Weakness in the legs - causes and treatment. Symptoms of what diseases can be muscle weakness and trembling in the legs. What makes your legs and arms shake?

Tremor (trembling) is a rhythmic contraction, and then muscle relaxation. Such movements are unconscious. It is assumed that a person cannot independently control the actions of muscles.

What is a tremor?

Tremor can be a pathology that requires treatment, and a temporary violation of the central nervous system.

Tremors of the extremities (upper and lower), as well as the trunk, involve movements with a frequency of up to ten repetitions per second. This assumes a constant adjustment of the motor system of the human body, regardless of whether the person is at rest or moving. Strong emotions, heavy loads always lead to increased tremor.

People most often experience tremors in the limbs. Such a pathology has a direct connection with impaired motor activity, which should be disassembled for reasons, developmental features. Among the possible risks is bad genetics, but sometimes serious illness leads to problems.

What are the causes of tremor?

If the problem bothers you for more than two weeks, and there is a lack of connection with physical activity, emotional state, you should undergo a diagnosis and understand what pathological processes develop in the body.

Pathological tremor can develop against the background of a serious illness and some other symptoms. In most cases, trembling of the upper and lower extremities does not go away on its own during pathological processes, after that, care should be taken to conduct effective treatment.

What is a tremor?

  1. Side effects of drugs. In this case, irregular movements in the fingers are caused by chemicals, some types of drugs. Symptomatic treatment is expected. After consultation with a physician, it may be necessary to refuse the drug used. In most cases, among the side effects of the medication, tremor is initially listed, so reading the instructions allows you to understand whether there is an adverse risk or it is absent.
  2. Hormonal disorders. With an excess of thyroid hormones, trembling of the hands and tongue can occur when protruding. Other signs of thyroid dysfunction include restlessness, irritability, thinning hair, increased sweating, sudden weight loss, and rapid heartbeat.
  3. Alcoholic tremor. A similar reason leads to trembling of the head, body, spreading of the fingers. A person is able to complain not only of a tremor, but also of a hangover in the morning. Alcohol tremor manifests itself only at the advanced stage of alcoholism.
  4. With Parkinson's disease Resting tremor may occur. In this case, the trembling of the upper limbs can be compared with the movements that are carried out during the counting of coins. When a person tries to make a conscious movement, the tremor becomes smaller or disappears completely. Among the features of the symptom, asymmetry should be noted: one leg (arm) trembles.
  5. Essential tremor, which occurs during action, occurs only during motor activity. In most cases, it manifests itself in older people, and the cause was originally laid down at the genetic level.
  6. Tremor of limbs in newborns. Many parents note that a newborn baby may experience twitching of the limbs. In most cases, this symptom is due to the immature state of the nervous system, the lack of experience in coordinating motor activity. However, if the tremor manifests itself on an ongoing basis, 3 months or more, hyperglycemia, increased, sepsis can be suspected. In such an unfavorable scenario, it is recommended to undergo a preliminary diagnosis with a doctor and understand how to proceed in the future.

What are the symptoms of the disease?

Rhythmic movements of the arms and legs are visible to the naked eye. The doctor can easily make a diagnosis. Among the manifestations are trembling of the hands in an outstretched position, twitching of the legs. However, in complex cases, it is recommended to conduct high-speed shooting or use a thermograph to fix the trembling of the limbs simultaneously in three planes. The doctor may order laboratory tests to assess the condition of the thyroid gland and further determine the treatment strategy.

How is the treatment carried out?

If the disease is not dangerous and malignant, relaxation procedures are recommended to relieve nervous tension. With this approach, the tremor can go away in the shortest possible time. The doctor can prescribe a course of breathing exercises, taking sedatives, and conducting special baths.

Treatment in a pathological process requires increased responsibility.

  1. The mild form of the disease suggests the need to prevent staying in uncomfortable positions. It is undesirable for a person to keep objects near the body, to take things tightly.
  2. Drug treatment with beta-blockers to reduce the amplitude of trembling of the limbs or completely eliminate the pathology is usually prescribed if the disease interferes with a person at home or at work. It should be noted that this category of drugs can be addictive, therefore it is recommended to use the drug only in certain situations.
  3. Small doses of alcohol can eliminate trembling. However, the constant use of alcoholic beverages can lead to alcoholism.
  4. Surgery is recommended in extremely severe cases, when a person is at risk of disability. The operation involves stimulating the cerebellum with an electric current.

