bright mind, like a mountain source, great strength, courageous disposition,to stand firmly in life,shore of our family, loved his children, respected me, He praised the gods. Glory to the Mother Gods!

Here another prayer for my husband . This prayer should be read every morning when you sincerely want your husband to really be happy.

The sun is clear, God be red, hear my call and my prayer. I am your earthly daughter. I turn to you with boundless love, illuminate the path of my righteous husband, so that his thoughts are bright and fair. So that his path be blessed by you, Dazhdbozhe clear. Unite your Divine Fire with his Spiritual Fire. May strength and wisdom be in him as many times as he needs. So that he could do his deeds in the glory of the Divine. May the Gods bless him. Glory to the Almighty!

Prayer to Lada Mother husband for his wife

M Atushka Lada, we glorify Your all-embracing love.You create harmony in the Universe, in the Families of Heaven and Earth, fill our women with kindness and motherhood.
Bless my wife for good health, long life, gentle disposition, good heart. To fill our family with love, raise children, love me faithfully, respect my mother and father, take care of our household.Let only consent rule in her soul, and words from her lips only flow like a song, and in beautiful eyes, eternal love rules. Glory to Mother - Lada and all Native Goddesses!

Prayer to Mother Lada for women before the rites

AT Great Mother Lada! We glorify Your Comprehensive Love for our Family. You are the Mother of our Gods, and we are Your grandchildren. Bless every child of yours that lives in the three worlds, take us under your care, endow us with wisdom and spiritual strength so that our Family grows in Great Glory. Incomprehensibly sensual is Your Love, the Great Mother of our Gods. We glorify You with our Love and Honor. Let our songs of praise fly to Iriy, falling like a ray of sunshine into Your palms. Glory to the Mother Gods!

Prayer to Mother - Live

FROM Lavna and Trislavna be Zhiva-Zhivitsa,Goddess of life and bearer of the Generic Light!
We see how you descend in the rays of Grandfather Dazhbog, enter the sources of our bodies and fill us with health, strength and goodness.Without you, there is no life in a person, but there is only Mother Mara, which announces the end of Yavnaya's life. Now we pray and praise the Light of the Kind of the Most High, which comes with You and radiates through our palms. In that Light, all life exists and outside it is nothing, then the Genus-Generator itself descends in Your face. Glory to Thee is flowing, O mother of life, Mother Alive!Glory to Zhiva-Zhivitsa! Russian blog
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