Thrombus formation in the lungs: symptoms and danger. What does the five-year survival rate mean for cancer What percentage of survival

The gynecology staff on duty panicked. In the evening, they had a "fill" - a woman had an abortion for a period of 26 weeks for social reasons. The silent fetus was wrapped in a diaper and laid out outside the window - why not run to the morgue at night? The failed mother left immediately after the abortion - she had five years of waiting at home. And suddenly, in the dark, dark silence, there was a cry outside the window. Mournful, squeaky. The nurse and nurse, crossing themselves, went up to the window - the bundle was moving...

I will not torment, I will tell you immediately the continuation of the story. Nature has endowed newborn children with unprecedented resilience. The cold made the baby take its first breath and scream. The nurse, with trembling hands, took out the bundle, unfolded it, and placed it on the changing table.

The baby squeaked, moved his thin arms and legs, and weighed only 800 grams. Women in white coats looked at this miracle as if spellbound.

But the “miracle” stopped moving, screaming and breathing. Sighing, the nurse wrapped him in a diaper again and laid him out the window. It was night. I didn't want to sleep. The women listened intently and suddenly ... yes, yes, again - a squeak! Here the pediatrician on duty was already called, who began to conjure over the crumbs, who did not want to leave this world. The child survived. And when he was 4 months old and he gained weight of 2.5 kg, his mother suddenly came running. She lived on a distant farm and rumors about the "surviving filling" did not reach her immediately. She hugged her, pressed her to her chest, cried. She said that she decided to have an abortion under the influence of stress - her husband lost his job, and there are already many children. I could not forgive myself for this weakness later, I prayed. All in all, this story has a happy ending. "Baby" is now many years old and he, the only one of all the children of the family, graduated from the institute, returned to his native place as an agronomist and helps his parents a lot. This story is also unique in that a very premature baby survived without an incubator and a neonatologist.

Which children are viable?

The concepts of "viability" and "live birth" are different.

It is clear that children born prematurely at home, in an ordinary maternity hospital and in a modern perinatal center have completely different chances of survival. And this is already a legal moment, affecting the concepts of "failure to provide assistance" and "premeditated murder."

From a legal point of view: "viability is a state in which the development of tissues, organs and systems of a newborn ensures its independent life outside the womb."

From the point of view of physicians: a live-born is a fetus that shows at least one sign of life: heartbeat, breathing, pulsation of the umbilical cord, muscle movements.

Previously, children who were born at 28 weeks or more, weighed a kilogram or more, and were 28 cm tall were considered viable. Children born at an earlier date and with lower height and weight indicators were considered unviable and were registered in the registry office only if when they survived.

Since 1993 the situation has changed. Children born at least 22 weeks of gestation, weighing at least 500 grams and having a height of 25 cm or more are considered viable.

Among those born prematurely, children are distinguished:

  • with extremely low weight (0.5 -1.0 kg);
  • with very low weight (1.01 - 1.5 kg);
  • with low weight (1.51 - 2.5 kg).

Children with very low weight are now called "potentially viable".

The percentage of survival of children at different terms of birth

This factor largely depends on the conditions, but even average statistics show that medicine is developing and doctors are saving the lives of more and more children with very low weight.

Do doctors save children with very low weight?

Yes, they save us in our country. This is determined by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 372 dated 12/28/95: "If there is even one sign of a live birth, the child must be provided with both primary and resuscitation care." If premature birth is known in advance, then the baby in the delivery room should be met by a neonatologist who organizes timely treatment and, if necessary, transportation of the crumbs to a specialized medical institution.

Other countries have different laws. So, in England, a child weighing from 500 to 999 grams will be saved only when his relatives insist on it. The explanation is simple: the costs are high, and the survival rate is low. In addition, among the surviving children with extremely low weight, many have a serious pathology that requires further expensive treatment.

Do you know that children born with a weight of 1 kg are registered with the registry office immediately, and with a weight of 500-999 grams - only after they live for seven days?

Why are premature babies born?

There are many reasons. Most significant:

  • insufficiency of the cervix (if not stitched in time);
  • anatomical features of the uterus;
  • maternal infections;
  • fetal malformations.

Preterm births are more common in very young pregnant women and those who give birth after 35 years of age, heavy smokers and those who are addicted to alcohol.

Premature and immature - the same thing?

No, they are different states.

  • premature a child born prematurely.
  • Immature a child can be born at any time, but his organs and systems are not yet mature enough for him to live independently.

At the same time, almost always a premature baby is immature. But not every immature is premature. Immature full-term babies need adequate medical care just like preterm babies.

Signs of prematurity:

  • wrinkled red skin;
  • the whole body is covered with hairs (lanugo) and abundant cheese-like grease;
  • a weak cry resembling a squeak;
  • intermittent breathing with a tendency to apnea (stopping breathing at the slightest exertion);
  • imperfect thermoregulation - the baby easily overheats and supercools;
  • decrease and even absence of a sucking reflex;
  • thin auricles and fingers, actually "translucent";
  • gaping genital slit in girls, absence of testicles in the scrotum in boys.

My children were born full term and mature. And your?

Leukemia is an aggressive malignant disease of the hematopoietic system, characterized by the advantage of the processes of division, growth and reproduction of bone marrow cells, and in some cases the appearance of pathological foci of hematopoiesis in other organs. In leukemia, bone marrow cancer cells enter the bloodstream in large numbers, replacing mature forms of leukocytes.

There are several types of leukemia. Most of them originate in white blood cells, which are part of the body's immune system. The prognosis and survival in most cases depends on the exact definition of the disease, early diagnosis and timely initiated, effective treatment.

