Dentistry m park of culture. Reviews about "Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery"

Dental problems are never easy. A lot depends on a competent, professional solution to this problem - the quality of life, appearance and psychological condition. Therefore, I want to express my deep gratitude to the doctor of the department in this form. modern technologies prosthetics Klevno Roman Vladimirovich. Professionalism, Attentive attitude to the patient and the desire to help solve the problem deserves great gratitude. Perhaps my opinion will help someone decide on a doctor. Wish...

I express my gratitude to the department maxillofacial surgery ZNIIS and CHLH, and personally to the maxillofacial surgeon Visaitova Zulikhan Yusupovna! For an excellent operation to remove a recurrence of a mixed tumor of the parotid salivary gland with resection of the parotid salivary gland and separation of branches facial nerve. More recently, I was flipping through the pages of the Internet in search of a clinic and information about the removal of a pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid salivary gland. Pleomorphic adenoma ( mixed type) I got...

I would like to express my gratitude to the team children's department 5 floors, and most importantly, to Dr. Maria Dmitrievna Ivanova! (Maxillofacial surgeon). The operation went well and quickly. The child was allowed to walk to the operating block, he did not even understand anything. I was pleased that after the operation they did not give injections to the little one, but gave an antibiotic in suspension. The attitude of everyone, from the cleaners to the manager, is kind and sympathetic. Everyone walks with a smile) it was nice to be in the hospital...

A friend recently went abroad to do plastic surgery. Honestly, I don’t understand it at all, because it seems to me that in Russia there are many good specialists in this area and there is no need to go abroad in search of a good plastic surgeon! And my gorgeous result of breast augmentation once again confirms this! Before the operation, I studied a lot of information on the Internet, had consultations with surgeons, made sure that breast augmentation is safe, the rehabilitation period...

Thanks to the doctors of TsNIISiCHLH. I would like to express my deepest gratitude medical workers DEPARTMENTS OF RECONSTRUCTIVE HEAD AND NECK SURGERY WITH MICROSURGERY OF ZNIIS and CHLS for high professionalism, attentive and sensitive attitude towards patients, for the titanic work that they daily invest in our recovery. I first came to the department after consulting a professor, doctor medical sciences, supervisor clinics of maxillofacial surgery and dentistry Nerobeeva Alexandra...

Removed a very complex 8. I was terribly afraid, because many doctors, including surgeons, played me football, painted scary pictures about a broken jaw and numbness mandible for six months, terrible bleeding, terrible horror. I came to Vasily Alexandrovich for an appointment. He said everything clearly, he didn’t scare, he deleted it so quickly and without consequences that I didn’t have time to look back. A doctor with golden hands, colossal experience, the level is God! Available for an appointment, the appointment is inexpensive, yes, at the consultation and during ...

In February 2017, I had the most complicated operation to remove a cavernoma of the brain stem, a complication after which was paralysis of the facial nerve on the left side. Until the end, the eyes are not closed, lowered left-hand side, impossible to smile. Physiotherapy and courses of reflexology were prescribed. Unfortunately, conservative treatment did not help, and I began to look for a way out of this situation. Needless to say, what moral and physical suffering brings this diagnosis. Randomly on the internet...

It is impossible for a person who has not encountered such problems to understand this. Paralysis of the facial nerve. You cannot smile, people pay attention to you all the time, your face is distorted, your eye hurts ... As a rule, such people try to avoid communication, reduce all contacts to a minimum, life is divided into BEFORE and AFTER. You try to be treated, medicines, gymnastics, then it all bothers you, the person gives up and lives as it is. This is how I lived. From time to time I searched the Internet for some doctors, read ...

Our story begins with the discovery of a neurinoma (a tumor of the auditory and facial nerve), after the operation in the Burdenko clinic, the tumor was completely removed, but such operations do not go without consequences, since it was a tumor of the nerve, as a result facial paralysis and damage to the facial nerve (the left side of the face does not work, is lowered down, the eyelid does not close). Fortunately for us, we were given the number of the maxillofacial surgeon of TsNIIS and ChLH Salikhov Kamil Salamovich. After 3-4 months, according to the quota, we had an operation ...

Maxillofacial surgery is one of the most difficult areas modern medicine. Specialists are called upon to cope with diseases of the neck, jaw, face, teeth, which sometimes include neoplasms, purulent processes, inflammation of the nerves. The surgeon not only saves the patient from the disease, but also preserves the appearance of a person in its original beauty.


Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery (Moscow) is a budget medical institution opened in 1962. ZNIIS conducts research and practical activities in two main areas - dentistry and maxillofacial surgery. Also implemented learning programs, methodological and coordination activities.

The Institute of Maxillofacial Surgery in Moscow provides services for children and adults in compulsory health insurance policies(temporarily suspended from 07/01/17), VHI and a commercial contract. Patients are served in the outpatient department and in the hospital. The children's population is served in a separate clinic.

Dental Services

The dental clinic provides the following services:

  • Therapy (caries, pulpitis, whitening, canal filling, restoration, etc.).
  • Surgery (laser surgery, tooth extraction, tooth preservation surgery, etc.).
  • bite correction in children and adults, etc.).
  • Orthopedics (all types of prosthetics, cermets, bridges, veneers, etc.).
  • Children's dentistry.
  • Treatment of periodontal diseases.
  • Implantation followed by prosthetics.
  • Treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa.
  • Functional dental diagnostics.

Maxillofacial Center

The Center of Maxillofacial Surgery provides services to the population in a hospital setting. The clinic uses the most modern equipment, uses the author's methods of microsurgery. Institute of Maxillofacial Surgery most interventions are carried out using endoscopic and minimally invasive technologies.

Assistance types:

  • Removal benign neoplasms with simultaneous tissue repair.
  • Osteosynthesis (treatment of fractures of the bones of the facial part of the head).
  • Reconstructive surgery of the bones of the face, auricles, elimination of congenital and acquired deformities.
  • Blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, treatment of pathologies of the palate and upper lip.
  • Restoration of the movement of mimic muscles by surgical methods.
  • Plastic to correct the proportions of the face.
  • Surgical treatment of facial paralysis.
  • Microsurgery of the facial nerve (paresis of various origins).
  • Correction of bite by surgical methods.
  • Endoscopy of the paranasal sinuses and much more.

Children's clinic

The Institute of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Moscow in the children's clinic provides a full range of dental services and treatment maxillofacial region any complexity.

The direction of pediatric surgery began in the 80s, and in the early 90s a center was created for the implementation of scientific and practical activities, which included inpatient, outpatient and research departments. For 26 years of operation, the institution has become the largest center for pediatric dentistry and maxillofacial surgery.

Treatment for children

The Children's Center provides the following services:

  • A full range of diagnostic procedures for preparation for operations (CT, computer biomodeling, MRI, manufacturing of implants, endoprostheses, etc.).
  • Examination, treatment, rehabilitation of children with any kind of diseases or pathologies of the maxillofacial region (burns, bone deformities, congenital pathologies, scars, etc.).
  • Dental therapy and surgery for children and adults with the possibility of treatment under general anesthesia in the day hospital.
  • Orthodontics, all types of anesthesia.
  • Rehabilitation after surgical interventions(specialists from related fields are involved - ophthalmologists, psychologists, dentists, pediatricians, etc.).

The clinic accepts patients from the first days of life, for treatment they implement full complex services, including rehabilitation and follow-up.

Reviews about the dental clinic

The Central Institute of Maxillofacial Surgery in Moscow has been considered one of the best medical dental centers since its foundation. On the present stage, the use of high-tech equipment has made the clinic's services more efficient. Through the application latest methods diagnostics and treatment, the duration of procedures has been significantly shortened, and the quality has improved. This is confirmed by patient reviews. Most of them applied to the medical institution with complex problems in the treatment of teeth or with maxillofacial diseases.

The stories left indicate that the doctors of the center of dentistry are trying to save the patient's teeth with slightest possibility, swiping surgical operations or prescribing effective therapy.

Clients who visited the Institute of Maxillofacial Surgery in Moscow wrote words of gratitude to many therapists and surgeons of the dental center, mentioning that only professionalism and fundamental knowledge helped to solve their problem. The reviews indicate the names of those doctors whom patients recommend contacting in order to obtain the desired result.

Many said that the entire staff of the clinic is polite and friendly. Few for anyone standard treatment teeth does not make you nervous, and if the disease is complex, then anxiety and anxiety seize even the most persistent patients. To the credit of most doctors, it is mentioned that they patiently and confidently cope not only with diseases, pathologies, injuries, but also strive to create psychological comfort for the patient.

The reviews indicate that doctors calm the patient at every stage of the procedure, answer all questions and do not get tired of repeating the same thing several times to convince the patient of success and future health. In most cases, assurances and promises come true completely.

