Why am I constantly cold? The reason why a person is cold all the time. Lose coolness. Why does a person freeze all the time

Women often complain about the perpetual feeling of cold, partly due to physiology, partly due to hypersensitivity to cold conditions. Here are 10 common reasons why your internal thermostat doesn't reflect reality.

You are underweight

Being underweight (body mass index less than 18.5) can make you feel cold for several reasons. First, low numbers on the scale are low rates in the level of fat reserves, which should warm us. Secondly, low body weight indicates insufficient intake calories, it slows down the metabolism, why the body starts spending less energy on its own heating. Gain a couple of kilograms you need, focusing on a healthy homemade food with an abundance of proteins, virov and complex carbohydrates.

You have a thyroid disorder

The constant feeling of cold is one of the many health problems that you "owe" to a failed thyroid gland. It can even be said that a persistent feeling of coldness is the surest sign of hypothyroidism (decreased function thyroid gland and decreased hormone production). Without the necessary levels of hormones, the metabolic rate slows down, and the body begins to save on its own heating. Other typical signs hypothyroidism - thinning hair, dry skin and fatigue. Most often, women who have recently given birth and ladies over 60 fall into the risk group. Prescription medications will help to bring the thyroid gland out of its inhibited state.

You are iron deficient

Low iron levels are one of the most common causes of persistent freezing. And here's why: iron is a key ingredient in red blood cells carrying oxygen throughout the body. Without iron, these blood cells begin to do their job worse, and you begin to shiver from the cold. Iron deficiency is also dangerous because in this state of affairs thyroid becomes lethargic, and you add another reason for yourself to freeze (see previous paragraph).

You have poor circulation

If the palms and feet are constantly icy, but the rest of the body feels quite comfortable, then it may be worth turning Special attention on the circulation of blood, which lacks the strength to "reach out" to the limbs. The reason for this weakening may be cardiovascular disorders: the heart does not pump well enough, or blood vessels narrowed. Smoking can also constrict blood vessels.

You don't get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can walk like an elephant in your china shop. nervous system, bringing all your internal mechanisms out of balance, including the bodily thermostat. It is not entirely clear why this happens, perhaps this is how the body shows its stress due to insufficient rest. This is confirmed by a study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology, where 20 young people deprived of normal sleep, a decrease in body temperature was observed. Lack of sleep also affects our metabolism, which, again, leads to poor self-heating and inhibited blood circulation.

Are you dehydrated

We are 60% water, and it is water that helps regulate our body temperature. If there is enough fluid in the body, it retains heat and releases it more slowly, maintaining general temperature comfortable. When there is not enough fluid, the body becomes more sensitive to temperature. environment. But water warms us not only in this way. It enhances metabolism, the inhibited state of which is translated into a lower body temperature. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, especially before and after exercise.

You lack vitamin B12

This vitamin is available to us only from animal products, and its deficiency will make you chatter your teeth from the cold. The body needs it to create red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body. Its deficiency can lead to anemia, i.e. reduced number of red blood cells and, as a result, to chronic "permafrost". To make up for your B12 deficiency, include in your diet lean varieties meat, fish and dairy products. Sometimes, it is worth noting, the deficiency of this vitamin occurs due to its insufficient digestibility. If your diet has enough of this vitamin, but you still feel cold, see your doctor for a blood test for this important vitamin.

You are a woman

Always fighting with your husband for control of the thermostat? It turns out that the feeling of cold also depends on gender. Basically, women better than men adapted to keep warm. For this purpose, their bodies are "programmed" to distribute blood flow in such a way as to maintain optimal nutrition vital organs such as the heart and brain - sometimes at the expense of the hands and feet, making these parts of the body chronically cold.

you have diabetes

Not properly controlled diabetes, called diabetic neuropathy. Permanent attack on the nervous tissues can cause a feeling of coldness, numbness, and sometimes pain in the arms and legs. Diabetic neuropathy develops gradually and you may not even be aware of it. Be sure to contact your doctor with these symptoms.

