Why does calcium in the body decrease? Hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia. Blood test for the detection of ionized calcium

Each of the micro and macro elements that make up mineral composition organism, plays its irreplaceable role. In particular, the share of calcium lay down the performance of several vital functions at once.

Calcium and our health
The calcium content in the human body is approximately 1 kg of total weight. The bulk of calcium is in the bones and teeth, the rest is part of the blood and other tissues. The biological role of calcium in our body is very significant. He
is a "building material" for the formation of bones and teeth;
regulates the processes of growth and activity of cells of all types of tissues;
affects metabolism;
normalizes the activity of the muscular and nervous systems;
ensures normal blood clotting;
has an anti-inflammatory effect;
strengthens the body's resistance to external unfavorable factors: sudden change of weather and infections.

Ours is also known daily requirement in calcium. On average, an adult should consume ~1 g of calcium daily, although only 0.5 g is required for the constant renewal of tissue structure.

This is due to the fact that calcium ions are absorbed only by 50%. For a growing organism, pregnant and lactating women need approximately 1.4 - 2 g of calcium per day. Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium and its retention in the body.

The processes of calcium renewal in the body in children occur after one to two years, in adults - after 10-12 years, in older people calcium renewal proceeds even more slowly.

Sources of calcium intake
The leading positions in calcium content are occupied by milk, dairy products, cheeses. In addition, dairy products help the absorption of calcium from other foods. good sources calcium are egg yolk, cabbage, soybeans, roach, sprats, parsley. The more calcium enters the body with plant foods, cereals, the better the condition of the bone tissue.

It should be borne in mind that in the process of cooking and frying, the organic calcium contained in the products turns into inorganic, and more than 60% of it is not absorbed by the body. Products with an acidic reaction lead to a violation of calcium metabolism.

Excess calcium
In every sip of water we drink, there is calcium (in the form of salts), only its content varies. In our country, areas where water contains calcium in excess (it is hard) mainly prevail. In areas where natural water contains increased amount calcium and magnesium ions, so much scale accumulates in every house during the year that it can fill a trash can.

Too much calcium in the cells connective tissue partially dehydrates them, as a result of which the cells wither, their physiological activity decreases. The nervous system becomes more excitable. Urolithiasis develops.
Water containing a small amount of calcium (soft), is easily absorbed by tissues and flushes the body well from excess calcium. Distilled water is ideal in this regard. It is highly digestible and is a good solvent for many waste products and all minerals, including calcium. It removes excess calcium from the body, but it should be consumed no more than two months, since the necessary substances can also be removed.

You can reduce the hardness of water at home by boiling it or passing it through household water purifiers.
Salts of oxalic acid, phytin and ballast substances help to reduce the absorption of calcium.

With excessive intake of calcium salts inside, its increased absorption from the intestine or reduced excretion through the kidneys, the concentration of calcium in the blood plasma may increase. Hypercalcemia develops, which in particular severe cases leads to the deposition of salts in various tissues and organs. Hypercalcemia can also be the result of an increased intake of vitamin D. Its manifestations are loss of appetite, vomiting, constipation and other disorders associated with sharp increase absorption of calcium from the intestine.

lack of calcium
Insufficient concentration of calcium in the body leads to a decrease in excitability nervous system resulting in seizures. Calcium metabolism is characterized by the fact that when it is insufficiently supplied with food, it still continues to be excreted from the body in the same quantities due to its reserves. If the phosphorus-calcium balance is disturbed, the body takes calcium from the "reserve fund" - teeth, bones, large joints - or builds bones from strontium, which leads to changes in the bones: outgrowths form.

If the negative balance of calcium persists for a long time, then calcium deficiency may occur, such as osteoporosis (thinning of bone tissue, threatening fractures). In this case, the spine, femoral neck and wrist are the most vulnerable and prone to injury. Plant foods contribute to calcium retention in the body. FROM therapeutic purpose calcium preparations (salts) are prescribed: gluconate, lactate, iodide, carbonate, chloride. They are not recommended to drink milk. It is also necessary to exclude from the diet products containing oxalic and acetic acids.

Osteoporosis vs Women
This disease ranks fourth on Earth, second only to diseases of the cardiovascular system, oncological and endocrine diseases. It occurs as a result of a slow and imperceptible loss of calcium, in which there is a decrease in the volume and strength of bones.

