capillaries. How to strengthen and restore them. How to Cleanse Your Blood Vessels and Arteries Naturally

Blood Purification- a therapeutic procedure that allows you to eliminate from the composition of harmful impurities, toxins resulting from metabolic processes. The list of such is impressive, I will voice some of them: uric acid, creatinine, bilirubin, ammonia, urea.

Many, neglecting health, ignoring elementary preventive basics healthy lifestyle life, create fertile ground for the occurrence of violations in the performance of body systems. Its intoxication in general, or individual organs.

At the same time, during illness, the necessary lipid balance is disturbed. The level of cholesterol in the blood rises beyond the limits of acceptable values, the viscosity of the blood increases, it becomes extremely thick.

Such a state of blood negatively affects the functionality, it does not cope with the tasks assigned to it. There is no possibility of penetration into the smallest, and as a result, the cells are on a “starvation diet”, experiencing a catastrophic lack of oxygen and essential nutrients.

The fundamental condition for restoring the health of the body, of course, is the direct treatment of the organ affected by the disease, however, the task of purifying the blood from various “waste” metabolic products (slags) is considered significant, requiring close attention.

Blood Purification Methods

The implementation of this procedure in a hospital can be carried out in several ways, we will briefly dwell on each of them.

First on the list, we mention autohemotherapy, the essence of which is the introduction (intramuscularly, or subcutaneously) to the patient of his venous blood. It is worth noting that the injection procedure is preceded by the enrichment of this blood with ozone, the addition of homeopathic preparations.

Indications for this type of blood purification is the presence of the following pathologies:

  • skin diseases
  • allergy

As a result of cleansing sessions, immunity is strengthened, metabolic processes are stabilized. The therapeutic course includes 10-15 injections. For kidney problems, similar shape cleaning is unacceptable.

Next, we will talk about plasmapheresis - the procedure for removing harmful substances from blood. The fundamental components of blood are blood cells (red, white, platelets), each of which has a specific function and plasma.

By it is meant a liquid - a combination of a solution of proteins and electrolytes in which these shaped elements and stay in a state of balance.

The portion of blood withdrawn for purification (300-500 ml.) Is divided: the shaped elements (platelets, leukocytes, erythrocytes) treated with saline solutions are introduced back, and plasma, depending on the method (therapeutic or donor), are removed or stored for further use.

Plasmapheresis session - mechanical removal of a part (20%) toxins circulating in the blood. This procedure, must be carried out in combination with other therapeutic activities, the purpose of which is to reduce the level of toxic substances, both incoming and formed inside the body.

The number of necessary sessions of blood purification ranges from two to three. List of diseases in which it is permissible to carry out a similar method of blood purification:

  • blood diseases
  • poisoning
  • myeloma
  • psoriasis
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • multiple sclerosis

There are also contraindications, for example, brain damage, low plasma protein, acute infectious diseases.

Hemosorption is a purification method in which the blood is treated with sorbents ( activated carbon, ion-exchange resins), and then, after being filtered, is introduced back to the patient. Such a cleansing procedure allows you to remove from the blood a large list of accumulated harmful products breakdown of cells and proteins: ammonium salts, excess fatty acids, bilirubin. Indications for use: alcohol addiction, diseases infectious nature, severe forms body intoxication.

Concluding the conversation about stationary methods, let's say about laser blood purification. The procedure contributes to the speedy removal of toxins, the restoration of damaged tissues occurs. The risk component of blood clots is reduced. An extensive list of indications for the appointment of this cleaning procedure:

  • diabetes
  • pyelonephritis
  • dermatitis
  • inflammation of the lung tissue
  • gynecological diseases

The set of contraindications is minimal - severe pathological conditions (acute infection, tuberculosis, fever, complicated form of sepsis).

Cleansing the blood at home

Rid the blood of unnecessary ballast (harmful, toxic substances), speaking in non-medical language from “slags”, is permissible not only by means of methods that require a stay in a medical institution.

Make blood and lymph cleaner, improve well-being, according to your strength and with the help of traditional medicine recipes.

Before performing blood purification procedures and circulatory system, needed in without fail visit a hematologist's office for clarification possible presence individual contraindications for this kind of manipulation.