You need muscle mass

Muscles help support normal temperature body, generating heat, no muscles - hello, the feeling of cold! Moreover, by increasing muscle mass, you start the metabolism, which at the same time struggles with the eternal feeling of cold. Sign up for a gym or get dumbbells for home - the built-up muscles will become a kind of “blanket” that saves you from permafrost.

There are reasons why many people constantly feel cold, even when they are warmly dressed. Let's try to figure this out.

Our body can be compared to a house that has a smart heating system. The cauldron is the liver, it warms the liquid (blood), the pump is the heart, this organ accelerates the blood through the pipes-vessels to all corners of the body. Muscle retains heat like a battery. If there is a malfunction in this perfect system, a person will constantly freeze.

Reasons why a person freezes

Body type

Warmest people with normal weight body and developed muscles, athletes freeze the least. Skinny girls who do not exercise have low speed metabolism and less heat produced, they are always shivering from the cold. However, excessive fullness also makes you feel colder. Excess fat compresses blood vessels, impairs blood flow.


Tobacco smoke is the reason why hands and feet get cold. The fact is that it causes vasoconstriction.

Also, if you are on a diet and have reduced your calorie intake, your body will respond by lowering your metabolic rate during the cold season. This means you will be colder than usual.

With a lack of sleep, thermoregulation is also impaired. Everyone who does not get enough sleep gets chilly during the day; knowing this, dress warmly after a sleepless night.

Low pressure

Have reduced vascular tone. The body-warming blood runs through them more slowly and barely reaches the peripheral capillaries, for example, in the fingertips. Such a person freezes even in a fur coat and under a duvet. In this case, it is important to increase physical activity, walking, running, doing aerobics, swimming and other beneficial exercises.

iron deficiency

A low level of hemoglobin in the blood causes a failure in the supply of oxygen to the body. Vessels expand excessively to increase blood flow, and react as if you were in a hot room. The body gives up precious heat for nothing and freezes very quickly. You need to find the cause of the lack of hemoglobin, this can be a sign of a serious illness.

Hormonal problems

Malfunctions of the glands internal secretioncommon cause chilliness. With reduced thyroid function, the metabolic rate drops and the production of heat from the calories delivered with food is inhibited. Such a person gains weight on a moderate diet, and has cold feet at any time of the day. Pregnant women can also suffer from cold.

Heat transfer is also disturbed in diabetes: sometimes the feet freeze to such an extent that sensitivity disappears in them. If you suspect yourself hormonal disorders contact a specialist immediately.

How to keep warm

1. Knead the brushes, twist your arms in the elbows, then in shoulder joints. Rotate your body. Half squat and rotate your knees, pelvis.

2. Carry hot tea with you in a thermos.

3. Refuse to cold away tight shoes and tight-fitting clothing, wear warm socks and gloves in all weathers.

4. Take a shower before bed to keep your feet as warm as possible. For very cold feet, a hot bath with dry mustard is good. You can use a heating pad.

5. Put a large bottle of very hot water, it will warm the sheets.

6. Visit or sauna, if there are no contraindications.

7. And, of course, move more, play sports! It's the most important.

According to statistics, every third woman is a “frost” who will feel chills even at a temperature that is quite comfortable for many. Men are less likely to experience such a problem due to a more stable thermoregulation system. Why do people freeze all the time and how to deal with this phenomenon, AiF.ru found out.

Important iron

The feeling that you are constantly freezing appears if there is anemia or even if the hemoglobin level just started to fall a little. The transport of oxygen by the blood worsens, the nutrition of tissues is disrupted, and the vessels dilate to speed up blood flow and keep warm. Because of this, heat transfer increases, the body loses its heat reserve and begins to freeze.

Certain foods can help restore balance. To do this, the diet should include red meat, liver and kidneys, buckwheat, barley and rice cereal, dried fruits, eggs, apples, fish, cheese, cabbage and dill. Daily rate iron should be 15 mg.

Vitamin deficiency

Everyone knows that the lack of vitamins has a bad effect on human health. But few realize that they constantly experience a feeling of cold due to a lack of vitamins A and E. It is these two substances that are responsible for the balance of biochemical processes in the liver that contribute to heating.

