Does malocclusion interfere with implantation? Can braces be replaced by dental implants? What to do if there are no several teeth in the mouth and bite correction is required

Statistics show that about 70% of the population of our country has some kind of bite problems. And often people do not seek to correct them, citing the fact that only public and wealthy people should take care of the beauty of their teeth. But, unfortunately, the aesthetic component is just the tip of the iceberg, and the main danger of malocclusion lies beyond the visible problems.

It is worth starting with the origin of this defect. Like most issues regarding bone tissue, malocclusion may be a consequence of:

  • genetic regularity, because heredity has a paramount influence on the formation of the jaw of a child;
  • diseases respiratory tract, for example, with forced oral breathing, the growth of the facial part of the skull is disrupted, which causes the development of deformation;
  • injuries received during the development of the dentition;
  • bad habits in infancy, such as constant thumb sucking.

It is worth noting that even a violation of posture can provoke an incorrect bite in a child. Banal scoliosis due to improper functioning spinal muscles, can affect the work of the jaws.

Varieties of malocclusion

The location of the jaws relative to each other is a determining factor in the process of diagnosing bite:

  • distal, during the development of which upper jaw more developed than the lower one. With such a deviation, the pressure is unevenly distributed, as a result of which back teeth take on the load of the front, which is fertile ground for the development of caries on them. Main feature distal bite - a disproportionately small chin. As the years go by it leads to premature development periodontal disease and periodontitis;
  • mesial characterized by excessive protrusion of the lower jaw. A clear sign of this deformity is the protruding chin of the patient. This change contributes to the dysfunction of chewing and early development inflammatory diseases teeth and gums;
  • deep, diagnosed when the upper teeth go beyond the lower ones to a distance exceeding the length of their crown. Often, with this type of bite, the face has insufficient height, and the lip is constantly in an everted position due to lack of space. Over time, the first consequence may be periodontal disease, that is, loosening of the teeth, as well as permanent damage to the oral mucosa by the teeth.
  • open, which is the impossibility of closing the jaws with each other. This pathology can be observed both in the front of the jaw and in the side. An invariably parted mouth, or a general asymmetry of the face - that's clear signs open bite;
  • cross, observed with underdevelopment of one of the sides of the jaw. Such a deformation primarily impairs the chewing function, since patients are forced to chew mainly on one side of the jaw. the main objective treatment is the alignment of both sides of the jaw relative to each other.
  • dystopia affecting the location of the teeth in their "own" place. For the most part, it is a consequence of a violation of the timing and sequence of teething. Teeth that have changed their location can injure the mucous membranes of the tissues of the mouth, and also lead to the development of erosion.

If a bite defect is detected on its early stage, then the treatment can be gentle, and the elimination of the problem is fast enough and not expensive. That is why regular preventive examinations are so important.

Insidious malocclusion

Incorrect bite entails a whole series of unpleasant consequences, some of which are very difficult to eliminate:

  • an increase in the load on individual teeth, leading to accelerated abrasion of the enamel and, as a result, an increase in sensitivity;
  • disorders in the work of the articulatory apparatus. Often, malocclusion becomes the root cause of lisping and other diction disorders due to the forced unnatural position of the tongue;
  • accumulation of plaque in places of overlapping teeth, which leads to the development of caries, periodontitis and other diseases of the teeth and gums;
  • deformations in the area of ​​the temporomandibular joint, which is quite difficult to correct due to its three-dimensional structure;
  • in severe cases, there may also be difficulty in eating and breathing.

Headaches and even pain when chewing food can also become a consequence of malocclusion.

Identification of malocclusion

There are some of the most obvious signs of the presence of a defective bite, which allows you to identify it yourself:

  • protruding lower jaw;
  • drawn upper lip;
  • unnaturally closing dentition;
  • unevenly growing teeth.

These are just the most obvious signs. existing deviations. Put more accurate diagnosis and only an orthodontist can prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Prosthetic malocclusion

With a neglected bite problem, the only way out is prosthetics that can restore the proper row of teeth. There are several ways of prosthetics that allow you to deal with bite problems:

mouth guard

It is a removable overlay on the teeth made of a transparent polymer, which fights with the curvature of the teeth with the help of pressure. Allows you to achieve results without tangible discomfort and pain. There are several types of caps for correcting an overbite:

  • standard made without taking into account personal characteristics. It has a low cost, but is not able to deal with complex cases of curvature;
  • thermoplastic, following the contours of the teeth thanks to the individual production of a special polymer. Have short term manufacturing and wide opportunities for use, but have a slightly higher cost;
  • invisalign, made with the involvement of a plaster model and using 3D modeling. The most expensive and effective type of cap. Able to cope with small deformations without undue discomfort.


