Children's surgeon boqueria. Old age is "my years are my wealth" or. Here's something you don't want, but you need

There are specialists without whom it is simply impossible to imagine modern Russian medicine, and the country's chief cardiac surgeon, Leo Antonovich Bokeria, is certainly such an outstanding personality. Over the years of its successful and fruitful work he not only managed to bring domestic cardiac surgery to a fundamentally new level, but also to achieve worldwide recognition for their scientific works and achievements.

Cardiovascular diseases have become one of the most important problems of the 21st century. Every year, the number of deaths from heart disease is increasing, and the average age of patients is decreasing. This is affected by bad environment, low activity, the complex, exhausting rhythm of life for most people, bad habits, heredity and many other factors. So it's obviously important to develop areas of medicine that can help people with their many heart problems, and Leo Bokeria understood this many years ago.

Carier start

The talented doctor, inventor and researcher himself was born in 1939 and from early childhood he showed a craving for medicine. He was an excellent student and already at school he decided to receive medical education. Excellent academic performance allowed him to enter medical institute named after Sechenov, from which he graduated in 1965, enrolling in the graduate school of the same educational institution. Already at this time, in addition to gaining important practical knowledge, Leo Bokeria began to conduct his own research and offer to try out new, original methods of treatment.

In 1968, the doctor went to work at the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery and began to work under the guidance of the most talented specialist A.N. Bakulev, whom he still considers one of the most outstanding medical professionals modernity. Here, a young surgeon not only receives the most valuable both practical and theoretical knowledge, but actually gets to the forefront of the fight against cardiovascular diseases. Soviet cardiac surgery was deservedly considered one of the best, and the institute where Leo Bokeria worked was the leading one in the country. Here he, with his supervisor and other specialists, faced the most difficult cases and situations. A huge amount of practice over time allowed him to become a first-class surgeon, but the most important thing was not even that. Here, a young specialist, an adherent of the experimental method and the most modern, innovative approaches, could implement all his many ideas.

Successful Research

It was Leo Bokeria who was the first in the country to become interested in the possibilities and prospects of hyperbolic oxygenation. In 1972, according to his drawings, the world's first experimental barotherapy room was created, in which pressure was increased. In this room, Leo Bokeria and his team performed the most complex operations on the hearts of patients with congenital heart defects. In his own words, all this was one big and complex experiment, which was based on a huge theoretical work.

Specialists could not foresee the consequences for sure, because they were the first in the world to use cardiopulmonary bypass in a barooperative room. The complexity of the work was also in the fact that after each operation, the doctors themselves had to carry out the decompression procedure in order not to provoke the development of decompression sickness, because for the human body, being in a pressure chamber is tantamount to diving to a depth of 25 meters.

Nevertheless, Leo Bokeria and his team successfully performed more than 200 operations in such conditions, and the results of the work were so outstanding that in 1976, together with colleagues, he received the Lenin Prize for his research. Also, thanks to this work, a little earlier, in 1973, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Hyperbolic oxygenation in cardiac surgery."

The development of modern medicine

In addition, the professor conducted a wide variety of research in the field of cardiac arrhythmias. It was he who was the first in the country to create the department of tachyarrhythmias in 1980, and formed completely new diagnostic methods. this disease. Detailed studies have made it possible to achieve excellent results and significantly increased the percentage of positive operations when working with people with heart defects, especially since Leo Bokeria made many improvements in practical terms.

To work with difficult patients, and first of all for high-quality diagnostics, the professor was one of the first to use the most modern equipment, over time he applied computer modeling and other technologies to achieve a deeper understanding of the problem itself and the possibilities of solving it.

In addition, Professor Bokeria is a famous inventor, and on this moment he owns over 150 different patents. His inventions are actively used not only in domestic, but also in world medicine.

Starting from 1994, Leo Bokeria became the director of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A.N.Bakulev, having steadfastly withstood all the difficulties associated with the lack of funding in the 90s. Largely due to his influence and work, modern Russian cardiac surgery is in such a developed state. According to Leo Bokeria himself, at the moment Russia has everything necessary equipment necessary to cope with any cardiovascular diseases. However, the professor is not going to stop there, and actively develops the direction, oversees the construction and organization of new research centers, continues to perform the most complex operations and happily shares his inexhaustible energy with everyone around him, both patients and colleagues.

Over the years, Leo Bokeria has performed thousands of successful operations and saved a huge number of lives, but he himself claims that there is still a lot of unknown in the heart, and modern medicine still has a lot to do in order to finally understand all the features of this most important organ.

Awards and prizes


In the city he graduated from the MMI. I. M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of the USSR and graduate school of the same institute in 1968.

Since the year he has been working at the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery. A. N. Bakulev, first as a senior researcher, then as head of the laboratory of hyperbaric oxygenation. In the same year he defended his PhD thesis.

He defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Hyperbaric oxygenation in cardiac surgery” in . Has the title of professor.

In 1999 he was appointed Deputy Director for scientific work and worked in this position until 1993, when, in connection with the organization of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, he was appointed director of the Institute of Cardiac Surgery of this Center.

Since September, L. A. Bokeria has been acting, and since November 1994 - director of the National Central Academy of Artists. A. N. Bakuleva RAMS. In 1994, he was elected a full member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences with a degree in cardiovascular surgery.

Professional activity

L. A. Bokeria throughout his career actively and fruitfully used the experimental method. A number of operations and methods tested in the experiment were then successfully implemented in the clinic. it various operations remote control in barooperative, electrical isolation of the left atrium, denervation of the heart, modeling of heart defects of blue and pale types, etc. From latest methods- this is cryoablation, fulguration, laser photoablation, now widely used not only in the country, but also abroad. L. A. Bokeria actively uses computer methods in the diagnosis, modeling of the pathology of the circulatory system, gas exchange, and arrhythmias. Various nomograms, charts, tables used in the clinic were created. Unique is personal experience L. A. Bokeria operations on open heart with tachyarrhythmias - about 2000 cases. L. A. Bokeria is one of the founders surgical treatment cardiac arrhythmias - newest direction clinical medicine. Back in 1980, he created the country's first specialized department of tachyarrhythmias and implemented in clinical practice electrophysiological methods for diagnosing arrhythmias. A complex for non-invasive examination of patients with complex life-threatening arrhythmias was developed and implemented in the clinic, including the most modern diagnostic methods, surface mapping, ECG high definition, variability heart rate and others. He developed and introduced into wide practice new operations for the syndrome of premature ventricular excitation, over ventricular tachycardia and life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias. These are operations of resection and denervation of the sinus node with implantation of bifocal pacemakers in case of sinus arrhythmias and long QT syndrome, epicardial electrical impulse destruction in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, endocardial resection and cryodestruction in non-coronary ventricular tachycardias, operations for allorhythmias, with long QT interval syndrome, various operations for isolation of the atrioventricular node in nodal tachyarrhythmias, radical elimination atrial flutter, the most complicated operation"Labyrinth-3" for the treatment of atrial fibrillation.