Pathological tremor is almost impossible to cure, but in the XXI century it is possible to resort to drug treatment and the use of neurosurgical techniques, thanks to which a person gets a chance to become a full member of society.

Why does a person suddenly begin to tremble hands or feet? “Overworked, nervous, stressed!” - most often habitually we brush aside. And in most cases, we are right.

But tremors (shaking) can be a symptom of more serious problems. Word - to our expert, neurologist, psychotherapist Igor Mikhalev.

Stress or tension?

Situations in which the tremor is benign in nature occur constantly in life. In this case, the trembling passes by itself within a short time. For example, a person worked out in the gym or worked wholeheartedly in the garden. The result is a natural muscle fatigue. Moreover, the worse a person is prepared physically, the more unusual for the body muscle loads, the higher the chance of tremor. Think of it as a sign of stress. Naturally, in such cases, no treatment is required. The man rested, and the tremor passed by itself.

Other everyday situations in which a single manifestation of a tremor is normal and should not cause much concern are caused by stress. For example, a strong fear. The hands may also tremble, and the head will involuntarily begin to make rhythmic movements resembling nods: “yes-yes”, “no-no”. And the voice treacherously "jumps". These variants of emotional manifestation are also understandable: as a result of stress, a huge amount of hormones are released into the blood and a large load is placed on the nervous system. So some of us begin to shake.

Don't care and forget?

Single manifestations of benign tremor are not dangerous. Another thing is if it occurs repeatedly after psycho-emotional stress. If the problem recurs periodically, especially at rest, this is a serious reason to go to the doctor.

Primary diagnosis is simple - the tremor is determined visually. A competent doctor should take the patient's complaint with all responsibility, even if there is no trembling at the patient's appointment (as luck would have it). After all, it can be a sign of much more significant neurological disorders.

In any case, you need to start with the simplest measures - rest, elementary observance of the regime. Sometimes a doctor may recommend taking simple sedatives. If the tremor passes, the conclusion is simple: learn to rest!

"Kolotun" from pills and alcohol

You need to relax classically - walking, light physical activity. The "male formula" of rest - alcohol, or the "female" one - with uncontrolled intake of sedatives - are unacceptable, since they themselves can cause tremors. Especially for those who have already encountered the problem of trembling in stressful situations.

Tremor can also be the result of poisoning with toxic substances. The most common of these are alcohol and drugs. By the way, the notorious alcoholic tremor usually disappears in 20 minutes after taking a fresh "foot". At the same time, alcohol intoxication in its consequences is sometimes much “richer” than drug intoxication.

Antipsychotics can also lead to tremors. Some patients like to prescribe them on their own as a sedative. Or here's an example from the recent "pharmaceutical" past: about two decades ago, a number of drugs for reduction included an antipsychotic. The person only wanted to correct the pressure, but received an additional problem: against the background of intoxication, the nervous system was damaged.

Moreover, excessive addiction to drugs can lead not just to tremors, but to Parkinson's disease. More precisely, to the so-called medicinal. So it is better not to bring yourself to such a state.

In some cases, the treatment of tremors in the legs and hands is aimed at eliminating the causes of this symptom - when possible. And such a possibility exists in the initial stages of chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency: regulation of blood pressure in patients with hypertension with antihypertensive drugs, the use of antiarrhythmic drugs, etc. The therapy of this symptom in chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency is to maintain a sufficient level of cerebral circulation.

Ginkgo Biloba (Bilobil, Memoplant) - an antioxidant herbal preparation (capsules with Ginkgo Biloba leaf extract) - has a complex positive effect on many body systems, primarily on vascular tone, on general and cerebral blood flow, as well as on the synthesis of norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine. With dyscirculatory encephalopathy, the drug is recommended to be taken with meals (as it should be washed down with water) - one capsule 1-2 times a day; duration of use - up to three months.