Due to their design, they are able to fix almost any dental deformity, with the exception of extremely complex cases requiring surgical intervention. There are 2 main types of braces:

  • vestibular attached to the front of the tooth;
  • lingual placed on inner surface teeth, making them invisible to others.

They can be made from a variety of materials: metal, ceramics and even semi-precious stones.

Removable prosthesis

It is used in the almost complete absence of a number of teeth. It is made mainly from hypoallergenic acrylic and can be of the following types:

  • full, used in case total absence teeth on the jaw, fixed on the gum directly;
  • partial, used in the absence of several teeth in a row and is attached both to the problem jaw and to the remaining adjacent teeth.

They are distinguished by durability and relatively low cost, as well as the possibility of individual selection due to the extremely wide color scheme products.


This variety is a series of interconnected dental crowns on a metal base. Rigidly attached to adjacent natural teeth with fixing elements. They restore the chewing efficiency of the jaw by 100% and do not disturb tactile, taste and temperature sensations. The use of metal in the design can significantly increase its service life, but increases the final cost of the product.

So they put a "bridge" on the teeth


Most modern way prosthetics for bite deformity. It is implanted directly into the bone tissue with subsequent fixation of a denture on it. The most durable method of all presented, with an almost lifetime warranty. Aesthetic component this method also beyond any competition, because even upon closer examination it is impossible to distinguish an implanted structure from a natural tooth.

It is important to remember that up to about 7 years, you can correct a bite defect with a massage. problem areas and special gymnastics. It is necessary to wean the child from bad habits so that later you do not have to resort to complex, lengthy and expensive methods of treatment.

Video - Incorrect bite: how to fix it

Methods of insurance against bite anomalies

It is worth remembering that the main causes of deviations are born in early childhood, so, for the most part, the responsibility for the crooked jaws of children lies with their parents. And if there is no obvious genetic anomaly, then you should only adhere to the following simple rules:

RecommendationReasons for the development of deviationsWhat to do
Take care of your health during pregnancyMineralization of teeth begins at the 20th week of pregnancyControl the amount of consumed calcium and fluoride-containing elements
Properly feed your newbornUneven muscle development due to improper suckingTo pay attention correct work facial muscles during sucking
Check your child's nasal breathingThe habit of breathing through the mouth causes an open bite.Make sure the child breathes mainly through the nose
Wean from bad habitsSucking fingers and nipples during eruption of the first teeth can cause them to curve laterControl the emergence of these habits and stop them as quickly as possible

It is worth remembering that the teeth of each patient are unique, and requires an individual selection of treatment methods. Does not exist universal ways getting rid of the problem. Only a thorough diagnostic examination carried out by a specialist will make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis based on images and casts.


Commentary of the chief doctor of "Dial-Dent" S.V. Zukora: “Patients who seek dental implants are often unaware of other disorders present in their dental system except for missing teeth. Sometimes a patient knows that he has periodontitis and an alarming question arises about how reliable implants will stand if his own teeth are lost due to periodontitis ... At the same time, the bite condition remains out of attention. Few people know that malocclusion can cause pain in the temporal joints, headaches, neck pain and many other problems. Implantation in the wrong bite exacerbates all existing problems, so it is necessary to correct the bite before dental implantation. For patients who do not agree to follow the doctor's plan, we can refuse implantation, and this is done solely for the benefit and preservation of the patient's health! The relationship between malocclusion and dental implantation planning will be discussed below in this article.

Overbite or uneven standing teeth is serious and global problem, affecting all levels of the patient's dental system, as well as the aesthetics of a smile, posture, muscle tone, sleep quality, hormonal system etc. When planning dental implantation, situations sometimes arise when it is necessary to correct the bite before implantation. For example, neighboring teeth have moved to the place of a fallen or not grown tooth, and now there is not enough space for an implant.

Dental implant planning should begin with a visit to an orthopedic dentist who assesses the condition of the gums, bone tissue, bite, develops the design of dental crowns and plans the depth and angle of the dental implant for comfortable and reliable prosthetics of teeth on implants.

