What causes blood spots on the body. Red moles on the body: causes of appearance. External influence factors

Neoplasms such as angiomas occur as a result of benign pathology of blood vessels, most often capillaries. As a result, a small tubercle is formed on the surface of the skin, with blood. Sometimes there are spider angiomas, so named because a network of the finest capillary lines diverges from the tubercle.

Angiomas can form anywhere on the body. As already mentioned, they are not at all dangerous in themselves and can only cause aesthetic discomfort if there are a lot of them or if they are on the face, for example. However, if the number suddenly begins to increase sharply, you should consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of certain diseases, up to malignant tumors. In the vast majority of cases, the cause of this phenomenon is problems with blood vessels(including natural age-related changes, older people have a lot of red spots on the skin) or liver problems. Angiomas often appear in.

There is feature, by which an angioma can be unmistakably distinguished from other skin neoplasms. If you press hard on the red, it is on a short time becomes noticeably lighter, and then returns to its normal color.

Do I need to get rid of angiomas?

If an angioma (or several angiomas) causes noticeable aesthetic discomfort, you can contact a medical institution and remove it surgically. Currently, specialists can offer you non-surgical removal of skin tumors. By means of a "vascular" laser, angiomas can be removed in 1-2 sessions. During this procedure, you will feel only a slight tingling and. Usually, these measures are resorted to by the fair sex in cases where angiomas are on the face. It is categorically unacceptable to remove angiomas. At a minimum, an infection can be introduced into the body and begin inflammatory process. And in the worst case, such an “operation” can provoke the development of a malignant tumor.

It must be clearly understood that the process of formation of angiomas is natural and irreversible, and with age, the likelihood of their occurrence will increase. Therefore, it is better to simply ignore these spots.

As practice shows, in most cases people come to the doctor only when they experience pain or physical discomfort. While there are no such manifestations, many prefer to simply put up with the existence of certain symptoms. However, even the smallest sign can mean a serious illness. For example, red dots on the body sometimes speak of conditions that require immediate treatment. Why do they arise?

Red dots as a result of skin damage

Fortunately, this is the most common reason. Surely you have noticed more than once that after inaccurate shaving or epilation, such points appear in place of the removed hairs. In this case, they are microtraumas of the skin.
Sometimes bright "specks" have another origin. With a deficit ascorbic acid and vitamin K vascular wall becomes very fragile, so the capillaries acquire increased fragility. They are very easily damaged, and small hemorrhages form at the site of injury. Playing volleyball, rubbing the webbing of a heavy backpack, accidentally getting hit can all lead to red dots. Sometimes, with severe hypovitaminosis, they can occur, at first glance, even for no apparent reason.
Such points always disappear by themselves. True, if the cause persists, they will appear again and again. Therefore, you will need to take care to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins, or learn how to gently epilate.


So called benign vascular tumors, which may have different sizes, from a few centimeters to a millimeter in diameter. Don't let the word "tumor" scare you: a hemangioma has no slightest relation to cancer. If you delve into medical terminology, even the usual, familiar moles that each of us have are also benign tumors. So in this case, these points do not pose any danger to life, except that they spoil the appearance.
They usually appear on the face and look like bright spots that rise above the surface of the body. If they are accidentally damaged, it may be slight bleeding, since, in fact, a hemangioma is an enlarged vessel.
In the case when red dots have just such an origin, they are almost always single and do not spread over large areas of the skin. If points appear on the body of a child, it may well be that these are also hemangiomas.
The disease can be cured different ways. Tumors are removed surgically, with a coagulator or laser. Sometimes after that, a small scar remains on the skin.