Herbal Cleansing

We will need the following components, taken in equal amounts (100 gr.):

  • chamomile and St. John's wort
  • Birch buds
  • strawberry leaf

Grind all the ingredients, mix, the resulting mixture (4 tsp), pour boiling water (300 ml), insist for nine hours. The preferred container is a thermos. We use an infusion of 150 ml., Twice a day.

Nettle juice cleanses the blood well, improves, normalizes the condition vessels. First, you should thoroughly wash the nettle stalk, foliage. Raw materials are needed so much that after passing through a meat grinder, squeezing the resulting mass, the output is 100 ml. juice. Combined with the same amount apple juice, taken on an empty stomach in the morning, on three weeks.

Please note that self-administration of nettle-based products is not recommended, due to the presence of a number of serious contraindications: high pressure, increased clotting blood, atherosclerosis. It is necessary to consult a doctor.

Purify the blood with fruits and vegetables

The main advantage of this type of cleansing is the availability of this procedure. All the necessary ingredients, many of us, are grown in our garden plots.

The optimal time for holding, of course, will be the summer months, because in given period, the fruits are filled the maximum number useful properties and hence their efficiency will be high.

Close attention should be paid to the environmental friendliness of the products used for the procedure. Vegetables, fruits from your home garden (idealized option) are highly recommended, because in this way you will be sure that this product does not contain any nitrates, pesticides.

So, here is a list of the names that we need:

  • dill, celery, parsley, dill
  • garlic, cucumbers, tomatoes
  • beets, carrots
  • raspberries, strawberries, apples, plums

The chosen day for blood cleansing must be a day off so that you are not disturbed by third-party matters. In the morning, eat a “heavy” (at least 100 gr.) bunch of greens. It includes the following components:

  • dill
  • parsley
  • green onion
  • green garlic leaves
  • lovage

Of these ingredients, the presence of parsley is mandatory, and its content in total mass a bunch of greens, not less than 30%.

At parsley, a large set positive properties: disinfectant, antispasmodic. In addition, the use contributes to the manifestation of a diuretic effect, and in a pronounced form. She's a great diuretic.

Activation of the urinary process contributes to the fact that the movement of fluid media inside the body increases. A part of the liquid that was previously in a state of stagnation is removed. Edema manifestations are minimized, performance is improved.

After eating greens, you must wait half an hour, and then proceed to the second stage of the cleansing procedure. During the rest of the day, you do not consume any third-party liquid, and the diet consists exclusively of juicy fruits and vegetables.

The amount varies individually (1.5-3 kg.), Depending on the needs for liquid.

If the fruit is consumed as a whole, and not in the form of juice, then the gastrointestinal tract receives fiber, I note that it is environmentally friendly, perfectly binding, and subsequently removing toxic substances from the body. Fiber is an excellent adsorbent.

  1. When blueberries ripen, daily, for a week, eat 250-300 gr. The fruits should be fresh, consumed on the day of collection, preferably in the morning. Diversify your diet large quantity vegetables, add dairy products.
  2. For the next recipe, we need dandelion, return its roots. After digging, washing well, grind to a powder. For a week, every day, in the morning, we take 1 tbsp. l. the resulting powder, pour boiling water (glass container), insist an hour. I emphasize, prepare, immediately before use.
  3. Now let's talk about lungwort tea, which perfectly copes with the task of improving the blood, restoring the composition after. Strengthens the immune system, activates the glands internal secretion. hot water(200 ml.), Pour the crushed lungwort leaf (1 tsp). After enduring a third of an hour, we use 70 ml each, before meals for half an hour. The course is a week, we store the infusion in the dark.
  4. Burdock root harvested in autumn (with whole skin), finely chopped and dried (t<40 гр.). Далее, кипятком (200 мл.), заливают смесь (1 ст. л.), варим полчаса на слабом огне, не забывая помешивать. Процедив, употребляем тёплым, по 100 мл., перед едой. Курс неделя.
  5. For the purpose of cleansing, raspberry leaf tea is useful. In addition, it lowers sugar levels. We collect foliage (the top four leaves are useful), dry, finely chop, store in a closed glass container. To prepare, pour boiling water (1 tsp), after ten minutes, use it warm.