Scientific activity

The main areas of scientific activity of L. A. Bokeria are: surgery for arrhythmias and coronary disease heart disease, congenital and acquired heart defects, end-stage heart failure, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, minimally invasive heart surgery, the use of a laser in heart surgery, the use of computers in surgery and mathematical modeling, pathology modeling of cardio-vascular system in experiment, target planning and methodology of science.


  • L. A. Bokeria owns the country's first work on hyperbaric oxygenation. Original works were performed using hyperbaric oxygen therapy in resuscitation, transplantation and some other areas. He personally performed almost two hundred heart surgeries under high blood pressure in the operating room. A number of operations on a "dry" heart, as well as with a combination of hyperbaric oxygenation and cardiopulmonary bypass, were the first in surgical practice.
  • He was one of the first in the world to perform simultaneous operations for the correction of congenital, acquired heart defects, or coronary heart disease, combined with life-threatening tachyarrhythmias. These operations have significantly expanded the possibilities of radical treatment of previously inoperable patients. He was also the first in the country to have implanted cardioverter-defibrillators for the prevention of sudden death.
  • L. A. Bokeria made a great contribution to the problem of coronary heart disease, the most common disease. He introduced into clinical practice new methods of left ventricular reconstruction in patients with post-infarction heart aneurysms. This is a new type of physiological surgery in patients with a very high operational risk.
  • L. A. Bokeria is the initiator and pioneer of minimal invasive operations on the heart, including with the use of three-dimensional imaging operating field to improve the safety of the operation itself.
  • The great merit of L. A. Bokeria is the development, together with physicists, the implementation of the first operations and the introduction into practice of transmyocardial revascularization of the myocardium using a domestic carbon dioxide laser, and subsequently an excimer laser in the most severe contingent patients with coronary artery disease with a distal form of coronary artery disease, when coronary artery bypass grafting is not possible. A new step in this newest problem was the intraoperative use of TMLR in coronary artery bypass grafting.
  • The name of L. A. Bokeria is associated with the discovery new chapter in domestic cardiac surgery - the formation of approaches to the surgical treatment of critical (terminal) heart failure. He is a pioneer in the development of the concept of dynamic cardiomyoplasty in critical heart failure. They personally made a large number of these operations, including the first in the world in children.
  • A special merit of L. A. Bokeria is the performance of the first in our country operations of fully implantable artificial ventricles (AHV), in particular, the Novocor AHV. The successful application of these systems has made our cardiac surgery one of the 5 countries with such experience in operations and opened up the possibility of a radical cure for doomed patients.
  • L. A. Bokeria is a pioneer of a fundamentally new section of cardiac surgery - minimally invasive heart surgery in our country. They performed the first successful operations using the latest techniques in patients with congenital and acquired heart defects, with life-threatening arrhythmias, with coronary artery disease.
  • He is one of the initiators of creating so far the only automated cardiosurgical case history, the database of which contains more than 20,000 patients.
  • L. A. Bokeria is one of the authors and developers of the pilot telemedicine project "Moscow - regions of Russia", the purpose of which is to conduct full-fledged consultations with the Center's specialists using the entire volume of diagnostic information. Today, within the framework of this project, teleconsultations are regularly held on the basis of videoconferencing, including from the operating room, with doctors from 16 Russian regions and Belarus.

Honorary titles and awards

  • 1976 - Laureate of the Lenin Prize (together with V.I. Burakovsky and V.A. Bukharin) - for the development and implementation of hyperbaric oxygenation in clinical practice
  • 1986 - Laureate of the State Prize - for the development and introduction into clinical practice of new methods of electrophysiological diagnostic methods and operations for ventricular overexcitation syndromes, supraventricular and ventricular tachycardias and the development of a new direction - surgical arrhythmology.
  • 1994 - Honored Scientist Russian Federation
  • 1999 - Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree
  • 1997, 1999, 2002 - title "Person of the Year", Russian Biographical Institute
  • 2000 - the title "Person of the Decade" in the nomination "Medicine", Russian Biographical Institute
  • 2001 - Order of the Russian Orthodox Church Reverend Sergius Radonezh II degree
  • 2002 - the title of "Legend Man" of the All-Russian Prize of the Government, the Union of Industrialists and the Third Millennium Foundation, "Russian National Olympus"
  • 2002 - State Prize in the field of science and technology - for the development of the main provisions of the problem of surgical treatment of aneurysms of the ascending aorta and aortic arch.
  • 2003 - International award "Golden Hippocrates" (to the best cardiac surgeons in the world)
  • 2003 - the title of "Person of the Year-2003" in the nomination "Medicine" for an outstanding contribution to world cardiac surgery and strengthening Russian healthcare, Russian Biographical Institute
  • 2003 - Government Prize in the field of science and technology - for the development and implementation of a transmyocardial method for the treatment of inoperable patients.
  • 2004 - award badge-order "Maecenas" for an outstanding contribution to the revival and prosperity of the World, for the greatness of the soul, for selfless generosity. Awarded Charitable Foundation"Patrons of the Century".
  • 2004 - Golden Badge of Honor "Public Recognition" for a great personal contribution to development domestic medicine, performing unique cardiac surgeries using the latest medical technologies who saved the lives of hundreds of children and newborns, many years of fruitful scientific and practical, pedagogical and educational activities, active citizenship. Awarded by the National Foundation "Public Recognition", the National Civil Committee for Cooperation with Law Enforcement, Legislative and Judicial Bodies, an independent organization "Civil Society".
  • 2004 - "Triumph" award.
  • 2004 - the title of "Person of the Year 2004" (Russian Biographical Institute).
  • 2004 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree
  • 2004 - Order "For honor, valor, creation, mercy." Award Profession-life.
  • 2005 - Award " Best Books and Publishers of the Year”, nomination “Science”, for the publication of the book “Health of the Nation” (Atlas).
  • 2005 - the title of "Person of the Year - 2005" (Russian Biographical Institute).

