normal insulin. How to reduce high insulin. Why is low insulin dangerous?

- a hormonally active substance synthesized by the cells of the islets of Langerhans-Sobolev of the pancreas. The main functions of the hormone are participation in metabolism, normalization of blood glucose levels, providing cells with energy. An increase in the amount or insufficiency of a substance leads to the development of a pathological condition that requires correction. The norm of insulin in the blood in women, the reasons for its increase and how to deal with it - are discussed in the article.

The hormone insulin regulates sugar levels by transporting it to the cells and tissues of the body:

  • Carbohydrates go into gastrointestinal tract with food, broken down to glucose.
  • The blood glucose level rises, which is a signal for the release of insulin.
  • The hormone binds the monosaccharide and transports it to muscle and adipose tissue.
  • In the muscular apparatus, glucose is broken down to energy, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the body, and in the lipid tissue, sugars accumulate (formation of a depot).

Also, the hormone is involved in the "transfer" of fats, proteins and microelements into cells, activates the synthesis of amino acids, resulting in increased muscle performance, participates in regeneration processes, stimulates the work of enzymes necessary for the formation of glycogen.

The norm of insulin in women on an empty stomach (in microunits / ml) is 3-29. In children under 12 years old - up to 20. During pregnancy, slightly elevated level insulin - 6-32. The figures for indicators of older people are 6-35. A condition in which insulin levels are high in the blood is called hyperinsulinism. It can be primary and secondary, depending on the causes of the development of pathology.

primary form

The second name is pancreatic hyperinsulinism, since all causes of development are associated with a malfunction of the secretory apparatus of the pancreas:

  • Insulinoma is a tumor that autonomously synthesizes a hormone. Result - high level insulin levels and hypoglycemia. The state of hyperinsulinism usually develops on an empty stomach. Symptoms - increased appetite, obesity, headache, seizures, neurological disorders.
  • Reduced production - the process leads to a slowdown in glycogenolysis and a decrease in blood sugar levels. Accordingly, insulin is increased.
  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus - the cells of the body stop responding to the hormone, losing sensitivity to it. The body perceives this as if the hormone is not enough, and compensates for the state with enhanced synthesis.

secondary form

Elevated insulin in the blood, caused by extrapancreatic pathologies, develops against the background of the following conditions:

  • after removal of part of the stomach;
  • prolonged fasting;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased body temperature;
  • liver pathology;
  • metabolic anomalies of a congenital nature;
  • pituitary and adrenal tumors.

Hyperinsulinism can develop against the background of an increase in the dose during therapy with insulin preparations, hypoglycemic agents. Elevated insulin in the analysis can be observed as a result of pharmacological interference with certain drugs.

Hyperinsulinism with normal sugar

Elevated insulin levels normal sugar seen in Cushing's disease. Can develop the following symptoms: the skin is dry and flaky, hair growth in women male type, frequent purulent rashes, obesity with thin limbs, low level immunity. The amount of insulin increases, but glucose remains normal.

Another reason - . Symptoms of the disease are manifested by a pathological increase in certain parts of the body (nose, lips, mandible, brushes, stop).

Clinical picture

Hypoglycemia is the main sign that the insulin level is elevated - what does this mean? Hypoglycemia is called low blood sugar. Symptoms of this condition depend on the period of development of the pathology. Mild manifestations are associated with an increase in appetite, a feeling of hunger with sufficient intake of food in the body. In the morning there is weakness, reduced performance.

Higher insulin is manifested by headache, dizziness, significant sweating. Patients complain of trembling limbs, convulsive seizures, palpitations. There is pain in the muscles, significant shortness of breath (even without physical exertion on the body). In capillary blood, glucose values ​​are below 2.5 mmol/L.

About hormone deficiency

Reduced insulin is observed in type 1 diabetes mellitus, diseases infectious nature, stress, significant physical exertion. Lack of insulin synthesis causes the development of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar).

signs low insulin in blood:

  • thirst;
  • increased amount of urine output;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • skin itching;
  • frequent rash.


