Dental whitening. A snow-white smile - is teeth whitening harmful? The use of dental trays and whitening gel -

), Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Surgical Dentistry of the KSMA, Assistant Head. department for educational work. Awarded with the medal "Excellence in Dentistry" in 2016.

Today it is difficult to find a person who would not face such a problem as malocclusion. Many people use special devices to eliminate it - braces and plates. But today the technological process does not stand still. These devices can be replaced by completely new methods, one of which is bite correction with trainers.

A dental trainer is an orthodontic appliance made of silicone and has a removable mechanism. Its essence is to eliminate the cause of the development of pathological bite, and also to consolidate the results obtained during therapy.

The trainer for correction is not produced according to individual parameters. They are created using computer simulations. They have a standard shape. There are times when the ends of the device are cut. This is done in order to choose the optimal size for the jaw. Correcting the bite in this way does not have certain differences in children and adults.
These devices can be divided into the following types:

  1. Preorthodontic. Trainers can be hard, soft. They normalize the dental system. When using them, it is not necessary to use auxiliary devices to correct the bite.
  2. Articular. It can also be called a "tire". Appointed to correct the reducing bite.
  3. Braces device. Used in combination with braces. Allows you to restore the broken work of the jaw system.
  4. Finishing. Allows you to fix the result obtained during the use of various orthodontic appliances.

Indications for use

It is not always necessary to use a trainer. There are situations when such treatment is necessary, and there are situations when it is strictly forbidden to do so. It is recommended to use the product in the following cases:

  1. The patient has crowding of the teeth located on the lower jaw. And it is observed, mainly in front.
  2. Diagnosis of open bite in the anterior region of the jaw.
  3. When diagnosing impaired swallowing.
  4. Incorrect bite, which was formed as a result of addictions. This includes thumb sucking, constant lip biting.
  5. Nose breathing disorder.
  6. Violation of the location of the lower jaw.


Although the considered device for correcting malocclusion has a rather mild effect compared to the bracket system, there are a number of contraindications for their use. The use of trainers is prohibited when:

  • severe rhinitis;
  • severe form of malocclusion;
  • significant bite in the lateral parts of the jaw.

Design features

According to external signs, the trainer for correcting the bite has the appearance of a two-jaw mouth guard. An exception may be devices that are included in a specialized group. They are used for the tongue, lips. Their design differs in many respects from the product in question.

If you need a trainer in order to correct an overbite, then you need to know what it is made of. For these purposes, silicone or polyurethane is used. For a factory-made product, universal dimensions are characteristic. In this case, you would simply lose time, and the quality of the received device does not always correspond to the standard.

Almost all types of trainers have a double-jaw type design. There are recesses for the teeth and labial arches, thanks to which it is possible to align the teeth.

The latter allows you to eliminate all violations of the functionality of the maxillofacial region and normalize the disturbed tone of the muscular system. In addition, the installation of the lower jaw in the device is carried out in a specific position. But there are other types of dental apparatus, the design of which implies the presence of other elements.

The use of trainers in children

The elimination of malocclusion by trainers is actively involved in children's practice. Thanks to such devices, it is possible to solve all problems with teeth without surgery and without pain. Even the smallest patients, starting from 2 years old, are allowed to do such a procedure.

Children install devices that are soft and flexible. They can be of different colors. The most commonly used are blue and pink. The child does not feel any discomfort while wearing the trainer. The presence of a special "tongue" allows you not to forget the crumbs, where his tongue is located.

The use of trainers in adults

In order to correct an overbite in an adult, it is not necessary to perform surgery or install a bracket system. Sometimes it will be enough to use an orthodontic trainer. Compared to children, adults will need to wear the device not only during the night, but also during the day. But during the day it is recommended to use the product no more than 4 hours.

An adult person independently installs this device. Thanks to this, he himself chooses the position in which he is comfortable. The front section of the product has a small hole. It allows you to use the trainer even with nasal congestion.

While wearing the trainer, you can go about your usual activities. To completely get rid of the existing problem, you must first use a soft trainer (8 months), and then move on to the final device. At the end of the treatment, it is worth using a retainer.

The device for the adult population, made of silicone, is not intended for permanent use. Here, oral hygiene is not violated, and tooth enamel is not injured. When creating, non-toxic hypoallergenic material is used, so people with allergies can use it.
The main advantage of using a bite correction device in an adult is that the effect obtained acts directly on the solution of the problem, but very gently. This is extremely important, because a person’s tooth enamel is not in perfect condition. Some have fillings, while others have damaged enamel. Sometimes the teeth of an adult are characterized by fragility and are not able to endure strong stress. For this reason, the trainer is the safest device in correcting the orthodontic problem in question.

The essence of the technique

It is necessary to immediately indicate that the use of a trainer allows you to get a more effective result compared to other methods. Since many orthodontic appliances have a mechanical effect on the teeth, the trainer allows you to directly eliminate the very cause of the pathology.

Also, the device allows you to permanently fix the result, because the muscles begin to work properly. Thus, the doctor can exclude the occurrence of a relapse. Therapy with the help of a trainer is aimed at normalizing the performance of the muscular apparatus, it is possible to restore breathing and swallowing reflexes. This development allows you to eliminate malocclusion at an early age, which will improve facial features and give them a more attractive appearance. What is important, in 70% of cases, therapy with trainers does not imply further continuation of therapy.

Wearing mode

In most cases, the device must be worn for 1-4 hours during the day and throughout the night. But the specialist can offer a different treatment regimen. It all depends on the recommendation of the doctor. In the daytime, it is used when watching TV, reading. If the device has a two-jaw design, then when wearing it, you must be silent, press your lips against each other, and breathe only through your nose.


Caring for the presented device is very simple and easy. Rinse the trainer with clean water after each use. You also need to clean them with a toothbrush. Not every day, but from time to time, it is necessary to inspect the device for any damage present.

The trainer must be stored in a specially designed container. The dental device must not be affected by temperature and pressure. It is also forbidden to chew or bite it. Do not talk while using.

