Exercise after gallbladder removal

After an appendectomy, the patient remains in the hospital for a rehabilitation period. However, patients wonder and ask doctors if it is possible to play sports after appendicitis? Therefore they talk about possible complications after removal of the appendage. In addition, there are certain restrictions on diet, physical activity and prescription. medications. However, it is worth knowing what loads and weights will be useful, and when they can be carried out.

What can not be done after removal of the appendage of the caecum?

The recovery period passes without complications

When rehabilitation passes without unpleasant consequences, then you can return to classes after 30 days. In this case, it is worth choosing exercises without using the abdominal muscles.

  • dancing;
  • in a swimming pool;
  • yoga;
  • run.

At recovery period without complications, it is allowed to lift weights and increase the load 90 days after the operation. If the removal was carried out, then it is worth starting to play sports after the approval of the attending physician. Physical exercise is required gradual increase loads. At the same time, it is necessary to abandon frequent bending forward and to the side, so as not to disturb the fragile muscles of the press. Moving on to complex exercises is required after the body gets used to light loads.

If the patient has unpleasant feeling in the place of the seam or in the lower abdomen, then the weights or exercises are postponed and stopped. After that, you should seek help from a doctor and tell him about the discomfort.

Rehabilitation after removal of the process of the caecum should take place with the observation of the state of the seam. Even the patient needs to examine the wound for changes. When observing neoplasms at the site of the seam, after lifting weights or exercises, they turn to the attending physician. In most cases, neoplasms appear due to the accumulation of pus and blood under the dermis. This can lead to the development of unpleasant consequences.

After appendicitis, you can lift weights depending on the condition of the patient. In the case without complications, physical activity after surgery is indicated in a month. When unpleasant consequences appear, the patient is prescribed bed rest throughout the week after the intervention. Lifting heavy objects and exercising is recommended after 90 days. Then more whole year doctors put forward restrictions for carrying weights.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate! Be sure to contact a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and conducts treatment. Study Group Expert inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

Inna Lavrenko

Reading time: 5 minutes


Cholecystectomy is the medical name for an operation to remove an organ such as the gallbladder.

It is prescribed in cases of irreversible violations of the functions of this organ, making it useless and even harmful to human body. Like any other surgical intervention, cholecystectomy imposes a number of postoperative restrictions on the patient, associated with both diet and physical activity.

After removal of the gallbladder physical activity the patient is subject to mandatory restrictions. And if physical activity is limited quite strictly, then doctors, on the contrary, recommend therapeutic exercises.

Many people are interested in the question: “How much can I raise after removal of the gallbladder?”. Within two to three months after the operation, the patient is forbidden to lift more than 4 kg. Professional sports (especially power sports) are also banned. And to get back to full life– necessary physiotherapy.

Special therapeutic gymnastics allows you to gradually develop all muscle groups, which, combined with the implementation breathing exercises significantly reduces time rehabilitation period.

This period itself is divided into three stages:

  1. early - from the day of surgery to removal postoperative sutures(usually seven to eight days);
  2. late - from the moment the sutures are removed to discharge from the hospital (from two to three weeks);
  3. long-range - from the moment of discharge to full recovery work capacity (from two to three months).

At this stage therapeutic exercises useful in that they help:

  • avoid many complications after surgery (for example, thrombosis, pneumonia, embolism, atelectasis, intestinal atony, etc.);
  • improve cardiovascular and respiratory system;
  • significantly improve the patient's emotional state;
  • help form an elastic postoperative scar.

At this stage (in the absence medical contraindications) exercises can be started immediately after the patient recovers from anesthesia. However, at first he was recommended bed rest, so the exercises have to be done in a lying, semi-sitting or sitting position.

The very first exercise at this stage is breathing. It consists in deep breathing air through the nose with its subsequent "pushing" out of oneself. During this exercise, the postoperative wound must be held with your hands. The frequency of such exercises is four to five times a day. Each one is three to five minutes long. Such simple breathing exercises improve the ventilation functions of the lungs and speed up the process of sputum exit from them.

An example of such activities is the flexion and extension actions of the listed joints. Imitation of walking is also effective, in a sitting position with the heels off the floor or support. However, such “walking” is allowed only at the very end of the early period, from about the sixth or seventh day, since the patient cannot sit down earlier. Chest massage is extremely useful, which is recommended to be combined with breathing exercises (for example, after exhalation, vibrating tapping on the back).