Negative Feedback

The reviews were written by patients who did not like the Institute of Maxillofacial Surgery in Moscow. Reviews tell about several specialists, because of which further visits to the clinic became impossible. In some cases, clients felt that the doctor was inattentive and unwilling to listen to complaints, relying on diagnostic results and images.

There is a review in which the clinic is accused of uncleanliness and indulging the unhealthy desires of clients. So it is told that one of the young patients, having completely healthy teeth, contacted dental center so that all her teeth are completely replaced and the so-called " Hollywood smile". Doctors gladly went to meet her, without warning about severe consequences such a step. The situation was saved by the girl's mother, but it is almost impossible to understand the approval of the procedure by specialists.

The Institute of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Moscow has been criticized for poorly thought out logistics - procedures must be paid for in turn, and doctors' offices are located on different floors. As a result of traveling between floors, patients lose a lot of time, as queues form everywhere and sometimes procedures cannot be completed in one day, although this is necessary condition therapy.

Maxillofacial Surgery Reviews

The Institute of Maxillofacial Surgery in Moscow received the most enthusiastic reviews about the work of surgeons and the clinic. This area of ​​activity differs from the dental one in that there are no trivial tasks, and the patient evaluates the skill of a specialist immediately after the operation. Clients wrote many words of gratitude to doctors, nurses for excellent surgical interventions and care.

Patients say that the diseases that come to the clinic are aggravated by the fact that they cause not only harm to health, but often disfigure the appearance. The task of the maxillofacial surgeon is not only to save a person from the disease, but also to return the face that nature has given. Most patients claim that these two conditions are fully met in TsNIIS and CHLH, sometimes it seems that magicians are working there.

Specialists do not just perform operations, but carefully monitor the patient's condition, prescribe an individual course of rehabilitation programs, invite them to an appointment at the required frequency in order to monitor the dynamics of recovery and prevent complications. according to patients, they demonstrate miracles during dressing, performing manipulations as painlessly and tactfully as possible.

I went to TsNIIS with hope and, on the recommendation of my dentist, who studied at this TsNIIS, improved my qualifications. And she came out, as if doused with a tub cold water. The truth is written in reviews about rude communication with patients. I signed up for the first visit by phone in the registry to a periodontist, I won’t name the name, Ph.D., by the way, a crowd of students around. the first question from the doctor: "And how did you get to me at all? I don't accept anyone!" Came with the problem of "fistula on the gums." Diagnosed with chronic periodontitis mild degree. treated, I must say, not cheap, in the medical record, without my questioning, there were records that "the patient notes an improvement, etc." After the treatment, another specialist was invited, Petrushina Natalya Borisovna, to solve the "fistula" problem. They said that if anyone can do it, then only she! It was necessary to remove the crowns and re-fill the canals. Initially it was suggested to remove the crowns

and unsealed the canals, where I was prosthetized, in Ryazan, and come to the TsNIIS for treatment. Then they said that only to remove the crowns. they set an approximate price for the work - for 2 appointments. Where I was prosthetized, the crowns were removed for me, the canals were sealed, they checked the correctness with the X-ray needles. With this, I came to TsNIIS. And here is the most interesting thing. The doctor REFUSED to admit me, on the grounds that another specialist started the work and, allegedly, he ruined everything, made false channels, steps, and so on, "now let him finish it himself." And this conclusion was made by this doctor only on the basis of an examination of my appearance. She didn't even look into my mouth, let alone "pick" in the tooth! As I understand it, "monsters from dentistry" work in this "charitable institution"! examination of the patient through a closed mouth! How can a doctor who took the Hippocratic Oath refuse a patient???? This is ours new medicine like this??? Or are they already all on the drum? Treating patients like a departed trolleybus - nothing, the next one will come!
To demand to give me medical card, they said that they would give it to the registry, as they need to make a record of the cancellation of the appointment. I received a copy of the card at the reception - no record was made of the cancellation of the reception in the card. I regret that I did not make a scandal and did not go to the leadership. But now you can't prove anything.
I speak firsthand about the Hippocratic Oath and about the humane attitude towards patients, my mother is a Doctor, and with a capital letter, with over 40 years of experience! she still remembers each of her patients, although she had to see up to 30 people a day. She is already retired, but it is impossible to calmly walk around the city with her, every second woman greets her joyfully, and her mother remembers whom, when and how she gave birth. But this is a lyric.
I express my condolences to the leadership of TsNIIS, due to the fact that there are NO doctors in the main institute of the country, but only grabbers. It would be necessary to fix the signboards on the offices, just change two letters in places! ...