The main types of leukemia

  1. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
  2. Acute myeloid leukemia.
  3. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
  4. Chronic myeloid leukemia.

The word "acute" means that the disease develops and progresses quite quickly.

The term "chronic" indicates a long course of the disease without any therapy.

The designations "lymphoblastic" and "lymphocytic" indicate abnormal cells that arose from lymphoid stem tissues. And "myeloid" indicates the development of mutated tissues from a myeloid stem cell.

Survival in leukemia

Survival rates for people with acute myeloid leukemia

In general, the 5-year survival rate is about 25% and ranges up to 22% in men and up to 26% in women.

Oncology indicates that there are certain conditions that affect the positive prognosis of treatment:

  • leukemia cells are between 8 and 21 or between 15 and 17 chromosomes;
  • leukemic cells have an inversion of chromosome 16;
  • cells are not characterized by changes in certain genes;
  • age under 60;

The prognosis may be worse under the following conditions:

  • part of 5 or 7 chromosomes is absent in leukemic cells;
  • leukemia cells have complex changes affecting many chromosomes;
  • there are changes in cells at the genetic level;
  • more advanced age (from 60 years);
  • more than 100,000 leukocytes in the blood at the time of diagnosis;
  • leukemia does not respond to initial treatment;
  • there is an active infection of the blood.

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia: prognosis for cancer patients

A malignant disease of the blood and bone marrow, in which too many white blood cells are produced, does not always provide reassuring prognostic data.

The chances of recovery depend on:

  • the level of change in the structure of DNA and its type;
  • the prevalence of malignant cells in the bone marrow;
  • stage of the disease;
  • primary treatment or resulting relapse;
  • progression.

Chronic myeloid leukemia: prognosis

The disease occurs in pluripotent hematopoietic cells, affecting the formation of leukemic tissues at all levels of the molecular composition of the blood.

Prognosis for leukemia This species has changed significantly over the past years due to new therapies, in particular bone marrow transplantation and stem cells. So, 5-year survival becomes 40-80%, and 10-year - 30-60%.

Survival with hydroxyurea therapy becomes 4-5 years. When using interferon, alone or in combination with cytarabine, the numbers almost double. The introduction of imatinib also positively affects the prognosis of patients (85% compared with 37% with interferon alone).

Overall Survival Statistics for Leukemia

One-, five- and ten-year survival statistics become:

  1. 71% of men with combined treatments live at least one year. This rate drops to 54% of survivors within five years. For women leukemia characterized by different prognostic data. The figures are slightly lower: 66% of women definitely live for a year and 49% of patients should survive for five years.
  2. In leukemia, the predicted survival rate gradually decreases and after 10 years leads to the data: 48% of men and 44% of women will have a positive effect of treatment.

Predicting age-adjusted survival becomes:

  • The positive result is higher among young men and women up to 30-49 years old and decreases with age.
  • The five-year survival rate in men ranges from 67% at 15-39 years of age to 23% at 80-99% of age. In women, cancer, taking into account prognostic conditions, has the same indications.
  • The 10-year net survival has recently improved by 7% compared to the 1990s. In general, 4 people out of 10 in 2014 were completely cured of the disease.

Pulmonary embolism is the blockage of the lumen of the arterial vessels of the lungs by blood clots that have come off the venous walls.

Within the first hour after a blood clot breaks off, the mortality of patients is up to 10 percent. If the main branches of the pulmonary arteries become blocked, up to 30% of patients die.

The "route" of the clot

In 90% of cases, detached blood clots enter the lungs from the deep veins of the lower leg. This may seem strange: why does a blood clot from the legs suddenly appear in the lungs? To understand the situation, you need to think about how this can happen.

The human circulatory system consists of two circles of blood circulation: large and small. The small circle is designed to saturate the venous blood with oxygen. The superior and inferior vena cava, collecting venous blood from the entire body, flow into the right half of the heart.

Thrombi that have come off from the veins of the lower extremities enter the right atrium through the inferior vena cava, and from there to the lungs.

Floating thrombi (thrombi that are attached to the wall of the vein with their head, and the body and tail move freely in the lumen) break off most often. The composition of these blood clots is loose, so any muscle tension can provoke a detachment of its part.

Pulmonary embolism is not an independent disease, but only a consequence of venous thrombosis. Given this fact, the factors of the Virchow triad, which provoke the development of phlebothrombosis, are among the predisposing factors for the occurrence of PE:

Thrombus separation can occur with injuries or sudden movements. As a result of this, the thrombus that has broken off enters the pulmonary artery, causing the lumen to close.

The right ventricle of the heart overflows with blood, resulting in right ventricular failure.

The volume of blood entering the left ventricle from the lungs decreases, which causes a significant decrease in blood pressure. A collapse occurs, which can be fatal.

Depending on the size of the detached blood clot, arteries of various diameters are clogged. With a small size of thrombi, a pronounced clinical picture is not observed. With the separation of a large thrombus, acute right ventricular failure may occur. Extensive thromboembolism of the pulmonary arteries occur less frequently than "small" ones, which tend to recur.

Causes and clinical picture of PE

The most common causes of PE include:

The factors provoking the development of pulmonary embolism include:

In addition, up to 20% of cases of pulmonary embolism have a hereditary predisposition.