Disadvantages of therapy

The main disadvantage of using a trainer is the inability to effectively use them to correct serious bite problems, especially in adult patients. The dentoalveolar system of an adult is fully formed and if it is affected by various influences, then it begins to resist. In order to eliminate it, it is necessary to use various bracket systems.

Based on this, we can conclude that the use of trainers for serious anomalies of the jaw in an adult will not allow a qualitative solution to the problem.

If parents with a child turned to the dentist at an early age, then the wrong bite will be solved much faster and painlessly. Therefore, in adulthood, this child may not worry that a relapse will occur.

Trainer cost

Many people are interested in the question of where you can buy a trainer and how many cells it is. This device can be purchased from various institutions. Sometimes a trainer can be offered by a doctor in a clinic. But here the cost is much higher.

To purchase this product, you can visit the representative office of a certain company that sells trainers in your city. You can also buy the device by ordering via the Internet. But, as practice shows, such a purchase is not always accompanied by luck.

Now it is worth considering the cost of production. It should be immediately noted that the price of this device for the formation of the correct bite is lower than that of therapy with braces. The price of this service will cost you 10,000 rubles.

Today, it is not difficult to solve the problem with the wrong bite. The main thing in this case is a properly selected orthodontic system. Trainers are unique devices, thanks to which it is possible not only to solve the problem with a taste, but also to improve the condition of the teeth. While wearing them, the patient does not feel discomfort and pain, but the result will please him very soon.

Sources used:

  • Widmer, R. Handbook of Pediatric Dentistry / Edited by A. Cameron, R. Widmer. — M.: MEDpress-inform
  • Guide to orthopedic dentistry, ed. A. I. Evdokimova, M., 1974

Such dental pathology as malocclusion is quite common. It's not easy to fix it. This requires a long time and special devices (plates, braces). But modern dentistry does not stand still, and today new designs have been developed to correct abnormal bite and align the dentition - trainers. This unique device does not cause inconvenience, it is selected individually by a specialist - an orthodontist.

Causes of malocclusion

The process of malocclusion occurs gradually, the process is facilitated by various reasons. It can be hereditary or external factors:

  • thumb sucking and nail biting;
  • prolonged use of pacifiers;
  • regular nose diseases (rhinitis, adenoiditis, swelling due to allergies), in which the child switches to mouth breathing;
  • short frenulum of lips and tongue;
  • artificial feeding.

What is a dental trainer

A trainer is an orthodontic appliance made of soft silicone or polyurethane. The design was developed over 20 years ago by Myofunctional Research Co (Australia). Its purpose is to correct malocclusion. This is a universal size two jaw mouthguard with recesses for teeth, labial archwires, tongue guard, marker "tongue", lip bumper.

When using the trainer, the oral muscles are trained, speech defects are corrected, the tongue is set in the correct position. Gradually, muscle tissues get used to working in the correct mode, fixing the result of wearing the device. The rigid construction acts on the dentition like a wire arch, aligning it.

Depending on the stiffness, the trainer is blue or pink. They are used in stages: first softer (blue), then hard (pink). The design is not always used independently to correct malocclusion. In many cases, it is prescribed as a fixing agent after wearing braces.

Which ones are better? Look at the characteristics of filling materials.

How to get rid of bad breath in a child? Treatment methods are described on the page.

Indications and contraindications for use

Trainers are primarily effective if the teeth are twisted due to lack of space in the row. They move adjacent teeth, breaking the bite. Greater torsion contributes to a greater damage to the enamel by caries due to the inability to remove food residues between the teeth.

For various reasons, wide gaps form between the teeth. Trainers will help to cope with this problem. It should be borne in mind that in children, when changing teeth, this phenomenon is considered normal, and does not need to be corrected. But in adulthood, a wide gap between the teeth can cause gum problems.

Trainers are necessary for abnormal types of bite, when the jaws do not close together (cross or reverse bite). Such violations can lead to bone loss, gum disease. In this case, the trainer serves as a means of correcting the incorrect position of the jaw.

Incorrect bite can be formed due to bad habits (holding pens, pencils in the mouth, biting nails). Thanks to the trainer, you can get rid of these habits and correct deformations.

Thus, indications for use are:

  • contraindications for the installation of braces;
  • fixing the result after wearing braces;
  • malocclusion;
  • violation of diction;
  • teeth grinding;
  • torsion of the dentition;
  • incorrect swallowing;
  • for the correction of minor anomalies of the jaw.


  • mental disorders;
  • cross bite in the lateral zones;
  • pathological disorders of nasal breathing.

Note! The orthodontist should determine the need for a bite correction device after assessing the condition of the oral cavity.

Classification of orthodontic structures

Devices are different - both to protect teeth from stress, and to eliminate defects:

  • articular- correct dysfunction of the joints of the lower jaw due to decompression.
  • Preorthodontic- designed for children 6-10 years old. They are soft and hard, regulate the dentoalveolar function and at the same time correct the bite.
  • Finishing- used to consolidate the effect after wearing braces.
  • For athletes (boxing splint)- a protective agent for some sports.
  • For braces- used in combination with a bracket system. Thanks to such trainers, the external impact on the teeth is reduced, and myofunctional disorders of the dentition are corrected.
  • For adults- correct bite without prior wearing of braces in adults.

Trainer modifications:

  • Elementary– Differs in flexibility and softness for fast adaptation in a mouth. Used at the initial stage of therapy for bite correction.
  • final- in form does not differ from the initial one, but more rigid. Due to this, there is a stronger pressure on the dentition.
  • retainer– has a smaller size than other trainers. Very flexible. It is used as a means of fixing the result of alignment in order to avoid relapses.

Design features

It is better to correct an overbite in childhood, when this process is faster. But modern trainers allow you to correct bite defects in adults. For children and adults, different modifications of devices are used.

T4k device

Children 6-10 years old are shown to eliminate defects T4k trainers, which are initial and final.