This insidious disease develops gradually, it can declare itself with pain, severe fatigue, excessive plaque, periodontal disease, brittleness and softening of nails, premature graying, night leg cramps.

To a greater extent, women with fair skin, smoking ladies, lovers of alcohol and coffee are more prone to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis threatens women who have had more than three pregnancies and childbirths, as well as those who have been breastfeeding children for a long time, and those who have neglected physical exercise.

The chances of "acquiring" osteoporosis are greater in lean women than in overweight ones, since fat cells The latter convert the hormone produced by the adrenal glands into female sex hormones - estrogens. And the more estrogen in the body, the less it threatens osteoporosis.

In order for the bones to remain solid, a balanced exchange of calcium must occur between them and the blood, contributing to the constant self-renewal of bone tissue. It is this continuous process of self-healing of bones that is supported by estrogens and other hormones. They seem to force calcium to remain in the bones, preventing it from going back into the blood. Since the level of estrogen in female body decreases with age, bones lose their ability to retain calcium. They become thinner and lighter to such an extent that they become sponge-like.

Did you know...
The concentration of calcium in the blood is under the control of the hormone parathyroid glands. A drop in the calcium content in the blood leads to an increase in the secretion of the parathyroid glands, which contributes to the release of calcium from the bones into the blood. Removal or damage to the parathyroid glands leads to muscle spasms and convulsions. This is explained by a decrease in the concentration of calcium in the blood.

Calcium-depleted blood does not clot in the air. The slightest scratch would lead the body to death due to blood loss, if the blood did not contain calcium ions.

If the food of the expectant mother is saturated with calcium and magnesium, then the female sex predominates in the offspring, and an excess of potassium leads to the fact that she gives birth to predominantly male offspring. It remains only to find out how far this influence of these elements extends to humans, since the described observations refer to cows.

Before the onset of menstruation, the level of calcium in the blood falls. The lack of calcium painfully affects the body of women in the form of postmenstrual syndrome. Doubling calcium intake leads to the elimination of emotional and physical symptoms this violation.

Foreign scientists have identified another very important role of calcium in the body. Generally, patients with hypertension are advised to reduce their intake. sodium salt, which is one of the risk factors for increasing blood pressure. It turned out that not reducing sodium intake is more effective, but doubling calcium intake. The study confirmed the ability of calcium to normalize blood pressure. After a month and a half, 85% of hypertensive patients blood pressure normalized only by doubling the intake of calcium.

Body calcium test
Answer the questions provided either "yes" or "no".

1. Do you suffer from brittle bones?
2. Do you have allergies when exposed to the sun for a long time?
3. Do you often have seizures?
4. Do you drink less than one glass of milk daily?
5. Do you eat little dairy products like yogurt or cheese?
6. Do you drink cola drinks daily?
7. Do you eat little green vegetables?
8. Are there many meats and sausages in your diet?

If you answered “no” to most of the questions, then your body is sufficiently supplied with calcium.

Certain illnesses can cause hypercalcemia, an elevated level of calcium in the blood, which can lead to other health problems over time. It is important to determine the causes of both excess and shortage of the element.

Elevated blood calcium levels are most common in patients with primary or tertiary hyperparathyroidism.

In most cases, the diagnosis reveals benign tumors(adenomas) on the parathyroid gland. The disease develops predominantly in the female half of the population and in those who have been treated with radiation therapy in the neck.

With oncology of the lungs, ovaries, kidneys, the resulting metastases can penetrate into the bone tissue and destroy it, thereby “freeing” calcium. Therefore, patients with malignant tumors have high concentration minerals in serum.

The development of hypercalcemia is caused by hereditary pathologies (hypocalciuric hypercalcemia, endocrine neoplasia), granulomatous lesions (sarcoidosis, histoplasmosis,).

To the reasons high content calcium in the body also applies medicines containing lithium, theophylline, thiazide diuretics, thyroid hormones.

Prolonged lack of movement, for example, after fractures, burns, provokes an increase in calcium and resorption (destruction) of bone tissue.

The main causes of hypercalcemia are an excess of parathyroid hormone in the body (hyperparathyroidism), oncology and long-term use calcium preparations.