The symptoms that occur from the moment the blood clot breaks off (which caused the blockage of the human pulmonary vessels) depend on:

With this pathology, a number of pathological changes occur in the human respiratory and cardiovascular systems:

  • increased resistance in the pulmonary circulation;
  • violation of gas exchange as a result of loss of functions of the segments or lobes of the lungs;
  • an increase in airway resistance due to reflex spasm;
  • decreased elasticity of the lungs due to hemorrhage in them.

PE can manifest itself in different ways. It depends on the size of the blood clots that have come off and clogged the pulmonary arteries, as well as on how many vessels are affected in a person. Often, PE is asymptomatic and is only discovered postmortem.

The clinical picture of PE is nonspecific and is characterized by a wide variety of symptoms.

Thromboembolism of the pulmonary arteries can manifest in one of three clinical variants:

Embolism of large branches of the pulmonary artery is accompanied by a serious condition of the patient, which can be fatal.

Danger of PE: emergency conditions and prognosis

Thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery provokes the occurrence of pathological changes, which subsequently become the cause of the patient's disability or death.

Commonly diagnosed consequences of PE include:

It is impossible to say how much time doctors have from the moment a blood clot that clogged the pulmonary arteries broke off. It depends on the extent of the embolism:

  • with small foci, it is possible to dissolve blood clots and restore blood flow even without treatment;
  • with extensive foci, it is very possible to develop a pulmonary infarction, which, without treatment, can lead to death in a short time.

As a result of the development of acute respiratory failure, a condition occurs in which the lungs cannot saturate the blood with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from it. As a consequence, there is hypoxemia (lack of oxygen) and hypercapnia (excess of carbon dioxide).

The consequences of such a state are deadly, as there is a violation of the acid-base balance in the blood, poisoning of the tissues of the body with carbon dioxide occurs with damage to the enzymatic and energy systems of the body.

These patients are treated intensively. For this purpose, patients with severe acute respiratory failure with PE are connected to an artificial lung ventilation apparatus (ALV). IVL ensures the restoration of gas exchange in the lungs in an artificial way. It is used in extreme cases:

After restoration of the acid-base balance of the blood in the presence of spontaneous breathing, the patient can be disconnected from the ventilator. After the transfer of the patient to spontaneous breathing, it is mandatory to control the indicators of blood gases. The prognosis for these patients is quite favorable.

The prognosis for life and health after a thromboembolism depends on:

In general, the prognosis for thromboembolism of small pulmonary arterioles is quite favorable, provided adequate treatment and competent prevention of recurrent thromboembolism are carried out. Prevention of repeated cases of PE consists in:

  • regular courses of drug treatment;
  • treatment of diseases that provoke the occurrence of PE;
  • if necessary, planned surgical treatment.

The prognosis for patients who have undergone extensive PE is not very favorable.

Survival of patients within 4 years is only 20%.

Every fourth patient with PE dies within the first year after an attack.

In contact with

We talk with him about methods of early diagnosis of oncological diseases, about new technologies for cancer treatment, about patients who end up in the department, and about doctors who fight for their lives every day.

Our department is one of the largest in terms of the number of patients in the oncological dispensary, in addition, the most difficult in terms of volume and long-term surgical interventions are performed here, after which long-term treatment and rehabilitation are required. We perform operations on the entire gastrointestinal tract, including the pancreas and liver.

At what stage of oncological disease can a surgeon really help a person?

The surgeon can really help patients in the first and second stages of all cancers. But, as practice shows, there are very few such patients, we most often operate on patients in the third stage of cancer. This is the stage when the tumor process is quite common in the body, there are already metastases, at least in the lymph nodes, and one surgical treatment is not enough. In these cases, additional auxiliary methods are connected - radiation therapy and chemotherapy, which significantly delays the treatment time for the patient and shortens his life. In the first and second stages, the five-year survival rate in patients is one hundred percent.

What does five-year survival mean?

In oncology, a five-year milestone for any pathology shows that the disease has not relapsed during this time. Later, the cancer returns extremely rarely, so after five years the patient is considered completely cured and is removed from follow-up. However, those who have been treated with us are constantly monitored, we monitor their health.

Did patients in the third and fourth stages have to cross this line?

It all depends on the nosology. In the third stage of colon cancer, the five-year survival rate is about %, gastric cancer - a maximum of 10%. However, miracles do happen, we have a patient who has been living with the fourth stage of stomach cancer for the fourth year. For such a tumor, this is an excellent result. But there is only one patient. In fact, it’s not so scary to get sick with a pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, it’s scary not to apply in time. As practice shows, our patients endure to the last, and this is the stumbling block for us. Still, cancer should be detected in the early stages. The operation at the first stage lasts less, it is easier to perform, and there is more satisfaction from such work. For example, you meet a person on the street, and he says: “Doctor, you operated on me 10 years ago.” This is the highest achievement in our work. A person who applied late, in 10 years will never say: “Thank you, doctor!” In the later stages, we can only make things easier for him.

By the end of this year, a full-fledged screening program for bowel cancer will be launched. It includes a test for occult blood in the feces and a colonoscopy - according to the test. While the program is running in a compressed mode, but has already proven its effectiveness. Examination of patients with the help of the test is more accurate, easier, cheaper, and there are already the first patients that we have identified. Of course, we are not insured against false positive or false negative results, only colonoscopy gives a 100% guarantee. However, the population does not do this research, despite the fact that after 50 years everyone is supposed to undergo a colonoscopy: in remote areas, the reason is that they do not want to go to the city once again, in the city - because they think that it is scary, painful and hard. Therefore, such a test is just a discovery, and it can be repeated at least annually, unlike a colonoscopy, which is advised to be done every 5 years.

Will the test be mandatory for everyone?