For the manufacture of the initial trainer, soft material is used to quickly get used to the device. It has a place for the tongue, in which the child constantly holds it while wearing. This is reminiscent of a special plate. The initial T4k trainer is blue. When wearing it, there is no unpleasant sensation in the mouth. You need to wear the device for 1 hour during the day and put it on at night. Duration of wearing - 6-8 months.

After the allotted time, the initial trainer must be changed to the final one (pink). Its action is similar to an orthodontic archwire. It is more rigid, and is required to complete the alignment for another 6-12 months. If necessary, the orthodontist can extend the period of wearing the trainer.

Wearing devices helps to change the habit of holding the tongue incorrectly, and normalizes the growth of the dentoalveolar system. The pink trainer should be worn for 1 hour during the day and during sleep.

Trainers T4a

This is a silicone device that allows you to align the front row of teeth without the use of braces in children over 10 years old and adults. The trainer is designed with an established permanent bite in mind. The device does not need to be worn constantly (1-3 hours during the day is enough), it does not harm the enamel, does not cause allergies.

What does he do in dentistry? Find out interesting details.

About the advantages and disadvantages of hardware teeth whitening zoom is written on the page.

Benefits over braces

Compared to braces, trainers have a number of advantages:

  • They can be used from 6 years and older, without age restrictions. In childhood, wearing trimers is more effective.
  • There is no need to wear the device all the time. During the day, 1-3 hours is enough.
  • When used during sleep, there is no discomfort.
  • Thanks to the soft trainer at the initial stage, you can quickly get used to wearing it, and after changing it to a more rigid device, the habit of sleeping with a mouth guard is already being developed.
  • There are no problems with oral hygiene. Teeth can be brushed without problems, and the trainer is easy to rinse.
  • Treatment with trainers is much cheaper than braces.
  • Minimum contraindications for use.
  • There is no need to wait for the manufacture of the device for the individual structure of the jaw.


The disadvantages of orthodontic structures include:

  • Not suitable for advanced cases of jaw dysfunction. They are effective for minor curvatures. Complex anomalies need to be corrected with braces.
  • Do not talk while wearing the device.
  • The result depends on the discipline of the patient and the regular use of the trainer.

Features of care

Trainers are not very demanding to care:

  • They need to be washed under running warm water after contact with food.
  • Do not boil the device.
  • From time to time it needs brushing with a toothbrush.
  • For storage, you need to use a special container.
  • You need to constantly inspect the device for damage and cracks.
  • While wearing, you can not press the trainer with your teeth, chew, talk.
  • When the device is in your mouth, you need to breathe through your nose, close your lips, but do not strain.
  • Avoid dropping the device on the floor.


You can buy trainers for teeth in specialized stores. Their cost in different regions may vary. Preventive devices will cost an average of 2-3 thousand rubles. Devices for the correction of the dentition can be purchased for 4 thousand rubles.

Trainer is an affordable and effective device for solving bite problems in children and adults. 90% of success depends on the patient himself. And if an adult is aware of the need to regularly wear a trainer, then the child must be constantly monitored. Putting it on for several hours a day and at night, you can quickly and painlessly correct minor bite defects.

Video. Details about dental trainers:

From the article you will learn:

Incorrect bite of teeth is today a very common problem associated with congenital or acquired dentoalveolar pathology. The best way to solve it remains the use of non-removable corrective structures -. These systems are able to cope with even the most complex cases of pathologies.

However, technological progress does not stand still. He touched all areas of medicine and in particular orthodontics. Now it has become possible to correct deviations in the correct bite without the use of effective, but expensive devices - bracket systems.

One of such devices used in the treatment of simple bite pathologies is a trainer.

What is an orthodontic trainer and what are its types?

Tooth Trainer- a type of removable orthodontic device, made of high-quality silicone. It performs several functions at once, namely: getting rid of and consolidating the results achieved during treatment.

Trainers are created using computer simulation, according to the individual parameters of patients, without the use of casts of the dentoalveolar system. Their shape is standard, but sometimes the structure has to be trimmed to fit the size of the patient's jaw.

All trainers are divided into several categories:

  1. Preorthodontic. They are both soft and hard. Do not require the use of any other means to correct malocclusion.
  2. Articular (the so-called "tire"). They effectively deal with the problem of malocclusion.
  3. Braces machine. Effectively restore the correct functioning of the jaw system, used in conjunction with braces.
  4. Finishing. Necessary in order to consolidate the result achieved during the treatment.

Indications for use

Not every case of bite pathology is corrected by trainers. Sometimes these designs really suit patients best, but in some cases their wearing is contraindicated.

Consider the indications for the use of trainers:

  1. Crowding of teeth located in the lower jaw
  2. Swallowing dysfunction
  3. Problems with nasal breathing
  4. An open bite was found in the anterior part of the jaw
  5. The location of the lower jaw is broken
  6. Addictions in childhood contributed to the formation of malocclusion. These habits included constant lip biting, thumb sucking, and others.

Read also: Correcting crooked teeth. Causes of the disease and methods of correction


Knowing about the indications for the use of trainers, one should also not forget about situations in which their installation and wearing are unacceptable. These include:

  1. Severe malocclusion
  2. There is a serious malocclusion on the side of the jaw
  3. Rhinitis in a pronounced form

Design features

In appearance, the trainer resembles a two-jaw mouthguard. This is true in all cases, except for devices of a specialized group used for lips and tongue.

Before choosing a trainer for yourself, in order to correct an abnormal bite, it is advisable to know what this device is made of. The main material used for its production is polyurethane or silicone. The sizes of orthodontic trainers are standard for all products created by the factory. In the design of this device, there were places for deepening under the labial arches and teeth. It is due to the presence of these recesses that it is possible to align crooked teeth. Thanks to this possibility, it is possible not only to restore the functionality of the maxillofacial region, but also to restore the disturbed tone of the muscular system.