At this stage, the so-called diaphragmatic breathing, during which the diaphragm is actively involved - a muscle that separates the upper internal organs from the lower ones.

When you inhale, this muscle tightens, and the stomach rounds. When you exhale, this formed "dome" rises, and the diaphragm, as it were, pushes the air out of the lungs. In another way, such breathing is called lower. With its help, there is a better enrichment of blood with oxygen, the lungs are massaged, and recovery is also accelerated. digestive functions GIT.

Simultaneously with such breathing, it is recommended to make turns on the bed. They are performed as follows: lying on the bed, the patient bends his knees, moves to the edge, and then rises on his hands, using the muscles of the pelvic region. After that, the knees turn to the right, left hand rises, there is a coup on the right side. For the reverse turn, the order is the same, but in the other direction.

Therapeutic exercise (exercise therapy) in the late period

The goals of exercise therapy at this stage of rehabilitation are:

  1. improvement of the respiratory system, as well as circulatory and digestive systems;
  2. launch of regeneration processes in postoperative wound, which helps prevent the appearance of adhesions and forms an elastic scar;
  3. muscle development abdominals, which reduces the risk of postoperative hernias;
  4. adaptation of all organs to the future increase in the intensity of physical activity;
  5. correction of posture (if it is broken).

At this stage of rehabilitation, the patient is on the ward. Breathing exercises becomes more diverse (exercises are not only static, but also dynamic). Exercise therapy of this period, in addition to the joints, begins to involve the large muscles of the body in the process.

The duration of one lesson increases to seven to twelve minutes, gymnastics increases to 7–12 minutes, and their number, on the contrary, decreases to two to three per day. To improve the emotional environment, it is possible to practice group activities (with a small amount participants). Over time, the ward regime is replaced by a free one, and classes begin to take place in a special gym.

The main attention in this period is directed to the maximum possible strengthening large muscles body (especially the abdominals).

Here you can already use weights and other special equipment (for example, balls). The duration of classes in free mode increases to 15 - 20 minutes. In the intervals between classes, slow, calm walking up and down the stairs is recommended.

At this time, gymnastics is aimed at:

  • restoration of full working capacity;
  • adaptation of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to normal level physical loads.

Such physical education is also recommended after discharge from the hospital. The essence of the exercises is the same. How in late period. Only the frequency of repetitions and the weight of the weighting agents used increases. At this rehabilitation stage, it is also useful sport games and skiing.

Long-range exercises - skiing

These rules include the following mandatory recommendations:

Useful information
1 exercises must be alternated in time and order: you need to start with the upper joints and limbs, and then move on to the lower ones; joints are developed, starting with small ones, gradually moving to medium ones
2 the larger the joint and the wider the amplitude of the exercise, the faster and the number of repetitions should be less
3 before the loads on the joints and muscles, there must be a breathing exercise; breathing at this time should be deep and, if possible, lower
4 every three to four exercises on the joints or muscles, you need to repeat the breathing exercise
5 if exercise therapy classes pass twice a day, then the first should be in the morning (before breakfast), and the second - in evening time(almost before bedtime)
6 when performing exercises, you should definitely control your well-being, and if it worsens, you should reduce the entire complex or reduce the number of repetitions
7 watch your breath; if it ceases to be deep and calm, it is necessary to interrupt the exercise for a while until the breathing is fully restored, and only after that continue the exercise

Many are interested in the question: "After removal of the gallbladder - when can I lift weights"? It all depends on the chosen surgical technique and the course of the rehabilitation period. If no complications are observed and recovery is underway successfully, then regular exercise therapy in compliance with all of the above recommendations will allow the patient to completely forget that one or two months after the removal of the gallbladder that it is impossible to lift weights and return to full-fledged physical activity.

Entertaining anatomy

First, let's imagine a little device human body in the way we want.

