The plan of self-education of a speech therapist at the dow logo station. Individual plan of self-education "The use of ICT in the work of a speech therapist

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 17"

Kanash city



speech pathologist

Petrova Vera Dmitrievna

The study of literature on the topic

Title of book, article

Brief annotation, notes

Tkachenko T.A.

Preparing preschoolers for reading and writing: phonetic symbols. Vlados, 2013.

The book presents theoretical provisions and practical recommendations, as well as a system of classes with preschool children to teach them the skills of sound analysis and synthesis, without which literacy is impossible. The manual contains entertaining games and exercises, as well as class notes.

N.V. Solovyova

Preparation for teaching literacy to children with speech impediments. - M .: TC Sphere, 2009.

The manual contains original complex tables that allow you to analyze the sound composition of the word and the composition of the sentence.


E.V. Kutsina

N.G. Khrushkova

Phonetic stories and fairy tales (for children 5-7 years old). Notebook. In 3 parts. - Yekaterinburg: Litur-opt LLC, 2012.

Studying this notebook, the child will learn to highlight words with a given sound, determine the position of a sound in a word, select words for sound and syllabic patterns.

Durova N.V., Nevskaya L.N.

Set of 4 books:

Let's play with words.

From word to sound.

From sound to letter.

We read ourselves.

- M .: School-Press, 1998.

A set of 4 books helps to acquaint children with the fact that our speech consists of many words that sound different or similar, teaches them to distinguish between hard and soft consonants, stressed and unstressed vowels, and conduct a sound analysis of words. Introduces children to vowels and how to write them. All this is of great importance for the subsequent teaching of reading and writing.

Bondareva L.Yu.

Teaching literacy to preschoolers and younger students. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2008.

V.V. Baronova

Formation of sound-syllabic analysis skills in preschool children with speech disorders through a visual model.

// Speech therapist in kindergarten. 2012, No. 3.

Kudrova T.I.

Modeling in teaching literacy to preschool children with speech underdevelopment. // Speech therapist in kindergarten. 2007, no. 4, p. 51-54.

Karelskaya E.

The use of symbols in the work on sounds. Preschool education. 2000, No. 1.

Smolyanskaya V.S.

Card file of games for teaching preschoolers to read and write. 2010.

Kostyleva N.Yu.

Entertaining exercises for teaching literacy to preschoolers.

Practical implementation of the theme of self-education

The form

(open lesson, message, speech, master class, article, project, etc.)



(DOE, city, district, regional)

the date

Consultation for teachers

Topic: «

Consultation for educators

Topic: "The use of mnemotables in teaching children to read and write."

Advice for parents

Topic: "The role of play in preparing children for literacy."

Methodical development

Mnemotables for teaching senior preschoolers to read and write.


Exhibition of didactic games and manuals for teaching children to read and write.

Speech at the teachers' council

Report on the work done for the academic year.


1. Determine the degree of development of the problem in the theory and practice of speech therapy.

2. Increase your own level of knowledge by studying the necessary literature, visiting the RMO, self-education.

3. Develop a long-term plan for working with children.

4. Prepare diagnostics for the beginning and end of the school year.

5. Develop lesson plans for the formation of correct sound pronunciation and teaching literacy of children with OHP (compensating group preparatory to school), plans for individual work with children on the formation of phonemic perception, sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis skills.

6. Organize frontal classes on the formation of correct sound pronunciation and teaching literacy of children with OHP (compensating group preparatory for school) and individual lessons with children on the development of phonemic perception, skills of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis.

7. Spend advice for parents on the topic "The role of play in preparing children for literacy."

8. Spend advice for teachers on the topic « Games and exercises for the development of phonemic perception using visual symbols.

9. Spend advice for educators on the topic "The use of mnemotables in teaching children to read and write."

10. Make didactic games and manuals for teaching children to read and write.

11. Prepare methodological development

12. Make changes to the content of the subject-developing environment of the group.

13. Prepare a speech for pedagogical council on the topic of self-education (progress report).


Forms of work


Diagnostics of the level of development of phonemic perception and sound analysis skills in children at the beginning of the school year.