Use of trainers in children

Trainers are often installed in childhood, and it is thanks to these designs that most of the existing problems with the teeth are eliminated without pain and much discomfort. And all this without complex operations. When is it permissible to install trainers? This can be done already from two years of age child.

For children, flexible and soft trainers should be installed, the colors of which can be bright or neutral. However, the most popular among children are pink and blue devices, for girls and boys, respectively. Thanks to the special “tongue” of such products, the child will not be able to forget how to properly dress them, while during the use of trainers, discomfort is not felt.

Use of trainers in adults

And even more so - this is far from the most reasonable and not the only way to correct the bite. To eliminate not too complex pathologies, the installation of one dentoalveolar trainer will most often be sufficient. But it is worth remembering that if it is enough for children to wear such a device only at night, when the child is resting, then an adult will have to do both at night and during the day. That's just the time of wearing an orthodontic trainer in the daytime should not exceed 4 hours.

Read also: Malocclusion of teeth in a child. Causes of appearance and methods of correction

An adult can install the trainer himself, which makes it possible to choose its convenient location. There is a hole in the front of the device, thanks to which you can use the trainers even with stuffy nasal breathing.

The problem of malocclusion in adults is solved by eight months of wearing soft trainers, with further transition to final trainer. At the same time, a person continues to do his usual things, while the device does its job. At the end, patients are also advised to use a retainer.

A silicone product does not have to be worn all the time, because it is soft and does not damage the enamel of the teeth. Even if you have allergies, you can use trainers due to the fact that they are made using hypoallergenic, non-toxic material. The main advantage provided by trainers is a soft and gentle effect on problem areas. Therefore, it is often used in situations where the patient's tooth enamel is damaged.

The essence of teeth straightening

Using trainers, patients will get the desired result, which will exceed their initial expectations. At the same time, wearing a trainer makes it possible act on the cause of the problem and not just the consequences. An interesting feature is getting an eternal result, and this is not an exaggeration. After all, the muscles of the dentition after the use of an orthodontic trainer begin to work physiologically correctly, and therefore the possibility of a relapse is completely excluded. The use of trainers normalizes the work of the musculoskeletal system, while ensuring the restoration of not only the function of swallowing, but also the normalization of breathing. As a result, not only the malocclusion of the teeth is corrected, but the face itself acquires a more attractive appearance.

Read also: Bite treatment with braces. Description of the process by month

How to wear dental trainers?

It is necessary to wear these products all night, and during the day it will be enough for adults to wear them for 1-4 hours, no more. However, the orthodontist after examining the patient may prescribe a different treatment procedure. It is best to wear the device during the day when a person's attention is busy with some process, for example, watching your favorite TV show. With a two-jaw design, it is best to wear the trainer in silence, when the lips are tightly pressed and breathing is carried out exclusively through the nose.

How to care for trainers?

Caring for trainers for teeth is not difficult at all - it is enough to rinse the structure with clean water after each use. In addition, it is recommended to clean the silicone apparatus from time to time with a toothbrush from deposited formations. Also, at least occasionally, the device should be inspected for the presence / absence of damage.

Trainers must be stored in a container designed specifically for this purpose. Pressure and temperature changes should not have any effect on the trainers. Talking while wearing products, yawning or biting them is also prohibited.


The main disadvantage of the trainer is that it cannot be used for serious bite problems. This is mainly felt in adulthood, because in an adult the dentoalveolar system is fully formed and begins to resist any changes. In this case, the use of braces is much better than trainers.

How much does treatment with trainers cost?

Predilection for pacifiers, thumb sucking, tongue thrusting between teeth, and other habits in babies often lead to malocclusion. If you notice that your child's teeth are starting to grow abnormally, you should not wait until they erupt completely. Prevention and correction of malocclusion can be started from an early age. For this, there is a special Infant trainer for babies from 2 to 5 years old and a T4K trainer for children aged 6 to 10 years.

Infant - trainer for the little ones

Infant is a soft and comfortable trainer for babies aged 2 to 5 years. Dentists recommend it if the child has mouth breathing, bad habits have appeared - the baby bites his fingers, foreign objects. All this affects the formation of bite. Let's take a closer look at the indications for wearing a trainer up to 5 years.

  1. The child does not part with the pacifier, constantly gnaws fingers, pencils, drags everything into his mouth.
  2. Formation of the habit of breathing through the mouth. This often happens despite the absence of a runny nose and other factors that impede nasal breathing.
  3. Slurred speech - one gets the feeling that the mouth is full of porridge.
  4. The baby refuses solid food that needs to be chewed, or swallows it in large pieces.
  5. Bruxism in children - in a dream or even in the daytime, you notice the grinding of teeth.

The use of the Infant device may also be recommended by a speech therapist for certain types of stuttering. The soft blue children's trainer allows you to avoid the need for more serious and costly treatment with other orthodontic structures in the future. In addition, it has another positive effect. If your child develops adenoids, using an Infant trainer can minimize the chance of having them removed.

Terms of Use

Trainer Infant may be required for speech therapy. During classes, the doctor, using an orthodontic trainer, conducts articulation, breathing and other exercises with the child. At this stage, it is very important that the child develops a positive attitude towards the trainer.

It is also necessary to use the Infant at home. It is recommended to wear it for 10-20 minutes several times a day. Be sure to wear it while sleeping. Treatment usually lasts for several months, after which positive results can be noticed - the child gets rid of bad habits, the development of the muscles of the speech apparatus and jaw bones normalizes.

T4K - for children from 6 to 10 years old

Trainer T4K is designed specifically for children to wear during mixed dentition and is designed for ages from 6 to 10 years. If earlier, with malocclusion at this age, it was necessary to use dental plates and braces, but now there is an alternative correction system.

During the period of eruption of permanent teeth, a child may show a violation of the relative position of the jaws and crowding of the teeth. Such anomalies are caused by structural features of the dentition, oral breathing, the wrong type of swallowing, the habit of gnawing pencils and fingers. Trainer T4K will help eliminate bad habits and myofunctional disorders at the stage of teething, contributing to their alignment.