Excellent extraction of teeth. The doctor is wonderful!

My gums became inflamed and on a beautiful, sunny morning on April 10, I went to a private clinic. There I was told that it was possible for oncology and I needed to go to the Central Research Institute for a biopsy. cotton feet, with trembling hands, I came to this "beautiful institution". Let's omit all the details from the pictures, the initial examination, etc. Instead of oncology, I have a wisdom tooth that does not grow properly and because of this cannot erupt. Shafransky Igor Vladimirovich was appointed surgeon. The removal was complicated, with a gum incision and suturing. They didn’t put me on drains, they didn’t prescribe antibiotics. For tooth extraction they took 12 tr. The next day (11.04) the edema began to grow, I calmed myself with what was surgical intervention and in any case there should be swelling. On April 12, the edema moved to the neck, thyroid gland, eye, temple and an unrealistically large cheek. There was a smell of pus. The jaw stopped opening. It was very scary to look at me. Wasting no time, I went to Shafransky I.V. At the reception, I was told that everything was fine and there was nothing to worry about, but it was worth starting to drink antibiotics. Chlorhexidine. And I was sent home. I started drinking antibiotics, a large number of anesthetic and temperature 37.6 13.04. There are no improvements. The smell of pus intensified. 14.04 I went again to see Shafransky. He removed one stitch and said to continue rinsing. It was also said that there was no point in my visits to TsNIIS and I would have to appear on April 18 to remove the stitches. That's all. 15.04. She was admitted by ambulance to the 36th hospital. In the evening, she was operated on. The cheek was opened, drains and tubes were installed. The pus went to the temple. 2 weeks of hell have begun. Very painful bandages nervous breakdowns, sleepless nights, waiting possible operation on the temple. One thing I was glad that I really got to the doctors, to the professionals in their field. A pressure chamber was appointed, great amount antibiotics, hormones, etc. Released two weeks ago. Panic attacks continue, the fear that all this may happen again sits in me. Under the supervision of doctors for at least 2 more months, there is a possibility that inflammation may begin. tendons at the temple are affected. The recovery period is about six months. Thank you, Igor Vladimirovich!

It was on 07.02018. In the examination room, they couldn’t determine if the tooth hurts or the oral cavity was checked with a current, they did x-ray and ultrasound, but they couldn’t determine anything, they gave the money just like that, they came and went away, and in the ultrasound room it’s dirty, dirty diapers will be wiped off one napkin, this is called being treated for money .

Operated in October 2016 according to the quota. She was in CHLH. After reading the reviews, I was a little worried. I was surprised that there are almost no reviews about this particular building, where the CHLH department is located. heap negative reviews about dentists and almost nothing about HSF. Decided to right the wrong. Maybe someone will help me to accept my review the right decision. I had a rather complicated neuroplastic surgery. Of course she was worried. But, having met with the doctors, she calmed down. They instilled confidence and convinced that everything would work out. Salikhov Kamil Salamovich and Visaitova Zulikhan Yusupovna operated on me. I want to say a huge thank you to them! Sincerely and wholeheartedly! Before the operation, they patiently listened to a huge number of questions, calmly explained and showed everything, reassured me. The operation went according to plan, in the normal mode, the anesthesia is excellent! thanks to the anesthesiologist Dobrodeev))) In vain they write about pumping money. No one has ever hinted at me about any gratitude or paid manipulations. Everything is free, according to the quota. The office itself is very clean and comfortable. the nurses are very polite and helpful. The room was cleaned daily and to a very high standard. Living conditions are excellent. Each room has its own shower and toilet. The food is decent too. There was absolutely no need to ask for anything from home. I somehow did not even expect such an attitude and conditions from free medicine. But the most important thing is the result of the operation. He is visible now! Although the first results should be only after 4-6 months. I have very neat and inconspicuous scars, there are movements on the affected side. Kamil Salamovich regularly monitors me after discharge, does not leave me. I would like to say a big thank you to the entire department! And special thanks to Salikhov Kamil Salamovich!