Diseases of the liver and pancreas

Being on the beach or in the bath, you have probably seen people who not only have red dots in great abundance, but also acquire a peculiar arrangement - they are grouped on the arms and upper body, but almost never below the waist. Usually they have a size of 0.2 to 2 mm, crimson, bright red or burgundy in color, and their shape is either round or arachnid (from a point in all directions, small “rays” of capillaries translucent through the skin diverge). Over time, they can increase in number and size. They are called differently: ruby ​​moles, hepatic dots, hepatic asterisks, etc.
People who have had the misfortune to encounter liver points sometimes notice that the scattering of "moles" becomes thicker after each next exacerbation of hepatitis or pancreatitis.
How to treat them? Attempts to reduce or remove them with the help of external agents (creams, ointments) or a surgeon's scalpel will not help you, you don't even have to try. In the first case, there will simply be no effect, and in the second, the treatment will be meaningless, since they will begin to appear again.
Your attention should be focused on the treatment of the underlying, causative disease. Therefore, the first thing you will have to do is to see a doctor and entrust the care of your health to specialists of the appropriate profile (therapist, gastroenterologist, hepatologist). When your condition improves, you will no longer have to watch with annoyance how your skin is covered with new dots. At the same time, the old ones will either remain in the same state, or, in the most favorable situation, will decrease and partially disappear.

Rheumatic diseases

Rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, Henoch-Schonlein disease ... If your doctor once said these words, talking about your diagnosis, if you are seen by a rheumatologist or you often suffer from joint pain, perhaps red dots can be explained precisely by rheumatic diseases.
This group includes autoimmune processes, that is, conditions in which the immune system considers the cells of your body as foreign objects. In an effort to protect you, he gives the command for the formation of antibodies and other active substances capable of attacking the "enemy". As a rule, such aggression is primarily directed at the tissues of the joints, kidneys, skin, blood vessels and heart. Therefore, if you are concerned about unexplained symptoms from these organs, immediately consult a doctor for an examination. A few simple tests will confirm or rule out these diseases.
Rash in rheumatic diseases can be very different. Sometimes points appear in certain areas of the body (for example, around the eyes with dermatomyositis), but sometimes there are no patterns in their location. It can only be pinpoint rashes or “specks” along with bruises, papules, spots and even blisters.
If the assumption about the disease is confirmed, you will be prescribed special treatment, under the influence of which points and other symptoms will disappear.
Blood clotting disorders
If the points appeared suddenly, in addition to them, there are also larger hemorrhages on the skin, and you have a tendency to nasal, gum and other bleeding, perhaps the reason lies in a blood disease. In this case, you need to consult a hematologist.
Some diseases with clotting disorders are hereditary, so in such cases it is impossible to get rid of points once and for all by going through a single course of treatment. Some patients need to be treated permanently.

"Cancer dots"

There is an opinion that red dots on the body are a sign of cancer. Really, different kind rashes may occur malignant tumors, however, this is very rare, and there is no clear relationship between cancer and the appearance of dots on the skin.

As you now know, red dots on the body can be the result of diseases. varying degrees seriousness. Sometimes they arise as a result of damage, but sometimes they are based on complex pathology requiring examination and immediate treatment. Therefore, do not be too lazy to consult a doctor. In some situations, ignoring symptoms can be even more dangerous than wrong treatment, therefore, it is in your best interest to find the causes as soon as possible and, if necessary, begin treatment.

They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Then the skin is the state of the human body. She is the reflection general condition organism, because various ailments associated with the internal organs, it changes: the color changes, it becomes thinner, roughness appears, etc. In particular, red spots on the body are a fairly common sign of health problems. When they appear, a doctor's consultation is required to determine accurate diagnosis. You can’t tighten it, since spots are a signal of serious illnesses.

The most common triggers are stimuli allergic and infectious diseases. By appearance the spots are also different: dense, single or grouped, slightly protruding due to swelling or remaining on the same level with the epidermis.

Usually spots are divided according to the following criteria:

  • roseola - small spots scarlet shades no more than 5 mm in diameter;
  • punctate rash - a small accumulation of small spots;
  • large-spotted rash a small amount of spots up to 20 mm;
  • erythema - redness covering a large area;
  • hemorrhages inside and under the skin.

It should be noted that sometimes redness after scrubs, massage and other cosmetic procedures also taken as signs of any disease. This is wrong because it mechanical damage, not related to the state internal organs. Such spots are a consequence of vasodilation at the site of exposure, which increases blood flow. They disappear quickly and leave no traces.

Also, do not be afraid if erythema or a large-spotted rash occurs. Such rashes are most likely a consequence of nervousness, a strong change emotional state person. As a rule, they often appear in a situation of stress and after a while, after leaving stressful situation disappear and do not itch.