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Abstract on the topic:

Leo Antonovich Bokeria. Biography, scientific and professional activity»

Moscow 2012

LeoAntomnewbiebokehmria(real name - Leonid; cargo. ??? ???????; born December 22, 1939, Ochamchira, Abkhaz ASSR, Georgian SSR) is a leading cardiac surgeon in Russia, a well-known scientist and organizer of medical science. Academician of RAS and RAMS, Member of the Presidium of RAMS. Chief Cardiac Surgeon of the Ministry of Health. Director of the A. N. Bakulev National Centers for Artists since 1994. President of the All-Russian public organization "League of Nation's Health". Member Public Chamber Russian Federation.

Bokeria Cardiac Surgeon Professional Scientific


AT 1965 year graduated MMI them. THEM. Sechenov Ministry of Health of the USSR and graduate school of the same institute in 1968.

FROM 1968 of the year works at the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery. A. N. Bakulev, first as a senior researcher, then as head of the laboratory of hyperbaric oxygenation. In the same year he defended his PhD thesis.

AT 1973 year defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Hyperbaric oxygenation in cardiac surgery". Has the title of professor.

AT 1977 year was appointed deputy director for scientific work and worked in this position until 1993, when, in connection with the organization of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, he was appointed director of the Institute of Cardiac Surgery of this Center.

From september 1994 of the year L.A. Bokeria was the acting, and since November 1994 - the director of the NCSSH them. A. N. Bakuleva RAMS.

AT 1994 year elected as a full member RAMS specializing in " cardiac surgery».

AT 2011 year elected valid member RAS Department of Physiology and Fundamental Medicine.


L.A. Bokeria throughout his career actively and fruitfully used the experimental method. A number of operations and methods tested in the experiment were then successfully implemented in the clinic. These are various remote control operations in the baro-operational, electrical isolation left atrium, denervation of the heart, modeling of blue and pale types of heart defects, etc. Among the latest methods are cryoablation, fulguration, laser photoablation, now widely used not only in the country, but also abroad.

Actively uses computer methods in diagnostics, pathology modeling systems blood circulation, gas exchange, arrhythmia. Various nomograms, maps, charts, tables used in the clinic. He performed about 2000 open heart surgeries for tachyarrhythmias.

He is one of the founders of the surgical treatment of cardiac arrhythmias - the latest trend in clinical medicine. Back in 1980, he created the country's first specialized department tachyarrhythmia and introduced into clinical practice electrophysiological methods for diagnosing arrhythmias. A complex for non-invasive examination of patients with complex life-threatening arrhythmias was developed and introduced into the clinic, including the most modern diagnostic methods, surface mapping, ECG high resolution, heart rate variability and others. He developed and introduced into wide practice new operations for the syndrome of premature excitation ventricles, supraventricular tachycardia and life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias. These are operations of resection and denervation of the sinus node with implantation of bifocal pacemakers in sinus arrhythmias and long QT syndrome, epicardial electrical impulse destruction in syndrome wolf -- Parkinson's -- White, endocardial resection and cryodestruction for non-coronary ventricular tachycardia, surgery for allorhythmias, syndrome elongated interval QT, various operations of isolation of the atrioventricular node with nodal tachyarrhythmias, radical elimination of flutter atrial, the most complex operation "Labyrinth-3" for the treatment flickering arrhythmias.

The main directions of scientific activity of L.A. Boqueria is: surgery arrhythmias and ischemic disease hearts, congenital and acquired vices hearts, terminal cardiac insufficiency, hyperbaric oxygenation, minimally invasive heart surgery, the use of a laser in heart surgery, the use of computers in surgery and mathematical modeling, modeling of the pathology of the cardiovascular system in the experiment, target planning and methodology of science.

Scientific achievements

§ L.A. Bokeria owns the country's first work on hyperbaric oxygenation. Original works were performed using hyperbaric oxygen therapy in resuscitation, transplantation and some other areas. He personally performed almost two hundred heart surgeries under high pressure in the barotherapy room. A number of operations on a "dry" heart, as well as with a combination of hyperbaric oxygenation and cardiopulmonary bypass, were the first in surgical practice.

§ He was one of the first in the world to perform simultaneous operations for the correction of congenital, acquired heart defects, or coronary heart disease, combined with life-threatening tachyarrhythmias. These operations have significantly expanded the possibilities of radical treatment of previously inoperable patients. He was also the first in the country to have implanted cardioverter-defibrillators to prevent sudden death.

§ L. A. Bokeria made a great contribution to the problem of coronary heart disease, the most common disease. He introduced into clinical practice new methods of left ventricular reconstruction in patients with post-infarction heart aneurysms. This is a new type of physiological surgery in patients with a very high operational risk.

§ L. A. Bokeria is the initiator and pioneer of minimally invasive heart surgeries, including the use of a three-dimensional display of the surgical field to improve the safety of the operation itself.

§ The great merit of L. A. Bokeria is the development, together with physicists, the implementation of the first operations and the introduction into practice of transmyocardial revascularization of the myocardium using a domestic carbon dioxide laser, and subsequently an excimer laser in the most severe contingent of patients with coronary artery disease with a distal form of coronary artery disease, when it is impossible performing coronary artery bypass grafting. A new step in this newest problem was the intraoperative use of TMLR in coronary artery bypass grafting.

§ With the name L.A. Bokeria is associated with the opening of a new chapter in domestic cardiac surgery - the formation of approaches to the surgical treatment of critical (terminal) heart failure. He is a pioneer in the development of the concept of dynamic cardiomyoplasty in critical heart failure. He personally performed a large number of these operations, including for the first time in the world in children.