Our body has a skeleton - it is a supporting frame to which muscles and internal organs are attached. In the context of our conversation, speaking of the skeleton, we must first of all remember the spine. The spine is a unique device that combines the functions of a supporting rod and a shock absorber, which is possible due to the combination of rigid elements (vertebrae) and softer elements into one structure - intervertebral discs. This whole structure is reinforced with ligaments that hold the discs between the vertebrae, and muscles that make it stronger and more flexible. To improve shock absorber function, the spine has an S-curve to accept vertical loads like a spring that can flex and extend.

Limbs are attached to the spine through the bones and cranium, but we are more interested in how the internal organs are attached to it.

The internal organs are “packed” into a structure that we visually perceive as the torso.

From above, the torso is bounded by the chest. This is another interesting mobile bone formation, consisting of ribs connected by cartilage and entangled with muscles. From below, the chest is closed by the diaphragm - a muscular membrane that supports the organs located in chest(they are called mediastinal organs) so that they do not “fall” into the stomach.

The chest is "invented" by nature for two things. Firstly, it makes breathing possible - when the ribs expand or narrow, the lungs move behind them, because they are hermetically packed inside the chest. The second is the protection of the heart and large vessels. Here an attack of predators is imagined, which will not be able to tear the heart out of the rigid armor of the chest, but everything is much more prosaic - if, for example, you place the heart and the denouement large arteries in the stomach, then by unsuccessfully pressing it down (by falling asleep in an uncomfortable position, say), you can stop the blood flow, which leads to death rather quickly, as you know.

From below, the body is limited by the pelvis - a bone frame, which is a hard bottom abdominal cavity, on which muscles are stretched, which also prevent the internal organs from falling out of their place. Here there is important feature, which distinguishes the structure of male and female body. The pelvic floor in men is tightly closed by muscles. And in women who were created taking into account childbearing, in the pelvic floor there is a hole in the muscles for the vagina, through which spermatozoa enter the uterus, you know how, returning after 9 months with a weight gain of 3-5 kg. Therefore, the pelvis itself is larger than the male one, so that the child can exit through its bottom.

In order to keep all the organs inside the abdominal cavity, there is a muscular corset. In addition, so that they do not hang there randomly and do not twist among themselves, each of internal organs secured with ligaments and sometimes braided with fat to protect and insulate. The kidneys are even more securely packed, which have their own fatty capsule, which is additional mechanical protection and insulation, and are located in a special muscle pocket - such increased protection is needed not only because the kidneys important organ, which cleanses the body of toxins and performs other regulatory functions - the adrenal glands are also located along with them, damage to which leads to rapid death.

Passions and other horrors

Now let's imagine what happens when a person, say, lifts a barbell at 1.5 of his weight from the floor, performing deadlift(with any lifting of weight, the same thing happens), and what dangers it poses.

First, the load falls on the spine. If it is located correctly in space, then it adequately accepts such a load - it properly springs, and the vertebrae and discs are in such a position so as not to suffer. If the back is bent in unnecessary places, or has some kind of distortion to the side, then the disks begin to receive the load in the wrong direction, and there is a risk of their deformation, which is called a vertebral hernia. A similar fate awaits them if the load is excessive.

But the spine is only the back of the torso, and it will not stand up in the battle with weight. In order to overcome it, you need the help of other parts of the body, which at the time of lifting the weight should become a strong pillar. To do this, all the muscles surrounding the body are tensed, the pressure inside it increases and the body becomes much stiffer, like a soda bottle that has been shaken.

Contracted muscles do not allow the chest to move as it should, which means that the lungs begin to move in other conditions, and the diaphragm begins to take a greater part in their movement. Such an increase in pressure in the mediastinum can interfere with the work of the heart, but the main thing is that they are compressed large vessels, mainly veins, which impairs blood flow through them - this can become a prerequisite for varicose veins in the limbs, which have nowhere to drain blood.

If the abdominal muscles are well developed, and there is order in the abdominal cavity (for example, there are no huge fat depots that change the position of the internal organs), then everything proceeds relatively risk-free, but if something goes wrong, then the load can lead to displacement of the internal organs, ligaments of which may be weaker than the load. The internal organs can move within the limits of the places allowed to them, or they can begin to travel further - in this case, a hernia of soft tissues may occur (they find their way out through weak spots in the muscles), or displacement of the internal organs.