In order to improve cerebral blood flow, drugs such as Piracetam (other trade names: Piramem, Cerebropan, Cyclocetam, Eumental, Gabatset, Pyrroxil, etc.) continue to be used in capsules (0.4 g each) or tablets (0.2 g each) . This drug contributes to the activation of cerebral circulation and redox processes in the brain, increases the synthesis of dopamine. This explains its use both in chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency and in parkinsonism of vascular etiology. Dosage recommended by doctors: 0.4 g three times a day (before meals); the maximum daily dose varies depending on the intensity of the manifestation of trembling in the extremities, but should not exceed 4.8 g; duration of treatment - from 1-1.5 months to six months, with a repetition of the course after 8 weeks.

Drug therapy for hyperthyroidism involves the appointment by an endocrinologist of appropriate agents that suppress the production of thyroid hormones. Also, the treatment can be surgical and consists in thyroidectomy - removal of the thyroid gland (partial or complete).

If the symptoms of essential trembling (congenital Minor's syndrome) are mild, no treatment is required. However, in domestic neurology, it is practiced to prescribe a 5% solution of pyridoxine (vitamin B6) by intramuscular injection of 4-8 ml per day for 30 days, with a repetition of the course of injections twice a year.

Symptomatic treatment of tremors of the legs and hands is carried out with drugs from the group of beta-blockers used in the treatment of hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia and myocardial infarction. By blocking the binding of adrenaline to other hormones, these drugs reduce their effect on beta-adrenergic receptors, reducing the body's response to stress. Most neurologists prescribe patients Propranolol or Nadolol, as well as anticonvulsants, such as Hexamidin.

Tableted Propranolol (synonyms - Anaprilin, Inderal, Betadren, Dociton, Elanol, Naprilin, etc.) is recommended to take 20 mg twice (regardless of food). The duration of the course of therapy is determined by the doctor. Nadolone (Anabet, Betadol, Solgol) is taken orally once a day for 40 mg. Both drugs have contraindications: bronchial asthma, a tendency to bronchospasm, sinus bradycardia, pulmonary hypertension. During pregnancy and lactation, these drugs are strictly contraindicated.

The anticonvulsant Hexamidin (Primidon, Mizolin, Deoxyphenobarbitone, Prilepsin, etc.) is taken orally, the standard dose is 0.125 g in 1-2 doses; the maximum single dose is 0.75 g, the daily dose is 2 g. This drug is contraindicated in pathologies of the kidneys, liver and hematopoietic system; causes side effects in the form of dizziness, headache, drowsiness, skin rashes, a decrease in the level of erythrocytes and leukocytes in the blood.

When legs and arms tremble with incurable Parkinson's disease, only symptomatic drug therapy is carried out using a number of special drugs. One of them - Levodopa (Carbidopa, Levokom) - reduces tremors when prescribing a standard dose - half a tablet (125 mg) 1-2 times a day or a tablet (250 mg) a day or every other day (during meals). The use of this drug may be accompanied by a dystonic condition, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, impaired appetite and stool, problems with urination, dry mouth, abdominal pain, hives, drowsiness or insomnia, weakness, visual disturbances, confusion, etc.

Weakens movement disorders in patients with Parkinson's disease, the medication Pramipexol (Pramiprex, Miraxol, Mirapex) produced in tablets of 0.375 mg, which slows down the destruction of dopaminergic neurons of the brain and has a stimulating effect on the receptors of this neurotransmitter. The recommended standard dose is one tablet (once a day); the dose may be increased by the attending physician every week (taking into account the occurrence of side effects) up to a maximum daily dose of 12 tablets (4.5 mg). However, the list of side effects of this drug is extremely extensive, including sleep disturbances, hallucinations, memory lapses, depression with suicidal thoughts, decreased blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, shortness of breath, inflammation of the nasopharynx, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, pain of various localization and many others.

