Yoga therapy and traditional medicine. Yoga bowel cleansing procedure

Cleansing the body and health Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

"Shell Gesture" - shank prakshalana

Exists ancient method washing and cleansing the entire digestive canal - from oral cavity to the anus. In Russian, it is called “Shell Gesture”, because water, passing through the digestive canal, as through a shell, washes away all impurities. It is desirable to start such washing after enema cleansing. Water is absorbed by the mouth, then passes through the stomach, and then, with simple movements, passes through the entire intestine until it exits. Exercises continue until the water comes out as clear as it entered.


Heated water to body temperature, salted at the rate of 5 ... 6 grams per liter, which is approximately the concentration of salt in the blood plasma (a small tablespoon without top per liter of water). The water must be salty, because without the admixture of salt, it would be absorbed by osmosis through the mucous membranes. gastrointestinal tract and would be excreted in the form of urine, and not through anus.

In general, regulate the concentration of salt yourself, the main thing is that the body does not absorb water.

Favorable moment.

The most favorable moment is the morning, on an empty stomach, the whole flush, as practice shows, takes an hour and a half, and as you master it - 45 ... 60 minutes.

Here is a diagram of the complete implementation of the passage of water through the digestive canal.

1. Drink a glass of salt water.

2. Perform the prescribed movements immediately.

3. Drink a glass of water and perform a series of movements. During these movements, water will slowly pass into the intestines without causing nausea.

Continue to alternate drinking water and moving until you have drunk 6 glasses of water.

At this point, you need to go to the toilet.

Usually the first evacuation occurs almost immediately, the first portion of feces, in the form of stool, will be followed by others, softer, and then liquid.

If this does not happen immediately or within 5 minutes, then you need to repeat the movements without drinking more water, and then return to the toilet. If the expected result does not occur, then it is necessary to activate the evacuation by means of an enema. As soon as the siphon is activated, that is, as soon as the first bowel movements have gone, the rest will follow automatically.

One piece of advice: after every visit to the toilet and after using the usual toilet paper rinse your anus warm water, dry and lubricate vegetable oil to prevent irritation caused by salt. Some sensitive people are susceptible to this mild irritation, which is easy to prevent.

After this first bowel movement, you need to: drink a glass of water, make movements, then return to the toilet; and every time there will be an evacuation. Continue to drink water consistently, do exercises and go to the toilet; until the water comes out as clean as it entered the body. Depending on the contamination of the intestines, you will need from 10 to 14 glasses, rarely more.

When you are satisfied with the result, that is, when the water coming out of you is clean enough, you should stop the procedure. You go to the toilet several more times during the subsequent time. Then you can drink 3 glasses of unsalted water and induce vomiting. This will turn off the siphon and empty the stomach. “Traditionally, yogis always vomit (Vamana-Dhougi) after Shank-Prakshalana.”

First movement.

Starting position: standing, feet apart about 30 centimeters, fingers interlaced, palms facing up. The back is straight, breathe normally.

Not turning upper part torso, lean to the left first, without stopping in the final position, straighten up and immediately lean to the right. Repeat 4 times this double movement, that is, make 8 tilts, alternately to the left and right, which will take a total of about 10 seconds.

These movements open the pylorus, and with each movement (tilt), part of the water enters the duodenum from the stomach.

Second movement.

This movement causes water to move through the small intestines.

The starting position is the same. Stretch your right arm horizontally and bend left hand so that the index and thumb touched the right collarbone. Then rotate the torso, directing the outstretched arm back as far as possible; look at your fingertips. Without stopping at the end of the turn, immediately return to the starting position and turn to the other side. This double movement must also be repeated 4 times. Total duration 4 x 2 movements -10 seconds.

Rice. eleven.

Four exercises of Shank-Prakshalana for carrying water through the gastrointestinal tract.

Third movement.

The water continues to move into the small intestines, thanks to the next movement: perform a variation of the snake.

Only thumbs legs and palms of the hands touch the floor, therefore, the hips remain above the ground. The feet are spread apart by about 30 centimeters (this is important). When the position is taken, turn your head and torso until you can see the opposite heel (that is, if you turn to the right, then you need to look at left heel), without stopping in the extreme position, return to the starting position and do the same on the other side, repeat 4 times in two movements. Time - 10 ... 15 seconds.

Fourth movement.

"Water that has reached the end small intestines, must be passed through the large intestine through the 4th, and last, movement. It is the most difficult of the entire series, although it is accessible to anyone, with the exception of those suffering from knee or meniscus diseases. These people can resort to the option described below.

Starting position:

a) squat down, feet apart about 30 cm, and the heels are placed at outside hips, and not under the seat, the hands are placed on the knees, which are spaced approximately 30 cm;

b) turn the torso and place the left knee on the floor in front of the opposite foot. The palms alternately push the right thigh to the left side and the left thigh to the right side so as to press half of the abdomen in order to squeeze only one half of the large intestine. Look behind you to increase the twisting of the torso and apply pressure on the abdomen.

While all previous exercises began indifferently in which direction, for this exercise you need to start pushing right side belly first. Like all previous movements, it is performed 4 times. The total duration is 15 seconds.

Variant of the 4th movement.

This movement originates from the twisted posture (Ardha Matsyendrasana, p. 139, posture 2). In this case, the foot is simply attached to inside thigh and does not pass on the other side. The shoulder is drawn as far as possible to the bent knee, the torso is slightly tilted back. Hands rest on a bent knee, which serves as a lever for twisting the spine and pressing the hip to the lower abdomen.

Cases of failure.

If after drinking, for example, 4 glasses, you feel that the contents of the stomach do not pass normally into the intestines and there is a feeling of overfilling, reaching nausea, then this means that the pylorus neck (valve between the stomach and duodenum 12) does not open as it should. Repeat the series of exercises 2-3 times without drinking any more water. The disappearance of nausea will show that the passage is open. Once the siphon is activated, there will be no more difficulties and you can continue the process. But it may happen that in some persons a gas blockage of fermentation products prevents the siphon from being activated. AT this case just press on your stomach with your hands or do a shoulder stand (“Sarvangasana”) along with 4 other exercises.