Displacement of the kidneys can be dangerous (this can lead to bending of the vessels and ureters that feed them), as well as displacement of the uterus in women, which can lead to problems with fertilization and pregnancy. In women, everything is complicated by the same hole in the muscles pelvic floor, which makes it a weak point in the general muscular corset, and, accordingly, the load can find a “weak link”. This is the same structural feature. female body, which increases the risk of trouble in the case of working with heavy weights.

Where are my dumbbells, where is my hoop...

So you can't lift heavy weights, especially women? The pool is our everything, no power loads? No - not everything is so simple.

I don’t know if it’s a story, but they say that in order to prepare for long-term space flights, a project was launched in which it was planned to create a completely self-sufficient closed biosphere, and during its preparation they found out interesting feature: Trees need wind. Without regular rocking, trees become brittle and break.

The situation is similar with our body. If you do not load it, it becomes brittle and breaks.

The nutrition of the intervertebral discs depends very much on how actively the muscles located around them work, and if the muscles are without adequate movement for a long time, then nutrients and water do not enter the discs, and they become brittle, and the risk of damaging them arises with any movement. In addition, the correct position of the spine during loads is not taken from nowhere - training is needed, during which the body learns to take weight correctly.

The muscular corset of the body will not become strong and durable by itself - it also needs loads. If you do not load the body the right way, then the core muscles will not grow by themselves, and they are needed not only in Everyday life in order to keep the organs in the correct position, but also during the same pregnancy and childbirth.

The pelvic floor muscles also get stronger when they are stressed, so even with a different pelvis, women can strengthen it with strength training. The risk arises only when the load becomes inadequate to the current abilities of the body - for trained women, this is an attempt to reach a strength record, for untrained ... whatever, even bags from the store can lead to backfire.

I am already silent about the fact that without adequate power loads it is quite difficult to maintain health, especially in adulthood and old age.


What to do so that power loads are beneficial, how to reduce the risk of all sorts of problems and difficulties?

1) Correct technique doing exercises - that's why it was invented in order to minimize possible risks.

2) Do not spray. It is necessary to learn the technique of several basic exercises well, and work on them - the introduction of an unjustified amount of wonderful exercises into the training regimen increases the risk of injury, because. weights in them are often used inadequate skills.

3) Gradually increase the load. It is quite obvious that if you “tear your ass”, then sooner or later it may break.

4) Strengthen the muscular corset of the body. I think now the logic of using a belt for weightlifters is clear - it helps to fix the internal organs by increasing pressure in the abdominal cavity. But we always have such a weightlifting belt with us - our muscular corset, and by strengthening it we significantly reduce the risk of any injuries.

5) Breathe correctly when exercising. This can be attributed to the technique of their implementation, but still I will say separately. Classic scheme- inhaling when lowering the weight and exhaling when lifting it helps to maintain average pressure in the chest and abdominal cavity throughout the repetition, while holding the breath leads to excessive compression of the vessels and improper distribution of pressure on the internal organs.

7) Do not ignore the warm-up and cool-down, as well as warm up between power sets - this will not allow blood to stagnate in the limbs, reduce the load on the heart and the risk of developing varicose veins veins.

8) To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest. Want to protect yourself from everything - lie on the couch. Just think of how not to die from a heart attack, stroke, obesity and diabetes. Life is a dangerous thing - but many dangers are the wind without which the trees become weak and fragile.

About how dangerous it is to lift weights, especially for women, you have probably heard more than once. I propose to figure out what exactly is dangerous in lifting weights, and what temperature water should be blown into.