Development of a long-term plan for working with children on the formation of phonemic perception, the skills of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis.

Conducting individual lessons on the formation of correct sound pronunciation and literacy, individual work with children on the formation of phonemic perception, skills of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis.

Consultation for teachers.

Topic: « Games and exercises for the development of phonemic perception using visual symbols.

Advice for educators.

Topic: "The use of mnemotables in teaching children to read and write."

Exhibition didactic games and manuals for teaching children to read and write.

Prepare methodological development"Mnemotables for teaching senior preschoolers to read and write".

Make changes to the content of the subject-developing environment of the group.

Development of lesson notes on the formation of correct sound pronunciation and literacy, plans for individual work with children on the formation of phonemic perception, skills of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis.

Production of didactic games and manuals for teaching children to read and write.

Advice for parents:

"The Role of Play in Preparing Children for Literacy".

Diagnostics of the level of development of phonemic perception and sound analysis skills in children at the end of the school year.

Writing a report on the work done for the academic year performance with him at the teachers' council.

Municipal state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 29"

"Plan for self-education of a speech therapist"

Arkhipova Elena Anatolyevna

Forms of work





speech therapy examination

Word games for young children

Prepare monitoring of speech therapy examination at the beginning of the academic year;

Develop calendar, long-term plans;

The study of methodological literature

Presentation at parent meeting. Acquaintance of parents with the results of diagnostics: the main deviations in speech development, the reasons for their occurrence are revealed.

Advice for parents:

"How to accelerate the best outcome of speech therapy in children with TNR"

Subgroup and individual lessons, conversations in accordance with the work

Development of non-speech and speech hearing.

Games aimed at the development of sound analysis and synthesis

Making a travel folder. Topic: "The development of phonemic processes in children with TNR." "Sound analysis of the word". "Phonematic hearing is the basis of correct speech." "How to expand a child's vocabulary."

Advice for parents:

"Grammatically correct speech is the key to successful schooling"

Make up a set of exercises, didactic games and material;

Arrange in the office a corner "Attentive ears";

Take part in PMPk, ped. councils, methodical associations;

The study of methodological literature

Advice for parents:

Phonemic hearing is the basis of correct speech

Making a travel folder. "Our fingers are playing."

Prepare (conduct) a consultation for teachers on the topic: "The formation of phonemic hearing and perception in speech in preschool children"

Advice for parents:

"Prepare your hand for writing"

(development of graphomotor skills).

Making a travel folder.

Topic: "How to expand a child's vocabulary"

Prepare (hold) an open lesson for teachers on the topic: "Formation of speech development in children with TNR"

speech therapy examination

Advice for parents:

"How and how to develop a child's speech in the summer"

Automation of delivered sounds

Methodical literature:

1. Alexandrova sounds, or Phonetics for preschoolers /. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2005. - 48 p.

2. Altukhova to hear sounds / - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Lan", 1999. - 112 p.

3. Durova. How to teach children to hear and pronounce sounds correctly /. - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, - 112 p.

4. Tumakov a preschooler with a sounding word / Ed. . - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006. - 144 p.

5. Fundamentals of speech therapy work with children: A textbook for speech therapists, kindergarten teachers, teachers, students of pedagogical schools / Ed. ed. d.p.n., prof. . - 2nd ed., Rev. - M .: ARKTI, 2003. - 240 p. 6., Filicheva teaching children with underdevelopment of the phonemic structure of speech. M., 1978.

7. Tkachenko notebook. Development of phonemic perception and sound analysis skills. SPb., 1998.

8. Gorchakova of phonemic processes in children with speech disorders // Modern trends in special pedagogy and psychology: Scientific works of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Modern trends in special pedagogy and psychology" - Samara, SGPU, 2003 - p.70-83

9.Dyakova and correction of phonemic perception in preschoolers.