Commentary of the surgeon-implantologist V.P. Alaverdova: “The prosthetist (orthopedist) is preparing a task for the surgeon, developing surgical guide to install a dental implant. The surgeon will install the tooth implant to the same depth and angle as designed by the orthopedic dentist. Only in this way, when prosthetics on implants, an excellent aesthetic and functional result is obtained. At my consultation, I evaluate the patient's bone and gum - volumes, bone quality, etc. In "Dial-Dent" very the right approach. A team works here, and we have all the necessary diagnostic equipment and specialists capable of competently compiling and implementing a comprehensive treatment plan. I have many times had to remove implants installed in other clinics, as well as to install a normal dental crown was impossible."

The degree of bite deformation and implantation of teeth

During the consultation, the orthopedic dentist assesses the state of the bite, and, in the presence of malocclusion ( improper closure teeth, unevenly growing teeth, crowding of teeth, etc.), the degree of disturbance and the impact on the structures of the oral cavity and other organs and systems. The degree of malocclusion can only be assessed after calculations x-rays, casts of jaws, study of photographs, etc. In some situations, the participation of an orthodontist is necessary.

Minor bite deformity

With a slight deformation of the bite (incorrect rotation or inclination of some teeth, gaps between the teeth, a slight lack of space for a crown on the implant), you can proceed to dental implantation in conditions of deformation. Of course, in this case, it is necessary to discuss the consequences with the patient - in some cases, it will not be possible to achieve an ideal aesthetic and functional result. If the patient and the doctor are ready to ignore minor nuances, then implantation can be done.

Significant bite deformity

If the deformation of the bite is significant, then dental implants cannot be installed! At serious violations bite, the patient is consulted by an orthodontist who can offer various options bite correction before dental implantation.

If the deformation of the bite is significant and cannot be ignored, then we, the doctors of Dial-Dent, do not have the right to install dental implants without prior orthodontic treatment, as this will lead to fixation, and in some cases, aggravation of the deformity, and ultimately harm the patient! Therefore, we either motivate the patient to correct the bite, or, if this fails, we simply refuse dental implantation. Failure in this case is a boon for the patient!

Tactics of "Dial-Dent" specialists when referring a patient for dental implantation:

Commentary by orthodontist M.P. Sleptsova: “Many times I have seen dental implants installed (not in our clinic) and crowns made on them in patients with malocclusion. Implantation was performed without bite correction. The result in many cases is deplorable: there is no promised aesthetics, the function is not adequate. The patient realizes too late what the catch is. But nothing can be fixed. Or you can by removing previously installed implants and losing crowns. And this is costly, requires surgical intervention and does not bring joy to either doctors or patients! Therefore, everything must be done correctly. Don't forget to get a quality assessment of your bite situation before dental implantation, even if you don't feel any problem."

Where to carry out implantation?

Dental implants should be carried out only after a comprehensive diagnosis and a complete treatment plan, which, if necessary, includes bite correction. In the clinic where you plan to carry out dental implantation, there should be a well-coordinated team of doctors who can perform complex dental treatment and having great experience. It is these specialists that are in the Family dental center"Dial-Dent", which is confirmed by the successfully completed treatment of many patients.

Here are some examples of the work of Dial-Dent specialists:

  • Complex restoration of anterior teeth with bite correction
  • Correction of deep bite and elimination of TMJ dysfunction

Can an overbite be corrected if the implant is already in place?

When a dental implant is installed, it is impossible or difficult to correct the bite. A dental implant is absolutely immobile in the bone! This distinguishes it from the patient's own teeth, which are slightly mobile. You can move your teeth into your jaws, but a dental implant cannot! The angle of the implant and its position among the patient's teeth is dictated by the shape and position of other teeth ( neighboring teeth, teeth opposite side jaw and even teeth of the opposite jaw). It is clear that when correcting the bite, the patient's own teeth will change both their position and the angle of inclination in the jaw and the ratio between the teeth of the jaws. And the implant stood as it stands. And it no longer fits into the changed conditions either aesthetically or functionally! Therefore, if the bite is corrected after installed implants(if it was not a treatment plan beforehand), then problems arise. They are solved as follows: either by removing the implant and reinstalling it in a corrected bite, or by ignoring the resulting aesthetic and functional problems. There is an exception here: sometimes implants are placed before the bite is corrected, and when the bite is corrected, the teeth are moved, attracting (or repelling) them from absolutely immobile implants. But it is planned in advance and is unified and inseparable. healing process, unlike the situation when they do one stage, and then think about another.