Excessive fullness

Traditionally, it is considered that fat people always hot. In fact, fat deposits, accumulating, compress the vessels and lead to the fact that the blood flow worsens, and then everything happens, as in the case of iron deficiency.

Problems with the thyroid

The thyroid gland is extremely important organ whose work is often underestimated. Iron, despite its small size, performs important role- distributes energy reserves. If some problems develop, for example, hypothyroidism, it works “halfway” and slows down the metabolism. Then the person begins to feel that he is freezing from the inside. You can understand that the matter is in the thyroid gland by paying attention to the legs - they are cold at any time of the day. If you think that the matter is in the gland, it is worth examining it and, if there are any deviations, it is imperative to treat and correct them.

pressure and blood vessels

Hypotonics, i.e. those who have low blood pressure know firsthand what increased “frostness” is: a decrease in pressure leads to impaired blood supply, which, again, causes internal “coldness”.

Vascular problems also often lead to the fact that a person freezes at any time of the year and even under warm blanket. Firstly, the vessels can lose the desired tone, which is why the blood begins to “run” through them more slowly. Secondly, spasms can be the cause of freezing: with a sharp compression of blood vessels, problems with blood supply begin. Thirdly, the sensation of cold can cause disruption of the peripheral capillaries, which is why the blood does not “reach” to the fingertips.

In this case, it is worth taking a course of vitamins, increasing physical activity, adding walks to fresh air, adjust nutrition (add vegetables and fruits, remove refined foods).

"Cold" diabetes

With diabetes, a person can also easily feel "inner cold". This disease causes metabolic disorders, as well as serious problems with the cardiovascular system. In such cases, patients usually complain of constantly cold feet, which periodically lose sensation. This should be reported to the endocrinologist, who will select the appropriate treatment.

Dangerous malnutrition

A banal lack of calories can make you feel chilly at any time of the year. So, for example, people who eat little do not receive their norm. This means that they seriously lack energy “for heating” and there is nowhere for the body to replenish its reserves. Therefore, often people are thin and leading sedentary image life have a lower body temperature.

When we get sick, feeling chills is natural. Warm clothes and even a few blankets do not become a salvation until the body temperature begins to rise. As it grows, they die pathogenic bacteria, and the person begins to throw in a fever. Everything is clear here. And if a healthy outwardly person turns to a doctor and asks to explain what is happening to him. "Help, I'm always cold." There may be more than one reason, so today we decided to dwell on this issue in more detail.

Gender specifics

Let's remember who most often hears such complaints from? That's right, from the elderly. Everyone has seen grandmothers in warm sweaters or even coats in hot weather outside. This does not surprise anyone, because you can often hear from them: "I'm constantly cold." The reason lies in the violation of blood circulation, which under itself has age reasons. However, even among young women, this phenomenon is much more common than among men. Wherein similar condition often attributed to individual characteristics organism, and the only recommendation that is given is to dress warmer. However, the roots can lie much deeper, and we will deal with them today.

alarm bell

You can laugh at a person who says: "I'm constantly cold." The reason for this, however, may not be at all in the desire to show their effeminacy and attract attention. At the same time, it can be noted that very rarely such a symptom is an independent manifestation of the disease. Most often, this is a symptom of some kind of disorder in the body. But here you have to spend a lot of time to find the real reason.

Tea, warm bath and woolen socks

Have you ever come home from a cold long time feel cold in the extremities? As if the blood had stopped circulating through them. This phenomenon is considered a variant of the norm. In some cases, it is sufficient to take hot bath, drink tea and put on warm clothes, and the condition returns to normal. It turns out much more interesting if, being in a warm room, you still cannot get rid of the feeling of chilliness. In this case, it is definitely worth visiting the doctor and telling him: "I am constantly cold." The reason may lie in the work internal organs, metabolic disorders and even the wrong diet. But a specialist should understand this.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