In the worst case, that is, when the water does not leave the stomach at all, you are left with two solutions: to vomit by tickling the base of the tongue with two fingers right hand to come vomiting reflex. Relief will come drastically and. immediately. After the exercise, you should rest and avoid starvation.

First meal.

After Shank-Prakshalana, the following prescriptions must be followed. There is no earlier than 10 minutes after the exercise and no later than 1 hour after the end of the exercise. It is absolutely forbidden to leave digestive tract without food for more than an hour after exercise. However, the author uses Shank-Prakshalana to enter fasting, and in this case it is quite appropriate, it replaces taking a laxative.

The first meal will consist of rice boiled in water and slightly overcooked so that it melts in the mouth. Rice may be accompanied by well-digested carrots. It is necessary to eat with him about 40 grams of butter, and preferably ghee. Rice can be replaced with wheat, oats and so on.


Rice cannot be boiled with milk. During the 24 hours that follow the exercises, it is forbidden to drink milk, kefir, eat yeast bread. Eat only boiled, stewed vegetables and cereals.

This is how you contribute to the revival normal microflora. Raw fruits and vegetables are not recommended due to microbial insemination and excessive stimulation of the "Wind" life principle, which activates worship. Rice just contributes to the oppression of this vital principle and brings the body back to normal. That's why raw vegetables and fruits can be eaten the next day.


The absorption of salt water will take, through high osmotic activity, some of the fluid from the blood into the intestines. So liquid dress up blood is coming in the direction opposite to normal absorption, while cleaning the microvilli of the small and large intestines. It is this mechanism that makes Shank-Prakshalana unique. I don't know of any purge (other than hunger) that purges small intestine on which our digestion and absorption depend. Enemas only work in the large intestine. Therefore, this department remains without proper processing, and only Shank-Prakshalana contributes to its purification.

In connection with the above, you will have a natural thirst. Do not take any liquid, even clean water before the first meal, because you will "feed" the siphon, that is, go to the toilet. During and after your first meal, you may drink water or light herbal infusions.

The fact that the first bowel movements appear only after 24 hours will not surprise anyone anymore. They will be golden, yellow and odorless, like baby.

Persons suffering from constipation can do Shank Prakshalana every week, but with only 6 glasses of water. In this case, the entire cycle is carried out in approximately 30 minutes. This is one of the best bowel re-education. This does not stretch the walls of the large intestine.

Favorable impact.

In addition to cleansing the entire digestive canal, you will also experience long-term beneficial effects: fresh breath, good dream, the disappearance of the rash on the face and body. If you eat right, body odors will disappear. This tones the liver - this is noticed by the color of the first bowel movements - and other glands associated with digestion, especially the pancreas. The salty taste in the mouth stimulates the calorific and digestive abilities of the body, hence the effect on digestion.

Cases of underdeveloped diabetes were successfully cured by the doctors of Lonavla by performing Shank-Prakshalana every two days for 2 months; this was accompanied by proper food regimen- more natural products, rich in vitamins of group "B", and compliance with the rhythm of the inclusion of the digestive organs.


Persons suffering from stomach ulcers should abstain from Shank-Prakshalana and cure it first. The same applies to persons suffering from acute lesions of the digestive tract: dysentery, diarrhea, acute colitis, acute appendicitis, intestinal tuberculosis and cancer.

Shank-Prakshalana is a wonderful procedure, everyone who practices it regularly is convinced of this. In order to master it quickly, practice it once every two weeks - and you will succeed. It can be used instead of enemas - 2 times a week for initial stage and then once every two weeks.

From the book Body Cleansing and Health author Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

"Shell Gesture" - shank-prakshalana There is an ancient method of washing and cleansing the entire digestive canal - from the mouth to the anus. In Russian, it is called “Shell Gesture”, because water, passing through the digestive canal, as through a shell,

From the book Improving Health in Older Ages author Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

"Shell Gesture" - Shank Prakshalana In Russian, this procedure is called "Shell Gesture", because water, passing through the digestive canal, as through a shell, washes away all impurities. In addition to cleansing, it stimulates the digestive abilities of the stomach, the function

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Shankha prakshalana ("shell cleansing"), or varisara Shankha prakshalana ("shell cleansing"), or varisara With the sea shell in the name of this procedure, the intestines are compared, which is also tortuous. The exercises described below will help you cleanse your body with water.

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Shank prakshalana - a yogi method for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract Shank prakshalana is very simple and at the same time effective way purification. This method, which is widely practiced in yoga, also uses salt water for cleansing, but this time it is not

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Shank prakshalana - a yogi method for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract Shank prakshalana is a very simple and at the same time effective way of cleansing. This method, which is widely practiced in yoga, also uses salt water for cleansing, but this time it is not

One of the most efficient technician cleansing the body in the arsenal of Hatha yoga - the technique of Shankha Prakshalana (Shank Prakshalana) or "Shell Gesture". This is a rather complicated procedure for beginners, which may “fail”. We offer a half, lightweight version of this technique, which has a similar effect, but is easier to perform.

The yogic cleansing procedure Shankha Prakshalana (“Shell Gesture”) is usually performed at the turn of the seasons, four times a year, that is, once every three months. It is known that this procedure not only fully cleanses the entire digestive system from stagnant pollution, but also contributes to general health improvement increases the digestibility of food. As a result, the body resists infections better, a person becomes more efficient, more active. disappear unpleasant odors body. The skin is cleansed, "inexplicable" acne (which was actually the result of the accumulation of toxins) goes away.

There is a light version of this procedure - Lagu Shankha Prakshalana ("Half gesture of the shell"). For beginners, this procedure is simpler and easier, food restrictions after it are milder, and the whole procedure takes 30-60 minutes (whereas full version may take up to three hours). It can also be performed instead of the full Shankha Prakshalana by those who are sure that the body has not been slagged from the last cleansing.


On the eve of the night we do not eat, we only drink. In the morning we do not eat anything, if possible we empty the intestines. If you are unaccustomed to feeling dizzy from hunger, you can drink warm water with honey half an hour before the procedure.