The importance of the blood purification procedure is undeniable. The quality of the performance depends on the usefulness of the supply of oxygen, nutrients, organs and systems of the body, the level of protection (immunity) from viruses and bacteria.

Timely take an interest in health, goodbye.

When carrying out programs for cleansing the intestines, liver, blood, vessels and capillaries begin to be cleansed at the same time. It is useful for visitors to our site to know that capillaries play a huge role in the body. Not a single pathological process passes without a violation of capillary circulation. Every cell in our body breathes, eats, gets rid of waste products. Nutrients and oxygen are delivered by arterial capillaries, and metabolic waste products are removed by venous capillaries. Regarding the treatment of diseases, Academician Zalmanov, the founder of capillary therapy, wrote the following: “ It is necessary to restore blood circulation in the capillaries, purify the blood, restore its circulation, remove harmful substances from the blood, open the way for phagocytosis, wash microbes with circulating plasma, then it will glue, precipitate, neutralize and eliminate secondary microbes, just as water in a river eliminates its impurities, because there are more antibodies in each drop than in all laboratories in the world.».

An extensive network of capillaries permeates the entire human body, their total length is 100,000 km, the surface is 1000 m2, and the total cross section is more than 1 m2.

The total number of capillaries in a healthy person is 40 billion (in patients, especially with chronic and oncological diseases, it is much less - 4-6 billion).

The area of ​​blood vessels is half a hectare, the kidneys filter 136 liters of blood per day, the heart pumps 8637 liters of blood per day, and every 17 minutes all the blood of the body passes (filters) through the thyroid gland. One milliliter of blood (1 cube) contains over 5,000,000 red blood cells. Blood vessels can increase in diameter up to 5 times, thereby regulating the pressure and movement of blood.

Clinic "Biocenter" conducts the program "Cleansing of blood vessels and restoration of capillary circulation." The duration of the program is 14-21 days. As a result of this program, breathing and nutrition of all body cells are restored.

Effects of the program "Cleansing of blood vessels and restoration of capillary circulation":

  1. Eliminates chronic fatigue syndrome.
  2. Appetite decreases.
  3. The function of the joints and spine is restored.
  4. Blood tests are back to normal.
  5. Decreased body weight.
  6. The pressure is normalized.
  7. Trophic ulcers heal.
  8. Steadily reduced sugar in diabetic patients.
  9. Allergy is completely cured.
  10. Removed autoaggression in autoimmune diseases.
  11. All skin problems disappear (including psoriasis).
  12. Increases immunity.
  13. The hormonal background is restored.

Cleansing of blood vessels is possible only after cleansing and restoring the functions of the intestines and liver.

With the simultaneous cleansing and restoration of the intestines, liver, blood, vessels and capillaries, a long-term therapeutic effect is observed in any diseases, which lasts up to 5 years! The program developed by us allows you to carry out this complex in a hospital in 14-21 days! Remember, chronic diseases that you suffer from for years are successfully cured in a short time within the framework of one program.

If we imagine venous capillaries figuratively, then this is a large sewer system that collects toxins from the intercellular space (matrix) and discharges them from the body through the excretory organs. If the total diameter of all these capillaries in a healthy person is 1 meter, then in a patient it is 10-15 cm, i.e. removal of slags and toxins from organs and tissues is much more difficult.

Procedures for cleansing blood vessels and restoring capillary circulation

  1. Juice therapy 7-14 days according to N. Walker.
  2. Restoration of water balance (gradual restoration of water deficiency in the body).
  3. Recovery of electrolytes and potassium-sodium ratio.
  4. Vacuum massage and hijama.
  5. Turpentine baths.
  6. Massage with salt and spices.
  7. Hypertonic solutions (wrap).
  8. Ozone therapy.
  9. Drainage electromagnetic programs.
  10. Use of electroactivated water (catholyte, anolyte).
  11. Antioxidant therapy.
  12. The use of homeopathic preparations Heel (Germany), Guna (Italy) of drainage action.
  13. Restoration of the rheological properties of blood (see Purification of the blood and lymph).
  14. SCEC (right-rotary spiral high-frequency vibration).
  15. "Goldfish" (swing machine).
  16. Sauna.