The level of calcium in the body is determined using a urinalysis and biochemical blood screening for electrolytes. Including investigated the amount of magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine and potassium.

With latent hypercalcemia (against the background low level protein) spend laboratory diagnostics plasma for free calcium. for free calcium is a more accurate indicator of the content of the mineral in the blood than a study of the total amount.

It is well known that calcium has no toxic properties. Dose causing fatal outcome, has not been identified. Despite this, a person may experience symptoms of hypercalcemia in the case of a constant intake of more than 2.5 grams of calcium per day or when wrong exchange calcium. For example, such a disorder is noted in the disease hyperparathyroidism. This article discusses the dangers of excess calcium in the body for women. The symptoms and underlying causes of this ailment are detailed for you below.

The problem of oversaturation of the body with calcium

Causes of excess calcium deposition

Calcium can be taken into the body large quantities from food, biologically active additives or medicines. It is also known that the mineral begins to overflow human body amid disruptions in metabolic processes, such deviations are formed in pathologies and injuries of the nervous system or thyroid dysfunction. It should be noted that there is a risk of accumulation of dangerous doses of calcium from hypervitaminosis of vitamin D, it can develop from overdoses this drug. More often, an excess of calcium affects women and people of advanced age.

If you suspect an overflow of the body with a mineral, you should immediately contact a specialist, he will prescribe necessary tests. Research may reveal why calcium is leached out of bone throughout the body or is absorbed in small amounts, why the mineral is overabsorbed in the gut, and how to reverse decreased renal excretion. Often there is not one negative moment, but a combination of factors.

How is excess calcium manifested?

So, we come to the most interesting - the symptoms of excess calcium. Kit negative manifestations hypercalcemia in each case is different. Symptoms are directly related to the underlying cause that caused the disease. The nature of the disorders depends on the severity and degree of neglect of the disease, the presence of concomitant disorders and the age of the woman. Often the functioning of the nervous system worsens, which means various violations mental activity, memory problems, depression, coma, slow reactions, instability emotional sphere, lethargy and drowsiness. May take place pruritus, cataract, keratitis, conjunctivitis of the eye. Inevitably suffers the cardiovascular system, in particular, there arterial hypertension, cardiac ventricular hypertrophy, arrhythmia. Often there is calcification of the heart valves and vessels of the heart muscle.

An excessive concentration of calcium in the female body provokes damage to both the kidneys and the urinary system, from which patients develop uremia, polyuria, kidney failure, nephrocalcinosis and dangerous urolithiasis. The disease has a negative effect on the neuromuscular system, that is, a woman feels proximal weakness in the muscles, painful impulses in the joints and muscles. In a dream, spontaneous movement of the legs disturbs. Patients are diagnosed with diseases digestive organs. For example, let's name a peptic ulcer, pancreatitis and cholelithiasis, gastroesophageal reflux. Other ailments are noted - vomiting, nausea, and appetite disorders.

Excess calcium in the body (hypercalcemia): a dangerous phenomenon of overflowing the body with calcium, you can alleviate the condition with the help of medicines

Treatment of hypercalcemia

Individual approach to the treatment of excess calcium

The doctor selects a method of treatment depending on the indicators of the concentration of calcium in the blood and the identified causes that caused this disorder. If the mineral level is below 2.9 mmol per liter, then the patient needs to apply force to neutralize the main provoking factor. When predisposition to excess calcium is adjacent to proper work kidneys, the patient is advised to consume more fluids. Keeping the body hydrated helps remove excess calcium from the kidneys and protects against dehydration. practiced intravenous administration liquid, it is indicated when the calcium level rises above 3.7 mmol per liter, associated with the normal functioning of the kidneys and malfunctions in the functioning of the brain.

Diuretics and dialysis

Diuretic drugs such as Furosemide and its analogues may be included in therapy. The work of diuretics increases the excretion of calcium through the kidneys. Effective and harmless medical direction is dialysis, it is mainly used for severe course hypercalcemia when others are more simple techniques turn out to be useless.

Surgical treatment of hypercalcemia

If hyperparathyroidism is diagnosed, it is often prescribed surgical intervention, within which the removal of a single or several parathyroid glands occurs at once. It should be noted that the surgeon completely excised the tissues of the gland that produces excess amount hormone. This approach in 90% of cases eliminates excess calcium in the body, the symptoms of pathology disappear.