Learn the exercises below so that they do not cause confusion during the procedure. There are many pictures on the Internet, stories about sensations and even videos on this topic. You can make yourself a printout-memo with the image of the movements.

Having mastered the exercises, you need to prepare 6-8 glasses (1.2-1.6 liters) of clean, pleasantly warm water, preferably boiled. Sometimes 4 glasses are enough, occasionally you have to increase to 8 (if after 6 glasses there is no urge to go to the toilet). Add salt to the water at the rate of 1 teaspoon per liter (if you can drink more than salt water, can be increased to 1 tablespoon per liter, but do not overestimate your strength - so that there is no urge to vomit). During the entire procedure, the water should be warm.

Execution technique

We drink the first glass. If it's hard to drink, imagine drinking not salt water, but " delicious broth” or “Kalmyk tea” (such a “installation” works, how!).

After drinking the first glass, immediately perform a set of standard Shankha Prakshalana exercises to pass water through the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Tiriyaka Tadasana (Twisting Palm Tree Pose. Tilts in one plane).
  2. Kati Chakrasana (Twisting twist. Look at the thumb).
  3. Tiriyaka Bhujangasana (Cobra Twisting Pose. Look at the heels).
  4. Udarakarshan (“Goose step”. Alternately press one knee to the floor, twisting the stomach).

After completing this complex, slowly drink another glass, and do four more exercises. If you feel the urge to go to the toilet - go, then continue.

Attention. If there is confidence that the gastrointestinal tract is heavily slagged, or if after the 4th glass there is a feeling of nausea, unpleasant heaviness in the stomach and “swollen stomach”, while there is no urge to go to the toilet (which means that water from the stomach does not enter the intestines) - do all 4 exercises for 2-3 sets (i.e. the whole complex twice). In the future, also perform 2-3 sets before each next glass. Do not rush to drink water (in one gulp) so that there is no vomiting: it is not harmful, even useful (called Gajakarani kriya) - but after vomiting, it will no longer be possible to continue the procedure: sphincters in digestive system will close. Usually the urge to go to the toilet occurs after the fourth glass. If you have drunk all the water, and this does not happen, you can induce vomiting by tickling the root of the tongue (this must be done by leaning forward 90 degrees), or allow the water to come out naturally. If during the procedure the water did not pass, do not be discouraged. To some extent, cleaning still took place (you will see this with your own eyes when you go to the toilet).

Output power

After the procedure, do not go to bed, even if you want to (there may be a breakdown, this is normal). 45 minutes after the completion of the exercises, you definitely need to eat in order to “start” our empty intestines again. best food on this day - well-boiled rice or buckwheat, you can Khichari (rice + yellow lentils, boil well). Add a little butter or ghee to this porridge. Do not overeat on this day, the stomach is weakened!


If you feel the strength in yourself after 3 months to master the full version of Shankha Prakshalana (2-3 times more water) - we advise you to do this under the guidance of specialists at a special seminar, now such events are taking place in Moscow and other cities, prices are usually affordable.

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Shank prakshalana is an ideal technique in its simplicity, which has a very high efficiency. Cleansing the entire colon, shank prakshalana removes food debris from the entire digestive tract, from the stomach to the anus.

Water enters the stomach through the mouth, and then, guided simple exercises, passes through the entire intestine until it exits. The procedure continues until the water comes out as clear as it entered. This procedure does not pose any danger and is recommended to everyone - provided that all its techniques are performed accurately.


Heat water in which sea (or unrefined table) salt is dissolved at the rate of 5-6 g per 1 liter of water (1 teaspoon with top), which will give a concentration slightly lower than in physiological saline. The water must be salty because otherwise it will be absorbed by osmosis through the mucous membrane and removed from the body in the normal way (in the form of urine). If the water seems too salty to you, then you can reduce the salt concentration to an acceptable taste.

auspicious moment

The most favorable moment for the procedure is in the morning (before meals). Please note that the whole procedure initially takes more than an hour, so the most the right time for her is the morning of the day off. On this day, asanas or sharp exercises should not be performed - and even the next day they are contraindicated.

Here is a diagram of the cleansing (except for the exercises necessary to ensure complete passage salt water through the digestive tract - these will be described below).

1. Drink a glass of warm salt water (its temperature should be equal to the temperature of the soup that you eat with pleasure).
2. Immediately perform the prescribed kriyas (movements, exercises).
3. Drink another glass and do the whole series of exercises again.
4. Continue to follow the instructions in point 3 until you drink 6 glasses of salt water and do six sets of exercises.
5. After completing the sixth procedure, you must go to the toilet.

Usually the first evacuation takes place almost immediately. In this case, normal stools that have a shape will be followed by others, softer, and then liquid (possibly yellowish).

If this does not happen immediately or no later than 5 minutes, then you need to repeat a series of exercises, and then return to the toilet.

If the result is still negative - which is unlikely, but possible - then evacuation should be induced by gastric lavage with half a liter of warm unsalted water using an enema (after making a small enema, it is advisable to lie down and relax for a few minutes). As soon as the evacuation mechanism is activated, i.e. as soon as the first bowel movements are released, the next ones will be called automatically.

One useful advice: after each visit to the toilet, it is advisable to use not toilet paper, but water, then thoroughly wipe the anus and lubricate it with vegetable (olive, castor, etc.) oil to avoid irritation caused by salt.

After the first bowel movement, you must:

* again drink a glass of salt water;
* perform the indicated exercises;
* return to the toilet, where a bowel movement should occur.

Continue the cycles (drinking salt water - a series of exercises - emptying the intestines) until the water comes out as clean as it entered the body. Depending on the degree of contamination of the intestines, this will happen after taking 10-14 glasses of salt water (more - in extremely rare cases).

When you decide that you are satisfied with the results of the procedure, i.e. the outgoing water, in your opinion, is clean enough, then the procedure can be stopped. After stopping the procedure, you can go to the toilet a few more times during next hour is the only remaining inconvenience.

In addition, now it is advisable to drink one to three glasses of warm unsalted water and do vamana dhauti by tickling the back surface with three fingers of the right hand. upper palate and tongue. This will turn off the evacuation mechanism and completely empty the stomach.