Insulin analysis - study venous blood, which allows you to determine low insulin or its increased rates. Diagnosis is carried out on an empty stomach. 24 hours before the sampling of the material, you need to give up alcohol, and 1 hour before smoking. You can only drink water.

Deciphering the indicators is the prerogative of the attending endocrinologist. The answers indicate the values ​​of the hormone level in the following units: mcU/ml, pmol/l, mU/l. To recalculate:

  • mcU/ml = mU/l;
  • pmol / l x 0.138 μU / ml \u003d mU / l.

A blood test for insulin may be part of a glucose tolerance test. During the diagnosis, hormone levels are determined before meals and after a "glucose load".

Correction principles

Downgrade high performance hormone can be a way to limit the number of meals. Once a week, you should arrange a day of fasting. Hormonal level active substance during this period returns to acceptable limits.

There is a so-called insulin index of products, which must be taken into account when compiling a personal menu. This indicator specifies how much of the hormone the body will need to return sugar to normal after consuming a particular product.

It is important to normalize physical activity. Adequate exercise can lower insulin levels, restoring the sensitivity of cells and tissues to its action. In addition, you need to correct the diet: limit carbohydrates and increase the intake of foods containing fiber.

How to increase the amount of the hormone

With a lack of insulin, insulin therapy is prescribed. Synthetic hormonal preparations are analogues of the one produced by the pancreas. A deficiency that causes hyperglycemia will help reduce:

  • Novorapid;
  • Humalog;
  • Protafan;
  • Humulin;
  • Levemir;
  • Lantus.

These drugs lower sugar levels, replace regular human insulin. It is important to follow a low-carb diet, given the indicators glycemic indexes products. Also, experts advise maintaining physical activity at a sufficient level and constantly monitoring blood sugar levels, keeping them within acceptable limits.

Folk remedies

There are a number folk methods, allowing for the correction of elevated insulin in the blood - what does this mean? This means that such events will not bring side effects to be expected from taking medicines. It is advisable to carry out such therapy after consultation with an endocrinologist. Several ways to lower hormone levels:

  • 100 g corn silk pour a glass of water and bring to a boil. Turn off and insist for 2 hours. Drink half a glass three times a day.
  • 3 tbsp pour dry yeast hot water. Leave for 30 minutes. The resulting mixture is taken after meals.

Eliminate lack of insulin folk remedies practically it will not be possible, but it is quite possible to maintain blood sugar levels. Decoctions and infusions based on medicinal plants are considered useful:

  • black elderberry;
  • raspberries;
  • mountain ash;
  • mulberries;
  • alfalfa;
  • burdock root.

Excess insulin, as well as its lack, are pathological conditions. Timely diagnosis, choosing the right treatment tactics and following the advice of doctors is the key to a favorable outcome.


  1. Diabetes is not a verdict: On the life, fate and hopes of diabetics / Mikhail Akhmanov. - St. Petersburg. : Nevsky prospect, 2005. - 187 p. - (Doctor advises).
  2. Guide to pediatric endocrinology / Ivan Ivanovich Dedov, Valentina Alexandrovna Peterkova. - M. : Universum Publishing, 2006. - 595 p. : ill.
  3. Glycosylated hemoglobin and free fatty acid in Diagnosis of Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: New Opportunities for Diagnosis, Therapy and Risk Assessment. – Moscow: [b. and.], 2014. - 100 p. : fig., tab. - Bibliography. at the end of chapters.
  4. Ocular manifestations of diabetes / ed. L. I. Balashevich. - St. Petersburg. : St. Petersburg state. honey. acad. postgraduate education, 2004. - 382 p. : ill. - Bibliography. at the end of chapters.
  5. Diabetes mellitus: retinopathy, nephropathy / Ivan Ivanovich Dedov, Marina Vladimirovna Shestakova, Tamara Miroslavovna Milenkaya. - M. : Medicine, 2001. - 176 p.