Desirable for risk groups - Omsk residents over 50 years old. Unfortunately, we cannot force anyone to be examined and treated by force, but, as practice shows, the population is quite willing to undergo elementary examinations, which do not pose any difficulties. Especially now, oncopathology of the intestine is a fairly common disease in our region, as well as in Russia and throughout the world. And then the number will only increase.

On average, from 55 to 70 years. But there is a "rejuvenation" of cancer, we see such patients in their 20s and 30s, and, unfortunately, more and more often.

With the wrong way of life and nutrition, to a lesser extent - with the environment and ecology. Of course, no one is immune from cancer, but those who take care of their health rarely come to us.

Are there more neglected patients in rural areas?

There are no more pathologies as such, but there are actually more neglected ones. As a rule, we examine residents of remote areas within one or two days and try to immediately hospitalize them in a hospital so that they do not go several times. If only they got to us! The oncology dispensary also conducts constant field work, moreover, a doctor from any area at any time can call us and consult or coordinate the delivery of the patient to the hospital with the help of an ambulance service.

Today we try to spare the patient as much as possible, we are looking for ways, if not to defeat the tumor, then to improve the quality of human life. Those technologies that seemed distant and unrealizable to us three or four years ago have very rapidly entered our lives. At the moment, we have actively mastered laparoscopic operations, there is practically no organ in the gastrointestinal tract that we could not operate laparoscopically. On the colon, stomach, and rectum, laparoscopic operations have become commonplace, and now operations on the pancreas are being actively mastered. Most often, in case of rectal cancer, we are forced to perform an operation with the removal of a colostomy (this is an artificially created opening between a segment of the human gastrointestinal tract and the surface of the skin of the anterior abdominal wall), but today the development of technology and funding makes it possible not to do this. Only again, if the person turned in the early stages. We began to operate on patients with severe cardiac pathology, and after laparoscopic resection of the large intestine, a person can be discharged home on the fourth or fifth day. We have an active scientific activity, we are developing minimally invasive technologies, these areas are being promoted by surgeon Vladik Abartsumyan. Several dissertations were defended in the department, and the developed methods are applied in practice. We even sew anastomoses (sew organs together) according to our technologies, which are not available anywhere and are protected by patents. Now we have everything that is only invented by mankind for abdominal surgery. The department has three large operating rooms, state-of-the-art equipment, two laparoscopic racks. All consumables that are needed are purchased. This allows us to achieve certain results - 1250 operations were performed in the department last year. It is impossible not to brag about this, we have reached the level where we are not ashamed to invite specialists from well-known oncological clinics from Europe, with whom we cooperate, to the laboratory.

This is a mutually beneficial cooperation. Once we lagged behind Europe, but now we are on the same level. We learned some techniques, approaches to treatment from them, they learned something from us. We can do everything they do, and our operating rooms differ from the French ones only in the color of the walls.

We are afraid, but let's hope that this will not be allowed. Today, I can safely say that when I enter the operating room, I don’t think that there is something missing, because despite the crisis, the department has created all the conditions for normal, full-fledged work.

Now a lot of active young people have come to us, which cannot but rejoice. Over the past decades, we have had a failure, people did not want to go into surgery, and now there is even a difficulty with getting all the interns to work. The team includes doctors with more than 20 years of experience who perform some of the most difficult surgical interventions, this is surgeon Sergey Fedosenko, our head of the department Mikhail Dvorkin - he is one of those who made adjustments to surgical activities from a scientific point of view. These are our beacons that guide us. Maxim Salamahin is a leading laparoscopic surgeon, thanks to his diligence, diligence and life positions, he was able to launch these operations and put them on stream. On the one hand, our team is very friendly, but on the other hand, it is very complex, everyone can go forward and lead others, but at the same time stick to their own direction.

What character traits should distinguish a surgeon-oncologist?

This is perseverance, perseverance in achieving your goal, philanthropy and tact. We define our person by the twinkle in the eyes, which we see in each other. As a rule, they come to the department young and stay here to work for the rest of their lives.

To operate on a patient is one thing, he also needs to go out.

Indeed, the operation lasts an average of two hours, and then the average staff is connected to the work. Our nurses are somewhat different from the rest, they are able to withstand a lot of work, because we have the most difficult patients and always unpredictable situations. They are not afraid of anything, and the team is largely kept at the expense of them. A great merit in this is the head nurse Irina Chentsova, who was able to unite the middle and junior staff in the department with one goal - to work for the benefit of the patient, instill in him hope for recovery.

No, I just know how to treat him. We must be afraid not of treatment, but of a passive attitude towards ourselves. For a patient in the early stages, we can guarantee that he will live happily ever after. And I want to tell people only one thing, if something bothers you, do not waste time, be sure to consult a doctor.

Cancer is not a death sentence: which countries have higher survival rates?

The World Health Organization in its report on cancer makes disappointing forecasts: during 2015, the number of people diagnosed with cancer is steadily increasing. At the same time, residents of developing countries are more susceptible to this disease due to their addictions than citizens of rich countries that traditionally promote a healthy lifestyle. Oncological diseases are "aging": the average age of Europeans suffering from cancer is gradually getting higher. The highest percentage of survival in the case of a cancer diagnosis is in Germany, while in Eastern Europe the five-year survival after diagnosis is much lower.

According to the World Health Organization, the most common type of cancer in the world is still lung cancer: in 2012, more than 14 million cases of cancer were diagnosed, of which lung cancer accounted for more than 1.8 million cases. After it, as the positions decrease, the cancers of the breast, intestines, prostate, stomach and liver remain. In terms of mortality, the most common causes of death are cancers of the lungs, liver, stomach, intestines, and breasts.

