A summary of Hemingway's cat in the rain. Stylistic analysis of Ernest Hemingway's short story 'Cat in the rain'

There were only two Americans in the hotel. They didn't know anyone they met on the stairs going up to their room. Their room was on the second floor, the sea was visible from the windows. From the windows one could also see a public garden and a monument to the victims of the war. The garden had tall palm trees and green benches. When the weather was fine, there was always an artist sitting there with an easel. The artists liked the palm trees and bright facades of hotels with windows overlooking the sea and the garden. Italians came from afar to look at the monument to the victims of the war. It was bronze and shone in the rain. It was raining. Raindrops fell from palm leaves. There were puddles on the gravel paths. The waves in the rain broke in a long strip on the shore, rolled back and again ran and broke in the rain in a long strip. Not a single car remained on the square near the monument. Opposite, at the door of the cafe, a waiter stood and looked at the deserted square.

The American woman stood at the window and looked out into the garden. Under the very windows of their room, under a green table from which water dripped, a cat hid. She tried to curl up into a ball so that the drops didn't fall on her.

“I'll go downstairs and fetch the pussy,” said the American.

“Let me go,” her husband called from the bed.

- No I myself. Poor pussy! Hiding from the rain under the table.

“Be careful not to get wet,” he said.

The American went down the stairs, and as she passed through the lobby, the owner of the hotel stood up and bowed to her. His office was in the far corner of the lobby. The owner of the hotel was a tall old man.

“There was a cat here,” said the young American.

- Cat? The maid laughed. - A cat in the rain?

“Yes,” she said, “here, under the table.” - And then: - And I wanted her so much, I wanted pussy so much ...

When she spoke in English, the maid's face became tense.

“Come, signora,” she said, “we’d ​​better come back.” You will get wet.

“Well, let’s go,” said the American.

They walked back down the gravel path and into the house. The maid stopped at the entrance to close her umbrella. As the American passed through the lobby, the padrone bowed to her from behind his desk. Something in her convulsively clenched into a ball. In the presence of the padrone, she felt very small and at the same time significant. For a moment she felt extraordinarily important. She climbed the stairs. She opened the door to the room. George lay on the bed and read.

- Well, did you bring the cat? he asked, lowering the book.

- She's gone.

- Where did she go? he said, looking up from his book for a moment.

She sat on the edge of the bed.

“I wanted her so much,” she said. “I don’t know why, but I really wanted that poor pussy. Bad for such a poor pussy in the rain.

George was already reading again.

She went to the dressing table, sat down in front of the mirror and, taking a hand mirror, began to examine herself. She carefully examined her profile, first from one side, then from the other. Then she began to examine the back of the head and neck.

“Do you think I should let my hair go?” she asked, looking down at her profile again.

George looked up and saw the back of her head with her hair cut short like a boy's.

- I like it the way it is now.

“I'm tired,” she said. “I'm so tired of being like a boy.

George changed position. Ever since she spoke, he hadn't taken his eyes off her.

“You are very pretty today,” he said.

She put the mirror on the table, went to the window and looked out into the garden. It was getting dark.

“I want to pull my hair tight and make it smooth and have a big knot at the back of my head that I can touch,” she said. “I want a cat to sit on my lap and purr when I pet her.

"Mm," said George from the bed.

- And I want to eat at my table, and to have my own knives and forks, and I want candles to burn. And I want it to be spring, and I want to comb my hair in front of the mirror, and I want a cat, and I want a new dress ...

- Shut up. Take a book to read, said George. He was already reading again.

The American looked out the window. It was already quite dark, and the rain was noisy in the palm trees.

“Still, I want a cat,” she said. - I want a cat now. If you can’t have long hair and make it fun, can you at least have a cat?

George didn't listen. He was reading a book. She looked out the window, at the square, where the lights were lit.

There was a knock on the door.

"Avanti," said George. He looked up from his book.

A maid stood at the door. She held tightly to her large spotted cat, which hung heavily in her arms.

“Sorry,” she said. - Padrone is sending this to the signora.

The crowd screamed incessantly and with whistles and whoops threw crusts of bread, flasks, and pillows into the arena. Eventually the bull got tired of so many inaccurate blows, bent his knees and lay down on the sand, and one of the cuadrilla leaned over him and killed him with a blow of a puntillo. The crowd rushed over the barrier and surrounded the matador, and two people grabbed him and held him, and someone cut off his pigtail and waved it, and then one of the boys grabbed it and ran away. In the evening I saw a matador in a cafe. He was short, with a dark face, and he was completely drunk. He said: “After all, it can happen to anyone. I'm not some kind of celebrity."

E. Hemingway
cat in the rain

The action takes place in Italy, in a seaside hotel.

The main characters are Americans, a married couple. The husband's name is George; the name of his wife is not mentioned by the author. The husband lies on the bed in the hotel room and reads a book. An American woman stands at the window and looks out into the garden. It's raining. In the street, under the very windows of their room, under a green table from which water drips, a cat hid. She tries to shrink into a ball so that drops of rain do not fall on her.