§ A special merit of L. A. Bokeria is the performance of the first in the USSR operations of fully implantable artificial heart ventricles (IVH), in particular, the Novokor IZHS.

§ L. A. Bokeria is a pioneer of a fundamentally new section of cardiac surgery - minimally invasive heart surgery in the USSR. He performed the first successful operations using the latest techniques in patients with congenital and acquired heart defects, with life-threatening arrhythmias, with coronary artery disease.

§ He is one of the initiators of the creation of the only automated cardiosurgical case history, the database of which contains more than 20,000 patients.

§ Is one of the authors and developers of the pilot telemedicine project "Moscow - regions of Russia", the purpose of which is to conduct full-fledged consultations with the specialists of the Center using the entire volume of diagnostic information by local doctors. Today, as part of this project, teleconsultations are regularly held on the basis of videoconferencing, including from the operating room, with doctors from 16 Russian regions and Belarus.

§ Has more than 150 patents for inventions, utility models and rationalization proposals.

Honorary ranks and awards

§ 1976 - Laureate of the Lenin Prize (together with V.I. Burakovsky and V.A. Bukharin) - for the development and implementation of hyperbaric oxygenation in clinical practice

§ 1986 - Laureate of the State Prize - for the development and introduction into clinical practice of new methods of electrophysiological diagnostic methods and operations for ventricular overexcitation syndromes, supraventricular and ventricular tachycardias and the development of a new direction - surgical arrhythmology.

§ 1994 - Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation

§ 1999 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree

§ 1997, 1999, 2002 - title "Person of the Year", Russian Biographical Institute

§ 2000 - the title "Man of the Decade" in the nomination "Medicine", Russian Biographical Institute

§ 2001 - Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh II degree

§ 2002 - the title of "Legend Man" of the All-Russian Prize of the Government, the Union of Industrialists and the Third Millennium Foundation, "Russian National Olympus"

§ 2002 - State Prize in the field of science and technology - for the development of the main provisions of the problem of surgical treatment of aneurysms of the ascending aorta and aortic arch.

§ 2003 - International award "Golden Hippocrates" (to the best cardiac surgeons in the world)

§ 2003 - the title of "Person of the Year-2003" in the nomination "Medicine" for an outstanding contribution to world cardiac surgery and strengthening Russian health care, Russian Biographical Institute

§ 2003 - Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology - for the development and implementation of a transmyocardial method for the treatment of inoperable patients.

§ 2004 - award sign-order "Maecenas" for an outstanding contribution to the revival and prosperity of the World, for the greatness of the soul, for selfless generosity. Awarded by the Patrons of the Century Charitable Foundation.

§ 2004 - Golden Badge of Honor "Public Recognition" for a great personal contribution to the development of domestic medicine, performing unique cardiac surgeries using the latest medical technologies that saved the lives of hundreds of children and newborns, many years of fruitful scientific, practical, pedagogical and educational activities, active citizenship. Awarded by the National Foundation "Public Recognition", the National Civil Committee for Cooperation with Law Enforcement, Legislative and Judicial Bodies, an independent organization "Civil Society".

§ 2004 - "Triumph" award.

§ 2004 - the title of "Person of the Year-2004" (Russian Biographical Institute).

§ 2004 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree

§ 2004 - Order "For honor, valor, creation, mercy". Award Profession-life.

§ 2005 - Award "Best Books and Publishing Houses of the Year", nomination "Science", for the publication of the book "Health of the Nation" (Atlas).

§ 2005 - the title of "Person of the Year - 2005" (Russian Biographical Institute).

§ Honorary member Russian Academy arts

§ 2007 - medal "For Merit to the Chechen Republic"

§ 2010 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree

Every year, heart disease kills 300,000 people in Russia. More - only in Ukraine. And this figure cannot be reduced in any way. Bad ecology, unhealthy image life, constant stress, lack of highly qualified surgeons and the latest equipment These are the troubles of our day. Perhaps that is why the “Hero of Our Time” award in the “Scientist of the Decade” nomination was given by the readers of Novye Izvestia to someone who is trying to solve this problem with his own hands. We are talking about the country's chief cardiac surgeon, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, head of Science Center Cardiovascular Surgery named after Bakulev Leo BOKERIIA.

Ordinary morning of an ordinary hero. At half past seven, Leo Antonovich was already on his feet. Cold and hot shower, healthy breakfast- cottage cheese with yogurt, and into the car. At half past seven, he is already driving up to the gates of the Bakulev center. In a spacious office filled with soft toys, Bokeria is not delayed - it's time for an operation. Despite his age (the doctor celebrated his 68th birthday last weekend), he performs 5-6 surgeries a day. Helps children in the morning, adults in the afternoon.

Putting on a sterile gown and cap, Leo Antonovich is transformed. There is intense concentration in the eyes. As the surgeon admits, even during many hours of surgery, he cannot think about anything except the patient, whose heart he holds in his hands. Only in the most difficult moments does he remember the voices of his children, which help him regain confidence and calm down.

Everyone who has ever been in the operating room with Leo Bokeria noted how accurately and deftly his hands fly, how debugged, his assistants understand by one nod of the head. A team of surgeons works like clockwork, like the heart of the master himself, which he has not checked for many years - there is no reason. Sport, proper nutrition, gymnastics, which he even practices in the operating room, and the inner light do their job. The attending physicians of Leo Bokeria, his daughter, are closely watching so that the reason does not appear. Both of them followed in the footsteps of their father: they became cardiac surgeons.

Everyone who has ever been in the Bokeria operating room notes the doctor's determination. In life, he gives the impression of a man who knows what he is doing. Leo Antonovich has long answered the main question for surgeons - does he have the right to take on the role of arbiter of fate? It has, because it is obliged to give people a chance. “I remember such a case. Grandfather found out that his newborn grandson was going to have a whole series of heart surgeries, and refused to give the child a chance, thinking that it could be very painful. I told him then and I will repeat now: no one has the right to deprive a person of his life! Even a few of her moments. As a doctor, I always proceed from these considerations,” says Leo Bokeria.