What is the average patient survival after diagnosis?

According to the British clinical journal on oncology The Lance Oncology, in the leading European countries after making such a diagnosis as, for example, "colon cancer", more than 60% of patients survive within 5 years. The highest survival rate is observed in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. For Western Europe as a whole, this figure is about 57%, which is quite high in terms of world statistics. The countries of Eastern Europe are slightly behind the European averages: for example, in Poland the five-year survival rate for bowel cancer is just over 46%, and in Bulgaria it is about 45%. For comparison: the survival rate in Russia with a diagnosis of bowel cancer is no more than 40%. The main reasons for such sad statistics in Russia, according to experts, are late diagnosis and the lack of primary prevention and prevention of the disease, including the lack of the habit of leading a healthy lifestyle.

What are the main requests for treatment from Russian patients?

According to the online platform for finding and organizing treatment abroad MEDIGO, the most common request from Russian patients for treatment is oncology (33%), and, above all, requests for the treatment of lung cancer.

The majority of requests for the treatment of oncological diseases, according to the specialists of the MEDIGO platform, come through German clinics, which confirms the high level of trust of patients from all over the world to German specialists and clinics. The availability of innovative treatments and modern drugs for the treatment of cancer patients, combined with modern technology, allows Germany to lead in successful operations and maintain a high five-year survival rate after diagnosis.

What measures are being taken in Europe to prevent cancer?

The European Commission annually updates the European Code of Practice against Cancer, which is a guide for European citizens to prevent cancer. In 2014, the Code included 12 key points:

  • Do not smoke. Do not use any type of tobacco.
  • Support initiatives to ban smoking in the workplace and in public places.
  • Maintain normal weight.
  • Lead an active and healthy lifestyle. Reduce the amount of time spent sitting as much as possible.
  • Follow a healthy diet:
    • eat enough plant foods, vegetables and fruits;
    • limit the consumption of high-calorie foods and the amount of sugar in the diet;
    • avoid processed meat (if possible, limit the consumption of red meat and salt in large quantities).
  • Cut down on alcohol.
  • Limit sunbathing, first of all - to limit children from direct sun exposure. When in the sun, be sure to use sun protection. Refuse to visit the solarium.
  • In the case of working with carcinogenic substances, follow safety precautions in order to protect yourself from their harmful effects.
  • Take steps to reduce high radon levels. Protect your home from sources of possible radiation.
  • Information for women: Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer, so experts advise not to stop breastfeeding unless necessary and there are certain medical indications. Hormone replacement therapy increases the risk of certain types of cancer. If possible, it is necessary to limit hormone therapy.
  • Make sure your children are up to date with hepatitis B (an essential vaccine for newborns) and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) (a desirable vaccine for girls).
  • Be required to participate in government screening programs for early detection of cancer.

With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.

Symptoms and treatment of human diseases

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All information provided is subject to mandatory consultation by the attending physician!

Questions and suggestions:

Cancer Survival: Chances and Statistics

Cancer survival depends on the type of cancer and the stage of development of the malignant lesion. The largest number of deaths in men are caused by cancerous tumors of the lungs, stomach, rectum and prostate. For women, the most dangerous are breast tumors and cervical cancer.

Survival prognosis for lung cancer

The most aggressive form of lung cancer is considered to be small cell carcinoma. After establishing such a diagnosis in the absence of treatment, the average life expectancy is 2-4 months. But despite such a disappointing prognosis for cancer survival, this tumor is highly sensitive to radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

The negative prognosis of pulmonary oncology is mainly due to late diagnosis, when multiple metastases already exist in the body. In such a clinical situation, surgery and radiological therapy are ineffective. The use of cytostatic agents allows cancer patients to extend their life expectancy by 4-5 times. But even carrying out a full-fledged and complex treatment provides for a 10% five-year survival rate.

In a comprehensive assessment of the results of lung cancer therapy, the prognosis for morbidity is negative. Compared with other types of cancer, this lesion has the lowest postoperative survival rate.

Percentage of survival in stomach cancer

The life expectancy of patients with oncological lesions of the stomach depends, first of all, on the stage of the disease. The most favorable outcome of cancer therapy is observed in the early stages of pathology. So, in the diagnosis of the first and second stages of a stomach tumor, the five-year survival rate is %. Life expectancy in patients with oncology of the late stages of the malignant process is sharply reduced. In such patients, the five-year survival rate is 10-20%.

The complex prognosis of oncological lesions of the gastrointestinal tract is considered negative, which is associated with the late diagnosis of the disease. In this case, the survival rate for stage 4 cancer is calculated at 4-6 months.

Survival of patients with rectal cancer

Oncological survival of patients with malignant neoplasms of the rectum depends on the depth of tumor germination and the presence of secondary foci of pathology. The prognosis of the disease is mainly based on the TNM classification, which reflects the stages of cancer development.

The best results of anticancer therapy are observed in the early stages of the disease and in the digital ratio are 65-74%. Diagnosis of advanced stages of malignant lesions of the intestine causes 5-30% postoperative survival. The presence of metastases in the liver and regional lymph nodes significantly aggravates the prognosis of this oncology.

The average life expectancy of such patients is 6-9 months, which is regarded as a negative outcome of the therapeutic effect.

