Nicholas Kozik. FBK: FSB General Kozik has a dacha in the forbidden zone of the border with Finland. Lubyanka is not simple, but forest

Today took place. In accordance with the current Regulations, the awarding of the title “Honorary Citizen of the Municipal Formation “Vyborgsky District” of the Leningrad Region is solemnly celebrated on the Day of the City of Vyborg and the Vyborgsky District. Nikolai Leonidovich could not come to us on August 20 for the holiday and the ceremony of presenting the badge and certificate of the Honorary Citizen of the Vyborg District was timed to coincide with the birthday of Nikolai Leonidovich, September 11.
The initiator of conferring the title "Honorary Citizen of the Vyborg District" to Nikolai Leonidovich Kozik was the Council of Veterans of the Border Guards of the city of Vyborg, and the deputies of the district council supported this proposal.
Nikolai Leonidovich Kozik is well known in the Vyborg region, where he served in the military as commander of the legendary 102nd Red Banner Border Detachment named after S.M. Kirov.
Nikolai Kozik's outstanding organizational skills, his rich life experience, professional competence and goodwill have earned well-deserved respect not only from his colleagues, but also from the residents of the Vyborg District. Currently, Colonel General Nikolai Kozik is the Deputy Head of the Border Guard Service of the FSB of Russia, the Head of the Border Guard Department.
His official activity was marked by high state awards: the Order of Honor, the orders "For Military Merit" and "For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces" of the 3rd degree, the medal "For Distinction in the Protection of the State Border of the USSR", the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree and the medal "70 years of the USSR Armed Forces". Colonel-General of the Border Guard Service of the FSB of Russia Nikolai Kozik will now have the badge “Honorary Citizen of the Vyborg District of the Leningrad Region” added to the numerous awards on the front tunic.
Heads of the city and district administrations, deputies of the regional and district councils, veterans of the border service, and heads of industrial enterprises of the Vyborg district came to express their respect and congratulate Nikolai Leonidovich on being awarded the honorary title.
In response, Nikolai Kozik thanked everyone for the honor and apologized for not being able to attend the celebration of the City and District Day, noting that today's visit to Vyborg became possible only due to being on vacation. Nikolai Leonidovich said that conferring the high title of "Honorary Citizen of the Vyborg District" sets new tasks for him, especially the patriotic education of young people, without which it is impossible to solve the big state tasks of protecting the state border. He expressed his wishes for peace in Russia, prosperity for the Vyborg region and well-being for its inhabitants.

On Wednesday evening, another scandalous investigation of an opposition blogger came out Alexei Navalny, which, in fact, puts an end to his career as a "denunciator of human morals." Search for the dacha of the FSB general Nicholas Kozik, which allegedly, according to Navalny, is located right on the state border of Russia and Finland, led to unexpected results: it turned out that Navalny - or his curators who prepared the text for him - simply wishful thinking. How Navalny's investigation of the "dacha on the state border" turned out to be a failure and shame for the scandalous blogger - in the material.

"Border is locked tight"

The story of the search for the notorious dacha began on Wednesday, October 12th. According to the website of the Navalny-led organization with the loud name "Fund for Combating Corruption", which is responsible for posting scandalous videos on the Web, the dacha, owned by Colonel General Nikolai Kozik, deputy head of the FSB border service, is located right on the state border between Russia and Finland.

According to Navalny, the dacha is located in the Vyborgsky district of the Leningrad region, allegedly in the "zone of engineering structures" - 2-3 km from the border. Recall that in accordance with Russian law, being in such a zone of proximity to the border is prohibited: it must be protected by a fence and a control strip.

Alexei Navalny expressed bewilderment at this fact - how, they say, so: not only did he build a dacha, Colonel-General Kozik even registered it as a property, which is impossible according to the law. However, in reality, behind the bewilderment of the odious blogger lies an elementary inattention and ignorance of Russian legislation.

He counted me too!

Natural errors in Navalny's calculations and frank blunders of the FBK "investigation" about the "dacha of the FSB general" were very quickly discovered by inquisitive minds. In particular, the blogger Manzal threw his weighty word against the "investigation" (in the world - Andrey Manzolevsky): in his opinion, finding the general's dacha was a "big disappointment" and even a "failure" of the scandalous oppositionist. Leaving aside the talk about who owns the "dacha of discord", Manzolevsky suggested turning to the documents that Navalny "lit up" in his video - since they contain many mistakes of the scandalous blogger.