Graduated from the Kirov State medical academy in 2006. In 2007 she worked at the Tikhvin Central district hospital on the basis of the therapeutic department. From 2007 to 2008 - an employee of the hospital of a mining company in the Republic of Guinea ( West Africa). From 2009 to the present, he has been working in the field of information marketing. medical services. We work with many popular portals, such as,, website

Insulin is considered an essential polypeptide hormone that ensures the normal functioning of cells. It is produced by the pancreas and delivers glucose, potassium, amino acids to cells, regulates carbohydrate balance and is responsible for metabolic processes. The mechanism of action is to open cell membranes due to which glucose is supplied to the body. The most important indicator functioning of the system is the rate of insulin in the blood on an empty stomach, the value of which ranges from 3-27 mcU / ml, and after eating - 6-35 mcU / ml.

The effect of insulin on the body

1. normal value insulin level is considered an indicator of 5.5-10 mcU / ml. The maximum allowable upper limit is 11.5 units, but doctors say that such a condition, called intolerance, indicates initial stage diabetes disease. If the amount of hormones does not correspond to the norm, then the cells lose their sensitivity to secretion. Depending on the results of the analysis, the type of diabetes is determined and a treatment regimen is prescribed.

At a constant glucose level of 20 mcU/m and above, a person is at risk lethal outcome. sharp fluctuations insulin in the blood cause a malfunction in the brain, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • headache,
  • drowsiness
  • strong thirst,
  • diuretic effect,
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular system,
  • constipation
  • overweight,
  • pain in the gastrointestinal tract.

High insulin causes blockage of an enzyme (lipase) that breaks down fats in the body, which causes dandruff, trophic ulcers, impotence, seborrhea, increased greasiness of hair, excessive fat accumulation. Changes in lipid metabolism cause the formation cholesterol plaques, development of atherosclerosis and increased blood pressure. Scientists suggest that work depends on its level nervous system and kidneys, as well as the reproduction of malignant cells.

Excess content of polypeptide hormones is observed in the case of:

  • pathological condition of the liver,
  • obesity,
  • hereditary fructose intolerance,
  • muscular dystrophy,
  • with diabetes mellitus (type 2),
  • with inflammation and various forms neoplasms of the pancreas,
  • in case of pregnancy.

If the rate of insulin in the blood on an empty stomach is too low, then signs such as:

  • numbness of the fingers, mouth and nasal cavity,
  • panic state,
  • nausea and dizziness,
  • anxiety, tearfulness, bad mood;
  • the appearance of pain in the muscles and in the stomach,
  • irretention;
  • tachycardia, weakness during physical effort, shortness of breath.

drop to lower bound related:

  • with excessive physical activity,
  • with development diabetes(1st type),
  • with some diseases.

Ways to Lower Insulin

The production of pancreatic secretion is influenced by sex hormones, carbohydrates from food, and lifestyle.

Sports activities and diet food facilitate the transport of glucose to the muscles, contribute to weight loss and activation metabolic processes blocking insulin resistance, called insulin resistance.

It is recommended to take an analysis for insulin not only to a sick person, but also to a healthy one. The thing is, if you do it in time this study, then its results will help prevent serious illnesses if there is any deviation from the norm. When signs of health problems are found on early stage, exists Great chance that it is possible to make adjustments and improve the situation.

Why is it necessary?

Insulin is a protein hormone. It plays an important role in the human body. Its main task is to transport substances that nourish the cell. Insulin provides a balanced state of carbohydrates in the human body.

The production of this hormone occurs in certain cycles. For example, after a person eats, his level will be much higher than after abstaining from eating.

Why take an insulin test? What does he show?

Insulin is produced by the pancreas and is a protein. The amount depends on how much glucose is in the person's blood. Insulin levels show the body's predisposition to diabetes. Identification of deviations from the norm indicates that it is necessary to take appropriate measures to maintain the body in a healthy state.