For a more complete consolidation of the effect of this program at home, we recommend the Tibetan collection: St. John's wort, chamomile, immortelle and birch buds, 100 g each. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of the collection, leave for 3-4 hours. Take before going to bed and in the morning on an empty stomach, 250 g each. You can add honey. Repeat the process until the collection is complete.

Repeat every 5 years. Lecithin and unrefined vegetable oils with constant use dissolve (emulsify) cholesterol deposits in the vessels.

This program does not make sense for children, since even when the intestines and liver are cleansed and restored, the vascular system of children is cleansed and restored on its own.

Dear patients! We kindly ask you to constantly use blood-red hawthorn tea and ginger tea with honey. These products have a pronounced preventive effect, allowing you to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system until old age.

Folk methods

Restoration of capillary circulation (Article 1).

Capillaries are microscopic blood vessels that deliver nutrition to literally every muscle fiber, every cell of our body. If you add up their total length in the human body, you get an incredible figure - several kilometers! And this is natural: nature had to take care of the transport system, because both oxygen and nutrients must be constantly delivered to the places of consumption.

The health of the whole organism, its organs depends on the health of capillaries, their purity, tone, because the delivery of nutrients, oxygen to each cell, and then the removal of metabolic products depends on the capillary system, the smallest vessels of our body.

Therefore, we must understand this and take care of cleanliness, their working capacity, their health throughout our conscious life.
Provoking factors of diseases of the capillary system, the following factors: physical inactivity, Disturbance of carbohydrate metabolism (diabetes mellitus), Obesity. Excess consumption of animal fats, Smoking, Hypertension, Insufficient production of cholesterol-destroying fats, Presence of gout and psoriasis. And, of course, stress, chronic stress has a very detrimental effect on vascular tone. The state of stress affects not only small capillaries, but large arteries, in general, the entire vital activity of the body.

If we see damage to the microvascular system with the naked eye in the form of small bruises, blue streaks, or long-term healing ulcers on the legs, on the surface of the skin, then our microvascular system is far from being healthy. Or chilliness of the hands or feet, or vice versa when the hands or feet are burning (in this case accompanied by inflammation of the tissues) and this happens. These are capillary circulation problems. These can be thrombosed capillaries, when they are simply not opened, or clogged with waste products from cells. Therefore, the task is to come to consciousness as early as possible in order to maintain these vessels in working condition.
Of course, thrombosed "sleeping" vessels are not filled with blood, do not carry nutrients to the cells, and do not remove metabolic waste from the cells. That is, all the main functions of the body, organ, are not involved, not to mention additional reserves, that is, capillary failure is the key to understanding many diseases. And to the question, why do we get sick? One answer is poor capillary circulation!
There are other answers - all diseases are from nerves- so it is, it is precisely the nerves that give spasms to all vessels - large, small, that is, the entire circulatory system is disturbed. Of course, there are other reasons, proper, balanced nutrition, etc. But in this article, my task is to reveal how to strengthen the work of capillary blood circulation. Moreover, old age is defined as the drying up of the body due to the gradual closing of capillaries, the appearance of dried-up cell islands and the slowing down of vital processes.

Doctors for many diseases prescribe vasodilators, for example, nicotinic acid according to the scheme in injections, when they add 1 cube for each injection. After this injection, for a while, the vessels dilate for a while, the body warms up, without an increase in temperature. The goal is just to use the smallest vessels of the body.

Unfortunately, in many of us who suffer from physical inactivity, two-thirds of the capillaries are inactive, they are in a very depleted constricted state. Almost no blood flows through them.
How to improve blood circulation and clean the capillaries? Folk medicine, healthy lifestyle. Traditional medicine bit by bit has accumulated the wisdom of a healthy life. Primarily:

Eliminate hypodynamia from your life. This is a very dangerous condition for human health! It is known that one of the manifestations of atrophy of any organ is a decrease in the capacity of the vascular system, a decrease in capillaries in the heart, muscles, and organs. All this leads to the fact that a person cannot cope even with a slight load, which requires an increase in the supply of blood and oxygen to the muscles. And imagine a diseased organ depleted of the capillary system.

Under conditions of limitation of motor activity, the process of tissue breakdown intensifies, and the process of their restoration is weakened. Muscle tissue atrophies during hypokinesia.