10. Seliverstov games with children. - M .: VLADOS, 1994 - 344 p.

11. Tkachenko notebook. Development of phonemic perception and sound analysis skills. SPb., 1998.

12. Shvachkin phonemic perception of speech at an early age. // Izvestiya APP RSFSR, issue 13. 1948. - S.101-133.

13. Beltyukov analyzers in the process of perception and assimilation of oral speech. - M.: Pedagogy, 1977. - 176s.

Topic: "Correction of the speech of preschool children by means of game technologies".

Rationale for the chosen topic:

The topic: "Correction of the speech of preschool children by means of gaming technologies" has become relevant today.

The federal state educational standard for preschool education defines targets, i.e. social and psychological characteristics of the child's personality at the stage of completion of preschool education, among which speech occupies one of the central places, as an independently formed function, namely: by the end of preschool education, the child understands oral speech well and can express his thoughts and desires.

To achieve the targets, systematic prevention and correction of speech disorders in children is necessary. But the information density of the preschool stage of teaching children and preparing them for school is so great that it imposes a complex of complex tasks on the speech therapist teacher, the search for such forms and methods of work to correct speech disorders that would be effective, but would not overload the child.

This form can only be the game. In a playful way, complex and, at times, uninteresting speech therapy exercises become an exciting task for the child.

The federal state educational standard of preschool education classifies play and communication as the main activities of children, therefore, game communication is the necessary basis within which the formation and improvement of the child's speech activity takes place.

game method This is the main method of working with children. During games, children master the skills and abilities of correct speech, as well as other activities. The game makes the learning process itself emotional, effective, allowing the child to get his own experience.

Target: improve your professional level


  1. The study of modern approaches to the use of gaming technologies in speech correction of preschool children.
  2. Planning work on the use of gaming technologies.
  3. Describe the forms and methods of working with children and parents using gaming technologies.
  4. To introduce a system of work on the use of gaming technologies in the correction of the speech of preschool children, the dissemination of positive experience.
  1. Professional and pedagogical activity.
  2. Methodical work. Replenishment of the teacher's methodical piggy bank.
  3. The study of special literature.
  4. Generalization of practical experience on the topic, dissemination of positive work experience.

1. Professional and pedagogical activity:

Name of events Timing
1. Develop and approve the annual work plan of the teacher-speech therapist for the 2014-2015 academic year. October.
2. Study and analyze:
GEF preschool education. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 10/17/13. No. 1155
3. To systematize practical material, Internet resources for the introduction of gaming technologies in correctional and developmental speech therapy work During the school year.
4. Develop a creative practice-oriented project: "We play together, have fun, we fix the sounds of speech"
For children and parents of the preparatory group.
5. Project plan work
— Creative workshop: “We make with our own hands”
- Workshop: "Game articulation gymnastics - The Tale of a cheerful tongue"
- Playing directly educational activity "Let's play with our favorite sound" (children, parents, speech therapist, educators)
— Consultation for parents: "The role of play in the development of children's speech"
- Workshop: "Let's play together" (children, parents, speech therapist)
- Playing directly educational activity "We will cope with difficult sounds effortlessly" (children, parents, speech therapist teacher)
— Consultation: “Who said that matches are not toys for children?”
- Creative competition "The first sound and the letter of my name"
— Speech therapy entertainment "Engine from Igro-Land"
– Multimedia presentation summarizing the experience of the project: “We play together, have fun, we fix the sounds of speech”
October - May.
6. Correction of children's speech by means of gaming technologies in individual-subgroup classes.
  • articulation games.
  • Games for the development of fine and general motor skills.
  • Game complexes of respiratory gymnastics.
  • Didactic games for correcting sound pronunciation, vocabulary, coherent speech.
During the school year.