Red spots after bites

However, redness can indicate the occurrence of a serious illness: erysipelas, gouty arthritis and others. With neurodermatitis, photodermatitis and psoriasis, skin color also undergoes changes. In general, about 80 ailments can cause red. The most common outpatient visits are:

Some of the causes of redness are relatively safe and can be treated on their own. So, with a slight swelling and itching, you can prepare a warm bath and pour sea ​​salt. For oral administration, you can dilute drops of "Zirtek" or "Fenistil" in water. Another remedy - Fenistil gel is applied externally: it remains only to lubricate itchy places.

First of all, you need to understand what led to the symptoms, what it could be: mild form allergies or something more serious.

And the body in case of infection or allergen are caused defensive reaction organism. These are quite rare cases, because about 30–40% of people in the world suffer from allergies (in industrial and densely populated cities, the rates of allergy sufferers are highest).

Rashes with chickenpox

First of all, a red rash is diagnosed, after which blisters up to 5 mm in diameter appear in its place, filled with water. After a couple of days, the water bubbles dry out, forming a dried layer.

Smallpox should not be confused with chickenpox. With chickenpox, there are blisters and rashes on the skin at the same time. They are treated with greenery.

Rubella and enterovirus infection

On the body, red dots begin to spread on the face. Quite quickly, spots appear in the buttocks, back and neck. As a rule, the fight against the rash itself is not carried out, but the doctor prescribes antihistamines and drugs to reduce fever.


Red spots on the body of an adult who has had chickenpox are also called herpes zoster. Vivid symptoms This disease can be called a significant increase in temperature, an acute burning sensation in the armpit area (where redness and blisters subsequently form) and in the intercostal nerves.

Severe cases of the disease require taking antibiotics and applying ointments to the reddened areas. it is especially hard to bear if it extends below the groin area.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever

The first symptoms of scarlet fever are a sore throat, and a rash is a sign of intoxication. Body temperature rises to 40˚C, single plaques of 1–2 mm appear. Red spots on the body itch and become inflamed, combined into one large reddened area. Roseolas are found in the groin and armpits.

Scarlet fever is treated with antibiotics. In this case, the treatment of the rash is not provided. When it is peeling, phytobaths are recommended.


The cause of this serious disease is streptococcus, which has penetrated into the dermis. The temperature rises (up to 40˚C) and erythema forms, which occurs above the zone of infection.

With erysipelas, it is necessary to take antibiotics and treat diseased areas of the body with antiseptics.


it fungal infection. It can appear everywhere, but red spots on the legs, arms and head are usually diagnosed. Typical feature ringworm- ring-shaped spots with a diameter of about 20 mm, with itching and peeling.

Antibiotics are prescribed and antifungal drugs. Skin treatment - local, with the help of zinc ointment, means "Mikozolon", iodine tincture or salicylic alcohol.

It must be remembered that the disease is easily transmitted through touch, so the patient must be isolated and his belongings decontaminated, otherwise the disease will easily spread to other people. A scarf can be put on the patient's head to cover the microsporia. It must be washed every day, boiled and ironed carefully. The same procedure should apply to bed linen a couple of times a week.


Tick-borne borreliosis

The reason for this disease is ixodid ticks spreading bacteria. First of all, they form round spots red in the place where the tick bit. After this, intoxication appears. Subsequently, they grow 2–10 times their original size.

Immunoallergic nature of rashes

The allergen causes the formation of round spots. Skin allergies are difficult to treat, since anything can become an irritant, but the essence of the disease is not in the substances themselves, but in the degree of sensitivity.

As a treatment, ointments with hormones, soda baths and herbal baths are prescribed.

It is worth remembering that the reddened areas should quickly disappear. If their presence is delayed, then a doctor's consultation is necessary.

pink lichen

Medium, 30–50 mm in diameter plaques of scarlet hues are found on the body, which are otherwise called "mother's spots". Then they are surrounded by others, smaller ones. The causes of the disease include general weakened immunity and herpespirus. The treatment is quite lengthy.

Allergic urticaria

Occurs due to allergic reaction for poison, certain foods, temperature changes, sunbathing, toxins in the digestive tract. Small dots form, gathering into large plaques and itchy blisters.