When using classical methods of orthodontics, it is necessary to wait for the complete change of milk teeth to permanent ones and only then consider the feasibility of installing braces. But by this moment, the formation of the bite can be considered already completed, and its correction will be associated with many physical and psychological inconveniences.

A unique technique for correcting occlusion at an early age helps to avoid long-term and complex treatment. Trainer T4K eliminates not only the violations themselves, but also their cause. It is very important that there is a stable consolidation of the results obtained, so the likelihood of relapse can not be feared. The device does not cause any particular inconvenience to the child, since it must be worn mainly at night and only one hour during the day.

Two stages of treatment with T4K

T4K devices are made of silicone, which is hypoallergenic and endowed with a memory effect. It easily adapts to the individual characteristics of the structure of the child's jaw. This quality allows you to use standard devices without making them to order. Like wire archwires, the trainer applies gentle pressure to uneven anterior teeth. Treatment takes place in two stages.

  1. At the beginning, they use a blue trainer. This is a soft version of the T4K trainer, which is characterized by painless adaptation. The initial trainer eliminates myofunctional problems, gently corrects malocclusion. It is used for 6-8 months a year.
  2. For the final alignment and consolidation of the achieved results, the treatment should be continued by wearing the pink T4K trainer. It is made from a tougher material. Depending on the severity of the violations, it is recommended to wear it for up to a year.

Do not wait until your baby's bite is fully formed. Correction with the help of innovative trainers can be started at an early age after the age of 2 years. In this article, you found information about trainers for the smallest and older children. In conclusion, we bring to your attention a video that will dispel your last doubts about the effectiveness of these systems.

How it works

Trainers promote alignment of teeth and eliminate excessive pressure of the maxillofacial muscles or bad habits (sucking the tongue, thumb), leading to abnormal bite formation.

An important difference between the trainer and braces or orthodontic plates, which have a mechanical effect on the teeth, is that the tires eliminate the cause of the anomaly, and not its symptoms. In addition, the unique shape of the trainer, made of elastic silicone, gently relieves excessive muscle pressure on the jaws and teeth, makes it possible to consolidate the results achieved and eliminate the possibility of relapses.

The purpose of wearing orthodontic trainers is also to bring the tongue into the correct position and the formation of nasal breathing.


  1. These devices are practically invisible, which saves the patient from embarrassment when communicating with people.
  2. If braces or orthodontic plates must be worn constantly, then the main therapeutic effect of the dental trainer is carried out mainly at night (during the day it is enough to wear it for only 1 hour).
  3. The devices do not cause physical discomfort.
  4. Another advantage: their cost is several times lower than the price of braces.

Indications for use

  • The impossibility of a person using bracket systems for one reason or another;
  • malocclusion - deep and open;
  • crowding of teeth is expressed in the frontal part of the lower jaw;
  • some speech therapy problems;
  • incorrect swallowing;
  • fixing the results of orthodontic treatment;
  • rotation of canines and incisors;
  • bad habits, such as: sucking the thumb and other objects, laying the tongue between the lower and upper teeth;
  • trainers for teeth are made from hypoallergenic materials and therefore can be used even by patients prone to allergic reactions;
  • psychological problems;
  • nasal congestion.


  • Cross bite of teeth in the lateral areas;
  • psychological problems.


  1. Elementary. The first in the treatment is a soft trainer, which has good flexibility. It provides fast adaptation to it. The duration of treatment with this device is approximately 6-8 months.

  2. final. Such a trainer does not differ in shape from the initial one, but is made of a harder material that enhances its effect on the teeth. By the time the final trainer is used, many of the causes of malocclusion have been eliminated and more attention has been paid to tooth alignment. Treatment with a rigid apparatus is also carried out for about 6-8 months.
  3. retainer. It is used to consolidate the results after an active period of treatment, helps to prevent relapses.


There is another classification, each of the types of devices listed below is intended for use in certain situations and conditions.

  1. Trainer for braces(can be soft and hard) is used as an adjunct to braces treatment, protects soft tissues from damage by braces and speeds up the treatment process.
  2. Preorthodontic(can be soft and hard) is designed to correct milk bite pathologies.
  3. Articular relieves pain and tension in the muscles. It is used to eliminate the symptoms of a violation of the proper functioning of the temporomandibular joint.
  4. Finishing ensures the consolidation of the achieved results of previous orthodontic treatment on various fixed devices.
  5. For athletes(boxing splint) is used in dangerous sports.
  6. For adults Designed for the treatment of permanent occlusion of teeth without braces, eliminates mouth breathing and snoring.

And now more detailed information about some species.

For braces

Trainer t4b for braces combines the stages of instrumental and functional treatment. The use of T4b in combination with braces during sleep and for 1 hour each day reduces the impact of external forces on the teeth:


  • has a universal size for all patients;
  • does not require special fitting and removal of casts;
  • increases the efficiency of fixed structures;
  • protects the soft tissues of the oral cavity from mechanical damage by braces;
  • eliminates harmful multifunctional phenomena;
  • if necessary, the distal ends of the apparatus can be trimmed;
  • Made from flexible silicone for comfort and maximum fit.

All of these benefits speed up the process of orthodontic bite correction.

Design features of the trainer for t4b braces:

  1. The channels for the teeth are made in the form of arcuate recesses.
  2. There are channels for orthodontic wires and braces.
  3. The habit of laying the tongue between the lower and upper teeth during reverse swallowing eliminates the tongue activity limiter.
  4. The "tongue" forms the correct position of the tongue during speech articulation, swallowing and at rest.
  5. The lip bumpers release excessive pressure from the lower lip by stimulating the tone of the orbicularis oculi muscle.


Photo 2. Trainers for adult teeth

Many adults whose front teeth are far from ideal refuse to wear braces for one reason or another. It is for such patients that the T4A trainer was created, which allows you to straighten your teeth. This device is made of super elastic polyurethane, which has good shape memory and easily adapts to any shape of the dental arch.