To give people a chance, he worked on a method called hyperbaric oxygenation, which made it possible to operate on practically inoperable children by placing them in a pressure chamber. For the sake of this very chance, he, risking his own health, performed more than 2 thousand surgeries under pressure, equal to pressure water at 25 meters depth. He earned the Lenin Prize and ... the Honored Submariner Prize. It was for this chance that he began to be the first in the country to implant defibrillators to prevent sudden death. It was for him that he spent years developing the newest direction in clinical medicine - the surgical treatment of arrhythmia. It was this chance that made him quite recently, in November, dare to implant an artificial left ventricle in a teenager. Again for the first time in the country...

“If medicine is surgery. If surgery is cardiac! - this is how the 17-year-old Leo, who arrived in Moscow from the Abkhazian town of Ochamchira, reasoned, choosing which university and which faculty he should enter. He has not departed from his principle even now. He only thinks in other categories: if he deals with the treatment of heart diseases, then their prevention too. If you work in medicine, then keep your finger on the pulse and public policy in healthcare. This was one of the reasons that Leo Bokeria headed the public organization "League of Nation's Health". Organization of football championships among schoolchildren in the regions, free diagnostics hundreds of people, lectures on a healthy lifestyle, helping young surgeons - this is just a small fraction of what Leo Bokeria is trying to find at least a couple of hours in a busy schedule of operations.

He is on friendly terms with both officials and legislators. But how! If he does not speak about the sore points of Russian healthcare, others will not be listened to at all. Leo Bokeria does not get tired of talking about the need to increase the amount of quotas for the treatment of heart patients. His constant headache- the problem of pediatric transplantology. Now, due to the imperfection of the legislation, it is actually prohibited. Meanwhile, in the West, a heart transplant from a child to a child saves hundreds of lives. Including thanks to the efforts of Leo Bokeria, a document allowing pediatric transplantation may appear in the coming months.

In general, Leo Antonovich always did everything himself. He himself repaired the unfinished building of the Bakulev Center, which he had to move into in the early 90s, he himself selected the staff for the clinic, he manages it himself. Subordinates say: strict but fair.

Surprisingly, with such a firmness of character, Leo Bokeria was never used to many things. Not accustomed to human grief. In a recent interview, he admitted that he could not forget the touching smile of a child who had recently been operated on. “The baby has a serious diagnosis - heart disease. The operation went through with complications. I had to operate again. Fortunately, everything worked out. But to this day, it’s in my head that this child smiled at us, and here we are ... It happens that something goes wrong, and then you suddenly begin to remember some details of the conversation with parents or relatives, or with the patient himself. So I'm not used to it."

Not only to failures, but also to victories, Leo Bokeria is emotional. He says that each recovery of the patient for him is an ordinary miracle. Many of those who operated, he still remembers. “It was about 20 years ago. A friend from Ochamchira comes to me and says: “We are going to us urgently, our guy is dying from a wound in his heart!” I fly to Georgia on an evening flight via Adler. I'm doing an operation, and in the morning I'm flying to Moscow. And I completely forget about it. Two years later I came to Ochamchira on vacation. The mountain river Galizga overflowed, which is very close to my house. The whole city washed up on the shore. They're watching. And only one person, the strongest, pulls out the floating cows from the river, fallen trees. As a tourist, I photograph everything. And suddenly he sees me, throws another cow - and rushes to me. He grabs it with dirty hands and throws it into the air. It turned out - the same guy to whom I sewed the heart, ”Leo told this story to reporters more than once with animation.

They say about the Bakulev center that here doctors never take bribes. This is the Boqueria rule. A bottle of cognac in gratitude - no more. For extortion from patients, he immediately dismisses. Although he appreciates his employees. He even plays football with them on Sundays. He says that all work conflicts are resolved by themselves, although it happens that they put trips.

And the surgeon likes to spend Sundays at the festive table. Like a real Georgian, he knows a lot about good wine and cognac. He says that alcohol (of course, in moderation) decorates our lives. He likes to make toasts, he can sing a Georgian romance. Bokeria is the keeper of family traditions. He has two daughters, two sisters and a wife. The male company is made up of a son-in-law and a 12-year-old grandson, with whom the grandfather communicates on an equal footing. AT New Year all his relatives gather in his house - at least thirty people.

Leo Bokeria himself does not undertake to list all his awards. There are many of them in the piggy bank - from the State Prize to the "Golden Hippocrates". Readers of Novye Izvestiya called him "The Hero of Our Time". However, the very word "hero" is not very suitable for Leo Antonovich. A hero is one who rests on his laurels, but he is still fighting. Against death on the side of life.


“A terrible thing for the heart is bad habits: smoking, alcoholism, overeating, sleeping when necessary, a disregard for the regime. A person should move more, sleep at the same time, even if he works in different shifts. It is better to exclude from food very fatty, with high content carbohydrate foods. There is a diet of astronauts, we call it the Kremlin diet. A good thing, because a person can not deny himself anything. The only condition if you want to maintain a normal weight or lose weight is to eat boiled fish and meat, and only fresh vegetables. And, of course, you need to exercise. You don't have to go to the fitness center simple gymnastics. In general, to maintain shape for a person who has passed the middle age, it is enough to walk one hour a week.

“Today it is difficult to meet a calm, balanced person who is confident in the future. Everyone is under some pressure. Even children experience permanent state stress, transmitted to them from their parents. This is not yesterday's or today's problem, it is a long-standing one.

“The main issue is the poverty and misery of Russians. Throughout the 19th-20th centuries and now, man mainly solves the problem of survival. I'm talking about the main part of the population. If we take the United States, Western European countries, then by and large people there are not worried about pressing problems, if, of course, they work. They have a roof over their heads, they do not think about what to eat or wear. They think about other things: about health, about quality products, about a sports club, about where to spend their holidays. All this is important for improving the health of each individual and the nation as a whole.”

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Leo Antonovich Bokeria(real name - Leonid; cargo. ლეო ანტონის ძე ბოკერია ; genus. December 22, Ochamchira) - Soviet and Russian cardiac surgeon, inventor, organizer of medical science, teacher, professor. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2011) and RAMS (1994), member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (until 2013). Chief Cardiac Surgeon of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Director of the NMIC SSH named after A. N. Bakulev of the Ministry of Health of Russia since 1994. President of the All-Russian public organization "League of Nation's Health". Member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Biography [ | ]

Born on December 22, 1939 in the city of Ochamchira (Abkhaz ASSR, Georgian SSR). Father - Bokeria Anton Ivanovich (1900-1943). Mother - Bokeria Olga Ivanovna (1905-1971).