The primary stage is characterized pink rash. At severe form eczema patches start to itch.


The cause of this disease is prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays. The skin turns red, sore and itchy.

Lichen planus

The disease is characterized by large reddened areas formed from rounded and polygonal spots.

Appointed complex treatment: immunomodulators, antiviral, desensitizing drugs.

Treatment for allergic spots

Appointed step-by-step treatment. It is necessary to take into account the causes, localization and features of the spots. It is also important to isolate yourself from irritants: dust, wool, some food.

To get rid of spots on the skin and prevent recurrence, cleansing is prescribed. digestive tract from toxins with enterosorbents ( Activated carbon, "Laktofiltrum", "Enterosgel"). Patients report impressive results in mild cases.

Enterosorbent Enterosgel

If the red spots itch, then they are prescribed antihistamines, among which are "Tavegil" and "Suprastin". Against itching, lotions with infusions of herbs (mint, sage, string, oak bark) and cucumber are also used. Phyto baths with nettle and celandine are also effective.

An infusion of herbs is prepared according to the following recipe: 150 g of herbs are poured into 5 liters of boiling water and boiled for a quarter of an hour. Then the infusion should settle.

Also apply local funds, among which "Fenistil", "Physiogel", "Hydrocortisone", "Bepanten" are especially distinguished. Use tea tree oil.

Allergodermatosis is often accompanied by disorders associated with the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder. Then help means to improve digestion: bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, infusions of cumin, rose hips, corn silk and chamomile.

Rashes on the skin - a "distress signal" from the body. You can not postpone a visit to the doctor if the spots on the body are already observed for a long time, because they represent serious illness. You should not engage in self-medication and self-determination of the disease from a photo.

Red spots on the skin (video)

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There is not a single person who has not had red dots on the skin during his life. Everyone has the same question: what is it? An unambiguous answer to this question cannot be given. There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of red dots on the body. Most of these skin rashes completely harmless. Sometimes small red dots on the body can indicate the development serious illnesses. It is good for every person to know what causes red dots on the body what danger they can carry and how to deal with them. This article will talk about it.

Blood points on the body are often the result of microtrauma of the skin surface. The latter may appear during shaving or epilation. The reason for their appearance may be more serious problems.

The main causes of the appearance of red dots on the skin:

  • vascular permeability;
  • hemangiomas;
  • diseases of the pancreas;
  • liver disease;
  • allergic reactions;
  • infections;
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • viral diseases.

Increased vascular permeability

It appears due to fragility small vessels . Such defects are the source of the appearance of small red dots on the skin. Most often, they appear on the hands in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrist, on the shoulders from a heavy bag, as well as on any part of the body that has undergone significant physical impact.

Increased vascular permeability usually results lack of vitamins in the body. The situation changes rapidly after the vitamin balance is restored. To do this, it is enough to drink any multivitamin complex.

The alarm should be beaten if the spots on the skin appear without any visible reasons. This may indicate a serious vascular pathology, which can be detected only after a complete examination.


The reason for their appearance congenital pathology vessels. Physicians characterize them as benign neoplasms. Hemangiomas are considered harmless tumors, because they are reborn into malignant neoplasm 1% of cases and only with a large congestion.

Outwardly, such a tumor manifests itself in the form of blood points on the body. As a rule, hemangiomas appear immediately after birth. They increase in size as they grow. human body. Usually appear on the limbs and face. They are often confused with moles.

Doctors distinguish 3 main types of such neoplasms:

  1. capillary- manifests itself in the form of small cyanotic spots located along the capillary. Most often appears on the face;
  2. cavernous- appears on large vessels located in subcutaneous tissue. It is usually found at instrumental examination. When it appears on the skin, it causes a strong cosmetic defect. Outwardly, it looks like a cavity with blood inside.
  3. branched- looks like pulsating vessels too close to the surface of the skin. Such a hemangioma usually appears on the scalp.

Hemangiomas are removed with a scalpel, burn out with a laser or sclerosed with alcohol.

Diseases of the pancreas

Red dots on the body are well known to patients with pancreatitis. Similar manifestations on the skin have an exact medical name - Tuzhilin's syndrome.