Treatment of hypercalcemia with hormones

In case of failure of traditional medical methods, can be assigned hormonal medications. Today, treatment with corticosteroids, bisphosphonates, and calcitonin is common. Reception hormonal drugs contributes to the inhibition of calcium excretion from skeletal system.

Doctors understand hypercalcemia as something that is found in the patient's blood plasma. increased concentration calcium and normal protein levels. In patients general level calcium - from 3 mmol per liter, concentration ionized calcium- from 1.5 mmol per liter. Usually blood plasma tests, where reflected high percent calcium, also show hypophosphatemia of 0.7 mmol per liter.

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Photo gallery: Excess calcium in the body, symptoms

The importance of calcium for the human body.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of calcium for our body, because it is the basis of bone tissue and skeleton, it contributes to the normalization water-salt metabolism and participates in metabolic processes.

Calcium has a positive effect on blood clotting, helps to reduce the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, and is necessary element for normal functioning muscles. Moreover, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. Some enzymes are activated precisely with its help. Acid-base balance in the body is also impossible without calcium.

The main and main function of calcium is the formation and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth throughout life. special need in it the body experiences in the elderly and childhood.

Calcium is actively involved in the activity and synthesis of enzymes and hormones that affect food digestion and activity. salivary glands and is also essential for strengthening the immune system.

If an insufficient amount of calcium is supplied with food, the body begins to “borrow” this element from its own skeleton, as a result of which our bones suffer. First of all, teeth and jaws begin to bother, then a lack of calcium begins to affect the spine, after which - on large and small bones human skeleton. Further, the lack of this element in the human body can affect general condition health.

Symptoms: excess calcium.

Probably, it is better to talk about the excess of this element and what threatens such an excess of calcium in the human body. concrete examples. If calcium supplements are consumed excessively or its excess is contained in drinking water, hypercalcemia may develop. because of a large number consumed element, this condition can also develop in people suffering from peptic ulcer disease. An excess of calcium in the body can also often be found among amateurs. cow's milk.

Hypercalcemia is most common in older people and in men. For people who received radiation therapy the neck and shoulders are also characterized by an excess of calcium in the body.

The formation of a large concentration is formed due to the presence malignant tumor lung, milk or prostate.

The condition of excess calcium can be characterized by symptoms such as loss or decrease in appetite, thirst, nausea and vomiting. A person feels weak, and convulsions may appear at night. It is difficult to even imagine to what state excess calcium can bring the body small child...

There are also pains in the lower abdomen and constipation. If excess calcium is not eliminated in time, confusion, hallucinations are possible, and even violations of brain functions are possible. In excess, this element is deposited in the muscles, kidneys and blood vessels.

How can excess calcium be removed from the body?

The decrease in the concentration of an element depends on the amount of its excess. First you need to get rid of the reasons for which it is caused.

First of all, you should limit the consumption of dairy products, hard cheese and eggs, as well as reduce the consumption of parsley and cabbage.

We must not forget that in our country drinking water quite tough, and contains calcium in excess, so you don’t need drugs from a pharmacy !!!

Distilled water helps to remove excess calcium. To avoid excretion of other essential minerals and substances, it should not be drunk for more than two months. The rest of the time you can drink water purified by household cleaners or boiled. Fitin and oxalic acid also reduce the amount of calcium in the body.

Knowing the main symptoms of excess calcium in the body, evaluate your health and, if necessary, reduce the concentration of this element in order to avoid diseases.

An overdose of any macro- or microelements in the body is much less common than their deficiency. Only a qualified doctor can find out the cause of this phenomenon and make all the necessary appointments. It is not worth solving this problem on your own.

Causes of an excess of calcium

Calcium is an element of the periodic table and a very important macronutrient necessary for normal human life. Most of calcium (90%) is found in human bone tissue, the rest is in blood plasma. Chemical designation - Ca.

This element is one of the first received by a child at birth, along with mother's milk. Getting Ca is necessary to maintain a stable working condition of the entire skeletal system. Some diuretic drugs provoke calcium leaching from the body, then the doctor prescribes a special therapy to replenish this macronutrient. Wrong dosage or self-increasing the amount of calcium-containing drugs can lead to an overdose.