2. Methodical work. Replenishment of the teacher's methodical piggy bank.

Name of events Timing
1. Participation in the regional competition of methodological developments "Organization of project activities in the educational process of children of preschool and primary school age" TOIPKRO Tomsk
Creative practice-oriented project: "We play together, have fun, fix the sounds of speech"
2. Participation in the regional competition for teachers “Creativity. Cooperation. Search» TOIPKRO Tomsk.
Methodical development of speech therapy entertainment.
Theme: Engine from "Igroland"
3. Making a travel folder for parents of children
3-4, 4-5 years old. Game articulation gymnastics:
"Cat Music"
4. GCD at a speech therapy lesson as part of a methodological week: “Let's play with sound W» December
4. Systematization and addition of portfolio with materials on the use of gaming technology. During a year.
5. Consultation: "Game health-saving technologies in the correctional and developmental process of preschool educational institutions" January
5. Prepare theoretical material on the topic of self-education. February
6. Participation in the work of the RMO of teachers-speech therapists and teachers-psychologists MBDOU Kargasoksky district.
  • Consultation "Game as a means of developing and correcting the speech of preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard"
  • Business game: "Fair of speech games"
7. Creating a presentation on the topic of self-education. March
8. Preparation of materials for the website of MBDOU d / s No. 3 "Teremok" on the topic: "The use of gaming technologies in correctional and developmental, speech therapy work" During a year
9. Creation of a card index of games for individual subgroup lessons. During a year

3. The study of special literature.

Name of events Timing
1. Studying materials on sites:
  • Children's portal "Sunshine"
  • Magazine "Speech therapist"
During a year
  • Bobyleva Z.T. Games with paired cards, sounds R, L. Board speech therapy games for children 5-7 years old. - M .: LLC "Publishing house GNOM and D", 2007.
  • Bobyleva Z.T. Games with paired cards, sounds C, Z, C. Board speech therapy games for children 5-7 years old. - M .: LLC "Publishing house GNOM and D", 2007.
  • Bobyleva Z.T. Games with paired cards, sounds Sh, Zh, Ch, Shch. Board speech therapy games for children 5-7 years old. - M .: LLC "Publishing house GNOM and D", 2007.
  • Vasilyeva S.A., Sokolova N.V. Speech therapy games for preschoolers. - M .: Publishing house "School-Press", 2001.
  • Gromova O.E. Speech therapy lotto, we learn the sound of J. - M .: OOO "TTssfera" 2013.
  • Gromova O.E. Speech therapy lotto, we learn the sound of Z. - M .: LLC "TCSfera" 2013.
  • Gromova O.E. Speech therapy lotto, learn the sound L-L. - M .: LLC "TCSfera" 2013.
  • Gromova O.E. Speech therapy lotto, learn the sound R-R. - M .: LLC "TCSfera" 2013.
  • Gromova O.E. Speech therapy loto, we learn the sound of S. - M .: LLC "TCSfera" 2013.
  • Gromova O.E. Speech therapy loto, we learn the sound of Ts. - M .: OOO "TTssfera" 2013
  • Gromova O.E. Speech therapy lotto, we learn the sound of Sh. - M .: LLC "TCSfera" 2013.
  • Lazorenko O.I. Logopedic lotto-mosaic. - M .: Publishing house "ARKTI" 2001.
  • Matykina I.A. Parents and children have all clothes from coins. Logopedic lotto - Website:
  • Matykina I.A. Soccer ball. Logopedic lotto. — Website:
  • Tkachenko T.A. Logopedic lotto with pictures. - M: LLC "Publishing house" Eksmo ", 2014.

4. Generalization of practical experience on the topic, dissemination of positive work experience.

Name of events Timing
1. Studying the experience of a speech therapist teacher
Matykina I.A.

Individual plan for self-education

teachers - speech therapistDOW

for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Information about yourself:

FULL NAME. ___________________________________________

Year and place of birth : ________________________________________

Education: higher, ___________________________________________-.

Year of ending: _____________-G.

Diploma specialty : teacher speech therapist.

Place of work: MADOU "_____________________________________".

Job title : teacher speech therapist.

General experience : ___ years; teaching experience: ____ years; experience in this position: ____ years.

Date of assignment: ___________ 20___.

Refresher courses:

Refresher courses for kindergarten teachers on the topic: "__________________________________________", name of the university, _____ ac. h, certificate No. __________ dated _________________

Methodical theme: Stimulation of speech activity through the development of fine motor skills of the hand.