Such rashes on the skin with pancreatitis appear due to dysfunction of the pancreas, which leads to excessive or insufficient production of hormones that affect the condition of the skin.

In some cases, Tuzhilin's syndrome manifests itself due to the intake medicines designed to stabilize the state of the pancreas.

Red spots in pancreatitis are most often localized on the chest and abdomen and are very similar to moles. They have a bright red color and do not change the brightness of the color when pressed. They do not disturb the patient in any way. But in some cases they can cause discomfort while touching.

The number of rashes depends on how badly the pancreas is affected. The stronger the lesion, the more red spots on the patient's body.

It should be noted that Tuzhilin's syndrome manifests itself not only in pancreatitis, but also in some diseases associated with cardiovascular system. To make an accurate diagnosis, you should always consult with a gastroenterologist.

Liver disease

With diseases of this organ, red dots of two types appear on the body:

  1. hepatic asterisks;
  2. hepatic purpura.

Hepatic asterisks have a scientific name - telangiectasias. They are red dots, from which rays extend in different directions. In liver disease, they in large numbers appear on the abdomen and back. Their main feature is that they, albeit slightly, rise above the surface of the skin.

Red dots on the body that look like moles are hepatic purpura. Essentially, this small hemorrhages, therefore, when pressed on them, they lighten, but after a couple of seconds they acquire their original color.

Hepatic purpura can be huge. Red spots usually appear with cirrhosis and advanced hepatitis C.

allergic reactions

Most often, red spots on the skin manifest allergic dermatitis. It develops slowly and provokes any irritating factor.

Usually red spots allergic dermatitis appear on the hands. It is very easy to remove them. It is enough to take any modern antihistamine drug.

Allergic dermatitis often causes red dots on the body of a child. It can appear at any age and is most often the result of a malfunction in the immune system.

In a child, dermatitis is manifested by subtle spots Pink colour on the face and body. Sometimes these rashes are not a problem. But more often the child complains of a burning sensation throughout the body. In any case, when allergic rash the baby should be examined immediately.


A rash in the form of red dots in an adult and a child may appear due to infectious disease. There is 8 diseases, in which the following rashes appear on the skin:

  1. measles;
  2. scarlet fever;
  3. rubella;
  4. chickenpox;
  5. scabies;
  6. mononucleosis;
  7. erythema;
  8. exanthema.

All these diseases are quite dangerous for both a child and an adult. If you suspect any of them, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Rheumatic diseases

Red dots on the skin are a symptom characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. In this case, the rash appears in three variants:

  1. hives;
  2. nodules;
  3. erythema.

At rheumatoid arthritis rashes are localized around the affected joints. They do not disturb the patient in any way and are located in the thickness of the subcutaneous fat.

Erythema cannot be attributed to specific symptom arthritis, but sometimes it helps doctors make an accurate diagnosis.

At adequate treatment the rashes disappear and no longer bother the patient.

Viral diseases

We are talking about papillomas. They are bulges of the skin on the legs. Sometimes they look like common moles. main reason the appearance of such a skin defect - the human papillomavirus. In most cases, red papillomas go away on their own and only sometimes can pose a danger to human health.

Diagnosis of skin rashes

If red dots, unusual moles appear and you suspect that you should first contact a therapist. After an external examination, he will either find out why rashes appeared on the skin, or direct him to additional examination to a dermatologist, allergist or endocrinologist.

As a rule, doctors do not stop at an external examination. Even if the diagnosis is obvious, they still order urine and blood tests, skin scrapings, biopsies of moles to make sure their conclusions are correct.

According to the results of the examination, the most appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Treatment of red dots on the body

After making an accurate diagnosis, the doctor decides on the need for treatment. First of all, patients are advised to change their diet. Diet allows you to normalize work circulatory system and put in order the exchange processes.

Used to remove angiomas specific treatment laser or 70% alcohol. A scalpel for the treatment of this pathology is almost never used today.

To remove microtrauma from shaving or epilation, it is enough to use special ointments.

Red papillomas on the body can be cured only after determining the oncogenicity of the virus. To do this, doctors conduct DNA diagnostics. It also allows you to determine the type of virus.