Cyclodol (Trihexyphenidyl, Parkopan, Parkinsan, Romparkin, Tremin, etc.) reduces the symptoms of trembling of the legs and arms due to its anticholinergic effect. Neurologists prescribe this drug for Parkinson's disease and other pathologies of the extrapyramidal system. Tablets (0.001 g, 0.002 and 0.005 g each) are taken after meals - 0.0005-0.001 g per day; the doctor prescribes a gradual dose increase scheme up to a maximum daily dose of 0.02 g. Cyclodol is not used for glaucoma, erratic atrial contraction, persistent increase in blood pressure and atherosclerosis. Possible side effects of the drug are expressed in dry mouth, ophthalmic disorders, increased heart rate.

Why does a person suddenly begin to tremble hands or feet? “Overworked, nervous, stressed!” - most often we habitually brush aside. And in most cases, we are right.

But tremors (shaking) can be a symptom of more serious problems. Word to our expert neurologist, psychotherapist Igor Mikhalev.

Situations in which the tremor is benign in nature occur constantly in life. In this case, the trembling passes by itself within a short time. For example, a person worked out in the gym or worked wholeheartedly in the garden. The result is a natural muscle fatigue. Moreover, the worse a person is prepared physically, the more unusual for the body muscle loads, the higher the chance of tremor. Think of it as a sign of stress. Naturally, in such cases, no treatment is required. The man rested, and the tremor passed by itself.

Other everyday situations in which a single manifestation of a tremor is normal and should not cause much concern are caused by stress. For example, a strong fear. The hands may also tremble, and the head will involuntarily begin to make rhythmic movements resembling nods: “yes-yes”, “no-no”. And the voice treacherously "jumps". These variants of emotional manifestation are also understandable: as a result of stress, a huge amount of hormones are released into the blood and a large load is placed on the nervous system. So some of us begin to shake.

Single manifestations of benign tremor are not dangerous. Another thing is if it occurs repeatedly after psycho-emotional stress. If the problem recurs periodically, especially at rest, this is a serious reason to go to the doctor.

Primary diagnosis is simple - the tremor is determined visually. A competent doctor should take the patient's complaint with all responsibility, even if there is no trembling at the patient's appointment (as luck would have it). After all, it can be a sign of much more significant neurological disorders.

In any case, you need to start with the simplest measures - rest, elementary observance of the regime. Sometimes a doctor may recommend taking simple sedatives. If the tremor passes, the conclusion is simple: learn to rest!

You need to relax classically - walking, light physical exertion. The "male formula" of rest - alcohol, or the "female" one - with uncontrolled intake of sedatives - are unacceptable, since they themselves can cause tremors. Especially for those who have already encountered the problem of trembling in stressful situations.

Tremor can also be the result of poisoning with toxic substances. The most common of these are alcohol and drugs. By the way, the notorious alcoholic tremor usually disappears in 20 minutes after taking a fresh "foot". At the same time, alcohol intoxication in its consequences is sometimes much “richer” than drug intoxication.

Antipsychotics can also lead to tremors. Some patients like to prescribe them on their own as a sedative. Or here is an example from the recent "pharmaceutical" past: about two decades ago, a number of drugs for lowering blood pressure included an antipsychotic. The person only wanted to correct the pressure, but received an additional problem: against the background of intoxication, the nervous system was damaged.

Moreover, excessive addiction to drugs can lead not just to tremors, but to Parkinson's disease. More precisely, to the so-called drug parkinsonism. So it is better not to bring yourself to such a state.

Read on social media!

Tremor, or hand trembling, is an unpleasant symptom that causes a lot of inconvenience to its owner. It is difficult for a person with trembling hands to perform precise movements (for example, thread through the eye of a needle or fasten small buttons), twitching of the fingertips is always noticeable to others. Why are the hands of young people shaking, is this always a reason to run to the doctor and how can you stop trembling: let's figure it out.

Hand trembling, the causes and treatment of which we will consider in this article, is quite common. Do not let the situation take its course if you notice that your fingers and hands are shaking. Be sure to check with:

therapist; psychologist; neurologist.

Specialists will be able to assess the nature of the trembling of the fingers, the causes and solutions to this problem. Why the hands of young girls and boys are shaking: below we will analyze the most common provoking factors.

Do you know the difference between intentional tremor and postural tremor? Learn about the types of tremors.

Read about the main causes of Parkinson's disease. Stages of pathology, treatment and prevention.