Theme development timeline : from 2012 to 2017

The purpose of self-education :

improvement of the methodological basis, level of qualification, professional skills and competence.


Raise your own level of knowledge;

Develop a long-term plan for working with children;

Conduct diagnostics at the beginning and end of the academic year;

Organize the work of the circle on the topic, create a working curriculum;

To arrange a speech activity center in the group and in the office;

Prepare and conduct consultations for teachers and parents on the topic;

Participate in seminars, conferences, webinars of various forms and levels;

Conduct a master class for teachers and parents on the topic.

Rationale for the chosen topic .

The number of pupils with speech disorders increases from year to year, the degree of manifestation of a speech defect is aggravated, so the problem of stimulating speech development is very relevant. The speech of the child is formed in the process of communication with his peers and adults around him.

The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education defines targets, among which speech occupies one of the central places, as an independently formed function, namely: by the end of preschool education, the child understands oral speech well and can express his thoughts and desires.

In this regard, one of the main tasks of a teacher - a speech therapist of a preschool educational institution is the organization of a single educational process with the interaction of specialists (teacher - speech therapist, teachers of groups of all ages of the kindergarten, teacher - psychologist, music directors, physical education instructor) and parents in order to create effective conditions for the full development of the child's speech.

The tool for stimulating speech development is work to improve the motor sphere of the child: general and fine.

The result of the work should be high results in the development of the kindergarten program, a good quality of preschool training, in particular, speech, the creation of methodological tools (recommendations, booklets, consultations, manuals for parents, teachers, pupils for further support and improvement of speech function).

self-education- one of the forms of advanced training of teachers, independent systematic training. The choice of a methodological topic is determined by the degree of its relevance for the teacher, the preschool educational institution, the level of the teacher's knowledge of the scientific and theoretical base and the practical skills necessary in pedagogical activity, knowledge of issues of psychology, didactics, and the theory of education.

Self Education Plan.

    Professional and pedagogical activity.


    Timely identification of children with special developmental needs, history taking, development of questionnaires and questioning, the formation of correction groups, the development of an individual route for correcting the speech of each child.

    Beginning of the school year

    In tech. of the year

    Creation of an accessible, safe, variable, multifunctional subject-developing environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

    During a year

    Online counseling of parents on issues of speech development through communication on the pages of the teacher's personal website - a speech therapist, the kindergarten website on the Electronic Education portal, on-line classes of the Hand in Hand elective for children with disabilities, in personal correspondence.

    During a year

    Assistance to music directors in preparing children for matinees, festivals, competitions.

    According to the DOW plan

    Preparing children for competitions - readers, creative competitions, olympiads, quizzes on teaching literacy, Russian language, literary genre

    During a year

    Development of scenarios and holding events together with teachers of preschool educational institutions: entertainment, master classes, pedagogical projects, exhibitions, quizzes, competitions, councils, teachers' councils.

    During a year

    Consultations for parents: group and individual: "FGOS DO on speech development", "Law on education in the Russian Federation", "Causes of speech disorders", "Manifestations of speech disorders", "Conditions for full-fledged speech development", "The norm of speech development: how to to achieve?”, “Articulation gymnastics: with or without it”, “Interaction at all levels”, “Hand in hand”, “Speech and motor skills”, “How to start working on correcting sound pronunciation”, “Do no harm”, “What I know about my child", "Speech breathing: what is it?", "Voice formation", "Dictation or fiction", "Targets", "Unity of requirements in kindergarten and family: developing a strategy", "How to make children's speech figurative and expressive"

    During a year

    "Joint file cabinet" - selection, search, production, creation of didactic games, manuals that can be used both in kindergarten and at home. Forms of work: round table, creative workshop, search in stores, on the Internet, joint projects.