Diabetes is considered very serious illness. If the human body is exposed this disease, this means that glucose cannot enter the tissues. Due to the fact that it does not come in the proper amount, there is no source of energy, which is necessary for normal life. In this regard, there may be a malfunction in the work of the organs and systems of the patient.

In addition, an insulin test will show what type of diabetes is present in the human body. When the pancreas stops producing insulin enough, which means that type 1 diabetes is present.

You should know that the patient is considered insulin dependent if the amount of hormone produced does not exceed twenty percent of the norm.

There is also a second type of diabetes. It produces insulin in the right amount. But it is not absorbed by the cells of the body. This condition is called non-insulin dependent diabetes.

Complications in the disease

Due to the presence of diabetes in the body, the following complications can occur in the human body:

  1. Cardiac ischemia.
  2. Retinopathy, which can subsequently lead to complete blindness of the patient.
  3. Polyneuropathy.
  4. Renal failure.
  5. Trophic changes such as gangrene.

What should a person do? Possible Methods

An important point is diagnosing changes in the level of insulin in human blood. If you detect this at an early stage, then the following methods will help prevent the development of the disease:

  1. Compliance special diet. It will be prescribed by the attending physician, based on the characteristics of your body (intolerance to any product, etc.).
  2. Physiotherapy.

If stick special food and exercise, you can cope with diabetes and lead to carbohydrate metabolism back to normal. It should be emphasized that this can be achieved without the use of any drugs.

What are the signs that you need to get tested? What should you pay attention to?

Usually, an insulin test is prescribed to confirm or refute a diagnosis such as diabetes mellitus. Also, the reason for surrender is the presence or suspicion of endocrine diseases. Those who monitor health should pay attention to the following symptoms that appear in the human body:

  1. Change in weight, both up and down. This is especially alarm signal, if the person's lifestyle has not undergone any changes in nutrition and mobility. That is, if a person moves and eats in the same rhythm as from day to day, and his body weight changes, this means that some kind of failure has occurred in the body. To identify it, it is necessary to conduct an examination.
  2. Weakness, a drop in efficiency are also signs of a violation of any processes. In order to determine the reasons for this situation, it is necessary to contact medical institution for required examination and testing, including for insulin.
  3. Another sign of impaired production of the above hormone is the long healing of wounds. For example, cuts or abrasions take a long time to heal and bleed. This sign also indicates a change in the composition of human blood.

How is the analysis done? Research options. Description

There are two ways to test for insulin:

  1. The first way to pass this type of analysis is called hungry. It lies in the fact that the material is taken on an empty stomach. When analyzing in this way, 8 hours should elapse after the last meal. In this regard, the delivery of the analysis is scheduled for the morning hours.
  2. The second way to determine a person's predisposition to diabetes is through the use of glucose. The patient drinks a certain amount of it, waits two hours and then donates blood.

There is another option for taking a blood test for insulin. It is a combination of two methods. This option is the most accurate. First, a person does a blood test for insulin on an empty stomach, then consumes glucose, after which he waits a couple of hours and donates blood again. This method allows you to see the picture of what is happening in the body more holistically. However, for a preventive examination, it is enough to donate blood only in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Preparation for the study. What should be done before analysis? Doctors' advice

Now you know what an insulin test is, how to take it. Now let's talk about how to properly prepare. This is necessary for the result to be reliable.

  1. Before donating blood on an empty stomach, you should refrain from eating for eight hours. During this time, you can not eat or drink drinks. You can use only pure water.
  2. You can not take an analysis if the patient is undergoing any course of treatment, that is, taking medications. The fact is that they can affect the results obtained. Blood for insulin should be taken either before the start of the course of treatment, or at least seven days after its completion. Also, the patient needs to notify the attending physician that he is undergoing treatment, or about when he stopped taking the funds. In the case when the course of therapy is long, and the analysis for insulin is an important component medical process, it is necessary to agree with the doctor the possibility of interrupting the reception medical preparations in order to draw blood.
  3. For 24 hours before the study, you should follow a certain diet, namely, refuse to take fatty foods and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Also, you do not need to do any physical exercise.
  4. In the case when, in addition to donating blood, the patient is prescribed such types of examinations as ultrasound procedure or X-ray, then you should first hand over the material for research, and then go to other types of procedures.