Survival prognosis for prostate cancer

The initial stages of the disease are asymptomatic, which significantly reduces the percentage of cancer diagnosis in the first phase. Early detection of malignant neoplasm of the prostate causes a favorable outcome of therapy (75-85% survival rate). As the tumor grows, the prognosis of anti-cancer treatment increases. In the later stages of pathology, the average life expectancy of patients is a month. A decrease in the five-year survival rate occurs when diagnosing metastatic lesions of regional lymph nodes and pelvic organs.

Survival in breast cancer

Malignant lesions of the breast ranks first among the causes of cancer mortality in women. According to statistics, about half of patients with breast cancer, provided that they receive comprehensive therapy, live to the five-year milestone.

The most favorable prognosis is determined in the early stages of the disease. The negative outcome of therapy for breast cancer at the fourth stage of pathological progress includes a 0-10% five-year survival rate.

These cancers are also responsible for a 35% ten-year survival rate.

Survival prognosis for cervical cancer

Evaluation of the results of therapy for malignant neoplasms of the cervix is ​​based on five-year survival rates. The results of surgery vary depending on the stage of oncology and range from 5-85%.

If in the initial stages of the disease the prognosis is considered positive with 85-90% complete cure, then at the late stage of diagnosis, cervical cancer has a negative therapeutic trend, which is reflected in 5-7% postoperative survival.

Detection of metastases practically excludes the possibility of a complete cure for patients.

It's important to know:

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The information on this site is provided for informational purposes only! It is not recommended to use the described methods and recipes for the treatment of cancer on your own and without consulting a doctor!

Cancer Survival

Cancer survival prognosis

To determine the prognosis of the life of patients diagnosed with a malignant neoplasm, such an indicator as survival is important. It is calculated based on statistical data. The survival rate includes the percentage of patients who survived for a certain period of time after the initial diagnosis of cancer. This indicator includes only those people who have not experienced a relapse of the disease during this time.

Another important indicator is relative survival. When calculating it, the number of people suffering from cancer of a certain localization, who died from concomitant pathology, is taken into account. Survival in cancer depends on the stage of incidence, sex, age and sensitivity to treatment and the presence of underlying diseases.

According to WHO (World Health Organization) mortality from cancer has increased by 11% in recent years. An increase in the incidence of cancer is noted in children and middle-aged people. So, in 2011, the prevalence of malignant neoplasms was the inhabitants of the country, in Ukraine - 1520, and in Belarus - 1514.

The structure of oncological diseases looks like this:

cancer of the lung, bronchi and trachea - 13.8%;

skin neoplasms - 11.0%, melanoma - 12.4%;

stomach tumors amounted to 10.4%;

breast cancer is set at 10.0%;

neoprocess of the colon - 5.9%, rectum, recto-sigmoid junction and anal area - 4.8%;

oncopathology of the lymphatic and hematopoietic systems - 4.4%;

cervix - 2.7%, cancer of the body of the uterus - 3.4%, and ovaries - 2.6%,

kidney tumors - 3.1%;

malignant neoplasms of the pancreas - 2.9%;

bladder cancer - 2.6%.

Survival after cancer treatment involves counting the number of patients who survived for a certain period after undergoing radical or palliative treatment. Two-year, five-year, seven-year and ten-year survival rates are taken into account.

Percentage of survival in cancer of various localization

Consider the survival rates for different localization of malignant neoplasms depending on the stage of the disease. To do this, first of all, we will determine the stages of cancer. The most acceptable for determining the prognosis of survival is the TNM classification, in which T is the size of the tumor, N is the involvement of the lymph nodes, and M is the presence of metastases in distant organs.

The survival prognosis for skin cancer is determined primarily by the stage of the disease. It also depends on the histological structure of the tumor, as well as the degree of differentiation of cancer cells.

Cancer of the 1st degree. The prognosis is as follows: cure occurs in 100% of patients.

Cancer grade 2. The prognosis for recovery is satisfactory in 86% of patients.

Cancer grade 3. The prognosis for recovery is 62%.

Cancer stage 4. The prognosis of five-year survival is 12%.

Melanoma is an extremely aggressive tumor that originates from pigment cells. The prognosis of survival depends on the stage of the disease, the location of the tumor, and the degree of differentiation of atypical cells.

With stage I melanoma, about 97% of patients live up to five years.

In stage II, the five-year survival rate is 65%.

In stage III cancer, the survival rate is 37%.

In stage IV of the disease, only 15% of patients survive to one year.

The prognosis of survival in cancer of the lower lip is directly dependent on the stage of the disease, the age of the patient, the degree of differentiation of the tumor and its sensitivity to radiation therapy:

A. In stage I, 70% of patients live up to five years.

B. In stage II, the five-year survival rate is 59%.

C. When stage III cancer is diagnosed, the survival rate is only 35%.

D. In stage IV lip cancer, 21% of sick people live up to one year.

Many patients are diagnosed with oral cancer. Their survival rate depends not only on the stage of the disease, but also on the form of tumor growth, the degree of differentiation of cancer cells and the age of the patient. The prognosis of survival is shown in table No. 1.

Table No. 1. Forecast of survival in cancer of the oral mucosa

A tumor of the oral cavity is a fairly aggressive cancer. The survival rate to one year is only 16.

The dynamics of the five-year survival rate for thyroid cancer, depending on the stage of the disease, can be seen in graph No. 1.

Schedule #1. Dynamics of five-year survival in different stages of thyroid cancer.

In breast cancer, the survival prognosis largely depends on the stage of the disease at which treatment is started. Thus, 98% of patients with stage zero breast cancer live up to five years, with the first stage of cancer, the five-year survival rate is 96%, with the 2nd "a" - 90%, with the 2nd "b" stage, the five-year survival rate is at the level of 80 %. With stage IIIa breast cancer, five within five years of age, 87% of women survive. With stage 4 breast cancer, only 21% of patients survive to one year.