    During a year

    Seminars - workshops, integrated classes for the development of breathing, voice, intonation and motor skills of a preschooler

    During a year

    Seminars - workshops "Methods and techniques for the development of coherent speech by improving the motor sphere of the child"

    September, January, May

    During a year

    "Prevention of dysgraphia in children 5-7 years old" - preparing the child for writing and developing fine motor skills

    During a year

    Implementation of the "Hand in Hand" project - pedagogical support for parents of children with speech difficulties

    During a year

    Preparing and conducting PMPK: developing a scenario and conducting the release of children from a speech therapy group, examining children in the middle group, enrolling children in speech therapy groups for the next academic year

    Summarizing work experience on a methodological topic: introspection of classes, a report on the work done, monitoring the development of a child, maintaining diagnostic cards, developing recommendations for parents and teachers on the topic, publications in collections, on educational sites, portals, participation in full-time and correspondence conferences, seminars, webinars, competitions - Mercibo, VseWebinars, SC Sphere, Prodlenka.

    During a year

    Participation in the work of RMO speech therapists

    According to the RMO plan

    Availability, maintenance, updating of a personal website


    Classes on-line elective "Hand in hand" for children with disabilities in the system of E-education in the Republic of Tatarstan


    1. Creative cooperation with teachers of preschool educational institutions, elementary school, other social institutions that accompany the development of the child on the topic.

    During a year

    Methodical work.

Replenishment of the methodological piggy bank, generalization and dissemination of practical experience on the topic.


The study of new programs and manuals on the topic and related sciences and disciplines.


The study of legal documentation on issues of preschool education: Law of the Russian Federation of 09/01/2013. "On education"; Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 N 1155 "On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education"; Decree of May 15, 2013 N 26 on the approval of SanPin "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations"; Approximate basic educational program of the preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 111", ed. E.G. Yudina.

Beginning of the year, regularly

Development and approval of the annual work plan, the work program of the speech therapist teacher for the 2015-2016 academic year


Mastering the methodological base, methodological literature, familiarization with available and proven Internet resources, summarizing the experience of teachers on the problem.

Throughout the period

Development of a correction program for the academic year.

Beginning of the year

Creation of an electronic database: tutorials, presentations, literature on the topic, regulatory documentation, educational games, file cabinets.

During a year

Decoration of stands, groups, office with screens, memos, booklets: “Today in class”, “Our dexterous fingers”, “Fingers can speak”, “Speech and movement”.

During a year

Development of scenarios for joint events with children and their parents as part of the Hand in Hand project.

During a year

Preparation for holding matinees, festivals, competitions.

Development of scenarios for joint activities with teachers of preschool educational institutions: entertainment, master classes, pedagogical projects, exhibitions, quizzes, competitions, councils, teachers' councils.

During a year

Preparation of consulting material for parents on the topics: “FSES DO on speech development”, “Law on education in the Russian Federation”, “Causes of speech disorders”, “Manifestations of speech disorders”, “Conditions for full-fledged speech development”, “The norm of speech development: how to to achieve?”, “Articulation gymnastics: with or without it”, “Interaction at all levels”, “Hand in hand”, “Speech and motor skills”, “How to start working on correcting sound pronunciation”, “Do no harm”, “What I know about my child", "Speech breathing: what is it?", "Voice formation", "Dictation or fiction", "Targets", "Unity of requirements in kindergarten and family: developing a strategy", "How to make children's speech figurative and expressive."

During a year

"Joint card index" - creation of a card index and a database of didactic games, manuals for use in kindergarten and at home.

During a year

Development of methods and techniques for the development of coherent speech by improving the motor sphere of the child

During a year

"The role of a children's book in the speech development of a child" - the creation of baby books on the topic of the week together with children and their parents. Exhibition of produced books.

During a year

Development of a program for the prevention of dysgraphia in children aged 5-7 years (preparing the child for writing and developing fine motor skills)

During a year

Making the project "Hand in Hand" - pedagogical support for parents of children with speech difficulties

During a year

Preparation and conduct of the PMPK: development of a scenario for the release of children, filling out documentation for the PMPK, a report

Independent development of methodological materials of various levels and nature.