A mysterious disease, the cause of which is psychosomatic. That is, stress leads to disturbances in the work of the autonomic nervous system, and it, in turn, triggers a number of physiological processes which we are ultimately trying to treat. In particular, if your feet are constantly freezing, then pay attention to the situations in which this happens. If you have an important meeting, going to the director or significant event, and you observe a strange coldness in your body, then it is quite possible that this is your reaction to stress. A person with VVD may also complain of low blood pressure or heart problems, his hands are constantly cold, but in fact, the root of the trouble lies in instability to stressful situations.

iron deficiency or anemia

Usually an adult knows well if he has a similar problem. However, if until now the blood tests were normal, but recent times feet are constantly cold, it is recommended to go to the laboratory again. Biochemical analysis blood will show the content of hemoglobin. Acute deficiency iron is the most common cause that the limbs are cold. This is easy to explain, tissues suffer from a lack of oxygen and muscle spasms occur. Accordingly, the blood supply deteriorates. Even mechanical rubbing and hot baths give only a temporary effect of expanding blood vessels and filling them with blood.

Hypothyroidism or thyroid dysfunction

And we continue to talk about why a person is constantly cold. The reasons may lie in the activity of the endocrine glands. In particular, doctors are well aware that with a lack of hormones produced by the thyroid gland, a number of processes in the body are launched that seriously change its work. In particular, there is a weakness, a decrease blood pressure, low temperature body and significant reduction pulse rate.

As a result, it develops excessive sweating limbs, but at the same time the body constantly freezes, and the hands and feet never get warm at all. Disorders in the thyroid gland are diagnosed by an endocrinologist based on blood tests and ultrasound of the gland.

Allergic reaction to cold

At first glance, this sounds strange, but such a phenomenon does occur. The mechanisms here are somewhat different, but in general this is the same allergy, only its cause is low air temperature. It is usually difficult for a suffering person to keep warm, and no matter how many layers of clothing he wears. How can you understand that this is the reason? If, in addition to the limbs, your back is constantly freezing, then it is possible that this is your case. At the same time, redness skin, cracking of the lips and the appearance of swelling under the eyes.

Errors in the diet

The heat transfer of our body is highly dependent on body weight. If your weight is normal, then under the skin there is thin layer fat, which perfectly retains heat. However, today girls are fond of losing weight, very often they bring themselves almost to exhaustion. By resorting to strict diets and loading themselves with training, they try to achieve ideal parameters without thinking about the consequences. And as a result, they come to the doctor with complaints: “I am constantly cold, what is wrong with me?”. And everything is quite simple. lack of iron and iodine - this leads to such consequences.

Raynaud's disease

It occurs infrequently, but this does not mean that it can be ignored. The fact is that in this case, the hands and feet get cold due to spasms that occur in small capillaries limbs. The origin of this disease is unknown, and many times researchers refused to isolate it in individual disease, considering such a manifestation a symptom of some other ailment. But with the development of medicine, enough empirical material has accumulated to understand that this is really independent disease which has its own clinical picture.

Raynaud's disease leads to very serious consequences. It can be peeling of the fingers and loss of skin elasticity, but the main thing is cold intolerance. A person does not experience the pleasure of walking in the fresh air, skiing, swimming in the sea. This is not surprising, not only is he very cold on the street. Also, the warming process is accompanied severe pain. Hands and feet are swollen and red.

What can be done

As we found out, whatever reason underlies this phenomenon, it is due to the problems of capillaries and blood vessels. Violation of the blood supply to tissues can be corrected to a certain extent. The procedure is not too simple, but useful. In order not to expose the body severe stress, first you should do foot baths: hot or contrast.

To strengthen blood vessels, it is recommended to go to the sauna or bath. After the steam room, you can swim in the cold pool, which is also very good for your health. Cold and hot shower is a procedure from the same opera. But you need to remember that any such event is stressful for the body and you need to approach it carefully.

We give up bad habits

First and foremost is smoking. It causes the hands and feet to constantly get cold. And all because nicotine causes vasospasm. The sooner you get rid of this habit, the better. But that's not all. Also try to limit your intake of coffee and strong drinks. alcoholic beverages as well as sodas. This will only add health to your body, as well as seriously improve your well-being. And before going outside, it is recommended to drink chicken or beef broth.