Entertaining anatomy

To begin with, let's imagine a little device of the human body in the section we need.
Our body has a skeleton - it is a supporting frame to which muscles and internal organs are attached. In the context of our conversation, speaking of the skeleton, we must first of all remember the spine. The spine is a unique device that combines the functions of a supporting rod and a shock absorber, which is possible due to the combination of rigid elements (vertebrae) and softer elements - intervertebral discs into one structure. This whole structure is reinforced with ligaments that hold the discs between the vertebrae, and muscles that make it stronger and more flexible. To improve shock absorber function, the spine has an S-curve to accept vertical loads like a spring that can flex and extend.
Limbs and the cranium are attached to the spine through the bones, but we are more interested in how the internal organs are attached to it.
The internal organs are “packed” into a structure that we visually perceive as the torso.
From above, the torso is bounded by the chest. This is another interesting mobile bone formation, consisting of ribs connected by cartilage and entangled with muscles. From below, the chest is closed by the diaphragm - a muscular membrane that supports the organs located in the chest (they are called mediastinal organs) so that they do not “fall” into the stomach.
The chest is "invented" by nature for two things. Firstly, it makes breathing possible - when the ribs expand or narrow, the lungs move behind them, because they are hermetically packed inside the chest. The second is the protection of the heart and large vessels. Here an attack of predators is imagined, which will not be able to tear the heart out of the rigid armor of the chest, but everything is much more prosaic - if, for example, you place the heart and the junction of large arteries in the stomach, then unsuccessfully pressing it down (falling asleep in an uncomfortable position, say), you can stop the current blood, which leads to death pretty quickly, as you know.

From below, the torso is limited by the pelvis - a bone frame, which is the hard bottom of the abdominal cavity, on which muscles are stretched, which also prevent the internal organs from falling out of their place. Here there is an important feature that distinguishes the structure of the male and female bodies. The pelvic floor in men is tightly closed by muscles. And in women who were created taking into account childbearing, in the pelvic floor there is a hole in the muscles for the vagina, through which spermatozoa enter the uterus, you know how, returning after 9 months with a weight gain of 3-5 kg. Therefore, the pelvis itself is larger than the male one, so that the child can exit through its bottom.
Between the diaphragm and the pelvis are all the organs of the abdominal cavity. Here it was no longer possible to make rigid edges, because. digestive system space is needed - we, of course, are not boas capable of swallowing a rabbit, but still some freedom is required in this department (which everyone who gets up because of New Year's table to fasten the belt a couple of holes).

In order to keep all the organs inside the abdominal cavity, there is a muscular corset. In addition, so that they do not hang there randomly and do not twist among themselves, each of the internal organs is fixed with ligaments, and sometimes braided with fat to protect and warm. The kidneys are even more securely packed, which have their own fatty capsule, which is additional mechanical protection and insulation, and are located in a special muscle pocket - such increased protection is needed not only because the kidneys are an important organ that cleanses the body of toxins and performs other regulatory functions - with them, the adrenal glands are also located, damage to which leads to rapid death.
Passions and other horrors
Now let's imagine what happens when a person, say, lifts a barbell at 1.5 of his weight from the floor, performing a deadlift (the same thing happens with any weight lifting), and what dangers this poses.
First, the load falls on the spine. If it is located correctly in space, then it adequately accepts such a load - it properly springs, and the vertebrae and discs are in such a position so as not to suffer. If the back is bent in unnecessary places, or has some kind of distortion to the side, then the disks begin to receive the load in the wrong direction, and there is a risk of their deformation, which is called a vertebral hernia. A similar fate awaits them if the load is excessive.
But the spine is only the back of the torso, and it will not stand up in the battle with weight. In order to overcome it, you need the help of other parts of the body, which at the time of lifting the weight should become a strong pillar. To do this, all the muscles surrounding the body are tensed, the pressure inside it increases and the body becomes much stiffer, like a soda bottle that has been shaken.
At the same time, some difficulties may also arise with this mechanism.
Contracted muscles do not allow the chest to move as it should, which means that the lungs begin to move in other conditions, and the diaphragm begins to take a greater part in their movement. Such an increase in pressure in the mediastinum can interfere with the work of the heart, but the main thing is that large vessels are squeezed, mainly veins, which worsens blood flow through them - this can become a prerequisite for varicose veins in the limbs, which have nowhere to drain blood.
But the pressure in the abdominal cavity rises even more - the diaphragm and abdominal muscles squeeze all the internal organs, and large vessels, such as the inferior vena cava.