During a year

Summarizing work experience on a methodological topic: introspection of classes, a report on the work done, monitoring the development of a child, maintaining diagnostic cards, developing recommendations for parents and teachers on the topic, publications in collections, on educational sites, portals, participation in full-time and correspondence conferences, seminars, webinars, competitions - Mercibo, VseWebinars, SC Sphere, Prodlenka, Teacher.

During a year

Training, advanced training courses, webinars, conferences, self-education on the problem of "Speech and motor skills".


Participation in the republican competition "50 best innovative ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan" with the competitive work "Program for stimulating the child's speech activity through the development of fine motor skills of the hand" in the nomination "Preschool education".

Systematization and replenishment of the portfolio with materials on the topic of self-education.


Participation in the methodological assets of the RMO of teachers - speech therapists: development of a work program, selection of topics for meetings of the RMO of teachers - speech therapists

According to the plan of Art. speech therapist

Maintaining the site of the preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 111" in the Electronic Education system in the Republic of Tatarstan


Availability of a personal site: maintaining, updating, improving, monitoring, self-reporting.


Publications of systematized pedagogical experience in collections, on the Prodlenka portal, Info-lesson, Video-lesson, Speech therapy for everyone, Logopedia.bu, Logoportal, Multi-lesson, I am a teacher, Open lesson ".


Work online elective "Hand in hand": involvement of participants (parents of children with disabilities), updating materials, support in matters of speech development of preschoolers.


3. The study of special literature.

Studying and posting materials on sites:

    Children's portal "Solnyshko", "Speech therapist" magazine,, "Prodlenka", "Info-lesson", "Video-lesson", "Speech therapy for everyone", "Logopedia.bu", "Logoportal", "Multi-lesson", "I am a teacher", "Open lesson", http://festival.1september .ru/articles/417088/ (Self-education of teachers as one of the factors for improving the quality of work with preschoolers).

The study of periodicals, methodological literature.

    Library of the journal "Educator of the preschool educational institution: Interaction of teachers of the preschool educational institution with parents."

    Bolshakova S. E. Formation of fine motor skills of hands: Games and exercises. - M .: TC Sphere, 2006.

    Bot O. S. Formation of fine finger movements in children with general underdevelopment of speech // Defectology. - 1983. - No. 1.

    Vasilyeva S.A., Sokolova N.V. Speech therapy games for preschoolers. - M.: Publishing house "School-Press", 2001.

    Vorobieva L.V. Educational games for preschoolers. - St. Petersburg: Ed. House "Litera", 2006.

    Vorobieva T. A., Krupenchuk O. I. Ball and speech. - St. Petersburg: Delta, 2001.

    Golubina T.S. What does the cell teach? M., Mosaic - synthesis, 2001.

    Ermakova I. A. We develop fine motor skills in babies. - St. Petersburg: Ed. House "Litera", 2006.

    Journal "Handbook of the senior teacher of a preschool institution." 2007. No. 2. S. 37-41; article "Self-education of teachers in preschool educational institutions". Author: K.Yu.Belaya, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Preschool Education, Moscow Institute of Open Education, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation.

    Zvereva O.L., Krotova T.V. "Parent meetings in preschool."

    Konovalenko S.V., Kremenskaya M.I. Development of the psycho-physiological base of speech in preschool children with developmental disorders. St. Petersburg, Detstvo-press, 2012

    Krupenchuk O. I. Finger games. - St. Petersburg: Ed. house "Litera", 2007.

    Krupenchuk O.I. Preparing a hand for writing: contour, line, color. SPb. 2005

    Krupenchuk O.I. We train fingers - we develop speech: a preparatory group for kindergarten. St. Petersburg, ID Litera, 2009

    Lopukhina I. S. Speech therapy - speech, rhythm, movement: A guide for speech therapists and parents. - St. Petersburg: IChP "Hardford", 1996.

    Discoveries: Approximate basic educational program of preschool education / E.G. Yudin. - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis. - 2015 - 160s.

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In a preschool educational institution, for conducting individual and subgroup classes, a speech therapist teacher is allocated an office that must meet certain sanitary and hygienic requirements. The office is equipped and designed in accordance with the recommendations set forth in the regulatory documents.