The tragic fate of patients in the detection of inoperable lung cancer: 90% of them die within the first two years after diagnosis. With one surgical intervention performed within five years, 30% of patients diagnosed with lung cancer survive. The percentage of survival in the radical complex treatment of lung cancer can be seen in Table No. 2.

Table number 2. Five-year survival of patients with lung cancer in the case of complete radical treatment

Five-Year Survival Percentage

Survival after radical surgery for esophageal cancer is an extremely informative indicator. It is shown in Table 3.

Table number 3. Five-year survival after surgery for esophageal cancer

Of course, the stage of the disease also affects the survival rate of patients with esophageal cancer. At the first stage of the oncological process, the percentage of five-year survival is the highest: it is 57%. Within five years, 43% of people who have stage 2 esophageal cancer survive. In the third stage of the disease, 25% of sick people live for five years. Unfortunately, only patients diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer survive one year.

The main factor that determines how many years a patient can survive with a diagnosis of stomach cancer is the operability of the neoplasm itself. Of course, long-term results (five-year, seven-year survival) largely depend on the stage of the disease and on the histological structure of the tumor. Unfortunately, due to the high oncological neglect of patients, only 30-40% of patients can perform surgery for stomach cancer. The five-year survival rates of patients without surgery are not at all encouraging: it is 35% with combined complex treatment, and with infiltrative tumor growth, it is completely depressing - 4%.

Breast cancer is a malignant neoplasm that develops as a result of a mutation in bone cells. In most cases, he.

Gastric cancer is still one of the most common malignant neoplasms of the digestive system. AT.

Breast cancer refers to visual forms of cancer. This means that the tumor is at an early stage.

The clinic provides planned specialized, including high-tech, medical care in stationary conditions and in a day hospital according to the profile.

Don't be scared, I just haven't shown "distractions" for a long time. On Saturday we went to the Lutheran Cathedral Peter.

Good evening everyone!

Mom, breast cancer, stage 3c. In July, MTS was found in the head. Nothing else seems to be anywhere else.

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Survival Predictions

In oncology, the chances of patients to survive are usually measured by a five-year period.

It is during its duration that the necessary statistics are collected, on the basis of which the so-called. survival rate, expressed as the percentage of patients who are still alive 5 years after the detection of a malignant tumor.

This indicator, like any other statistical data, is to a certain extent a very approximate value, since it is generalized, based on outdated data that does not take into account the current level of medical care, and most importantly, it does not reflect the individual characteristics of the patient: general health , lifestyle, individual responses to therapeutic effects.

In other words, the five-year survival rate cannot predict how the disease will progress in a given case. And only the attending physician, who is familiar with all the details of the medical history, can explain to the patient how to interpret the statistics in relation to his situation.

And yet survival is very clearly correlated with the types of cancer and their stages.

Men most often die from malignant tumors of the lungs, stomach, rectum, and prostate, and for women, breast and cervical cancer are especially detrimental.

Prognosis for recovery from lung cancer

With a diagnosis of "small cell cancer" and the absence of any treatment, the average life expectancy is 2-4 months. However, with early diagnosis, the survival prognosis for lung tumors becomes more optimistic, since metastases are highly sensitive to radiation and chemotherapy. However, even with proper treatment, the prognosis of survival over a five-year horizon is at the level of 10%,

Survival Predictions for Gastric Cancer

The initial stages of gastric cancer give a prognosis of survival over a period of five years from 80%. But with the third and fourth stages, patients live to the time limit accepted in oncology much less often - in 10-20% of cases.

Survival in colon and bowel cancer

Survival of patients with malignant neoplasms of the rectum is directly dependent on the depth of tumor germination and the presence of secondary foci of pathology.

In the early stages of the disease, the five-year survival rate reaches 65-74%, provided that the necessary therapy is carried out. The subsequent stages during the operation give an indicator in the range of 5-30%.

Survival prognosis for prostate cancer

The sooner a prostate cancer is diagnosed, the better. The early stage of detection of the disease, which at first proceeds, unfortunately, asymptomatically, provides a survival rate of 75-85%. But in the later stages of pathology, patients live an average of one to two years.

Survival rate for breast cancer

Among all types of oncological deaths among women, breast cancer unconditionally leads. At the same time, almost 50% of patients with such a diagnosis successfully pass the first five years, and 35% live up to 10 years.

Survival rate for cervical cancer

Up to five years later, depending on the stage of the disease, 5-85% of women with a diagnosis of a malignant tumor of the cervix survive. Moreover, at the earliest stages, a prognosis is given with 85-90% of a five-year survival rate. The picture is quite opposite in the later stages: here the figure does not exceed 7%.

Liver cancer survival

Patients with liver cancer overcome the five-year period only in 10% of cases. But do not be afraid of this figure, since it is not the cancer itself that indulges the sad statistics, but the presence of no less deadly diseases in the patient - the same cirrhosis of the liver. In the absence of concomitant burdens and with proper therapy, survival reaches 50-70%.

Ovarian cancer: survival prognosis

The first stage of ovarian cancer is characterized by a survival rate of up to 75% over a five-year horizon, the second stage reduces the rate to 55-60%, the third stage gives only 15-20% of positive outcomes, the fourth - no more than 5%.

skin cancer survival

Long years of observation of patients with cancerous skin lesions inspire optimism: if in the post-war years the survival rate was 49%, then in 2010 it was already 92%.