If the abdominal muscles are well developed, and there is order in the abdominal cavity (for example, there are no huge fat depots that change the position of the internal organs), then everything proceeds relatively risk-free, but if something goes wrong, then the load can lead to displacement of the internal organs, ligaments of which may be weaker than the load. The internal organs can move within the limits of the places allowed to them, or they can begin to travel further - in this case, a hernia of soft tissues may occur (they find their way out through weak spots in the muscles), or displacement of the internal organs.
Displacement of the kidneys can be dangerous (this can lead to bending of the vessels and ureters that feed them), as well as displacement of the uterus in women, which can lead to problems with fertilization and pregnancy. In women, everything is complicated by the same hole in the pelvic floor muscles, which makes it a weak point in the general muscle corset, and, accordingly, the load can find a “weak link”. This is the very structural feature of the female body, which increases the risk of trouble in the case of working with heavy weights.
Where are my dumbbells, where is my hoop...
So you can't lift heavy weights, especially women? The pool is our everything, no power loads? No - not everything is so simple.
I don’t know if it’s a story, but they say that in order to prepare for long-term space flights, a project was launched in which it was planned to create a completely self-sufficient closed biosphere, and during its preparation they found out an interesting feature: trees need wind. Without regular rocking, trees become brittle and break.
The situation is similar with our body. If you do not load it, it becomes brittle and breaks.
The nutrition of the intervertebral discs depends very much on how actively the muscles located around them work, and if the muscles are without adequate movement for a long time, then nutrients and water do not enter the discs, and they become fragile, and the risk of damage to them occurs with any movement. In addition, the correct position of the spine during loads is not taken from nowhere - training is needed, during which the body learns to take weight correctly.
The muscular corset of the body will not become strong and durable by itself - it also needs loads. If you do not load the body in the right way, then the core muscles will not grow by themselves, and they are needed not only in everyday life in order to keep the organs in the correct position, but also during the same pregnancy and childbirth.
The pelvic floor muscles also get stronger when they are stressed, so even with a different pelvis, women can strengthen it with strength training. The risk arises only when the load becomes inadequate to the current abilities of the body - for trained women, this is an attempt to reach a strength record, for untrained ... whatever, even bags from the store can lead to unpleasant consequences.
I am already silent about the fact that without adequate power loads it is quite difficult to maintain health, especially in adulthood and old age.
What to do so that power loads are beneficial, how to reduce the risk of all sorts of problems and difficulties?
1) The correct technique for performing exercises - that's why it was invented in order to minimize possible risks.
2) Do not spray. It is necessary to learn the technique of several basic exercises well, and work on them - the introduction of an unjustified amount of wonderful exercises into the training regimen increases the risk of injury, because. weights in them are often used inadequate skills.
3) Gradually increase the load. It is quite obvious that if you “tear your ass”, then sooner or later it may break.
4) Strengthen the muscular corset of the body. I think now the logic of using a belt for weightlifters is clear - it helps to fix the internal organs by increasing pressure in the abdominal cavity. But we always have such a weightlifting belt with us - our muscular corset, and by strengthening it we significantly reduce the risk of any injuries.
5) Breathe correctly when exercising. This can be attributed to the technique of their implementation, but still I will say separately. The classical scheme - inhaling when lowering the weight and exhaling when lifting it helps to maintain average pressure in the chest and abdominal cavity throughout the entire repetition, while holding the breath leads to excessive compression of the vessels and improper distribution of pressure on the internal organs.
6) Normalize weight. Excess fat, especially visceral fat (on the internal organs) changes the load that these organs have, and the risk of all sorts of troubles with obesity increases. At the same time, an excessive decrease in the percentage of fat in the body, especially a sharp one and without adequate training of the muscular corset, can also lead to displacement of internal organs (especially the kidneys - their fat capsule has importance to keep them in place).
7) Do not ignore the warm-up and cool-down, as well as warm up between power sets - this will not allow blood to stagnate in the limbs, reduce the load on the heart and the risk of developing varicose veins.
8) To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest. Want to protect yourself from everything - lie on the couch. Just think of how not to die from a heart attack, stroke, obesity and diabetes. Life is a dangerous thing - but many dangers are the wind without which the trees become weak and fragile.

Summing up, I can say that a person who consciously prepares his body for loads is very different in many respects from a person who fears and avoids these loads (I think there is no need to remind that a woman is also a person). You can easily distinguish them externally and even by touch. You can easily guess which of them, when lifting 20 kg, will not even lose their breath, and who will have a hernia, hemorrhoids, kidneys and there will be blood nose. Train, remembering to include your head in the process, and everything will be fine!