Nutrition and physical activity

Your diet should be complete, then you will not have a deficiency of iron and vitamin B12. This means that dried apricots and raisins, nuts, pomegranates and oatmeal porridge, pumpkin and vegetable salads, fresh fruits. Don't forget red meat and legumes, they are also rich in iron. But special attention should be paid to seafood. For your food, red fish is perfect - salmon and mackerel, Baltic herring and trout. Rich in iodine, they normalize the thyroid gland. Vitamin and herbal decoctions, compotes and fruit drinks increase blood circulation. That is why you need to drink them every day. And the last ingredient is physical activity. Charging you need every day, this is a mandatory element of treatment.

It is not easy to answer this question unambiguously. There are a lot of reasons for chilliness, therefore, to identify a specific source of constant "underheating", careful medical examination.


In the regulation of the heat of our body, all systems and organs are involved under the guidance of three - the heart, liver and hypothalamus.

The liver uses biochemical reactions to heat the blood. Pumped by the heart, it runs throughout the body, evenly delivering heat to all its parts. Therefore, the vessels can be compared with the pipes of central heating radiators.

Depending on the external temperature, the "pipes" either expand to give off excess heat outside the body (in summer), or contract to better store it (in winter). But this process can be disturbed under the influence various diseases or pathologies that cause permanent "freezing".

Why does a person always freeze

Iron-deficiency anemia or simply an insufficient level of hemoglobin in the blood causes a delay in the delivery of oxygen by the blood to the internal organs and tissues.

The body is trying to improve the situation of oxygen supply to the organs, and the vessels dilate to increase blood flow, that is, they behave as if a tropical heat has come or you are in a sauna. Accordingly, heat transfer increases - the body loses necessary stock"heating" and freezes.

In fact, they didn’t sit - a lack of vitamins A and E, as well as fats in the diet, can also lead to constant chilliness even in warm weather.

The biochemical processes in the liver that are responsible for heating the blood are unbalanced, and the “batteries” are slowly cooling down.

Fat deposits- not just a dubious decoration, but a dense compressor. By squeezing the vessels, it leads to a narrowing of the blood flow, and then everything well-known scheme- malnutrition of internal organs with oxygen and an attempt vascular system compensate for this deficiency. The heat goes to the side, the person freezes.

For regulation energy processes in the body - the distribution of energy reserves, including heating - is responsible for the thyroid gland.

When its function decreases (with hypothyroidism), the energy “branch” experiences a lack of attention, processes are disrupted, and high-quality heating becomes impossible. The thyroid gland, working at half strength, at the same time slows down the metabolism. Accordingly, the formation of heat from the calories received with food is also inhibited.

On the hormonal cause"frostiness" may indicate cold feet at any time of the day.

But most often, cold feet (and sometimes hands) are a sign of impaired peripheral capillary circulation. Heating just doesn't work destinations- in limbs. This is often associated with conditions such as vegetovascular dystonia(mainly for hypotonic type), and a person begins to freeze the more, the more he worries, or experiences stress, or suffers from physical inactivity.

Vascular problems leading to chilliness can also be of a completely different nature. For example, nicotine addicts and people suffering from atherosclerosis often experience spasms.

Age-related "freezing", forcing older people to pull on several layers of clothing or blankets, is also associated with a deterioration in vascular functions.

People who eat too little, who do not get enough of their daily calorie intake, are also doomed to freeze. After all, they simply do not provide the "furnace" with "wood" - in the absence of regular intake of calories, the body has nowhere to take energy from.

If a person is thin and moves little, he is doomed to slowly cool down during his lifetime. Even his body temperature drops.

Diabetes turns out to be “guilty” of almost any disorder in our body, and constant chilliness is no exception. The root cause is serious violations in metabolism and work of cardio-vascular system, but it is impossible to explain everything that is happening in a nutshell. a clear sign diabetes can be considered cold feet, in which, moreover, sensitivity disappears.

There is also a specific cold syndrome - Raynaud's disease, which is expressed in a violation of the arterial blood supply to the extremities. At the slightest emotional stress, as well as under the influence of too cold or warm temperatures in such people there is a strong vascular spasm that violates thermoregulation.

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