It has been noticed: when a person works intensively, these smallest vessels expand, fill with blood, its flow intensifies and accelerates in them. During exercise, the volume of blood circulating in the body also increases by an average of 1-1.5 liters, reaching a total of 5-6 liters, replenishment comes from blood depots - a kind of reserve tanks located mainly in the liver, spleen and lungs.

Accordingly, the number of moving red blood cells increases, as a result of which the ability of the blood to transport oxygen increases. With increased blood flow in the active muscles, the number of working capillaries also increases many times over. The intensity of metabolism with the use of oxygen increases tenfold.
For good capillary circulation, you need to perform systematic gymnastics for capillaries.

Japanese professor Katsuzo Nishi in 1926 proposed a completely different view of the blood circulation in the body. According to Nisha, the main engine of blood is located not in the heart, but in the capillaries. Having understood the main cause of cardiovascular diseases, K. Nishi developed a technique aimed at restoring, cleansing, and renewing capillaries. To do this, you need to perform vibration movements with your hands and feet, while taking a position lying on your back, and raise your arms and legs up and vibrate. The number of vibrational movements should be gradually increased to 350-400 daily in the morning and evening. Due to vibration, the endothelium (the inner wall of blood vessels) is cleansed of cholesterol, salt deposits, capillaries are opened and cleaned.

Due to the vibration of cells in one part of the body, blood circulation is also increased in other parts of the body. Capillaries are restored, and the restoration of capillary circulation leads to a cure for the whole organism. Therefore, those who are concerned about the restoration of health, of any organ, need to include this exercise in their recovery program. Of course, this will not happen in one day, not even in one month, and it may take many months, but at the same time you know that you are on the way to such a necessary and cherished goal - health. And then, when you feel better, you will maintain your health through the same exercises.

Russian scientist and doctor A. Zalmanov(in the 20s of the last century) concluded that turpentine baths (according to Zalmanov) are an effective method of restoring and cleansing capillaries. They are an effective means of preventing vascular diseases and combating aging. Turpentine baths - they are white and yellow - can be used all year round. Turpentine, as you know, is extracted from cedar or pine resin, resin, by distillation. Containing essential and turpentine oils, it is the main ingredient in the bath recipe. The resin itself has a pronounced biological activity, heals wounds-cracks in the bark of cedar and pine. Apparently, this is where its name came from. Turpentine has a local irritant and antiseptic effect. It has the ability (as well as other essential oils "to penetrate the skin and cause beneficial biochemical reactions in the body.) At the same time, capillaries are opened and blood circulation is revived throughout the body.
White baths are most suitable for restoring disturbed capillary functions and stimulating skin vessels. At home, preparing the necessary composition is quite difficult. But you can buy ready-made ones in pharmacies - "White turpentine baths" Live-Ton ".

The initial dose is 10-15 ml (1 tablespoon) of the emulsion in a bath with a volume of 175-200 liters. Shake the bottle of emulsion thoroughly before use. Pour 10-15 ml into a separate container with a volume of 3-5 liters. Add hot water here, mix thoroughly.
The initial temperature of the water in the bath should be 36-37 degrees. Add the solution to the bath, spilling it over the entire surface of the water. Mix well.

Before taking a bath, in order to avoid burning, it is necessary to lubricate the skin of the genital organs with vaseline oil. The total duration of the bath is 10 minutes. Every 3 minutes, add hot water to it and within 10 minutes bring the temperature of the water in the bath to 39 degrees.
At the end of the procedure, without wiping yourself and not particularly wrapping yourself up, wrap yourself in a terry towel and lie down in bed. Relax and rest for 1.5-2 hours. The course of taking baths is 10-20 days.
It is not recommended to take white baths in the second half of pregnancy, with hypertension II and III degree, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, pulmonary tuberculosis.
In addition to the above, vascular care of the body will use:

Massages of all kinds. Particularly useful is the massage of problem areas using the Kuznetsov applicator (buttons with plastic needles are mounted on a rectangular piece of fabric). I recommend doing it regularly, starting with the spine (from the lumbosacral to the cervical), then go the fingers and toes, the skin of the forehead, face, chin. Thus, capillary circulation is activated everywhere. The procedure for receiving a massage with an applicator is carried out as follows: after 10 minutes, the sensation of needles should turn into a sensation of warmth. If this effect is not achieved, then a light cloth should be placed on the needles, or the degree of pressure should be reduced. You need to take the procedure starting from 30 minutes, add daily up to 10 minutes, bring up to 1 hour.