In case of failure

If after drinking, for example, four glasses of salt water, you feel that the contents of the stomach do not pass normally into the intestines (you feel full in the stomach, causing nausea), then this means that the first sphincter did not open properly. It's not that bad. Without taking more liquid, do two or three sets of exercises. The cessation of nausea will be an indication that the passage to the stomach is open. As soon as the evacuation mechanism is started, there will be no more difficulties, and you can continue the procedure.

However, in some cases, it may also happen that a gas plug forms in the intestine, which prevents the evacuation mechanism from being activated. In this case, it is enough to press on the abdomen with your hands or do sarvangasana or “plow” (the shoulder stand or “plow” can be done in a “lazy” version, without straightening too much and without touching the floor with your feet, for about one minute) along with four others. exercises.

In the worst case, i.e. if the liquid does not come out, you have to decide: do vamana dhauti, i.e. empty the stomach, tickling the base of the tongue with three fingers of the right hand to induce vomiting (immediate relief occurs), or nothing take - then the water will come out naturally in the form of urine.

After the procedure, you should rest and avoid feeling hungry.

First meal

After shank prakshalana, you must perform the following recommendations. There is no earlier than half an hour and no later than an hour after the completion of the procedure. It is strictly forbidden to leave the digestive tract empty for more than an hour!

The first meal should consist of peeled rice, boiled in water, but not boiled (rice grains should melt in your mouth). Rice can be lightly salted tomato juice, but do not use pepper or any hot seasonings. You can add well-cooked lentils or carrots to rice. It is also necessary to eat 40 grams with rice butter. The oil can be dissolved in rice (it is better to melt it separately in a water bath) or eat unmelted from a spoon. Rice can be replaced with boiled wheat, oats or flour products(pasta, noodles, spaghetti, etc.), seasoned with grated cheese.

Attention! Rice cannot be boiled with milk. Over the next 24 hours, it is forbidden to drink milk or kefir. In addition, during the next day, acidic food and drink, fruits and raw vegetables are prohibited. Bread is allowed to be eaten during the second meal. You can eat any hard and semi-hard cheeses. White cheese and fermented cheeses (brie, camembert) are not recommended. After a day, you can return to your normal regimen, however, avoiding any excesses in meat.


Absorption of salt water during the exchange process will direct some of your body fluid to the digestive tract. This will integral part purification. Therefore, after the procedure, it is natural to feel a noticeable thirst. Do not drink any liquids, even pure water, before the first meal, because you will be maintaining the escape mechanism, i.e. going to the toilet. On the contrary, during the first meal and after it, you can drink water or weak infusions: linden-mint infusion, mineral water(slightly carbonated or still). Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited during the day!

The fact that bowel movements will appear only 24 or 36 hours after the procedure should not surprise you. They will be golden yellow in color and odorless, like a nursing baby.

This procedure should be carried out at least twice a year. The average frequency of its implementation is four times a year (when the seasons change). Those who want to do a thorough cleansing can perform the procedure monthly. Dhirendra Brahmachari advises to perform shank prakshalana once every 15 days.

In fact, this procedure is not unpleasant, although there are more pleasant entertainments. The most unpleasant stage of it is drinking warm salt water, the rest does not matter. However, for those with a refined taste, we suggest preparing a drink from a weak decoction of leeks or other vegetables.

Persons suffering from constipation can do shank prakshalana every week, but limited to 6 glasses of water. In this case, the entire cycle is carried out in about half an hour. This is the best "hardening" for the intestines: it does not stretch the walls of the colon.

Beneficial effects

The first result is the removal of impurities, i.e., deposits that have eaten into the mucous membrane of the colon. From the fact that the intestines can absorb into themselves, you can be horrified. People to whom regular bowel movements give the illusion that they allegedly do not suffer from constipation are surprised to find among the removed "things" a cherry stone, swallowed a few months ago. In a yoga hospital, people are often amazed at how much waste can accumulate in the intestines, accumulating there for months and even years. It is incredible that a person can carry so many impurities in himself, and is it any wonder after this the emergence of many diseases, if the whole organism, in literally of the word, is poisoned by the toxins accumulating in it.

At the very least, it's unwise to put up with it. Therefore, perform shank prakshalana and get rid of all the deposits that have accumulated in your digestive tract.

The beneficial effect of the procedure will not manifest itself the next day and will not be evident, but it will not be slow to affect through fresh breath, the disappearance of a rash on the face and body. Subject to the choice of a low-toxic diet (without excess meat), body odors disappear, which are quite strong, the complexion is refreshed and improved. In addition, this procedure is also tonic, and also stimulates the liver (which is noticeable by the color of the excrement).

Lonovala's doctors successfully cured early diabetic patients by performing the shank prakshalana procedure once every two days for two months (although the treatment was accompanied by a proper diet, pranayama and other yogic procedures). Perhaps the pancreas, under the influence of general stimulation, releases more insulin.

Very easy and fast healing colds and many other diseases, both related to metabolism and seemingly not related to it.

One of the main consequences of doing shank prakshalana is getting rid of allergic diseases.

The consequence of cleansing the digestive tract is the normal absorption of food, which makes the thin get better, and those who should part without regret without regret. extra pounds, - lose weight.


There are few contraindications. People suffering from stomach ulcers should refrain from performing the procedure and first heal the ulcer, and then get rid of peptic ulcer with the help of shank prakshalana. The same applies to those who have diseases of the digestive tract in acute form: dysentery, diarrhea, acute colitis (chronic colitis due to the use of this procedure can be greatly facilitated if it is not performed during an exacerbation), acute appendicitis and more than that, cancer.

These contraindications are not, apparently, definitive. Known for at least one case of dysentery cured by shank prakshalana, and before that the patient had been treated by classical methods without getting relief.

This procedure is also very effective at the final stage of the treatment of oxyurosis. Indeed, when the contents of the intestine are evacuated, the worms, along with their eggs, are brought out. However, there are so many of them that one or another egg can escape destruction.

To carry water through the digestive tract to the very exit, it is enough to perform the exercises given here. Each movement should be repeated four times in each direction alternately at a fairly fast pace: the entire series should take approximately one minute (maybe a little faster).