  1. Alignment of front teeth without braces.
  2. Alignment of the anterior teeth in combination with additional devices for expanding the dental arch.
  3. The final stage of orthodontic treatment.
  4. Elimination of harmful myofunctional influences and habits.
  5. Correction of disocclusions of permanent occlusion.
  6. Correction of minor recurrences.


  • has a single size;
  • T4A does not require custom fabrication;
  • wireless device;
  • low cost.


Photo 3. Trainers are the ideal solution for aligning children's teeth

Many believe that uneven teeth are the result of heredity. But it turns out that such violations in 70% of cases occur under the negative influence of excessive muscle pressure. If a child constantly puts his finger in his mouth, breathes through his mouth, bites his cheek or lip, this often causes permanent teeth to erupt.

The results of medical research confirm that by controlling the effect of soft tissues on erupting teeth, it is possible not only to prevent the development of various dental pathologies, but also to achieve high treatment results.

Orthodontic trainers for children make it possible to start correcting the bite in children from 5-8 years old, and in the simplest and, most importantly, painless way.

It is necessary to start correcting the malocclusion immediately after the occurrence of this problem. After all, an abnormal bite can cause not only aesthetic problems (crooked dentition, disproportionate jaws, etc.), but also damage to the gums, the development of dental caries, abrasion of teeth, pain in the neck, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and chronic migraines.

The effectiveness of orthodontic treatment, started at an early age, is very high and amounts to 90%. The use of trainers in the period of mixed dentition makes it possible to correct muscle function, which contributes to the proper development of the jaws and allows you to avoid expensive orthodontic treatment at a later age.

Read more in the article: Malocclusion in a child


Photo 4. Trainers are extremely easy to care for

Devices for teeth are quite simple to care for:

  1. The trainer is recommended to be stored in a special plastic container.
  2. Periodically should be cleaned with toothpaste and a brush.
  3. Inspect for mechanical damage. If you find them, you should contact your doctor.
  4. Trainers must be worn very carefully: they should not be chewed, snacked, or tried to be moved in the mouth. Do not talk while wearing the device.
  5. After each use, rinse the tire under running water.

Do not boil or wash it with very cold or hot water!

In what cases is the trainer used?

Trainer is a multifunctional orthodontic appliance. Depending on the configuration, appearance and shape, it can be used for a variety of purposes:

1) Open or deep bite.

2) The presence of bad habits in children (sucking a finger, toys, pacifiers).

3) Violation of nasal breathing.

4) Problems with speech.

5) Violation in the formation of the lower jaw.

6) The period after the removal of braces.

7) Correction of small relapses.

8) Inability to use braces.

The last point is worth talking about in more detail. Approximately 2-3% of people are contraindicated in orthodontic treatment with braces. The braces cannot be worn if:

- Diseases of the immune system.

— Oncology.

- Absence of more than four teeth in a row.

- Problems with the cardiovascular system.

- Diseases of the blood. Especially if they are associated with the degree of its coagulability.

— Low level of bone tissue healing.

- Violations in the proper functioning of the endocrine system.

— Neurology.

- Tuberculosis.

- Less than 12 years of age.

- HIV and STDs.

The doctor will also advise pregnant women to wait with braces. During this period, the teeth are already experiencing a strong load, and the pressure from the brackets can only worsen the situation.

In the event that a girl wore braces, and at the time of pregnancy the treatment is not yet over, she is also recommended to purchase a trainer for her teeth. The cost of orthodontic treatment is too high to be interrupted halfway through. It is better to replace the braces with a more gentle design.

Types of trainers for teeth

The trainer is truly universal. The same design, with the exception of a few seemingly insignificant parameters, can be used for a variety of purposes. So, for example, there are pre-orthodontic, finishing articular and a trainer for braces.

Trainer for braces

Used for more effective orthodontic treatment with braces. Most often necessary when identifying complicating factors already in the process of wearing brackets.

The trainer for braces is convenient because:

1) It has a universal shape and will suit any person. No need to waste time taking impressions and making an individual design.

2) It is necessary to wear no more than one hour during the day and put on at night.

3) Does not allow the metal parts of the system to injure the mucous membrane, especially during sleep. This is very convenient in the first weeks of wearing, when the patient is not yet fully accustomed to the brackets.

4) Helps patients with mucosal and soft tissue hypersensitivity to more easily cope with wearing.

5) Pain is reduced.

6) Increases the effectiveness of braces treatment, without increasing pain and complicating care.

7) Reduces the possibility of breakage of locks and arcs.

8) It has a convenient shape with channels for locks and an arc.

9) Trains the muscles of the jaw.

10) Has a low cost.

The effectiveness of the treatment is increased not due to a stronger load on the teeth, but due to the training of the jaw muscles. Wearing a plastic cap affects not only the bite and evenness of the teeth, but also the general appearance of a person. The muscles of his face are toned. The skin looks more well-groomed. Sometimes trainers are even used specifically for training muscles and joints, and not for correcting anomalies of teeth and bite.

Articular trainer (tire)

They are used for dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, the movable connection between the temporal bone and the jaw.

Dysfunction manifests itself in the form of aching or acute pain, characterized by headaches, pain in the temples, neck, difficulty opening and closing the mouth, chewing, swallowing. Such a problem is one of the many consequences of malocclusion. Sometimes it can manifest itself with improper orthodontic treatment or as a result of an injury.

One of the stages in the treatment of TMJ dysfunction is an articular trainer or splint. It has a thickening in the area of ​​chewing teeth. This is necessary to provide a soft load on the joint.

The whole splint is made of elastic silicone, which has a relaxing effect, reduces pain. Most symptoms of dysfunction go away within a week after the first use of the splint, but a course of at least a month is needed for complete recovery.

The joint splint, as well as the braces trainer, is worn for at least one hour during the day and put on at night. The maximum duration of wearing and treatment in general is determined individually and only by the attending physician.