Moreover, patients with this diagnosis not only began to live longer, many of them are successfully cured of the disease.

At the same time, the age of patients affects specific numbers: the older they are, the worse the prognosis.

Chances of recovery from brain cancer

Predicting survival rates for brain cancer is a thankless task. Everything depends not only on the stage of the disease, the age of the patient, but also on many nuances associated with the type of tumor, its behavior, and which part of the brain is affected. In general, statistics show that at the second and third stages, few patients manage to overcome the two-year threshold, and when diagnosing the fourth stage, the count goes already for days. At the same time, due to the fact that “the head is a dark object”, a sufficient number of patients with a desire for life and treatment manage to live with brain cancer for periods of tens of years.

You need to contact a dermatologist and a surgeon. Treatment options may vary depending on your case. Usually such rashes are treated with cauterization, surgical excision, or radiation. .

Cancer - treatment and prevention can take any attendance thanks to WP Super Cache

In most ART cycles, superovulation is stimulated to produce a large number of eggs, so there are usually a large number of embryos. Since usually no more than three embryos are transferred into the uterine cavity, many patients have “extra” embryos after the transfer.

These "extra" embryos can be cryopreserved (frozen) and stored for a long time in liquid nitrogen at -196ºС. Subsequently, they can be thawed and used for the same patient if pregnancy does not occur in the IVF cycle, or if after the birth of the child she wants to have more children. Thus, she can again go through the cycle of embryo transfer without being subjected to superovulation stimulation and ovarian puncture.

Embryo cryopreservation is one of the well-established methods of assisted reproductive technologies. The first child after a frozen embryo transfer was born in 1984. Most IVF clinics practice cryopreservation of embryos remaining after an IVF cycle for subsequent transfer to the uterus.

The chances of pregnancy after thawed embryo transfer are lower than with fresh embryo transfer. However, reproductologists strongly advise all their patients who have “extra” embryos to carry out their cryopreservation. A cycle of cryopreservation and transfer of thawed embryos is much cheaper than a new IVF cycle, and the presence of frozen embryos is a kind of "insurance" for patients in case pregnancy does not occur. However, since it only makes sense to freeze good quality embryos, cryopreservation is a "bonus" that only about 50% of IVF patients receive.

Approximately half of good quality embryos survive the freeze-thaw cycle. The risk of developing congenital pathologies of the fetus does not increase with cryopreservation of embryos.

Benefits of Embryo Cryopreservation

  • Allows you to maximize the chances of pregnancy after IVF and prevent the death of normal viable embryos left after an IVF cycle. This is the most important advantage of cryopreservation. About 50% of patients may have additional embryos for cryopreservation. The efficiency of thawed embryo transfer is constantly growing, approaching the efficiency of "fresh" IVF cycles.
  • Cryopreservation of all embryos for future uterine transfer may be recommended for women at increased risk of developing severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome after superovulation induction in an IVF cycle.
  • IVF cryopreservation of embryos is recommended in cases where the likelihood of embryo implantation is reduced, for example, in the presence of an endometrial polyp, insufficient thickness of the endometrium at the time of embryo transfer, dysfunctional bleeding during this period or illness.
  • With difficulties with the transfer of embryos in the IVF cycle, for example, stenosis of the cervical canal (the inability to pass through the cervical canal due to the narrowing of the canal, the presence of scars in it, etc.).
  • Embryo freezing during IVF can be included in the egg donation cycle, if for some reason it is difficult to synchronize the menstrual cycles of the donor and recipient. In addition, in some countries it is mandatory to cryopreserve all embryos obtained from donor eggs and quarantine them for six months until the donor re-tests negative for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C.
  • After an IVF cycle has ended with the birth of a child, and if the spouses do not want to have more children, frozen embryos can be donated to another infertile couple.
  • Before chemotherapy or radiotherapy for cancer.

How are embryos frozen and thawed?

Embryos can be frozen at any stage (pronuclei, cleavage embryo, blastocyst) as long as they are of good enough quality to survive the freeze-thaw cycle. Embryos are stored individually or in groups of several embryos, depending on how many embryos are planned to be subsequently transferred to the uterus.

Embryos are mixed with a cryoprotectant (a special environment that protects them from damage during freezing). Then they are placed in a plastic straw and cooled to a very low temperature using a special program freezer or ultra-fast freezing (vitrification). Embryos are stored in liquid nitrogen at -196°C.

During defrosting, the embryos are removed from liquid nitrogen, thawed at room temperature, the cryoprotectant is removed, and the embryos are placed in a special medium.

If the embryos were frozen at the cleavage or blastocyst stage, they can be thawed and transferred to the uterus on the same day. However, if they were frozen at the stage of two pronuclei, then they are thawed the day before the transfer, cultured for a day to assess their fragmentation, and transferred to the uterus at the stage of 2-4 cell embryos.

How long can frozen embryos be stored?

Frozen embryos can be stored for as long as required - even several decades. When they are stored in liquid nitrogen, at a temperature of -196ºC, all metabolic activity of cells at such a low temperature stops.

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What is the survival rate of embryos after freezing and thawing?

Not all embryos tolerate the freezing and thawing process well. In a clinic with a well-established cryopreservation program, the survival rate of embryos is 75-80%. Damage to embryos occurs as a result of cryopreservation, but not during the period of storage of embryos, but during their freezing and thawing. Therefore, it may be necessary to thaw several embryos in order to obtain two or three good quality embryos for transfer to the uterus.

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