To plan dental implantation and calculate the cost, you need to consult a dentist. Neither the experience of acquaintances, nor stories from the Internet, nor calling clinics will give exhaustive information!

Malocclusion consists in improper closing of the teeth on the upper and mandibles. As a result, there are deformations and displacements of the dentition. Prosthetics in conditions of malocclusion is a significant problem.

Why is it dangerous and risky?

With an incorrect bite, the force during chewing changes, there is an uneven distribution of the load on the teeth and jaws. Therefore, prosthetics in such conditions may not only not bring the desired effect, but even be harmful.

If the jaws are not properly closed on some teeth, the pressure force is greater, not some less, respectively, the load is distributed unevenly, due to which the implant may be defeated or broken. To prevent this from happening, the materials from which the artificial crown will be made must have sufficient strength. It is advisable not to perform implantation with ceramics, because. She is the most fragile.

In addition to uneven loading, there is also the problem of tooth wear ahead of time, they also suffer orthopedic constructions if the patient has them. If abrasion of the dentition is detected, it is important to contact a specialist in time to cover the teeth artificial crown. Such a crown must have sufficient strength.

If there is an anomaly of bite, there may be a tilt of the teeth in different directions. Such a defect will complicate the prosthetics procedure, because. it can be difficult to place an implant in the gap between the teeth. Then apply special training surgical or orthodontic method, during which either extra teeth will be removed or the dentition will be straightened.

Prosthetic procedure in conditions of malocclusion

If the defect is not very pronounced, then the procedure is carried out as standard. A plaster cast of the jaw is taken for the patient, then an artificial prosthesis is modeled.

If there is a significant curvature of the teeth, then the patient is shown wearing orthodontic structures for several years to straighten the dentition, and successful prosthetics become possible.

Where there is improper occlusion of the teeth, the future shape of the crown is carefully planned. The design should not cause difficulties in the movement of the jaws and not adversely affect the adjacent teeth. The method of preparation for each case is purely individual, depending on clinical picture every patient.

Deal with aesthetic and physiological problems caused by malocclusion, will be helped by highly qualified specialists of professorial dental clinic Moscow Dental Clinic.

The correctness of the bite is determined by the orthodontist. You can independently recognize the problem by some signs: the presence of a distance between the teeth when they are closed, a mismatch of the vertical line between the incisors of both jaws, overlap lower teeth upper more or less than 1/3, when chewing, some teeth of both jaws do not touch each other, the dimensions of the upper and lower dental arches coincide and have the wrong direction. Noticing at least 1 of the above signs, you need to contact the orthodontist.

Ways to correct an overbite

Depending on the nature of the existing violations, the doctor selects a method of treatment. To complete the picture of the state of the teeth, a photo of the jaws is taken, a cast and an orthopantomogram - panoramic X-ray, allowing to assess the state of the root system of the dentition, to establish the inclination of the teeth, to identify the causes of deformation, abnormal growth.

In some cases, when the proportions of the jaw are too disturbed or there is a deep distal occlusion, orthognathic surgery may be recommended, but such cases are rare. More often bite is corrected by systems prolonged wear or removable systems.

Braces are long-wearing systems and are plates on a metal arc attached to the teeth with a special adhesive. The wire puts pressure on the teeth, gradually changing their position.

Bracket systems are:

  • Lingual- are unique designs that are installed not on the outside, but on inside teeth. If wearing conventional braces can cause embarrassment in terms of appearance, lingual braces completely eliminate this problem, since they are completely invisible to others.
  • Non-ligature- designs in which there are no metal or rubber ligatures, and instead of them special clips are installed. positive moment in wearing non-ligature systems is to reduce the duration of treatment and the number of visits to the doctor. It is easier for the patient to maintain oral hygiene. Teeth with ligatureless braces move smoothly, causing a minimum of pain and discomfort.

Bracket systems can be made of the following materials:

  • Metal- differ in accessibility, but have less aesthetic appearance. They cope with the task of leveling in 1.5-2 years. Titanium is used as the material for the plates.
  • Plastic- from it braces are the most economical and least practical. They are suitable for short-term use, as they quickly lose their appearance.
  • Ceramics. The main advantages of ceramic braces are invisibility due to the similarity with tooth enamel. They are durable and stain resistant.
  • Sapphire- differ in transparency, but are less durable than ceramic ones. With directional light sapphire braces glare. Alignment will be longer, but less noticeable to others than when wearing metal braces.