First exercise. Starting position: standing, the distance between the feet is about 30 cm, the fingers are interlaced, the palms are open up. The back is straight, breathing is free. Without turning the upper body, lean first to the left, without stopping to straighten up and immediately lean to the right. Repeat this tilt in both directions four times, that is, alternately make 8 tilts to the left and right.

This will take a total of about 10 seconds.

The first exercise opens the pylorus of the stomach, and with each inclination, part of the water leaves it, moving into duodenum and small intestine.

Second exercise. This exercise causes water to flow through the small intestine. Starting position: standing, legs apart, stretch the right hand horizontally forward, and bend the left so that the index and thumb touch the right collarbone. Perform turns of the torso, moving the outstretched arm as far back as possible (while looking at the fingertips). At the same time, make sure that Bottom part the torso remained motionless, the turns should not be carried out with the whole body, but around the waist. Without stopping at the end of the turn, return to the starting position and immediately turn in the opposite (opposite) direction. This double exercise must be repeated four times. The total duration of the series is about 10 seconds.

Third exercise. Water continues to move through the small intestine due to this movement: you need to perform a cobra variation, but at the same time the big toes should touch the floor, therefore, the hips should be raised off the floor. The feet are separated by about 30 cm (this is important). When you assume this position, turn your head, shoulders and torso until you can see the opposite heel (if you turn to the right, then you should look at the left heel). Without stopping the movement, return to the starting position and turn to the other side. Turns are also carried out relative to the waist, the lower part of the body should remain parallel to the floor. Only downward bends are possible. Repeat this double exercise 4 times. Total duration -10-15 sec.

Fourth exercise. The water that has reached the end of the marshy intestines should be passed through the large intestine with the fourth and last exercise. It is the most difficult of the entire series, although it is available to anyone, except for those who suffer from diseases of the lower leg and meniscus.

Starting position: squat down, spread your feet to the sides by about 30 cm, and the heels are located at the outer part of the thighs, and not under the seat, put the hands on your knees, which are also separated by about 30 cm. Then turn the body and lower the left knee to the floor in front of the opposite foot. The palms alternately direct the right thigh to the left side and the left thigh to the right side so as to press one side of the abdomen and press on the large intestines. Look back to increase the twisting of the torso and put pressure on the stomach.

Whereas for the previous exercises it did not matter which way (right or left) to start the movement, for this exercise it is preferable to apply pressure first on the right side of the abdomen in order to put pressure on the ascending colon.

Like all previous movements, this movement should be performed 4 times. Total duration -15 sec.

In case this exercise for some reason seems difficult, you can instead do a "lazy" plow for one minute, after which lie down and relax for one minute too.

Summary of the overall process

1. Drink a glass of warm water, salted at the rate of a teaspoon of salt per liter of water.
2. Run full complex exercises.
3. Drink a second glass of water and perform a set of exercises.
4. Continue like this until you have drunk six glasses.
5. Go to the toilet and wait until the first evacuation occurs. If it does not happen within 5 minutes, then repeat the set of exercises without drinking more water. If there is no result, then make a small enema to increase peristalsis.
6. Drink a glass of water again, do the exercises and go to the toilet.
7. Continue alternating water - exercise - toilet until you achieve a satisfactory result. Yogis continue the procedure until the water comes out as clean as it entered the body.
8. To complete the procedure and remove water from the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to do vamana dhauti: drink two glasses of warm unsalted water and empty the stomach. This cleanses the liver, spleen, gallbladder and the evacuation mechanism is turned off. If you do not do vamana dhau ti, you will run to the toilet several more times within an hour.
9. It is necessary to rest at least half an hour before eating, but in no case should the stomach be left empty for more than an hour.
10. It is necessary to resist thirst at least until the completion of the first meal.

Sri Yogendra. Personal hygiene Yoga. Transl. from English. - K.: "Sofia", 2000

Shank prakshalana- an ideal technique in its simplicity, which has a very high efficiency. Cleansing the entire colon, shank prakshalana removes food debris from the entire digestive tract, from the stomach to the anus.
Water enters the stomach through the mouth, and then, guided by simple exercises, passes through the entire intestine until it exits. The procedure continues until the water comes out as clear as it entered. This procedure does not pose any danger and is recommended to everyone - provided that all its techniques are performed accurately.


Heat water in which sea (or unrefined table) salt is dissolved at the rate of 5-6 g per 1 liter of water (1 teaspoon with top), which will give a concentration slightly lower than in saline. The water must be salty because otherwise it will be absorbed by osmosis through the mucous membrane and removed from the body in the normal way (in the form of urine). If the water seems too salty to you, then you can reduce the salt concentration to an acceptable taste.

auspicious moment

The most favorable moment for the procedure is in the morning (before meals). Please note that the entire procedure initially takes more than an hour, so the most suitable time for it is the morning of the weekend. On this day, asanas or sharp exercises should not be performed - and even the next day they are contraindicated.

Here is the cleansing flow chart (other than the exercises necessary to ensure the complete passage of salt water through the digestive tract - these will be described below).

1. Drink a glass of warm salt water (its temperature should be equal to the temperature of the soup that you eat with pleasure).
2. Immediately perform the prescribed kriyas (movements, exercises).
3. Drink another glass and do the whole series of exercises again.
4. Continue to follow the instructions in point 3 until you drink 6 glasses of salt water and do six sets of exercises.
5. After completing the sixth procedure, you must go to the toilet.

Usually the first evacuation takes place almost immediately. In this case, normal stools that have a shape will be followed by others, softer, and then liquid (possibly yellowish).

If this does not happen immediately or no later than 5 minutes, then you need to repeat a series of exercises, and then return to the toilet.

If the result is still negative - which is unlikely, but possible - then evacuation should be induced by gastric lavage with half a liter of warm unsalted water using an enema (after making a small enema, it is advisable to lie down and relax for a few minutes). As soon as the evacuation mechanism is activated, i.e. as soon as the first bowel movements are released, the next ones will be called automatically.