First of all, the location of the cottage, based on the information on the video - the village Druzhnoselye on the lake Povarsky. However, with a detailed measurement using maps, it turns out that a significant amount of territory separates the dacha to the very border of Russia and Finland. Firstly, the customs point "Brusnichnoye" is located at a great distance from the place of construction. And secondly, together with Navalny's promised "two kilometers from the border", the dacha is located on a free territory - almost 4 kilometers from the barrier between Russia and Finland.

But most of all, the blogger is surprised by Navalny's inattention to the fact that so many people live in close proximity to the state border of Russia. For example, following Navalny's "logic", half of the population of the city of Svetogorsk, located 1.5 km from the border with Finland, can be called "crooks and thieves". Continuing the same "logic", the inhabitants of Ivangorod should be called "corrupt" - they generally adjoin the border with Estonia: on the other side of the river stands the city of Narva, and two border settlements are separated by a bridge across the river of the same name.

Where is the fence?

Another point of Manzal's direct accusations against the so-called FBK investigation was, oddly enough, Navalny's inattention to Russian legislation, which he likes to flaunt right and left. As Andrei Manzolevsky notes, after the collapse of the USSR, the concept of a "border zone" has undergone many changes - including, regional authorities can set the size. In a number of regions of Russia, there is now officially only a narrow strip along the border - as can be observed in the Republic of Karelia.

As for access to border settlements, here, as the blogger assures, not everything is so simple either. According to the law, immediately after the line of engineering structures there is a site, stay in which is necessary if you have property or permission to the territory. However, the size and the possibility of travel to these sections of the border zone in each individual subject is again set by the local authorities - so, in most cases, in order to find yourself in "closed cities", it is enough to present a passport of a Russian citizen.

"Even if you do not believe the "experts", let's assume another option. Google panorama. Would it pass in the restricted zone? Would they let a car with a camera into the zone of a strategic object? No. If you don't believe it, try to find panoramas on the real border of any countries. No one and will never allow this, sorry for the slang, pale," writes Andrey Manzolevsky.

The most curious thing is that other people also live in the village of Druzhnoselye, where the “dacha of the FSB general” was found: the settlement is considered sparsely populated, with a population of less than 100 people. But then where did the fence with barbed wire come from in the village?

And this is where the key to Navalny’s shame lies, Manzolevsky is sure: the village could simply fall under the transfer of the border zone, and when the decision was made to narrow the border segment, the border guards with the shepherd dogs left - and the fence remained in place.

Expert: Navalny only does what he is told

On the closed section of the state border between Russia and Finland with an area of ​​6.6 thousand square meters, there is a dacha that belongs to Colonel-General Nikolai Kozik, deputy head of the border service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, says the Anti-Corruption Foundation of Alexei Navalny. In his material, the oppositionist refers to the relevant extract from Rosreestr and data from Google Earth and Google Maps.

“There is a border between Russia and Finland. As expected, the border consists of a border zone (5-30 km), where only local residents or persons with passes can stay, and a zone of engineering structures (2-3 km).

The zone of engineering and technical structures is exactly the same as that shown in films about border guards. Fence under weak current (triggered by touch), control-track strip and all that stuff.

Staying in this zone is prohibited. Entering it is an attempt to illegally cross the state border and guarantees you a criminal case (here, for example, there are many of them).

So let's use a Google Maps photo and a satellite photo to take a virtual trip through the most beautiful, but forbidden places on the border with Finland.

We see a fence.


We rub our eyes and look from above:

Well, yes, it’s really a cottage on the lake in a restricted area, which, according to the law, is regulated as follows:

"By virtue of subparagraph 10 of paragraph 4 of Article 27 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, land plots occupied by federally owned engineering and technical structures, communication lines and communications erected in the interests of protecting and protecting the State Border of the Russian Federation have been withdrawn from their circulation."

It's impossible, but it's true. Dacha of an individual Kozik Nikolai Leonidovich

Google, what kind of amazing is this Kozik Nikolai Leonidovich.

We stop being surprised. This is Colonel-General of the FSB, Deputy Head of the Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation, who is responsible specifically for protecting the state border.

General Nikolai Kozik is the owner of a dacha on the border of Russia and Finland, which Alexei Navalny spoke about in his investigation. The editors of Russiangate followed his trail and discovered a secret elite village, where the second site, owned by the general, is located. In the cooperative with the characteristic name "Forest Lubyanka" Kozik is next to the director of foreign intelligence Sergei Naryshkin and high-ranking officials.