Taken from

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UPD: A logical question: how much to hang in grams?
Here you can see the triathlon standards for men and women: http://www.live-active.ru/mens/power/2548

In the video, you can see how a girl falls apart into parts, lifting 2+ of her body weight in a deadlift and how all her internal organs fall out:

If we talk about more realistic strength goals for girls who are engaged in their form and health, then in my opinion, the working weight in squats and deadlifts (6-8 reps) that you should strive for is approximately 1 own body weight.

During pregnancy, a woman has to change her lifestyle, take better care of her own health. great attention mothers-to-be give proper nutrition, I refuse alcoholic beverages smoking and even wearing heels. But many remain in the habit of wearing complete packages groceries from the supermarket, moving furniture while cleaning, picking up the firstborn for faster movement. However, lifting weights during pregnancy is highly discouraged, as this can lead to miscarriage and other complications.

Of course, much is determined by the state of health of a woman and the characteristics of the process of bearing a child. But still, it's not worth the risk. In situations that require heavy lifting, you need to seek help from others.

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. There are women who lift weights throughout their pregnancy and eventually give birth to healthy and strong babies at term. But, as a rule, this happens in cases where the body is accustomed to such loads.

If a future mom has been involved in weightlifting for several years (powerlifting, bodybuilding, etc.), regularly performs exercises on weight machines and with free weights, then with the onset of pregnancy, the risk of harming yourself or your child will not be great.

The same applies to women living in countryside and accustomed to certain physical activities: carrying full buckets, armfuls of firewood. However, it cannot be said that lifting weights is guaranteed not to harm these categories of pregnant women.

Lifting heavy during pregnancy is not recommended for two reasons: it can provoke and / or harm the health of the expectant mother. Her body is already experiencing strong overloads, because the growing fetus and weight gain in themselves become a “weight”.

Therefore, all cases of this nature should be postponed, entrusted to others (husband, relatives) or completely canceled. Remember: there is nothing more important than carrying a baby and maintaining your health.

What happens in the body when you lift weights

Lifting weights affects the state of almost the entire body. During pregnancy, it is dangerous for three reasons:

  1. Displacement of the vertebral discs . The bones of women are more fragile and thin than those of men. This feature becomes more noticeable during pregnancy, when part of the calcium enters the growing fetus. The spine during heavy lifting experiences the greatest load. Gradually, his discs begin to shift, there is a risk of a hernia. When carrying a child, it is higher, since the load increases every month and reaches a maximum by childbirth. The condition is accompanied severe pain in the back, limited mobility (turns, tilts).
  2. Varicose veins and other vascular disorders. Changes in the body of a pregnant woman lead to a decrease in the tone of the veins. This is partly explained hormonal changes, partly - a growing fruit. Most of all, circulatory disorders are expressed in the lower part of the body - in the legs. The systematic lifting of weights leads to a violation of the outflow of blood, as a result of which the risk of development increases, the supply of oxygen worsens and nutrients to the brain, heart, uterus.
  3. Premature birth or miscarriage. Lifting weights is accompanied by tension in the muscles of the press, an increase intra-abdominal pressure. This leads to contraction of the uterus and expulsion of the fetus. The risk of such complications is especially high in women with hypertension.

How to lift weights correctly?

If you still have to lift weights during pregnancy, you need to do it right:

  • leaning over, bend your knees, keep the body straight with a slight deflection in the lower back;
  • lift heavy due to a good grip with the hand and straightening of the knees, without jerking, align the body slowly;
  • the feet should be spaced at a comfortable width, fully rest on the floor, on the feet - comfortable shoes;
  • if possible, the load should be evenly distributed in both hands, this will keep the spine straight;
  • when carrying weights, keep the body as even as possible, do not twist or bend;
  • wear a bandage that allows you to distribute the load correctly, on the whole body;

How much weight can you lift while pregnant?

Pregnant women can lift objects weighing up to 3 kg. For athletes and women accustomed to physical labor, this figure can be increased to 5-6 kg.

It follows from this that to wear even one year old baby not possible in this position. After all, in addition to the fact that its average weight is 8-10 kg, the baby is also very active, he can accidentally kick his mother in the stomach or put pressure on him, going down from his hands.

It is important to remember that own weight and a growing fetus is also a burden that a woman wears every day. Therefore, the longer the gestational age, the less weight you can lift.