A study on insulin (blood test): the norm, decoding of the analysis

As mentioned above, insulin levels in a person's blood can fluctuate depending on the consumption of food. Therefore, for accuracy on an empty stomach, an analysis of insulin is done.

The rate of presence of this substance in human blood is 1.9-23 microns / ml. This is for an adult. The norm in children is from two to twenty microns / ml. For pregnant women, there are indicators. For them, the norm ranges from six to 27 microns / ml.

Characteristics of the values ​​of insulin in the blood. What does it mean if this hormone is more or less?

In the case when insulin in the blood of a person is present below the lowest indicator, this indicates that type 1 diabetes is present in the body. And vice versa, when increased value we can talk about the presence in the body of non-insulin-dependent diabetes.

It should also be remembered that pregnant women have other indicators of norms, their value is overestimated.

A small conclusion

Now you know how to take an insulin test. The decoding of the analysis and the norms of the indicator are discussed in this article.

Each person needs to remember that it is better to diagnose a disease at an early stage than to treat its advanced forms.

Insulin is special hormone human, which is produced by the pancreas. Its function is to supply sugar, potassium, amino acids and fats to every cell in the body. In addition, it is also necessary for the normal maintenance of blood glucose levels and the regulation of an adequate balance of carbohydrates.

Every time the blood sugar level starts to rise and crosses the 100 mg/dl mark, the pancreas starts producing insulin in both children and women and men.

The hormone begins to bind excess sugar and deposits it for "storage" in the muscles and adipose tissue organism. All that glucose that got into muscle tissue, there it turns into energy, and in fat cells it is processed into fat and accumulates.

If speak about normal states, then insulin is one of the essential elements human body. It has a beneficial effect on it and regulates the following processes:

  • contributes to building muscle mass. This happens due to the activation of ribosomes, which are responsible for protein synthesis - the main material for muscles;
  • prevents the destruction of muscle fibers. In addition, the anti-catabolic properties of the hormone are extremely important for their renewal;
  • insulin supplies the cells with the amino acids necessary for their adequate functioning;
  • increases the activity of those enzymes that are responsible for the formation of glycogen. It is he who is the main way of storing sugar in the cells of the human body.

During the breakdown of glucose, energy is released, which is important for the functioning of all organs and systems.

A healthy man and woman will be considered in cases where their insulin does not go beyond recognized medicine norms. In opposite situations, this can become a threat to the onset of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and problems from the cardiovascular system.

Insulin levels and how are they determined?

At healthy person the analysis and the level of insulin from 3 to 20 μU / ml are recognized as normal, and slight fluctuations in this mark are also allowed. Do not forget that the analysis for the level of this substance in the blood is carried out exclusively on an empty stomach. This is necessary in order to accurately diagnose problems in the body. After eating, the pancreas begins to actively produce insulin, and therefore its content in the blood will be much higher than usual.

When it comes to children, especially young age This rule does not apply to children. It is only during the onset of puberty that their insulin becomes dependent on food intake.

If insulin levels are above normal

There are cases when the analysis shows that the level of insulin in a person's blood is constantly significantly above the normal level. Similar states can be the cause of the onset of the development of irreversible pathologies. These changes affect absolutely everything in life. important systems body of both adults and children.