Papillomas are removed in different ways:

  • electrocoagulation;
  • chemical coagulation;
  • laser;
  • nitrogen;
  • scalpel.

Remember, red dots, spots and moles will disappear from the skin if the cause of their appearance is eliminated. Therefore, it is important to know what causes red dots on the body.

Olya 17.01.2018

At one time, I had quite a lot of red dots on my fingers and on my wrist, they did not hurt and were very small. The doctor said that these are normal blood vessels, there is nothing wrong with that.

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Some people, when they see red dots on their bodies, do not pay due attention to this. But in vain. These formations may indicate diseases that require immediate treatment.

Red dots on the body. What is the reason?

The reasons for the appearance of points can be different. For example, these skin formations may appear as a result of microtrauma received during epilation. The thing is that when exposed to the skin, the walls of the capillaries are damaged, the blood goes into the subcutaneous fat layer, and a microhematoma is formed. A lack of vitamins such as C and K can cause vascular fragility, leading to the formation of small red dots on the body.
The number of points will increase from any falls, friction of the skin against the fabric. If you notice points on the body, consult a doctor, because these can be hemangiomas, that is, vascular benign tumors.
They can be of different diameters - from a few millimeters to several centimeters. There are also several types of tumors. Capillary hemangiomas are characterized by dilated capillaries, which are most often located on the face and trunk of a person. A tricky hemangioma is a formation consisting of large cavities filled with blood. If the hemangioma looks like a swelling, it is called branched. If you press down on such a skin formation and quickly release it, it will immediately fill with blood.

Methods of treatment of such tumors are selected based on the type of hemangioma.

Have you noticed that small dots have appeared on the body that have capillary branches? This may be a sign of viral hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. AT this case see a doctor immediately.
The cause of the rash of red dots on the body can also be diseases of the pancreas. More often, formations appear on the back, chest and abdomen. When pressed, they do not disappear. If you have joint problems or have a rheumatic disease, you are at risk.
The thing is that with such diseases, autoimmune processes are generated, that is, when your body considers body cells as foreign and, in an effort to protect you, forms antibodies.

Ways to get rid of red spots on the body

The reason has been identified. Now you need to fix this defect. The method of treatment will directly depend on the nature of the origin. For example, if the dots are due to external influence on the skin, you must first of all try to avoid further injury. If the reason lies in the deficiency of vitamins, start taking vitamin complexes. In addition, eat foods rich in these organic compounds.
For example, vitamin C is found in rose hips, cauliflower, green peas, orange, mountain ash, parsley, wild garlic, garlic, apples, kiwi tomatoes. Vitamin K can be obtained from foods such as green kale, spinach, broccoli, beans, chicken eggs, cucumbers, and veal.

The cause of the appearance of red dots on the body was a hemangioma? Simple tumors are treated with radiation x-ray, surgical excision, cauterization of the skin with carbon dioxide. Branched hemangiomas are removed as follows: the adducting vessels are bandaged and stitched, large trunks are removed.
At viral hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver, you should immediately seek help, as inaction can lead to lethal outcome. If the diagnosis is confirmed after the examination, the doctor will select the most appropriate treatment regimen for you. For more early stages hepatitis you will be prescribed detoxification treatment.
If you have cirrhosis of the liver, you will also be prescribed optimal treatment. For example, with a decompensated form of the disease, the doctor will prescribe you medications - hepatoprotectors, liver hydrolysates, immunosuppressants, hormones and other drugs. Also, with cirrhosis of the liver, alcohol, salt, mineral water. limited physical exercise, body weight and fluid balance are monitored.

Hemangioma treatment

If the cause of the appearance of red dots was any disease gastrointestinal tract(for example, pancreatitis), you will certainly need to be examined and treated by a gastroenterologist. You will be put on a diet, prescribed analgesics to block pain syndrome and drugs that stop the activity of enzymes.
In rheumatic pathologies, consultation with specialists is also necessary. For example, for arthritis, you will be prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, anesthetics, gastroprotectors. Also, the specialist will prescribe physiotherapy, which will include laser, magnetic or shock wave therapy.

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