One useful tip: after each visit to the toilet, it is advisable to use not toilet paper, but water, then thoroughly wipe the anus and lubricate it with vegetable (olive, castor, etc.) oil to avoid irritation caused by salt.

After the first bowel movement, you must:

* again drink a glass of salt water;
* perform the indicated exercises;
* return to the toilet, where a bowel movement should occur.

Continue the cycles (drinking salt water - a series of exercises - emptying the intestines) until the water comes out as clean as it entered the body. Depending on the degree of contamination of the intestines, this will happen after taking 10-14 glasses of salt water (more - in extremely rare cases).

When you decide that you are satisfied with the results of the procedure, i.e. the outgoing water, in your opinion, is clean enough, then the procedure can be stopped. After stopping the procedure, you can go to the toilet a few more times over the next hour - this is the only remaining inconvenience.

In addition, now it is advisable to drink one to three glasses of warm unsalted water and do vamana dhauti by tickling the back surface of the upper palate and tongue with three fingers of the right hand. This will turn off the evacuation mechanism and completely empty the stomach.

In case of failure

If after drinking, for example, four glasses of salt water, you feel that the contents of the stomach do not pass normally into the intestines (you feel full in the stomach, causing nausea), then this means that the first sphincter did not open properly. It's not that bad. Without taking more liquid, do two or three sets of exercises. The cessation of nausea will be an indication that the passage to the stomach is open. As soon as the evacuation mechanism is started, there will be no more difficulties, and you can continue the procedure.

However, in some cases, it may also happen that a gas plug forms in the intestine, which prevents the evacuation mechanism from being activated. In this case, it is enough to press on the abdomen with your hands or do sarvangasana or “plow” (the shoulder stand or “plow” can be done in a “lazy” version, without straightening too much and without touching the floor with your feet, for about one minute) along with four others. exercises.

In the worst case, i.e. if the liquid does not come out, you have to decide: do vamana dhauti, i.e. empty the stomach, tickling the base of the tongue with three fingers of the right hand to induce vomiting (immediate relief occurs), or nothing take - then the water will come out naturally in the form of urine.

After the procedure, you should rest and avoid feeling hungry.

First meal

After shank prakshalana, the following recommendations should be followed. There is no earlier than half an hour and no later than an hour after the completion of the procedure. It is strictly forbidden to leave the digestive tract empty for more than an hour!

The first meal should consist of peeled rice, boiled in water, but not boiled (rice grains should melt in your mouth). Rice can be seasoned with lightly salted tomato juice, but pepper or any spicy seasonings should not be used. You can add well-cooked lentils or carrots to rice. It is also necessary to eat 40 grams of butter with rice. The oil can be dissolved in rice (it is better to melt it separately in a water bath) or eat unmelted from a spoon. Rice can be replaced with boiled wheat, oats or flour products (pasta, noodles, spaghetti, etc.) seasoned with grated cheese.

Attention! Rice cannot be boiled with milk. Over the next 24 hours, it is forbidden to drink milk or kefir. In addition, during the next day, acidic food and drink, fruits and raw vegetables are prohibited. Bread is allowed to be eaten during the second meal. You can eat any hard and semi-hard cheeses. White cheese and fermented cheeses (brie, camembert) are not recommended. After a day, you can return to your normal regimen, however, avoiding any excesses in meat.


Absorption of salt water during the exchange process will direct some of your body fluid to the digestive tract. This will be part of the cleansing. Therefore, after the procedure, it is natural to feel a noticeable thirst. Do not drink any liquids, even pure water, before the first meal, because you will be maintaining the escape mechanism, i.e. going to the toilet. On the contrary, during the first meal and after it, you can drink water or weak infusions: linden-mint infusion, mineral water (slightly carbonated or still). Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited during the day!

The fact that bowel movements will appear only 24 or 36 hours after the procedure should not surprise you. They will be golden yellow in color and odorless, like a nursing baby.

This procedure should be carried out at least twice a year. The average frequency of its implementation is four times a year (when the seasons change). Those who want to do a thorough cleansing can perform the procedure monthly. Dhirendra Brahmachari advises to perform shank prakshalana once every 15 days.

In fact, this procedure is not unpleasant, although there are more pleasant entertainments. The most unpleasant stage of it is drinking warm salt water, the rest does not matter. However, for those with a refined taste, we suggest preparing a drink from a weak decoction of leeks or other vegetables.

Persons suffering from constipation can do shank prakshalana every week, but limited to 6 glasses of water. In this case, the entire cycle is carried out in about half an hour. This is the best "hardening" for the intestines: it does not stretch the walls of the colon.

Beneficial effects

The first result is the removal of impurities, i.e., deposits that have eaten into the mucous membrane of the colon. From the fact that the intestines can absorb into themselves, you can be horrified. People to whom regular bowel movements give the illusion that they allegedly do not suffer from constipation are surprised to find among the removed "things" a cherry stone, swallowed a few months ago. In a yoga hospital, people are often amazed at how much waste can accumulate in the intestines, accumulating there for months and even years. It is incredible that a person can carry so many impurities in himself, and is it any wonder after this the emergence of many diseases if the entire body, in the literal sense of the word, is poisoned by the toxins accumulating in it.

At the very least, it's unwise to put up with it. Therefore, perform shank prakshalana and get rid of all the deposits that have accumulated in your digestive tract.

The beneficial effect of the procedure will not manifest itself the next day and will not be evident, but it will not be slow to affect through fresh breath, the disappearance of a rash on the face and body. Subject to the choice of a low-toxic diet (without excess meat), body odors disappear, which are quite strong, the complexion is refreshed and improved. In addition, this procedure is also tonic, and also stimulates the liver (which is noticeable by the color of the excrement).

Lonovala's doctors successfully cured early diabetic patients by performing the shank prakshalana procedure once every two days for two months (although the treatment was accompanied by a proper diet, pranayama and other yogic procedures). Perhaps the pancreas, under the influence of general stimulation, releases more insulin.

Colds and many other diseases, both related to metabolism and not having, it would seem, nothing to do with it, are cured very easily and quickly.

One of the main consequences of doing shank prakshalana is getting rid of allergic diseases.