Massage treatments by professional massage therapists should not be neglected. It is necessary to periodically conduct massage courses, taking into account contraindications.
There is a very good method to restore capillary circulation. It is recommended to do a simple massage of the fingers according to the method of Professor Alla Umanskaya.
With the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, we begin to "grind" all the fingers of the left hand from the tips to the base. Then, with the left hand, massage all the fingers of the right hand in the same way. At the same time, the hands are warmed, capillary blood circulation is enhanced. This massage is also effective in many diseases, in particular in acute respiratory infections, since the projection of the hand in the brain occupies a large area and is connected with the projections of all internal organs by reflex arcs.

In general, self-massage of all accessible parts of the body, I believe, along with physical exercises, are very important for restoring and maintaining health. During the morning water procedures, do a small (within 5 minutes) hand massage. legs, back, neck. And so every day, after such procedures, you will feel as if you were washed not only outside, but also inside. Feeling calm, confident.

Douches are very effective: contrasting and just cold. It is recommended to carry out a contrast shower daily. Moreover, in the morning, finish it on a cold procedure, in the evening, on a moderately warm one.
And, of course, a bath, if you can with a whisk. Broom massage is a good gymnastics for capillaries, and not just gymnastics, it opens all the capillaries, it is not for nothing that a person feels reborn after a bath. Many people after the bath like to plunge into the hole, the pool, take a cool shower. This reduces dilated capillaries, and their expansion-constriction is a necessary element of vascular gymnastics.

Blood- liquid tissue circulating in the circulatory system of vertebrates and humans. Blood consists of plasma and cellular elements: erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, etc.
Blood functions:
- transports oxygen from the respiratory organs to the tissues and carbon dioxide from the tissues to the respiratory organs;
- delivers nutrients from the digestive organs to the tissues, and metabolic products to the excretory organs; - participates in the regulation of water-salt metabolism and acid-base balance in the body, in maintaining a constant body temperature;
- performs a protective function.

Based on the definition of blood, we can conclude that it is extremely important for the body, and human health as a whole will depend on its “purity”.

Methods of purification of intracellular fluid, blood and lymph.

The following methods are used to purify body fluids:
Enterosorption and Thermal treatments(steam room, sauna).

Scientists have found that up to 2 kg of toxins and salts accumulate in the body of an adult.
Being deposited in cells, these substances hinder their activity, which leads to disruption of the functions of many tissues and organs, and the body begins to age prematurely!

Various nutrients that enter the body are oxidized as a result of chemical transformations. In other words, they break down into simpler ones. The energy released at the same time is used by the body, and the oxidized substances are easily excreted. But, for various reasons, complete splitting (oxidation) of all substances does not occur. These "under-oxidized" substances are called slags (in a broad sense, slags are sometimes understood as all the dirt in the body). Under-oxidized slags are already difficult to be excreted from the body. Over time, toxins can accumulate in large quantities and poison the body.

Cleansing the blood, getting rid of toxins

1) One of the best means for the complete oxidation of slags (purification of slags) is.

2) To remove accumulated salts and slags, you can also use natural solvents. These include fresh juices. For example, the juice of radish, beets, cabbage, carrots, apples, etc. It is necessary to prepare such juice immediately before use, otherwise it may lose the desired qualities.

The question arises. Isn't it possible to eat whole vegetables directly for cleansing from toxins? Of course you can, but the cleaning effect will be worse.

radish juice belongs to the strong ones. You can start using it in a tablespoon 3 times a day. Gradually bring a single dose to 100 gr. It is better to take this juice before meals, but in this case it must be diluted with water.

beet juice for cleaning from toxins it also acts quite strongly, so they use it 100 gr., 3 times a day, before meals (for 15-20 minutes).

cabbage juice especially good for overweight people, because. promotes fat burning. It is worth taking it before meals, 100 gr. and 3 times a day.