In 1994 he was elected a full member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences with a degree in cardiac surgery.

Social activity[ | ]

On June 28, 2005, the signature of L. A. Bokeria appeared under a letter in support of the verdict to the former leaders of Yukos. However, in February 2011, Bokeria told Ru”, that “I did not sign anything against Khodorkovsky”, but put my signature under another text aimed at protecting the independence of the courts.

On February 6, 2012, he was officially registered as a confidant of the candidate for the President of the Russian Federation and the current President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. In January 2018, he again became a confidant of Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections on March 18, 2018.

Professional and scientific activity[ | ]

Throughout his career, he actively and fruitfully used the experimental method. A number of operations and methods tested in the experiment were then successfully implemented in the clinic: various remote control operations in the barooperative room, electrical isolation of the left atrium, cardiac denervation, modeling of blue and pale heart defects, etc. Among the latest methods are cryoablation, fulguration, laser photoablation, now widely used not only in Russia but also abroad.

Actively uses computer methods in diagnostics, modeling of the pathology of the circulatory system, gas exchange, arrhythmias. Various nomograms, charts, tables used in the clinic have been created. He performed about 2000 open heart surgeries for tachyarrhythmias.

He is one of the founders of the surgical treatment of cardiac arrhythmias - the latest trend in clinical medicine. In 1980, he created the first specialized tachyarrhythmia department in the country and introduced electrophysiological methods for diagnosing arrhythmias into clinical practice. A complex for non-invasive examination of patients with complex life-threatening arrhythmias was developed and implemented in the clinic, including the most modern diagnostic methods, surface mapping, high-resolution ECG, heart rate variability, and others. He developed and introduced into wide practice new operations for the syndrome of premature ventricular excitation, supraventricular tachycardia and life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias. These are operations of resection and denervation of the sinus node with implantation of bifocal pacemakers in sinus arrhythmias and long QT syndrome, epicardial electrical impulse destruction in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, endocardial resection and cryodestruction in non-coronary ventricular tachycardias, operations for allorhythmias, with long QT syndrome, various operations of isolation of the atrioventricular node with nodal tachyarrhythmias, radical elimination of atrial flutter, the most complex operation "Labyrinth-3" for the treatment of atrial fibrillation.

The main directions of scientific activity of L. A. Bokeria:

Gives great attention issues of protecting the professional safety of doctors, including doctors of risky specialties - neurosurgeons, cardiovascular surgeons, specialists in endovascular and abdominal surgery. The main task in this area considers the need to create an effective system legal regulation in healthcare. He is a member of the Coordinating Council of the Center for Medico-Legal Support medical workers” and actively cooperates with specialists from the Association of Legal Education, the Association of Russian Lawyers, the Association of Cardiovascular Surgeons, the Law in Healthcare association and other communities.

Scientific achievements[ | ]

  • L. A. Bokeria owns the country's first work on hyperbaric oxygenation. Original works were performed using hyperbaric oxygen therapy in resuscitation, transplantology and some other areas. He personally performed almost two hundred heart surgeries under high pressure in the barotherapy room. A number of operations on a "dry" heart, as well as with a combination of hyperbaric oxygenation and cardiopulmonary bypass, were the first in surgical practice.
  • He was one of the first in the world to perform simultaneous operations for the correction of congenital, acquired heart defects, or coronary heart disease, combined with life-threatening tachyarrhythmias. These operations have significantly expanded the possibilities of radical treatment of previously inoperable patients. For the first time in the country, he underwent implantation of cardioverter-defibrillators to prevent sudden death.
  • He made a great contribution to the problem of coronary heart disease - the most common disease. Introduced into clinical practice new methods of reconstruction of the left ventricle in patients with post-infarction aneurysms of the heart, which are a new type of physiological operations in patients with a very high operational risk.
  • He is the initiator and pioneer of minimally invasive heart surgeries, including the use of a three-dimensional display of the surgical field to improve the safety of the operation itself.
  • The great merit of L. A. Bokeria is the development, together with physicists, the implementation of the first operations and the introduction into practice of transmyocardial myocardial revascularization using a domestic carbon dioxide laser, and subsequently an excimer laser in the most severe contingent of patients with coronary artery disease with a distal form of coronary artery disease, when it is impossible to perform coronary artery bypass grafting. A new step in this newest problem was the intraoperative use of TMLR in coronary artery bypass grafting.
  • The name of L. A. Bokeria is associated with the opening of a new chapter in domestic cardiac surgery - the formation of approaches to the surgical treatment of critical (terminal) heart failure. He is a pioneer in the development of the concept of dynamic cardiomyoplasty in critical heart failure. He personally performed a large number of these operations, including for the first time in the world in children.
  • A special merit of L. A. Bokeria is the performance of the first in the USSR operations of fully implantable artificial heart ventricles (IVH), in particular, the Novokor IZHS.
  • He is a pioneer of a fundamentally new section of cardiac surgery - minimally invasive heart surgery in the USSR. He performed the first successful operations using the latest techniques in patients with congenital and acquired heart defects, with life-threatening arrhythmias, with coronary artery disease.
  • He is one of the initiators of the creation (so far the only one) of an automated cardiosurgical medical history, in the database of which there are more than 20 thousand patients.
  • He is one of the authors and developers of the pilot telemedicine project "Moscow - regions of Russia", the purpose of which is to conduct full-fledged consultations with the specialists of the Center using the entire volume of diagnostic information by local doctors. Today, within the framework of this project, teleconsultations are regularly held on the basis of videoconferencing, including from the operating room, with doctors from 16 Russian regions and Belarus.
  • Has more than 150 patents for inventions, utility models and rationalization proposals.
  • He is the editor-in-chief of scientific and practical journals:
  • "Annals of Arrhythmology",
  • "Creative cardiology",
  • "Bulletin of Lymphology",
  • "Clinical physiology of blood circulation",
  • "Children's diseases of the heart and blood vessels",
  • "Thoracic and cardiovascular surgery"

and the Bulletin "Cardiovascular Diseases".