Finish Trainer

Once the braces are removed, orthodontic treatment is not over yet. Even if the teeth already look perfect, this does not mean that they will not return to their original position. To avoid this, the patient undergoes another stage of treatment, which lasts twice as long as wearing braces, and sometimes can even drag on for a lifetime.

At this time, several types of structures can be used - aligners, removable and non-removable retainers. Finishing trainers also do an excellent job with this task.

Doctors and patients themselves choose them because of several advantages:

1) The design does not use metal parts.

2) In the process of wearing, there is no discomfort.

3) For a good result, just wear them at night.

4) The shape of the cap is universal and corresponds to the main nuances of the correct bite and position of the teeth. There is no need to make casts.

5) The cost of trainers for teeth is much lower than that of other preventive orthodontic structures.

Trainer for teeth straightening

Regardless of the fact that with the help of an elastic orthodontic construction several problems can be solved at once, its main function is to correct the bite and misalignment of the teeth.

The principle of its action is very different from braces. In addition to the load on the teeth themselves, due to which they take the correct shape and location, the trainer affects the root causes of the problem. It corrects the position of the tongue, trains the muscles of the jaw, weaning from mouth breathing. This dual approach eliminates the prophylactic period.

Many people think that fixing teeth without braces is always a very long time. In fact, such conclusions are made, paying attention only to the time that the patient wears the structure itself. No one takes into account the rehabilitation period, but it can last up to 5 years. Trainers must be worn for an average of 1-2 years.

Treatment is divided into two stages: initial and final. For each of them there is a separate type of construction.

Initial Trainer very soft and elastic. Traditionally it is blue. The force of pressure on the teeth is very small, and this helps the patient get used to it faster and easier to transfer the transition to the testamentary stage. They wear a blue trainer for 6-8 months.

Final Trainer does not differ in form from the original. Its color is red, and it is made of a more rigid material. Most of the work on straightening the teeth falls on the final stage. The pressure on the teeth increases several times, but due to proper preparation, the patient does not particularly notice this. The product is worn for 6-8 months, but the result is already visible halfway through. The rest of the time the structure is worn for fastening.

Benefits of trainers over braces

1) Trainers have no age restrictions. You can wear them from the age of 5-6, when the temporary bite is fully formed. Already at this stage, it is known how even the teeth will be.

2) In childhood, they are several times more effective.

3) No need to wear the design all day. Many people do this after work, while watching TV or working at the computer.

4) At night, the product does not bring any discomfort. Most of the models, except for the testament trainer, are made of soft and elastic plastic. The final trainer is also not felt by the patient, because at the initial stage of treatment, a person is already getting used to sleeping with a mouthguard in his mouth.

5) No hygiene problems. Teeth should be brushed in the usual way, and the trainer itself is washed separately.

6) The cost of a course of treatment with trainers is several times lower than with braces

7) There are no contraindications, anyone can start wearing the product without harm to themselves.

8) Trainers do not do individually, which means that you do not have to wait for your model for several weeks.

Of course, the design also has flaws. The trainer cannot be used in complex and neglected cases. They will only help with a slight curvature. For the treatment of complex anomalies in the location of the teeth, braces will still be required.

Dental trainer care

Store the product in a special plastic container. In it, the cap is also for sale. It is very compact and convenient.

Oral hygiene remains the same. Be sure to brush your teeth and periodically use a mouthwash. The cleanliness of the teeth and gums ensures that bacteria will not accumulate and develop on the plastic cap.

Trainers should be periodically rinsed under water. Once a week, it is advisable to brush them with a very soft brush or leave them for a few minutes in an oral disinfectant solution.

In the process of wearing them, they must be handled with extreme care. You can't eat or talk to them. Do not try to turn the trainer upside down in your mouth. Do not wash with too hot or cold water.

Price of trainers for teeth

You can buy a system of trainers for straightening your teeth for no more than 4 thousand rubles. Prophylactic and articular devices cost about 2 thousand rubles. You can buy them both in specialized stores and in dental clinics.

What are dental trainers for?

A trainer for teeth alignment is usually prescribed for children aged 5 - 12 years, during the period of mixed dentition. Timely use of the device will eliminate serious problems in the future, because in adulthood, when the jaw bones are already formed, it will be possible to radically correct the bite only by surgery. However, doctors warn that correcting teeth with trainers will be useful only if the wearing mode is observed. If a small patient is not sufficiently motivated or his parents cannot control the process, the technique will not bring results.

The trainer for teeth for children is prescribed for the following indications:

  • mouth breathing;
  • language parafunction;
  • bad sucking habits;
  • incorrect eruption of the front teeth;
  • narrowing of the dentition;
  • various bite anomalies;
  • pronounced crowding of teeth (the teeth do not have enough space on the gums, and they move each other).

Dental trainers are also used to treat patients over 12 years of age who already have a permanent bite. They are used for the following diagnoses:

  • class II anomalies (subclass 1 and 2, distal displacement of the lower first molar in relation to the upper one);
  • crowding of the anterior teeth;
  • deep or open bite.

An important purpose of trainers is the formation of the correct functioning of the jaw muscles, which is very difficult to achieve with the help of plates or braces. A separate function of silicone trainers for teeth is retention after wearing a bracket system. However, in most cases, trainers are prescribed for children.

Teeth trainers - for children and adults

In pediatric and adult orthodontics, different models of trainers are used to align teeth, each of which has its own purpose.

Teeth Trainers T4K

For older children, T4K tooth trainers, the so-called pre-orthodontic trainers, are suitable. Treatment on such trainers takes place in two stages - first, the patient wears a soft initial apparatus (blue), then, upon reaching the goals, it is replaced with a more elastic one (pink or red). T4K tooth trainers are suitable for early and late mixed dentition. There are also models of trainers for i-3 and i-2 teeth and their varieties, specially designed for the treatment of grade 2 and 3 anomalies.

Teeth trainers T4A are initial and final. Initial (blue) is used on replacement teeth. He has a special notch so that the child understands where to put the tongue. This species is almost imperceptible in the mouth. The term of its application varies from 6 to 8 months. The final pink T4A tooth trainer holds the dentition more firmly. You need to wear it for another 6 to 12 months.