Most serious consequence lifting weights during pregnancy - its interruption. Particularly dangerous in this regard are the 1st and 3rd trimesters. On the early dates uterine hypertonicity often develops and the risk of miscarriage is present even at rest, lifting weights significantly increases it.

On the later dates the body gradually begins to prepare for the upcoming birth, the uterus descends and physical activity can provoke the premature birth of a child. Therefore, before the 12th and from the 22nd week, you need to be especially careful.

If you lift weights during pregnancy, then the likelihood of diseases such as varicose veins, heart failure, and displacement of the vertebrae increases. Problems with the blood supply to the internal organs affect the condition of the fetus: lack of oxygen leads to ( oxygen starvation) and .

Lifting heavy during pregnancy is highly discouraged. Allowed safe weight - 3 kg. If it is exceeded, there is a risk of miscarriage, premature birth, development of varicose veins and displacement of the vertebral discs. At risk are women with hypertonicity and prolapse of the uterus, as well as poorly developed muscles.

It is most dangerous to lift weights in the 1st and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. If after exercise there is pain in the lower abdomen or bloody issues need to urgently call an ambulance.

Useful video: how to lift weights correctly?

What weights can be lifted as much as possible after caesarean section?

    Of course, first of all, focus on well-being. But you shouldn't relax yourself either. Slowly start lifting weights, gradually increasing the load. In general, not only after a caesarean section, but also after normal delivery doctors advise not to lift weights of more than 3 kg. It is clear that this does not always work out. Try asking for help from loved ones or, if you can afford it, hire a nanny.

    Excuse me, but my child was under 9 kg at three months old .... a large baby (he was 67). And with what force such a boar digs into the seam with its claws while eating, and the feeling of the seam after several hours on the hands ... I'll tell you)) but not fatally))

    In general, of course, it depends on the time, depending on how much time has passed after the operation, if you yourself feel that it’s not enough, then it’s not worth it ... trust the child better mom or any other relatives who are ready to help.

    9 kg is already your baby at least 6 months old, so a lot of time has already passed after the operation. The doctor told me that only for the first month not to lift weights, and then, when the seam is tightened and there are no complications on the legs, then you can already lift something heavier. Although it is better to take care of yourself and strain your family more to help.

    After a caesarean section, a woman wears a bandage for two months. At this time, any physical activity is fraught with divergence of the seams. It is recommended not to lift anything at all for three months after childbirth, and after three months, with the permission of the doctor, start with a kilogram or two. A child cannot be raised for a very long time, so do not be a hero.

    After a cesarean section in the first days, you can not lift not a gram of weight, and in the first month after discharge from the hospital, doctors do not recommend lifting weights that exceed the weight of your child. Only after that critical period you will slowly be able to increase both strength and physical activity, and then, only after the ultrasound of the seam, and the advice of a specialist.

    Six months later, you can already lift up to 10 kilograms, the seam will heal. But it's not worth it before. Even if your baby weighs 9 kilograms at 3 months, try not to lift him. Ask dad to help you with the baby. Otherwise, there may be disastrous consequences.

    After a caesarean section, it is not recommended to lift more than your baby's weight for three months. This takes into account that the child will weigh 4-5 kg. If, nevertheless, the child has more weight, then try to minimize the carrying of the child in your arms. Let the grandmothers and father of the child do it. Take care of yourself!

    After a cesarean section, already on the second day I walked and carried babies (either one or the other :), and on the 5th day and both at once :) they then weighed 2.5 kg each and nothing happened to my stitches. She wore a bandage, but not for long, 2 weeks, no more. Of course, I didn't lift anything heavy. The husband always carried the stroller and brought it in, but the children are always in his arms 🙂

    So, in my opinion, if I’m not mistaken, the child is already more than six months old, which means the seam should heal well, which means it’s already possible to calmly, there you have to be careful for about two months .. and then .. Almost all the children didn’t get off their hands , the seam did not open

    Six months later, everything heals. The only thing is not worth downloading the press yet. And you can carry whatever you want. By at least after appendicitis, something like this happened.

    In general, it’s not worth lifting anything heavy, and if there are relatives nearby, they can help. if you really need it, then sitting position. After about six months, you can lead a normal life. Slowly starting.

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