Most often, Ca deficiency is observed in children and the elderly, so the wrong therapy can cause overdose symptoms in them, such as:

  • hormonal changes (change in hormonal levels);
  • manifestation of hereditary diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • vitamin D intoxication.

Most exact result gives timely blood biochemistry.

The condition of calcium overdose is called hypercalcemia.

Assimilation of Ca is closely related to vitamin D. Even the appointment of calcium-containing drugs occurs as part of the intake of D3 vitamins. An excess of the latter leads to dysregulation and distribution of calcium in the system. During the absorption of calcium important role play parathyroid hormone and calciotonin.

Parathyroid hormone is a hormone secreted by the parathyroid glands. endocrine glands responsible for regulating the exchange between blood and bone tissue. Calciotonin is a hormone synthesized thyroid gland, whose action is directly opposite to the parathyroid "brother".

The balance of these elements guarantees a stable level of the Ca element in the human body. Among other things, insulin, growth hormone, estrogens and triiodothyronine are additionally involved in the regulation process. An imbalance in any of these can cause symptoms of Ca overdose or deficiency.

The reasons for the excess of calcium in the body may be a large amount of dairy products consumed or an overdose of drugs, such as calcium gluconate. It is also worth noting that an excess of this macronutrient manifests itself against the background of oncology of the lungs, prostate and mammary glands.

Overdose symptoms

The simplest sign of calcium imbalance in the body is constipation. Its long appearance leads to the development of flatulence, the appearance of spasmodic pain, peptic ulcer. High level calcium is the cause urolithiasis. An excess of this macronutrient provokes deposits on the walls of blood vessels, which leads to the risk of heart attacks.

Recent research in this area has shown that high content calcium elements in the blood can increase the risk of prostate cancer.

An overdose of calcium manifests itself as follows:

  • lack of appetite and constant xerostomia;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • fatigue, fast fatiguability and dizziness;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • weight loss;
  • a state of disorientation in space;
  • depressive states;
  • dehydration and severe headaches;
  • convulsions;
  • disorders in the work of the heart and kidneys.

Removal of calcium from the body

The diagnosis of calcium overdose is made by the attending physician on the basis of a blood biochemistry analysis. He also prescribes the necessary therapeutic treatment.

The easiest way to remove excess Ca from the body is to frequent use pure distilled water. Not having any macro- or microelements in its composition, when it enters the body, it perfectly dissolves both of them. The use of this type of liquid is relevant for no more than 2 months. In the future, it should be replaced with ordinary boiled water.

If the accumulation of the Ca element occurred as a result of consuming a large amount of calcium-containing foods, then the patient is prescribed a diet from which the following types of foods are excluded:

  • milk, sour cream, yogurt, curds, cheese and other dairy products;
  • sesame and its derivative oil, as well as some types of nuts (hazelnuts, almonds);
  • bitter chocolate and halva;
  • wheat bread.

Well reduces the concentration of Ca sorrel.

Drug overdose of calcium is treated with gastric lavage and further administration of diuretics, such as furosemide.

Importance of calcium

Calcium is one of essential elements required during pregnancy and fetal development. Its deficiency can lead to complications during childbirth or future problems in the development of the baby. In addition, taking into account the “pulling” of Ca from the mother’s body, she simply needs it to maintain normal state hair, nails and teeth.

During this period, doctors often make appointments in the form of:

  • Calcium D3 Nycomed;
  • Complivit calcium D3;
  • Calcium gluconate in tablet form or injection.

All drugs should be taken only under the supervision of a physician.

As for children's appointments, babies, as a rule, are discharged vitamin complexes or developing a diet with great content dairy products.

Ca deficiency in children can lead to a curvature of posture and teeth, impaired growth, and a decrease in muscle tone.


An overdose of calcium is a rather rare phenomenon. However, this does not mean that there is no possibility of encountering it. Improper drug intake or neglect of children can cause intoxication with this macronutrient. And although its consequences are not as severe as in case of poisoning with other substances, nevertheless this is not a reason to lose vigilance. The simplest way to avoid an increase in the level of Ca in the body - strictly follow the doctor's instructions and eat a balanced diet.

If symptoms of intoxication appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor, and in anticipation to carry out measures for gastric lavage. You should also tell your doctor about all medications you are taking.

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