Carrot and apple juice can be consumed in almost unlimited quantities, but also 3 times a day and before meals. The duration of juice therapy for cleansing toxins is several weeks.
More details on the site

3) Some people think that only starvation can give the body energy and vitality, strengthen the digestive system and heart. Forget your fears! Fasting will cleanse the whole body. Try a short fast and see what results it gives. According to the "pump" and "pipe" system, at least 2 liters of distilled water should be drunk daily, and no other water can replace it.

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to soak chopped vegetables in 1 liter of distilled water overnight (at least 10 hours): 1 carrot, several stalks of celery and parsley (all plants as a whole) and 1 beetroot. In the morning, strain the water and use as drinking water during the day only between meals. After getting up, drink 1 glass of fruit juice, eat 1 apple, 2 carrots, and a few dried dates or figs.

At 10 am, eat fresh fruit (orange, grapefruit, banana, pear, grape), drink a cup of herbal tea or vegetable broth.

At 12 o'clock, eat a salad of grated carrots, cabbage, beets and chopped green onions, celery, sweet peppers, parsley, spinach, lettuce, tomato. All this should be mixed with a seasoning made from a clove of finely chopped garlic, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. In addition to salad, eat some boiled vegetables (low in sugar), such as beans, squash, or any green vegetables. Drink a cup of hot distilled water to which protein concentrates or vegetable broth may be added.

At 3 p.m., eat fresh or dry fruits (dates, figs, apple, grapes, banana, prunes, etc.).

At 18 o'clock eat a salad (the same as they ate at 12 o'clock), a plate of stewed vegetables with the addition of onions, garlic, vegetable oil.

During the day, drink a liter of distilled water, in which vegetables were infused at night, as this helps speed up the cleansing of the circulatory system.

4) There are many homemade, centuries-old recipes. If a person eats regularly 2-3 cloves a day of raw garlic, then his chances of getting atherosclerosis will decrease significantly. And, as a result, he will protect himself from heart attack, stroke, sclerosis and hypertension. Moreover, such a person is less susceptible to infectious diseases of the intestine, since garlic has a strong antimicrobial effect. Of course, garlic will not cure us of all diseases, but it will block the path of impending diseases, protect and help.

Classic garlic tincture

40 g of crushed garlic for 10 days insist in 100 g of alcohol or vodka. Keep in a closed glass container in a dark place. Take 10 drops 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Cleansing the circulatory system with garlic

Fill 1/3 of the bottle with chopped garlic, pour vodka. Insist 14 days in a dark place, shaking daily. Take 5 drops in 1 teaspoon of cold water 3 times a day before meals. It cleanses the circulatory system of all kinds of deposits, reduces high blood pressure, cleanses the stomach, and has a beneficial effect on spasms of cerebral vessels.

5) Ready-made garlic tincture is also sold, which is obtained from fresh chopped garlic and 90% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5.

Tincture of garlic is used as a tonic; for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases; to cleanse the circulatory system; to lower blood pressure; to relieve spasms of cerebral vessels; to improve metabolism; with anemia; to cleanse the stomach and the body as a whole from lime and fat deposits.

Take orally 10-20 drops per half glass of water 30 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day for 25-30 days.

Garlic as a natural product is safe to use. Its side effects (gastrointestinal disorders, bronchial asthma, dermatitis) are very rare. The tincture is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years of age, persons with renal pathology during an exacerbation of the disease and with individual intolerance.

6) Medicinal product Hemo Transit. These are drops of 50 ml for cleansing the circulatory system.

7) Hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches).

capillaries these are tiny blood vessels that deliver nutrition to every muscle and every cell in our body. If you measure their total length, it will be incredibly huge. And this is not surprising, since they must carry nutrients throughout the body. Arteries only deliver blood to the right place, veins carry away blood with toxins, and capillaries do the rest of the work. Since the capillaries connect the arterial system and the venous. The presence of oxygen and nutrients in the cells and the removal of decay products depend on their health and purity. And wherever the venous outflow is disturbed, the capillaries are to blame. Therefore, we must take care of their health, cleanliness and performance. Many people think about this and they want to know how to improve capillary circulation.