In addition to braces, the following will help correct the bite:

  • plates. Classic designs for bite correction, which are installed in our clinic, are made of hypoallergenic plastic according to the cast of the patient's jaw. For adults, the plates are installed with minor bite deviations; in most cases they are used for children under 12 years old.
  • KappasInvisalign- transparent caps on the teeth, correcting the bite without metal arches and brackets. Mouthguards are removable, which allows you to maintain oral hygiene. Designs can be worn around the clock except during meals. Wear time is approximately 2 weeks. During this time, the position of the teeth changes, after which the mouth guard is replaced with a new one. The use of aligners is relevant for mild clinical cases.

Cost of the procedure

The price of the bite correction service depends on the type of treatment chosen. The doctor will be able to recommend you a suitable bracket system only after a personal consultation. The specialist assesses the condition of the teeth and chooses a treatment method, weighing all the indications and contraindications. The price of bite correction includes the manufacture of a bracket system, taking into account the structural features of your jaw. The first examination at Moscow Dental Clinic is free.

Sometimes the decision to correct the bite is made already in adulthood. Many by this time already have fillings, crowns and implants. Therefore, a completely natural question arises. Will they interfere with the installation of braces? Let's find out if braces are installed on crowns, implants and filled teeth.

Doctors often hear the question whether braces are put on dental crowns? To which you can get the answer that crowns in most cases are not an obstacle to the installation of orthodontic structures. But you need to act carefully, thoughtfully and expediently the situation. Let us describe the basic principles of bite correction in the presence of crowns.

  1. In this case, metal braces are most often recommended, as they provide a more reliable grip on the artificial material from which the crowns are made. But, despite this, braces come off the crowns much more often. Therefore, there are increased requirements for the care orthodontic design and diet. During the correction it will be necessary to avoid excessive loads on the teeth.
  2. If it is necessary to move the teeth that are the support of the bridge, you need special approach. For example, if the doctor thinks that bridge prosthesis can be used after correction, then it is removed entirely. Instead, temporary plastic crowns are made for the abutment teeth. Sometimes they act differently: so that the structure of the prosthesis does not suffer due to the shift of the supporting teeth, they cut out the intermediate part of the bridge.
  3. A crowned tooth will change its position only if there is a healthy root. Crowns without a root do not move. All that can happen when braces are placed on them is their decementing.
  4. The crown is not an obstacle to bite correction, but its condition may suffer a little. To keep the metal element on the artificial material, it is etched with a special agent, which subsequently leads to the formation of a matte spot with a slightly rough surface. This can somewhat spoil the attractiveness of the smile.

In each individual case, the orthodontist will try to find the optimal individual solution that will help achieve the correct position of the teeth and eliminate the possibility of damage to the crowns.

Orthodontic treatment with implants

The implant is artificial structure which is used to replace missing teeth. It is securely fixed in the jaw bone, acting as a support for crowns or bridges. In the vast majority of cases, the presence of implants can be a contraindication to the installation of braces..

Teeth have the ability to change position when constant pressure on them. The implant is securely fixed in the bone tissue and therefore remains motionless. Moreover, as a result of pressure, gum problems can occur, which sometimes leads to rejection of the implant. Therefore, if possible, it is better to undergo orthodontic treatment first and only then install implants.

Another problem that can be encountered when installing braces on implants is wrong position tooth. Unlike other “live” teeth, it cannot change its position, therefore, after the end of orthodontic treatment, it will protrude from the general row. But, despite the fact that the combination of braces and implants is highly discouraged, it is worth contacting an orthodontist. He will definitely find the optimal solution for bite correction so that you can become the owner of a beautiful smile.

Will fillings interfere with braces?

Having fillings won't stop you from getting braces, contrary to a common misconception. But at the same time, the seals must be in good condition. Therefore, it is recommended before installing orthodontic systems to undergo complete treatment at the dentist. If there are old fillings prone to destruction, they are removed and replaced with new ones.

If necessary, put seals on accessible areas free from orthodontic system, it is possible during bite correction, but it will be much more difficult to do this. That is why it is so important that complete sanitation oral cavity.

Each person is individual, therefore, it is possible to say for sure whether it is possible to install braces in a particular case only after examining and completing all necessary research and pictures. Much depends on what result the patient is waiting for, what condition the teeth are in. Therefore, even if you have implants, contact a good orthodontist who will help you find the best solution for your case.

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