The consequence of cleansing the digestive tract is the normal assimilation of food, which makes the thin get better, and those who should part with extra pounds without regret, lose weight.


There are few contraindications. People suffering from stomach ulcers should refrain from performing the procedure and first heal the ulcer, and then get rid of the peptic ulcer with the help of shank prakshalana. The same applies to those who have diseases of the digestive tract in an acute form: dysentery, diarrhea, acute colitis (chronic colitis can be greatly alleviated by the application of this procedure if it is not performed during an acute period), acute appendicitis and, moreover, crayfish.

These contraindications are not, apparently, definitive. At least one case of dysentery is known to have been cured by shank prakshalana, and before that the patient had been treated by classical methods without getting relief.

This procedure is also very effective at the final stage of the treatment of oxyurosis. Indeed, when the contents of the intestine are evacuated, the worms, along with their eggs, are brought out. However, there are so many of them that one or another egg can escape destruction.

To carry water through the digestive tract to the very exit, it is enough to perform the exercises given here. Each movement should be repeated four times in each direction alternately at a fairly fast pace: the entire series should take approximately one minute (maybe a little faster).


First exercise. Starting position: standing, the distance between the feet is about 30 cm, the fingers are interlaced, the palms are open up. The back is straight, breathing is free. Without turning the upper body, lean first to the left, without stopping to straighten up and immediately lean to the right. Repeat this tilt in both directions four times, that is, alternately make 8 tilts to the left and right.

This will take a total of about 10 seconds.

The first exercise opens the pylorus, and with each tilt, part of the water leaves it, moving into the duodenum and small intestine.

Second exercise. This exercise causes water to flow through the small intestine. Starting position: standing, legs apart, stretch the right hand horizontally forward, and bend the left so that the index and thumb touch the right collarbone. Perform turns of the torso, moving the outstretched arm as far back as possible (while looking at the fingertips). At the same time, make sure that the lower part of the body remains motionless, do not turn the whole body, but around the waist. Without stopping at the end of the turn, return to the starting position and immediately turn in the opposite (opposite) direction. This double exercise must be repeated four times. The total duration of the series is about 10 seconds.

Third exercise. Water continues to move through the small intestine due to this movement: you need to perform a cobra variation, but at the same time the big toes should touch the floor, therefore, the hips should be raised off the floor. The feet are separated by about 30 cm (this is important). When you assume this position, turn your head, shoulders and torso until you can see the opposite heel (if you turn to the right, then you should look at the left heel). Without stopping the movement, return to the starting position and turn to the other side. Turns are also carried out relative to the waist, the lower part of the body should remain parallel to the floor. Only downward bends are possible. Repeat this double exercise 4 times. Total duration -10-15 sec.

Fourth exercise. The water that has reached the end of the marshy intestines should be passed through the large intestine with the fourth and last exercise. It is the most difficult of the entire series, although it is available to anyone, except for those who suffer from diseases of the lower leg and meniscus.

Starting position: squat down, spread your feet to the sides by about 30 cm, and the heels are located at the outer part of the thighs, and not under the seat, put the hands on your knees, which are also separated by about 30 cm. Then turn the body and lower the left knee to the floor in front of the opposite foot. The palms alternately direct the right thigh to the left side and the left thigh to the right side so as to press one side of the abdomen and press on the large intestines. Look back to increase the twisting of the torso and put pressure on the stomach.

Whereas for the previous exercises it did not matter which way (right or left) to start the movement, for this exercise it is preferable to apply pressure first on the right side of the abdomen in order to put pressure on the ascending colon.

Like all previous movements, this movement should be performed 4 times. Total duration -15 sec.

In case this exercise for some reason seems difficult, you can instead do a "lazy" plow for one minute, after which lie down and relax for one minute too.

Summary of the overall process

1. Drink a glass of warm water, salted at the rate of a teaspoon of salt per liter of water.
2. Perform a full set of exercises.
3. Drink a second glass of water and perform a set of exercises.
4. Continue like this until you have drunk six glasses.
5. Go to the toilet and wait until the first evacuation occurs. If it does not happen within 5 minutes, then repeat the set of exercises without drinking more water. If there is no result, then make a small enema to increase peristalsis.
6. Drink a glass of water again, do the exercises and go to the toilet.
7. Continue alternating water - exercise - toilet until you achieve a satisfactory result. Yogis continue the procedure until the water comes out as clean as it entered the body.
8. To complete the procedure and remove water from the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to do vamana dhauti: drink two glasses of warm unsalted water and empty the stomach. At the same time, the liver, spleen, gallbladder are cleansed and the evacuation mechanism is turned off. If you do not do vamana dhau ti, you will run to the toilet several more times within an hour.
9. It is necessary to rest at least half an hour before eating, but in no case should the stomach be left empty for more than an hour.
10. It is necessary to resist thirst at least until the completion of the first meal.

Sri Yogendra. Personal hygiene Yoga. Transl. from English. - K.: "Sofia", 2000

There is an ancient method of washing and cleansing the entire digestive tract - from the mouth to the anus. In Russian it is called Shell gesture"because water, passing through the digestive canal, as through a sink, washes away all impurities. It is advisable to start such washing after enema cleansing. Water is absorbed by the mouth, then passes through the stomach, and then with simple movements passes through the entire intestine until it exits. Exercises continue until the water comes out as clear as it entered.

Beneficial effect(): In addition to cleansing the entire digestive canal, you will also experience long-term beneficial effects: fresh breath, good sleep, disappearance of rashes on the face and body. If you eat right, body odors will disappear. At the same time, the liver is toned - this is noticed by the color of the first bowel movements - and other glands associated with digestion, especially the pancreas. The salty taste in the mouth stimulates the calorific and digestive abilities of the body, hence the effect on digestion.

Cases of underdeveloped diabetes were successfully cured by the doctors of Lonavla by performing Shank-Prakshalana every two days for 2 months; this was accompanied by a proper diet - more natural foods rich in B vitamins, and observing the rhythm of switching on the digestive organs.

First move: Starting position: standing, feet apart about 30 centimeters, fingers interlaced, palms facing up. The back is straight, breathe normally.