Any healthy person at least once in his life faced a situation in which his hands trembled. This may occur when:

strong physical activity; weight lifting; long run; a static posture that needs to be maintained for a long time; strong excitement; stress.

If your arms and legs are shaking after intense exercise, the cause may be a physiological tremor. Active physical activity can lead to muscle wasting and characteristic twitches. Usually this happens out of habit, with a lack of protein in the diet or after long exhausting workouts. In this case, doctors recommend including more low-fat meat and fish dishes in the daily diet, reducing the load and training endurance.

Under stress, the excitability of the nervous system increases, and nerve impulses transmit excitation to the muscles. Experts advise taking a few deep breaths and exhalations, try to calm down and pull yourself together. With prolonged stress, light sedative herbal preparations (Persen, valerian extract, etc.) will help.

Note! Physiological tremor differs from pathological in that, if we exclude an unfavorable factor (excitement, sports), it disappears on its own within a short time. If your hands continue to tremble for two weeks or more, it's most likely a health issue.

Juvenile tremor is another common cause of shaking hands in young people. This is a feature of the functioning of the nervous system in adolescence, which, as a rule, is inherited. It is characterized by a sudden, against the background of complete calm, trembling of one hand, which is then transmitted to the head and neck, tongue, torso, other arm and legs, and then just as suddenly disappears.

This condition does not harm the body, so usually doctors do not treat it. In exceptional cases, when the tremor is pronounced significantly, it is possible to prescribe tranquilizers or anticonvulsants.

Taking certain medications has such a side effect as increased peripheral nervous excitability and, as a result, hand trembling. These drugs include:

Cimetidine; Eufillin; some antipsychotics; lithium; antidepressants; psychostimulants.

Usually it is enough to cancel the treatment that caused the side effect, and hand trembling goes away on its own.

This symptom is often found in alcohol and drug addiction in a state of withdrawal (hangover). Why do the hands of a young man or girl who abuse alcohol or drugs tremble? The fact is that getting used to them causes a rough restructuring of the nervous system: the body literally requires a new "portion" of prohibited substances with a decrease in their concentration. With the development of nervous excitability, not only hands tremble, but noticeable nervousness and a desire to “hangover” as soon as possible appear. When taking alcohol and drugs, hand trembling noticeably decreases or disappears completely. The treatment of hangover syndrome in alcohol and drug addiction is handled by a narcologist.

The cerebellum is a part of the nervous system responsible for the accuracy and coordination of movements. Therefore, damage to the cerebellum is a disease in which the hands are shaking. This occurs when:

traumatic brain injury; poisoning with toxic substances; multiple sclerosis.

In this case, the trembling, on the contrary, increases with purposeful actions, for example, when a person reaches for some object, and almost completely disappears at rest. Correction of these disorders is carried out under the supervision of a neuropathologist and includes the use of neurotropic drugs, physiotherapy, etc.

Diseases accompanied by an increase in thyroid function can cause trembling of the hands and the tip of the tongue when protruding. The characteristic signs that allow to suspect hyperthyroidism are:

a sharp decrease in body weight; irritability and nervousness; tachycardia (rapid heartbeat); sweating.

If one or more symptoms from this list appear, contact an endocrinologist for further examination and treatment.

Diabetes mellitus can also cause hand tremors if the patient has injected himself with a high dose of insulin and has not eaten on time. Hypoglycemia (decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood) is accompanied by trembling in the limbs, a feeling of hunger, severe weakness, and drowsiness. In this case, it is enough to eat tightly or at least eat candy.

Find out why finger tremors occur. The main causes of hand trembling.

Do you know how to treat essential tremor? Manifestations and diagnosis of pathology.

All about the treatment of Parkinson's disease: rehabilitation and nutrition. What physical exercises help with the disease.

Tremor of the legs, as a rule, is a non-specific pathology that leads to serious disorders in humans. This symptom becomes the first signal of the possible presence of the disease and requires a mandatory thorough diagnosis and consultation with a doctor.

You can get a qualified consultation from a neurologist and undergo an examination using modern equipment at the Yusupov Hospital.