Teeth trainer i-3 is used to prevent bite defects in the early change of milk teeth. The term of its wearing ranges from 4 to 8 months.

Teeth trainers T4A for adults

Orthodontic trainers for T4A teeth are similar in many ways to T4K for children, they are distinguished by a slightly increased height of the labial arch sides and longer distal ends. Similar devices are also produced in two types of rigidity - initial and final. These trainers help in cosmetic alignment of anterior teeth and minor recurrences after orthodontic treatment.

How long and how to wear a trainer for teeth?

The duration of treatment with trainers will depend on the diagnosis. The minimum is 11 - 12 months. In some cases, after wearing trainers, further orthodontic treatment with braces or Invisalign aligners may be required. However, the period of additional treatment will be shorter than without first wearing dental trainers. How to wear a dental trainer? During treatment, the patient wears the device for at least an hour a day and puts it on at night.

How to put on a dental trainer? To install the device, it must be positioned with the “marker tongue” up and placed so that the tongue touches this “tongue”, then lightly press it with your teeth. Keep in mind that with the trainer installed in your mouth, you can only breathe through your nose. Before putting on an orthodontic trainer, it is necessary to thoroughly brush your teeth, as well as wash the device itself with a cleaning agent.

Trainer Care Rules

  • The orthodontic trainer should be washed with running water after each meal, but boiling water or ice water is contraindicated.
  • At least twice a day, the device must be cleaned with a brush and paste.
  • Keep the orthodontic trainer for teeth in a special container.
  • The Teeth Alignment Trainer must not be dropped, chewed or moved around in the mouth while talking.

If cracks or damage appear on the device, it is urgent to inform the attending orthodontist about this, since the design may lose its properties, and bacteria may accumulate in the cracks.

Teeth trainers - price in Moscow

The price of trainers for teeth in Moscow will be 5000 - 8000 rubles. It is one of the most economical methods of orthodontic treatment. The exact cost will depend on the type of device, as well as the number of stages of treatment. If the patient needs to undergo a two-stage course, then two trainers will have to be purchased. However, this, in any case, is relatively less than the cost of even the cheapest braces.

Where to buy trainers for teeth in Moscow?

The doctor will either tell you where to buy dental trainers in Moscow, or offer them himself if they are available. Teeth trainers have been used in children's dentistry in Moscow since the late 90s and have already become widespread. Buying them is not a problem.

What it is?

A trainer is an orthodontic device that is made from soft silicone. In appearance, it looks like a boxing mouth guard. The main task of the device is to correct malocclusion and fight against the causes of misalignment of chewing elements.

The dental trainer is designed not only to align the dentition, but to deal with the causes of curvature. With its help, swallowing, oral breathing are corrected, the position of the tongue in the oral cavity is corrected, and some defects in speech are corrected. This device makes the facial and jaw muscles work properly.

The device is used not only as an independent tool for correcting the bite. It is often recommended to wear it after corrective braces treatment.

In this case, the device prevents the teeth from returning to their original places and helps to fix the result for a long time.

Indications and contraindications for use

  • the presence of contraindications to the installation of braces;
  • fixing the result of correcting the anomaly after removing the braces;
  • speech defects;

  • weaning children from unwanted habits (for example, sucking a thumb or other objects);
  • disturbed nasal breathing;
  • incorrect swallowing;
  • incorrect formation of the lower jaw;
  • crowding of a group of teeth;
  • open or deep bite;
  • correction of minor anomalies of the dentition or jaw.

In some cases, wearing trainers is strictly contraindicated:

  • psychological problems;
  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • cross bite of the lateral parts of the jaw.

Pros and cons of devices

Silicone corrective systems have a number of significant advantages over other means of bite correction.

The main plus of trainers for teeth is that they need to be used mainly at night. During wakefulness, it is enough to put on the device for only 1 - 2 hours.

The trainer ideally takes the shape of the jaw and does not cause any discomfort at all, it is very easy to use and maintain. And the price of these devices is significantly lower than the cost of braces.

As for the cons, they include:

There are several varieties of these corrective devices for teeth.

T4K device group - for the smallest

This group includes children's orthodontic appliances, which are divided into two types. The former are used at the initial stage of correction, the latter at the final stage.

Models are designed for young children with milk teeth. Children's trainers are very easy to use, the child can easily install the device without the help of adults.

They do not cause any discomfort while wearing, they can be used even during a runny nose, since the device has two special holes for air to pass through.

The child must wear the device during the entire night of sleep and for 1 hour while awake. The first stage of correction using a soft (blue) device lasts from 6 to 8 months.

At the second stage, the child wears a more rigid, final model of the device (pink), which fixes the result of the alignment of the dentition. By its properties and action, this device is similar to the orthodontic arch of the bracket system. The wear time of such a device is about a year.

T4A - for children over 10 years old

The T4A orthodontic trainer is intended for use by adults and children over 10-12 years of age. It is effective for overcrowding of the anterior teeth, various bite anomalies, to consolidate the result achieved when wearing braces and to normalize the functioning of the facial and jaw muscles.

Like T4K, it is represented by two models that differ in color and softness: initial (blue) and final (red).

This device does not need to be worn constantly, it does not adversely affect the enamel of the teeth and does not cause discomfort.

T4V - device for adults

This type of adult dental trainer is designed to be used in the treatment of anomalies with braces. It has an intense effect, helps to develop the correct position of the tongue during sleep and wakefulness, strengthens the facial and jaw muscles.

The T4B trainer is universal, has a single size, and is able to adapt to the individual characteristics of a person.

Requires wearing throughout the night and for one hour during the day. Do not speak or chew during use. To achieve the desired effect requires regular use, the treatment period is usually from six months to 12 months.

How to install correctly?

Unlike braces, these devices do not require installation by a dentist, the patient independently places the trainer in his mouth in a way that is convenient for him.

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