Honorary titles and awards[ | ]

  • 1976 - Laureate of the Lenin Prize (together with V.I. Burakovsky and V.A. Bukharin) - for the development and implementation of hyperbaric oxygenation in clinical practice
  • 1986 - Laureate of the State Prize - for the development and introduction into clinical practice of new electrophysiological diagnostic methods and operations for ventricular overexcitation syndromes, supraventricular and ventricular tachycardias and the development of a new direction - surgical arrhythmology.
  • 1991 - Member of the American Association of Thoracic Surgeons
  • 1994 - Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
  • 1999 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree
  • 1997, 1999, 2002 - title "Person of the Year", Russian Biographical Institute
  • 2000 - the title "Person of the Decade" in the nomination "Medicine", Russian Biographical Institute
  • 2001 - Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh II degree
  • 2002 - the title of "Legend Man" of the All-Russian Prize of the Government, the Union of Industrialists and the Third Millennium Foundation, "Russian National Olympus"
  • 2002 - State Prize in the field of science and technology - for the development of the main provisions of the problem of surgical treatment of aneurysms of the ascending aorta and aortic arch.
  • 2003 - International award "Golden Hippocrates" (to the best cardiac surgeons in the world)
  • 2003 - the title of "Person of the Year-2003" in the nomination "Medicine" for an outstanding contribution to world cardiac surgery and strengthening Russian healthcare, Russian Biographical Institute
  • 2003 - Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology - for the development and implementation of a transmyocardial method for the treatment of inoperable patients.
  • 2004 - award badge-order "Maecenas" for an outstanding contribution to the revival and prosperity of the World, for the greatness of the soul, for selfless generosity. Awarded by the Patrons of the Century Charitable Foundation.
  • 2004 - Golden Badge of Honor "Public Recognition" for a great personal contribution to the development of domestic medicine, performing unique cardiac surgeries using the latest medical technologies that saved the lives of hundreds of children and newborns, many years of fruitful scientific and practical, pedagogical and educational activities, active civil society position. Awarded by the National Foundation "Public Recognition", the National Civil Committee for Cooperation with Law Enforcement, Legislative and Judicial Bodies, an independent organization "Civil Society".
  • 2004 - "Triumph" award.
  • 2004 - the title of "Person of the Year 2004" (Russian Biographical Institute).
  • 2004 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree
  • 2004 - Order "For honor, valor, creation, mercy." Award Profession-life.
  • 2005 - Award "Best Books and Publishing Houses of the Year", nomination "Science", for the publication of the book "Health of the Nation" (Atlas).
  • 2005 - the title of "Person of the Year - 2005" (Russian Biographical Institute).
  • Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts
  • 2007 - medal "For Merit to the Chechen Republic"
  • 2007 - Honorary title "Childhood Knight".
  • 2008 - National award "Russian of the Year"
  • 2010 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree
  • 2013 - "Person of the Year-2013" award, for new reconstructive operations with birth defects hearts
  • 2015 -

Head of the Department, Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution NMICSSH named after A.N. Bakulev of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Doctor medical sciences

professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences


1st Moscow Medical Institute named after I.M. Sechenov, Ministry of Health of the USSR

Cardiovascular surgeon


Organization of healthcare and public health / 28.04.2022

cardiovascular surgery / 09.06.2022

Leo Antonovich Bokeria is a leading cardiac surgeon, a well-known scientist and organizer of medical science. Born on December 22, 1939 in the city of Ochamchira, Abkhaz ASSR. In 1965, L. A. Bokeria graduated from the 1st Moscow Medical Institute named after I. M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of the USSR and entered graduate school at the Department of Topographic Anatomy and operative surgery to Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR V. V. Kovanov. In 1968, having completed his postgraduate studies, Leo Antonovich was assigned as a senior researcher to the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after A. N. Bakulev, with whom he forever connected his life. In 1968 he defended his Ph.D. thesis, in 1973 - his doctoral dissertation. From 1974 to 1977 supervised the laboratory of hyperbaric oxygenation. From 1977 to 1993 worked as Deputy Director for Science, Head of the Department of Surgical Treatment of Cardiac Arrhythmias. In February 1994 he was elected a full member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Since September 1994, Leo Antonovich Bokeria has been acting, and since November 1994 - director of the N. A. N. Bakuleva. Since 1994, Leo Antonovich Bokeria has been the Chairman of the Academic Council and Chairman dissertation council NTSSSH them. A. N. Bakuleva.

The international recognition of the works of Leo Antonovich Bokeria is his election as a full member of the American Association of Thoracic Surgeons (1991), a member of the European Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons and the International Cardiothoracic Center of Monaco (1992), a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences (1997), a member of the Faculties of a number of regular international conferences in France, Italy, Switzerland, a member of the editorial boards of journals in the USA, Great Britain. Leo Antonovich Bokeria repeatedly traveled abroad to perform demonstrative operations and performed the first successful operations for tachyarrhythmias in Italy and Poland. Of particular note is the election of L. A. Bokeria in 1998 as an Honorary Member of the American College of Surgeons - the highest title in the surgical hierarchy. Since 2003, Leo Antonovich has been a member of the Presidium (Consul) of the European Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons.

Leo Antonovich Bokeria - President of the Russian Scientific Society of Cardiovascular Surgeons. since 1995. In this capacity, he achieved regular congresses with wide participation of nursing staff, young professionals, attracted leading foreign surgeons to give lectures and demonstrative operations.

Leo Antonovich Bokeria - during 1993-1998. was the chairman of the Committee of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences on antiarrhythmic implantable devices and electrophysiology, and since 1998 - director of the Center for Surgical and Interventional Arrhythmology of the Russian Federation of the Ministry of Health. In this capacity, he contributed to the creation of the most important regulatory documents, the creation of new types of electrical stimulators, and the formation of regional centers.