Leg tremor. Causes

Tremors of the limbs are involuntary uncontrolled movements caused by the rhythmic alternation of muscle contraction and relaxation. Tremor is considered the most common movement disorder in patients. Such a symptom is directly related to motor activity disorders and requires an analysis of the causes of occurrence and developmental characteristics.

If the tremor of the arms and legs in an adult bothers you for more than two weeks, you should seek help from a doctor. In the Yusupov hospital, patients with leg tremors are treated by neurologists. The doctor will diagnose and determine whether pathological processes occur in the patient's body. Leg tremors are less common than hand tremors. This is due to the fact that the load on the legs is stronger and there is difficulty in noticing the tremor itself.

Physiological tremor of the arms and legs can occur in situations of stress or other emotional outbursts that lead to overexcitation of the nervous system. The body produces norepinephrine, a hormone that causes the nervous system to become excited, which gives the effect of trembling limbs. The causes of this type of tremor can be:

  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • active smoking;
  • the use of products containing coffee;
  • stressful situations;
  • depression;
  • strong emotions, excitement;
  • in newborns with colic, teething;
  • in adolescents during puberty.

Physiological tremor is not a pathology and does not require treatment. Most often, it passes very quickly and does not bring significant discomfort to a person. If the tremor persists for more than two weeks, you should see a specialist. At the Yusupov hospital, patients with tremor symptoms are examined by neurologists.

Very often, tremor of the hands and feet is a symptom of more serious diseases. The causes of this type of tremor can be:

  • accumulation of copper in the organs and tissues of the body;
  • thyroid disease;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • poisoning with salts of heavy metals;
  • drug overdose;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • heredity;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical region;
  • brain tumors;
  • infectious diseases.

Tremor of the hands and feet in an adult

The most common tremor of the hands and feet from excitement, but there is another type of tremor, which indicates a serious illness. If symptoms of tremor are found, a neurologist should be consulted. In the Yusupov hospital, disease diagnostics are carried out using modern equipment to determine the most accurate results. To identify diseases with symptoms of tremor of the hands and feet, the following measures are taken:

  • video recording using the "Rapid" method, high frequency and slow projection of the recording allows you to determine the slightest changes in the position of the body;
  • tremography;
  • electromyography.

Qualified neurologists work in the Yusupov hospital, who, after the diagnosis, will select an effective treatment.

Leg tremor. Causes and treatment

In mild forms of the disease, doctors, as a rule, recommend general relaxation measures to relieve nervous tension. A neurologist may recommend yoga, breathing exercises, baths with soothing herbs, and sometimes sedatives.

If, after a detailed diagnosis, pathological abnormalities are detected, then long-term and high-quality treatment is required. Treatment of tremor of the hands and feet with a pathological deviation requires increased responsibility, namely:

  • in mild forms of the disease, the patient is advised not to be in uncomfortable positions, the presence of objects near the body is undesirable, and things cannot be squeezed strongly when grasping.
  • small doses of alcohol can help eliminate jitter. But one must not overdo it, since alcohol in large doses, on the contrary, will increase the tremor.
  • if the disease interferes with a person in the domestic sphere and the normal pace of life, medications are prescribed, namely beta-blockers. They reduce the amplitude of trembling of the hands and feet, and sometimes completely eliminate this symptom.
  • surgery is done only in extreme cases, when the tremor interferes with the normal functioning of a person. (For example, the patient cannot eat independently). The operation is performed by stimulating the cerebellum with electric current.

Previously, it was impossible to get rid of pathological tremor. But now, thanks to modern medicine and medications, it is possible to significantly reduce tremor and improve the patient's standard of living. You can sign up for a consultation with a neurologist by calling the Yusupov Hospital.


  • ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases)
  • Yusupov hospital
  • "Diagnostics". - Brief Medical Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1989.
  • "Clinical evaluation of the results of laboratory studies" / / G. I. Nazarenko, A. A. Kishkun. Moscow, 2005
  • Clinical laboratory analytics. Fundamentals of clinical laboratory analysis V.V. Menshikov, 2002.

Service prices *

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, determined by the provisions of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For exact information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic. The list of paid services provided is indicated in the price list of the Yusupov hospital.

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, determined by the provisions of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For exact information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic.

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