Factors that cause impaired capillary circulation are physical inactivity, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, as well as smoking and stress. Yes, it is stress that causes capillary spasm. And when they are constantly spasmodic, narrowed, thrombosed, they gradually die. Cold feet and hands, the presence of bruises on the skin, blue streaks indicates damage to the capillaries. Of course, taking vasodilators temporarily improves their performance, but not for long.

To strengthen and restore the work of capillaries first of all, you need to exclude hypodynamia, i.e. add movement to your life. Because the number of capillaries increases with intensive activity of any muscles. Constantly blood flows only in the "on duty" capillaries. Part of the capillaries is switched off from the blood circulation, not only because of thrombosis. And the number of functioning capillaries increases with increased metabolism, muscle contraction. Movement gives a load to the heart, the heart works more energetically, blood flow through the vessels and small capillaries improves, and the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the muscles improves. If this is not the case, then the muscles will gradually atrophy. I never thought it was such a common occurrence. I thought only the bedridden suffer from this.

There are several ways to improve capillary blood circulation. For example, the Japanese professor K. Nishi proposed vibration to clean the capillaries, and of course you have heard about it. My goal is to collect these methods and remind you once again of the need for capillary circulation.

The vibration exercise is very simple: lying on your back, you lift your arms and legs up and vibrate them. In this case, the inner wall of the vessels is cleansed of salt and cholesterol deposits. And due to vibration in one part of the body, blood circulation in other parts of the body improves. By the way, with this exercise, venous outflow improves and the walls of the veins are strengthened. I thought that perhaps a not very strong vibrating massager could help improve the functioning of the capillaries. In addition, to strengthen capillaries, you also need to take Rutin (vitamin P). And there is Venoruton gel, it helps very well, strengthens the walls of capillaries. Checked. Very often the question arises: why do the capillaries burst in the eye. One reason for this is high blood pressure.

Russian scientist and doctor A. Zalmanov(in the 20s of the last century) concluded that turpentine baths (according to Zalmanov) are an effective method of restoring and cleansing capillaries. They are an effective means of preventing vascular diseases and combating aging. Turpentine baths - they are white and yellow - can be used all year round. Turpentine has a local irritant and antiseptic effect. It has the ability (as well as other essential oils’ to penetrate the skin and cause beneficial biochemical reactions in the body.) At the same time, capillaries are opened and blood circulation is revived throughout the body.
White baths are most suitable for restoring disturbed capillary functions and stimulating skin vessels. At home, preparing the necessary composition is quite difficult. But you can buy a ready-made preparation in pharmacies - “White turpentine baths “Zhivi-Ton”.

The initial dose is 10-15 ml (1 tablespoon) of the emulsion in a bath with a volume of 175-200 liters. Shake the bottle of emulsion thoroughly before use. Pour 10-15 ml into a separate container with a volume of 3-5 spoons (I did and I think 5 spoons is a lot). Add hot water here, mix thoroughly.
The initial temperature of the water in the bath should be 36-37 degrees. Add the solution to the bath, spilling it over the entire surface of the water. Mix well.

Before taking a bath, in order to avoid burning, it is necessary to lubricate the skin of the genital organs with vaseline oil. The total duration of the bath is 10 minutes. Every 3 minutes, add hot water to it and within 10 minutes bring the temperature of the water in the bath to 39 degrees.
At the end of the procedure, without wiping yourself and not particularly wrapping yourself up, wrap yourself in a terry towel and go to bed. Relax and rest for 1.5-2 hours. The course of taking baths is 10-20 days.
It is not recommended to take white baths in the second half of pregnancy, with hypertension II and III degree, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, pulmonary tuberculosis.
Capillary blood circulation is also improved with the use of the Kuznetsov applicator. It is recommended to apply it on problem areas for 30 minutes. At the same time, a feeling of warmth appears and blood circulation improves. It's just interesting that you get used to it very quickly, after it you can lie on nails.

To improve capillary circulation, it is also useful for all accessible parts of the body. Self-massage can be done dry and in the shower. After it, you will feel as if you are washed not only outside, but also inside. Well improves capillary blood circulation and massage of the fingers with the Su Jok spring ring. It causes the expansion of the capillary network in the massaged area and the improvement of the work of human organs through reflexogenic points.

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