In order to systematize and take into account teaching aids, literature, a speech therapist draws up a passport for a speech therapy room (a passport is issued regardless of whether the speech therapist has a separate room, or occupies part of a group room, or part of any other room).

The passport, which is a notebook (album, magazine), lists all the equipment in the office, visual materials, educational and methodological aids, games, teaching aids, educational literature, etc. Instead of a speech therapy room passport, it is possible to draw up a file cabinet.

Scheme of the passport of a speech therapy room

The need for continuous improvement of professional skills of teachers of special educational institutions is due to the modernization of correctional education, the improvement of scientific and practical approaches to the diagnosis and correction of various forms of speech disorders.

Self-education, being one of the main means of improving professional skills, allows you to solve a number of problems and difficulties that a speech therapist has in the course of correctional and pedagogical activities.

Choosing a topic for self-education is a crucial moment. The discrepancy between the topic of individual self-education of a speech therapist and objectively existing personal professional needs does not bring the desired result. Therefore, a speech therapist is recommended to choose the main (cross-cutting) topic for self-educational activity, which will allow solving problems and overcoming the difficulties that arose at a certain stage of correctional and pedagogical work.

The study of the chosen topic involves the preparation of a plan, one of the options for which is given below.

Self-education plan for a speech therapist

Full name _ on 2()0_/00_ account. year

Theme "Dysarthria: erased or minimal forms of its manifestation"

Rationale for the chosen topic

Currently, many speech disorders in preschool children are complicated by mild (“erased”) forms of dysarthria.

Erased dysarthria is a speech disorder of central origin, characterized by combinatory multiple disturbances in the process of motor implementation of speech activity (articulation, diction, voice, facial expressions, melodic-intonational side of speech). The leading link in the structure of the speech defect is persistent phonetic disorders due to insufficient innervation of certain groups of muscles of the articulatory apparatus. The unformed sound pronunciation negatively affects the formation of other aspects of speech. The state of non-speech functions and a number of mental processes in these children is also characterized by qualitative originality.

The number of children with erased dysarthria tends to increase significantly, since it is rather difficult to treat with speech therapy, and often has residual effects. Therefore, the problem of early prevention and complex (medical, psychological, speech therapy) correction of this form of dysarthria seems to me very relevant today.

Plan for studying the topic.

The problem of studying the erased form of dysarthria in children in the works of domestic scientists.

Clinical and physiological aspects of this form of dysarthria.

Examination of children with an erased form of dysarthria. Issues of differential diagnosis.

A systematic approach to the correction of this speech pathology (medical, psychological, pedagogical, speech therapy impact).

Selection and approbation of the most effective methods and techniques of corrective and speech therapy impact on the elimination of erased dysarthria.

List of literature for self-study

Arkhipova E.F. Erased dysarthria in children. M., 2006.

Wiesel T.G. Anomalies of speech development of the child. M., 1995.

Volkova GL. Methods of psychological and logopedic examination of children with speech disorders. Issues of differential diagnosis. SPb., 2005.

Gurovets G.V., Maevskaya SI. On the issue of diagnosing erased forms of pseudobulbar dysarthria / Problems of speech therapy. M., 1978.

speech therapy. Proc. allowance / Ed. L.S. Volkova. M., 1989.

Paramonova L.G. speech therapy for everyone. SPb., 1997.

Povalyaeva ML. Handbook of a speech therapist. Rostov n/a, 2002.

Innovative and professional activities upon completion of the study of the topic

Prepare a message for educators and specialists of preschool educational institutions, parents on the problem "Modern approaches to the prevention and correction of the erased form of dysarthria in children."

To systematize the material, modify and test games, exercises for the development of the prosodic side of speech in a child with an erased form of dysarthria.

Issue a manual on differential diagnosis "Differences between functional dyslalia and erased dysarthria."

The influence of professional skills on the results of corrective work with children

Comparative analysis of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the results of correctional work for 2-3 years.

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