I was most satisfied with the removal of three complex (impacted) eights from Slabkovsky Roman Ilyich. In my clinic, they didn’t take them up, on the recommendation I went to TsNIIS, accidentally got to Roman Ilyich and within a month removed all three of his teeth without any problems, complications and pain. They told me in detail about how the removals would take place, in the process they clarified how I feel, carefully and quickly stitched them up and gave detailed recommendations for postoperative care. Also warned about possible consequences- but everything was fine, my stitches were quickly removed, and the tissues recovered in a few days. I am very happy and pleasantly surprised that everything went so quickly, easily and painlessly. Separately, it is worth noting the communication with patients - Roman Ilyich explained everything calmly and in detail, answered even stupid questions, calmed down if necessary. In general, Roman Ilyich is a super professional, I highly recommend him :)

From 15.01. until 05.02. 2016 I was on inpatient treatment in TsNIIS and CHLH, - in the department of CHLH. All 22 days of hospitalization, I didn’t even have an attending physician, and in the extract from the medical history (No. 59 - a / k0246196) he suddenly appeared: he turned out to be someone Libin P.V., whom I NEVER SAW IN THE EYES! Further more. On the day of discharge, they gave me a photocopy of medical record No. 59, where at least two-thirds of the information turned out to be untrue: the same Libin P.V. again acted as lieutenant Kizhe: allegedly for more than three weeks, what is called day and night, he led me tirelessly medical supervision... Who and why needed these lies and fraud?! But that's not all! I was discharged on February 5, 2016, allegedly in a satisfactory condition, ready for prosthetics and with a sanitized oral cavity. At the same time, my toothaches were so severe that I had to buy the strongest painkiller on the road at the pharmacy kiosk of the Central Research Institute and the ChLH. I inform you: already on March 1, I was hospitalized again, this time at the place of residence, namely, in the department of the ChLH of the regional clinical hospital Rostov-on-Don, where I am sharp medical indications(!) a tooth was removed, and two more months later another tooth was removed. Ahead is the possible subsequent removal of another tooth, retreatment of others and, as a result, - removable prosthetics on both jaws ... This is the kind of "help" I received under the CHI program in January-February of this year at the Central Research Institute and the ChLH of Moscow. Kovaleva Natalia, Rostov region

A couple of times I applied to TsNIISiCHLH and was very pleased. This establishment employs true professionals in their field. Doctors Yigitaliev Shukhrat Numanovich, Salikhov Kamil Salamovich, Lafishev Aslan Islamovich, Kotov Ivan Ivanovich are young specialists who know how to treat people CORRECTLY. I express my deep gratitude to them. I believe that it is on doctors like them that our medicine today is based, since they do their work selflessly, despite a lot of difficulties and a penny salary. I wish them good health and success!

Nightmare service - for a lot of money you can get: - a lot of rudeness - the seal that I made six months ago flew out I just called the receptionist explained that I had a seal that I made with them they explained to me what can be redone for money again and only after May holidays, May 4th. The tone of the receptionists is very aggressive and does not encourage friendly communication. And this is for very decent money you need to listen) - I did a tooth more than a year ago - when making an appointment, sometimes I had to wait for a doctor (not that he was with the patient, but simply did not come) for more than an hour! At the same time, for the attending physician, this is quite normal phenomenon in this institution, I understand.

The site says that this organization treats hemangiomas. I decided to consult my daughter. Since hemangiomas on the finger, I wrote to the mail indicated on the site, will they accept it. There is no answer so far. I called the front desk and they said they would take it. Waited two weeks for an appointment. Paid money for a consultation Ph.D. Havel doctor. They came at the right time, but the doctor said that she had more important things to do and left. When we finally entered the office, there was no examination equipment. Even loupes. Having looked "by eye", the doctor said that these are not hemangiomas, but she does not know what. And go somewhere else. But in order to create the appearance of a consultation, she prescribed some medicine on a piece of paper. From what disease? The result of the examination: no discharge with a diagnosis, no prescription. During our appointment, other patients entered the office and the doctor was distracted by them. What was the money paid for? After this organization, the child was consulted by several more doctors, who conducted an examination using special equipment. The initial diagnosis was confirmed, treatment was prescribed. There is already a result.

Some time ago I had crowns and a bridge. A few months later, the sky began to redden and hurt. The pain radiated to the eye and ear. I looked for the cause at the dentists, underwent treatment at the ENT. To no avail. I got an appointment with the surgeon Zaretskaya Alina, I don’t remember her patronymic. The cause was immediately found, treatment was prescribed. Already this year, it was necessary to remove the fibroma in the tongue. I decided that I would just go to her. She did everything very well. Thank you very much. It's good that there are such professionals!

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