Leo Antonovich Bokeria - Chief Editor a number of journals: "Annals of Surgery", "Children's diseases of the heart and blood vessels", "Bulletin of the N. A. N. Bakuleva RAMS”, “Cardiovascular Diseases”, “Creative Cardiology”, “Annals of Arrhythmology”, “Clinical Physiology of Circulation”, “Bulletin of Lymphology”, information collection “Cardiovascular Surgery”. Together with Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.S. Saveliev, L.A. Bokeria is the editor-in-chief of the journal Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. Also, Leo Antonovich was the initiator of the creation of the popular science publication "Doctor".

In June 2003, Leo Bokeria was elected President of the All-Russian public organization "League of Nation's Health", in the creation of which the most prominent scientists, figures of literature and art, athletes, politicians, businessmen participated. The objective of the League is to achieve the creation of a model for the self-development of medicine, to develop "sport for all", to strengthen the family, to spread the experience of a healthy and active lifestyle, to create conditions for the spiritual and physical development of the individual, the revival of national cultural traditions. Since 2003, Leo Bokeria has been a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

In 2005, Leo Antonovich was elected a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation under the President of Russia. From 2006 to 2009 - was the Chairman of the Commission of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation on the formation healthy lifestyle life.

In 2010, he was elected a foreign full member - an academician of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, in 2011 - an honorary professor of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. In 2011 he was elected an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Prizes, honorary titles and awards

  • Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1976)
  • Honorary citizen of Poti (1985)
  • Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1986)
  • Member of the American Association of Thoracic Surgeons (1991)
  • Member of the Scientific Board of the International Cardiothoracic Center of Monaco (1992)
  • Active member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (1994)
  • Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation (1994)
  • Memorial sign "For courage and love for the Fatherland. 1941-1945" (1996)
  • National award "Person of the Year" (1996, 1997, 1999, 2002-2009)
  • Honorary Member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences (1997)
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 3rd class (1999)
  • Georgian Order of Dignity and Honor (1999)
  • Order of the Holy Right-Believing Tsarevich Dimitry, Wonderworker of Moscow and Uglich "For works of mercy" (1999)
  • Honorary Citizen of Tbilisi (1999)
  • Honorary Member of the American College of Surgeons (1999)
  • Gold medal of B. V. Petrovsky "To the Outstanding Surgeon of the World" (2001)
  • Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh II degree (2001)
  • Star of Vernadsky (2001)
  • Laureate of the Akaki Tsereteli Prize (2001)
  • Medal "For Services to the National Healthcare" (2002)
  • Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (2002)
  • Medal of the Laureate of the International Association of Children's Funds (2002)
  • Insignia in honor of the day of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) "Civil Valor" (2003)
  • Sign-medal "Honor and Benefit" (2003)
  • Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (2003)
  • International Prize "Golden Hippocrates" (2003)
  • Member of the Presidium of the European Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons (2003)
  • Sign-order "Patron" (2004)
  • RAS Triumph Prize in Science (2004)
  • Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (2004)
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2004)
  • Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts "Worthy" (2004)
  • Medal of Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts (2004)
  • Order of international ambassadors (2004)
  • Order "For honor, valor, creation, mercy" (2004)
  • Medal "To the Faithful Son of Russia. Matvey Platov II degree (2005)
  • Medal “Public Recognition. 60 years of Victory" (2005)
  • Medal of I. I. Kartukov (2005)
  • Memorial sign "75 years Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region– Ugra (2005)
  • Order of N. I. Pirogov (2005)
  • Medal of the Order "Spiritual Unity of the Peoples of the World" (2005)
  • European Avicenna Medal (2005)
  • Order of Nikolay Pirogov (2005)
  • Medal of E. N. Meshalkin (2006)
  • Medal of the Order "Great Victory" (2006)
  • Order of Peter the Great (2006)
  • Special national award "Kremlin Grand" with the honorary title "Luminary of Medicine" (2006)
  • Sign-order "For Mercy" (2006)
  • Honorary Diamond Order "Public Recognition" (2006)
  • Order "For Honor and Dignity", "Kremlin Grand" award (2006)
  • Order "Pride of Russia" (2006)
  • Order of Kuzbass "Key of Friendship" (2006)
  • Gold star "Honor, pride and glory of Russia (2006)
  • Order "Good Angel of the World" (2006)
  • "Scientist of the Decade" (2007)
  • Order "Soviet Russia" (2007)
  • Order of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina the Enlightener of Georgia, IV degree (2007)
  • Laureate of the All-Russian competition "National Treasure" (2007)
  • Medal "For Services to the Chechen Republic" (2007)
  • Order of F. E. Dzerzhinsky (2007)
  • Medal "Man of the Year" (2007)
  • Medal of I. I. Mechnikov (2008)
  • Medal "To the 100th Anniversary of Academician B.V. Petrovsky" (2008)
  • Order of "Honour", "Sovereign" award with the title "Support of Honest Business" and the honorary title "Outstanding cardiac surgeon of our time" (2008)
  • Medal "Dunk" (2008)
  • Medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences "For practical contribution to strengthening the health of the nation" (2008)
  • Medal "Victor Rozov. For contribution to national culture" (2008)
  • Commemorative certificate "On entering the name of the Cavalier of the highest public awards of Russia in the Golden Fund of Russia" (2008)
  • Medal "Peter the Great. For selfless work" (2008)
  • Order of Saint Daniel (2008)
  • Order of Kadyrov (2009)
  • A. N. Kosygin Prize "For great achievements in solving the problems of the development of the Russian economy" (2009)
  • Award of the city of Moscow in the field of medicine "For the development and implementation in clinical practice of a new biological heart valve "Bioglis" (2009)
  • Medal "For Valiant Labor" - for merits in health care (2009)
  • Honorary medical badge "Red Cross" - for merits in the development of healthcare (2009)
  • Honorary title"Person of the Year" (2010)
  • Elected foreign full member - academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2010)
  • Elected Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2011)
  • Elected Honorary Professor of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (2011)
  • Diploma of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences for the organization and holding of the All-Russian scientific conference young medical scientists Innovative technologies in medicine of the XXI century" (2012)
  • Laureate of the CIS interstate award "Stars of the Commonwealth" for a major contribution to science and education, culture and art, humanitarian activities.

Leo Antonovich Bokeria has more than 180 patents for inventions, utility models and rationalization proposals.

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