Without turning the upper body, lean first to the left, without stopping in the final position, straighten up and immediately lean to the right. Repeat 4 times this double movement, that is, make 8 tilts, alternately to the left and right, which will take a total of about 10 seconds.

These movements open the pylorus, and with each movement (tilt), part of the water enters the duodenum from the stomach.

Second movement: This movement causes water to move through the small intestines.

The starting position is the same. Extend the right arm horizontally and bend the left arm so that the index finger and thumb touch the right collarbone. Then rotate the torso, directing the outstretched arm back as far as possible; look at your fingertips. Without stopping at the end of the turn, immediately return to the starting position and turn to the other side. This double movement must also be repeated 4 times. The total duration of 4 to 2 movements is 10 seconds.

Third movement: The water continues to move into the small intestines, thanks to the next movement: perform a variation of the snake.

Only the big toes and palms of the hands touch the floor, hence the thighs remain off the ground. I will spread your feet about 30 centimeters apart (this is important). When the position is taken, turn your head and torso until you can see the opposite heel (that is, if you turn to the right, then you need to look at the left heel), without stopping in the extreme position, return to the starting position and do the same in the other side, repeat 4 times in two movements.Time - 10-15 seconds.

Fourth movement:"The water that has reached the end of the small intestines must be passed through the large intestines by means of the 4th and last movement. This is the most difficult of the whole series, although accessible to anyone, with the exception of persons suffering from diseases of the knee or meniscus. These people can resort to option described below.

Starting position:
a) squat down, feet apart about 30 cm, and the heels are placed at the outside of the thighs, and not under the seat of the hand, placed on the knees, which are spaced approximately 30 cm;

B) rotate the torso and place the left knee on the floor in front of the opposite foot. The palms alternately push the right thigh to the left side and the left thigh to the right side so as to press half of the abdomen in order to squeeze only one half of the large intestine. Look behind you to increase the twisting of the torso and apply pressure on the abdomen.

While all the previous exercises started no matter which way, for this exercise you need to start squeezing the right side of the abdomen first. Like all previous movements, it is performed 4 times. The total duration is 15 seconds.

Variant of the 4th movement: This movement originates from the twisted posture ("Ardha Matsyendrasana", p. 139, posture 2). In this case, the foot is simply attached to the inner side of the thigh and does not pass from the other side. The shoulder is drawn as far as possible to the bent knee, the torso is slightly tilted back. Hands rest on a bent knee, which serves as a lever for twisting the spine and pressing the hip to the lower abdomen.

Exercise video(): In this video you will see how to do the exercises themselves to perform Shank-Prakshalana. They are represented researcher Petersburg State University, head of the department "Traditional and Oriental systems of healing", Minvaleev Rinad Sultanovich. ( Note of the authors of the site: At the end of the video, Rinad does some more yoga exercises that have nothing to do with Shank-Prakshalana. Don't worry, you don't have to repeat them! :-)

Cases of failure(): If after drinking, for example, 4 glasses, you feel that the contents of the stomach do not pass normally into the intestines and there is a feeling of overfilling, reaching nausea, then this means that the pylorus neck (valve between the stomach and 12- duodenum) does not open as it should. Repeat the series of exercises 2-3 times without drinking any more water. The disappearance of nausea will show that the passage is open. Once the siphon is activated, there will be no more difficulties and you can continue the process. But it may happen that in some persons a gas blockage of fermentation products prevents the siphon from being activated. In this case, it is enough to press on the stomach with your hands or do a shoulder stand ("Sarvangasana") along with 4 other exercises.

In the worst case, that is, when the water does not leave the stomach at all, you are left with two solutions: to vomit by tickling the base of the tongue with two fingers of your right hand so that the gag reflex occurs. Relief will come radically and immediately. After the exercise, you should rest and avoid starvation.

First meal(): After Shank-Prakshalana, the following prescriptions must be followed. There is no earlier than 10 minutes after the exercise and no later than 1 hour after the end of the exercise. It is absolutely forbidden to leave the digestive tract without food for more than an hour after exercise. However, the author uses Shank-Prakshalana to enter fasting, and in this case it is quite appropriate, it replaces taking a laxative.

The first meal will consist of rice boiled in water and slightly overcooked so that it melts in the mouth. Rice may be accompanied by well-digested carrots. It is necessary to eat with him about 40 grams of butter, and preferably ghee. Rice can be replaced with wheat, oats and so on.

IMPORTANT: Rice cannot be boiled with milk. During the 24 hours that follow the exercises, it is forbidden to drink milk, kefir, eat yeast bread. Eat only boiled, stewed vegetables and cereals.

By doing this, you contribute to the revival of normal microflora. Raw fruits and vegetables are not recommended due to microbial insemination and excessive stimulation of the "Wind" life principle, which activates worship. Rice just contributes to the oppression of this vital principle and brings the body back to normal. Therefore, raw vegetables and fruits can be eaten the next day.

Drink: The absorption of salt water will take, through high osmotic activity, some of the fluid from the blood into the intestines. Thus, the liquid dressing of the blood goes in the direction opposite to normal absorption, while cleaning the microvilli of the small and large intestines. It is this mechanism that makes Shank-Prakshalana unique. I don't know of any cleansing (other than fasting) that cleanses the small intestine, on which our digestion and absorption depend. Enemas only work in the large intestine. Therefore, this department remains without proper processing, and only Shank-Prakshalana contributes to its purification.

In connection with the above, you will have a natural thirst. Do not take any liquid, not even pure water, before the first meal, because you will "feed" the siphon, that is, go to the toilet. During your first meal and after it, you can drink water or light herbal infusions.

The fact that the first bowel movements appear only after 24 hours will not surprise anyone anymore. They will be golden, yellow, and odorless, like a baby's.

Persons suffering from constipation can do Shank Prakshalana every week, but with only 6 glasses of water. ( Note of the authors of the site: Learn how to end constipation once and for all, as well as easily keep the digestive tract and the whole body clean with the help of " Holy Tea"Dr. Miller). In this case, the entire cycle is carried out in about 30 minutes. This is one of the best re-education of the intestine. In this case, the walls of the large intestine are not stretched.

Happy Prakshalana!

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