The American feels sorry for the cat and wants to bring it to her room. As she descends the stairs, she notices the owner of the hotel, who bows respectfully. The owner of the hotel likes an American. She feels "very important" in his presence.

The American woman and her maid go out into the street, in the rain, but the cat is gone. The American returns to the room. George, looking up from his book for a second, asks where the cat has gone.

“I wanted her so much,” the American replies, “I don’t know why, but I really wanted this poor pussy. Bad for such a poor pussy in the rain. But the husband does not listen, he again went deep into reading.

The wife sits down in front of the mirror and says she wants to change her hair, she wants to eat at her own table, she wants her own knives and forks, she wants her cat to sit on her lap and purr when petted.

Husband is indifferent. “Shut up. Take a book to read!” - here is his answer to the requests of his wife.

They knock on the door. On the threshold, the maid tightly hugs a large spotted cat, which hangs heavily in her arms. "Excuse me," she says, "The innkeeper is sending this to the signora."

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Ostrovsky performed his plays at the turning point from the 1940s to the 1950s. This was a critical period in the history of the Russian stage, when it was filled with either bombastic tragedies or vaudeville and sensitive melodramas, borrowed in part from the West. Actually, there was no Russian, folk theater that would widely reflect the life of Russia. What did Ostrovsky give Russian dramaturgy? Ostrovsky acted in his plays primarily as a first-class realist artist. Perfectly knowing Russian life, especially the life of the merchants, Ostrovsky transferred Russian life to the stage in all its

Having settled in Italy, Byron joined the secret revolutionary organization of Italian patriots - the Carbonari. They planned to liberate their country from the Austrian yoke, but in 1821 they were defeated. In the summer of 1823, Byron went to Greece to take part in the struggle of the Greek people against the rule of the Turks. The poet died in Greece, whose people mourned Byron as their national hero. In "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" (the first two songs - 1812, the third - 1816, the fourth - 1818), Byron, denouncing the reaction, glorified the peoples of Spain, Italy, Greece, who fought for their liberation

Lermontov's work is unusually original. The line separating Pushkin and Lermontov is December 14, 1825. Lermontov entered literature when revolutionary hopes were dispelled. Hence the originality of his lyrics - joylessness, loneliness, a premonition of tragic death. However, faith in the people, in their mighty forces, helped the poet in many ways to overcome these moods, and the theme of the poet and poetry, the theme of the motherland, nature, were established in his lyrics. Patriotic lyrics occupies an important place in Lermontov's poetry. In 1830, the poet writes "The Field of Borodino", on the same topic as the later "Borodino".

An American couple is relaxing on the seashore in an Italian hotel.

The head of George's family, reclining on the bed, enthusiastically reads his favorite novel, and his wife, languishing in inclement weather and through raindrops, admires the view from the window.

Suddenly, she notices a spotted cat cowering from the weather, hiding from the rain under a table in the garden.

The woman feels sincere pity for the unfortunate animal and decides to take the cat to her room. Running down the stairs to the garden, the American runs into the owner of the hotel, who greets her in greeting. A woman is pleased with the attention of a respectable man, and she smiles in her soul.

Going down to the street, the American does not find the cat, apparently she has already run away.

The woman returns to the room and shares her thoughts with her husband. However, the American does not share the feelings of his wife and continues reading.

The American again returns to the window and begins to dream of a cozy house, beautiful furniture and a cat purring affectionately in her lap.

There is a knock on the door and a hotel employee appears on the threshold with a spotted lump in her hands, a gift from the owner of the hotel.

After reading the story, the reader will immediately feel that there are situations in life when a stranger feels you much better than the closest people.

Picture or drawing Cat in the rain

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The events take place in a seaside hotel in Italy where an American couple is staying. Husband - George - reclined on the bed in the room and read a book, his wife looked into the garden, standing at the window. It was raining outside, and under the very windows of their room, trying to hide from the drops under a green table, a cat was huddled into a ball.

The American woman felt sorry for the unfortunate animal and decided to bring it into the room. Passing through the lobby, she greeted the owner of the hotel. In response to her greeting, he bowed respectfully to her. The American caught herself thinking that she likes the owner of the hotel: next to him she feels significant and important.

In search of a cat, an American woman and a maid holding an umbrella over her go out into the street, but the cats do not find it. Returning to the room, the American finds her husband still in the same position. George, interrupting his reading for a moment, asks about the animal. His wife talks about how she wanted to take that pussy and how bad she must be in the rain. The husband no longer listens, returning to the book.
An American, looking at herself in the mirror, dreams of a new hairstyle, of her table, knives and forks, of a cat sitting on her knees and purring. But the husband is still indifferent: in response to his wife's requests, he advises her to shut up and read a book.

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