Lubyanka is not simple, but forest

"Forest Lubyanka" - this is the name of the secret partnership of homeowners in the Leningrad Region, which, according to the Kontur-Focus database, includes Kozik. Why secret? Because there is almost no information about Lesnaya Lubyanka in the public domain. It is only known that a non-profit partnership with this name is registered in the city of Vsevolozhsk, Leningrad Region, and that in social networks it is mentioned exclusively as a local "elite village for its own."

Our reference

Nikolai Kozik - Head of the Regional Border Directorate of the FSB of Russia for Northwestern Federal District, was awarded the orders "For Military Merit", "For Service to the Homeland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree, five medals.

According to the Counter-Focus database, the co-founders of Lesnaya Lubyanka are 63 people. Among them are the already mentioned head of the SVR Sergey Naryshkin, the chairman of the financial committee of the Vsevolzhsky district Anna Popova, the senator from United Russia Valery Vasilyev and Alexander Nikitenko, the full namesake of the ex-head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

List of high-ranking officials and businessmen - co-founders of Lesnaya Lubyanka

Neighbor neighbor friend, comrade and business partner

Everyone knows that it is better to be on good terms with neighbors. After all, a good neighbor can help in business. Thus, one of the members of the partnership, the head of Resurs-komplekt LLC, Gleb Bondarev, has repeatedly won tenders for the supply of equipment and wetsuits worth more than a million rubles from the Vaninsky Commercial Port company. Russiangate assumes that it could not have done without the help of his dacha neighbor Dmitry Babich, the full namesake of the deputy of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Sakhalin Port Authority.

Another member of the partnership, the head of the UNR-17 and SMU-57 construction companies, Yuri Lopatin, has been successfully cooperating with the St. Petersburg Ministry of Internal Affairs for a long time and wins tenders for the construction and repair of department buildings. His neighbor, Alexander Lvov, is directly related to the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: he commanded the troops of the North-Western District of the Internal Troops. Will Lopatin receive an order from the FSB in the near future? It is quite possible, because the already mentioned Kozik, his neighbor, holds the post of head of the Regional Border Directorate of the FSB of Russia for the North-Western Federal District.

But the most interesting member of the partnership is Leonid Vorobyov, the founder of Stroyimpulse SMU-2 LLC. This construction company in 2013 featured in one of the most high-profile scandals of recent years - the case of corruption in the Ministry of Defense.

Then it turned out that Sergey Amelin, the general director of the Stroyimpulse SMU-2 company, was acquiring buildings and land plots that previously belonged to the Ministry of Defense. Prior to that, he signed several contracts with one of the subsidiaries of Oboronservis, an enterprise controlled by the ministry. From them he received an advance payment, which he spent on the purchase of buildings. It is this scheme - the conclusion of contracts with shell companies - that is often used for illegal withdrawal of funds.

Was it not with the money of the Ministry of Defense that Leonid Vorobyov built himself a dacha in Lesnaya Lubyanka?

Later, the official representative of the Investigative Committee, Vladimir Markin, denied the connection of Sergei Amelin with the corruption case. He said that Amelin "during the investigation into the case of embezzlement of the property of the military department was not summoned to the Main Military Investigation Department and was not interrogated."

Thus, the fact of corruption of the head of the Stroyimpulse SMU-2 company - and his employer Leonid Vorobyov, who could not have been unaware of the company's contracts - was not proven. And yet, Stroyimpulse, according to Russiangate, has multi-billion dollar debts to the Russian Defense Ministry. The question arises: was it not with the money of the military department that Vorobyov built himself a summer house in Lesnaya Lubyanka?

This hypothesis is indirectly confirmed by the fact that the co-founders of the elite settlement "Lesnaya Lubyanka" are high-ranking officials from the FSB and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - in particular, the same Nikolai Kozik. It was with these structures that Stroyimpulse worked.

Border is locked tight

Journalists would not have paid attention to Lesnaya Lubyanka if the founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, Alexei Navalny, had not talked about another dacha of General Nikolai Kozik, which was built on the Russian-Finnish border. According to Navalny, the general's cottage is located not just on the border strip, where local residents are allowed to stay, but in a special zone. This is a territory surrounded by a fence under voltage, with towers and a control strip, where people without special permission are even strictly prohibited from entering, the anti-corruption official claimed.