The following situations can cause an increase in insulin in the blood:

  • regular and fairly intense physical activity on the body, especially in women;
  • constant stressful situations;
  • type 2 diabetes always leads to the fact that the rate of insulin in the blood rises;
  • an excess of growth hormone (acromegaly);
  • obesity of various stages;
  • polycystic ovaries in women;
  • Cushing's syndrome;
  • dystrophic myotonia (neuromuscular disease);
  • impaired perception of insulin and consumed carbohydrates;
  • this tumor will manifest itself quite clearly;
  • serious diseases of the pancreas, for example, various neoplasms or organ cancer;
  • disorders of the pituitary gland.

If the analysis shows that insulin levels are causing sharp drop the amount of glucose in the blood on an empty stomach, similar situations begins: sweating, trembling of the limbs, rapid heartbeat, fainting, bouts of nausea, and sudden and overwhelming hunger.

The reason for everything is also a probable overdose of insulin. That is why all those who use this hormone for treatment are required to treat its administration as carefully as possible, clearly calculating the dosage required for each specific injection, and timely take an analysis for this hormone.

If insulin levels are low

In those situations where the analysis shows that insulin is low and is below the lower limit of the norm, we have to talk about the following prerequisites for this:

  • the presence of type 1 diabetes;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • violation normal functioning pituitary gland;
  • diabetic coma;
  • nervous exhaustion of the body;
  • infectious diseases chronic form their currents;
  • excessive consumption of net carbohydrates;
  • unbearable and prolonged physical activity, especially on an empty stomach.

Low insulin can block the entry of sugar into the cells, leading to its excessive concentration. Seizures are the result of this process. intense thirst, anxiety, a sharp desire to eat, excessive irritability, frequent urination.

Similar symptoms can also be in the presence of other ailments and therefore it is necessary to undergo special medical examinations, verify. what is .

How to find out your insulin level?

To obtain a qualitative result, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics, in particular, donate blood from cubital vein for fasting analysis. This happens before eating, because after eating the pancreas will begin its active work and show incorrect data.

We must also not forget that about a day before the proposed blood donation, it is highly recommended not to take any medications, but this point can be disputed, because there are cases when the disease does not provide for such a refusal without negative impact on the patient's body.

The most accurate data can be obtained if you combine 2 types of blood tests at once for the level of insulin in it. It's about about donating blood before meals, on an empty stomach, and then repeating the same procedure, but 2 hours after drinking a glucose solution of a certain concentration. Based on the results already obtained, conclusions can be drawn about the state of insulin in the human bloodstream. Only by taking venous blood according to this scheme is it possible to clarify the whole picture of the functioning of the pancreas.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas. Its main function is to transport glucose, fats, amino acids and potassium to the cells. In addition, the substance controls blood sugar levels and is responsible for regulating carbohydrate balance. All this happens when insulin in the blood of women is contained in normal amount. But on different reasons hormone levels may vary. And it certainly affects the health and well-being.

What is the norm of insulin in the blood of women on an empty stomach?

To get reliable data, it is necessary to measure the level of insulin on an empty stomach. If the analysis is carried out after a meal, the data will be distorted. This happens because after eating the pancreas begins to function and produce a very active hormone. As a result, as a result, the content of the substance in the blood will turn out to be overestimated.

The norm of the hormone insulin in women is from 3 to 20 mcU / ml. A slight increase in indicators during pregnancy is allowed - as a rule, they vary from 6 to 27 mcU / ml. The amount of the substance also changes in the elderly. After 60 years, it is considered normal if from 6 to 35 mcU / ml of the hormone is found in the blood.

Insulin in the blood of women in a normal amount ensures the implementation of vital processes:

  1. Due to the substance, muscles are built up. It promotes the activation of ribosomes that synthesize protein, which, in turn, takes part in the construction of muscle tissue.
  2. Thanks to insulin, muscle cells can function properly.
  3. The substance prevents the breakdown of muscle fibers.
  4. In a normal amount of insulin in women in the body increases the activity of enzymes responsible for the production of glycogen. The latter, in turn, is the main form of glucose storage.

If a woman's blood insulin levels are higher or lower than normal

A sharp increase in the amount of the hormone may indicate.

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