Russiangate denied Navalny's information: the editors managed to find out that the territory on the Russian-Finnish border, where Kozik's dacha stands, is not a specially protected object. The fence photographed through Google Maps, the pictures of which Navalny posted in his post, is part of the old barriers on the territory of the Saimaa Canal, which have remained since the days of the Cold War. Residential development is officially allowed in this area.

The head of the border department of the FSB, Nikolai Kozik, could guard the border without leaving his home

Thus, formally, General Kozik did not violate the law by building his "dacha on the border." Even closer to it is another cottage village, about which there is almost no information in the public domain - Black Island.

On local websites, information has repeatedly appeared that its inhabitants are far from ordinary people. “Nearby is the eponymous cooperative of generals and deputies of the DNP Cherny Island,” an anonymous user said in the comments to the district map on the Wikimapia website. This information is confirmed by an advertisement found by Russiangate for the sale of a house in the nearby village of Torfyanovka. “Thirty meters from the porch to the coastline, pristine taiga, hunting, fishing, mushrooms! Thousands of hectares of untouched nature, in the border zone with Finland, which are shared with you by respectable neighbors, only 23 households belong to people with high social status (deputies, generals),” the announcement says.

The history of the Black Island is as follows: in August 2010, the Governor of the Leningrad Region, Valery Serdyukov, signed an order to transfer a plot of land in the Vyborgsky District of the Leningrad Region with an area of ​​47,400 square meters from reserve land to agricultural land. Two months later, a dacha non-commercial partnership (DNP) "Pkhikala" was registered there, and a large plot was transferred to its possession. Two months later, representatives of the DNP again appealed to the administration, this time to change the status of the land to "intended for dacha farming." Three people became the founders of the DNP. Among them, Russiangate found a familiar name - Leonid Vorobyov, the already mentioned founder of Lesnaya Lubyanka.

Four years later, the name of General Nikolai Kozik appeared in the documents, who formalized the ownership of 6,600 square meters of this land and built there the “dacha on the border” discovered by Navalny.

Nikolai Kozik and Leonid Vorobyov are two names associated with two large holiday villages in the Leningrad region. These people - as well as other residents of elite villages surrounded by barbed wire and high fences - are not just "good neighbors", they form a network of contacts between government officials and big business. Although the facts voiced by Russiangate, of course, are not indisputable evidence of a criminal conspiracy between officials and businessmen, they raise questions: what tenders, contracts and socially significant problems are discussed on summer evenings at dachas in Lesnaya Lubyanka, Cherny Ostrov and dozens of other elite villages ?

Sometimes you will stumble upon a small case in your work, but, damn it, what an indicative case it is. It is necessary to start a “Leviathan News” column for such people, because it is already impossible to be surprised at this, we will just shrug our shoulders and say: Well, this is not a state, but Leviathan, as it should be.

For example, we found the dacha of an FSB general here, and not just anywhere, but right on the state border. Behind the electric fence and the control strip. According to the law, land there is generally withdrawn from civil circulation. Nevertheless, he built and designed.

It seems to be a particularity, but it is so blatant against the backdrop of millions of owners of dachas, garden plots, garages, shops, tents, stalls, to which various inspectors go every single day with acts on the topic “I didn’t build it that way, I connected it wrong, I didn’t draw the border here, didn't make it that way." People are fined, dragged to the courts, and the land is forcibly confiscated - they are simply squeezed out of the light. And here is a cottage on the border.

Decided to make a new video about it:

And the story is like this.

There is a border between Russia and Finland. As expected, the border consists of border zone (5-30 km), only local residents or people with passes can be there, and zones of engineering structures (2-3 km).

The zone of engineering and technical structures is exactly the same thing that is shown in films about border guards. Fence under weak current (triggered by touch), control-track strip and all that stuff.

Staying in this zone is prohibited. Entering it is an attempt to illegally cross the state border and guarantees you a criminal case (here, for example, there are many of them).

So let's use a Google Maps photo and a satellite photo to take a virtual trip through the most beautiful, but forbidden places on the border with Finland.

We see a fence.

We see the control strip.

We see a harrow used by border guards.

We see the sign "mines in 100 meters."


We rub our eyes and look from above:

Well, yes, it’s really a cottage on the lake in a restricted area, which, according to the law, is regulated as follows:

By virtue of subparagraph 10 of paragraph 4 of Article 27 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, land plots occupied by federally owned engineering and technical structures, communication lines and communications erected in the interests of protecting and protecting the State Border of the Russian Federation are withdrawn from circulation.

Ofigevaem and run to the registry.

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